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Poxvirus infections are common in domestic birds in Germany, but they are rare in birds of prey. Only species of falconidae imported from Arabian or Asian countries have so far tested positive for poxvirus, and, among these, only raptors kept for falconry. As part of a reintroduction programme in the northern county of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, which is adjacent to the Baltic Sea, 21 young peregrine falcons were released into the wild; six of them died and one was examined postmortem, its tissues being examined by light and electron microscopy. In addition, an ELISA for fowlpox, pigeonpox and canarypox was applied. No virus could be isolated and propagation in culture failed, but virus particles were detected by electron microscopy in lesions from its skin and tongue.  相似文献   

J T Lumeij  J D Remple 《Avian diseases》1992,36(4):1060-1062
A significant post-prandial increase of plasma bile acid concentration (PBAC) was observed in peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus). In order to avoid physiological food-induced elevations in PBAC, which can complicate interpretation of plasma chemistry results in birds of prey, it is recommended that blood samples be obtained after a fasting period of at least 24 hours.  相似文献   

A mild swelling of the left periorbital was detected on a routine physical exam of a healthy captive adult peregrine falcon. Despite treatment, the swelling did not subside and within twenty‐five days was causing significant exophthalmia and medial deviation of the left globe. A retrobulbar fusiform cell sarcoma was diagnosed with histopathology, then light microscopy and immunohistochemical staining confirmed the diagnosis of a rhabdomyosarcoma.  相似文献   

The mean duration and amplitudes of the lead II electrocardiogram were determined in the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus brookei) using 10 birds ranging in age from 1 to 5 yr. Electrocardiograms were performed on unanesthetized falcons in order to avoid the anesthesia effect on the electrocardiogram, by a method which seems to induce a tonic immobility-like reaction. All the falcons had a normal sinus rhythm, with a mean heart rate of 268 beats per minute. Mean durations of PR, ST, QT, and RR intervals were higher (but not statistically significant) in females than in males, except for the ST segment, with similar values in both sexes. P-wave deflections were positive in I, II, III, aVL, and aVF and negative in aVR. The normal patterns of wave forms of the QRS complexes in all leads were of QS and rS types, except for aVR and aVL, which presented an R configuration. The mean electrical axis was negative, with an average of -99.9 degrees. T-wave deflections were positive in I, II, III, and aVF leads II and negative in aVR and aVL. The data collected in this study may serve as a guide for electrocardiographic monitoring of peregrine falcons.  相似文献   

Medical records from 111 threatened bald eagles (86%, Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and peregrine falcons (14%, Falco peregrinus) admitted to the Wildlife Center of Virginia from 1993 to 2003 were reviewed to identify submitters, causes of morbidity and mortality, and final disposition. Half of all patients admitted were submitted by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries personnel. Trauma was the most common reason for presentation in bald eagles (70%) and peregrine falcons (81%). Additional causes of morbidity and mortality in bald eagles included toxicoses (10%), infectious diseases (8%), and orphaned young (1%). Neoplasia was confirmed in two trauma cases, suggesting underlying disease might have increased susceptibility to acute traumatic injuries. Peregrine falcons were also admitted for infectious disease (19%). The most frequent infectious disease for both species was West Nile virus. Thirty-nine percent of patients were released back into the wild, 28% were euthanized, 20% died, and 13% were placed in captivity. Postrelease monitoring that would determine whether rehabilitated animals survived to contribute to threatened populations was not performed in this study.  相似文献   

Three mixed-bred raptors (Falco rusticolus x Falco cherrug) from a German falcon breeder were presented with a history of respiratory distress. In one bird a laryngeal stridor was noted, and oral examination revealed an epiglottal swelling. In the other two birds, nasal discharge and sneezing were the main clinical symptoms. Nasal flushing samples and biopsies were collected for pathologic, bacteriologic, and parasitologic examination. Results confirmed a cryptosporidial infection. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA analysis identified the causative agent to be Cryptosporidium baileyi. No cryptosporidia were detected in fecal samples, indicating the infection was confined to the respiratory system. Analysis of prey animals (pigeons, quail) failed to identify the source of infection. Treatment was initiated with paromomycin in all three birds, whereas in two birds an additional therapy with azithromycin was given. However, no clinical improvement was seen after several weeks of treatment, and the birds either died or were euthanatized. To the authors' knowledge, these are the first confirmed cases of disease caused by cryptosporidia in the order of Falconiformes.  相似文献   

Four female and 3 male Taita falcons (Falco fasciinucha) out of a breeding colony of 14 Taita falcons (7 pairs) died during the breeding season after showing lethargy and anorexia for 1 to 2 days. All animals were submitted for necropsy. Gross lesions in the female falcons were characterized by anemia secondary to marked hemorrhage into the ovary and oviduct, serofibrinous effusion into the cardioabdominal cavity and serosal petechiae. In addition, marked necrotizing splenitis and pulmonary hemorrhage were present. Histologically, the female falcons had mild necrotizing hepatitis with numerous intranuclear inclusion bodies and necrotizing splenitis with rare inclusion bodies. There were no gross lesions in the male falcons, and the histological lesions were characterized by urate deposition and rare intranuclear inclusion bodies in the renal tubular epithelial cells. Adenoviral particles were found by electron microscopy in the cloacal contents of the female Taita falcons but not in the male falcons. DNA in situ hybridization revealed widespread aviadenoviral nucleic acid within the nuclei of hepatocytes, renal tubular epithelial cells, and adrenal cells in the female falcons but no aviadenoviral nucleic acid in 1 male falcon and only a low quantity of adenoviral nucleic acid in the liver and kidney of another male Taita falcon. PCR amplified aviadenoviral DNA in the liver and intestine of all Taita falcons. The amplicons were sequenced, and the virus was identified as falcon adenovirus. The deaths of the female and male birds were attributed to the aviadenovirus infection.  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV) can lead to fatal diseases in raptor species. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine which has been designed specifically for use in breeding stocks of falcons. Therefore the immunogenicity and protective capacity of two commercially available WNV vaccines, both approved for use in horses, were evaluated in large falcons. One vaccine contained adjuvanted inactivated WNV lineage 1 immunogens, while the second represented a canarypox recombinant live virus vector vaccine. The efficacy of different vaccination regimes for these two vaccines was assessed serologically and by challenging the falcons with a WNV strain of homologous lineage 1. Our studies show that the recombinant vaccine conveys a slightly better protection than the inactivated vaccine, but moderate (recombinant vaccine) or weak (inactivated vaccine) side effects were observed at the injection sites. Using the recommended 2-dose regimen, both vaccines elicited only sub-optimal antibody responses and gave only partial protection following WNV challenge. Better results were obtained for both vaccines after a third dose, i.e. alleviation of clinical signs, absence of fatalities and reduction of virus shedding and viraemia. Therefore the consequences of WNV infections in falcons can be clearly alleviated by vaccination, especially if the amended triple administration scheme is used, although side effects at the vaccination site must be accepted.  相似文献   

A wild Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) was presented with extensive bilateral fluorescein positive corneal damage. Local therapy and bilateral tarsorrhaphies resulted in slow improvement over 5 weeks. When bilateral 360 degree conjunctival flaps were used subsequently, healing proceeded more rapidly over the next 8 weeks. Although bulbar conjunctival flaps have been reported as difficult in birds due to their small size and relatively immobile bulbar conjunctiva, 360 degree conjunctival flaps made from palpebral rather than bulbar conjunctiva were found to be technically feasible in a larger bird species such as the Peregrine Falcon.  相似文献   

Viability assessment is an important part of semen analysis, and various live/dead staining protocols have been used in semen of avian species. Results of live/dead count differed between dyes, staining protocols and bird species, impeding comparability between studies and requiring species-specific comparisons of viability stains. In raptor semen, similar comparisons are absent. Thus, the aim of the present study was to compare eight conventional viability stains. Eosin blue 2% [EB], eosin blue 2% with the addition of 3% sodium citrate [EB2], eosin blue–nigrosin 5% [EBN5], eosin yellow–nigrosin 5% [EYN5], eosin yellow–nigrosin 10% [EYN10], eosin blue–aniline blue [EBA], eosin yellow–aniline blue [EYA] and bromophenol blue–nigrosin [BBN] were evaluated in comparison with the fluorescence stain SYBR® Green–propidium iodide [SYBR-PI] in spermatozoa of falcons. The comparison was performed using conventional light microscopy which is applicable in breeding centres, veterinary practices and field studies. Additionally, live/dead stains were correlated to motility values of the same samples to validate sperm viability. Light microscopy using EB and using SYBR-PI enabled an effective and clear differentiation between alive and dead spermatozoa of falcons. Motility values correlated significantly and strongly with EB only (r = .629; p < .001), but not with any other stain used in the study. Therefore, our results suggest EB as the most suitable stain for viability assessment in the semen of large falcons.  相似文献   

Viruses belonging to the Poxviridae family have long been recognised as pathogens of invertebrates and vertebrates alike. Poxvirus infection in Australian macropodids is well described, but few cases have been documented in marsupial species beyond this family. Only one instance has been previously reported in the common ringtail (Pseudocheirus peregrinus). This case report describes a poxvirus infection outbreak in a group of common ringtails held within a zoological collection in eastern Australia.  相似文献   

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