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Filamentous fungi derived from marine environments are well known as a potential genetic resource for various biotechnological applications. Although terrestrial fungi have been reported to be highly efficient in the remediation of xenobiotic pollutants, fungi isolated from the marine environment may possess biological advantages over terrestrial fungi because of their adaptations to high salinity and pH extremes. The present study describes the production of ligninolytic enzymes under saline and non-saline conditions and the decolorization of Remazol Brilliant Blue R (RBBR) dye by three basidiomycetes recovered from marine sponges (Tinctoporellus sp. CBMAI 1061, Marasmiellus sp. CBMAI 1062, and Peniophora sp. CBMAI 1063). Ligninolytic enzymes were primarily produced by these fungi in a salt-free malt extract and malt extract formulated with artificial seawater (saline condition). CuSO4 and wheat bran were the best inducers of lignin peroxidase and manganese peroxidase activity. RBBR was decolorized up to 100% by the three fungi, and Tinctoporellus sp. CBMAI 1061 was the most efficient. Our results revealed the biotechnological potential of marine-derived basidiomycetes for dye decolorization and the treatment of colored effluent as well as for the degradation of other organopollutants by ligninolytic enzymes in non-saline and saline conditions that resemble the marine environment.  相似文献   

通过设置不同土壤pH、施氮量、季节和作物种植的土壤环境条件,采用盆栽埋袋试验方法研究麻纤维地膜的降解规律变化,并分析其与土壤微生物生物量及酶活性的关系。结果表明:麻纤维地膜的降解过程均服从Olson衰减模型(R~2=0.689~0.996,P0.05)。施氮量和使用季节对麻纤维地膜的降解产生显著影响,在秋冬季节施氮量增加和种植小白菜呈抑制地膜降解的趋势,夏季地膜降解速率显著高于秋冬季,但土壤pH(5.80~8.34)对地膜的降解速率影响较弱。不同土壤环境条件下,试验末期麻纤维地膜的降解率与土壤微生物生物量碳、氮(MBC、MBN)、纤维素酶及过氧化氢酶活性呈显著正相关关系(P0.05)。因此,土壤环境条件改变导致的土壤微生物生物量及酶活性变化可能是其影响麻纤维地膜降解速率的重要原因。  相似文献   

以黄土丘陵沟壑区的典型代表--安塞县为例,调查了退耕地植被恢复过程中的植被群落特征,分析了土壤速效N的分布特征、物种多样性的变化以及两者之间的相互作用关系,结果表明土壤速效N的分布在剖面上具有明显的层次性,即从上到下依次降低;在不同植被群落中,土壤速效N含量在A、B层间的变化幅度大于B、C层次间,并且在植被恢复演替的前期,A、B两土层土壤速效N含量的变化相对较小,后期变化相对较大,而B、C两土层土壤速效N含量的变化则恰恰相反.0~60 cm土层土壤速效N的平均含量在植被恢复的草本和乔木阶段,随植被的恢复演替而不断增加,在植被恢复的灌木阶段其含量变化则相反.相关分析表明,Menhinick指数和shannon-wiener指数与土壤速效N含量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),simpson指数和Pielou指数与土壤速效N含量呈显著正相关(P<0.05).因此,在对退耕地进行植被恢复时,应该保持和提高土壤速效N的含量,以保证植被恢复的进程.  相似文献   

The influence of soil redox potential on the uptake of nickel and cadmium from three soils was studied in a pot experiment with oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Pirol) and rye-grass (Lolium multiflorum L. cv. Lema). The soils used were a Luvisol (naturally low in Ni and Cd), a sewage-sludge amended Luvisol (anthropogenic enrichment of Ni and Cd) and a Cambisol (naturally high in Ni and Cd). Nickel and Cd supplied in sewage-sludge amendments were several times more available for plant uptake than those present naturally in the soil. Short term decreases in soil redox potential, as a result of soil flooding, had little effect on the availability of Ni and Cd from sludge amended soils, but resulted in a substantial increase in Ni and Cd availability in the soil naturally high in Ni and Cd. In general, increases in soil solution concentrations of Ni and Cd, due to sludge amendment or changes in soil redox potential, resulted in increased Ni and Cd concentrations in the aerial parts of plants. Nickel concentrations in the grain of oat increased with increasing Ni concentration in the soil solution, whereas grain Cd concentrations did not. In contrast, Cd concentrations in vegetative parts of both oat and rye-grass were strongly affected by soil type and sludge-amendment. In all treatments Ni concentrations in the grain were much higher than in the vegetative parts, whereas Cd concentrations were always higher in vegetative parts than in the grain. Tissue Ni concentrations correlated well with DTPA extractable soil Ni but only poorly with total soil Ni. Differences in the availability and uptake of Ni and Cd in response to soil type, environmental conditions and plant species suggest that the use of total soil-metal content to regulate the use of sewage sludge on agricultural land is inappropriate.  相似文献   

Here we present results of a survey conducted to identify and characterize spontaneously growing arsenic-tolerant plant species of the area around the old arsenic/gold mine in ZlotyStok (Poland), with respect of their potential use in phytoremediation. Plants and soil from their rhizosphere were sampled and analyzed for concentrations of As and accompanying Mn, Fe, Mg, Ca, Al, Cu, Zn, Ba, Pb, Ni, Cs, V, Cr, Sr, Rb, Bi, Mo and U. The soil contained primarily very high As, Pb and Al concentrations (up to 7,451, 1,058 and 31,272 mg/kg respectively). The ability of identified species to modify the amount of bioavailable arsenic in their rhizosphere was determined by single extractions of soil samples with the use of water, phosphate buffer, EDTA, and acetic acid. Although As-hyperaccumulators were not found, Calamagrostis arundinaca was identified as a new species which successfully carried out the natural phytoextraction of arsenic. This plant was able to increase substantially the arsenic availability in the soil, and likely due to efficient uptake decreased the total As concentration within the root zone by around 40% relative to the reference soil. Thus, it has high potential for phytoremediation. The lowest amount of available arsenic was found in the rhizosphere of Stachys sylvatica, the species with the lowest As shoot concentration (compared with other plant species). It was proposed as a good candidate for phytostabilization.  相似文献   

研究了沼液与生防菌配比发酵液滴施对棉花产量及根际土壤微生物(细菌、真菌和放线菌)数量及酶(过氧化氢酶、脲酶、蔗糖酶和蛋白酶)活性的影响。土壤中真菌、细菌、放线菌分别采用马丁氏培养基、NA培养基和高氏一号培养基来测量;过氧化氢酶采用高锰酸钾容量法,脲酶采用NH4+释放量法,蔗糖酶采用3.5-二硝基水杨酸法,蛋白酶采用茚三酮比色法。结果表明:随着滴灌次数的增加,不同处理的棉花根际土壤中微生物数量和酶活性均呈先升后降的变化趋势,沼液生防菌发酵液、沼液和生防菌单独发酵液处理后棉花产量比对照分别增加44.16%、5.62%和7.42%。沼液生防菌发酵液比生防拮抗菌单一施用能最大程度改善土壤质量,并提高了棉花根际微生物数量和土壤酶的活性,增加棉花产量。  相似文献   

Different species of mercury have different physical/chemical properties and thus behave quite differently in air pollution control equipment and in the atmosphere. In general, emissions of mercury from coal combustion sources are approximately 20–50% elemental mercury (Hg°) and 50–80% divalent mercury (Hg(II)), which may be predominantly HgCl2. Emissions of mercury from waste incinerators are approximately 10–20% Hg° and 75–85% Hg(II). The partitioning of mercury in flue gas between the elemental and divalent forms may be dependent on the concentration of particulate carbon, HCl and other pollutants in the stack emissions. The emission of mercury from combustion facilities depends on the species in the exhaust stream and the type of air pollution control equipment used at the source. Air pollution control equipment for mercury removal at combustion facilities includes activated carbon injection, sodium sulfide infection and wet lime/limestone flue gas desulfurization. While Hg(II) is water-soluble and may be removed from the atmosphere by wet and dry deposition close to combustion sources, the combination of a high vapor pressure and low water-solubility facilitate the long-range transport of Hg° in the atmosphere. Background mercury in the atmosphere is predominantly Hg°. Elemental mercury is eventually removed from the atmosphere by dry deposition onto surfaces and by wet deposition after oxidation to water-soluble, divalent mercury.  相似文献   

记述了中国近脉三节叶蜂属2新种:斑背近脉三节叶蜂AprocerosmaculataWeisp.nov,显著近脉三节叶蜂A.distinctaWeisp.nov.编制了中国近脉三节叶蜂属已知种类检索表。  相似文献   

利用1982-2010年GIMMS和MODIS两种遥感数据集的归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据,分析了松花江流域植被NDVI时空特征及其与气候因子的关系。结果表明,松花江流域植被覆盖存在着显著的空间差异,山区NDVI值明显高于中部平原区。过去29a间,松花江流域植被NDVI稳定性较强,总体上变化趋势不明显,但有明显的阶段性:1982-1990年植被NDVI持续增加;1991-1997年相对稳定,1997-2003年呈波动降低趋势,2003-2010年缓慢上升。基于像元的相关分析表明,松花江流域NDVI与气温和降水量间均具有很强的相关性(P〈0.01),而且植被NDVI变化受气温影响程度强于降水,针叶林是松花江流域受气温影响最大的植被类型。  相似文献   

Industrial pollution is one of the most important environmentalthreats, with serious consequences for the future. Thus, its detailed study is of great importance. Apart from expensive andtime-consuming chemical methods, several rapid and cheap proxymethods have been developed recently, one of them being based on rock-magnetic parameters. In the present paper we examine the use of rock-magnetic methods designed to assess the degree of pollution of recent stream sediments taken from the Arc river (Provence, France). The aim was to identify industrially-derived magnetic particles and to link this `magnetic pollution' to concentrations of heavy metals. Geological basements allow the easy determination of magnetic particles of industrial origin. Our results clearly demonstrate that magnetic anomalies, observed in the stream sediments along the river, can be explained by human activities, as they correlate well with concentrations of lead, zinc, iron and chromium.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in poplars and willows due to their biomass production and phytoremediation potential. They host two major types of mycorrhizal fungi that can substantially modulate the physiology of their hosts. In this study, the effects of endo- and ectomycorrhizal fungi on growth, physiological parameters, and heavy metals accumulation were studied in a pot experiment using Salix alba L. and Populus nigra L. The mycorrhizal fungi were inoculated separately and in combination to a soil substrate polluted by a mixture of heavy metals (mainly Cd, Pb, and Zn). Tree species differed in their mycorrhizal affinities, with poplar being colonized predominantly by Glomus intraradices and willow by Hebeloma mesophaeum. H. mesophaeum increased willow height and biomass, while G. intraradices decreased poplar height. The photosynthetic rate remained unchanged, and only minor changes were observed in the relative composition of photosynthetic pigments. Poplar photosynthetic rates and levels of photosynthetic pigments declined, while the epicuticular waxes in leaves increased toward the end of the experiment, irrespective of the inoculation. H. mesophaeum strongly reduced the accumulation of Cd and Fe in willow and poplar shoots, respectively. Our results support the use of selected mycorrhizal strains to tune phytoremediation outcomes in their plant hosts.  相似文献   

不同退耕年限撂荒地植物多样性及生物量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
退耕还林(草)作为黄土高原水土流失综合治理的主要生态建设措施,经过几十年的开展,黄土高原生态环境得到极大恢复,林草覆盖率明显增加。以安塞县纸坊沟流域为研究区,选取坡耕地(0a)为对照,研究了退耕年限(3~5,10,18,28,37a)对撂荒地植物多样性和生物量的影响。结果表明,随退耕年限的延长,物种丰富度指数、多样性指数、均匀度指数、相同土层根长密度都表现为增大—减小—增大的趋势;植被盖度和地上生物量表现为37a>28a>18a>3~5a>10a>0a;撂荒地植被根系生物量、根长密度均随土层深度增加而减少;不同退耕年限撂荒地,相同层根系生物量表现为28a>37a>18a>3~5a>10a>0a。  相似文献   

为了探明湖北省植被NPP空间分布特征及其驱动机制,利用MOD17A3H NPP时序数据、土地覆盖类型产品MCD12Q1、气象数据和SRTM DEM地形数据等,采用线性趋势分析、相关系数等方法,分析了2004-2015年湖北省植被NPP时空分布特征,探讨了不同土地利用类型、不同地形条件下植被NPP分布及对气候因素的响应特征。结果显示:(1)12年间,湖北省植被NPP总体呈上升趋势;植被NPP的空间分布大体呈东、西部山区高,中部略低的格局,全省植被NPP值大部介于400~600 g C/(m2·a);(2)全省植被NPP与年均气温呈现正相关性的面积占全省总面积的79.28%,与年降水量呈现正相关性的面积占全省总面积的59.07%;(3)气温是影响林地、草地植被NPP变化的主要驱动因子,耕地主要受降水量影响;(4)植被NPP与年均气温和年降水量的相关性随高程、坡度、坡向的不同表现出差异性,植被NPP变化是气温、降水和地形条件综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

通过湖南双季稻区温室气体排放差异的水稻品种田间试验,研究了不同品种温室气体排放与根系特征的相关性。结果表明,早稻分蘖盛期CH4排放通量与根干重、伤流量均呈显著负相关(P〈0.05);晚稻CH4排放通量与根伤流量呈极显著负相关(P〈0.01);早稻N2O排放通量在分蘖盛期与根伤流量相关性极显著(P〈0.01),在齐穗期与根体积、干重、根伤流量均呈极显著负相关(P〈0.01);晚稻分蘖盛期,根系干重与体积均与N2O排放通量呈显著正相关(P〈0.05);齐穗期,根系体积与N2O排放通量呈显著负相关(P〈0.05);早稻分蘖盛期CO2排放通量与根系干重和根伤流量呈显著正相关关系(P〈0.05),晚稻齐穗期根系伤流量与CO2排放通量负相关性达到极显著水平(P〈0.01)。因此,根系特性是影响水稻温室气体排放的重要因素。  相似文献   

The practical importance of soil tests in bringing about efficient use of fertilizers is well established. Extensive areas in India are producing Only a fraction of their yield potential due to the lack of enough plant nutrients whose need could be easily assessed by soil tests and suitable recommendations of fertilizer use to increase crop production could be given.  相似文献   

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