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● Virtual joint centers on N agronomy were established between UK and China. ● Key themes were improving NUE for fertilizers, utilizing livestock manures, and soil health. ● Improved management practices and technologies were identified and assessed. ● Fertilizer emissions and improved manure management are key targets for mitigation. Two virtual joint centers for nitrogen agronomy were established between the UK and China to facilitate collaborative research aimed at improving nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in agricultural production systems and reducing losses of reactive N to the environment. Major focus areas were improving fertilizer NUE, use of livestock manures, soil health, and policy development and knowledge exchange. Improvements to fertilizer NUE included attention to application rate in the context of yield potential and economic considerations and the potential of improved practices including enhanced efficiency fertilizers, plastic film mulching and cropping design. Improved utilization of livestock manures requires knowledge of the available nutrient content, appropriate manure processing technologies and integrated nutrient management practices. Soil carbon, acidification and biodiversity were considered as important aspects of soil health. Both centers identified a range of potential actions that could be taken to improve N management, and the research conducted has highlighted the importance of developing a systems-level approach to assessing improvement in the overall efficiency of N management and avoiding unintended secondary effects from individual interventions. Within this context, the management of fertilizer emissions and livestock manure at the farm and regional scales appear to be particularly important targets for mitigation.  相似文献   

● Sustainable nitrogen management strategies for Chinese vegetable production are summarized. ● Research on reactive N (Nr) losses in Chinese vegetable systems is limited compared to cereal crop systems. ● Knowledge-based optimization of N fertilizer rate strategy maintains soil N supply to meet the dynamic vegetable demand in time, space and quantity. ● Innovative products and technology strategy regulates the soil N forms and promotes the vegetable root growth to further control the Nr loss. ● Integrated knowledge and products strategy is needed to produce more vegetables with lower Nr losses. Inappropriate nitrogen fertilizer management for the intensive Chinese vegetable production has caused low N use efficiency (NUE), high reactive nitrogen (Nr) losses and serious environmental risks with limited yield increase. Innovative N management strategy is an urgent need to achieve sustainable vegetable production. This paper summarizes recent studies on Nr losses and identifies the limitations from Chinese vegetable production systems and proposes three steps for sustainable N management in Chinese vegetable production. The three N management steps include, but are not limited to, (1) knowledge-based optimization of N fertilizer rate strategy, which maintains soil N supply to meet the dynamic vegetable demand in time, space and quantity; (2) innovative products and technology, which regulates the soil N forms and promotes the vegetable root growth to reduce the Nr loss; (3) integrated knowledge and products strategy (IKPS). The knowledge-based optimization of N fertilizer rate strategy and innovative products and technology, can maintain or increase vegetable yield, significantly improve NUE, and mitigate the region-specific and crop-specific Nr losses. More importantly, IKPS, based on combination of in-season root-zone N management strategy, innovative products and technology, and best crop cultivation management, is needed to produce more vegetables with lower Nr losses.  相似文献   

● Soil nitrogen fluxes and influencing factors were reviewed in the subtropical hilly regions. ● Fertilizer application and atmospheric deposition contributed largely to soil nitrogen input. ● High gaseous, runoff and leaching losses of soil nitrogen were measured. ● Soil nitrogen cycles are well modelled with the Catchment Nutrients Management Model. The subtropical hilly region of China is a region with intensive crop and livestock production, which has resulted in serious N pollution in soil, water and air. This review summarizes the major soil N cycling processes and their influencing factors in rice paddies and uplands in the subtropical hilly region of China. The major N cycling processes include the N fertilizer application in croplands, atmospheric N deposition, biological N fixation, crop N uptake, ammonia volatilization, N2O/NO emissions, nitrogen runoff and leaching losses. The catchment nutrients management model for N cycle modeling and its case studies in the subtropical hilly region were also introduced. Finally, N management practices for improving N use efficiency in cropland, as well as catchment scales are summarized.  相似文献   

● Cost escalation and declining profits evident in sugarcane production in China. ● Monoculture and fertilizer overuse causes poor soil health, crop productivity plateau. ● Matching crop nutrient demand and supply key to recovery of sugarcane soils. ● Inorganic inputs need to be replaced with organic sources to restore soil health and sustainability. ● Integrated multidisciplinary solution for sustainable sugarcane cropping system needed. Demand for sugar is projected to grow in China for the foreseeable future. However, sugarcane production is unlikely to increase due to increasing production cost and decreasing profit margin. The persisting sugarcane yield plateau and the current cropping system with fertilizer overuse, soil acidification and pests and diseases remain the major productivity constraints. Sugarcane agriculture supports the livelihood of about 28 million farmers in South China; hence, sustaining it is a socioeconomic imperative. More compellingly, to meet the ever-increasing Chinese market demand, annual sugar production must be increased from the current 10 Mt to 16 Mt by 2030 of which 80% to 90% comes from sugarcane. Therefore, increasing sugar yield and crop productivity in an environmentally sustainable way must be a priority. This review examines the current Chinese sugarcane production system and discuss options for its transition to a green, sustainable cropping system, which is vital for the long-term viability of the industry. This analysis shows that reducing chemical inputs, preventing soil degradation, improving soil health, managing water deficit, provision of clean planting material, and consolidation of small farm holdings are critical requirements to transform the current farming practices into an economically and environmentally sustainable sugarcane cropping system.  相似文献   

● The Green Revolution broadened the trade-off between yield and nitrogen-use efficiency. ● Root developmental and metabolic adaptations to nitrogen availability. ● Mechanisms of nitrogen uptake and assimilation have been extensively studied. ● Modulating plant growth-metabolic coordination improves nitrogen-use efficiency in crops. The Green Revolution of the 1960s boosted crop yields in part through widespread production of semidwarf plant cultivars and extensive use of mineral fertilizers. The beneficial semidwarfism of cereal Green Revolution cultivars is due to the accumulation of plant growth-repressing DELLA proteins, which increases lodging resistance but requires a high-nitrogen fertilizer to obtain high yield. Given that environmentally degrading fertilizer use underpins current worldwide crop production, future agricultural sustainability needs a sustainable Green Revolution through reducing N fertilizer use while boosting grain yield above what is currently achievable. Despite a great deal of research efforts, only a few genes have been demonstrated to improve N-use efficiency in crops. The molecular mechanisms underlying the coordination between plant growth and N metabolism is still not fully understood, thus preventing significant improvement. Recent advances of how plants sense, capture and respond to varying N supply in model plants have shed light on how to improve sustainable productivity in agriculture. This review focuses on the current understanding of root developmental and metabolic adaptations to N availability, and discuss the potential approaches to improve N-use efficiency in high-yielding cereal crops.  相似文献   

● Excessive application of N fertilizers in orchards and vegetable fields (OVFs) in China is particularly common. ● Long-term excessive application of N fertilizers has made OVFs hotspots for N surplus and loss in China. ● Nitrate accumulation in the soil profile is the main fate of N fertilizers in OVF systems. ● Reducing the N surplus is the most effective way to reduce N loss and increase NUE. China is the largest producer and consumer of fruits and vegetables in the world. Although the annual planting areas of orchards and vegetable fields (OVF) account for 20% of total croplands, they consume more than 30% of the mineral nitrogen fertilizers in China and have become hotspots of reactive N emissions. Excess N fertilization has not only reduced the N use efficiency (NUE) and quality of grown fruits and vegetables but has also led to soil acidification, biodiversity loss and climate change. Studies using 15N labeling analysis showed that the recovery rate of N fertilizer in OVFs was only 16.6%, and a high proportion of fertilizer N resided in soils (48.3%) or was lost to the environment (35.1%). Nitrate accumulation in the soil of OVFs is the main fate of N fertilizer in northern China, which threatens groundwater quality, while leaching and denitrification are the important N fates of N fertilizer in southern China. Therefore, taking different measures to reduce N loss and increase NUE based on the main pathways of N loss in the various regions is urgent, including rational N fertilization, substituting mineral N fertilizers with organic fertilizers, fertigation, and adding mineral N fertilizers with urease inhibitors and nitrification inhibitors.  相似文献   

● Progress on nitrogen management in agriculture is overviewed in China. ● 4R principles are key to high N use efficiency and low N losses in soil-crop systems. ● A new framework of food-chain-N-management is proposed. ● China’s success in N management provides models for other countries. Since the 1980s, the widespread use of N fertilizer has not only resulted in a strong increase in agricultural productivity but also caused a number of environmental problems, induced by excess reactive N emissions. A range of approaches to improve N management for increased agricultural production together with reduced environmental impacts has been proposed. The 4R principles (right product, right amount, right time and right place) for N fertilizer application have been essential for improving crop productivity and N use efficiency while reducing N losses. For example, site-specific N management (as part of 4R practice) reduced N fertilizer use by 32% and increased yield by 5% in China. However, it has not been enough to overcome the challenge of producing more food with reduced impact on the environment and health. This paper proposes a new framework of food-chain-nitrogen-management (FCNM). This involves good N management including the recycling of organic manures, optimized crop and animal production and improved human diets, with the aim of maximizing resource use efficiency and minimizing environmental emissions. FCNM could meet future challenges for food demand, resource sustainability and environmental safety, key issues for green agricultural transformation in China and other countries.  相似文献   

● A composite N management index is proposed to measure agriculture sustainability. ● Nitrogen management has been moving towards sustainability targets globally. ● The improvement was achieved mainly by yield increase, while Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) stagnated. ● No country achieved both yield and NUE targets and spatial variation is large. ● Region-specific yield targets can be used to supplement the standard Sustainable Nitrogen Management Index (SNMI). To represent the sustainability of nitrogen management in the Sustainable Development Goals indicator framework, this paper proposes a sustainable nitrogen management index (SNMI). This index combines the performance in N crop yield and N use efficiency (NUE), thereby accounting for the need for both food production and environmental protection. Applying SNMI to countries around the world, the results showed improvement in the overall sustainability of crop N management over the past four decades, but this improvement has been mainly achieved by crop yield increase, while global NUE has improved only slightly. SNMI values vary largely among countries, and this variation has increased since the 1970s, implying different levels of success, even failure, in improving N management for countries around the world. In the standard SNMI assessment, the reference NUE was defined as 1.0 (considered an ideal NUE) and the reference yield was defined as 90 kg·ha−1·yr−1 N (considering a globally averaged yield target for meeting food demand in 2050). A sensitivity test that replaced the reference NUE of 1.0 with more realistic NUE targets of 0.8 or 0.9 showed overall reduction in SNMI values (i.e., improved performance), but little change in the ranking among countries. In another test that replaced the universal reference yield with region-specific attainable yield, SNMI values declined (i.e., improved performance) for most countries in Africa and West Asia, whereas they increased for many countries in Europe and South America. The index can be improved by further investigation of approaches for setting region-specific yield targets and high-quality data on crop yield potentials. Overall, SNMI offers promise for a simple and transparent approach to assess progress of countries toward sustainable N management with a single indicator.  相似文献   

● Patterns and effects of N deposition on urban forests are reviewed. ● N deposition generally shows an urban hotspot phenomenon. ● Urban N deposition shows high ratios of ammonium to nitrate. ● N deposition likely has distinct effects on urban and natural forests. The global urban area is expanding continuously, resulting in unprecedented emissions and deposition of reactive nitrogen (N) in urban environments. However, large knowledge gaps remain in the ecological effects of N deposition on urban forests that provide key ecosystem services for an increasing majority of city dwellers. The current understanding of the spatial patterns and ecological effects of N deposition in urban forests was synthesized based on a literature review of observational and experimental studies. Nitrogen deposition generally increases closer to cities, resulting in an urban hotspot phenomenon. Chemical components of N deposition also shift across urban-suburban-rural gradients, showing higher ratios of ammonium to nitrate in and around urban areas. The ecological effects of N deposition on urban forest ecosystems are overviewed with a special focus on ecosystem N cycling, soil acidification, nutrient imbalances, soil greenhouse gas emissions, tree growth and forest productivity, and plant and soil microbial diversity. The distinct effects of unprecedented N deposition on urban forests are discussed in comparison with the common effects in natural forests. Despite the existing research efforts, several key research needs are highlighted to fill the knowledge gaps in the ecological effects of N deposition on urban forests.  相似文献   

● A simple model was used to evaluate how increasing temporal variability in precipitation influences crop yields and nitrogen losses. ● Crop yields are reduced and nitrogen losses are increased at current levels of precipitation variability. ● Increasing temporal variability in precipitation, as is expected (and observed) to occur with anthropogenic climate change will reduce yields and increase nitrogen losses further. A simple ‘toy’ model of productivity and nitrogen and phosphorus cycling was used to evaluate how the increasing temporal variation in precipitation that is predicted (and observed) to occur as a consequence of greenhouse-gas-induced climate change will affect crop yields and losses of reactive N that can cause environmental damage and affect human health. The model predicted that as temporal variability in precipitation increased it progressively reduced yields and increased losses of reactive N by disrupting the synchrony between N supply and plant N uptake. Also, increases in the temporal variation of precipitation increased the frequency of floods and droughts. Predictions of this model indicate that climate-change-driven increases in temporal variation in precipitation in rainfed agricultural ecosystems will make it difficult to sustain cropping systems that are both high-yielding and have small environmental and human-health footprints.  相似文献   

● Data from the Park Grass Experiment shows inherent trade-offs between species richness, biomass production and soil organic carbon. ● Soil organic carbon is positively correlated with biomass production that increases with fertilizer additions. ● Variance in outcomes can be understood in terms of the dominant ecological strategies of the plant communities indicated by functional traits. ● There was an indication that data on traits associated with the spatiotemporal pattern of resource capture could be used to design species mixtures with greater resource use complementarity, increasing species richness without sacrificing productivity. ● Variance in soil organic carbon was positively correlated with pH. Quantifying the relationships between plant functional traits and ecosystem services has been promoted as an approach to achieving multifunctional grassland systems that balance productivity with other regulating, supporting and cultural services. Establishing trade-offs and synergies between traits and services has largely relied on meta-analyses of studies from different systems and environments. This study demonstrated the value of focused studies of long-term experiments in grassland systems that measure traits and services in the same space and time to better understand the ecological constraints underlying these trade-offs and synergies. An analysis is presented that uses data from the Park Grass Experiment at Rothamsted Research on above-ground productivity, species richness and soil organic carbon stocks to quantify the relationships between these three outcomes and the power of variance in plant functional traits in explaining them. There was a trade-off between plots with high productivity, nitrogen inputs and soil organic carbon and plots with high species richness that was explained by a functional gradient of traits that are indicative of contrasting strategies of resource acquisition of resource conservation. Examples were identified of using functional traits to identify opportunities for mitigating these trade-offs and moving toward more multifunctional systems.  相似文献   

● There is huge potential for improvement of nitrogen management in Australia. ● N management should incorporate environmental, social and economic sustainability. ● Agronomic, ecological and socioeconomic approaches and efforts are needed. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient that supports life, but excess N in the human-environment system causes multiple adverse effects from the local to the global scale. Sustainable N management in agroecosystems, therefore, has become more and more critical to address the increasing concern over food security, environmental quality and climate change. Australia is facing a serious challenge for sustainable N management due to its emission-intensive lifestyle (high level of animal-source foods and fossil fuels consumption) and its diversity of agricultural production systems, from extensive rainfed grain systems with mining of soil N to intensive crop and animal production systems with excessive use of N. This paper reviews the major challenges and future opportunities for making Australian agrifood systems more sustainable, less polluting and more profitable.  相似文献   

● Interflow acts as the dominant pathway for N loss loadings. ● The purple soil region is a hot spot of nitrate leaching in China. ● Mineral N substitution with organic amendments can be recommended as optimal practices for cropland N management. Nitrogen loss from purple soil can lead to large negative impacts to the environment considering the wide distribution of this soil type in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Therefore, nitrogen loss patterns from sloping cropland of purple soil in the Sichuan Basin with the following fertilization regimes were studied in a wheat-maize rotation system: 100% organic fertilizer (OM), using pig manure to replace 30% of mineral N (OMNPK) and crop residue to replace 15% of the mineral N (CRNPK) plus standard mineral fertilization (NPK) and no fertilizer control. The cumulative hydrological N loss could be as high as 45 kg·ha−1 N. The interflow accounted for up to 90% of the total N loss followed by sediment and overland flow losses. The high N loss via interflow found in this study highlighting that sloping cropland of purple soil may be one of the hot spots of N leaching. Compared to the NPK regime, organic substitution regimes (i.e., OM, OMNPK and CRNPK) decreased total hydrological N loss loadings by 30% to 68%. In addition, they can maintain annual crop yields and decrease yield-scaled total hydrological N losses by 18% to 71%. In conclusion, long-term substitution of mineral N with organic amendments can maintain high crop productivity and reduce environmental N loss loadings, and thereby recommended as good N management practices to minimize the risk of agricultural non-point source pollution in the purple soil region of China.  相似文献   

● First evidence of BNI capacity in canola. ● BNI level was higher in canola cv. Hyola 404RR than in B. humidicola, the BNI positive control. ● BNI in canola may explain increased N immobilization and mineralization rates following a canola crop which may have implications for N management in rotational farming systems that include canola. A range of plant species produce root exudates that inhibit ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms. This biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) capacity can decrease N loss and increase N uptake from the rhizosphere. This study sought evidence for the existence and magnitude of BNI capacity in canola ( Brassica napus). Seedlings of three canola cultivars, Brachiaria humidicola (BNI positive) and wheat ( Triticum aestivum) were grown in a hydroponic system. Root exudates were collected and their inhibition of the ammonia oxidizing bacterium, Nitrosospira multiformis, was tested. Subsequent pot experiments were used to test the inhibition of native nitrifying communities in soil. Root exudates from canola significantly reduced nitrification rates of both N. multiformis cultures and native soil microbial communities. The level of nitrification inhibition across the three cultivars was similar to the well-studied high-BNI species B. humidicola. BNI capacity of canola may have implications for the N dynamics in farming systems and the N uptake efficiency of crops in rotational farming systems. By reducing nitrification rates canola crops may decrease N losses, increase plant N uptake and encourage microbial N immobilization and subsequently increase the pool of organic N that is available for mineralization during the following cereal crops.  相似文献   

● Arable-ley rotations can alleviate soil degradation and erosion. ● Multispecies leys can improve livestock health and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. ● Ley botanical composition is crucial for determining benefits. ● Lack of livestock infrastructure in arable areas may prevent arable-ley uptake. ● Long-term (10–25 years) research is needed to facilitate evidence-based decisions. Agricultural intensification and the subsequent decline of mixed farming systems has led to an increase in continuous cropping with only a few fallow or break years, undermining global soil health. Arable-ley rotations incorporating temporary pastures (leys) lasting 1–4 years may alleviate soil degradation by building soil fertility and improving soil structure. However, the majority of previous research on arable-ley rotations has utilized either grass or grass-clover leys within ungrazed systems. Multispecies leys, containing a mix of grasses, legumes, and herbs, are rapidly gaining popularity due to their promotion in agri-environment schemes and potential to deliver greater ecosystem services than conventional grass or grass-clover leys. Livestock grazing in arable-ley rotations may increase the economic resilience of these systems, despite limited research of the effects of multispecies leys on ruminant health and greenhouse gas emissions. This review aims to evaluate previous research on multispecies leys, highlighting areas for future research and the potential benefits and disbenefits on soil quality and livestock productivity. The botanical composition of multispecies leys is crucial, as legumes, deep rooted perennial plants (e.g., Onobrychis viciifolia and Cichorium intybus) and herbs (e.g., Plantago lanceolata) can increase soil carbon, improve soil structure, reduce nitrogen fertilizer requirements, and promote the recovery of soil fauna (e.g., earthworms) in degraded arable soils while delivering additional environmental benefits (e.g., biological nitrification inhibition and enteric methane reduction). Multispecies leys have the potential to deliver biologically driven regenerative agriculture, but more long-term research is needed to underpin evidence-based policy and farmer guidance.  相似文献   

● Diversification enhances nature-based contributions to cropping system functions. ● Soil management to improve production and ecosystem function has variable outcomes. ● Management of the production-system to use legacy nutrients will reduce inputs. ● Intercrops, companion crops and cover crops improve ecological sustainability. ● Sustainable interventions within value chains are essential to future-proof agriculture. To achieve the triple challenge of food security, reversing biodiversity declines plus mitigating and adapting to climate change, there is a drive to embed ecological principles into agricultural, value-chain practices and decision-making. By diversifying cropping systems at several scales there is potential to decrease reliance on inputs, provide resilience to abiotic and biotic stress, enhance plant, microbe and animal biodiversity, and mitigate against climate change. In this review we highlight the research performed in Scotland over the past 5 years into the impact of the use of ecological principles in agriculture on sustainability, resilience and provision of ecosystem functions. We demonstrate that diversification of the system can enhance ecosystem functions. Soil and plant management interventions, including nature-based solutions, can also enhance soil quality and utilization of legacy nutrients. Additionally, this is facilitated by greater reliance on soil biological processes and trophic interactions. We highlight the example of intercropping with legumes to deliver sustainability through ecological principles and use legumes as an exemplar of the innovation. We conclude that there are many effective interventions that can be made to deliver resilient, sustainable, and diverse agroecosystems for crop and food production, and these may be applicable in any agroecosystem.  相似文献   

● Grasslands in many regions of the world have been impacted by atmospheric nitrogen deposition. ● Nitrogen deposition commonly leads to reductions in species richness. ● Increases in biomass production is a common response to increased N deposition. ● In some parts of the world there has been limited research into the impacts of nitrogen deposition. Grasslands are globally-important ecosystems providing critical ecosystem services. The species composition and characteristics of grasslands vary considerably across the planet with a wide variety of different grasslands found. However, in many regions grasslands have been impacted by atmospheric nitrogen deposition originating from anthropogenic activities with effects on productivity, species composition and diversity widely reported. Impacts vary across grassland habitats but many show declines in species richness and increases in biomass production related to soil eutrophication and acidification. At a continental level there is considerable variation in the research effort that has been put into understanding the impacts of nitrogen deposition. In Europe, North America and parts of Asia, although there are unanswered research questions, there is a good understanding of N deposition impacts in most grassland habitats. This is not the case in other regions with large knowledge gaps in some parts of the world. This paper reviews the impacts of N deposition on grasslands around the world, highlighting recent advances and areas where research is still needed.  相似文献   

● Intercropping change soil bacterial communities in tea plantations. ● Intercropping increasing nitrogen cycling in the soils of tea plantations. Intercropping with eco-friendly crops is a well-known strategy for improving agriculture sustainability with benefits throughout the soil community, though the range of crop impacts on soil microbiota and extent of feedbacks to crops remain largely unclear. This study evaluated the impacts of different intercropping systems on soil bacterial community composition, diversity, and potential functions in tea gardens. Intercropping systems were found to be significantly influenced soil microbiota. Within the three tested intercropping systems (tea-soybean, tea-rapeseed and tea-soybean-rapeseed), the tea-soybean-rapeseed intercropping system had the most dramatic influence on soil microbiota, with increases in richness accompanied by shifts in the structure of tea garden soil bacterial networks. Specifically, relative abundance of potentially beneficial bacteria associated with essential mineral nutrient cycling increased significantly in the tea-soybean-rapeseed intercropping system. In addition, soil microbial functions related to nutrient cycling functions were significantly enhanced. This was in accordance with increasing relative abundance of nitrogen cycling bacteria, including Burkholderia spp. and Rhodanobacter spp. Based on these results, it is proposed that intercropping tea plantation with soybean and rapeseed may benefit soil microbiota, and thereby promises to be an important strategy for improving soil health in ecologically sound tea production systems.  相似文献   

● Agri-environmental assessment of food, feed and/or biogas cropping systems (CS). ● Four-year experiment for the agri-environmental assessment of two innovative CS. ● Biogas CS has equal soil returned biomass than food CS but higher exported biomass. ● Feed and biogas CS present higher biomass productivity, but higher CO2 emissions. ● CO2 emissions related to produced biomass are 26% (±5%) lower in biogas CS. Bioenergy, currently the largest renewable energy source in the EU (64% of the total renewable energy consumption), has sparked great interest to meet the 32% renewable resources for the 2030 bioeconomy goal. The design of innovative cropping systems informed by bioeconomy imperatives requires the evaluate of the effects of introducing crops for bioenergy into conventional crop rotations. This study aimed to assess the impacts of changes in conventional cropping systems in mixed dairy cattle farms redesigned to introduce bioenergy crops either by increasing the biomass production through an increase of cover crops, while keeping main feed/food crops, or by substituting food crops with an increase of the crop rotation length. The assessment is based on the comparison between conventional and innovative systems oriented to feed and biogas production, with and without tillage, to evaluate their agri-environmental performances (biomass production, nitrogen fertilization autonomy, greenhouse gas emissions and biogas production). The result showed higher values in the biogas cropping system than in the conventional and feed ones for all indicators, biomass productivity (27% and 20% higher, respectively), nitrogen fertilization autonomy (26% and 73% higher, respectively), methanogenic potential (77% and 41% higher, respectively) and greenhouse gas emissions (15% and 3% higher, respectively). There were no negative impacts of no-till compared to the tillage practice, for all tested variables. The biogas cropping system showed a better potential in terms of agri-environmental performance, although its greenhouse gas emissions were higher. Consequently, it would be appropriate to undertake a multicriteria assessment integrating agri-environmental, economic and social performances.  相似文献   

● Analyse the effects of ecological management measures undertaken so far. ● Point out the main problems that confront effective ecological management. ● Suggest some measures to guide ecological management and high-quality development. ● Develop some models to improve the quality of clear waters and green mountains. ● Provide scientific and technological support for green and eco-friendly development. The Loess Plateau is the core area in the Yellow River basin for implementing environmental protection and high-quality development strategies. A series of ecological projects has implemented aimed at soil and water conservation and ecological management on the Loess Plateau over the past 70 years. The effects of the ecological projects are apparent mainly through a marked increase in vegetation cover, controlled soil erosion and reduced flow of sediment into the Yellow River, continual optimization of the industrial structure and increased production from arable land, poverty alleviation and greater prosperity, and optimal allocation of space for biological organisms. Major problems have also been analyzed in ecological management including the fragile ecosystem of the region, maintaining the stability of vegetation, lower agricultural productivity and continued risk from natural disasters. Some suitable schemes and models have been developed for the coordinated development of the region through research and demonstration, striking the optimum balance between rural industry and ecology, and increased regional capacity to supply high-quality ecological products. Countermeasures to address the problems are suggested to guide ecological management and high-quality development in the future.  相似文献   

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