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Lactococcosis [Lactococcus garvieae (LG)] is one of the most prevalent bacterial diseases affecting grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) aquaculture. Therefore, the present research evaluated the efficacy of formalin-killed LG vaccine with an oil-based adjuvant in grey mullet under laboratory and field trials. The laboratory evaluation for LG vaccine and its cross-protection upon challenge in grey mullet found that single-dose immunization of formalin-killed LG with adjuvant resulted in 91.4% and 100% relative per cent survival (RPS) when challenged with homologous and heterologous strains. The levels of specific antibody titre and lysozyme activity increased significantly in the vaccinated group. Immune gene expression at 24 hr after challenge showed an increase in levels of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. A parallel field trial experiment was conducted to investigate the long-term effectiveness of the LG vaccine. Results demonstrated that at one month and three months post-immunization with heterologous strain, 100% RPS was recorded in the vaccinated group. The findings suggested that the formalin-inactivated LG vaccine strain (S3) protected grey mullet against LG infection for a period of three months.  相似文献   

研究了S0(盐度为0)、S10、S20、S33(对照)和S40 5个盐度梯度14 d内盐度胁迫及其昼夜变化对鲻鱼(Mugil cephalus)幼鱼蛋白酶和淀粉酶比活力的影响。结果显示:1)盐度胁迫对鲻鱼幼鱼的消化酶活力有显著影响(P0.05)。不同盐度的蛋白酶和淀粉酶活力的变化规律都是在第0天~第7天升高,第7天~第14天降低,最终时(第14天)S0~S33蛋白酶活力呈上升趋势,S33~S40下降;S0~S20淀粉酶活力差异不显著(P0.05),S20~S33呈上升,S33~S40下降,且差异显著(P0.05);2)对鲻鱼幼鱼消化酶活性昼夜变化的测定表明,蛋白酶和淀粉酶活性的最高值分别在12:00和15:00,最低值均出现在6:00。因此,夜间设置定时投喂,可促进鱼类快速健康生长。  相似文献   

野生鲻鱼和养殖鲻鱼消化系统的组织学观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
于娜  李加儿  区又君 《海洋渔业》2011,33(2):151-158
野生与养殖鲻鱼(Mugil cephalus)的消化系统在形态和组织结构上存在一定差异.(1)形态方面:食道粗而短,胃呈球形,包括贲门部、盲囊部、胃体部和幽门部4个区域,胃与肠相接处有2个指状幽门盲囊,肠道在腹腔内盘旋5圈.肝脏黄褐色,右叶较左叶大,未发现独立的胰脏.养殖鲻鱼消化道周围包裹更多脂肪,胃较小但胃腔更大,肠...  相似文献   

盐度胁迫及昼夜变化对鲻鱼幼鱼消化酶活力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了S0(盐度为0)、S10、S20、S33(对照)和S40 5个盐度梯度14d内盐度胁迫及其昼夜变化对鲻鱼(Mugil cephalus)幼鱼蛋白酶和淀粉酶比活力的影响。结果显示:1)盐度胁迫对鲻鱼幼鱼的消化酶活力有显著影响(P〈0.05)。不同盐度的蛋白酶和淀粉酶活力的变化规律都是在第0天~第7天升高,第7天~第14天降低,最终时(第14天)S0~S33蛋白酶活力呈上升趋势,S33~S40下降;S0~S20淀粉酶活力差异不显著(P〉0.05),S20~S33呈上升,S33~S40下降,且差异显著(P〈0.05);2)对鲻鱼幼鱼消化酶活性昼夜变化的测定表明,蛋白酶和淀粉酶活性的最高值分别在12:00和15:00,最低值均出现在6:00。因此,夜间设置定时投喂,可促进鱼类快速健康生长。  相似文献   

Mugil cephalus is an important aquaculture species in Taiwan with highly valuable roe. In order to obtain its roe, mullet fry from various Taiwan estuaries are raised in aquaculture ponds until maturity. However, not all female mullets have developed ovaries. Therefore, we have attempted to use DNA profiling to aid selection of mullet fry for aquaculture. A large proportion of North coast mullet and some West coast mullet were identified as cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial lineage 1. COI mitochondrial lineage 2 was dominant in the west and east coast estuaries, whereas COI mitochondrial lineage 3 was fewest and only was present in Chang‐hua county (middle west of Taiwan). The gonadosomatic index (GSI) of lineage 1 individuals ranged from 0 to 5, no matter where the mullet fry were captured. The GSI of both the west and east coast lineage 2 individuals ranged from 0 to over 15, but the GSI of lineage 2 of the I‐lan (north east of Taiwan) population was generally lower than that of western populations. These findings suggest that a genetic difference whereby west coast lineage 2 mullet yield heavier roe although the body size of lineage 1 individual is larger than that of lineage 2. Thus, lineage 2 individuals with their normal GSI distribution are the most economically viable. The application of the rapid screening of mitochondrial lineages is expected to help aquaculture farmers cultivate lineage 2 fry for roe production rather than lineage 1.  相似文献   

鲻鱼胃肠道内分泌细胞免疫组织化学的定位   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
方永强 《水产学报》2002,26(6):481-485
用7种哺乳类胃肠激素抗体对鲻鱼消化道内分泌细胞进行免疫组织化学定位。结果表明5-HT、SST、VIP、GAS和P物质免疫活性内分泌细胞均存在于鲻鱼胃肠粘膜中,而胰高血糖素和胰岛则显免疫阴性反应。文中还描述了鲻鱼胃肠道免疫活性内分泌细胞的形态学特点及在胃肠各部的分布密度,并对其可能的分泌方式和功能进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A systemic iridoviral disease associated with high mortality was initially recognized in cultured mullet, Mugil cephalus L., and tiger grouper, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus Forsskal, by histopathology and transmission electron microscopy. Polymerase chain reaction was performed on tissues and viral isolates, using four published primer sets developed for the Red Sea bream iridovirus (RSIV). An indirect fluorescent antibody test was also performed on virus-infected ATCC gruntfin (GF) and seabass, Lates calcarifer Bloch, (SB) cells using a monoclonal antibody, RSIV M10. Our results suggested that the mullet and tiger grouper iridovirus bears genetic and antigenic similarities to RSIV.  相似文献   

池养鲻的卵巢发育和卵子发生过程   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
方永强 《水产学报》2004,28(4):353-359
通过卵巢切片的组织学分析揭示,幼鲻在土池养殖3个月后可见线状卵巢,大约5个月后卵原细胞进入第一次成熟分裂前期的双线期转变为早期初级卵母细胞。接着卵母细胞生发泡(核)和胞质体积增加,核质比从3.5:1减少至2:1。此后卵巢中卵母细胞停滞发育持续至养殖的第3年。在第3年卵巢切片看出卵母细胞进入脂肪泡时相,在第3年秋季进入卵黄发生时相。但在人工养殖条件下卵母细胞仅能发育到卵黄发生后期,即卵母细胞胞质充满卵黄颗粒,生发泡居中而不移位。这些结果对于用人工养殖鲻为亲鱼开展人工繁殖提供重要的科学依据。并讨论了卵子发生6个时相的生物学特点及其重要的细胞器在卵黄发生中可能的生理作用。  相似文献   

饥饿以及再充分投喂对鲻鱼血液生化指标的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在19~24℃条件下对鲻鱼(初始体重:204.42g±23.13g)进行了不同时间的饥饿处理后再充分投喂的恢复生长实验。实验设定2种投喂方式,对照组(饱食组)在实验期间一直投喂,饥饿组在限食期则不投喂食物,重喂期则恢复投喂。实验期为8个星期。取样分别在限食期的第0、1、2、4周和重喂期的1、2、4周,每次6条鱼。结果表明:饥饿状态下,鲻鱼血糖,血脂和血浆蛋白含量都显著降低;再充分投喂后,各血液生化指标均恢复到对照组水平,实验结果表明鲻鱼饥饿4个星期后,在4个星期的恢复生长过程中产生了显著的补偿效应。  相似文献   

A 60 days feeding trial was conducted to illustrate the effect of graded levels of protein on the growth and metabolic enzymes of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) fingerlings reared in inland saline water (ISW). Six isoenergetic (16 MJ/kg) and isolipidic (60 g/kg) diets containing 240, 260, 280, 300, 320 and 340 g crude protein (CP)/kg diet were formulated and fed to triplicate. Weight gain %, specific growth rate, protein utilizing efficiency, feed efficiency and RNA:DNA ratio were significantly higher (p < .05) in 320 and 300 g CP/kg diets. Fish fed with 240 g CP/kg diet showed significantly higher (p < .05) feed intake, whole‐body lipid content, hepatosomatic index value and liver glycogen content. Transaminase enzymes and malate dehydrogenase activities were elevated in fish fed 340 g CP/kg diet. Protease activity increased with increasing dietary CP level, but amylase activities showed an inverse relationship. No significant (p > .05) variations were observed for lactate dehydrogenase, oxidative stress enzymes, blood parameters and serum osmolality among all the treatment groups, but red blood cell count increases with increasing dietary CP levels. Based on the results, feeding dietary protein level of 300 g CP/kg is economically viable for rearing of grey mullet in ISW.  相似文献   

牙鲆格氏乳球菌感染症及其病原   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对一次养殖牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus L. Temminck et Schlegel)发生的病害进行了临床特征和病理变化等方面的检验.以5尾病(死)牙鲆做病变组织中的细菌检查及细菌分离,对分离做纯培养的10株菌(T030817-1至T030817-10)进行形态特征、理化特性等较系统的表观分类学指征鉴定;同时择代表菌株(T030817-1)进行16S rRNA基因分子鉴定,测定16S rRNA基因序列、分析相关细菌相应序列的同源性、构建了系统发生树.结果表明,10株分离菌均为乳球菌属(Lactococcus Schleifer et al 1986)的格氏乳球菌(L.garvieae).择代表菌株(T030817-1)做对健康牙鲆的人工感染试验,表明所分离鉴定的格氏乳球菌在被检牙鲆病例中具有相应原发病原学意义及较强的致病作用.药敏试验结果显示,在供试37种抗菌药物中,对青霉素G等14种药物高度敏感,对链霉素等5种药物敏感,对苯唑青霉素等18种药物耐药.[中国水产科学,2006,13(3):403-409]  相似文献   

Lactococcus garvieae is recognized as an emerging pathogen in fish. Several PCR‐based methods have been developed for the detection and identification of L. garvieae; however, the sensitivity of these methods is still in question regarding the discrimination of this organism from other closely related species. Two primers, ITSLg30F and ITSLg319R, were designed from the sequence in the 16S–23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and used for the specific detection of L. garvieae. L. garvieae strains including fish isolates were positive by this method. In contrast, previously developed PCR methods showed false‐positive results with non‐L. garvieae species. Our results indicate that a PCR method using the newly designed ITS primer set provides a sensitive and efficient tool for the detection of L. garvieae in fish and aquaculture environments.  相似文献   

17-β雌二醇诱导鲻雌性化的机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方永强 《水产学报》2004,28(2):113-118
用原位杂交和免疫细胞化学技术,对服用17 β雌二醇实验组和对照组幼年鲻脑各部和性腺进行芳香化酶的定位。结果发现,芳香化酶转录物和特异性蛋白在幼年鲻端脑(嗅球和大脑)、间脑、中脑和小脑是丰富的。在性别未分化时,芳香化酶免疫活性细胞在幼鲻脑各部的分布密度有显著的差异。在嗅球,对照组芳香化酶免疫阳性细胞的分布密度高于实验组,而在间脑、中脑和小脑实验组免疫阳性细胞数量比对照组多1~3倍,特别是下丘脑视前区芳香化酶的免疫阳性细胞数量尤占优势,提示芳香化酶在幼年鲻性分化中可能起关键的作用。另外,在性分化后,芳香化酶免疫活性还定位在卵巢颗粒细胞和精巢间质细胞与足细胞。同时,免疫阳性物质也定位在卵巢和精巢的生殖细胞。这些结果揭示了17 β雌二醇诱发幼鲻雌性化的机制可能是通过芳香化酶的介导,本研究首次提供形态学新的证据。最后,文中还讨论了芳香化酶在鲻性腺发育中可能的生理作用。  相似文献   

Abstract This study showed that cultured striped mullet, Mugil cephalus L., released as juveniles can make a significant contribution to landings in an island commercial fishery. Following pilot hatchery releases from 1990 to 1993, striped mullet fisheries in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, USA, were sampled to recover cultured fish from the bay-wide catch. Direct sampling of 181 fishing trips resulted in recovery of 211 cultured striped mullet. By autumn 1994, cultured fish comprised 13.0% (2.8%) of the commercial mullet catch in Kaneohe Bay, and the percentage was increasing logarithmically. This study corroborated predictions from previous studies of juveniles about effects of release strategies on survival of cultured mullet. Following summer releases, recapture rates were strongly affected by fish size-at-release, with a critical release size of 60 mm total length (the smallest size released that was subsequently detected in the fishery). Over 30 000 juveniles stocked in 1990 (but not in a nursery habitat preferred by striped mullet) apparently suffered complete mortality.  相似文献   

2017、2018年连续2年利用7口0.4 hm2(6亩)对虾养殖池在淡水条件下进行了鲻鱼与南美白对虾混养试验.试验结果:鲻鱼放养规格48~80 g/尾,放养密度为75~225尾/hm2,收获鲻鱼规格为420~520 g/尾.2017年,南美白对虾单养池(对照池)产量为6090 kg/hm2,6口鱼虾混养池产量分别比对...  相似文献   

Abstract. Lesions present on sea mullet, Mugil cephalus L., during the first 3 weeks of red spot disease outbreaks are described. Necrotizing dermatitis is a severe, locally extensive, granulomatous lesion associated with invasion of dermis and underlying skeletal muscle by numerous, non-septate, fungal hyphae 12–18 μm in diameter. Erythematous dermatitis is a mild to severe, focal, chronic active dermatitis without fungal involvement. Lesions intermediate between these two forms, with small to moderate numbers of fungal hyphae in dermis and skeletal muscle also occur. Findings indicate that erythematous dermatitis lesions and intermediate-type lesions subsequently resolve, while necrotizing dermatitis lesions consistently develop into dermal ulcers, with associated severe necrotizing granulomatous myositis. Generally, dermal ulcers occur significantly more often on posterior and dorsal areas of the body surface than on anterior and ventral areas. Lesions heal by combinations of epidermal and dermal repair, fibroplasia, destruction of fungi, removal of necrotic skeletal muscle and regeneration of myofibres. Atrophy of exocrine pancreas occurs in both diseased and clinically normal fish, but is generally more severe in diseased fish. The possible roles of suspected disease determinants, including falls in dissolved oxygen concentrations to sub-lethal levels prior to red spot disease outbreaks, are discussed.  相似文献   

鲻在冷冻过程中蛋白质的变性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
李来好 《水产学报》2001,25(4):363-366
通过研究鲻在冷冻过程中Ca^2 -ATPase的活性、挥发性盐基氮和凝胶强度的变化,为鲻鱼的冷冻加工提供理论依据。结果表明,抗冻剂能有效地抑制鲻于在冷冻过程中Ca^2 -ATPase活性的下降,同时能提高鲻鱼糜的凝胶强度且防止鲻鱼糜在冷过程中凝胶强度的下降。抗冻剂在鲻鱼冷冻加工中的应用是行之有效的。  相似文献   

Gram-positive cocci recovered from diseased rainbow trout from a farm in England were characterized by different methods, including pulsed field gel electrophoresis, as virulent Lactococcus garvieae serogroup 2 (pulsotype A1). Groups of rainbow trout were kept at a range of temperatures and injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with one of the UK isolates, L. garvieae 00021. The 18 °C and 16 °C groups showed 67% and 28% mortality, respectively, by day 27 post-injection. Fish kept at 14 °C or lower were less susceptible (≤3% mortality). Raising the temperature of all groups to 18 °C at day 27 post-injection did not result in recurrence of the disease, even though viable bacteria were recovered from all groups 42 days later. Grayling were highly susceptible, with 65% mortalities when challenged with 200 colony forming unit fish−1 by i.p. injection and 37% mortalities when exposed to effluent water from tanks containing affected rainbow trout. Other fish species tested, Atlantic salmon, brown trout and seven cyprinid species, were less susceptible. Viable L. garvieae was isolated from the internal organs of all species tested at the end of the trials, suggesting that they may pose a threat as possible carriers to susceptible farmed and wild fish.  相似文献   

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