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Horse racing is a contest between horses, usually held for the purpose of betting. Thoroughbred horse racing is the most diffused form of horse racing throughout the world. Thoroughbred is one of the most versatile of horse breeds and has influenced the development of many other breeds. Thoroughbred horses served as a foundation stock for the development of the light horse breeds. The two types of horse racing are flat racing and jumping races/steeplechases. The measures of racing performance are broadly classified into three categories. They are time and its several variations, handicap or similar performance ratings and earnings. One common measure of the performance of racehorses evaluated genetically is racing time or final time. The heritability estimates differed according to method of estimation, age, sex, track and distance. Time measure generally had a heritability in the range of 0.1 to 0.2 with the higher values for shorter races. For handicap and earning measures the heritabilities reported were generally higher in the range of 0.3 to 0.4; hence these may be considered in genetic evaluation of racing performance of Thoroughbred horses. The average generation interval of Thoroughbred horses was 11.2 ± 4.5 and 9.7 ± 3.8 years for males and females respectively, which limits the genetic progress in racing horses. However, the major advantage is that the racing performance may be evaluated in both males and females and repeated observations can be obtained on the same animal in relatively short periods. These factors coupled with the reasonable heritability of some measures of racing performance, suggest that mass selection based on performance tests would be the selection procedure of choice to improve the racing performance of Thoroughbred horses. In general, the inbreeding at the rate that is usually practised in Thoroughbred population does not enable much gene fixing. However, practice of close inbreeding may be avoided, even though it still fascinates breeders at subconscious level.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate genetic parameters for racing time in Thoroughbred horses racing at distances between 1000 and 1600 m subdivided into 100‐m intervals. The data provided by TURFETOTAL Ltda comprised races that occurred in the Gávea and Cidade Jardim race tracks over a period of 11 years (1992–2002) and consisted of 32 145 races and 238 890 time records. The variance components necessary to obtain the heritability and repeatability estimates of the traits studied were estimated with the MTDFREML program, and animal age at race (3 years old or younger, 4, 5 and older than 5 years), sex (male and female), number of races (1–32 145), and postposition at start (1–11) as fixed effects, and animal and permanent environmental random effects were included in a one‐trait animal model. Males were significantly superior to females at all distances. Excluding the 1100 m distance, animals 4 years of age were significantly faster than the mean of the other ages for all distances analysed. Horses older than 5 years showed a significantly lower performance than the mean of the other ages for all distances analysed, except for the 1100 m. Postpositions one and two did not differ significantly from one another for any of the distances analysed. These two inner positions both together varied from the other positions depending on race length. The components of additive genetic and permanent environmental variance varied in a similar way, tending to decrease with increasing racing distance, and the other temporary environmental variance almost doubled from 1000 to 1600 m. As was the case for the additive genetic and environmental variances, heritability and repeatability estimates tended to decrease with increasing distance, indicating that selection based on racing time will be less successful when the racing distance increases.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Genetic correlations between racing times on track type (turf and dirt), and at racing distances on turf (1200 m, 1400 m, 1600 m, 1800 m, and/or 2000 m) and dirt (1000 m, 1200 m, 1400 m, 1600 m, 1700 m, and/or 1800 m) tracks, were estimated in Thoroughbred horses. (Co)variance components were estimated using multiple-trait derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood (MTDFREML). The data used were collected by the Japan Racing Association from 1992 to 1993. The generation 2 pedigree information was preferable for (co)variance estimates. The genetic correlations between racing times on turf and dirt tracks ranged from 0.69 to 0.31 (average 0.51). The genetic correlations between racing distances ranged from 0.68 to 1.00 (average 0.85) and from 0.53 to 1.00 (average 0.88) on turf and dirt tracks, respectively. These results suggest that the racing time per 100 m can be used for horse genetic evaluation within one track type. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Sch?tzung genetischer Korrelationen zwischen Rennzeiten von Vollblüternüber verschiednen Distanzen mittels restringierter Genetische Korrelationen zwischen Rennzeiten auf Rasen- und Erdbahnen, Renndistanzen auf Rasen- (1200, 1400, 1600, 1800 und 2000 m) und Erdbahnen (1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1700 und 2000 m) wurden für Vollblüter gesch?tzt. (Co)Varianzkomponenten wurden mittels Mehr-Merkmal Ableitungsfreier Restringierter Maximum Likelihood (MTDFREML) gesch?tzt. Die Unterlagen wurden von der Japanischen Renn Vereinigung 1992 und 1993 gesammelt. Generation 2 Abstammungsinformation war für die Co-Varianzsch?tzung günstig. Genetische Korrelationen zwischen Rennzeiten auf Rasen und auf Erdbahnen waren zwischen 0.69 und 0.31 (Durchschnitt 0.51), jene zwischen Distanzen zwischen 0.68 und 1.00 (Durchschnitt 0.85) und zwischen 0.53 und 1.00 (Durchschnitt 0.88) auf Rasen und Erdbahnen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, da? Rennzeit per 100 m zur Bewertung der Pferde geeignet ist.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Physiotherapists who work in racehorse training yards routinely treat horses' backs and hindquarters and may be able to recognise signs that indicate the presence of (impending) pelvic or hindlimb fracture before it becomes catastrophic. Objective: To establish whether physiotherapy assessment findings in Thoroughbred racehorses referred for routine physiotherapy could be predictive of subsequent (within 30 days) pelvic or hindlimb fracture diagnosis. Methods: Retrospective veterinary and physiotherapy data from a cohort of Newmarket (UK) Thoroughbred racehorses, were used. A case‐control study compared physiotherapy assessment findings of racehorses with and without a subsequently diagnosed pelvic or hindlimb fracture. Uni‐ and multivariable logistic regression was used to investigate and quantify the strength of association between physiotherapy findings and subsequent fracture diagnosis. Statistical significance was set at P<0.05. Results: A total of 513 horses provided 14 fracture cases for analysis. Presence of pelvic bony asymmetry, muscle atrophy of the quarters, reduced reflex movements of dorsi‐ and/or ventroflexion and spasm or tenderness on palpation of the gluteal muscles were significantly associated with subsequent fracture diagnosis in univariable analysis. Multivariable analysis indicated that horses subsequently diagnosed with pelvic or hindlimb fracture were 11.1 times more likely to show pelvic bony asymmetry, 4.7 times more likely to display muscle atrophy of the quarters and 6.6 times more likely to have spasm or tenderness on palpation of the gluteal muscles than those that were not. Conclusions: Racehorses presented for physiotherapy that show pelvic bony asymmetry, muscle atrophy of the quarters and/or spasm or tenderness on palpation of the gluteal muscles should alert the physiotherapist to the potential presence of (impending) pelvic or hindlimb fracture. Potential relevance: Earlier detection of (impending) pelvic or hindlimb fracture in racing Thoroughbreds could reduce the incidence of catastrophic fractures.  相似文献   

A total of 306,698 racing performance data recorded between 1992 and 2002 from 25495 Brazilian Thoroughbred horses was analyzed to estimate the variance components using the Random Regression Model (RRM) compared to the Classical Repeatability Animal Model (CRAM). The performance was evaluated using the race time (in seconds) to run distances of 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500 or 1600 meters. The pedigree of each horse was extended as far as possible, with a total of 36,659 animals. The simple correlation between Breeding Value (BV) for the race time estimated by both procedures was high (r = 0.963) when the data were expressed at the mean level of all distances. However, with the RRM it was possible to estimate the genetic parameters and the BV of all animals at the trajectory of each one of the seven distances. Also, results clearly showed that a single BV estimated by CRAM, is neither an adequate nor a sufficient indicator for the selection of the best horses throughout the trajectory of distance performance. We concluded that the RRM procedure is highly recommended for the evaluation of racehorse performance.  相似文献   

Regular monitoring of movement asymmetry with inertial measurement units (IMUs) to aid in the diagnosis of the underlying cause of a lameness is feasible. Normal ranges for specific groups of horses may be required, with consideration of expert veterinary opinions for both asymmetry screening and lameness assessment. The aim of this study was to determine movement asymmetry values compared with expert lameness scores to enable screening for lameness in Thoroughbreds in race training. IMU gait assessment during in-hand trot-up was performed in 25 racehorses undergoing routine gait analysis or lameness examination at the Singapore Turf Club. Video recordings were graded numerically (0–5) for lameness by six experienced racehorse veterinarians. Inter-observer agreement and consistency were determined. Median lameness scores were used to calculate sensitivity and specificity for head, withers and pelvic movement asymmetry. Guideline values for aligning movement asymmetry values with expert opinions about forelimb and hindlimb lameness were determined from receiver operating characteristics (ROC). Inter-observer agreement was poor to fair, inter-observer consistency was good (intraclass correlation coefficient: 0.667 for forelimbs and 0.617 for hindlimbs). ROCs indicated higher discriminative power for hindlimb lameness using pelvic asymmetry (90% sensitivity, 93% specificity) compared with forelimb lameness using head asymmetry (69% sensitivity, 89% specificity) or withers asymmetry (44% sensitivity, 89% specificity). When compared to expert lameness scores from videos of a limited number of Thoroughbred racehorses, preliminary guideline values for movement asymmetry screening for forelimb lameness (>|14.5 mm|) and hindlimb lameness (>|7.5 mm|) are higher than previously reported clinical thresholds of >|7 mm| for head movement and >|4 mm| for pelvic movement asymmetry.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse racing performance data in Irish greyhounds with regard to genetic and environmental variation. Estimation of heritabilities for racing time (RT) and ranking, and the prediction of breeding values for all greyhounds in the investigated data were carried out. Data from 42,785 races in Ireland in the years 2000-2003 were available. These results were obtained from 42,880 greyhounds on 20 race tracks over a distance of 480 m. Three traits were analysed, RT, ranking and a scaled logarithmic function for RT (ART), which was used to adjust racing time to be normally distributed. The data were analysed with a bivariate animal model. The estimated heritabilities were moderate for RT (0.31) and ART (0.38), but very low for ranking (0.10). The repeatabilities were 0.56 (RT), 0.51 (ART) and 0.13 (ranking). The genetic correlations were very high, 0.99 (RT-ranking) and 0.96 (ART-ranking), while the phenotypic correlation was lower, 0.60 (RT-ranking) and 0.62 (ART-ranking). The genetic trend for the traits as well as the phenotypic change of the average RT was positive.  相似文献   

Harness racing is a form of horseracing in which the horses race in a specified gait (trot or pace). In contrast to the Thoroughbred, the trotter is not an international breed. In this type, the horses are raced with trotting or pacing gait. Breeds specialized for racing at trot or pace are indigenous to many countries. Separate breeds of light harness horses, generally designated as trotters have evolved for racing purposes in several countries. The important horse breeds used for harness racing in different parts of the world are the Standardbred, French Trotter, Swedish Trotter, Orlov Trotter, Russian Trotter, Finnhorse, Icelandic Toelter, Dole horse and North-Swedish cold-blooded horses. The trotter ranks worldwide second to the Thoroughbred in popularity as a racehorse. Racing performance in trotters, in contrast to Thoroughbred is characterized by qualifying tests before entering the races, inclusion of more than one breed in international races only and greater duration of racing career. An intensive selection of stallions on the basis of phenotypic racing performance has been practised in many trotter populations for quite a long time. Unlike Thoroughbreds, improvements have been observed in different trotter populations and this is attributed to both genetic and environmental changes. Environmental changes include enhanced training methods, as well as improved tracks, harness and sulkies. As a result of selection, racing time of trotters has been reduced over the years. The estimated annual genetic progress in racing performance traits of Swedish Standardbred horses corresponds to 5% of the phenotypic standard deviation, 3.6% in French Trotters and 5% in Dutch Trotters. According to the recent selection for speed in trot, this trait remains heritable and genetic improvement is observed in most countries. Correlations between earnings and times are negative and high, and hence favourable. As a result, selection based on times and earnings are quite effective. A multiple trait approach avoids potential biases of one particular measure, even if the objective of all traits is much the same. Since racing performance may be evaluated in both males and females and repeated observations can be obtained on the same animal, mass selection based on performance tests would be the selection procedure of choice. In the future, interest in the possible use of marker-assisted selection (MAS) for enhanced genetic improvement in horses is likely to increase. MAS is likely to be a valuable complement to selection of horses based on estimated breeding values (EBVs) obtained by the Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) method, rather than as a replacement for EBVs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To develop a profile of the racing careers of Thoroughbred horses in south-eastern Queensland, and to examine factors that affect racing during the first years of racing. DESIGN AND PROCEDURE: A longitudinal study using the racing records of a defined cohort of Thoroughbred horses that were born on or within 12 months following 1 August 1991. Data collection commenced in 1996 and will continue until all horses cease racing. In this paper two measures of performance were examined: race earnings during the first year of racing and cumulative proportion of horses still racing up to 2 years after their first start. Univariable and multivariable methods were used to describe and identify factors associated with the performance of these horses. RESULTS: By 31 July 1997, 1804 horses were enrolled in the study including 916, 701, 152 and 35 horses that first raced at 2, 3, 4 and 5 years of age, respectively. During their first year of racing, half the horses earned no more than A$450 from race earnings, and 710 (39.4%) horses earned no money at all. In comparison to poorly performing horses, well-performing horses were more likely to be male, to have started as 2-year-olds and to have had more starts during this year. Of the horses that first started as 2 and 3-year-olds, only 71 and 46% continued racing for at least 1 and 2 years after their first start, respectively. Length of racing life was associated with performance during the first year of racing (number of starts and average earnings per race), and with sex, date of birth and age at first start. CONCLUSIONS: The study confirmed a high wastage among racing Thoroughbreds. As expected, premature retirement from racing was linked to poor performance. During the first year of racing, the race earnings of an estimated 1567 (86.9%) horses were insufficient to cover training costs. The 2-year-old racing cohort outperformed the older racing cohorts in each of the performance measures under investigation. Interpretation of this result, and the long-term effects of 2-year-old racing, was limited by the problem of confounding.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the differences between linear and non‐linear modelled heritability estimates of racing performance based on lifetime earnings (LE) and lifetime ranking (LR) in Japanese Thoroughbred racehorses. The heritability estimate (h2 = 0.25) obtained from a non‐linear model based on formal Japan Racing Association ranking was much higher than that obtained from a linear model based on the original trait phenotype (h2 = 0.11). The linear models showed slightly higher heritability estimates under the trait categorizations than under the original phenotypes, while the non‐linear categorical trait models showed much higher heritability estimates than the linear models, especially for binary trait categorizations (h2 = 0.34) with non‐winning and winning horses. The binary trait categorizations were consistent with the case and control classifications in the previous genome‐wide association study (GWAS), which identified possible sequence variants on ECA18 that affect racing performance in Japanese Thoroughbred racehorses. Those findings suggested that the different heritability estimates obtained from several trait categorizations would reflect the possible presence of susceptibility gene segregations in the analyzed population, indicating that heritability estimates from non‐linear models are useful for the selection of case and control populations in GWAS.  相似文献   

Relationships between breeding field-test traits and competition traits were studied to investigate whether the latter could be usefully included in the genetic evaluation of Icelandic horses. The current method of genetic evaluation is based on records from breeding field-tests only. The breeding field-test data included 16 401 individual records of Icelandic horses evaluated in 11 countries during 1990–2005. Competition results included 18 982 records of 3790 horses competing in sport and gæðinga competitions in Iceland and Sweden during 1998–2004. In the breeding field-tests, eight conformation traits and eight riding ability traits were scored; height of withers was also recorded. These traits were analysed together with the competition traits tölt(comp), 4-gait, 5-gait and pace test, in bivariate analyses. Animal models were used; the fixed effects for breeding field-test traits included sex by age interaction and country by year interaction. For the competition traits the model included fixed effects of sex, age and event, and a random permanent environmental effect. Estimated heritabilities and genetic correlations for breeding field-test traits were consistent with earlier results; heritabilities ranged from 0.20 to 0.67, and moderate to high genetic correlations were estimated between many of the riding ability traits, and between riding ability traits and some conformation traits. The estimated heritabilities for competition traits were about 0.20, and genetic correlations between competition traits varied from − 0.12 to 1.00. In general, high genetic correlations were estimated between breeding field-test riding ability traits and competition traits. Moderately positive genetic correlations were found between some breeding field-test conformation traits and competition traits. Competition traits add information relating to the breeding goal of the Icelandic horse; they should therefore be added to genetic evaluation in future.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: There is contradictory published evidence on the potential efficacy of ‘tongue ties’ (TTs) for treatment of intermittent dorsal displacement of the soft palate (DDSP) in racehorses. Objectives: To evaluate the effect of TTs on racing performance in Thoroughbred racehorses in the UK using a retrospective cohort study. Methods: Data on individual horses' lifetime racing performance and TT use were retrieved from the Racing Post Online Database. Exposed cases were horses that ran with a TT in randomly chosen race meetings on one of 60 randomly chosen dates from 2001–2003. Unexposed (control) horses were matched to each exposed horse. Various measures of racing performance were analysed both within and between exposed and unexposed groups. Subsets of exposed horses that ran for 3 or 5 consecutive starts wearing TTs and their matched controls were analysed separately to examine the effect of repeated TT use. Results: The inclusion criteria were fulfilled by 108 horses. The odds ratio for ‘improvement’ in race earnings between exposed and unexposed horses was 1.85 for horses that ran at least once with a TT, and 3.60 and 4.24, respectively, for horses that ran in 3 or 5 consecutive races wearing a TT. After instigation of TT use, horses that ran in 3 or 5 consecutive races wearing a TT had a significant increase in earnings when they ran wearing a TT compared to their pre‐TT races. Conclusions and potential relevance: The use of a TT appears to have a beneficial effect on racing performance in a selected population of Thoroughbred racehorses.  相似文献   

Genetic correlations between reproduction traits in ewes and carcass and meat quality traits in Merino rams were obtained using restricted maximum likelihood procedures. The carcass data were from 5870 Merino rams slaughtered at approximately 18 months of age that were the progeny of 543 sires from three research resource flocks over 7 years. The carcass traits included ultrasound scan fat and eye muscle depth (EMDUS) measured on live animals, dressing percentage and carcass tissue depth (at the GR site FATGR and C site FATC), eye muscle depth, width and area and the meat quality indicator traits of muscle final pH and colour (L*, a*, b*). The reproduction data consisted of 13 464 ewe joining records for number of lambs born and weaned and 9015 records for LS. The genetic correlations between reproduction and fat measurements were negative (range ?0.06 ± 0.12 to ?0.37 ± 0.12), with smaller correlations for live measurement than carcass traits. There were small favourable genetic correlations between reproduction traits and muscle depth in live rams (EMDUS, 0.10 ± 0.12 to 0.20 ± 0.12), although those with carcass muscle traits were close to zero. The reproduction traits were independent of meat colour L* (relative brightness), but tended to be favourably correlated with meat colour a* (relative redness, 0.12 ± 0.17 to 0.19 ± 0.16). There was a tendency for meat final pH to have small negative favourable genetic correlations with reproduction traits (0.05 ± 0.11 to ?0.17 ± 0.12). This study indicates that there is no antagonism between reproduction traits and carcass and meat quality indicator traits, with scope for joint improvement of reproduction, carcass and meat quality traits in Merino sheep.  相似文献   

A total of 71 522 records (from 3154 horses) with the times per kilometre (TPK), recorded in Spanish Trotter horses (individual races) from racing performances held from 1991 to 2007, were available for this study. The TPK values for the different age groups (young and adult horses) and different distances (1600–2700 m) were considered as different traits, and a bi character random regression model (RRM) was applied to estimate the (co)variance components throughout the trajectory of age groups and distances. The following effects were considered as fixed: the combination of hippodrome‐date of race (404 levels); sex of the animals (3 levels); type of start (2 levels) and a fixed regression of Legendre polynomials (order 2). Those considered as random effects were the random regression Legendre polynomial (order 1) for animals (9201 animals in the pedigree); the individual environment permanent (3154 animals with data) and the driver (n = 957 levels). The residual variance was considered as heterogeneous with two classes (ages). The heritability estimated by distance ranged from 0.12 to 0.34, with a different trajectory for the two age groups. Within each age group, the genetic correlations between adjacent distances were high (>0.90), but decreased when the differences between them were over 400 metres for both age groups. The genetic correlations for the same distance across the age groups ranged from 0.47 to 0.78. Accordingly, the analysed trait (TPK) can be considered as positive genetic correlated but as different traits along the trajectory of distance and age. Therefore, some re‐ranking should be expected in the breeding value of the horses at different characteristics of the racing. The use of RRM is recommended because it allows us to estimate the breeding value along the whole trajectory of race competition.  相似文献   

Changes in the body composition of 50 Thoroughbreds colts and fillies, born between 2004 and 2010, were compared between those reared at the Hidaka Training and Research Center (Hidaka), Hokkaido, which is extremely cold in winter, and those reared at the Miyazaki Yearling Training Farm (Miyazaki), Kyushu, which is mildly cold in winter. The horses were divided into two sex groups and reared and trained in Hidaka or Miyazaki for 7 months from October of one year of age to April of two years of age. Body weight (BW), rump fat thickness (RFT), fat-free mass (FFM), and percentage of fat (%F) were used as parameters of body composition. This study revealed that BW and FFM were higher, and %F was lower in colts than in fillies at both training sites. Among colts, Miyazaki colts tended to have higher FFM values than Hidaka colts, and %F was significantly lower in Miyazaki colts than in Hidaka colts. Furthermore, from October to April, Miyazaki horses had a higher rate of increase in BW than Hidaka horses in both sexes and a higher rate of increase in FFM in colts. The higher rate of increase in FFM in Miyazaki colts suggests that training young Thoroughbreds in winter under mildly cold climate is more effective, than severely cold climate, particularly in colts.  相似文献   

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