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《新民周刊》在大雾里呼喊"我在雾里呼喊,我在雾里呼吸。我在雾里活着,不想雾里死去。我在雾里奔波,我在雾里哭泣。我在雾里挣扎,不想雾里窒息"。一曲大雾版《北京北京》,唱出了人们心底的悲怆。蓝天白云,心旷神怡——这是2008的北京留给人们的美好记忆。在重重雾霾笼罩之下,我们多么希望能穿越到那个神清气爽的夏天,  相似文献   

<正>30年风雨兼程,30年砥砺春秋。30年来,阿尔泰山国有林管理局全局干部职工在国家林业局的大力支持和帮助下,在新疆维吾尔自治区党委、人民政府和林业厅党委的正确领导下,在阿勒泰地委、行署的亲切关怀下,在各县、市领导的支持下,在全地区各族人民的参与和配合下,我们在改革开放中奋进,在艰苦创业中拼搏,在团结奋斗中创新,谱写了绚丽多彩的动人篇章。  相似文献   

树是大自然赐予大地的最普遍的植物,在浩瀚的森林,在广袤的原野,在陡峭的悬崖,在田间地头,在乡村人家到处都能看到树那婆娑多姿的身影. 生在鲁北平原的我,有幸看到明显的四季轮回,也能在这四季轮回里看到树木由春天的一点新绿直到变成冬天质感的躯体,其实树一年的荣枯像极了人的一生,但是树比人要好的多,那就是树能在四季的更替中得到重生,而人生只是一辆单行车,没有办法逆行.  相似文献   

聂辉同志年届五十,在森林公安战线上整整奋斗了28个春秋。从最初的基层民警到现在的森林公安局局长,聂辉的名字叫响在林区的群众中,他的脚板烙印在林区的每寸土地上,他的青春和汗水抛洒在崇山峻岭的溪水中,他的为民情结镌刻在林区群众的心碑上。他在大  相似文献   

在艰苦创业中奋起,在无私奉献中坚持,在科学求实中发展,在开拓创新中升华,在爱岗敬业中凝聚,凝聚我省林业战线中的精神——伟大的塞罕坝精神。时过五十年,飘荡在坝上的创业豪情声犹在耳。一次艰辛的创业激发人心,照亮了我们内心深处的灵魂。感恩塞罕坝,让我们生长于这个人心高尚、光明照耀的时代;感恩塞罕坝,让我们有幸在燕赵18.88万平方公里土地上,与坝上英雄同一脉搏;  相似文献   

当你呼吸着新鲜的空气时,可曾想到那是树木在付出;当你喝着清澈的泉水时,可曾想到那是森林在奉献;当你放眼秀美的河山时,可曾想到一直在默默辛勤付出的林业人,他们为了绿色事业,在蓝天下写满承诺,在大地上铸就忠诚,在山林间尽显本色。巍巍高山、莽莽林海、漾漾河湖,在美丽大兴安岭南麓的南木林业局崑尼气林场,有着这样一位年轻人,他叫郭浩,29岁,曾在辽宁省庄河市海防炮兵服役,多次被评为"优秀士兵"。  相似文献   

<正>30年风雨兼程,30年砥砺春秋。30年来,阿尔泰山国有林管理局全局干部职工在国家林业局的大力支持和帮助下,在新疆维吾尔自治区党委、人民政府和林业厅党委的正确领导下,在阿勒泰地委、行署的亲切关怀下,在各县、市领导的支持下,在全地区各族人民的参与和配合下,我们在改革开放中奋进、在艰苦创业中拼搏、在团结奋斗中创新,谱写了绚丽多彩的动人篇章。  相似文献   

白雪 《绿化与生活》2011,(10):41-42
我喜欢在森林里漫步。在那一片深绿,或者油绿、墨绿、碧绿、黛绿、翠绿、嫩绿、豆绿、水绿赫然构成层次的山野,踏着灿烂的阳光,吸着清新的空气,嗅着馥郁的花香,迎着凉爽的山风,登上山巅,在湛蓝如洗的天空下,在呼啸而至的山风中,看万木吐翠,看万叶闪光,看万树起舞,仿佛海洋在翻腾一样,涌着无垠的绿涛横亘  相似文献   

树是大自然赐予大地的最普遍的植物,在浩瀚的森林,在广袤的原野,在陡峭的悬崖,在:田间地头,在乡村人家到处都能看到树那婆娑多姿的身影。  相似文献   

<正>在纷繁嘈杂的都市,很多人在清晨醒来都希望呼吸新鲜的空气,享受幽雅宁静。在纷繁嘈杂的都市,很多人在清晨醒来都希望呼吸新鲜的空气享受幽雅宁静。即使在以时间和速率取胜的职场上,还是希望  相似文献   

冯志超 《热带林业》2010,38(3):27-29
苗圃是培育苗木的基地,其经营的好坏影响到苗木的供给。随着林业生产迅猛发展,为苗木产业发展带来了机遇。如何提高苗圃生产水平,以适应林业发展和林业现代化的需要,已成为当务之急。文章通过阐述影响苗圃生产的因素,苗圃如何合理规划,提出苗圃生产经营的管理要点,为行业工作者提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

The operational planting stock quality testing program at Weyerhaeuser   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Tanaka  Y.  Brotherton  P.  Hostetter  S.  Chapman  D.  Dyce  S.  Belanger  J.  Johnson  B.  Duke  S. 《New Forests》1997,13(1-3):423-437
The value of the Seedling Testing System (STS) is five-fold. First, it minimizes the utilization of poor quality stock that might result in regeneration failure. Second, it assists nursery managers in estimating cold hardiness of seedlings in support of the nursery frost control program. Third, it helps prevent crop losses due to pathological problems in the greenhouse and nursery. Fourth, it helps the nursery staff develop good working relationships with outside customers who benefit from the testing service. Fifth, it is a valuable tool for the nursery and tree improvement research program.  相似文献   

Seedlings sourced through tree nurseries are expected to form an important component of future tree cover on farms. As such, the genetic composition of nursery seedlings is expected to impact on the productivity and sustainability of agroforestry ecosystems. By surveying current practices of nursery managers in five areas from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, we quantified parameters associated with the collection, production and distribution of tree germplasm in East Africa. Considerable variation for seed-propagated nursery species was observed in the number of maternal parents (mother trees) sampled to establish nursery lots, the quantity of seedlings raised in nursery lots and the projected number of clients for nursery lots. Current seed collection practice was the most obvious limiting bottleneck in delivering high levels of genetic diversity to farmers. In the 143 cases analysed, seed to establish nursery lots was collected from a mean of only 6.4 maternal parents. In 22% of cases, ursery lots were established from a single maternal parent. On average, each maternal parent produced sufficient progeny to provide all the seedlings received by an individual nursery client. Consequently, the potential impact on farm and landscape genetic diversity of possible non-randomisation of progeny within nurseries is serious. In two instances, pair-wise analysis of transformed data suggested significant differences between geographic areas in the projected number of clients for nursery lots. We discuss improved nursery practices likely to promote genetic diversity, in particular increased maternal parent sampling and germplasm exchange.  相似文献   

湖北省林业示范苗圃发展现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简述了湖北省林业苗圃的发展现状 ,分析了国内外苗圃发展动态 ,针对薄弱环节提出了发展对策 ,对林业苗圃建设有一定的借鉴意义  相似文献   

毛白杨插穗沙藏垄作扦插繁殖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了毛白杨扦插繁殖的种条选择、剪条、沙藏处理、育苗地选择、垄作整地、扦插、苗期管理等一整套技术。  相似文献   

草甘膦在松杉撒播苗圃苗后除草应用技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

针对沙棘种子育苗雌雄株比例较低,扦插育苗成活率不高的问题,开展了4种插穗处理方法和2种育苗方式试验,结果表明:将插穗上剪口用接蜡速蘸全封处理,扦插时提前用GGR6号浸泡插穗基部12h后,搭建拱棚进行育苗效果最好,使插穗萌芽、展叶时间比大田育苗分别早9d和10d;苗木成活率达到86.7%,高生长量达到76.4cm,地径生长量达到0.65cm,比大田育苗分别高13.4%、20.9cm和0.14cm。该育苗技术不仅可显著提高育苗成活率,而且有利于培育良种壮苗。  相似文献   

园林绿化苗木标准化生产研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了园林绿化苗木生产、经营和标准制定的现状;阐述了缺乏相应标准所带来的负面影响和制定标准的必要性;结合苗木生产与绿化工程苗木应用,以角茎野牡丹为研究案例,探讨园林绿化苗木的标准化生产与质量控制问题;提出了绿化苗木生产技术与商品标准化、加强标准宣传与推广、实施严格的质量控制等实现绿化苗木生产标准化的措施和建议。  相似文献   

One way to maximize potential income of smallholder tree farmers is to ensure high quality of planting material. In San Carlos City, Negros Occidental, the Philippines, great importance is placed on seedling quality because Energy Crop Plantations (ECPs) managed under a Short-Rotation Coppice (SRC) system will involve a single planting for several three-year coppices. High seedling quality requires superior seed provenances and seedling propagation methods. Throughout the establishment of the nursery facility, and the propagation of planting stock, data collection, reporting and database systems have been designed to capture relevant costs and technical information. Training has been provided to nursery personnel and labourers to enable them to operate the nursery and produce high quality seedlings. This paper reports a practical operational evaluation of all materials and procedures followed in nursery establishment and seedling production. Economies of scale in nursery operation are achieved at a production level of at least 90,000 seedlings per planting season of three months in the year. The production cost is estimated at PhP 3.57/seedling, excluding the cost of the nursery infrastructure and overheads. Cost comparison with decentralized or contracted nurseries shows little variation at a total cost of PhP 4.12/seedling. However, with these alternative nursery arrangements there is high risk of producing low quality seedlings by possible reduction of inputs and skipping quality enhancement procedures to reduce production cost.  相似文献   

福建柏育苗技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过容器、全光圃地、遮荫圃地等不同育苗方式试验 ,发现用不同方式培育的一年生福建柏苗其苗高、地径、侧根数、干鲜重等主要生物量指标差异显著。总结出一套适宜推广应用的全光圃地与遮荫圃地相结合的丰产育苗技术。  相似文献   

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