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Abstract— The microhabitat selection of stone loach ( Barbatula barbatula ) in relation to instream cover and predation risk was investigated in artificial streams. In one experiment, stone loach were presented different combinations of shelter structures, two at a time, that provided visual isolation, flow refuge, both, or none. In all cases, visual isolation shelters were selected by the fish, with little use of clear shelters and no apparent selection of flow refuges. In a second experiment, diel activity patterns and habitat selection of stone loach were measured when visual isolation structures were placed in the riffle only, pool only, both riffle and pool or in no habitat. Stone loach were marked with passive integrated transponder tags and a sensor plate was placed between the riffle and pool habitats to measure diel activity patterns. Habitat use was measured by releasing drop gates between the two habitats at the end of each trial. More stone loach used the pool than the riffle in all treatments, but use of the riffle increased when cover was present only there. Furthermore, stone loach were most active between 2100 and 0300. To determine the effect of predation threat on habitat use by stone loach, one adult brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) was added to each pool. The presence of trout caused stone loach to move into the riffle, especially the smaller loach. Overall, the study showed that stone loach used cover in a visual isolation context, preferring deeper water when there was no predation risk, but made more use of shallower water in the presence of brown trout.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Along a stream, we investigated whether the abundance of stone loach ( Barbatula barbatula , L.) was related to the presence of brown trout ( Salmo trutta , L.) and instream habitat variables. First, a field survey was carried out where different habitat variables and the densities of both species were quantified and subjected to principal components analysis. Then the abundance of stone loach was related to the scores of the retained axes (eigenvalues >1). The abundance of stone loach was positively correlated to substrate particle size, amount of shade, temperature, discharge and current velocity, but negatively correlated to brown trout abundance. Secondly, a month-long field enclosure experiment in a stream was performed to test for any negative effects of brown trout on stone loach growth. Four treatments were used: intraspecific competition (stone loach at double density), interspecific competition (stone loach + small trout), predation (stone loach + large trout) and a control (stone loach alone). The results showed that large trout tended to have negative effects on final stone loach biomass. The absence of a negative effect of large trout on resource density suggests that nonlethal effects rather than resource competition caused this trend.  相似文献   

Abstract  Genetic variation within and among stone loach, Barbatula barbatula L., populations inhabiting anthropogenically degraded watercourses in Flanders (northern part of Belgium) was assessed using five microsatellite markers. High levels of genetic diversity were observed at all sampling sites, (MNA: 6.2–11.2; H O: 0.64–0.75; H E: 0.67–0.85). Estimates of the effective population size varied between 1535 and 3021 individuals and there were no indications of recent severe bottlenecks. Significant genetic differentiation was observed among sites belonging to different river systems and drainage basins. These results suggest human activities, such as pollution and river engineering, have not impacted significantly on genetic variability in the stone loach populations investigated. It is possible that this lack of genetic erosion may be attributed to species-specific characteristics such as pollution tolerance and ecological flexibility.  相似文献   

Stapanian MA, Witzel LD, Cook A. Recruitment of burbot (Lota lota L.) in Lake Erie: an empirical modelling approach.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 326–337. Published 2010. This article is a US Government work and is in the public domain in the USA Abstract – World‐wide, many burbot Lota lota (L.) populations have been extirpated or are otherwise in need of conservation measures. By contrast, burbot made a dramatic recovery in Lake Erie during 1993–2001 but declined during 2002–2007, due in part to a sharp decrease in recruitment. We used Akaike’s Information Criterion to evaluate 129 linear regression models that included all combinations of one to seven ecological indices as predictors of burbot recruitment. Two models were substantially supported by the data: (i) the number of days in which water temperatures were within optimal ranges for burbot spawning and development combined with biomass of yearling and older (YAO) yellow perch Perca flavescens (Mitchill); and (ii) biomass of YAO yellow perch. Warmer winter water temperatures and increases in yellow perch biomass were associated with decreases in burbot recruitment. Continued warm winter water temperatures could result in declines in burbot recruitment, particularly in the southern part of the species’ range.  相似文献   

Abstract– The effect of meal size on the gastric evacuation rate of burbot Lota lota (L.), was determined at a constant temperature of 1.5°C. Burbot were fed vendace Coregonus albula (L.), in varying amounts from 1.0% to 12.6% of burbot weight. Although gastric evacuation rate decreased exponentially with increasing meal size, the absolute amount of food evacuated per day (g. day−1 increased when meal size increased. The estimated maximum daily gastric evacuation rates were 0.8, 1.3 and 1.6 g/day with meal sizes 1%, 5% and 10% of burbot weight (200 g). No difference in gastric evacuation rate was observed between meals of the same size (8 g) but which consisted of either one or three vendace.  相似文献   

The effect of burbot weight (BW) and length (TL) on the efficiency of weaning under controlled conditions was investigated. Growth, survival rate, cannibalism and histological analysis of digestive tract were examined. The experiment lasted 49 days (40–89 days post hatch [DPH]). The fish (BW 0.12 g; TL 14.1 mm) were divided into four groups: a control group (C) exclusively fed Artemia sp. nauplii and groups F40, F47 and F54 that were weaned to dry feed on 40, 47 and 54 DPH, respectively. The highest survival rate was observed in groups C (78%) and F54 (58%). In group F54, similar TL (53.8 mm) and higher BW (1.36 g) at the end of experiment, in comparison with group C (43.9 mm, 0.84 g for TL and BW, respectively), were obtained. At the end of the experiment, the length of enterocytes in groups C and F54 was at a similar level (over 23 μm), whereas in group F47 was significantly lower (approximately 20 μm; P < 0.05). This study for the first time presents successful weaning of the burbot. The data indicate that live food should be offered until the fish reach 25 mm and 0.20 g.  相似文献   

Abstract— Surveys of larval and juvenile fish in the pelagic zone were made in Lake Constance between April and July 1994 with a plankton net. Perch ( Perca fluviatilis ) and burbot ( Lota lota ) were caught persistently, while other species were found only occasionally. Perch and burbot coexisted in the pelagic zone; both species were found first in mid-May, reached peak density in June, and disappeared from the pelagic zone in late July. However, the abundance of perch was much higher than that of burbot. Perch were distributed mainly near the surface, whereas burbot were more abundant at the deeper strata of 5 and 10 m, exhibiting habitat segregation. Perch fed mainly on copepods and positively selected them during their first month of life, and afterwards, they consumed principally on Daphnia , while burbot fed mainly on copepods and positively selected them throughout the study period. Perch grew significantly faster than burbot, and the mean lengths of perch were about 3 times greater than that of burbot in July. The results demonstrate that perch and burbot were the main species of pelagic larvae in Lake Constance between May and July, and that the two species differed somewhat in depth distribution, diet composition and growth.  相似文献   

In this study, susceptibility and potential carrier status of burbot, Lota lota, were assessed for five important fish pathogens. Burbot demonstrated susceptibility and elevated mortality following challenge with infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) by immersion and to Aeromonas salmonicida by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection. IHNV persisted in fish for at least 28 days, whereas A. salmonicida was not re-isolated beyond 17 days post-challenge. In contrast, burbot appeared refractory to Flavobacterium psychrophilum following intramuscular (i.m.) injection and to infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) by immersion. However, i.p injection of IPNV resulted in re-isolation of virus from fish for the duration of the 28 day challenge. Renibacterium salmoninarum appeared to induce an asymptomatic carrier state in burbot following i.p. injection, but overt manifestation of disease was not apparent. Viable bacteria persisted in fish for at least 41 days, and bacterial DNA isolated by diagnostic polymerase chain reaction was detected from burbot kidney tissue 90 days after initial exposure. This study is the first to investigate susceptibility of burbot to selected fish pathogens, and this information will aid in efforts to culture and manage this species.  相似文献   

Burbot, Lota lota (Linnaeus), is a regionally popular sportfish in the Wind River drainage of Wyoming, USA, at the southern boundary of the range of the species. Recent declines in burbot abundances were hypothesised to be caused by overexploitation, entrainment in irrigation canals and habitat loss. This study addressed the overexploitation hypothesis using tagging data to generate reliable exploitation, abundance and density estimates from a multistate capture–recapture model that accounted for incomplete angler reporting and tag loss. Exploitation rate μ was variable among the study lakes and inversely correlated with density. Exploitation thresholds μ40 associated with population densities remaining above 40% of carrying capacity were generated to characterise risk of overharvest using exploitation and density estimates from tagging data and a logistic surplus‐production model parameterised with data from other burbot populations. Bull Lake (μ = 0.06, 95% CI: 0.03–0.11; μ40 = 0.18) and Torrey Lake (μ = 0.02, 95% CI: 0.00–0.11; μ40 = 0.18) had a low risk of overfishing, Upper Dinwoody Lake had intermediate risk (μ = 0.08, 95% CI: 0.02–0.32; μ40 = 0.18) and Lower Dinwoody Lake had high risk (μ = 0.32, 95% CI: 0.10–0.67; μ40 = 0.08). These exploitation and density estimates can be used to guide sustainable management of the Wind River drainage recreational burbot fishery and inform management of other burbot fisheries elsewhere.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to optimize burbot juveniles rearing in recirculating aquaculture system. In experiment 1 (17 °C, photoperiod 24L:0D), the fish (initial: body weight [W] = 15.36 ± 3.72 g, standard length [SL] = 12.48 ± 1.09 cm) were divided into four groups (I, II, III and IV). Different feeding levels were applied: 1, 2, 3 and 4 % of biomass daily (counted based on dry feed weight). The feed conversion ratio (FCR) and specific growth rate (SGR) were recorded. In experiment 2 (17 °C, feeding level of 2 % of biomass day?1), fish (W = 5.24 ± 2.43 g and SL = 8.54 ± 1.24 cm) were divided into two groups where different light conditions were applied (I: 24 h light [1,800 lx] and II: 24 h darkness [4 lx]). In experiment 1, the highest SGR was recorded in group II (1.93 % day?1), whereas the lowest SGR (1.27 % day?1) and final W (P < 0.05) was in I group. The lowest (P < 0.05) FCR (0.63) was in group II. In the remaining groups, FCR was similar (0.68–0.70, P > 0.05). The feed consumption in group I reached 100 %, in group II, it was 71.3 % (P < 0.05) and it was the lowest in groups III (39.26 %) and IV (36.93 %). In experiment 2 no differences in the growth and survival rate were recorded (final SL between 14.16 and 14.19 cm, P > 0.05; W between 23.33–23.35 g; P > 0.05). The results from experiment 1 indicate that the feeding 2 % of biomass day?1 was the most efficient. Also, it was proven, for the first time, that there was no effect of using different constant light conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Seasonal changes in distribution and abundance of euphausiids off south-eastern Hokkaido (41°−43°N), Sanriku (38°−41°N), and Joban (36°−38°N) were investigated using cylindrical-conical nets every two months from March 1997 to February 1998. Twenty-six species of seven genera of euphausiids occurred during the survey. Among them, subarctic-transitional Euphausia pacifica was the most abundant throughout the year in coastal waters, as their relative contribution to the total abundance of euphausiids was 89–92%. This species occurred in each coastal water throughout the survey and was abundant from winter to early summer (February–June) off Sanriku and Joban and in autumn in south-eastern Hokkaido. Thysanoessa inspinata occurred off south-eastern Hokkaido and Sanriku throughout the survey, mainly in spring (April) but rarely occurred off Joban. Three other subarctic Thysanoessa species occurred mainly off south-eastern Hokkaido from winter to spring. Conversely, warm- and transitional-water epipelagic species occurred exclusively off Sanriku and Joban in autumn. The characteristics of seasonal distributional patterns of euphausiids are discussed in relation to the spatial and temporal changes of oceanographic conditions and several predators off north-eastern Japan.  相似文献   

Monitoring of yellow‐phase and silver‐phase Anguilla anguilla during their continental life history is necessary for evaluation of stock recovery measures. Eel population data for an Irish lake (Lough Sheelin) were compiled for the period 1993–2014. Catch data from 2009 to 2014 provided minimum estimates of recent silver eel production ranging annually from 0.79 to 1.84 kg/ha. Long‐term changes in yellow eel abundance and silver eel size structure were assessed as part of a fishery monitoring programme. Yellow eel catch per unit effort (CPUE) in the lake (from longline surveys) was considerably higher in the 1990s (52.2–62.1 eels/100 hooks) than 2002–2008 (1.9–15.8 eels/100 hooks). Conversely, during 1993–2014, the mean size of silver eels migrating from the lake increased significantly (< .001), from 659 mm to 838 mm. The results suggest that in the absence of direct yellow eel abundance data, interannual variation in silver eel size structure may be a useful monitoring tool for local eel stocks as part of Eel Management Plans (EMP's).  相似文献   

The food resource partitioning of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.) and three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) were investigated in the littoral zone of lake Takvatn in northern Norway in the ice-free period June–November. Charr and sticklebacks had different feeding habits. Sticklebacks ate several small benthic prey items that were never eaten by charr, and the sticklebacks' diet were dominated by the benthic microcrustaceans Chydoridae and Ostracoda, chironomid larvae and stickleback eggs. Small charr (<17 cm) consumed a wide spectrum of chironomid pupae, terrestrial insects and zooplankton. Intermediate (17–20 cm) and small charr had quite similar feeding habits, while large charr (>20 cm) frequently ate both benthos, pelagic and terrestrial food. The diet overlap between small charr and sticklebacks was never larger than 0.6 (Schoener's index). The segregation in feeding habits indicates that small charr and sticklebacks are segregated in microhabitat when they are both in the littoral zone.  相似文献   

Overwintering dormancy behaviour was studied in female silver eels in Lake Mälaren in Sweden between 2008 and 2010. Depth choices and movements in relation to temperature were analysed from pressure and temperature records for 13 eels with implanted data storage tags, covering 17 overwintering periods and three intervening summer periods. Dormancy commenced in October–November as temperatures fell below 4–12 °C. Eels tended to remain motionless throughout the winter, with some short periods of activity signalled by small changes in depth distributions. During dormancy, the eel shows a clear avoidance of shallow areas <5 m in favour of the 10–25‐m‐depth interval. Activity tended to resume 4–6 months later in April–May as temperatures rose above 3–7 °C and ice cover broke, and eels spent more time at shallower depths of <5–10 m. The majority of the eels were assessed as being in the silver eel stage at the time of tagging. During the autumn months, the diving behaviour, with frequent and large vertical excursions and periods at the surface, was similar to that seen in migrating eels in the Baltic and Atlantic Ocean. In spring and summer, the behaviour differed, being dominated by more gradual depth variations, implying that the eels reverted from silver eel migration behaviour to yellow eel foraging behaviour. Body weight declined during dormancy, but other studies of starvation over comparable time periods showed significantly higher average specific weight losses, implying that the Mälaren silver eels must have fed between the end of dormancy and recapture.  相似文献   

Cultured red porgy Pagrus pagrus (L.) males (n=6) were sampled every 2 weeks for milt, in order to monitor changes in sperm quality parameters during a whole spawning period. On 11 January 2001, 60% of the fish were spermiating, increasing to 100% in mid‐February and dropping to 30% by mid‐April. Sperm density showed a slight increasing trend, with mean values ranging between 8.6 and 23.7×109 spermatozoa mL?1. Sperm motility percentage exhibited a significant improvement during the spawning season (analysis of variance (anova ) P=0.0001). The duration of forward motility for the major part of the monitoring period ranged between 2 and 4 min. Red porgy spermatozoa maintained their viability for many days after whole storage of milt at 4°C. During the monitoring period there were significant changes in the mean duration of sperm survival after cold storage, ranging from 5 to 12 days. The total volume of expressible milt was maximal on 28 March, increasing from a mean value of 1.7 mL to 5.3 mL kg?1. Milt production of captive‐reared red porgy does not appear to be limiting, when compared with the volume of expressible milt produced by other cultured marine fishes.  相似文献   

Abstract – Seasonal changes in protein and fat were investigated in brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) of a stunted population from a small, temperate zone lake. The lake was ice-covered during winter (about 200 days), and hypolimnic water temperature during winter was about 4°C. During winter there was an increase in specific fat, in particular among the larger sized fish, while there was a general decrease in specific protein content among both small (<5 winters) and large (age 5 or older) trout. During winter (end of October to mid-May) an average trout gained 32 kJ of fat, but protein energy content decreased by 14 kJ, yielding a net energy increase of 18 kJ or a daily energy gain of 0.09 kJ  ·  day−1. During the ice-free season (mid-May to the end of October) the trout increased mainly in protein content with daily energy gains of about 1.4 kJ  ·  day−1, a value about 14 times higher than the corresponding winter value. Trout living in lakes may store considerable amounts of fat during wintertime in contrast to the depletion of fat reserves found among stream-living trout in the same area, which face lower water temperatures in the winter period. Note  相似文献   

太湖湖鲚渔获量及年龄结构变化与环境间的相互关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘恩生  鲍传和  万全 《水产学报》2008,32(2):229-235
在太湖,随着鱼类总渔获量的不断增加和鱼类种类的不断减少,湖鲚(Coilia ectenestaihuensis Yen et Lin),一种小型浮游动物食性鱼类已成为绝对优势种.根据1952-2004年的统计数据和2003-2005年对湖鲚年龄结构和食物组成的调查,研究了湖鲚快速增加的原因以及与环境间的相互关系.结果如下:(1)在1952到2004年期间,湖鲚渔获量从1952年的640.5 t、占总渔获量的15.8%上升到2004年的21 221 t、占63.8%.尤其是1994年后湖鲚渔获量以每年1280.5 t的速度增加;(2)湖鲚种群年龄结构低龄个体呈现不断增加趋势.1979和1980年0 个体仅占33%和34%,而2003和2004年0 个体分别上升到99.04%和99.08%;(3)0 湖鲚主要摄食浮游动物.按照个数组成比例计算,枝角类平均占89.77%±13.69%、桡足类占7.84%±11.53%、轮虫仅占2.39%±4.95%.分析认为:江湖阻隔、过度捕捞、富营养化不断加重等人类活动以及太湖特有的鱼类生态学特点是导致湖鲚渔获量不断增加、年龄结构发生变化的根本原因.随着湖鲚数量的快速增加,在湖鲚生长期间太湖浮游动物现存量呈现相应下降趋势,这可能使太湖浮游植物更易暴发.  相似文献   

In order to gain a better understanding of the reproductive cycles of male and female tench (Tinca tinca), gonadosomatic index, gonad histology and plasma concentrations of estradiol‐17β (E2), testosterone, an drostenedione, 11‐ketotestosterone (11‐KT), 17,20β, 21‐trihydroxy‐4‐pregnen‐3‐one (17,20β,21‐P), 17,20β‐dihydroxy‐4‐pregnen‐3‐one (17,20β‐P) and 17,20α‐dihydroxy‐4‐pregnen‐3‐one (17,20α‐P) were measured at the four seasons of the year, plus a further sampling coincident with the peak of spawning in early July. As expected, in both males and females, the plasma concentrations of androgens (excluding 11‐KT in females – undetectable) and C21 steroids were significantly more elevated in the spring and summer (when most gonadal development took place) than in the autumn and winter. The only unexpected finding was that 17,20β‐P and 17,20β,21‐P, the steroids that are normally associated with oocyte final maturation in females and spermiation in males, were found in substantial amounts in both pre‐vitellogenic, pre‐spermatogenic and post‐spawning fish. This suggests that these steroids may have other as yet unidentified roles in this species.  相似文献   

  • 1. Five side‐channels and small tributaries of the River Avon (Hampshire, UK) were examined between spring 1999 and spring 2000 using point abundance sampling by electrofishing to determine the status of fish listed in Annex II of the EC Habitats Directive prior to habitat management works to enhance spring feeding habitat of wading birds.
  • 2. Seasonal patterns of abundance and microhabitat use of bullhead Cottus gobio and accompanying fish species were examined. Parr of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were sufficiently abundant for microhabitat analysis at one site only. Only two specimens of brook lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis were observed, one at each of two sites. Bullhead was amongst the most abundant fish species at all five sites, 0+ bullhead predominating.
  • 3. Bullhead microhabitat preferences were generally similar at all five sites, but seasonal variations were observed, as was the case for the accompanying fish species, which included dace Leuciscus leuciscus, chub Leuciscus cephalus, stone loach Barbatula barbatula, roach Rutilus rutilus, and threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus.
  • 4. Bullhead conservation status is discussed, in particular the possible exemption of British bullhead populations, such as already granted for those of Finland, from Annex II of the Habitats Directive.
© Crown Copyright 2004 Reproduced with the permission of Her Majesty's Stationary Office. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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