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The objective of this study was to examine the response of red raspberry to boron (B) fertilization. The experiment was carried out during 2002–2003 in a commercial plantation in central Poland on primocane-fruiting ‘Polana’ raspberries planted on a sandy loam soil with low status of organic matter and hot water-extractable B. Raspberries were fertilized with B via foliar or soil application. Foliar B sprays were made four times per season: two weeks before flowering, at the beginning of blooming, and three and six weeks later. In each spray treatment, B was used at a rate of 0.1 kg ha?1. Soil B was applied at the stage of bud break at a rate of 1 kg ha?1. Plants untreated with B served as a control. The results showed that B fertilization, regardless of application mode, increased flower and leaf B concentrations, fruit set, and berry yield. Fruit of B-fertilized plants were firmer, and had higher soluble solids concentrations and numbers of drupelets than those of the control plants. Boron fertilization had no effect on plant vigor, mean berry weight, and titratable acidity of fruit. The obtained results indicated that on coarse-textured soils with low B status, soil or foliar B application should be recommended in red raspberry cultivation to increase yield and improve berry quality.  相似文献   

Calcium (Ca) spray materials improved fruit quality as measured by control of bitter pit, fruit finish (appearance), increased red skin color, reduced incidence of scald, increased juiciness, texture, and fruit firmness of ‘Red’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ apples (Malus domestica, Borkh.). Concentrations of Ca in leaf and fruit tissues were increased by Ca sprays, especially calcium chloride (CaCl2)‐containing spray materials. Improved fruit firmness and control of bitter pit occurred for either standard recommended or high rates of Ca spray materials. At high rates of application, the only significant difference that occurred between early and late applications of Ca spray materials was that less leaf injury occurred with the early applications. Unsprayed ‘Red Delicious’ fruit from M.7 rootstocks had greater fruit peel Ca concentrations and a lower incidence of bitter pit but smaller fruit than fruit from trees on M.26 rootstocks. The above information is strong evidence that Ca sprays are important for the improvement of apple quality.  相似文献   


Minimum sufficiency levels of hull and seed Ca for maximum yield and grade of runner or Virginia type peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) have not been established and there is limited information on single and combined effects of limestone and gypsum on production and quality of peanuts. Field experiments were conducted on runner and Virginia type peanuts to study single and combined effects of limestone and gypsum on yield and grade, and to attempt to establish minimum sufficiency levels of hull and seed Ca for maximum yield and grade of each type. Gypsum treatments, O, low, medium, and high rates, were superimposed on residual limestone rates on three sites with ‘Florunner’ (runner type) and on one site with ‘NC‐7’ (Virginia type) peanuts. Yield and grade of Florunner peanuts were not increased by limestone or gypsum treatments on any site even though soil Ca concentrations (Mehlich 1) ranged from 152 to 200 mg/kg among the sites. These levels were lower than the Georgia recommended minimum sufficiency value of 250 mg/kg. However, yield and grade of ‘NC‐7’ peanuts were increased by limestone or gypsum, but maximum yield occurred only where gypsum was applied even with soil Ca levels of 682 mg/kg. The minimum hull Ca level of 1.2 g/kg and seed Ca of 0.42 g/kg were sufficient for Florunner peanuts since yields and quality were not increased by limestone or gypsum application. Maximim yield and grade were achieved with Florunner at leaf, hull, and seed Ca concentrations of 13.2, 1.2, and 0.42 g/kg as compared with 26.0, 1.9, and 0.58 g/kg for NC‐7, respectively. These data show that NC‐7 has a higher Ca requirement than Florunner.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of fertilizer and irrigation application methods on plant quality of Dianthus ‘Telstar? White’ and ‘Telstar? Red’ grown in the greenhouse. Fertilizer treatments of 0, 10, and 20 g of 16 nitrogen (N)-3.9 phosphorus (P)-10 potassium (K) controlled release fertilizer were topdressed or incorporated. Pots were drip irrigated or hand watered. Irrigation interacted with treatment (P = 0.037) and irrigation interacted with cultivar (P = 0.013) for plant survival. Plant survival was greater for both irrigation treatments using 10 g of fertilizer incorporated. Fewer ‘Telstar? Red’ plants survived with hand irrigation than drip irrigation. ‘Telstar? White’ plants averaged 53% survival regardless of irrigation method. For all treatments drip irrigated plants had greater height, width, and number of flowers than hand watered plants. For fall greenhouse production of dianthus, irrigation and fertilizer application method, cultivar, as well as leaching fraction should be considered.  相似文献   

Calcium chloride (CaCl2), increased Ca concentrations in fruit cortex and peel of ‘Anjou’ pears (Pyrus communis L.). Calcium sprays reduced the fruit disorders: brown core, cork spot and superficial scald. Fruit size (weight) increased while fruit Ca concentrations decreased with fruit at the later harvest dates. The earliest harvest date was associated with a lower incidence of fruit disorders. Superficial scald increased in fruit held longer in cold storage and in ripened fruit. Shelf‐life and fruit quality of Ca‐sprayed fruit was improved due to higher Ca concentrations in fruit peel and cortex resulting in overall enhancement of fruit appearance, and in improvement in the control of the incidences of cork spot, scald, brown core, and external and internal rots, and in amelioration of fruit juiciness and fruit color.  相似文献   

During the period 1977–1980 we studied the effects of highly acidic precipitation (mean pH 4.1 to 4.2) on the chemistry of three Adirondack lakes: Woods Lake, Panther Lake, and Sagamore Lake. Two of these lakes (Woods and Panther) are enough like those lakes of southern Sweden and Norway studied by Henriksen that they should constitute a valid test of his ‘acidification indicator’ and ‘predictor homograph’. In our comparison we used data from weekly samples taken near the surface of the lakes during unstratified summer and fall conditions over a 3 yr period. The acidification indicator and predictor nomograph were developed using data from lake samples taken under similar conditions in Scandinavia. Our principal finding is that with regard to the empirical line of the acidification indicator (that Henriksen found separated data from lakes receiving precipitation greater or less than pH 4.6) and with the precipitation pH axis of the predictor nomograph, these two methods of evaluation are not directly applicable ‘as is’ to our lakes. The reason for this is that the chemistry of precipitation in the Adirondacks is significantly different from (and for) which the acidification indicator and predictor nomograph were developed. In the Adirondacks, acids other than H2SO4 play a much greater role in the overall acidity of the precipitation. This causes relationships between precipitation pH and lake chemistry in the two regions to be different.  相似文献   

Growth of Impatiens wallerana Hook. ‘Accent Red’ was evaluated in three composted urban waste materials (composted biosolids and yard trash (SYT): 20 percent biosolids/sewage sludge, 44 percent yard trimmings, and 36 percent mixed paper; composted refuse fuel residues with biosolids and yard trash (RYT): 74 percent refuse-derived fuel residuals, 10 percent biosolids/sewage sludge, and 16 percent yard trimmings; and composted municipal solid waste (MSW): 100 percent municipal solid waste). Treatments consisted of 100 percent composted waste and media in which the composted wastes were combined with control medium components at 60 percent, 30 percent, or 0 percent composted waste, by volume. Shoot dry mass of plants grown in SYT increased as the percentage of SYT in the medium increased, while shoot dry mass of plants grown in MSW linearly decreased from 1.24 g to 0.15 g. There were no significant differences in shoot dry mass of plants grown in different percentages of RYT. Initial medium soluble salt concentrations in MSW media were more than double concentrations measured in SYT and RYT media. Soluble salt concentrations in both the 100 percent and 60 percent MSW media exceeded 1.75 dS.m?1, while the soluble salt concentrations in 100 percent SYT and 100 percent RYT were 0.50 dS.m?1 and 0.61 dS.m?1, respectively. The C:N ratios in 100 percent SYT and RYT were 17 and 15, respectively, while 100 percent MSW had a C:N ratio of 29. The relatively higher level of compost maturity as indicated by lower C:N and soluble salt concentrations contributed to superior growth of impatiens plants in 100 percent SYT and RYT compared to 100 percent MSW.  相似文献   

The acute toxicity of commercial herbicide, Paraquat was determined by 96-hr static bioassay on the freshwater chlorophytes Scenedesmus dimorphus (Trup.) Kuetz., Scenedesmus quadricauda (Trup.) de Brebisson and Ankistrodesmus falcatus (Cord) Ralfs. The 96-hr EC50 values of Paraquat for reducing growth and metabolic products of the three algae were determined. The number of days required for cell division increased with increasing Paraquat concentration. The three algae and their test parameters respond differently to Paraquat. Scenedesmus dimorphus was the most susceptible alga and the chlorophyll a was the most sensitive response parameter. On the other hand, the dry weight of the test algae was the most resistant parameter. It was observed that Paraquat has inhibitory effect on the primary producers.  相似文献   

It is usually assumed that plant tissue responses to nutritional elements are due to specific genetic differences that may exist either between inbred or closely related species. Little Marvel (dwarf) and Alaska (normal) varieties of 14‐day old pea seedlings were treated with four different concentrations of Al‐containing nutrient solution (0.0mM, 0.2mM, 0.6mM and distilled H2O), prior to being exposed for 14 days to either DARK, LIGHT, or UV. Selected tissues (root tip, main root, main stem and proximal stem) were bioassayed for peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase enzyme activities, fresh wt vs. dry wt, water uptake and stem growth. The present study suggests that Little Marvel and Alaska pea tissue responds to high toxicity levels of Al by demonstrating an enhancement of enzymic activity. Tissue weight, growth and water uptake also show differential tissue specificity in both Little Marvel and Alaska tissue, in terms of Al toxicity response, given a particular external exposure.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to evaluate the yield, fruit size, and vegetative growth of three strawberry cultivars inoculated with three vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) species at three phosphorus (P) fertility levels. Vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhiza inoculation and P fertility had no effect on inflorescence or flower number, total yield, fruit weight, or crown number. Higher levels of P did not increased total dry shoot weight, total fresh shoot, weight leaf area, total dry root weight, and leaf number in the present of VAM. However, the cultivars responded differently to VAM inoculation. Vesicular‐ arbuscular mycorrhiza inoculation in combination with P at all levels increased total dry and fresh shoot weight, leaf area, and leaf number compared to application of P alone. The results indicated that it may be possible to increase strawberry stolon production by inoculating the strawberry plants with VAM, a technique which might be useful in nurseries to produce certified strawberry plants.  相似文献   

’Dormanred’ raspberry (Rubus species) plants grown in sand culture were subjected to varying concentrations of N, Ca, and Mg over a two‐year period. Increasing nitrogen fertilization resulted in linear reductions of leaf Ca, K, Zn, Fe, and Mn but did not affect leaf Mg. Leaf Ca and K increased linearly with Ca fertilization, but applied Ca had an antagonistic influence on leaf Mg. Magnesium fertilization had a positive influence on leaf Mg but negatively affected leaf K, Ca, and Mn. Plant growth was negatively correlated with leaf Ca and leaf K, but had a positive correlation with leaf Mg and Mn. Nitrogen fertilization increased plant growth up to the mid‐level of applied N, but additional N reduced plant growth.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine how phosphorus (P) concentration affects growth, concentration and distribution of nutrients in Leucospermum cordifolium ‘Flame Spike’ (Proteaceae). The trials were performed at the School of Agriculture (ETSIA) of the University of La Laguna (28° 28′ 43′′ N, 16° 19′ 7′′ W) with 64 plants (1-year-old) grown for 12 months in silica sand, fed with nutrient solutions containing different levels of Pi (5, 10, 15 and 20 mg L?1). At 6, 9, and 12 months, whole plants were taken from each experimental unit and divided into root, stem (main, first, second, and third growth) and leaves (adult, first, second, and third growth), which were measured, weighed, and analyzed. The data enabled a nutritional diagnosis, including the limiting P concentrations and nutrient interactions. P concentrations above 5 mg L?1 caused a reduction in growth, which in the third samples was significant (P < 0.05). Plants treated with 15 and 20 mg L?1 P attained similar dry weights (P > 0.05). Some young leaves showed a certain degree of chlorosis, probably due to iron (Fe) deficiency. Fully developed young leaves (YFEL) were suitable for nutritional diagnosis of P, and the P concentration of the nutrient solution affected the foliar manganese (Mn) concentration. This latter factor was related to the zinc (Zn) concentration in the roots.  相似文献   


Nutrient solutions containing three levels of phosphate, nitrate, and chloride were applied to cigar‐wrapper tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants growing in sand culture for a period of 18 days. Concentrations of other nutrient elements in the nutrient solutions were held constant and the solutions were applied to pots as needed to maintain favorable moisture conditions for plant growth. Plants were in the two leaf stage when transplanted and were maintained on a single nutrient solution for 38 days before treatments were started. At the end of an eight weeks growing period, plant leaves were harvested and analyzed for Ca, Mg, and Mn. Dry matter yield was significantly (P=0.01) increased when 2 mM/1 of Ca(NO3)2 replaced an equivalent amount of Ca(H2PO4)2 or CaCl2 in the nutrient solution. Nitrate significantly (P=0.05) increased Ca and Mg content and decreased Mn concentration in leaf tissue in comparison to chloride. Calcium and Mg content were significantly (P=0.05) decreased and Mn content of tobacco leaves was increased by phosphate in comparison to nitrate and chloride.  相似文献   


In many northern regions frost hardiness of new cultivars of woody plants and perennials is fundamental for nursery production and the greenery industry. This study was conducted to determine the effect of calcium fertilization on frost resistance of Forsythia sp. cultivars. Plants were sprayed five times at four week intervals with calcium nitrate 1?g of (Ca(NO3)2). 100?ml H2O?1 per shrub. Shoots were frozen at three temperatures: –20, –25, and –30?°C. In all cases the chlorophyll content index in the leaves, and the calcium (Ca2+) content in leaves and stems of forsythia cultivars were significantly higher when calcium nitrate supplementation was provided. The Ca2+content in the roots was not affected. The freezing temperature had a great effect on the stem frost damage of tested forsythia cultivars. The greatest damage was observed after freezing at –30?°C. However, tissue damage of plants that were sprayed with calcium nitrate was considerably less evident, and cross sections of stems looked significantly better. At the lowest temperatures (–25 and –30?°C) a positive effect of calcium fertilization on lower electrolyte leakage was observed in all tested cultivars. Fertilization with finely ground calcium nitrate increased stem freezing tolerance of forsythia tested cultivars, especially new ones which have stems that are more susceptible to frost damage.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of calcium and nitrogen on quality and quantity of Rosa hybrida in hydroponic culture, using factorial complete randomized design with different levels of ammonium-N (0, 2.5, and 5 mM) and calcium (1.6 and 4.8 mM). The results indicated that ammonium-N concentration of 2 mM increased the number of flowers, length of pedicles, and fresh weight of flower stem per plant. 5 mM of ammonium-N caused a significant decrease in most of the measured characteristics. Increase in calcium concentration enhanced nitrogen, calcium, manganese, and boron; while, potassium, zinc, and copper decreased in the leaf. Flower diameter and fresh weight of flower stems per plant increased significantly. With application of ammonium in the nutrient solution, calcium and potassium concentration in the leaf decreased, whereas phosphorus, zinc, manganese, iron, and boron significantly increased. Therefore, application of 2.5 mM ammonium-N and 4.8 mM calcium are recommended.  相似文献   

Local landraces of shallot from the Romagna region(Northern Italy) and North-western France, called Scalogno di Romagna and French grey,respectively, have recently been evaluated for morphological,biochemical and molecular characters. These populations appeared very different from common shallots and onions, so were re-classified as Allium oschaninii O.Fedtsch., whereas almost no variability was observed within these types. Four di Romagna and three French accessions were grown in Italy, and further evaluated for quality characters such asbulb colour and volatile oil content and composition. Colour was measured by means of a tristimulus colorimeter. Volatile oil was extracted by hydrodistillation and its components separated and identified by GC/MS. Colour parameters differentiated thedi Romagna from the French greyaccessions. Essential oil composition differed from what has been reported for most other Alliums, by a lower amount of1-propenyl- substituents. No individual oil component allowed a good differentiation of the two geographic origins.However, the French and di Romagna accessions were perfectly separated by the discriminant analysis of oil composition.Minor 1-propenyl- components seemed more critical for discrimination. The shallot types examined seemed biochemically differentiatedfrom Allium cepa. Variation in the examined quality characters was detected both between the two provenances and among the accessions of common geographic origin.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine effect of preharvest sprays of calcium (Ca) in the form of Ca-chloride (CaCl2), Ca-nitrate [Ca(NO3)2], or a mixture of Ca-formate, Ca-acetate, CaCl2, and Ca(NO3)2 on cracking and quality of ‘Schattenmorelle’ sour cherry fruit harvested mechanically. The experiment was conducted in 2008–2009 at a commercial orchard in central Poland. Mature trees grew on a coarse-textured soil poor in organic matter, at a spacing of 4.0 × 1.5 m. The spray treatments of Ca were performed at 7-day intervals, starting 28 days before harvest, at the rates of 5.0–5.6 kg Ca ha?1 per season. The trees sprayed with water were treated as the control. Fruit were harvested mechanically when peduncle-fruit detachment force dropped below 3 N. The results showed that preharvest Ca sprays caused no leaf damage. This measure did not affect yield, mean fruit weight, soluble solids concentration and titratable acidity of fruit, and weight loss of fruit during 24 h after harvest. Fruit sprayed with Ca had improved status of this nutrient, and were less liable to juicy leakage from the stem scar, rain-induced cracking, and preharvest decay caused by Glomerella cingulata. The above effects of Ca sprays did not depend on the tested material. It was concluded that preharvest sprays of Ca as CaCl2 and/or Ca(NO3)2 should be recommended in ‘Schattenmorelle’ sour cherry orchards to reduce fruit losses resulting from rain-induced cracking, leakage of juice, and the incidence of cherry bitter rot.  相似文献   

In southern Jiangxi province of China, ‘Newhall’(Citrus sinensis Osbeck) navel orange presented a conspicuous symptom of boron (B) deficiency in mature leaves, whereas B deficiency symptoms were not manifested on ‘Skagg's Bonanza’(C. sinensis Osbeck) navel orange. In this study, changes in concentrations of B, calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) were comparatively investigated in the structural parts of the fruit (rind and pulp) and leaves (old leaves from last season and spring-flush leaves from current year) of ‘Newhall’ and ‘Skagg's Bonanza’ navel orange during the growing season. Two peaks of B concentrations were observed in the rind of the two cultivars during fruitlet growth and fruit enlargement, respectively. Boron concentrations were relatively high in the rind during fruitlet growth, and then decreased in both rind and pulp, whereas, during middle and late fruit enlargement significant increases were found for B in both rind and pulp of the two cultivars. Boron concentrations in old leaves of ‘Newhall’ decreased progressively and remained relatively low, whereas that of ‘Skagg's Bonanza’ was relatively high and changed slightly as the season progresses. Both Ca and K concentrations were above the critical threshold values, while their dynamics were reverse to that of B in fruit and leaves during certain times. Old leaf Mg concentrations of samples at 140 days after full bloom from the two cultivars and spring-flush leaves from ‘Newhall’ were below the threshold limit for sufficiency. In addition, Mg in old leaves was much lower from ‘Newhall’ than from ‘Skagg's Bonanza’. Spring-flush leaf concentrations of Mn and Zn and Mn concentrations in old leaves from ‘Newhall’ were relatively lacking during middle and late season, which accelerated the occurrence of B deficiency symptoms on mature leaves of ‘Newhall.’  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to examine the vegetative and generative responses of highbush blueberry to boron fertilization. The study was carried out in 2002–2003 in Central Poland on mature ‘Bluecrop’ blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) planted at a spacing of 3 × 1 m on a sandy loam soil with pH value of 3.9 and low hot water soluble boron status. Blueberries were soil- or foliar-supplied with boron. Foliar boron sprays were done four times per season: at the beginning of blooming, at petal fall, and three and six weeks after the ending of flowering. In each spray treatment, boron was applied at a rate of 0.2 kg ha?1. Soil boron was applied at the stage of bud break at a rate of 2 kg ha?1. Plants untreated with boron served as control. The results showed that boron fertilization increased boron levels in flower and leaf tissues. This treatment, regardless of boron application mode, did not affect plant vigor, the number of flowers per cane, fruit set, nor yield. Also mean fruit weight and berry firmness were not influenced by boron fertilization. Fruit of boron-supplied blueberries had higher soluble solids concentrations than those of the control plants. It is concluded that boron requirements of highbush blueberry are relatively low compared to most fruit crops and that critical leaf boron concentrations of ‘Bluecrop’ blueberry are below 15 mg kg?1 DW.  相似文献   

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