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正吉林省农业委员会于8月12日,在长春农博园举办第三届"长白山人参"美食大赛,旨在进一步加快人参进入食品领域步伐,促进产业健康发展。人参主产区参业主管部门领导、人参行业专家,"长白山人参"品牌产品生产企业代表将出席本次活动。本次美食大赛以传播中华人参文化,享用地道人参美食为主题。让更多人  相似文献   

钟雪灵 《人参研究》2011,23(3):58-58
他倾尽一腔热血为人参立传,人参几乎成为他精神的图腾,虽历尽艰辛却无怨无悔。人参已深深扎根于他的生命,他的血脉中就汩汩流淌着人参文化。所以今年春天,吉林省人参商会授予他"长白山人参文化大师"之称号。  相似文献   

正对袁俊贤的"关于日本《正仓院药物》122号样品问题"[1]一文做过批驳。在2015年《人参研究》第3期,以"因特网上关于人参的诸多谬论需尽快清理"为题[2],对袁氏在多方面抄袭拙文"鉴真大师辨明真人参"的内容:妄称我国自《神农本草经》以来所用的人参都是桔梗科党参,金元以来中国才开发应用五加科人参等谬论,作了初步的揭露。同时声明拙文是为批驳国际人参研究权威日本学者柴田承二教授,维护中国药用人参  相似文献   

正袁俊贤在《人参本草考证和中药检验研究》中~([1]),以"东北五加科人参的开发始于辽金时代"为主题目,将"女真(满)族人是人参开发者"为副题,侈谈东北人参开发始于辽金;女真(满)族对人参进行了原始开发。就全文内容而言,此文是袁氏"我从20世纪60年代起,十分关注地查阅、摘录、收集了古今中外有关人参本草考证的文献资料,退休后始于2000年,通过精心研究,严谨考证,撰写了人参本草考证的系列专  相似文献   

中国是人参的宗主国,又是世界人参大国,其栽培面积最大、产量也最高,每年向国际市场输出大量的人参,吉林长白山人参产量占全国85%,占世界人参总产量的70%以上。世界人参在中国,中国人参看吉林。许多国人"只知人参之名,不知人参之用"。"科学就是整理事实",我们说的科学吃法,就是从事实中  相似文献   

正为庆祝第30届中国抚松长白山人参节,弘扬博大抚松人参文化,挖掘抚松人参精品,提升"长白山人参"知名度、美誉度,促进抚松县人参产业健康发展,2016年9月6日,由抚松县委宣传部主办,抚松县人参产业发展中心承办的抚松县"第11届参王大赛",在国家级长白山(万良)人参市场隆重举行。  相似文献   

正人参作为我国名贵中药材之首,有着家喻户晓的知名度,被称为百草之王。但人们对人参家族的成员,与人参并称"北参南七"的三七却知之甚少。其实,三七和人参都是五加科人参属植物,是名副其实的亲兄弟。现代植物学研究证明,三七与被誉为百草之王的人参、西洋参是近亲,它们同属五加科人参属植物,并都以皂苷为主要有效成分。但它们既有相同之处,又有明显的不同点,区别在于药用价值和药理作用的不完全相同。  相似文献   

正大自然中,不论动物、植物、菌类、矿物质、微生物等等,都与人类生存密不可分,其中尤以植物界中的人参,人参与人类有着超然的神秘关系,值得人们去探究。1野山参与人类肉眼所及之外在关联1.1人参生长在地下部分根芦与人的关联人们经常看到的人参,大多为根芦。根似人类的躯体,芦似人类的头颈。园参一般只有"腿",没有"胳膊",因为其生长六年左右便收获,还来不及生长出"胳膊"。所谓"胳膊",即人参的不定根,参农称为  相似文献   

人参化学成分和药理作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋齐 《人参研究》2017,(2):47-54
人参在《神农本草经》中被列为上品药物,具有"多服久服不伤身、轻身益气不老延年"的作用。其在中医药临床领域中具有悠久的历史,然传统研究进展十分缓慢,属于古代朴素研究阶段。由于现代科技的飞速发展,对人参的研究也得到了突飞猛进的突破。查阅国内外人参在神经系统、抗肿瘤、心脑血管免疫功能等方面的研究资料,并对其进行分类概述。总结了人参的药理作用,为进一步揭示人参的药理作用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

<正>《人参研究》杂志(ISSN 1671-1521;CN22-1156/S)是目前国内惟一的人参专业科技期刊,由吉林人参研究院(吉林省长白山天然药物研究院)主办,为《中国农业核心期刊》、《中国期刊全文数据库》全文收录期刊、《中国学术期刊综合评价数据库》统计源期刊,国内外公开发行。《人参研究》杂志主要报道人参、西洋参和长白山药用植物的栽培新技术、病虫害防治新方法、药理植化研究新成果、加工新工艺和新产品开发等。《人参研究》杂志开设"专论"、"综述"、"栽培研究"、"药理药化研究"、"测试分析"、"加工技术"、"新产品介  相似文献   

臂形草属[Brachiaria(Trinius)Grisebach]牧草是一种重要的放牧型牧草和水土保持植物,但原有品种已不能满足生产上的多样性需求,而热研15号刚果臂形草耐干旱,耐酸瘦土壤;侵占性强;耐践踏、耐重牧,与豆科混播亲和力强,适合草地建设、水土保持和果园田间;产量高,平均年产量达到209.87t/hm2·a,营养价值和饲用价值高,分别达14.12%和17.42%,具有良好的开发和利用价值。  相似文献   

吴宁 《茶叶》2010,36(4):249-252
张志澄先生(1910-1997),茶学专家,三十五年如一日地在江苏从事茶叶科研、生产和经营。他从全国各地大量地引进良种和设计并推广具有江苏特色的生态茶园,他对江苏省茶叶的发展做出了极大的贡献。今年是张志澄先生百年诞辰,特写此文纪念他。  相似文献   

Summary Methods for the estimation of amylolytic activity are reviewed. A procedure for the routine extraction of amylolytic activity from freeze-dried powder prepared from potato tubers is described. The extraction medium is buffered at pH 7.0 and contains glycerol, dithiothreitol, calcium chloride and the non-ionic detergent, nonidet P-40. α-Amylase activity and exoamylolytic activity were estimated in crude extracts of potato tubers using the substrates, blockedp-nitrophenyl-maltoheptaoside andp-nitrophenyl-maltopentaoside respectively. These substrates are included in kits supplied by Biocon, (UK) Ltd to measure the α- and ?-amylase activity in cereals. The validity of using these kits for the determination of α- and ?-amylase activity in potato tuber tissue is discussed.  相似文献   

Potato cyst-nematodes,Globodera pallida andG. rostochiensis (golden nematode), and their preferred host, the potato, originated in the Andes of South America. Both were introduced into Europe from the Andean region, the potato about 1570 and the nematode nearly 300 years later. Potato cyst-nematodes are believed to have been introduced into Europe in the 1850’s along with potato collections from the Andes for use in breeding for late blight resistance, but the nematodes went unnoticed until 1881. Since that time the nematodes have spread to virtually everywhere that potatoes are grown, as one or both species have now been reported from 47 countries. It is believed that the golden nematode was introduced into the U.S.A. from Europe on military equipment brought back after the First World War to Long Island, NY, but the nematode was not recognized until some 20 years later. Yield losses in countries with general infestations of potato cyst-nematodes are probably 9% or more; the potential for losses is greatest in countries where average yields are greatest, such as the U.S.A. Good resistance to the pathotype of the nematode that occurs in the U.S.A. is commercially available. If all potatoes grown in the U.S.A. contained this resistance, further spread would be restricted and the golden nematode could perhaps be eliminated from the U.S.A.; but the present supply and diversity of resistant varieties are insufficient for the total potato acreage. Restricting spread of the golden nematode in the U.S.A. minimizes costs borne by growers and government agencies in dealing with the pest. At present, the most promising approach to restricting spread is through management systems developed for keeping nematode densities below the critical level above which spread will occur. If the golden nematode is to be contained, management systems must eventually be applied to all potato acreages. Increased research effort is needed to develop resistant varieties, resistance to a broad range of pathotypes, nematode management systems, and biological control  相似文献   

The major concern in electrospinning process is the occurrence of jet formation. In order to study physical properties of the solution and process parameters, stable jet voltage model is developed to predict the stabilized jet in electrospinning. Break-up frequency model, that predicts behavior of drop breaking, is the theoretical background for stable jet voltage model. This newly developed model based on the previous work gives a clue to produce stable nano thickness fibers and the results are compared with the experimental data by PVP electrospinning. The result of stable jet voltage modeling shows that surface tension is the most important factor and molecular weight and concentration are both negligible for surface tension of solutions. Surface tension of the solution depends on the types of solvent. Therefore, surface tension of solution has different values of stable jet voltage. The stable jet voltage model that predicts the most similar experimental value is SIC hemispherical model under force mode.  相似文献   

The use of the correct variety has an important influence on the economic use of sown grassland. The production of seed must be done in such a way that the essential characters of varieties are preserved. The O.E.C.D. Herbage Seed Scheme provides a sound basis for seed production, and has made possible the wider exploitation of good seed growing areas. The technical basis for some of the rules is discussed. It is concluded that in the 8 years in which the Scheme has been operating there has been a significant change in the pattern of seed use with a greater emphasis on the better varieties.  相似文献   

This review considers the distribution, weed problems, biology and control of Oxalis stricta, O. latifolia and O. pes-caprae. The rhizomatous O. stricta is a persistent seed-producing weed which invades horticultural crops in North America. Chemical control is generally most effective in situations where soil-applied residual herbicides can be used; in turfgrass however, foliage-applied herbicides provide suppression only. O. latifolia is widely distributed in a range of annual and perennial crops growing in temperate and tropical locations. This pernicious perennial weed reproduces exclusively by asexual structures, underground bulbs, stolons and tubers. The complexities of the perennating system have rendered ineffective a wide range of herbicide families as a means of restricting the spread of O. latifolia. Similarly, cultural methods of control have not been successful. O. pes-caprae also grows and perennates from bulbs. This weed is essentially a problem in cereal crops in Southern Australia and Mediterranean fruit orchards. Cultural and chemical control difficulties and inadequacies are similar to those in O. latifolia. Future research strategies involving weed physiology, herbicide action and cultural control including biological control are discussed in relation to obtaining improved control methods for the selected Oxalis species.  相似文献   

Genetic traits within Ornithopus sativus Brot. make it suitable for breeding as a forage legume in agriculture. The breeding system of O. sativus must be understood to stabilize valuable traits once developed. Hybridization between white‐flowered and pink‐flowered genotypes of O. sativus revealed the white flower colour to be inherited recessively to pink, while early flowering showed genetic dominance over late flowering (d = 0.5). The pink flower colour was always associated with red pigmentation on seedling hypocotyls, which provided a pragmatic aid in the selection process. Pollination of O. sativus is largely autogamous, but examination of hypocotyl colour of seedlings from white‐flowered trap plants placed among pink‐flowered plants in a sward indicated a xenogamic cross‐pollination rate of 25% is possible. This significant level of cross‐pollination revealed opportunities for breeding desirable traits within the species, while providing a warning that shifts in population structure could occur in response to selection pressure.  相似文献   

吴宁 《茶叶》2015,(2):114-118
茶人叶作舟(1897-1974)是吴觉农先生的终生好友。1940年,吴觉农委托他去衢州万川筹建浙江东南茶叶改良场,1941年秋,叶作舟又去负责武夷山茶叶研究所推广组的工作。本文根据近年来所收集的资料,追忆叶作舟先生的一些往事。  相似文献   

《Grass and Forage Science》1964,19(1):156-159
The traditional method of calculating field output by the utilized-starch-equivalent (U.S.E.) system is compared with a recommended simpler and quicker method. The concept of calculating a U.S.E. factor is introduced and forms the basis for the new method. A monthly U.S.E. factor is used, in conjunction with monthly cow-day (CD.) records to calculate U.S.E. Savings of at least 50% may be expected. Agreement between the two methods is very close and the more seasonal nature of the calculation for sheep and non-milking cattle under the new method may be preferable.  相似文献   

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