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本文着重讲述了南美白对虾在我国北方各省、市人工育苗技术和养殖商品虾的发展变化,尤其对育苗用水的消毒处理,饵料系列的构成管理和投饵量的控制,幼体发育生长,各期的变态特点和在自然海域中分布繁殖特点,人工育苗种苗育成率偏低的原因进行了分项论述,并对育苗和养殖成虾过程中发生的不良现象、各种疾病进行了防治探讨。  相似文献   

轮虫室内人工培育技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在海水鱼、虾、蟹等海水养殖品种人工养育过程中,轮虫作为重要的前期动物性饲料,得到了广泛的应用。稳定、充足的轮虫供应是育苗成功的重要保证。目前轮虫的获得主要有两种方式:室外土池培养和室内水泥地培养。比较而言,室外土池培养具有生产费用低、产量大等优点,但受季节、水  相似文献   

<正> 褶皱臂尾轮虫(Brachionus plicatilis)具有生长快、繁殖力强,营养丰富等特点,现已成为鱼、虾、蟹类人工育苗不可缺少的优良动物性饵料,且在生产中需求量很大,特别在近几年来的河蟹育苗中,由于育苗时间较早,野生轮虫远远不能满足生产需要。为提高育苗成活率,降低成本,笔者结合省内外轮虫室内高密度培养实践简要总结如下,供育苗同仁参考。 1 培育池  相似文献   

The success of rapidly growing aquaculture industry depends on the steady supply of fish seeds. Appropriate food for initial larval stages is critical for mass scale fish seed production. Live food found better over artificial food for fish larvae culture. Rotifers have been found to be the best live food for feeding fish larvae in early life stage. Attempts have been made to develop viable techniques for the production of rotifer through batch, continuous, and semi-continuous culture methods. In order to feed increased number of fish larvae, rotifer need to be cultured under high-density method. Various efforts have been made for increasing culture density of rotifer. In Japan, stable high-density culture of rotifer has been developed in commercial scale at a rate of 20,000–30,000 ind. ml?1. Later on, ultra-high-density rotifer culture (160,000 ind. ml?1) was found successful, which can fulfill the increased demand for rotifer as fish larval food. Furthermore, a scope of alternative use of rotifer can be explored. The development of the high-density rotifer culture method in Japan has been reviewed. The considerations of the associated nutritional requirements, microbial aspects, and prospects of high-density culture have been discussed.  相似文献   

实验室条件下,分别以面包酵母和扁藻为饵料培养褶皱臂尾轮虫(以下简称轮虫)。结果表明,轮虫摄食扁藻的生长繁殖效果要好于摄食酵母。以扁藻为食物,其带卵率和带卵数分别为45.5%和3.1个,而以酵母为食物,其带卵率和带卵数仅分别为32.5%和2.2个。在轮虫接种密度情况下(经一个培养周期7天),轮虫密度分别为54个/ml、32.5/ml。  相似文献   

Gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) has been shown to enhance the reproduction of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis Muller in stressful culture conditions. During the enrichment of rotifers for feeding to marine fish larvae, they are usually stressed as a result of exposure to different marine oils and high population densities. This typically results in decreased rotifer survival, reproduction and swimming activity. In the present study, we used GABA to increase rotifer reproduction and the swimming activity of rotifers in enrichment cultures. GABA treatment 24 h before high density enrichment enhanced reproduction during enrichment culture, but not when carried out simultaneously with enrichment. Swimming activity was not significantly affected by GABA treatment 24 h before or simultaneously with nutrient enrichment.  相似文献   

The present and commonly used batch culture system (BCS) as adopted by many small‐scale tropical hatcheries is beset by poor rotifer production and sudden crashes. This study aimed to produce nutritive rotifers and evaluate their performance based on the BCS by using phototrophic bacteria (PB) that can be easily and cheaply cultured from palm oil mill effluent (POME), an agro‐industrial byproduct usually discarded as waste. Brachionus rotundiformis given a sole diet of POME‐grown PB (Rhodovulum sulfidophilum) grew as well as on the commercially produced microalgae, Nannochloropsis. Production, growth rate and fecundity of rotifers fed condensed bacterial cells (bPB) and culture broth of bacteria grown in POME (cPB) were evaluated. The best performance in terms of the stated parameters was obtained for rotifers fed 200 mL of cPB in 3 L of culture water; this media sustained a mean rotifer density of 600–900 individuals mL?1 after 3–6 days of culture. The biochemical composition of rotifers fed PB was comparable to those fed microalgae, except that the former contained more polyunsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

1立项目的轮虫是现代鱼、虾、蟹类人工育苗阶段大量被使用的鲜活生物饵料的微型浮游性动物。尤其是近年来,随着工厂化集约式鱼、虾、蟹类育苗及养殖业的快速发展,轮虫类作为优质的鲜活生物饵料的应用量越来越大,培养轮虫能带来丰厚的经营利润。所以很多养殖体(户)和养殖育苗场家把目光也转向轮虫的培养生产上来,出现了养殖轮虫生物饵料和培苗一体(一条龙)化生产。这样大大节省了开支(节省了饵料占育苗成本的50%),增加了收益。但在轮虫的培养过程中,总会碰到一些问题和困难,造成轮虫的培养产量低且不很稳定,故我所将该项目确立为预备科研工作。2工作准备与器具的购置于2005年3月20日到黄骅市南大港开发区孔庄子实验基地进行了初步考察,确立为本实验基地。这里是对砖窑洼坑加以改造修建成的,占地面积20hm2,以养殖虾类、鱼类为主体的养殖场。实际有效水面为13.3hm2左右,主要由18个池塘(含有一个钓鱼池环沟和一个约2hm2的淡水蓄水池),500~700m的两口深水井等配套设施组成。该项研究与沧州市水产技术推广站、黄骅市南大港俊海实验场共同合作。2.1轮虫池的准备实验前计划准备养殖两个池塘的轮虫。进厂后,由于养殖轮虫与厂里养虾的操作利用程序...  相似文献   

Rotifer growth performance and microbial community changes associated with rotifer cultures were monitored while different feed types (Nannochloropsis oculata paste and the commercial yeast based feed CS-3000), different regimes (daily changes, changes per batch and no changes) and mixtures of three probionts (Phenylobacterium sp.; Gluconobacter sp. and Paracoccus denitrificans) were provided. It was shown that the dominant bacterial species in the cultures receiving either N. oculata or CS-3000 were different. However, in cultures receiving both feeds (either switching between feeds on a daily basis or on a batch basis), a high similarity in microbial community fingerprint was found. The presence of probionts was detected by the end of four batch culture cycles in spite of strong shifts of the bacterial community. By group discriminant analysis, it was found that Phenylobacterium sp. and Paracoccus sp. contributed positively to the CS-3000-fed group, while Gluconobacter sp. contributed positively to the N. oculata-fed group, although they did not appear as very dominant species.  相似文献   

高产轮虫池的硬度在113.5~147.6mmoL/L之间,碱度在3.57~4.68mmoL/L内变化,后期DO、pH都很高,随轮虫量的增加,DO、pH值都有不同的降低,但非循环水池的变幅相对小。半循环水池的氨态氮、活性磷等营养盐随轮虫量的升高而升高,而非循环水池的氨态氮则无这种关系,它与水中的大型浮游植物有很大关系。在培养期间非循环水池和半循环水池有很大的差别,非循环水池各理化因子的变化范围是:DO:2.62~14.7mg/L,pH8.75~9.59,氨氮:1.44~3.28mg/L,活性磷:0.15~0.425 mg/L,COD:27.8~66.2 mg/L;半循环水池的各范围是:DO:3.8~14.88 mg/L,pH值:8.52~9.52,氨氮:1.17~3.95 mg/L,活性磷:0.05~0.442mg/L。  相似文献   

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