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Post-dispersal seed predation of non-target weeds in arable crops   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Field experiments were conducted to quantify the natural levels of post-dispersal seed predation of arable weed species in spring barley and to identify the main groups of seed predators. Four arable weed species were investigated that were of high biodiversity value, yet of low to moderate competitive ability with the crop. These were Chenopodium album, Sinapis arvensis, Stellaria media and Polygonum aviculare. Exclusion treatments were used to allow selective access to dishes of seeds by different predator groups. Seed predation was highest early in the season, followed by a gradual decline in predation over the summer for all species. All species were taken by invertebrates. The activity of two phytophagous carabid genera showed significant correlations with seed predation levels. However, in general carabid activity was not related to seed predation and this is discussed in terms of the mainly polyphagous nature of many Carabid species that utilized the seed resource early in the season, but then switched to carnivory as prey populations increased. The potential relevance of post-dispersal seed predation to the development of weed management systems that maximize biological control through conservation and optimize herbicide use, is discussed.  相似文献   

The biodiversity of farmed landscapes is, in the context of agricultural intensification, a key aspect with regard to improving the sustainability of agroecosystems. Olive groves are undergoing rapid changes because of the spread of intensive farming systems, which may have negative environmental impacts. This paper reports a survey on the aboveground flora and seed banks in five olive groves located in Andalusia (Southern Spain). In this study, the following three management systems have been compared: no‐tillage, with the mowing of spontaneous weedy vegetation; no‐tillage, with the mowing of planted cover crops (Poaceae); and conventional tillage practices. Results showed that coverage and an abundance of vegetation are favored by spontaneous weedy vegetation with mowing management, while the richness of aboveground species was affected by landscape diversity and the presence of edges, which increases the richness and diversity of aboveground flora species in olive groves. Seed bank composition showed a low relationship with aboveground flora in the three cover crop management systems. The multivariate analysis performed pointed to those seed species that have a major influence on the aboveground flora communities of each of the three agricultural systems. The seed bank was clearly impoverished in terms of both abundance and species richness after the long‐term conventional tillage practices. We conclude that the intensive long‐term conventional tillage dramatically reduces weed communities in olive orchards and the subsequent ecosystem services provided by them.  相似文献   

The agricultural landscape of central Europe has changed dramatically in recent decades due to intensified cultivation, bringing many of its characteristic species to the brink of extinction. We investigated whether landscape structure affects the genetic structure and diversity of remnant populations of the two arable plant species Adonis aestivalis and Consolida regalis. We used dominant amplified fragment length polymorphism markers (AFLPs) and compared populations from six regions of 5 km² in central Germany. These regions represent two different classes of landscape structural complexity: intensively used, homogeneous landscapes (>95% of area covered by arable land with low extent of field margins) or heterogeneous regions (<60% of area covered by arable land with large extent of field margins). Contrary to expectations, within‐population diversity levels did not significantly differ between homogeneous and heterogeneous landscapes. No significant isolation‐by‐distance was found for either species, regardless of landscape structure, and genetic structures may still mirror more continuous conditions before large‐scale restructuring commenced in Germany's arable landscapes from the 1950s onwards. These results suggest that current landscape complexity, as such, is not as important for local‐level genetic structure for the species studied. Thus, homogenised and intensively used landscapes may also be important for the conservation of arable plant diversity and should not be neglected.  相似文献   

Herbicide resistance is a widespread issue that impacts management of conventional farms, but also has ramifications for the weed community assembly; it is therefore important to see how these species factor into the weed community assembly of farms throughout the countryside. This research analysed species richness and community diversity in 98 field relevés from 48 organic and 50 conventional farms evenly distributed between two major production regions of the Czech Republic and then evaluated the incidence of species which have been reported resistant in the Czech Republic and its neighbouring countries. Farms were selected independently of any acknowledged resistant species. Out of 164 species found in this survey, only eight species have had herbicide-resistant biotypes reported in the Czech Republic, while a total of 19 species had herbicide-resistant biotypes reported in neighbouring countries. Species with recorded resistance to PSII inhibitors in the Czech Republic tended to be found together and were mostly associated with the beet production region, characterised by low altitude: Amaranthus retroflexus, Chenopodium album, Echinochloa crus-galli and Solanum nigrum. Species with reported resistance to ALS and ACCase-inhibiting herbicides were not clearly associated with a particular region or farming type. Of the species which have had reported herbicide resistance in the neighbouring countries, several were found in conventional fields within the growing season and we recommend immediate screening for herbicide resistance in these species and more diligent action in management according to anti-resistance strategies: Bromus sterilis resistant to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides, A. retroflexus resistant to ALS-inhibiting herbicides or Avena fatua resistant to ACCase and ALS-inhibiting herbicides. This work is unique in that it is evaluating weed species diversity in organic and conventional farms and using the context to frame the prevalence of high-risk herbicide-resistant species; thereby putting the potential incidence of herbicide resistance into perspective at the landscape level.  相似文献   

Floristic composition and conservation value of the weed vegetation of winter cereal fields on base-rich soils in western Hungary was compared among three management systems: (i) small, extensively managed fields; (ii) small, intensively managed fields and (iii) large, intensively managed fields. Data were analysed by principal components analysis (PCA) and redundancy analysis (RDA). Most variation in species composition was explained by the differences between the three field types, particularly by the difference between the extensively managed fields and the two types of intensively managed fields and by crop cover. There were several species positively associated with small extensively managed fields, but no species associated with either of the two types of intensively managed fields. Logistic regression was made of the occurrence of species groups important for nature conservation on the first RDA axis, representing the distinction between the extensively and intensively managed fields. This showed that Red List and insect-pollinated plant species occurred more frequently in small extensively managed fields, but there was no difference between fields in the frequency of bird seed-food species.  相似文献   

Weed species diversity may benefit from organic farming due to enhanced temporal diversification of crop species in a rotation and omission of herbicide applications. However, in intensively managed conventional systems, little evidence exists as to what extent diversified crop rotations contribute to higher weed species richness. Using an on-farm approach, the effect of crop rotation (organic, conventional diverse (CD) and conventional simple (CS) crop rotations) and weed control (with vs. without) on weed species richness, cover, community composition and crop biomass, was analysed in 24 winter wheat fields. Weed species with beneficial functions for invertebrates and birds were analysed separately. Weed species richness was higher in the organic crop rotation, but did not differ between CD and CS crop rotations. Weed control treatment reduced species richness in both conventional rotations, but not in the organic one. Redundancy analyses revealed that crop rotation intensity accounted for the largest part of the explained variation in weed species composition. Results from the study indicate that the maintenance of weed species richness and conservation of species with important ecological functions requires not only temporal diversification of crop species in the rotation, but also an adjustment of weed control strategies.  相似文献   

Summary Two experiments have investigated the persistence of 16 arable, annual broad-leaved weed species over 6 years in a silty loam and a clay soil. Small plastic beads were included as an 'inert' comparison. Seeds were broadcast in October on to plots at the start of the experiment, and these were either tine cultivated or ploughed annually thereafter. Plots were sown with either spring or winter wheat. As far as possible, weed seeding was prevented each year. For some species, the seed decline appeared to be slower on the ploughed plots than on the tined plots and in the winter wheat compared with the spring wheat. Seed decline also tended to be slower on the clay soil at Rothamsted than on the silty loam at Long Ashton. Some species declined rapidly (e.g. Brassica napus , Chrysanthemum segetum , Galium aparine , Galeopsis tetrahit ), with annual decline rates in excess of 58%, whereas others declined very little (e.g. Papaver rhoeas decline rate 9%). Most of the other species had decline rates between 20% and 40%. The results are discussed in relation to the development of population dynamics models to predict long-term consequences of alternative weed management strategies.  相似文献   

Weed seeds present an agronomic threat, but are also an important food resource for wildlife in winter. Weed seed densities on the soil surface in winter were examined from 1999 to 2002 in 105 fields on three different farms in UK. The effect of the preceding crop, cultivation, position within the field and the application of seed for birds (bird seed) on surface seed abundance and species composition was tested. Six or fewer species comprised c. 80% of the weed seeds. By January of each study year, the densities of seeds important for farmland birds (key seeds) were 73% or 87% lower compared with early winter on two of the farms, but were stable on the third where seeds were incorporated through cultivation. At the edge and mid‐field, seed densities only exceeded 400 m?2 in 17%, 10% and 12% of fields for total, key and dicotyledonous seeds respectively. The preceding crop only affected seed densities at one site; stubbles of winter barley had fewer seeds compared with winter wheat or spring barley. Seed densities varied between the edge and mid‐field, but trends were inconsistent between sites. The density of the larger seeds (Atriplex patula, Viola arvensis, Polygonum aviculare and Chenopodium album) were reduced in fields receiving bird seed. The objectives of weed control and conservation may not be mutually exclusive because seed return was most reduced where the ground remained uncultivated through the winter, yet this also provided the best foraging opportunities for surface feeding seed predators.  相似文献   

An arable field was subdivided and subjected to either deep inversion ploughing or non‐inversion cultivation after viable seeds of Bromus sterilis had been sown into oilseed rape stubble. After sowing in isolated plots distributed within the field, sequences of cropping treatments for the establishment of two successive winter wheat crops were applied. Each subfield was split into an uphill and a downhill direction for soil cultivation. The field had a 10° slope. In the season following seed introduction, 2.6% of the introduced seeds had successfully germinated and established in the non‐inversion cultivation regime, when no effective graminicide was applied. Ploughing eradicated B. sterilis. Using differential global positioning system (DGPS) mapping of the whole field population, emerged plants were observed up to 8.7 m (uphill treatment) and 21.3 m (downhill treatment) of their initial source. The median distance seeds were transported was 2.3 m uphill and 4.8 m downhill. Post‐emergence application of the herbicide propoxycarbazone slightly reduced weed density and seed weight, and almost halved weed seed production. Application of fenoxaprop‐P‐ethyl was followed by higher density of plants, tillers and seeds of B. sterilis. Seed viability was unaffected by herbicide use. Thus, in the second wheat crop following seed rain, the weed population was dispersed more widely in the field, such that 20–30% of seeds were dispersed more than 5 m distance from the first year's foci of infestation. The relevance of soil cultivation to secondary dispersal of B. sterilis is discussed.  相似文献   

Fractal analysis can provide a unique mathematical tool to quantify the geometry of irregular and complex plant canopies. This study demonstrated that a single numerical fractal dimension (FD) value derived from an image taken from above the plant canopy could differentiate between and rank the canopies of a range of plant species. We also investigated the influence of canopy architecture and surface characteristics on spray retention. Multiple regressions were used to derive mathematical relationships and develop a spray retention model. It was discovered that the FD value can successfully be used to replace the statistically generated plant morphological factor (Mp4) used in a previous retention model, with the major advantage being that the retention model now only involves variables that can be readily measured. There is an excellent relationship ( R 2 = 0.99) between actual spray retention per plant (μL) and that predicted by the model incorporating the FD. The spray retentiveness of the plant species studied was ranked using a numerical index based on plant canopy architecture and surface characteristics.  相似文献   

Weeds have negative impacts on crop production but also play a role in sustaining biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. This trade‐off raises the question of whether it is possible to promote weed communities with low competitive potential but high value to biodiversity. Here, we explored how weed communities respond to different vineyard management practices in South Africa's Western Cape, aiming to identify whether any specific practices are associated with more beneficial weed communities. Eight weed community characteristics representative of abundance, diversity and functional composition were used as indicators of competitive potential and biodiversity value. We explored how these responded to farm management strategy (organic, low input or conventional) and weed management practices (herbicides, tillage, mowing or combinations of these) using ordination and mixed models. Mown sites were associated with weed communities of high biodiversity value, with higher weed cover in both winter and summer, higher diversity and more native weeds. Mowing also promoted shorter weeds than either tillage or herbicides, considered to be less competitive with grapevines. However, high summer weed cover may be problematic where competition for water is critical, in which case tillage offers a method to limit summer weed cover that did not adversely affect diversity or native weeds. In contrast, herbicide‐treated sites had characteristics indicative of a lower biodiversity value and higher potential for competitiveness with few native weeds, lower diversity and relatively tall, small‐seeded weeds. Mowing in winter combined with tillage in spring may thus optimise the biodiversity benefits and production costs of Western Cape vineyard weeds.  相似文献   

Intensification of agricultural practices has severely reduced weed diversity in arable fields, which affects the delivery of ecosystem services. However, in parallel, some species have benefited from intensive farming and have vastly increased their abundance, as is the case for Lolium rigidum and Avena sterilis in cereal fields. These highly competitive species severely reduce yields but can also compete with other weed species, and, when less intensive practices are applied, they might limit the recovery of weed diversity and the success of arable species reintroductions. A gradient of infestation was established in a winter wheat field in Catalonia (north‐eastern Spain) by sowing seeds of both species at three different densities to test their effects on the abundance, diversity and composition of the natural weed community. The emergence of seeds and the survival and biomass of transplanted seedlings of two rare species, Agrostemma githago and Vaccaria hispanica, were also evaluated. Avena sterilis and L. rigidum infestations reduced the diversity, abundance and biomass and changed the composition of the natural weed community, even at low infestation densities. Moreover, infestations of both species affected the overall performance of A. githago and V. hispanica. This study reveals that A. sterilis and L. rigidum are highly competitive and that their infestations might hamper the recovery of diverse weed communities. Their densities should be considered when selecting suitable sites for promoting diversity and reintroducing rare species.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Turfgrass management practices, especially the use of chemical pesticides, may be detrimental to beneficial arthropods such as predators and decomposers. However, little is known about the impact of other practices or pest control products on these beneficials. The impact of four different management regimes, consisting of synthetic pesticide cover sprays or combinations of more targeted applications of natural pesticides, on selected groups of non‐targeted arthropods in lawns of different age was studied over 3 years. The short‐term effect of diazinon and carbaryl on Carabidae and Collembola was also evaluated. RESULTS: Formicidae and Araneae were the most abundant taxa at both sites, representing 74–80% of total captures. With a few short‐term exceptions, no persistent and significant difference between turfgrass management regimes on arthropod abundance was observed over the 3 year study. Diazinon and carbaryl significantly reduced Carabidae abundance, but only one year out of three, while Collembola abundance was only transiently affected by carbaryl application in 2003. CONCLUSION: The study showed that practices and products used in the four management regimes did not disrupt the populations of specific groups of arthropods. These results provide useful information to professionals for the development of ecological turf practices to maintain beneficial arthropod abundance and diversity in urban landscapes. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

对陕西省108个县(区)的耕地资源指标和贫困指标进行了相关分析。运用Excel软件和Supermap软件处理耕地资源与人类社会经济关系的一系列指标。结论:1)陕西省耕地资源丰富县与贫困县相关性分析结果为无相关性;陕西省耕地资源禀赋与经济贫困之间的相关分析结果为无相关性;所以陕西省耕地资源禀赋与贫困之间没有相关性。2)陕西省贫困地区分布特点:全省贫困县主要分布在陕北和陕南;耕地资源丰富县主要分布在陕北和关中的山区;耕地资源丰富且贫困的地区主要分布在陕北和关中的山区;既非贫困县又非耕地资源丰富县主要分布在关中的平原地区。  相似文献   

转基因大豆新品种在商业化之前必须进行环境安全评价,其中,转基因大豆对田间生物多样性的影响是环境安全评价的重要组成部分。本研究以转G2-EPSPS和GAT双价基因的抗草甘膦大豆‘ZH10-6’及其受体大豆‘中黄10’为材料,于2019年在北京顺义地区进行了大田试验,调查了不同处理对节肢动物多样性、主要病害发生、根瘤菌及杂草多样性的影响。结果表明:与非转基因大豆‘中黄10’相比,转基因大豆‘ZH10-6’不同处理田间节肢动物物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson优势集中性指数、Pielou均匀性指数无显著差异;大豆霜霉病与病毒病的发病率和病情指数无显著差异;根瘤数差异不显著,大豆田杂草多样性无显著差异。研究结果为抗草甘膦转基因大豆‘ZH10-6’的环境安全性评价提供了依据。  相似文献   

不同粮食消费模式下西北旱区大型灌区耕地压力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用耕地压力指数模型,计算分析了2010年西北旱区大型灌区不同粮食消费模式下的耕地压力指数、粮食盈余情况及可再承载人口状况。结果表明:在平衡膳食(PH)、初步小康或营养安全(XK)、富裕型(FY)社会三种不同粮食消费模式下,西北旱区97所大型灌区的耕地压力虽差异明显,但整体压力较小,三种模式的平均耕地压力指数(K值)均小于1,人粮关系较为和谐,除保证自身粮食需求外仍有一定的粮食盈余;三种模式下,粮食盈余量为869.19、586.18、41.46万t,可再承载人口数为2698.75、1465.46、75.38万人。  相似文献   

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