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小麦纹枯病田间消长及综合防治技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田间试验和调查结果表明:小麦纹枯病田间病情消长可分为苗期侵染期、越冬稳定期、横向扩展期、病情加重期和枯白穗显症期5个阶段。影响病情消长不同年度间主要取决于天气条件,同一年度主要取决于土壤类型及不同农业技术措施等。综合防治小麦纹枯病应以农业防病为基础,健身栽培为目标,种子处理为重点,早春辅以重病田喷施井冈霉素。  相似文献   

 本文引入模糊(Fuzzy)集论中基于模糊等价关系的模糊聚类分析方法,将发病数量(病害强度)、空间和时间动态的相互关系联系起来作为统一整体,研究了稻纹枯病田间流行动态。以平均发病株数(X)、聚集度指标(Ṁ/M)和发病丛率(P)作为群体动态的特征测度。从整体水平上,将对病害流行系统的考察,化成对若干亚系统(若干阶段)来研究,使复杂的系统得以简化,为深入定量研究和刻划纹枯病流行动态进行了初步尝试。作为一种新的研究方法,文中给出了具体的应用过程。  相似文献   

江苏省小麦纹枯病发生规律与病害消长因素分析   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:29  
研究结果表明,小麦纹枯病田间发生规律大体有冬前发生期、越冬稳定期、返青上升期、拔节盛发期和抽穗后枯白穗显症期五个阶段。小麦越冬前和早春拔节期有2个发病高峰,小麦根围土中病原菌群体数量消长也出现相应的2个高峰,病菌数量高峰较小麦发病高峰约提前20—25天。秋冬降雨量的多少是影响冬前病害发生的主导因子,影响春季病害发生程度的重要气象因素是温度。相关性测定表明,温度与病害发生程度呈显著正相关。因地制宜适期精量播种、平衡施肥和冬前防除麦田杂草等栽培技术,均能有效地控制和减轻小麦纹枯病的发生与为害。  相似文献   

通过田间采集病株标本、室内人工接种、大田病情调查等方法,对小麦纹枯病菌和水稻纹枯病菌侵染小麦作了初步研究。结果表明,小麦纹枯病菌是导致小麦纹枯病的优势种,水稻纹枯病菌虽然可以侵染小麦,但致病力弱。前茬为水稻或旱作物对小麦纹枯病的发生没有显著影响  相似文献   

小麦纹枯病流行预测的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
作者根据小麦纹枯病在冬麦区发生具有明显阶段性的特点,利用1984~1993年连续10年在纹枯病常发区山东省文登市的多品种、多地点的病情系统调查数据,采取统计学和流行学相结合的方法,组建了具有预测秋苗冬前发病率和返青后生长期病情指数的回归模型。并通过对小麦纹枯病普遍率和病情指数相关性的研究,将二阶段的模型耦联,完成对小麦整个生长期的病害流行动态全过程的预测。  相似文献   

河北省小麦纹枯病在20世纪80年代末90年代初仅为零星发生,到90年代后期发生为害明显加重,已成为小麦的主要病害之一,对小麦的生产构成严重威胁。1 发生流行动态1.1 发生面积和范围迅速扩大 1996年以前,小麦纹枯病在河北省只是零星发生,发生面积不足小麦病害发生总面积...  相似文献   

<正>近年来,由于气候变暖、化肥尤其是氮肥施用量的增加,以及小麦播期提前、播种量加大的原因,导致小麦纹枯病有加重发生的趋势。为验证240g/L噻呋酰胺SC(满穗)对小麦纹枯病的防效,了解和掌握其在小麦上的使用技术及对小麦的安全性,为大面积推广使用提供科学依据,进行了240g/L噻呋酰胺SC(满穗)防治小麦纹枯病田间药效试验。材料与方法试验药剂240g/L噻呋酰胺SC(满穗,日产化学工业株  相似文献   

小麦赤霉病中期预测的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦穗期赤霉病是涪陵地区小麦的主要病害之一。近几年来,流行频率增高,为害逐年加重,1975年病害流行,全区发病面积14万余亩,约占当年小麦面积的10%,损失小麦328万斤;1977年病害再度流行,全区发病面积达76万余亩,占当年小麦面积的32.4%,损失2700万斤,平均每亩减产23.3%。 为给小麦赤霉病的中期预测提供依据,近几年来,我们在我校农场与涪陵县世忠公社设置预测圃,预测大田时对小麦赤霉病流行的几个主要因素,包括小麦扬花期、田间稻茬带菌量动态、空中孢子的消长情况、病害的始病期、流行程度以及病害对小麦的影  相似文献   

水稻纹枯病是闵行区重点监测的主要水稻病害,近年来多有重发生。通过对2008—2014年本区水稻纹枯病发生情况综合分析,明确了该病的发生流行与当年7—9月份的降水量和降水日数呈正相关性,与35℃以上的高温日数呈负相关性,即降水量大和降水日多,有利于纹枯病的发生,而高温日越多,越不利于纹枯病的发生;通过始见期与纹枯病发生程度的相关性分析,发现始见期早纹枯病发生轻,而始见期晚则发生重。纹枯病的发生扩展,7月底8月初为水平扩展,8月上旬为垂直扩展。据此提出对该病的防控建议。  相似文献   

水稻纹枯病是水稻上发生面最广、危害最重的常发性病害。防治该病,除抓好打捞浪渣、合理施肥、适时适度晒田等措施外,还必须实施药剂防治,做到适期用药。水稻纹枯病在田间的发生发展有两个重要阶段。第一阶段在拔节孕穗前,病情主要呈横向发展,即增加田间的发病蔸数和发病株数。  相似文献   

研究了播期、密度和氮肥对小麦纹枯病的定量效应,组建了小麦扬花期病情指数(DI1)和黄熟期病情指数(DI2)的回归模型,并对其进行了检验和解析。结果表明:两回归模型均在0.01水平上显著,且拟合较好;各个因子对纹枯病病指的影响为:播期>氮肥>密度;其中播期中DI1、DI2的效应均极显著;播期与密度互作(X1X2)对DI2的效应达到0.2显著水平;晚播稀植有利于控制该病的危害。最后对回归模型进行了仿真优化,提出了控制该病发生程度的优化栽培方案。  相似文献   

Wheat sharp eyespot, caused by Rhizoctonia cerealis and R. solani, is a soil-borne fungal disease, which poses a great threat to wheat yield. In order to increase the identification efficiency of wheat sharp eyespot resistance, an improved method of rapidly identifying wheat sharp eyespot resistance was established by inoculating wheat seedlings with diseased wheat grains in greenhouse. To verify its reliability, four standard materials and 96 wheat varieties from Huanghuai wheat region were used for resistance assessment to sharp eyespot. Meanwhile, the resistance to Rhizoctonia solani of aforementioned materials in the field was identified by traditional methods. The results showed that the correlation coefficient between the four repetitions of the improved method ranged from 0.735 to 0.825, and the correlation coefficient between the average number of repetitions and the traditional method was 0.630. The results of wheat sharp eyespot resistance identification in Huanghuai wheat area showed that 66 wheat varieties were susceptible, accounting for 68.8% of tested materials. This indicated that the resistance of wheat varieties in Huanghuai wheat area to sharp eyespot was poor on the whole and needed to be improved urgently. At the same time, eleven wheat varieties which showed resistance to sharp eyespot at seedling and adult stages were screened, which include Zhengzhou 8998, Beijing 841, Handan 94-5316, Jimai 32, Jinmai 50, Jinmai 54, Longmai 157, Lumai 23, Shanhe 6, Shi 02-1 and Xinmai 18. Therefore, this study provides a method for identification of wheat sharp eyespot resistance at seedling stage, by which the resistance of wheat varieties to sharp eyespot can be quickly and efficiently identified. Furthermore, selected resistant materials provide important material resources for wheat sharp eyespot resistance breeding in Huanghuai wheat region and even in China.  相似文献   

<正>小麦纹枯病又称尖眼斑(点)病,是由禾谷丝核菌(Rhizoctonia cerealis)和立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani)引起的一种以土壤传播为主的小麦真菌病害~([1])。引起小麦纹枯病的病原菌主要是禾谷丝核菌的第一菌丝融合群(CAG-1)~([2~4])。在自然条件下,病原菌首先侵染寄主植株基部叶鞘,随着  相似文献   

防治白背飞虱的农药复配增效配方筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农药复配制剂的研究对于延长新农药品种的使用寿命、缓解靶标生物的抗性、扩大防治谱、降低防治成本、提高药效和环境安全性等具有重要的意义。为筛选防治白背飞虱的农药增效复配配方,采用稻茎浸渍法测定了8种农药单剂及复配剂对白背飞虱3龄若虫的毒力。利用共毒因子法定性筛选出16组共毒因子大于20的配比,并对其中15组进一步利用共毒系数法定量筛选,得到有增效作用的5组配比,分别为烯啶虫胺与毒死蜱按1∶30配比以及吡虫啉与异丙威分别按7∶40、7∶200、7∶400和7∶1 000配比;其共毒系数分别为112.5、242.1、212.4、638.1、417.7,其中吡虫啉与异丙威按7∶400配比具有最显著增效作用。  相似文献   

Hamada MS  Yin Y  Chen H  Ma Z 《Pest management science》2011,67(11):1411-1419
Rhizoctonia cerealis, the causal agent of sharp eyespot on wheat, was not considered to be an important pathogen for many years. Recently, the disease has become endemic in many countries except for South America. The disease has created a new threat to world wheat production because the damage of wheat sharp eyespot has become increasingly severe. In this paper, previous studies on this pathogen, including the disease geographical distribution, pathogen identification, life cycle, symptoms, favourable environmental conditions, effects on wheat yield and control strategy, are reviewed. Such information will be helpful in management of sharp eyespot.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - A stem-base disease complex of winter wheat includes several causal agents, such as eyespot (Oculimacula yallundae and O. acuformis), sharp eyespot...  相似文献   

戊唑醇种子处理防治小麦纹枯病   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
种子处理是控制小麦纹枯病的有效措施,在小麦纹枯病的综合治理技术体系中起着举足轻重的作用。在苏南宜兴和淮北徐州,2%戊唑醇湿拌剂和6%戊唑醇悬剂胺10kg麦种拌药0.3-0.4g有效成分,对小麦的出苗没有显著影响,对根系和冬前分蘖具有促进作用。对小麦纹枯病的控制效果较为理想,表现为冬前效果显著,病析率防效60%-100%,从而有效地抑制了冬前发病高峰。戊唑醇处理区拔节期的病情指仍然极显著地低于对照区,亦显著低于对照药剂纹霉净,侵茎高峰明显推迟,最终的枯白穗防效突出,0.3-0.4g ai/10kg种子拌种的枯白穗防效达到85%以上。由于控病和对小麦生长调控的双重作用,保穗、保产效果明显,最终产量较对照增加10%-15%。  相似文献   

Visual disease and PCR assessment of stem base diseases in winter wheat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Stem base disease (eyespot, sharp eyespot and brown foot rot) was assessed visually and by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique on single plants sampled at four-week intervals in two crops of winter wheat grown in the UK in 1992–3. PCR assays were conducted for Fusarium avenaceum , F. culmorum , both varieties of Microdochium nivale , both eyespot-causing species of Tapesia and Rhizoctonia cerealis . PCR diagnoses were compared with visual diagnoses at each time point. Eyespot was caused principally by T. acuformis (R-type) and developed rapidly late in the season. Visual diagnoses of eyespot were largely confirmed by PCR but T. acuformis was detected in many plants lacking eyespot symptoms. R. cerealis was detected at relatively low incidences on both sites, and sharp eyespot visual diagnoses did not correlate with the incidence of any of the pathogens assayed by PCR. Brown foot rot, caused principally by Microdochium nivale var . majus , accumulated earlier in the season than eyespot. Overall, visual diagnoses of stem base disease coincided poorly with PCR data until after growth stage (GS) 30.  相似文献   

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