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Canine primary lung tumors typically appear radiographically as a well‐circumscribed solitary mass in the periphery of a caudal lung lobe. Consolidated and diffuse forms of primary lung tumors have also been described. Nineteen dogs with computed tomographic (CT) images of the thorax and a histological diagnosis of primary lung tumor (17 primary carcinomas and two primary sarcomas) were evaluated retrospectively to characterize the CT findings. All primary lung tumors were bronchocentric in origin with internal air bronchograms. The bronchi were typically narrowed, displaced, and often obstructed by the tumor. Eighteen of 19 (95%) of the tumors were solitary and there was one pneumonic/alveolar form. Most solitary tumors were well circumscribed (17/18), located in the central to periphery of the lung (14/18), and in a cranial or caudal lobe (16/19). Most primary lung tumors (11/17) had mild to moderate heterogeneous contrast enhancement. Five of 19 dogs (26%) had evidence of pulmonary metastasis. Internal mineralization (3/19) and tracheobronchial lymphadenopathy (4/19) were also identified. On CT examination, solitary, well circumscribed, bronchocentric masses with internal air bronchograms are consistent with a primary pulmonary tumor in dogs.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old Labrador Retriever presented for urinary incontinence and constipation of 2 weeks duration. There was a tender abdomen, lumbar pain and conscious proprioceptive deficits in both pelvic limbs. Depressed pelvic limb reflexes were present consistent with a lower motor neuron lesion. In radiographs of the lumbar spine there was narrowing of the intervertebral disc space at L5-L6 with irregular, multifocal areas of mineralized opacities dorsal to the intervertebral disc space, presumably within the vertebral canal. On computed tomography, an intramedullary, partially mineralized mass was identified in the spinal cord at the level of caudal L5 through cranial L6. At necropsy there was a four-centimeter enlarged, irregular segment of spinal cord at the level of L5-L6. When sectioned, the spinal cord bad a mineralized texture. Histologically there were variable sized cells that were stellate in appearance with vacuolated cytoplasm (physaliferous cells) and mucinous background consistent with a chordoma. Chordoma is a rare, skeletal neoplasm that originates from mesoderm-derived notochord and has been reported in humans and animals. Extraskeletal development of a chordoma within the spinal cord is a rare manifestation of this neoplasm. However, based on other reports in dogs, solitary extraskeletal locations of chordomas may be the typical expression of this neoplasm in the dog. Differentiation of similar histologically appearing tumors, such as a parachordoma or myxoid chondrosarcoma, will require immunohistochemical characterization of these tumors in veterinary patients.  相似文献   

Nasal cavity radiographs and CT images from 31 dogs with nasal cavity cancer were compared. All dogs had abnormal clinical signs relating to -nasal cancer and histologic confirmation of malignant nasal cavity neoplasia. No dog had cyto reductive surgery prior to imaging. All radiographic and CT examinations were abnormal. CT was more accurate than radiographs in identifying unilateral versus bilateral nasal cavity disease and tumor extension into adjacent structures such as the cranial cavity, hard palate, and pterygopala-tine fossa. The improved accuracy of CT in these respects was not of benefit in the confirmation of nasal cavity disease because radiographs were abnormal in every instance. However, CT may be useful for more accurate tumor staging, predicting possible treatment-related complications, and planning of surgery and radiation therapy. It was also determined that one dorsally located radiation therapy portal bounded laterally by the medial ocular canthi, as described in previous reports, would not have been adequate for encompassing all abnormal tissue in 28 of the 31 dogs evaluated.  相似文献   

The appearance of herniated intervertebral disc material in the thoracolumbar vertebral canal was evaluated in 23 dogs using computed tomography (CT). The images were then compared with the myelographic and surgical findings. The normal spinal cord, outlined by epidural fat over intervertebral disc spaces, was of intermediate attenuation on transverse CT images. Herniated disc material was identified in all animals as a heterogeneous hyperattenuating extradural mass. The attenuation of the disc material increased with the degree of mineralization. In seven dogs, the herniated material was only slightly more attenuating than the spinal cord. In these dogs, small fragments of mineralized disc material and significant hemorrhage were found in the epidural space at surgery. In dogs with a long standing history of disc herniations, disc material identified in the vertebral canal had a more hyperattenuating and homogeneous appearance than recently herniated disc material. We conclude that mineralized, herniated disc material and hemorrhage can be identified quickly and safely in dogs using CT.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare computed tomography (CT) and radiography for diagnosing the presence and severity of middle ear disease in dogs with a history of chronic otitis externa. Thirty-one dogs undergoing a total ear canal ablation and bulla osteotomy were studied. Three normal dogs served as controls. All dogs were examined using radiography and CT. Three radiologists independently evaluated imaging studies in random order. A visual analog scale method was used for scoring certainty and severity of middle ear disease. Surgical findings were recorded intra-operatively. Bulla lining samples were submitted for histopathologic evaluation and scored by a single pathologist who also used a visual analog scale system. Findings from both imaging modalities agreed more closely with surgical findings than with histopathologic findings. With either surgical or histopathologic findings as the gold standard, CT was more sensitive than and as specific as radiographs for predicting presence and severity of middle ear disease. Observer performance with CT was more consistent than the performance with radiographs in the detection of changes that occur with middle ear disease. Both radiography and CT were more accurate for predicting the severity of the disease than its presence. Findings indicate that CT is more accurate and reliable than radiography in diagnosing middle ear disease for dogs having concurrent otitis externa, but only when severity of disease is moderate or high. With low severity of disease, diagnostic certainty for both modalities becomes more variable.  相似文献   

Diagnosis and quantification of femoral varus and femoral torsion using radiographs is technically challenging due to the difficulty in determining proper positioning. The purpose of this study is to describe a computed tomographic technique for determination of femoral varus and femoral torsion and to compare this technique, and standard radiography, to anatomic preparation, for the measurement of femoral varus and femoral torsion in normal dogs. Nine canine cadavers, visually and radiographically free of orthopedic disease of the hip and stifle joints, were utilized for analysis. Femoral varus was determined using a craniocaudal radiograph, a craniocaudal radiograph obtained after confirming accurate positioning using horizontal beam fluoroscopy, and computed tomography (CT). Femoral torsion (expressed as angle of version) was determined using an axial radiographic projection obtained from distal to proximal and CT. Each femur was dissected free of soft tissues, and direct determination of femoral varus and femoral torsion was performed using digital photographic images. All radiologic and photographic images were digitally measured to quantify the magnitude of femoral varus and femoral torsion. For femoral varus, no difference ( P =0.149) between the three different imaging techniques and the anatomic preparation was identified. For femoral torsion, no difference ( P =0.059) between the two imaging techniques and the anatomic preparation was identified. Well positioned radiographs and the described computed tomographic method are both as accurate as anatomic preparation for the measurement of both femoral varus and femoral torsion in normal dogs.  相似文献   

Objectives of this prospective study were to describe effects of varying technical components that may contribute to an optimal protocol for computed tomographic pneumocolonography (CTP) in dogs, and to develop a standardized methodology for CTP as a future potential diagnostic tool in canine clinical patients with large bowel disease. Eight purpose‐bred intact male hound cross‐research dogs were enrolled and randomized to groups based on variables of pressure/body position (n = 4) and insufflation time (n = 4). For each segment of large bowel (rectum, colorectal junction, descending colon, transverse colon, ascending colon), the adequacy of bowel preparation, % of bowel lumen filled with fecal material, and bowel tortuosity or folding were assessed. Measurements of bowel wall thickness (cm), cross‐sectional bowel lumen diameter (cm), and cross‐sectional bowel luminal area (cm2) were obtained at standardized locations within the large bowel. False discovery rates (FDR) were calculated to adjust for multiple testing. Values of FDR < 0.05 were considered significant. Differences in mean cross‐sectional area and diameter and bowel wall thickness under increasing pressure were not significant after adjusting for multiple testing; some had raw p values <0.05. Ascending colon diameter and ascending colon area significantly increased with insufflation time (FDR < 0.05). No other response variables showed a significant change with insufflation time. The optimal insufflation pressure for maintaining pneumocolon in this study was determined to be 20 mmHg. CTP is a feasible technique to provide consistent distension for imaging of the large bowel and further study on application of CTP in clinical patients is warranted.  相似文献   

Spirocerca lupi is a common cause of vomiting, regurgitation, and sudden death in dogs that live in tropical or subtropical regions. Sudden death due to aortic rupture may occur with no preceding clinical signs. The purpose of this prospective study was to compare radiographic and computed tomographic (CT) characteristics of aortic lesions in a cohort of 42 dogs with endoscopically confirmed spirocercosis. Dorsoventral and right lateral recumbent thoracic radiographic findings were compared with pre‐ and postcontrast thoracic CT findings. Aortic mineralization was detected using CT in 18/42 dogs (43%). Three dogs had faint diffuse aortic wall mineralization. Using CT as the reference standard, radiographs had a sensitivity and specificity of 6% and 96%, respectively, for detecting aortic mineralization. A total of 20 aortic aneurysms were detected using CT in 15/42 dogs (36%). Using CT as the reference standard, radiographs had a sensitivity and specificity of 86% and 56%, respectively, for detecting aortic aneurysms. Respiratory motion, aortic displacement by esophageal masses and Spirocerca nodules adjacent to the aorta mimicked aneurysm formation on radiographs. Aortic thrombi were seen in two dogs in postcontrast CT images. Findings from this study indicated that aortic mineralization and aneurysm formation are common in dogs with spirocercosis. Findings also supported the use of pre‐ and postcontrast CT as effective methods for detecting and characterizing these lesions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the ultrasonographic (US) and computed tomographic (CT) appearance of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) in cats; to compare renal volume in cats with ADPKD (n = 5; mean age 59 +/- 10 months)) and normal cats (n = 5; mean age 66 +/- 10 months) using 2 imaging modalities, US and CT; and to calculate cyst volume using CT. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was determined by 2 methods: 99mTc-diethylene-triaminepentaacetic acid (99mTc-DPTA) scintigraphic uptake and 99-Tc-DTPA plasma clearance. Sonographically, ADPKD affected kidneys were characterized by multiple anechoic to hypoechoic, round to irregularly shaped structures with variation in size. Affected kidneys had indistinct corticomedullary junctions and foci of mineralization. Intravenous (IV) contrast medium administration allowed more definitive identification of cysts with CT, and identification of distortion of renal pelves by cysts. A significant difference (Welch ANOVA, P = 0.05) was detected between the US-estimated renal volumes of normal and affected cats. No statistically significant differences were detected in CT volume (between the normal and affected cats, or between US and CT volume measurements) or the 2 GFR methods. In this group of clinically normal, middle-aged ADPKD cats, renal function was within normal limits and not significantly different than normal.  相似文献   

Previous lymphangiographic studies have investigated the use of computed tomography (CT) for characterizing the thoracic duct and its tributaries in dogs. However, there is limited published information on the appearance of the canine cisterna chyli using CT. The objective of this retrospective study was to describe the features of the canine cisterna chyli in pre‐ and post‐contrast abdominal CT studies. The presence, location, shape, maximum width, size compared with the aortic diameter (Ao:cisterna chyli ratio) and mean attenuation of the cisterna chyli were recorded from archived abdominal CT scans of 30 dogs. Breed, age, sex and neutering status were also noted. A cisterna chyli was identified in 26 of the dogs (87%). In 22 cases a cisterna chyli could be reliably identified prior to intravenous contrast administration and in all 26 cases in postcontrast images. The cisterna chyli was most commonly located right dorsolateral to the abdominal aorta between L1 and L4. Shape varied on transverse images from crescent‐like to globular and maximum diameters ranged from 5 to 9 mm. The Ao:cisterna chyli ratio varied between 0.29 and 0.71 (mean value—males: 0.32; females: 0.38). On pre‐contrast images the mean Hounsfield units were 21.3HU (range: –3.8 to 64.25). Mild enhancement of the cisterna chyli post‐contrast was observed in 24 dogs (80%). Findings supported the use of pre‐ and post‐contrast abdominal CT as a non‐invasive method for assessing qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the canine cisterna chyli.  相似文献   

Twenty two dogs with an infiltrative lipoma had computed tomographic (CT) images acquired to evaluate the extent of local disease. Ten dogs had undergone at least one cytoreductive surgical procedure (range = 1-3; median = 2) prior to imaging. Twenty dogs had measurable disease on CT images; 2 dogs had diffuse disease at a previous surgical site that could not be measured. Tumor volume (n = 20) ranged from 20 to 5,632 cm3 (median = 345 cm3; mean = 996 cm3). None of the dogs had evidence of bone involvement on the CT images; 2 of the 22 dogs had tumors that did not come into direct contact with osseous structures. All dogs with measurable disease had evidence of a fat opacity mass with variable degrees of muscle infiltration. Eleven of 22 dogs were given intravenous contrast medium prior to image acquisition and there was not evidence of enhancement of the infiltrative lipoma in any dog. Based on CT images, tumors were classified as well-defined in 9 dogs, moderately well-defined in 4, not well-defined in 3 and a mix of well-defined and not well-defined in 6 dogs. Tumors tended to be less well-defined in regions where the infiltrative lipoma interdigitated with normal body fat. It appears CT imaging allows adequate discrimination of tumor with the caveat that differentiation of normal fat from infiltrative lipoma can be problematic.  相似文献   

Eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy is a disease characterized by the infiltration of the lung and bronchial mucosa by eosinophils. The aim of the present study was to describe the CT findings in a large series of dogs with confirmed diagnosis of eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy. Computed tomographic scans of 15 dogs with confirmed diagnosis of eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy were evaluated retrospectively by two boarded radiologists who reached a consensus. Abnormalities were identified in 14/15 (93%) dogs, including pulmonary parenchymal abnormalities in 14/15 (93%) dogs, bronchial wall thickening in 13 (87%) dogs, which was considered marked in eight (53%), plugging of the bronchial lumen by mucus/debris in 11 (73%) dogs, and bronchiectasis in nine (60%) dogs. Pulmonary nodules were identified in 5/15 (33%) dogs including one dog with a mass. All dogs with a nodular lung pattern had additional abnormalities. Lymphadenopathy was present in 10 dogs (67%). Lesions associated with eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy are variable and heterogeneous and encompass a wider variety of computed tomographic features than reported previously. Computed tomographic images were abnormal in the majority of affected dogs, hence CT is a useful modality to characterize the nature and distribution of thoracic lesions in dogs with eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy.  相似文献   

Herein we describe the thoracic radiographic appearance of confirmed pulmonary lymphoma. Patients with thoracic radiographs and cytologically or histologically confirmed pulmonary lymphoma were sought by contacting American College of Veterinary Radiology members. Seven cats and 16 dogs met the inclusion criteria, ranging in age from 4 to 15 years. Method of diagnosis was via ultrasound‐guided cytology (four), surgical biopsy (two), ultrasound‐guided biopsy (one), and necropsy (16). Radiographic findings varied but ranged from normal (one) to alveolar (six) and/or unstructured interstitial infiltrates (11), nodules and/or masses (eight), and bronchial infiltrates (four). Additional thoracic radiographic findings included pleural effusion and lymphadenopathy. The results of this evaluation indicate a wide variability in thoracic radiographic abnormalities in cats and dogs with pulmonary lymphoma.  相似文献   

Arterioportal fistulae are rare congenital anomalies of the hepatic vasculature. Diagnosis is conventionally made by selective angiography or ultrasonography. This report describes use of a dual-phase computed tomographic (CT) angiographic technique to diagnose arterioportal fistulae in four dogs. Advantages of this method include a noninvasive peripheral injection of contrast medium, ability to diagnose multiple acquired extrahepatic shunts, and observation of hemodynamic changes such as hepatofugal blood flow and reduced circulation to the caudal abdomen. The hepatic vasculature including arteries, veins, and portal veins can be completely evaluated. Dual-phase CT angiography is a safe and minimally invasive method of diagnosing arterioportal fistulae in dogs.  相似文献   

Computed tomography after contrast medium injection was performed in three mesaticephalic canine cadavers to image the auditory tube. Cadavers were positioned in lateral recumbency for imaging. A myringotomy incision was made in the left tympanic membrane of each dog, and contrast medium was infused into the ear canal and middle ear through a balloon-tip catheter. With this method, contrast medium filled the left bulla and auditory tube in all three cadavers. Computed tomography following contrast medium injection was effective for evaluation of the canine auditory tube. Future studies are required to determine the usefulness, as well as the safety, of this procedure in the evaluation of the auditory tube in other breeds of dogs as well as dogs with otitis  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a simple, safe, minimally invasive protocol to evaluate the hepatic vasculature. Five purpose-bred Beagle dogs underwent noncontrast-enhanced computed tomographic scan of the entire abdomen. A dynamic, nonincremental computed tomography scan at the level of T11 was then performed using a test bolus of contrast medium to determine time to peak opacification and to aid in the calculation of scan delay. The time to peak arterial enhancement ranged from 2.0 to 7.0 s, with a median of 2.0 s. The time to peak portal venous enhancement ranged from 23.0 to 46.0 s, with a median of 32.0 s. Scan delay for arterial opacification ranged from 0 to 5.0 s, with a median of 0 s. Scan delay for the portal phase of opacification ranged from 6.0 to 21.0 s, with a median of 17.0 s. Using this information, two separate computed tomographic studies were used to image the arterial and portal venous phases of circulatory opacification, respectively. The dogs were hyperventilated to prevent breathing motion during the scan, each of which required approximately 20 s. A power injector was used to inject diatrizoate meglumine (128 mg I/kg) through an 18-gauge cephalic vein catheter at a rate of 5 ml/s. Scanning was initiated after the appropriate scan delay to optimize the specific phase of vascular filling. Maximum intensity projections allowed clear delineation of the hepatic arteries and the portal venous system, while eliminating overlying structures that might interfere with image analysis. Time/density curves were generated, and the time needed for each study was recorded. Hepatic arteries and portal veins were clearly visualized in all dogs. Parenchymal opacification was also observed.  相似文献   

Abdominal computed tomography (CT) using a protocol designed for evaluation of the ureters was performed on six normal purpose-bred research dogs. After noncontrast CT, a postcontrast scan was performed 3 min post midpoint of injection of 400 mgI/kg body weight of diatrizoate meglumine/sodium. Ureteral and ureterovesicular junction anatomy were readily assessed with minimal patient preparation. The ureters were similar in size to reported values and the renal pelvis, ureter, and ureterovesicular junction were easily identified on both noncontrast and contrast-enhanced scans. There was a significant relationship between bladder volume and interureterovesicular junction distance but not between bladder volume and ureterovesicular junction to internal urethral orifice distance. A reliable bony landmark for the identification of the internal urethral orifice could not be determined. The results of this preliminary study of normal anatomy should facilitate the clinical use of CT in the evaluation of ureteral disease (e.g., ureteral ectopia).  相似文献   

Equine temporohyoid osteoarthropathy is characterized by progressive osseous proliferation of the temporohyoid articulation and surrounding structures. The diagnosis has generally been made using radiography and endoscopy of the guttural pouch. Recently, computed tomography (CT) has been used in the diagnosis of temporohyoid osteoarthropathy. This study was performed to determine the CT imaging characteristics of temporohyoid osteoarthropathy and to compare these to radiographic and endoscopic findings. CT scans from 16 horses with a final diagnosis of temporohyoid osteoarthropathy were reviewed. Five horses that had undergone CT scan for reasons other than temporohyoid osteoarthropathy were included as controls. Qualitative and quantitative data were used to describe the magnitude of the CT findings. Osseous proliferation of the stylohyoid bone and temporohyoid articulation was found to be a consistent feature of temporohyoid osteoarthropathy. Thickening of the ceratohyoid bone and proliferation of its articulation with the stylohyoid bone was frequently identified and this finding may have surgical implications. Horses with neurologic deficits had increased stylohyoid width that was significantly different than the subclinically affected side. CT evaluation also allowed the identification of subclinical bilateral disease in horses thought to be unilaterally affected based on clinical examination.  相似文献   

The CT appearance of canine adrenal masses has been reported, but associations between imaging features and pathologic features of these lesions have not been investigated in detail. The purpose of this study was to test associations between different types of adrenal neoplasia and their CT and pathologic features. A retrospective cross‐sectional study was performed and inclusion criteria were histologic diagnosis of primary adrenal neoplasia, contrast‐enhanced CT examination of the abdomen and surgical resection of the mass or necropsy examination. For all included dogs, CT images and histopathologic specimens were reviewed independently by two veterinary radiologists and a veterinary pathologist, respectively. Seventeen dogs met inclusion criteria. Diagnoses were adenocarcinoma in nine (53%) dogs, pheochromocytoma in five (29%) dogs, and adenoma in three (18%) dogs. Pheochromocytoma was associated with CT signs of vascular invasion (likelihood ratio = 4.8, 95% CI = 1.3–18.3, P = 0.03) and macroscopic vascular invasion (likelihood ratio = 9.6, 95% CI = 1.4–65.9, P = 0.02). There was excellent agreement between signs of vascular invasion in CT images and vascular invasion at surgery or necropsy (kappa = 0.86, P = 0.001). A peripheral contrast‐enhancing rim in delayed postcontrast CT images was associated with fibrous encapsulation of the tumor (kappa = 0.53, P = 0.05), and a heterogeneous pattern of contrast distribution in delayed postcontrast CT images was associated with adrenal hemorrhage or infarction on histological examination (kappa = 0.45, P = 0.05). Findings indicated that CT enabled assessment of adrenal neoplasia features that reflected their biological behavior and pathological findings, however overlapping characteristics between tumor types limited the potential for reliably distinguishing them based on CT alone.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the computed tomographic (CT) features of nasal aspergillosis in dogs. Initial (n = 35) and follow-up (n = 12) CT images were available from 35 dogs. The most commonly encountered CT findings were (1) moderate to severe cavitary destruction of the turbinates with presence of a variable amount of abnormal soft tissue in the nasal passages, (2) non-specific thickening of the mucosa adjacent to the inner surface of bones of the frontal sinus, maxillary recess and nasal cavity and, (3) thickened reactive bone. The findings were consistent with a disease initially affecting one nasal cavity then progressing into the ipsilateral frontal sinus, the contralateral nasal cavity and the contralateral frontal sinus. Two dogs with associated nasal foreign body had a more localized invasion of the nasal cavity. Attenuation values and contrast enhancement were not specific. With follow-up examinations, a reduction in the amount of abnormal soft tissue was observed in all dogs except one, but this reduction could not be quantified.  相似文献   

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