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作者采用合成的基因探针和引物,对2株阳性标准菌株、2株野生菌株和1个无菌去离子水进行检测,结果准确可靠,整个试验过程在30 h内完成。可见,该法是一种特异、敏感、简便、快速的沙门氏菌检测方法,对快速通关将发挥积极的作用。  相似文献   

The relationship between antibody response to Salmonella enteritidis vaccine and internal organ burden of S. enteritidis is not fully understood. The genetic relationship, therefore, between postchallenge S. enteritidis burden and antibody response to S. enteritidis vaccine was determined in broiler breeder chicks. Sibling chicks from a broiler breeder male line were either inoculated with a pathogenic S. enteritidis or vaccinated with a commercial S. enteritidis vaccine. Spleen, liver, cecal wall, and cecal content samples from S. enteritidis-challenged chicks (n = 120) were cultured for enumeration of bacteria. Unchallenged chicks (n = 314) were vaccinated at 11 days of age, and serum samples were taken at 10 days postvaccination. Antibody response to vaccination and number of S. enteritidis in cecal content cultures were negatively correlated (-0.772), demonstrating that genetic potential for greater antibody response to S. enteritidis vaccine is associated with lesser S. enteritidis bacterial burden in cecal content of broiler breeder chicks. The findings suggest that genetic selection for vaccine antibody responsiveness can lower bacterial burden in the gut lumenal content and, thus, potentially reduce contamination of poultry products at processing.  相似文献   

为了建立零售鸡肉中沙门氏菌的生长预测模型,以在超市购买的新鲜鸡肉和肠炎沙门氏菌作为研究对象,选择4、10、16、25、30、37℃条件,对肠炎沙门氏菌在零售鸡肉中的生长情况进行研究,绘制生长曲线。对一级模型,用Curve Expert软件中的Gompertz、Richards、Logistic 3种模型和DMFit软件中的Baranyi模型进行拟合,以确定最适用模型。4种模型拟合后的Baranyi模型相关系数都在0.98以上。数据表明该模型拟合程度最好,最适合预测沙门氏菌在鸡肉中的生长动态。二级模型是将一级模型拟合的数据带入Ratkowsky方程。此方程描述的是温度对最大生长速率的影响。通过准确因子、偏差因子以及均方根误差,对模型的准确性进行检验。结果显示模型的准确因子为1.129 698,偏差因子为0.984 85,均方根误差为0.091 5,决定系数R2为0.982 5,说明建立的模型可靠性高。  相似文献   

1 作为人类胃肠疾病病因的沙门菌 世界范围的蛋相关沙门菌传染病始于1970年代,至目前已逐渐消失,这归功于政策制定者和家禽业的巨大努力.这种传染病是由肠炎型沙门菌引起的.由于其与鸡蛋关系密切,加之人们常在室温下储存、加工及食用生鸡蛋的习惯方式,肠炎型沙门菌对人类健康产生了重要影响.近年来,全欧盟的沙门菌污染水平不断下降,而沙门菌分离菌株对抗菌药的抗药性依然不断上升.尤其是鼠伤寒沙门菌格外引人关注,因为在2006年大约40%的鼠伤寒沙门菌分离菌株对4种以上的抗菌药耐药.  相似文献   

Background: Increasing evidence indicates that micro RNAs(mi RNAs) are involved in inflammatory response and immune regulation following pathogen invasion. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the roles played by Gallus gallus micro RNA-1306-5 p(gga-mi R-1306-5 p) in host responses against potential invasion by Salmonella enteritidis(SE) in chickens and the underlying mechanisms.Results: In present study, the expression levels of gga-mi R-1306-5 p were determined in both tissues and HD11 cells. The results showed that gga-mi R-1306-5 p was significantly increased following SE infection or lipopolysaccharide(LPS) stimulation. The dual luciferase reporter assay further validated that gga-mi R-1306-5 p targeted the Toll-interacting protein(Tollip), and thereby participated in the regulation of immune response against SE or LPS stimulation through binding with the 3′-untranslated region(3'UTR) of Tollip. Additionally, the expression of Tollip was significantly blocked by over-expressed gga-mi R-1306-5 p. The underlying mechanisms by which ggami R-1306-5 p modulated the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines were also investigated. Molecular biological assays demonstrated that overexpression of gga-mi R-1306-5 p promoted the production of pro-inflammatory mediators, including NF-κB, TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β, which produced effects similar to those of Tollip knockdown.Conclusions: Taken together, gga-mi R-1306-5 p induced by SE or LPS, regulates the immune response by inhibiting Tollip, which activates the production of inflammatory cytokines. This study has provided the first direct evidence that gga-mi R-1306-5 p targets Tollip, and is involved in the host response against SE.  相似文献   

In December 2012, an increase in human Salmonella Typhimurium cases was identified in the province of Ontario, Canada launching an outbreak investigation. The outbreak spanned 3 years (2012–2014), with 134 cases reported from five Canadian provinces. There was a substantial burden of illness among children: 45% of cases were children 12 years old or under, and 23% of cases were under 5 years old. Epidemiologic, traceback and laboratory findings linked this outbreak to feeder rodents (used to feed snakes) supplied by a network of rodent breeders in Ontario. Cases likely acquired their illness through either direct or indirect contact with feeder rodents. This investigation not only contributes to the weight of evidence on the risk that feeder rodents pose, but also underscores the importance of investigating indirect animal contact and associated risks, especially for high‐risk individuals.  相似文献   

2009年5月,西藏林芝地区某个体养鸡场发生鸡病死亡。通过对自然病死鸡的实验室形态观察、病原菌分离培养、纯培养、生化试验(葡萄糖、蔗糖、甘露醇、乳糖、麦芽糖、靛基质试验、甲基红试验和硫化氢试验)、致病性试验和血清学试验等,鉴定出病料中含有鸡沙门氏菌,系革兰氏阳性,为两端钝圆G-球杆菌,可发酵葡萄糖产酸产气,发酵甘露醇产酸,不发酵乳糖、麦芽糖和蔗糖,甲基红、硫化氢试验阳性,靛基质试验阴性。  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium was isolated from the peritoneal exudate of a kitten which died from an acute peritonitis.
Résumé. On a isolé Salmonella typhimurium de l'exudat péritonéal d'un chaton, mort d'une péritonite aiguë.
Zusammenfassung. Salmonella typhimurium wurde aus dem peritonealen Exsudat einer jungen Katze isoliert, die an einer akuten Peritonitis starb.  相似文献   

Salmonella Typhimurium is frequently isolated from pigs and may also cause enteric disease in humans. In this study, 33 isolates of S. Typhimurium associated with septicemia in swine (CS) were compared to 33 isolates recovered from healthy animals at slaughter (WCS). The isolates were characterized using phenotyping and genotyping methods. For each isolate, the phage type, antimicrobial resistance, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) DNA profiles were determined. In addition, the protein profiles of each isolate grown in different conditions were studied by Coomassie Blue-stained sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblot. Various phage types were identified. The phage type PT 104 represented 36.4% of all isolates from septicemic pigs. Resistance to as many as 12 antimicrobial agents, including some natural resistances, was found in isolates from CS and WCS. Many genetic profiles were identified among the PT 104 phage types. Although it was not possible to associate one particular protein with septicemic isolates, several highly immunogenic proteins, present in all virulent isolates and in most isolates from clinically healthy animals, were identified. These results indicated that strains associated with septicemia belong to various genetic lineages that can also be recovered from asymptomatic animals at the time of slaughter.  相似文献   

为了解昆明周边养鸡场的沙门氏菌耐药状况,采集昆明周边5家养殖场的50只疑似沙门氏菌病的发病鸡的肝脏和脾脏进行细菌分离,通过常规生化特性鉴定和PCR分子鉴定,然后通过药敏试验检测分离株耐药性,通过PCR技术对分离株的耐药基因进行检测。结果表明:共分离出8株沙门氏菌,8株菌的靛基质试验、尿素酶试验和VP试验结果均呈阴性,S3、S4菌株不产H2S,柠檬酸试验也呈阴性,针对沙门氏菌设计特异性引物进行扩增,得到目的条带495 bp,与预期一致;在药敏试验中,分离株对氨苄西林和头孢氨苄有较强的耐药性,对四环素中介耐药,对恩诺沙星、加替沙星、卡那霉素、庆大霉素以及氧氟沙星敏感,说明分离株已出现耐药性;在所检测的6种耐药基因中,β-内酰胺类的bla TEM-1和喹诺酮类的GyrA基因检出率为100%,四环素类的tetA基因未被检出,其他三种耐药基因aadA1、tetB和strB检出率均在50%以上,说明分离株耐药基因的携带率较高,需要引起养殖业的重视。  相似文献   

沙门菌严重危害家禽养殖业,造成巨大经济损失,并引发公共卫生安全问题。文章比较了不同国家的沙门菌流行状况:欧美等发达国家能够有效减少沙门菌感染;新兴经济体国家养殖业迅速发展,沙门菌流行状况呈下降趋势;经济不发达地区沙门菌污染较严重;在我国,沙门菌则广泛存在于养殖场、屠宰场与市场中。疫苗免疫、微生态制剂及有机酸等替抗物质的使用是养殖行业沙门菌防控的主要措施,而在屠宰场则以物理防控为主,商品化制剂的应用前景仍值得探究。  相似文献   

用从健康鸡消化道分离的鸡源乳酸杆菌4株,双歧杆菌2株,对引起雏鸡腹泻的鸡白痢沙门氏菌和鸡副伤寒沙门氏菌进行体外生物拮抗试验。试验结果显示:3株乳酸杆菌、2株双歧杆菌、1株芽孢杆菌对致病性沙门氏菌均有明显的生物拮抗作用(P<0.01),而1株乳酸杆菌和1株芽孢杆菌拮抗作用不明显。  相似文献   

不同鸡种沙门菌感染率比较分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
试验采用血清平板凝集法,对江苏省某种鸡场中白耳鸡、仙居鸡、安卡鸡和清远麻鸡4个品种的沙门菌天然感染情况进行了评估。结果显示,公鸡中肉用型安卡鸡对2种沙门菌病的感染率最高,蛋用型品种居中;母鸡中蛋用型品种对2种沙门菌病的感染率最高,肉用型品种居中;不同品种、不同性别以肉蛋兼用型的清远麻鸡感染带菌率最低。  相似文献   

为了解鸡感染沙门菌在江苏省的流行情况以及血清型分布,于2005~2008年期间,对盐城、南通、连云港、淮安、镇江、扬州等地区来院就诊的疑似沙门菌感染鸡的部分病例进行沙门菌的分离培养,获得了18株沙门菌,并进行了血清学鉴定,为本病的诊断及预防控制提供科学依据。  相似文献   

张丽芳  肖桥  罗薇 《中国畜牧兽医》2015,42(6):1571-1579
对四川省成都市某种禽场的156个死胚进行沙门氏菌的分离鉴定及药物敏感性检测.本试验采用沙门氏菌显色培养基、肠杆菌科生化鉴定管、三糖铁试验、沙门氏菌多价血清和16S rRNA PCR鉴定5种方法对疑似菌株进行鉴定,并用6种毒力岛基因将分离的沙门氏菌进行PCR鉴定.结果显示,沙门氏菌的分离率为15.4%(24/156),其中伤寒沙门氏菌占58.3%(14/24);fimY、invA和mgtC毒力基因的检测率均为100%;本试验分离菌对大部分沙门氏菌临床药物表现出明显的耐药性.  相似文献   

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