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二化螟绒茧蜂生物学特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

研究了菜蛾盘绒茧蜂的主要寄生因子(多DNA病毒、毒液和畸形细胞)对寄主小菜蛾生长和发育的影响.通过利用结合假寄生和过寄生方法,证明寄生蜂寄生因子对寄主生长和发育有明显影响.结果显示,假寄生初期,寄主体重降低;但到后期,当未寄生寄主正常化蛹后,假寄生寄主继续取食、发育,寄主末龄幼虫期显著延长,不能化蛹,成为超重幼虫,最大体重可达10.52mg.正常寄生后,寄主的发育与未寄生寄主相比,始终处于抑制状态.过寄生对寄主生长、发育的抑制程度加剧.研究结果表明,假寄生与正常寄生后寄主的生长和发育有明显差异,这种差异的部分原因可能是由畸形细胞引起的.  相似文献   

二化螟绒茧蜂以低龄幼虫在滞育的二化螟幼虫体内越冬。实验条件下还可寄生芦苇螟和荻蛀茎夜蛾。该蜂行两性生殖和产雄孤雌生殖。雌蜂平均产卵119粒,在寄主体内的出蜂量与寄主龄期呈线性正相关,寄生在4龄寄主体内的发育速率最快,蜂体大小与寄主出蜂量呈线性负相关。  相似文献   

稻田常用农药对四地区二化螟盘绒茧蜂雌成蜂的触杀毒性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为明确稻田常用农药对二化螟幼虫期优势寄生性天敌二化螟盘绒茧蜂Cotesia chilonis(Mat-sumura)的毒性,采用药膜法在室内测定了7种杀虫剂原药以及18种常用农药制剂对扬州、安吉、金华和乐清4个地区二化螟盘绒茧蜂雌成蜂的触杀毒性。结果表明,7种杀虫剂原药中氟虫腈、毒死蜱和三唑磷对该蜂毒性较高,杀虫单、吡虫啉和阿维菌素次之,氯虫苯甲酰胺则最低。12种杀虫剂制剂中20%氯虫苯甲酰胺悬浮剂和3种阿维菌素相关制剂对该蜂毒性相对较低,其余均具高毒性;4种杀菌剂中的异稻.三环唑对该蜂高毒,苯甲.丙环唑次之,井岗.蜡芽菌(井冈霉素)和盐酸吗啉胍.三氮唑核苷则毒性最低;2种除草剂中苄嘧.丙草胺毒性高于苄.二氯。此外,同一种药剂对不同地区雌蜂的毒性也有所不同。  相似文献   

寄主抗药性对菜蛾绒茧蜂寄生能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考察了在使用氰戊菊酯的条件下 ,小菜蛾抗药性对菜蛾绒茧蜂寄生能力的影响。在杀虫剂作用下 ,用抗性寄主饲养的菜蛾绒茧蜂RRC品系对抗性寄主RRP品系幼虫的寄生率达89% ,寄主幼虫死亡率仅 5% ,比RRC对小菜蛾敏感品系SSP幼虫寄生时、或用SSP饲养的菜蛾绒茧蜂SSC品系对SSP寄生时的寄生率显著要高 ,寄主死亡率显著要低。表明杀虫剂存在时 ,寄主抗药性使其具较高存活率而给寄生蜂提供更多的寄主 ,有利于寄生蜂的繁衍。方差分析结果显示 ,小菜蛾品系及蛾×蜂互作对供试小菜蛾幼虫的被寄生率及死亡率均有显著影响 ,表明小菜蛾抗性改变了其对菜蛾绒茧蜂的适合性  相似文献   

二化螟绒茧蜂研究与应用概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了国内外二化螟绒茧蜂的寄主范围、自然寄生率及重寄生、寄生生理与生态和人工繁殖与保护利用的研究概况  相似文献   

蜡螟绒茧蜂对大蜡螟幼虫的寄生作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以大蜡螟的低龄幼虫为寄主,在实验室条件下对蜡螟绒茧蜂的寄生作用进行了研究。结果表明:蜡螟绒茧蜂一生最多产卵68粒,平均45.85粒。蜡螟绒茧蜂卵产于寄主体内的位置多在1~4腹节;多数在寄主体内只产1粒或2粒卵。该蜂能寄生大蜡螟1~4龄幼虫,但2~4龄幼虫同时存在时,偏爱寄生2、3龄幼虫,其选择系数分别为0.35和0.42。  相似文献   

菜蛾绒茧蜂的寄主选择性及寄生对寄主发育和取食的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
研究了菜蛾绒茧寄生对寄主幼虫龄期的选择性及对寄主生长发育、取食量的影响。结果表明,该蜂能寄生小菜蛾各个龄期的幼虫,但当2-4龄幼虫同时存在时,偏爱寄生2、3龄幼虫,对2、3、4龄幼虫的选择系数分别为0.37、0.39、0.24。该蜂对4龄幼虫的寄生能力随寄主日龄增大而急剧下降,对进入4龄并发育至该龄期40%时间以上的幼虫不能寄生。产卵寄生的雌蜂比例也随4龄幼虫日龄增大而急剧下降。小菜蛾幼虫被寄主后  相似文献   

To assess the feasibility of pyrethroids for rice insect control, we examined susceptibilities of six field populations of rice stem borer Chilo suppressalis (Walker) to 10 pyrethroids using the topical application method in laboratory in 2004 and 2005. Our results showed that the seven pyrethroids with high fish-toxicity (i.e., β-cyfluthrin, λ-cyhalothrin, β-cypermethrin, deltamethrin, S-fenvalerate, α-cypermethrin, and fenpropathrin) were more effective against C. suppressalis than the three compounds with low fish-toxicity (i.e., cycloprothrin, etofenprox, and silafluofen). The results also showed that all 10 of the pyrethroids were much more effective than methamidophos and monosultap for C. suppressalis control. In addition, we found that susceptibilities of some field populations of C. suppressalis to some high fish-toxicity pyrethroids were significantly reduced, and our results indicated that a Ruian (RA) field population showed a year-to-year variation in susceptibility to most tested pyrethroids between 2004 and 2005. Our data indicated that the tolerance levels increased dramatically in RA population, especially to β-cyfluthrin and deltamethrin. This study provided the first assessment of resistance to pyrethroids in field populations of C. suppressalis. In addition, a close correlation between resistance ratios to the 10 compounds and differences of the structures of these compounds was established in the RA05 population, which was resistant to most of the pyrethroids tested while it was still very susceptible to fenvalerate with no cross resistance. Finally, the feasibility and precaution were discussed in selecting pyrethroids as alternatives to replace high toxicity organophosphates for C. suppressalis control and insecticide resistance management.  相似文献   

The toxicity of deltamethrin, bifenthrin, and endosulfan to the fourth-instar larvae of rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker), was measured at 17, 27, and 37 °C. The three insecticides all displayed a positive temperature coefficient between 17 and 37 °C. The temperature coefficients of deltamethrin, bifenthrin, and endosulfan were 5.59, 1.68, and 2.85, respectively. However, temperature coefficients of deltamethrin and bifenthrin between 17 and 27 °C and between 27 and 37 °C varied. The inhibition of the above three insecticides to mitochondrial Na+-K+-ATPase and Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase from the fourth-instar larvae of rice stem borer was determined at 17, 27, and 37 °C. The inhibition of deltamethrin to the specific activities of Na+-K+-ATPase and Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase showed a negative temperature coefficient, but endosulfan exhibited a positive temperature coefficient. Inhibition of bifenthrin exhibited the contrary temperature coefficients between Na+-K+-ATPase and Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase and a negative temperature coefficient for the former and a positive temperature coefficient for the later.  相似文献   

为明确二化螟幼虫群集密度对种群增长的影响,在室内用人工饲料饲养比较了不同幼虫密度对二化螟生长发育的影响。结果表明,高幼虫密度800头/盒胁迫下,二化螟雌、雄幼虫和蛹的发育更快,其幼虫+蛹历期分别比低密度100头/盒处理要快8.0 d和6.0 d;化蛹率和羽化率较100头/盒处理分别显著下降了25.7和25.0个百分点,且雌、雄蛹重分别减少了9.4 mg和4.8 mg;但对二化螟成虫性比、寿命、产卵量和卵孵化率无显著影响。低密度100头/盒处理下二化螟幼虫发育最好,其种群增长指数为56.9,化蛹率达61.4%,羽化率达57.7%,雌、雄蛹重分别为58.3 mg和43.0 mg,但其幼虫+蛹历期较长,雌虫为58.5 d,雄虫为53.9 d。高密度800头/盒胁迫下二化螟幼虫发育最差,其种群增长指数仅为24.1,化蛹率仅为35.7%,羽化率为32.7%,雌、雄蛹重分别为48.9 mg和38.2 mg,但其幼虫+蛹历期较短,雌虫为50.5 d,雄虫为47.9 d。表明在恒定的空间和有限的食物中,幼虫密度过大会导致种内竞争加剧,使得幼虫可能倾向以更快的速度化蛹,确保其存活率以更好地繁殖后代。  相似文献   

A field population of the rice stem borer (Chilo suppressalis Walker) with 203.3-fold resistance to triazophos was collected. After 8-generation of continuous selection with triazophos in laboratory, resistance increased to 787.2-fold, and at the same time, the resistance to isocarbophos and methamidophos was also enhanced by 1.9- and 1.4-fold, respectively, implying some cross-resistance between triazophos and these two organophosphate insecticides. Resistance to abamectin was slightly enhanced by triazophos selection, and fipronil and methomyl decreased. Synergism experiments in vivo with TPP, PBO, and DEM were performed to gain a potential indication of roles of detoxicating enzymes in triazophos resistance. The synergism results revealed that TPP (SR, 1.92) and PBO (SR 1.63) had significant synergistic effects on triazophos in resistant rice borers. While DEM (SR 0.83) showed no effects. Assays of enzyme activity in vitro demonstrated that the resistant strain had higher activity of esterase and microsomal O-demethylase than the susceptible strain (1.20- and 1.30-fold, respectively). For glutathione S-transferase activity, no difference was found between the resistant and the susceptible strain when DCNB was used as substrate. However, 1.28-fold higher activity was observed in the resistant strain when CDNB was used. These results showed that esterase and microsomal-O-demethylase play some roles in the resistance. Some iso-enzyme of glutathione S-transferase may involve in the resistance to other insecticides, for this resistant strain was selected from a field population with multiple resistance background. Acetylcholinesterase as the triazophos target was also compared. The results revealed significant differences between the resistant and susceptible strain. The Vmax and Km of the enzyme in resistant strain was only 32 and 65% that in the susceptible strain, respectively. Inhibition tests in vitro showed that I50 of triazophos on AChE of the resistant strain was 2.52-fold higher. Therefore, insensitive AChE may also involved in triazophos resistance mechanism of rice stem borer.  相似文献   

在早晚稻的两系法杂交稻、三系法杂交稻和常规稻中各选1个品种(组合),通过测定各品种的各生物学质量指标和营养指标,研究3类型水稻品种(组合)对二化螟Chilo suppressalis (Walker)危害的影响。结果显示,二化螟的危害株率随水稻株高、外径的增加而加重;二氧化硅含量高的早稻品种和含量低的晚稻品种,二化螟危害重;还原糖和酪氨酸含量高的品种二化螟危害均重。早稻湘早籼24号、金优974和陆两优996的二化螟危害株率为0.33%、0.39%和0.72%,且随着株高的增加而增加,随着二氧化硅含量的升高而加重。晚稻湘晚籼12号、金优217和两优527的二化螟危害株率为0.42%、0.86%和1.25%,且随着外径的增加、还原糖含量和酪氨酸含量升高而增加,随着二氧化硅含量的降低而增加。表明通过水稻的生物学质量和营养指标的检测可判定水稻品种对二化螟的抗性。  相似文献   

二化螟不同年龄段越冬幼虫的耐寒性比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为比较二化螟越冬幼虫种群内耐寒性的差异,根据体重将二化螟越冬幼虫分为高、中、低三个年龄段,于2008年1月至3月测定了各年龄段越冬幼虫的过冷却点和结冰点,并分析了其耐寒性的生理生化机制.结果表明:在1、2和3月的三次测定中,高龄幼虫的过冷却点在2月最高,为-9.81℃,中龄幼虫的过冷却点逐渐升高,2月份为-13.35 ℃,而低龄幼虫在2月最低,为-15.64℃,且显著低于高龄幼虫;同一月份,低龄越冬幼虫的含水量和甘油含量最高,中龄越冬幼虫次之,而高龄越冬幼虫最低,且差异显著.  相似文献   

在室内测定了纵卷叶螟绒茧蜂Apanteles cypris对稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis幼虫的功能反应和寻找效应。结果表明,纵卷叶螟绒茧蜂对稻纵卷叶螟幼虫的功能反应可用Michaelis-Menten-Ⅱ型功能反应模型Na=AN0/(F+N0)拟合,一头纵卷叶螟绒茧蜂雌蜂在24h内对稻纵卷叶螟幼虫的寄生潜能A为10.7528头,寄主半饱和密度F为14.3864头。纵卷叶螟绒茧蜂的寄生功能反应有较强的种内干扰作用,即随自身密度的增加,寄生数量逐渐减少。Hassell模型E=QP-m能较好地反映纵卷叶螟绒茧蜂的寻找效应与其自身密度的关系,拟合结果为:E=0.2956P-0.5890。  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of harmaline, a plant secondary metabolic compound belonging to β-carboline alkaloids, on the 4th instar larvae of Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera). When incorporated into the diet, harmaline caused weight loss of larvae with a reduction in protein and glycogen contents and an inhibition of α-amylase activity. Using electron microscopy, we showed that harmaline provoked a severe cytotoxicity on the epithelial cells of the midgut resulting in marked vacuolization of the cytoplasm, appearance of numerous autophagic vesicles and lysosomic structures, fragmentation of rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae, disruption of microvilli, rupture of the plasma membrane leading to shedding of the cytoplasm contents into the midgut lumen. The development of larvae to the pupal and adult stages was prevented and high mortality was recorded.  相似文献   

采用固相微萃取(SPME)和GC-MS分析研究木枣和酸枣挥发物成分,并测试枣镰翅小卷蛾触角电位(EAG)反应、寄主趋向和产卵选择,以探明枣镰翅小卷蛾的寄主选择机制。结果显示,在萌芽期,木枣和酸枣嫩叶的挥发成分均为罗勒烯、2-甲基-2-菠烯、α-法呢烯和邻苯二甲酸二丁酯4种,但相对含量稍有不同。枣镰翅小卷蛾成虫对木枣和酸枣2种寄主都有强烈的EAG反应,且同一寄主上雌蛾的EAG反应值极显著地高于雄蛾,其EAG值是雄蛾的3.3倍。枣镰翅小卷蛾对木枣表现强烈的趋向反应,而对酸枣的趋向不明显,且雌虫的趋向反应显著高于雄虫。木枣上的产卵量显著高于酸枣,且木枣枣吊上的单雌产卵量为307.9粒,极显著地高于酸枣枣吊上的产卵量(182.9粒)。研究表明,枣镰翅小卷蛾雌蛾在寄主选择中起主导作用,木枣是其嗜好寄主。  相似文献   

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