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Abstract. Experiments were conducted for one year on two different soil types. On a clay soil straw was either (a) burnt, (b) baled leaving the stubble, or (c) chopped and spread. The soil was tine cultivated to depths of 5, 10 or 15 cm or ploughed to 20 or 30 cm before winter wheat was sown conventionally. In addition, a direct-drilled crop was sown after each straw treatment. On a silt loam soil the direct-drilled, tine cultivated to 15 cm and ploughed to 30 cm treatments following burning or chopping and spreading straw were repeated.
Tine cultivation incorporated less straw than ploughing, decreased plant establishment and early growth but did not decrease yield. Direct-drilling through chopped straw decreased yield on the silt loam but not on the clay soil. Short straw (< 5 cm) was easier to incorporate than longer straw. Ploughing was the most efficient method of straw incorporation because it inverts soil. Early effects on crop growth and nutrient uptake following straw incorporation were transient and associated with large amounts of straw in the seeded layer of soil.  相似文献   

The leaching of nitrate-N under autumn-sown arable crops was measured using hydro-logically isolated plots, about 0.24 ha in area, from 1984–1988. Fluxes of water and nitrate moving over the soil surface (surface runoff), at the interface between topsoil and subsoil (interflow), and in the subsoil (drainflow) were monitored in plots with mole-and-pipe drain systems (drained plots); surface runoff and interflow only were monitored in ‘undrained’ plots. Half the drained and undrained plots were direct-drilled, and on the other half seedbeds were prepared by tillage to 200 mm. Tillage increased the total leaching loss of nitrate by 21 % compared with direct drilling in drained plots. About 95% or the nitrate moving from the soil was present in the water intercepted by the subsoil drains in these plots. In undrained plots less water and nitrate were collected in total; more of the nitrate was present in interflow on ploughed plots and in surface runoff in direct-drilled land. Losses of nitrate for the whole experiment from 1978-1988 were analysed. This showed that, between the harvest of one crop and the spring application of fertilizer to the next, loss of nitrate-N from ploughed land (Lp) was approximated by Lp=22+Fkg N ha?1, where F was the autumn fertilizer-N applied. After fertilizer was applied in spring, loss of nitrate-N depended on rainfall such that for 100 mm rainfall about 30% of the fertilizer-N was lost by leaching. About 18% more nitrate-N was lost from direct-drilled land than from ploughed land in spring, but the total loss was generally small compared to that over winter. The apparent net mineralization of organic-N was measured in 1988. In autumn and winter there was little effect of tillage treatment (26 and 31 kg N ha?1 on direct drilled and tilled plots respectively). However, over the year 83 kg N ha?1 were mineralized in tilled plots, and 67 kg N ha?1 in direct-drilled plots. Five factors governing the leaching of nitrate are assessed and this identified that fertilizer nitrogen application to the seedbed of winter sown crops and the mineralization of nitrogen from the residues of the previous crop are the most significant factors for nitrogen leaching in the UK.  相似文献   

This work investigated the availability to cereal crops of inorganic nitrogen at differing soil depths at different growth stages. Experiments were done in the field on a silt loam soil on which winter barley was grown after direct drilling or conventional seed-bed preparation after ploughing.At three growth stages (Zadoks 25, 31 and 45) nitrogen labelled with the isotope 15N was introduced to microplots (area 707 cm2) at depths 7.5, 15, 30 and 50 cm. After an interval of 2 or 3 days to allow uptake of this nitrate by the roots, the herbage growing on the microplots was harvested and tracer-nitrogen content measured.Labelled-nitrogen adsorption was greatest from 7.5 cm depth, and uptake approximately halved for each depth increment. This decline with depth was more pronounced on the ploughed plots. Irrespective of cultivation method, total tracer-nitrogen adsorption averaged over all depths was much the same at growth stages 25 and 31 (mid-March and April), but at growth stage 45 (late May) the uptake on the direct-drilled treatment was almost twice that on the ploughed. Nitrogen concentration was significantly smaller in the direct-drilled crop particularly at the May harvest (Zadoks 45) and this starvation may have been responsible for the greater utilization by the direct-drilled crops of a fresh supply of nitrogen.  相似文献   

Numbers of earthworms collected from direct-drilled or ploughed land were studied during successive years on contrasting soil types sown with cereals. Samples were taken in autumn using a combination of chemical expulsion and hand sorting of soil. The population was consistently larger on direct-drilled than on ploughed land, and the difference became greater in each successive year. Deep burrowing species were affected similarly to the population as a whole. Population differences on the two treatments were greater with spring — than autumn - sown crops. After tine cultivation numbers were usually similar to those after ploughing. On a direct-drilled clay soil on which straw had been either burned, or chopped and spread, no differences were recorded in the overall population. However, significantly larger numbers of deep burrowing species were found on the chopped and spread areas, whereas on the burned areas numbers of Allolobophora chlorotica were significantly greater.  相似文献   

Direct drilling of autumn-sown cereal crops reduced the loss of nitrate in drainage. Losses of nitrate nitrogen in water draining from arable land have been measured for 4 seasons, 1980–1984. The field experiment was on a mole-drained clay soil in southern England. Autumn-sown cereal crops were established by direct drilling or after ploughing and traditional seed-bed preparation. Losses ranged from 3 to 75 kg N ha−1 year−1, with an average of 34 kg N ha−1 year−1. Most of the loss (about 90%) was removed via the mole-drain system. Measured loss of nitrate from the direct-drilled soil was 76% (range 48–89%) of that lost from the ploughed soil. Mole drains apparently increased loss of nitrate directly to the river system. In the absence of mole drains, nitrate loss in surface drainage averaged 6 kg N ha−1, compared with 4 kg N ha−1 in the presence of drains. However, in one year, exceptionally high amounts of nitrate (80 kg N ha−1) were lost from undrained, direct-drilled land because of poor crop establishment; deep leaching of nitrate in the undrained soil was not measured. Approximate calculations show that up to half the autumn-applied fertiliser-N was lost by leaching and up to 15% of spring applications.  相似文献   

Tillage may influence nitrate losses from agricultural soils. Losses of nitrate were measured in drainflow at 60 cm depth and in combined surface runoff and interflow in the A horizon (=surface layer flow) on hydrologically sealed plots with a two-year comparison (1988–1990) of shallow-tine cultivation vs. mouldboard ploughing. Ploughing increased concentrations and loadings of nitrate in drainflow and surface layer flow, especially in the first year. After these two years the shallow-tined plots were ploughed to plant winter beans (Vicia faba L.), and nitrate in drainflow then increased over the next three winters, slightly exceeding that from the plots which had been ploughed throughout for winter cereals. The composition of the surface layer flow did not show this effect, however. Calculations of net winter mineralisation of soil organic nitrogen showed that shallow-tine cultivation may have decreased mineralisation slightly compared with ploughing in the first two years. These calculations did not indicate any increase in mineralisation for two winters after the minimally cultivated plots were ploughed in autumn 1990, probably because the soil was then very dry. This increase was apparently delayed until the fifth winter (1992/1993), which was much wetter than any since autumn 1990. In the previous eight years (1980–1988) half of the plots had been ploughed and half had been direct drilled. Averaged over the five winters 1988/1989–1992/1993, the five measures of nitrate loss in drainflow from plots previously direct drilled were 6–57% more than from plots previously ploughed, and winter mineralisation was 20% more, with no evidence of any decline in either with time. The nitrate produced by mineralisation of organic matter conserved by the eight years of direct drilling was mainly lost by leaching or denitrification; it was of little or no benefit to the crops. The results suggest that in the long term more nitrate is leached from land subject to periods of minimal or zero tillage and ploughing than from land ploughed every year.  相似文献   

The influence of tillage methods on plant water status was measured in spring barley on a sandy loam soil (Wighill series) in 1976. Three methods of tillage were used: direct drilling, tine cultivation to 12.5 cm depth, and moldboard plowing to 20 cm depth. Soil bulk density was higher in the 0–5 and 5–10 cm layers of the direct-drilled plots. Soil strength was also higher in the direct-drilled plots to 22.8 cm depth compared with plowed plots, and to 15.2 cm depth compared wiht tine-cultivated plots. Thje only significant effect on soil water content (measured to 90 cm depth) was between 80 and 114 days from planting when extraction from the 0–10 cm depth was greater in the direct-drilled plots compared with the plowed plots, and at 20 cm depth greater in plowed plots than in direct-drilled plots. There were no significant differences between tillage methods in leaf water potential, above-ground dry matter produced, and grain yield.  相似文献   

Continuous hourly records of soil temperature were collected at 1, 5 and 20 cm, throughout two growing seasons, 1973 and 1974, under crops of spring barley in the east of Scotland. Measurements were obtained from three cultivation treatments, deep ploughing, normal ploughing and direct drilling, at two nitrogen fertiliser levels, 0 and 150kg/ha. Compared with ploughed soil, direct-drilled soil had a higher surface reflection coefficient and a higher thermal diffusivity between 5 and 20 cm; overall, this resulted in lower heat sums (°C hours/day over 5 °C and 10 °C) in direct-drilled soil at 1 cm and 5 cm during the first 20 days after sowing. The thermal regimes of normally and deeply ploughed plots were very similar. Nitrogen fertiliser caused significant lowering of soil temperature at all three depths in the latter half of the growing season, due to increased shading of the soil surface by the crop canopy. Some implications of these findings for cultivations for cereals are discussed.  相似文献   

The concentration of nitrate-N at 30 cm depth in a clay soil was 2–5 times greater (p<.05) after ploughing than after direct drilling during the winter and spring of 1972–3. However, by early May no significant differences could be detected between cultivation treatments. It is concluded that decreased mineralization of soil nitrogen in the direct-drilled soil is the main factor responsible for the differences observed.  相似文献   

In a long-term cultivation experiment on a sandy clay loam overlying magnesian limestone and cropped with spring barley (Hordeum sativum) each year, mouldboard ploughing, shallow tine cultivation and direct drilling were compared. Compaction had become evident on the direct drilled treatment and to alleviate this the ‘Paraplow’, a slant-legged soil loosening implement, was used on all treatments to a depth of 35 cm in the autumn of 1980.A crop of spring barley (var. Athos) was grown in 1981, at a nitrogen fertiliser rate of 75 kg ha?1 N. Root growth, shoot dry matter, nitrogen uptake, grain yield and components of yield were recorded. Soil strength (by cone resistance) and dry bulk density of the soil were also measured. As a mean of all cultivation systems the ‘Paraplow’ increased grain yield by 12%. The response of the crop to cultivation by the ‘Paraplow’ was greatest on the mouldboard ploughed and long-term direct-drilled systems. The latter out-yielded the former, with shallow tine cultivation intermediate.The decrease in soil strength caused by the ‘Paraplow’ resulted in more rapid penetration of root axes and greater proliferation of roots in each horizon of the profile. There was no significant effect on shoot dry matter up to anthesis but, at harvest, barley on land treated with the ‘Paraplow’ had more ears with more grains per ear. Thousand-grain weight was not affected.The poorer growth of barley on ploughed than direct drilled land in 1981 was explained by temporary waterlogging of the soil in May.  相似文献   

The effects are repotted of direct drilling and mouldboard ploughing on soil water retention and extraction in three soils over two to four years. In the years 1972–75 when winter rainfall was close to or greater than the long-term average the maximum soil water content of the upper 100 cm differed little between the cultivation treatments. In contrast, after the dry winter of 1975–76, about 10 per cent more water was stored in the direct-drilled soil, especially below 50 cm. In the following dry summer, winter wheat extracted up to 22 mm more water from uncultivated soil and this was associated with better growth of the crop than after ploughing. When simulated rain was applied, water infiltrated rapidly to a depth of 50–100 cm in direct-drilled soil, whereas on ploughed land its movement was retarded below the plough sole even when cultivation had been carried out under conditions which minimized smearing. Water storage at depth was consequently greater under dry conditions in the direct-drilled soil while excess water reached drain depth more rapidly in wet conditions.  相似文献   

Vane shear strength, water status and bulk density were measured at various times in a growing season at two depths in a swelling clay topsoil. The site comprised experimental plots that had been ploughed annually, or direct-drilled for 10 years; short-term fallow areas, created on adjacent long-term grassland, were compared with the arable plots. In the middle of the topsoil layer (nominally 120 mm depth) of all three treatments shear strength was linearly related to water content, and similarly to bulk density in the direct-drilled and ploughed soils. Closer to the soil surface (nominally 40 mm), relationships between strength and wetness or density were less distinct, particularly in the spring, when drying was not accompanied by an increase in strength; possible reasons for this anomaly are considered. The shear strength of the untilled soils was greater, at both depths, than that of the ploughed soil. Other factors including density, water potential, soil structure and organic constituents, differed with time or between treatments, and their contribution to variations in shear strength are discussed.  相似文献   

Cereal crops were grown after direct drilling or ploughing on an undrained or drained clay soil over 4 years to examine whether crop growth after different methods of tillage is influenced by the intesiity of drainage. Winter cereals were grown in each year, wheat for 3 years and oats in the remaining year. In 3 of the years (years 1–3) the total annual precipitation was close to the long-term mean, and the mean depths of the water table during the winter in the undrained and drained land were about 20 and 40 cm, respectively. In the 3rd year, an unusually wet autumn also caused very wet topsoil at sowing time, which persisted throughout the winter. The 4th year was much drier than average, and the water tables remained below drain depth.An interaction between the intensity of drainage and the method of tillage occurred only in the 3rd year, with the wet autumn, when completion of ploughing, seed-bed preparation and sowing of the oats were delayed. This disadvantaged the direct-drilled crop on the undrained land, where seedlings experienced pre-emergence waterlogging so that the plant population was 20 m−2 and yield was only 55% of the crop grown after ploughing; on drained land, there was little difference in establishment or yield between the tillage treatments.Drainage did not affect yield in the 2 drier years, the 1st and 4th, and in the latter year the grain yield of winter wheat was 11.5 t ha−1. In the 2nd year, drainage increased yield by about a quarter, when root growth and nutrient uptake were restricted on the undrained treatment. Averaged over the whole duration of this experiment, 4 years reported here and 2 years already published, the mean increase in grain yield of winter cereals due to drainage was 13% (0.9 t ha−1).On average, the 3 direct-drilled winter wheat crops yielded 4% more grain than crops grown on ploughed land due to an advantage in one year. Root extension in winter was slightly faster after direct drilling than after ploughing, but the difference subsequently diminished or disappeared.  相似文献   

Abstract. Losses of soil and fertilizer nitrogen by leaching and denitritication from a clay soil in southern England have been measured over four years. Nitrate losses in drainage water from direct-drilled land averaged 20–30 kg N ha 'a' with wide seasonal variation. Ploughing and conventional cultivations increased this loss. Denitritication from direct-drilled land averaged 5–10 kg N ha 'a' with wide seasonal variation. Ploughing and drainage both diminished denitritication losses but cultivation had the greater effect. These nitrogen losses occurred mainly in autumn and spring.
Nitrogen losses, in drainage water or by denitritication after spring fertilizer applications, were related to the rainfall in the 28 days following top dressing. Approximately 40 mm rain was needed to cause a loss of 10% of the nitrogen applied but in practice losses were quite variable.  相似文献   

The concentration of oxygen at three depths (15, 30 and 60 cm) has been measured in a direct-drilled or ploughed clay soil of low hydraulic conductivity (Evesnam series) which was cropped with winter wheat in three consecutive growing seasons (1972/73 to 1974/75). The mean oxygen concentrations between January and March varied with the seasonal rainfall; in the relatively dry winter of 1972/73they were 20 per cent (v/v) at 15 cm and 12 per cent (v/v) at 60 cm, but in the wetter winters of 1973/74 and 1974/75 they were less than 11 and 6 per cent (v/v) at 15 and 60 cms respectively. Direct drilling resulted in higher oxygen concentrations at 15 cm than ploughing in both wetter winters, the mean concentration being 10.2 and 7.2 per cent (v/v) in direct-drilled and ploughed plots respectively. Frequency distributions of values obtained at individual sampling points showed that when the mean oxygen concentration of the soil at 15 cm decreased to its annual minimum (in January-March), a significantly higher proportion of the sampling points under direct drilling continued to show concentrations of oxygen greater than 10 per cent (v/v). The results are interpreted as indicating that the higher oxygen concentrations found in this soil after direct drilling are due to the development of a system of continuous large pores and channels which would otherwise be destroyed by annual ploughing.  相似文献   

Abstract. Leaching losses of nitrate-nitrogen were measured from a set of eight hydrologically isolated plots on a clay loam soil over the period from September 1987 to February 1990. Variable drainflow recovery from the plots hampered accurate estimation of nitrate loading, but results suggest that, when inorganic nitrogen fertilizer is applied up to the recommended amount, there is little influence of the amount applied on the amount leached. We did, however, observe the following effects on nitrate leaching: leguminous green manure incorporated in autumn increased leaching of nitrate-nitrogen by 10–15 kg per hectare during the winter; autumn cultivation caused some increase in leaching compared with no cultivation in one year; some systematic variations in nitrate leaching occurred between years and between plots, but were unrelated to treatments.
From the results we conclude that green manuring does not provide sufficient nitrogen for organically grown crops on this soil but contributes significantly to nitrate leaching, and that growing spring cereals, with the land remaining in stubble as long as possible in autumn, may be the best strategy to minimize nitrate leaching.  相似文献   

Drained and undrained grassland lysimeter plots were established in 1982 on a clay loam of the Hallsworth series at a long-term experimental site in south-west England. The plots were continuously grazed by beef cattle, and received fertilizer at either 200 or 400 kg N ha-1 per annum to the existing permanent sward, or at 400 kg N ha-1 to a new sward, reseeded to perennial ryegrass following cultivation. Drainage water was monitored at V-notch weirs and sampled daily for the analysis of nitrate-N. Seven years of data are presented (five years for the reseeded swards). On the drained plots a large proportion of the rainfall was routed preferentially down large pores to the mole drains, whilst on the undrained plots, drainage was mainly by surface runoff. The average quantities of nitrate N leached per year were 38.5, 133.8 and 55.7 kg ha-1 from the old sward that received 200 and 400 kg N ha-1, and from the reseed that received 400 kg N ha-1 fertilizer, respectively. Ploughing and reseeding resulted in a two-fold reduction in leaching, except during the first winter after ploughing, and twice as much leaching occurred after a hot, dry summer as after a cool, wet one. Nitrate concentrations in drainage from either drained or undrained plots were rather insensitive to rainfall intensity, such that concentration was a good predictor of nitrate load for a given drainage volume. The drainage volume determined the proportion of the leachable N that remained in the soil after the winter drainage period. Initial (peak) concentrations of nitrate N ranged, on average, from 55 mg dm-3 for the drained old sward that received 400 kg N ha-1 fertilizer, to 12 mg dm-3 for the undrained sward at 200 kg N ha-1 fertilizer input. Concentrations of nitrate N in drainage from similar, unfertilized plots rarely exceeded 1 mg dm-3. The results suggest that manipulating the nitrate supply can lessen leaching and that the route of water through soil to the watercourse determines the maximum nitrate concentration for a given load.  相似文献   

《Soil & Tillage Research》1987,10(3):243-258
The supply of soil nitrogen to successive wheat crops was compared for direct-drilled and conventional tillage systems on a red earth in south-eastern Australia. There was no significant effect of tillage on the total plant uptake of nitrogen, nor on the decline of soil nitrogen during a 5-year cropping cycle. During the growth of the last two crops in the cycle, the rates of net mineralization, nitrate leaching from the topsoil and crop-nitrogen uptake were measured, for both tillage systems, by an in situ sequential sampling method. For the first of these crops the rates of net mineralization were unaffected by tillage, but for the second crop the rates were greater on the direct-drilled soil. Variation in the rates of mineralization within both seasons could largely be explained by changes in temperature and soil water content. Leaching of nitrate from the topsoil was consistently greater for the direct-drilled soil, where seedlings initially accumulated less nitrogen than those growing on conventionally-cultivated soil. However, the differences in uptake did not persist, and at maturity similar amounts of nitrogen, representing less than 50% of the seasonal net mineralization, were accumulated in the above-ground parts of crops grown under the two systems.  相似文献   

The effects of ploughness tillage (stubble cultivation with a disc tiller or a spring tine cultivator, or with both in combination, replacing mouldboard ploughing) on evaporation were investigated using undisturbed soil lysimeters (height = 350 mm, diameter = 300 mm) excavated after spring cultivation in May from field experiments in eastern Sweden. The evaporation process was measured on ploughed and unploughed soil lysimeters, both with or without precipitation and with or without a seedbed. The effects on evaporation of incorporating crop residues with or without precipitation into a ploughed seedbed were also measured. The results from a heavy clay and from a silty clay loam showed that both ploughless tillage and incorporated straw reduced cumulative evaporation. The water-conserving effect was greater in irrigated treatments. The positive effect on water conservation was also greater on the silty clay loam than on the heavy clay. The soil structural changes brought about by ploughless tillage in layers under the seedbed acted to reduce the rate of evaporation from soil.  相似文献   

Results of computer simulations on fertilization and catch cropping problems in water protection areas by means of a soil nitrogen model A simple model of the nitrogen turnover in soil is presented. The model was validated by field experiment time series. The simulation results showed that dividing of the mineral nitrogen fertilization during spring for root crops or maize as well as shortening the first spring nitrogen fertilization for winter cereals diminished the leaching of nitrate only in extremely wet springs on sandy soils. The great importance of winter catch cropping in a cereal-root crop or a cereal-maize rotation on all soils and the necessity to avoid liquid manuring during late summer and early autumn, especially on sandy soils without catch cropping, are demonstrated. The results underline the predominant influence of the weather conditions on nitrate leaching.  相似文献   

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