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Capripox in the Yemen Arab Republic and the Sultanate of Oman   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Capripox was shown to be endemic in all the provinces of the Yemen Arab Republic and the Sultanate of Oman. Investigations into outbreaks of capripox indicated that some strains of capripoxvirus were infecting both sheep and goats and this was confirmed by inoculating experimental sheep and goats with isolates derived from field cases. The husbandry methods prevalent in the Middle East predispose to the rapid spread of capripox and annual vaccination of all sheep and goats must be considered as the only effective method of controlling the disease.
Resumen Se comprobó que el capripox era endémico en todas las provincias de la República Arabe de Yemen y en el Sultanato de Oman. Las investigaciones de los brotes ocurridos, dieron como resultado el aislamiento de una cepa de virus capripox entre otras, capaz de infectar ovejas y cabras. Lo anterior se comprobó mediante la inoculación experimental. El sistema de manejo en el Este Medio favorece la rápida difusión de la enfermedad, siendo la vacunación anual de todo el efectivo, el único método efectivo para controlar la enfermedad.

Résumé On a montré que l’infection Capripox est endémique dans toutes les provinces de la République Arabe et du Sultanat d’Oman. Des recherches conduites dans des foyers de capripox ont montré que quelques souches de virus capripox étaient infectieuses pour les moutons et les chèvres; ceci a pu être confirmé expérimentalement en inoculant des moutons et des chèvres avec des souches originaires de cas naturels. Les méthodes d’élevage existant au Moyen-Orient favorisent la dissémination rapide du capripox; la vaccination annuelle doit être considérée comme étant la seule méthode effective de contr?le de la maladie.

Summary Repeated use of modern anthelmintics gave good control of fascioliasis in sheep in a village in the inter-montane plain of the Yemen Arab Republic despite the presence on the same pasture of untreated animals. The sheep mainly acquired the infection during the drier winter season and it is probable that effective control could be achieved by regular treatment of all animals over that period.
Resumen El uso repetido de antihelmínticos dió buen resultado en el control de fascioliasis en ovejas, en una aldea localizada en un valle intermonta?oso de la República Arabe de Yemen, a pesar de la presencia de aimales infectados sin tratar. Las ovejas adquirieron la infección durante la estación invernal seca, siendo probable que se logre un control efectivo, mediante tratamientos regulares de todo los animales en invierno.

Résumé L'usage répété des anthelminthiques modernes s'est révélé un bon moyen de lutte contre la fasciolose du mouton dans un village situé dans la plaine intermontagneuse de la République Arabe du Yemen et ceci malgré la présence dans la même prairie d'animaux non-traités. Les moutons contractaient l'infection principalement pendant la saison hivernale plus séche et il est probable qu'on pourrait parvenir à une lutte efficace par un traitement régulier de tous les animaux pendant cette période.

This paper describes the domestic livestock of the Republic of Yemen and aspires to complement earlier sources listing or partially describing `breeds'. It attempts to cover all species and provide indications of production parameters through a literature review and via field observations made by the author in 1999. Information is provided on livestock numbers and the economic importance of animal production. Most animals are kept in sedentary mixed crop–livestock production systems; transhumant systems have the next greatest number of stock; with nomadic systems being of least and declining importance. Yemen's livestock appear to comprise at least 11 breeds of sheep, 5 breeds of goat, 2 breeds of cattle, 4 breeds of camel, 2 breeds of donkey and 1 breed of horse. There are no data on breeds of poultry but domestic fowl (where clearly considerable diversity exists) and pigeons are kept. There is little formal information on the history and relationships of most breeds. Some appear to be of ancient local origin, whereas others show affinities with those of neighbouring and other countries. None of the identified types is considered endangered, so conservation would be premature. A more formal and detailed genetic characterization, to add to the largely morphological and traditional classification, may, however, reveal such a need.  相似文献   

Faecal samples and questionnaires from 115 and 130 farms respectively were used to survey the internal parasite status of the national deer herd and examine current drenching practices. The survey included farms with red deer and wapiti-red deer crosses (Cervus elaphus), and fallow deer (Dama dama). Gastrointestinal nematode eggs were recorded from 84% of all farms, Dictyocaulus viviparus larvae from 85% of all farms, and Elaphostrongylus cervi larvae from 35% of the farms with C. elaphus. Faecal egg and larval counts were generally low. There was a significant relationship between the presence of Elaphostrongylus and the introduction of deer from Southland/Fiordland. Fenbendazole, oxfendazole and albendazole were the most frequently used anthelmintics of the 14 reported. Drenching programmes were extremely varied.  相似文献   

Summary This records some gut and blood parasites of sheep, cattle, buffaloes and camels in the Aswan Governorate of Egypt.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal parasitism in the dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Ovine brucellosis in alberta   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Two parallel surveys of rams from Alberta sheep flocks were conducted to determine the presence of infection with Brucella ovis. In a retrospective study over a period of 24 months, using complement fixation test, 12 flocks out of 142 tested were considered infected. In another 17-month survey of slaughter rams by serology and culture methods 11 flocks out of 124 were found to be infected. The overall prevalence of ovine brucellosis was 8.6% of the flocks tested which represented 12.5% of the estimated sheep flocks in Alberta. Up to 67% of rams in infected flocks reacted to complement fixation test.

The complement fixation test was evaluated for its efficiency in the diagnosis of ovine brucellosis and compared with a limited number of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) results and clinical criteria. The complement fixation test as well as ELISA identified all culture positive rams. Both serological tests appeared satisfactory for the diagnosis of B. ovis epididymitis when the results could be interpreted in the light of flock history and clinical findings.


Sera from 155 ewes representing 21 different sheep flocks from the central parts of Sweden were examined for the presence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii by the indirect fluorescent-antibody test. Seropositive animals were found in 14 flocks, which corresponded to 55 % of the tested sera. Animals from the same flock were with few exceptions either all positive or all negative. Some ewes with a history of abortion a few months before blood sampling showed high titers indicating causative correlation with toxoplasmosis. These are the first verified cases of ovine toxoplasmal abortions in Sweden.Key words: Toxoplasma gondii, sheep, abortion, fluorescent antibody test  相似文献   

Summary A syndrome of unthriftiness, stiffness, anorexia, recumbency and pica in cattle of the Yemen Arab Republic was investigated for the first time. The condition is virtually confined to cows in the Central and Northern Highlands where they are housed continuously and hand fed fresh lucerne and dried sorghum stalks frequently supplemented with domestic scraps. Affected cows had a low mean blood inorganic phosphorus (0·6 mmol/litre) but normal serum calcium and magnesium. Blood phosphorus and serum calcium levels were negatively correlated and fluctuated seasonally, possibly associated with rainfall. The basic diet of lucerne and sorghum stalks was adequate for maintenance but deficient in phosphorus, energy and protein for milk production. The high calcium content of the lucerne portion resulted in wide calcium: phosphorus ratios of 8·8 to 16·5:1. The similarity of the syndrome to osteomalacia caused by phosphorus deficiency in other parts of the world is discussed.
Afosforosis En Bovinos De Yemen Del Norte
Resumen Se investigó por primera vez un sindrome consuntivo acompañado de pica en ganado de la República Arabe de Yemen. La condición aparece primordial en vacas en la parte Central y Norte de la Sierra, donde los animales permanecen estabulados y son alimentados manualmente con pasto lucerna y tallos de sorgo seco, y suplementados con desperdicios. Las vacas afectadas presentaron niveles medios bajos de fósforo inorgánico (0·6 m. mol/l) y valores normales de calcio y magnecio. Los niveles sanguíneos séricos de calcio y fósforo se correlacionaron negativamente y fluctuaron estacionalmente, posiblemente relacionados conlas lluvias. La dieta básica de pasto lucerna y tallos de sorgo fué adecuada para mantenimiento pero deficiente en fósforo, energía y proteína para la producción de leche. El alto contenido de calcio del pasto lucerna resultó en cuocientes de 8·8 a 16·5:1. Se discute la similitud del sindrome con la osteomalacia causada por la deficiencia de fósforo en otras partes del mundo.

Aphosphorose Des Bovins Dans Le Yemen Du Nord
Résumé Un syndrome comportant de l'insuffisance dans le développement, des courbatures, de l'anorexie, du décubitus et du pica a été signalé, et étudié pour la première fois chez les bovins de la République démocratique du Yemen. Cette observation a été virtuellement confirmée chez des vaches des Hauts Plateaux du Centre et du Nord en stabulation permanente nourries de luzerne fraîche et des tiges desséchées de sorgho, avec, fréquemment, des déchets domestiques. Les vaches atteintes ont montré un taux sanguin de phosphore inorganique (0,6 mmol./l) movennement bas alors que celui du calcium et du magnésium sérique était normal. Des niveaux du phosphore sanguin et du calcium sérique ont montré des corrélations négatives saisonnièrement fluctuantes en association possible avec la pluviométrie. La ration à base de luzerne et de tiges de sorgho suffit à l'entretien des animaux mais manque de phosphore et de protéines pour la production laitière. La teneur élevée en calcium de la luzerne ramène le rapport calcium: phosphore de 8,8 à 16,5:1. La similitude du syndrome observé avec l'ostéomalacie causée par la carence en phosphore dans les autres parties du monde est discutée.

绵羊肺腺瘤病(ovine pulmonary adenomatosis,OPA)和绵羊进行性肺炎(ovine progressive pneumonia,OPP)是改良绵羊很容易发生的两种呼吸系统疾病,两者都可引起明显的肺脏病变。为了从病理组织学变化上对这两种疾病加以鉴别,分别描述了OPA和OPP自然病例肺脏的眼观病变,采集OPA和OPP病死羊的肺脏,制成石蜡切片,经HE染色后,在光学显微镜下观察、拍照,并记录病理形态学变化。  相似文献   

Lu  Wenshun  Lu  Wenxiang  Zhang  Qicai  Yu  Feng  Dou  Huifang  Yin  Hong 《Tropical animal health and production》1997,29(4):16S-18S
Tropical Animal Health and Production - This paper described studies on the distribution, vector and multiplication of the pathogen of ovine anaplasmosis and a complement fixation test (CFT) for...  相似文献   

C-cell Distribution in Ovine Thyroid Gland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The number and percentage of C-cells per unit area were investigated in 2-3-year-old sheep by an immunoperoxidase technique, using a digital-image analysis. C-cells were distributed throughout the thyroid lobes but were not present in either the isthmus or the superior and inferior poles of the thyroid. C-cells were more concentrated in the deep central region of the lobes and decreased gradually toward the periphery. There was a high correlation between the number and the percentage of C-cells per unit area of thyroid gland in sheep. Significant differences were not present between male and female sheep of 2-3 years of age.  相似文献   

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