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There are abundant local legume trees and shrubs potentially suitable for alley cropping systems in the sub-Saharan Africa, which are yet to be studied. The nitrogen contribution of two years old Albizia lebbeck and S. corymbosato yield of maize grown in alley cropping was compared to that of Senna siamea, Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena leucocephala in four seasons at Ibadan. Maize shoot biomass and maize grain yield in A. lebbeck alley compared favourably with that in G. sepium and L. leucocephala. Maize biomass and grain yield in S. corymbosa alleys were the lowest. Within A. lebbeck, L. leucocpehala, and G. sepium alleys there were no significant differences in the maize yield in the alleys that received 0, 40 or 80 kg N/ha. Application of more than 40 kg N/ha in S. corymbosa alleys was not necessary as there was no significant increase in maize yield at the higher level of nitrogen. Maize yield and N uptake in A. lebbeck alleys were not significantly different from yield and N uptake in G. sepium, and L. leucocephala at the same fertilizer level. There was a significant correlation between hedgerow tree biomass and maize grain yield. At the end of twelve weeks after pruning application, the organic residues of the pruning applied in the alleys ranged from 5% in G. sepium and 44% in A. lebbeck in the first year compared with the original pruning applied which showed that the slow rate of A. lebbeck decomposition could have a beneficial effect on the soil. The maize N recovery from applied N fertilizer was low (10–22%). Percentage N recovery from the prunings was low in the non-N fixing trees (12–22%), while the recovery was high (49–59%) in A. lebbeck as well as in the other nitrogen fixing tree prunings. Thus A. lebbeck, apart from enhancing maize growth and grain yield like in L. leucocephala and G. sepium, had an added advantage because it remained longer as mulching material on the soil because of its slow rate of decomposition. It was able to survive pruning frequencies with no die-back. This indicates that A. lebbeck is a good potential candidate for alley cropping system in West Africa. S. corymbosa performed poorly compared with the other legume trees. Though it responded to N fertilizer showing a positive interaction between the hedgerow and fertilizer application, it had a high die back rate following pruning periods and termite attack.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The performance of the leaf mulches ofLeucaena leucocephala, Gliricidia sepium andFlemingia macrophylla in weed control has been tested in two trials. The length of the period during which a mulch layer yields significantly less weedbiomass compared to the control plots is called the effective life-span of the mulch.Of the three mulch materials only that ofF. macrophylla shows promise in retarding weed development.In the second trialF. macrophylla leaf mulch was applied at rates of 3, 6 and 9 tons dry matter per ha. The effective lifespan of a mulch layer of 3 tons is between 12 and 13 weeks. The treatments 6 and 9 tons have effective life-spans of over 14 weeks.For moderate quantities (up to 5 tons of dry leaf mulch per ha) the effective life-span is estimated at about a 100 days.The value of mulching in weed control is limited to the control of weed species that multiply by seed. Regrowth originating from roots or stumps from former vegetation is unlikely to be checked by a mulch layer.The subject of this paper is part of a broader study, presently conducted in Southern Ivory Coast, on the production, agronomical value and use in alley-cropping systems of the species mentioned in the title of the paper. A final report is scheduled for publication in 1988.  相似文献   

The performance of the leaf mulches ofLeucaena leucocephala, Gliricidia sepium andFlemingia macrophylla in weed control has been tested in two trials. The length of the period during which a mulch layer yields significantly less weedbiomass compared to the control plots is called the ‘effective life-span’ of the mulch. Of the three mulch materials only that ofF. macrophylla shows promise in retarding weed development. In the second trialF. macrophylla leaf mulch was applied at rates of 3, 6 and 9 tons dry matter per ha. The effective lifespan of a mulch layer of 3 tons is between 12 and 13 weeks. The treatments 6 and 9 tons have effective life-spans of over 14 weeks. For moderate quantities (up to 5 tons of dry leaf mulch per ha) the effective life-span is estimated at about a 100 days. The value of mulching in weed control is limited to the control of weed species that multiply by seed. Regrowth originating from roots or stumps from former vegetation is unlikely to be checked by a mulch layer. The subject of this paper is part of a broader study, presently conducted in Southern Ivory Coast, on the production, agronomical value and use in alley-cropping systems of the species mentioned in the title of the paper. A final report is scheduled for publication in 1988.  相似文献   

Prunings in hedgerow intercropping systems are a potential source of organic matter and their quality is an important characteristic driving decomposition and nutrient release. To determine the potential range of residue characteristics and the impact of canopy age on those, selected characteristics of Leucaena leucocephala, Gliricidia sepium, and Senna siamea hedgerow leaf residues were determined for young (5–10 weeks) and old (39–47 weeks) hedgerow canopies in six sites, representative in terms of soil for the derived savanna zone of West-Africa. The N content of the Leucaena and Senna residues decreased with age (from 4.8 to 3.9% and from 4.1 to 3.0%, respectively, while the N content of the Gliricidia residues remained constant (3.9%). The P content of all species decreased with age (from 0.30 to 0.20%, on average). The lignin content of the Leucaena residues increased, and their polyphenol content decreased with age, while for the Senna residues only an increase in polyphenol content with canopy age was evident. Neither the lignin nor the polyphenol content of the Gliricidia leaf residues was markedly affected by canopy age. For all species, the P and ADF content were positively correlated with the ash and lignin content, respectively. The N content of the Leucaena and Senna residues was positively correlated with their P content while the lignin content of the same species was negatively correlated with the polyphenol content. Because of the low variation in certain residue characteristics between sites, the presented data and equations could potentially be used to reasonably estimate those characteristics if no other information is available. For other characteristics, such as polyphenol contents, measurements are preferable in view of the relatively high variation encountered.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the effect of the leaf mulches of Leucaena leucocephala, Gliricidia sepium and Flemingia macrophylla on moisture content and temperature in the first 5 cm of the soil. The mulches were applied at a standard quantity of 5,000 kg ha–1 DM.In order to characterise a mulch material two parameters are distinguished; the initial impact (I i ) and the effective lifetime (T e ) of a mulch material. I is expressed in terms of percentage surplus moisture or degrees Celsius average temperature reduction. T quantifies the duration of the effect. Of the three mulch materials that of Flemingia macrophylla performs best in terms of moisture retention and lowering soil temperatures as well as in terms of longevity of the effect. Leucaena leucocephala mulch shows the smallest impact, over the shortest period.  相似文献   

The decomposition of leaves, twigs and roots of two diameter classes (<1.5 mm, 1.5–5 mm) were examined in an alley cropping experiment withGliricidia sepium, Calliandra calothyrsus andSenna sianea in the subhumid savanna of Central Togo using the litterbag technique. The effect of the application of leaves and twigs as mulch or green manure was examined. Gliricidia showed the most rapid mass loss. For all species, leaves decomposed faster than roots. Twigs had the lowest decomposition rate except forCalliandra. The two diameter classes of roots decomposed differently in the three species:Gliricidia fine roots decomposed faster than its coarser root fraction, the coarse roots ofSenna decomposed faster than the fine roots.Termites influenced the mass loss of twigs and roots to varying extents for the different species. In the case of twigs this was markedly influenced by the mode of application: green manure showed more termite frass than mulch.Nutrient release resembled the mass loss patterns of the prunings except for K, which was leached independently from mass loss. The release of the different nutrients was in the order CaGliricidia andSenna seemed to be best for mulch and green manure production at our site.  相似文献   

Soil moisture depletion during dry seasons by planted hedgerows to lower levels than under natural fallow, would reduce drainage and nutrient losses in the following rainy season when food crops are grown. The volumetric water content of the 0–150 cm soil profile was measured under planted hedgerows (alternating Leucaena leucocephala and Gliricidia sepium) and natural fallow, both either annually cropped to sole maize or in a two-year crop/two-year fallow rotation, in the humid forest zone (annual rainfall 1700 mm) of southern Cameroon during the 1995–1996 and 1996–1997 dry seasons. Hedgerows were cut to 0.05 m height, largely eliminating trees’ water consumption during cropping phases. Differences in total soil water content at 0–150 cm depth, between systems, occurred only in the early phases of the 1996–1997 dry season. In both dry seasons, differences between systems in water content were found in some soil layers, all within 0–60 cm depth, yet, without consistent advantage of any system in exploiting the topsoil water resources. Soil water content was lower under L. leucocephala than G. sepium at 20–40 cm depth only. Below 60 cm depth, no differences in water regimes between systems were found. Under southern Cameroonian conditions it is unlikely that any of the systems has an advantage in accessing or recovering water and thus, if available, nutrients from the sub-soil. None of the systems examined was capable of delaying drainage and thus it appears unlikely that downward displacement of nutrients is delayed after the start of the rains.  相似文献   

Field studies carried out in a forest transition site on a tropical Alfisol in southwestern Nigeria, show that shading by gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Steud) and leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit) hedgerow species reduced density of speargrass (Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel) by 67% and 51%, respectively. Shoot biomass of speargrass decreased by 81% and 78% in gliricidia and leucaena hedgerows, respectively. Reduction in speargrass rhizome biomass in gliricidia plots was 96% while rhizome reduction in the leucaena plots was nearly 90%. Rhizome mortality was significantly higher in gliricidia plots than in leucaena and control plots. The bulk of rhizomes was found between 10 cm and 20 cm of soil depth but rhizome did not penetrate further than 30 cm depth in the Alfisol in which this study was carried out. Gliricidia was better than leucaena hedgerow species in suppressing speargrass.  相似文献   

Young leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de Wit) and gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Steud) alley-cropped with food crops on farmers' fields in southwestern Nigeria showed marked variability in growth and foliage coloration. A field study was undertaken to determine whether variability in soil fertility was responsible for the differential growth of the two tree species. Plant height of leucaena and gliricidia at 6 and 9 months after planting (MAP) were significantly correlated with soil organic C and total N. Dry matter yield at 12 MAP was also significantly correlated with plant height, soil organic C and total N for leucaena but not for gliricidia. Soil and plant N concentrations were significantly higher in farms with normal than those with chlorotic plants.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study into the influences of spacing on the early performance and biomass production of Gliricidia sepium in an alley cropping system in southern Sierra Leone. Four between-row spacings of 2, 4, 6 and 8 m were combined with three within-row spacings (0.25, 0.50 and 1.00m) in a split plot experimental design.Survival, tree height and leaf nitrogen content were not affected by between- or within-row spacings. For the other parameters measured, namely root-collar diameter, branch production, total biomass and nitrogen yields per hectare, it was found that for equivalent tree densities, the lower the rectangularity of planting, the better the performance of the individual trees, and consequently the greater the yields per hectare.Total biomass production per unit area was, expectedly, greatest where the spacings between hedgerows were closest, while production per plant decreased with closer within-row spacings. The total fresh and dry weights of leaves and stems, as well as leaf nitrogen yields per unit area were strongly influenced by between-row spacing and less so by within-row spacing.  相似文献   

Effect of trees on the yield of wheat crop   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A study was conducted at the National Agricultural Research Center (NARC) of Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) by planting trees of four different species: Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Albizia procera, Morus alba and Leucaena leucocephala along the boundary of wheat fields in a randomized complete block design. Data on crop yield for each tree species and control (no trees) at different distances viz 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 meter (m) from the tree bases and control were collected and analyzed. The statistical analysis did not show any significant difference in the wheat yield among different tree species. However, the wheat yield was numerically lowest at 2 m distance in case of all the four tree species and control. In case of mulberry, it was lowest statistically also from other distances. Numerically higher wheat yield values were noted at later distances (8, 10 and 12 m) in case of all tree species including control except for siris where numerically highest value was found at 6 m distance. Therefore, it can be generalized that tree's impact on wheat yield can be experienced up to 2 m distance, there is little, if any, impact up to 6 m distance and almost no impact at 8, 10 and 12 m distances.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for eight cropping seasons from 1988 to 1991 in semiarid Machakos, Kenya, to compare the productivity of shrubs and crops in intercropping (alleycropping) versus block (sole) planting systems. The study, conducted in a split-plot experiment with three replications, consisted of two tree species (Leucaena leucocephala andSenna siamea syn.Cassia siamea) in the main-plots and combinations of two planting systems (alleycropping and block planting of the shrubs and maize) with five different ratios of land allocation for the shrub and crop (1000, 1585, 2080, 2575, and 0100) in sub-plots. Thus, a sole maize and a sole tree were included in the subplot treatments. The spacing between hedgerows of shrubs in intercropping was 6.7, 5, and 4 m, respectively, corresponding to 15, 20, and 25% land allocation to shrubs. The trees were pruned to 0.5 m height four times a year. Intercropped hedgerows of senna and leucaena produced 10% and 24% more biomass than their respective block planting systems. On average, leucaena produced more biomass than senna. Maize alleycropped with leucaena yielded 16% less grain than sole-crop maize, whereas senna intercropping caused hardly any maize-yield reduction. Compared with the respective sole-crop systems, leucaena intercropping did not affect land equivalent ratio (LER), whereas LER increased by 28% with senna intercropping. The different tree:crop land occupancy ratios did not affect the production of either the component species or of the total system, except that LER declined with incrreased spacing between hedgerows. It is concluded that in semiarid highlands of Kenya, leucaena and crops should better be grown in sole blocks, not in alleycropping. In the case of slow-growing species such as senna, intercropping is worthwhile to consider only if the additional labour needed does not pose a serious problem for management, and the species has fodder value.  相似文献   

Maize/cassava were intercropped between hedgerows of Senna spectabilis [(DC.) Irwin and Barneby], Flemingia macrophylla [(Willd.) Merrill] and Dactyladenia barteri [(Hook f ex Oliv.) Engl.] for five consecutive years on an Ultisol in southern Cameroon. Crop yields and hedgerow biomass production in the third to fifth year of cropping are reported. S. spectabilis produced more biomass than F. macrophylla and D. barteri in all years. Cumulative maize grain and cassava tuber yields were highest in F. macrophylla alley cropping, outyielding the no-tree control consistently by 42 to 67% (average 56%). Between hedgerows of D. barteri and S. spectabilis, crops yielded 17% and 16% more than the no-tree control, respectively. However, between S. spectabilis hedgerows, yields were highly variable between years (–15% to +35% compared to the no-tree control) and thus the system is at risk of failure. F. macrophylla is recommended for continuous alley cropping of maize/cassava intercrop. The use of D. barteri may require fallow phases for biomass accumulation followed by cropping phases with rigorous pruning. Although this may lead to lower cumulative yields, the products of the fallow phase, such as stakes and firewood, may provide some compensation.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Green manure applications in alley cropping systems often include twigs despite their potential to absorb (immobilize) nitrogen (N). To assess the impact of twigs on net N mineralization or immobilization from hedge row cuttings, we separated cuttings fromCalliandra calothyrsus andGliricidia sepium into leaf-only, twig-only, and mixed (leaf + twig) fractions and incubated them with moist soil in the laboratory. Soil extractable inorganic N did no differ among treatments after two weeks, but after four and eight weeks was greatest in leaf-only, and least in twig-only treatments. After two weeks, extractable N from the leaf-only treatment rose steadily, while that from the twig-only and mixed treatments was variable due to periods of net mineralization and net immobilization. The pattern of variation in mixed treatments paralleled that of twig-only, indicating that net immobilization in the mixture was largely caused by the presence of twigs. Extractable N from the mixture was somewhat lower than that predicted from the sum of leaf-only and twig-only treatments. We conclude that twigs in green manure reduce short-term N availability to associated crops in agroforestry systems.  相似文献   

An investigation was undertaken at Senehun — Kamajei, a high rainfall region in Sierra Leone, to assess the effects of Leucaena leucocephala, on the growth and productivity of maize, cowpea and sweet potato. The experiment was laid out in a completely randomised design with four replicates of each treatment. The treatments and controls were: (i) pure crops of maize, cowpea, sweet potato, Leucaena clean weeded and unweeded and (ii) intercrops of Leucaena with the food crops, both (iii) with and without applied fertilizers after the first year.The growth of Leucaena was slow but nevertheless tended to reduce grain yields of maize, and tuber and vine yields of sweet potato in the rows in the immediate vicinity of the trees, especially in the nitrogen-treated plots. The maize, in particular, caused an improvement in the early height growth of the trees.  相似文献   

Interplanting Gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium [Jacq.] Walp.) into poor quality native grass can improve the quality of pasture. But information on methods to establish the tree legume into existing pasture is scarce. This study was designed to compare the effects of disc-ploughing, hoeing, or rotary tillage operations, and direct seeding or planting out potted seedlings on growth and dry matter yields of Gliricidia in grass pasture. The Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) pasture was first mowed to a height of 10 cm. Then the seedbed was prepared by either hoeing 0.5 m strip or rototilling 0.5 m strip with a 2-wheel tractor or disc-ploughing 1.0 m strip with a 4-wheel tractor. Eight weeks old potted seedlings were planted or seeds were sown direct. At 6 months after planting (MAP), trees in disc-ploughed strips averaged 81 cm in height, about 35% taller than trees in hoed- or rotary-tilled strips. Potted seedlings (average height 77 cm) grew 37% taller than direct-seeded trees. At 12 MAP trees in disc-ploughed strips yielded 95% more leaf DM (1170 vs. 600 kg/ha) than trees in hoed- or rotary-tilled strips. In order to intercrop Gliricidia into existing Guinea grass pasture, it is necessary to plant potted seedlings previously raised in nursery into 1.0 m wide strips disc-ploughed with 4-wheel tractor. Weed control is necessary.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the use of three leguminous perennials (Leucaena leucocephala, Flemingia macrophylla and Gliricidia sepium) as live support systems in yam cultivation. In a planting arrangement in which yam rows alternated with rows of the woody species the tuber yields per ha were 3.4 (leucaena), 5.3 (flemingia) and 10.1 (gliricidia) ton fresh weight. TUKEY's L.S.D. value equalled 2.9 ton. Leucaena leucocephala is unsuitable as live support since the species shows a strong competitive power expressed in terms of leaf productivity and relative density of the root mass in the upper soil stratum, the zone explored by the yam crop. Flemingia macrophylla is unsuitable as support species mainly because of its structural weakness: Its branches do not sufficiently lignify to carry the yam leaf mass. The significantly higher tuber yield of the yam crop grown with Gliricidia sepium is a function of specific properties of the tree species: Low leaf productivity, a relatively weakly developed root system and an open architecture, which leaves sufficient space for a yam crop grown in association.  相似文献   

The choice of an appropriate hedgerow species is one of the most critical decisions in exploiting the value of a contour hedgerow system. The implications of hedgerow species with nitrogen (N)-fixation capacity on hedgerow-crop competition and crop productivity have been widely debated. We examined the agronomic significance of N-fixation by comparing the performance of species representing three classes of hedgerow vegetation: A nitrogen-fixing tree legumeGliricidia sepium), a non-nitrogen fixing tree (Senna spectabilis syn.Cassia spectabilis), and a forage grass (Pennisetum purpureum). The 4-year study investigated the hedgerow biomass and nutrient yields, and their relative effects on the performance of two annual crops commonly grown in alley farming systems, with emphasis on hedgerow-crop interference. The work was done on an Ultic Haplorthox (pH 4.8, organic C 1.9%, total N 0.18%).Senna produced 46% more pruning biomass on an annual basis than didGliricidia; N supplied to the alley crops was similar toGliricidia in the first year of observation, but 20–30% higher in the succeeding years. Upland rice and maize grain yields and total dry matter were unaffected by tree species, but the nitrogen-fixing tree exerted less competitive effects on the annual crops growing in adjacent rows. Grass hedgerows reduced maize yields 86% by the second year, indicating an unsustainable drawdown of nutrients and water. We conclude that hedgerow systems composed of a nitrogen-fixing tree did not exert significant advantages compared to a non-fixing tree species, and that factors other than N-fixation were more important determinants for the choice of hedgerow species.  相似文献   

Natural abundance of 15N was sampled in young and mature leaves, branches, stem, and coarse roots of trees in a cacao (Theobroma cacao) plantation shaded by legume tree Inga edulis and scattered non-legumes, in a cacao plantation with mixed-species shade (legume Gliricidia sepium and several non-legumes), and in a tree hedgerow bordering the plantations in Guácimo, in the humid Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. The deviation of the sample 15N proportion from that of atmosphere (δ15N) was similar in non-legumes Cordia alliodora, Posoqueria latifolia, Rollinia pittieri, and T. cacao. Deep-rooted Hieronyma alchorneoides had lower δ15N than other non-N2-fixers, which probably reflected uptake from a partially different soil N pool. Gliricidia sepium had low δ15N. Inga edulis had high δ15N in leaves and branches but low in stem and coarse roots. The percentage of N fixed from atmosphere out of total tree N (%Nf) in G. sepium varied 56–74%; N2 fixation was more active in July (the rainiest season) than in March (the relatively dry season). The variation of δ15N between organs in I. edulis was probably associated to 15N fractionation in leaves. Stem and coarse root δ15N was assumed to reflect the actual ratio of N2 fixation to soil N uptake; stem-based estimates of %Nf in I. edulis were 48–63%. Theobroma cacao below I. edulis had lower δ15N than T. cacao below mixed-species shade, which may indicate direct N transfer from I. edulis to T. cacao but results so far were inconclusive. Further research should address the 15N fractionation in the studied species for improving the accuracy of the N transfer estimates. The δ15N appeared to vary according to ecophysiological characteristics of the trees.  相似文献   

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