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1前言在过去数十年,抗生素被用在畜禽日粮中以维持健康和生产效率。但由于致病菌耐药性的产生,抗生素进而威胁公共卫生,所以自1986年瑞  相似文献   

秸秆微贮技术是一种现代生物技术。是通过一种叫“秸秆发酵活杆菌”(该菌是将木质纤维分解菌和有机酸发酵菌通过生物工程技术制备的高效复合杆菌)完成的。农作物秸秆经秸秆发酵活杆菌发酵贮存制成的优质饲料称作秸秆微贮饲料。具有成本低、效益高,适口性好,采食量高,消化率高,制作容易、无毒无害、作业季节长与农业不争化肥、不争农时等优点。1.水泥地微贮法。与传统青贮窖相似,将作物秸秆铡切碎,按比例喷洒菌液后装入池内,分层压实、封口。这种方法优点:池内不易进气进水、密封性好,经久耐用。2.土窖微贮法。选地势高、土质硬、向阳干燥、…  相似文献   

辣椒素作为天然植物来源的抗菌活性成分,具有安全、营养、高效广谱抗菌性和不产生抗药性的特征,在饲料领域作为饲用抗生素替代品有极高的研究和应用价值。本文主要就辣椒素作为饲用抗生素天然替代品的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

饲用抗生素替代品的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗生素是某些生物(主要是细菌、放线菌和真菌等微生物)在其生命活动过程中产生的,也可以人工合成,能在低微质量浓度下选择性地杀灭他种生物或抑制其机能的化学物质。1950年抗生素作为畜禽促生长添加剂在欧洲各国投入使用,在美国  相似文献   

小麦日粮NSP和木聚糖酶对肉仔鸡肠道微生物区系的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肠道微生物菌群是所有动物消化系统的一个组成部分,由于肠道微生物都是活的有机体,也就是说它们的生存需要营养和空间,这就意味着动物的消化系统对营养物质消化和吸收的能力,部分依赖于其中寄居的微生物菌群的分布及其总量。研究表明,不同微生物菌群的分布决定了代谢过程的范围  相似文献   

饲用抗生素对肠道微生物影响的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1饲用抗生素的起源和促生长效果1.1起源和发展饲用抗生素是在药用抗生素的基础上发展起来的。Stockstad等(1949)发现,链霉素(strepfomyces)发酵过程中得到的代谢产物,可以促进鸡只快速生长。Whitehill于1950年说明此代谢产物中含有的金霉素具有促生长效果。Jukes等(1950)试验证  相似文献   

近日,中国农业科学院深圳农业基因组研究所,通过高通量测序构建了全球首个鸡肠道微生物参考基因集,对动物肠道宏基因组学研究起到了重要补充作用。该研究为开发“绿色天然”植物来源替抗产品提供了科学依据。相关研究成果在线发表在《微生物学(Microbiome)》上。为了进一步研究家禽肠道微生物功能,解释饲用抗生素和天然替抗产品与肠道微生物群落的相互作用关系,联合研究团队于2012年启动鸡肠道宏基因组研究计划,经过6年的努力,构建了第一个鸡肠道微生物参考基因集,深入分析不同肠段、不同饲养方法、不同日龄对肠道微生物群落与功能的影响,并系统比较了饲用抗生素金霉素(CTC)和天然替抗产品博落回提取物(MCE)对肠道微生物菌群的调节作用。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究饲粮添加新产玉米对肉仔鸡生长性能及肠道微生物区系的影响。试验采用单因素完全随机设计,选取288只1日龄健康科宝肉仔鸡公雏,随机分为4组,每个处理组设6个重复,每个重复12只鸡,分别饲喂占饲粮总比例60%旧玉米(对照组)、占饲粮总比例40%旧玉米+占饲粮总比例20%新产玉米(处理Ⅰ组)、占饲粮总比例20%旧玉米+占饲粮总比例40%新产玉米(处理Ⅱ组)、占饲粮总比例60%新产玉米(处理Ⅲ组)4种饲粮。试验期为42 d,分前期(0~21 d)和后期(22~42 d)两个阶段进行。21、42日龄末测定各试验组试鸡生长性能,42日龄末采集对照组和处理Ⅲ组肉仔鸡回肠、盲肠食糜测定肠道微生物丰度。试验结果显示:(1)处理Ⅲ组显著降低了前期和后期肉仔鸡平均日增重(P<0.05),增加了前期和后期肉仔鸡料重比(P<0.05)。(2)对照组和处理Ⅲ组样本中盲肠和回肠相对丰度较高的菌门为Firmicutes和Proteobacteria;回肠相对丰度较高优势菌属为Lactobacillus、Romboutsia和CandidatusArthromitus;盲肠相...  相似文献   

本研究以酵母细胞壁来源的甘露寡聚糖为试验材料,探讨了不同添加剂量对爱拔益加肉仔鸡肠道微生物群落的影响。试验结果表明,日粮中添加酵母细胞壁来源的甘露寡聚糖可显著提高肉仔鸡生产性能,显著降低肉仔鸡肠道中大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌的数量,提高乳酸杆菌的数量,添加剂量以750mg/kg为适宜。  相似文献   

Poultry production has undergone a substantial increase compared to the livestock industries since 1970.However, the industry worldwide is now facing challenges with the removal of in-feed antibiotics completely or gradually, as the once well-controlled poultry diseases have re-emerged to cause tremendous loss of production. Necrotic enteritis(NE) is one of the most important diseases which costs the industry over two billion dollars annually. In this paper, we review the progress on the etiology of NE and its control through dietary modifications, pre-and probiotics, short chain fatty acids, and vaccination. The other likely measures resulted in the most advances in the toxin characterization are also discussed. Vaccine strategies may have greater potential for the control of NE mainly due to clearer etiology of NE having been elucidated in recent years with the identification of necrotic enteritis toxin B-like(NetB) toxin. Therefore, the use of alternatives to in-feed antibiotics with a better understanding of the relationship between nutrition and NE, and limiting exposure to infectious agents through biosecurity and vaccination, might be a tool to reduce the incidence of NE and to improve gut health in the absence of in-feed antibiotics. More importantly, the combinations of different measures may achieve greater protection of birds against the disease. Among all the alternatives investigated, prebiotics, organic acids and vaccination have shown improved gastrointestinal health and thus, have potential for the control of NE.  相似文献   

Background: Gut is a crucial organ for the host’s defense system due to its filtering action of the intestinal membrane from hazardous foreign substances. One strategy to strengthen the gut epithelial barrier function is to upregulate beneficial microflora populations and their metabolites. Sophorolipid(SPL), which is a glycolipid biosurfactant, could increase beneficial microflora and decrease pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.Therefore, herein, we conducted an experiment with b...  相似文献   

1. The mechanism of the anti-nutritive activity of isolated wheat pentosans was investigated by examining the roles of digesta viscosity and gut microflora in broiler chickens. 2. Wheat pentosans were isolated by alkaline extraction and purified by sequential treatment with pancreatin, alpha-amylase and lichenase, and high-speed centrifugation. Some of the pentosans were depolymerised using a beta-xylanase, which reduced the relative viscosity of the polysaccharides 4 fold. 3. Inclusion of 35 g alkali-extractable pentosans (containing 854 g arabinoxylans/kg DM) per kg diet significantly (P less than 0.05) depressed broiler performance and the viscosity of the digesta of these birds was significantly (P less than 0.05) higher than that of controls. Addition of the same amount of depolymerised pentosans had no significant effect on bird performance and had less effect on digesta viscosity. 4. Supplementation of the diet containing wheat pentosans (30 g/kg) with procaine penicillin (150 mg/kg) did not improve bird performance. 4. It is concluded that the wheat pentosans elicit their anti-nutritive activity predominantly through increasing the viscosity of digesta.  相似文献   


1. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of yeast cell wall (YCW) on performance and physiological responses of broiler chickens under subclinical necrotic enteritis challenge.

2. Six treatments in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement (non-challenged or challenged plus no supplement, YCW or antibiotics (AB)) was used. Each treatment was replicated eight times with 12 birds per replicate. The treatments included: (1) Positive control (PC; no additive, not challenged); (2) Negative control (NC; no additive, with challenge); (3) YCWN = yeast cell wall (2.0 g/kg diet, not challenged; (4) YCWC = yeast cell wall (2.0 g/kg diet, challenged); (5) ABN = zinc bacitracin 50 ppm + Salinomycin 60 ppm, not challenged); (6) ABC = zinc bacitracin 50 ppm + Salinomycin 60 ppm, challenged).

3. Eimeria challenge at 9 d of age did not affect feed intake (FI), body weight gain (BWG), FCR or liveability at 10 d. The BWG and FCR at 10 d were greater (P < 0.05) in birds fed YCW or AB (AB) diets relative to the PC or NC groups. On 24 and 35 d, FI, BWG, FCR and flock uniformity (28 d) were greater (P < 0.05) in the challenged groups fed YCW or AB diets compared to NC group.

4. Supplementation with YCW ameliorated the negative effects of NE on liver, spleen and bursa weight of birds.

5. Necrotic enteritis challenge decreased (P < 0.05) caecal Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium spp. counts, and increased ileum lesion score and caecal Clostridium perfirngens counts. This was reversed by the addition of either YCW or AB.

6. Supplementation with YCW and AB resulted to a greater (P < 0.05) dressing percentage and meat yield (35 d).

7. The results indicated that YCW plays a vital role in improving the physiological response and performance of broiler chickens under subclinical necrotic enteritis challenge.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the effect of the key cereal grains and a microbial enzyme supplement on broiler chicken performance, gut microflora and intestinal function. Ingestion of the barley-based diet was associated with low 28-day body weight, decreased feed intake and high FCR. The supplemental enzyme increased feed intake and weight gain of the chickens on a wheat-based diet. The pH of the gizzard and caecal contents varied with the grain type. Enzyme supplementation reduced ileal viscosity, particularly in birds that received the diet based on wheat. The birds on the barley-based diet had lower ileal digestibility of dry matter, protein and energy than those given maize and sorghum-based diets. The ileal digestibility of starch was increased by enzyme supplementation. Enzyme supplementation increased the number of total anaerobic bacteria in the gizzard of birds fed on sorghum and increased lactobacilli in the gizzard of those fed both sorghum and wheat. The birds fed the sorghum-based diet had the lowest counts of caecal total anaerobic bacteria and lactobacilli. Jejunal villus height and villus:crypt ratio of birds fed the barley-based diet were the lowest when compared with those fed the other diets. Enzyme application induced an increase in villus height and villus:crypt ratio of birds on wheat, crypt depth on barley and a reduction in crypt depth of chickens on the sorghum-based diets. The highest activity of maltase and the lowest activity of sucrase were observed in tissue from birds fed on maize and sorghum-based diets respectively. The differences in the performance of broilers on cereal grains could be explained by changes in intestinal morphology, enzyme activities and gut microflora as well as nutrient digestibility. The improved performance by supplemental enzyme in wheat-fed chickens was associated with beneficial changes in intestinal morphology and digesta viscosity.  相似文献   

Background: Heat stress is a significant problem in the poultry industry, causing a severe economic loss due to its detrimental effects on chickens' health and performance. Dried plum(DP) is a good source of minerals, vitamins,antioxidants, and phenolic compounds. Studies have suggested that DP has several health benefits, such as maintaining the body's redox system, immune status, and calcium hemostasis. Based on the health benefits of DP,we hypothesized that the dietary supplementation of DP would alleviate the detrimental effects of heat stress on broiler chickens.Results: To test the hypothesis, day-old broiler chicks(n = 72) were randomly allocated to three treatment groups(n = 24/group): no heat stress(NHS), heat stress(HS), and heat stress with dried plum(HS + DP), and reared under standard conditions. The inclusion of 2.5% DP in the feed of the HS + DP group was made during the treatment period, while birds in other groups were provided with a standard finisher diet. After 21 days, birds in the HS and HS + DP groups were exposed to cyclic heat stress conditions(33 °C for 8 h during daytime) for 3 weeks, while those in the NHS group were reared under normal conditions(22–24 °C). Weekly body weight and feed intake were recorded to calculate the average daily gain(ADG), average daily feed intake(ADFI), and feed conversion ratio(FCR). Heat stress significantly decreased the final body weight, ADG, ADFI, and increased FCR compared to the NHS group, whereas dietary supplementation of DP significantly improved these growth performance parameters compared to the HS group. Furthermore, supplementation of DP significantly increased the expression of heat shock protein-related genes(HSF1, HSF3, HSP70, and HSP90), antioxidant-related genes(SOD1, SOD2, GPX1, GPX3,PRDX1, and TXN), tight junction-related genes(CLDN1, and OCLN), and immune-related genes(IL4, MUC2) in the ileum as compared to the HS group. The microbiota analysis showed significant enrichment of Bacillales,Christensenellaceae, Bacillaceae, Peptostreptococcaceae, and Anaerotruncus in heat-stressed birds supplemented with DP as compared to the HS group. Further, DP supplementation also significantly increased the concentration of acetate, propionate, and total VFA in the cecal digesta of the HS + DP group as compared to the HS group.Conclusion: These findings suggest that DP supplementation effectively improved the growth performances and gut health parameters in the heat-stressed birds. Thus, dried plum can be a potential feed supplement to mitigate heat stress in broiler chickens.  相似文献   

Circadian variation of serum concentrations of tylosin in broiler chickens after in-feed medication prompted a comparison study of the serum profiles of this drug after in-feed medication with standard tylosin phosphate (Tprf reference formulation group), and after in-feed medication with a sustained-release pellet formulation (Tpsr group), based on Patent No.MX/a/2012/013222 and PCT/MX2013/000137, in broiler chickens. Six hundred 4-week-old Ross broiler chickens were in-feed medicated with tylosin phosphate at an approximate dose of 25.2 mg/kg/d, based on daily feed consumption values and a final concentration of tylosin in feed of 200 mg/kg of feed. Approximately 2 to 3 mL of blood were obtained per 5 chickens every 2 h, avoiding the sampling of a bird more than once and during 72 h after making medicated feed available for the first time. Serum concentrations of tylosin were determined by HPLC. Gaussian multi-peak regressions were then fitted to serum concentration vs. time profiles. Day by d areas under the serum concentration vs. time profiles (AUC0–24), as well as overall AUC0–72, were statistically higher for the Tpsr group (P < 0.001). Also, maximum serum concentrations obtained and relative bioavailability for the Tpsr formulation were statistically higher (382.8%) as compared to the Tprf group (P < 0.01). Considering the referred improved values of AUC observed in the Tpsr formulation, as well as the fact that tylosin is a time-dependent antibacterial drug, better clinical responses are postulated with this pharmaceutical preparation intended for chickens. Tissue deposition studies for this new formulation of tylosin are required.  相似文献   

1. A total of 200 male Ross 308 chickens were used to evaluate the effects of a standardised combination of essential oils including 5% carvacrol, 3% cinnamaldehyde and 2% capsicum oleoresin (XT 6930; Pancosma S.A., Geneva, Switzerland) on their performance, hepatic antioxidant concentration and caecal tonsils morphometry.

2. Two diets were offered to broiler chickens from d old to 21 d of age. The control diet (C) was slightly lower in metabolisable energy (12.13 MJ/kg ME) and crude protein (215 g/kg CP) than breeders’ recommendation. The second diet, made as XT 6930, was added on the top of the control diet at 100 mg/kg. Each diet was offered ad libitum to birds housed in one of 10 floor pens in a randomised complete block design. The birds were housed in 20 floor pens, 10 birds in each pen, and were allocated to 10 replicates of the two dietary treatments.

3. The concentration of antioxidants in the liver of the birds was determined using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) at 21 d of age. Birds fed control diet only had lower weight and converted less efficiently feed to gain compared to birds fed essential oils-supplemented diet. Feed consumption was not affected by dietary treatments. The antioxidant data showed that supplemented essential oils improved the hepatic concentration of carotenoids and coenzyme Q10 when fed to broiler chickens. The morphometry of the caecal tonsils of the birds was not influenced by dietary treatments.

4. It can be concluded that that dietary combination of essential oils, including carvacrol, cinnamaldehyde and capsicum oleoresin, improved growth, feed efficiency and the hepatic concentration of carotenoids and coenzyme Q10 when fed to broiler chickens.  相似文献   

1. An experiment was conducted to characterise and evaluate, in comparison to zinc bacitracin (ZnB), the response of intestinal microflora and mucins to manno-oligosacchares (MOS, Bio-MOS®, Alltech Biotechnology, Nicholasville, Kentucky, USA).

2. Supplementation of MOS and ZnB selectively increased the intensity of sulphomucins. As revealed by the plate culture method, MOS accelerated the maturation of gut microflora by promoting the growth of lactobacilli in the ileal mucosa and vice versa on ileal and caecal clostridia. Unlike MOS, ZnB suppressed the growth of intestinal bacteria, especially those of lactobacilli and clostridia. Use of T-RFLP further revealed that MOS increased the diversity of lactobacilli in the ileum and ileal mucosa but the opposite was observed for ZnB. It also appears that MOS and ZnB possessed a common property in differentially favouring the growth of certain Lactobacillus species. There was also evidence to show that both MOS and ZnB also increased the homogeneity of the gut microflora, possibly through the regulation of the overall gut bacterial communities.

3. Improvement in intestinal microbial homogeneity and mucin synthesis, coupled with the differential selections for certain specific beneficial bacterial species, may ultimately be proven to be the target mechanisms in the search for more effective alternatives to antibiotics.  相似文献   

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