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In human cancer treatment, CEA (carcino embryonic antigen) testing is a routine procedure, even though the test is of low sensitivity (40%) and low specificity (70%). Since tests with polyclonal antibodies render no reproducible results with animal sera, the applicability of a recently available monoclonal CEA test designed for human sera was evaluated. We were able to show that the latter test was of supplemental diagnostic value when testing animal sera. The upper normal limit for dogs is 1.65 ng/ml, for cats 2.81 ng/ml, for cows 2.85 ng/ml, for sheep 2.85 ng/ml and for horses 1.61 ng/ml.  相似文献   

Genetic resistance to Salmonella infection in domestic animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic resistance to Salmonella infection in experimental animal models is well described. However, genetic resistance in domestic animals, which has potentially great value in terms of controlling Salmonella in the food chain, has been relatively poorly described. Recent advances in genetics and immunology have identified several factors that influence resistance in chickens and pigs in particular. Resistance to systemic salmonellosis in the chicken is encoded by a number of factors including Nramp1 (now termed Slc11a1) and a novel gene, SAL1 that leads to increased macrophage activity against Salmonella. Studies in outbred, and in particular, inbred chickens have revealed considerable differences in levels of colonization of the gastrointestinal tract and responses to vaccination. Factors influencing this appear to include innate immune function, MHC and Nramp. In pigs several immune factors, including polymorphonuclear cell activity, have been shown to influence resistance.  相似文献   

Serological evidence of akabane virus infection in northern Israel in 2001   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In February 2002 the first cases of a "blind newborn calves" syndrome with hydranencephaly appeared in Israel. Eighty-one serum samples, from 54 animals on farms where the syndrome was recorded and 27 others from unaffected farms were examined by neutralization of Akabane virus (AKAV, strain OBE-1) by the micro-titer method. Forty-seven of the 54 samples from the affected farms contained high serum neutralization titers against AKAV (mean SN titer 79.5 and +/- 44.7, standard deviation), whereas only one of the 27 samples from the unaffected farms was positive (titer of 8). These results suggest that the vector(s) of AKAV was circulating in Israel in August through December, 2001.  相似文献   

Parvovirus infection in domestic companion animals.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Parvovirus infects a wide variety of species. The rapid evolution, environmental resistance, high dose of viral shedding, and interspecies transmission have made some strains of parvovirus infection difficult to control within domestic animal populations. Some parvoviruses in companion animals, such as canine parvovirus (CPV) 1 and feline parvovirus, have demonstrated minimal evolution over time. In contrast, CPV 2 has shown wide adaptability with rapid evolution and frequent mutations. This article briefly discusses these three diseases, with emphasis on virus evolution and the challenges to protecting susceptible companion animal populations.  相似文献   

Summary Little is known of the occurrence of animal virus diseases in the Sultanate of Oman. This paper reports the results of a countrywide survey carried out in 1978 to establish the prevalence of some important viral pathogens of domestic animals with the dual purpose of providing baselines for future investigations and guidelines for those entrusted with disease control.Foot-and-mouth disease virus type O, previously identified in Oman in 1976, was isolated from clinically affected animals. In addition, virus types A and Asia 1 were isolated from unaffected animals. Serological studies indicated that infection with all 3 types had been widespread. The presence of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis was confirmed by virus isolations and sheep and goat pox, long recognised in Oman, was confirmed by the demonstration of pox particles in dried lesion material.In serological studies antibodies were found to the viruses of peste des petits ruminants, bovine herpes mammillitis, bovine virus diarrhoea, parainfluenza 3 and African horse sickness. There were no significant antibody levels to rinderpest in unvaccinated animals and no antibody to equine infectious anaemia or vesicular stomatitis viruses.
Algunas Enfermedades Virales En El Sultanato De Oman
Resumen Se conoce muy poco de la ocurrencia de enfermedades virales en el Sultanato de Omán. Este trabajo describe los resultados de un estudio a nivel nacional realizado en 1978, con el fin de establecer la prevalencia de algunos patógenos virales importantes en animales domésticos. Consecuentemen te se establecieron las bases para futuras investigaciones y también los parámetros para investigaciones relacionados con el control de enfermedados.El virus de la fiebre aftosa tipo O, el cual había sido identificado en Omán en 1976, se aisló de animales afectados clínicamente. También el virus tipo A y Asia l se aislaron de animales aparentemente sanos. Los estudios serológicos mostraron sin lugar a dudas, que los 3 virus aftosos tenían amplia distribución. Se confirmó también la presencia del virus de rinotraque itis infecciosa bovina y del virus de la viruela ovina y caprina.En estudios serológicos se encontraton anticuerpos contra los virus de la peste de pequeños rumiantes, mamilitis herpética bovina, diarrea viral bovina, parainfluenza 3 y enfermedad africana de los caballos.No se encontraron niveles significativos de anticuerpos contra el virus de rinderpest, en animales sin vacunar y tampoco contra los virus de la ane mia equina infecciosa y estomatitis vesicular.

Quelques Maladies A Virus Des Animaux Domestiques Dans Le Sultanat D'Oman
Résumé A l'heure actuelle les connaissances intéressant les maladies animales virales dans le Sultanat d'Oman sont réduites.Ce travail est l'exposé des résultats acquis à l'occasion d'une enquête régionale faite en 1978 pour situer l'existence possible de quelques unes des plus importantes affections virales animales dans le double but d'établir les bases d'un programme de recherches futures et de servir de guide dans l'établissement de mesures de contrôle pour lutter contre elles.Le virus—de type O—de la fièvre aphteuse, déjà identifié en Oman en 1976, a été isolé d'animaux cliniquement malades. En outre, le virus de type A et le virus de type ASIA I ont été également isolés à partir d'animaux apparemment sains. L'étude sérologique a montré que l'infection par ces trois virus est largement répandue. L'existence de la rhinotrachéite bovine a été confirmée par isolement du virus, la cl velée et la variole de la chèvre, déjà connue en Oman depuis longtemps ont été confirmées par l'isolement due virus claveleux à partir de prélèvements de lésions sèches.Au cours d'études sérologiques, des anticorps concernant la peste des petits ruminants, l'herpès mammaire et le virus de la diarrhée hémorragique des bovins, le virus parainfluenza 3 et celui de la peste équine, ont pu être décelés. Il n'a pas été mis en évidence de façon significative, d'anticorps contre le virus de la peste bovine chez les animaux non vaccinés, ni aucun anticorps contre celui de l'anémie infectieuse du cheval pas plus que la stomatite vésiculeuse contagieuse.

The interpretation of serum biochemistry tests used in the investigation of disease was reviewed. Different methods of calculating reference ranges for biochemical constituents of serum were discussed. Reference ranges in current laboratory use were analyzed statistically to produce means and coefficients of variation.  相似文献   

Clinical and serological evidence has indicated that human leptospirosis in Fiji is an important disease, and the prevalence of antibody is exceptionally high. A serological survey of the rural population showed that only 12% of the people studied did not have complement fixing (CF) leptospiral antibody. As the origin of this infection could not be explained by the known distribution of leptospiral infection in domestic and wild animals, a serological survey using the complement fixation test (CFT) was undertaken as the first stage of an epidemiological investigation into human and animal leptospirosis. Sera from domestic and wild animals were tested for CF antibody to 12 leptospiral serovars, namely: pomona, copenhageni, grippotyphosa, hardjo, ballum, tarassovi, canicola, australis, bratislava, autumnalis, pyrogenes and bataviae. Antibody was detected in 27.5% of 480 cattle, 17.1% of 70 sheep, 10.3% of 252 goats, 10.0% of 480 pigs, 57.0% of 100 dogs, 55.8% of 34 rats (Rattus rattus, R. frugivorus, R. exulans and R. norvegicus), 53.1% of 32 mongooses (Herpestes auropunctatus) and 40.0% of 10 mice (species unknown.) Cross-reactivity precluded the identification of infecting serogroups with the exception of pomona in pigs and icterohaemorrhagiae, ballum and australis in dogs. Infection of dogs with a serovar of the australis serogroup may explain the predominance of serological reactions to bratislava in man. The survey revealed a significant level of leptospiral antibody in the animal populations of Fiji and indicated that cattle, dogs, rats, mongooses and mice are probably the most important maintenance hosts. Consequently, further investigation will concentrate on the attempted isolation of leptospires from these species.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of rabbits, domestic chickens and albino rats to experimental infection with Ife virus was investigated. Neither pyrexia nor clinical signs of disease were observed in infected rabbits or chickens. Low-grade viraemia (10(1.0) mouse lethal doses per 0.02 ml) occurred in intracerebrally (i.c.) inoculated chicks on the second day post-infection. Complement-fixing antibody was detected on the 14th day post-inoculation in rabbits and on the 7th day in chickens. Infant rats less than 3 and 5 days of age died after subcutaneous (s.c.) and i.c. inoculation, respectively; older rats survived infection. Ife virus titres were highest in the brain following both i.c. and s.c. inoculation.  相似文献   

家畜毛瓣棘豆中毒研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
毛瓣棘豆Oxytropis serioopetala是“疯草”中棘豆属重要的有毒植物之一,主要分布于西藏南部的河滩沙砾地。当地家畜采食后大量中毒,严重的发生死亡,给西藏畜牧业带来很大损失。从毛瓣棘豆的生态分布、危害、毒性成分、中毒诊断和治疗、防除利用、研究展望等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

Progress of genome wide association study in domestic animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT: Domestic animals are invaluable resources for study of the molecular architecture of complex traits. Although the mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) responsible for economically important traits in domestic animals has achieved remarkable results in recent decades, not all of the genetic variation in the complex traits has been captured because of the low density of markers used in QTL mapping studies. The genome wide association study (GWAS), which utilizes high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), provides a new way to tackle this issue. Encouraging achievements in dissection of the genetic mechanisms of complex diseases in humans have resulted from the use of GWAS. At present, GWAS has been applied to the field of domestic animal breeding and genetics, and some advances have been made. Many genes or markers that affect economic traits of interest in domestic animals have been identified. In this review, advances in the use of GWAS in domestic animals are described.  相似文献   

Metastatic tumors to the adrenal glands in domestic animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although metastases to the adrenals are common in humans, they have not been thoroughly studied in animals. The purpose of this retrospective study was to document the types of malignant tumors that metastasize to canine, feline, equine, and bovine adrenals, and the rate at which they do so. The average rate of adrenal involvement in metastatic cancer was 112/534 (21.0%) in dogs, 12/81 (14.8%) in cats, 18/67 (26.9%) in horses, and 5/16 (31.3%) in cattle. In dogs, 26 different tumor types metastasized to the adrenals. Pulmonary, mammary, prostatic, gastric, and pancreatic carcinomas, and melanoma had the highest rates of metastasis to the adrenal glands in dogs. Hemangiosarcoma and melanoma had high rates of adrenal involvement in horses. In cats and cattle, relevant data were only available for lymphoma. Adrenal metastases usually occurred in the late stages of the disease. One dog had developed Addison's disease (hypoadrenocorticism) secondary to lymphoma. Metastatic lesions represented 126/472 (26.7%) of canine, 12/20 (60.0%) of feline, 21/80 (26.3%) of equine, and 5/9 (55.5%) of bovine adrenal neoplasms. This study shows that adrenal glands should be thoroughly examined during both clinical work-up and postmortems when disseminated neoplasia is suspected.  相似文献   

To investigate the animals infected with Borna disease virus (BDV) in Xinjiang, China, we examined for BDV antibodies in the sera from groups of 20 horses, sheep and cattle, and from 165 wild rodents (18 species) by ELISA and immunoblot. The serological study disclosed the presence of antibodies to both BDV-p24 and -p40 in the horses (20%) and sheep (25%), whereas no apparent positive reaction was detected either in cattle or rodents. The results suggested that BDV is prevalent in horses and sheep in the district investigated.  相似文献   

A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (C-ELISA) using neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against Akabane virus (AKAV) was developed to detect antibodies to AKAV in cattle sera. The performance of the test using 7 different competitor MAbs was evaluated in sequential serum samples and sera from cattle infected with various bovine arboviruses. The dynamics of the antibody response expressed by percentage of inhibition (PI) in C-ELISA coincided with those of neutralizing antibody titers in sequential serum samples from 2 cattle experimentally infected with AKAV. The value of PI in C-ELISA for convalescent sera from cattle infected with arboviruses correlated with the neutralizing antibody titer to AKAV but was unaffected by the antibodies to other arboviruses. In the validation experiment of C-ELISA using 286 bovine sera previously examined for the AKAV antibody by serum neutralization (SN) test, the relative specificity of C-ELISA was more than 98%, whereas the relative sensitivities of individual MAbs ranged from 49% to 82.2%. Overall agreement between C-ELISA and the SN test varied from 72% to 90% depending on the MAb. These results suggest that the C-ELISA is acceptable as a rapid and specific method for detecting antibodies to AKAV and is a potential alternative to the SN test.  相似文献   

Three naturally occurring cases of cowpox virus infection in the domestic cat are described. Isolate L97 was identified as cowpox virus on the basis of morphology, serology and characteristic cytopathic effect in tissue culture and on the chorioallantoic membrane of embryonated eggs. All three cases showed multiple skin lesions, slight conjunctivitis or purulent ocular discharge but there were no respiratory signs. Two animals recovered, the third was put down as a stray. The disease was reproduced in experimental cats. Isolate L97 was inoculated into two cats intravenously and two cats by skin scarification. All four developed skin lesions at the site or sites of inoculation, and in one cat multiple lesions developed. The two intravenously inoculated animals also developed severe oedema of the neck and brisket around the site of inoculation into the jugular vein, and one cat died. Serological and pathological findings on both the natural and experimental infections are described. Serum neutralising antibody titres in both natural and experimental early convalescent cases were significantly enhanced by the addition of complement.  相似文献   

Haemangioendothelioma in domestic animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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