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<正>"庄河大骨鸡"又名"庄河鸡",是我国著名的肉蛋兼用型地方良种,主产于大连市庄河境内,分布于辽宁省丹东、岫岩、鞍山等地。该品种具有耐粗饲、适应性广、觅食力强、抗逆性强、抗病力强、体型外貌美观和肉质优良等特点,适应大棚散养。笔者结合多年实践经验总结如下:  相似文献   

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-endotoxic and anti-pyretic effects in cattle. As such, they could be expected to have significant effects in cows and calves in the post-calving period. This review evaluates the published data on the use of NSAIDs in the dam and its calf after dystocia, the impact of NSAIDs on uterine involution, the restoration of ovarian function and prevention and treatment of the metritis complex, and the benefits of using NSAIDs in the recumbent cow. Overall, the published data are very limited, despite frequent use of NSAIDs by veterinarians in the post-calving cow, and the small number of published studies focus on blanket treatment of calving cows rather than targeted treatment after dystocia. Blanket treatment had no economic benefit; indeed, some studies reported adverse effects, such as pyrexia and increased risk of metritis. There is even less information on the value of treating calves with NSAIDs after dystocia, despite significant tissue damage which may benefit from NSAID use. Appreciably more studies have evaluated the influence of NSAIDs on uterine and ovarian function, but clinical relevance is limited. In cows with a normal puerperium, prolonged treatment with NSAIDs may slow the restoration of normal function, but most reported studies are small and use NSAIDs more frequently and for longer periods than is common in general practice. The evidence of a clinical benefit in cows with puerperal disease is limited and equivocal, and the evidence base for the use of NSAIDs in the treatment of recumbent cows is also small, even though an expert panel concluded that NSAIDs were a key aspect of veterinary treatment of downer cows. The lack of evidence identified by this review supports the contention that NSAIDs are likely to be under-used and sub-optimally prescribed in the post calving period. Further research on the use of NSAIDs in the post-calving cow and calf is required.  相似文献   

"双链型"草-鹅-稻生态农业模式高产高效配套技术   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
提出了“双链型”单-鹅-稻生态农业模式,总结了稻田套种牧草的方法和田间管理技术,探讨了种草与养鹅在时间上的相互衔接,以提高牧草的产量和利用率,进行了稻田套种牧草养鹅与种植小麦的比较效益分析。该配套技术的实施,为当前开展农业结构调整开辟了一条新路。  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to ascertain whether and how the introduction of a new technology (WebCT) influenced faculty teaching styles while facilitating small group problem-based learning (PBL) sessions in a professional veterinary medical (PVM) program. The following questions guided the study: (1) How does the use of technology affect faculty teaching behaviors? (2) Do the facilitators' interactions with WebCT technology change over the course of one semester? (3) What is the perceived impact of WebCT on facilitators' role in PBL? The study employed a combination of qualitative (case study) and semi-quantitative (survey) methods to explore these issues. Nine clinical sciences faculty members, leading a total of six PBL groups, were observed over the course of an academic semester for a total of 20 instructional sessions. The qualitative data gathered by observing faculty as they facilitated PBL sessions yielded three major themes: (1) How do PBL facilitators adapt to the addition of WebCT technology? (2) Does this technology affect teaching? and (3) How do PBL facilitators interact with their students and each other over the course of a semester? No direct evidence was found to suggest that use of WebCT affected teaching behaviors (e.g., student-centered vs. teacher-centered instruction). However, all facilitators showed a moderate increase in comfort with the technology during the semester, and one participant showed remarkable gains in technology skills. The teaching theme provided insight into how facilitators foster learning in a PBL setting as compared to a traditional lecture. A high degree of variability in teaching styles was observed, but individuals' styles tended to remain stable over the course of the semester. Nevertheless, all facilitators interacted similarly with students, in a more caring and approachable manner, when compared to the classroom or clinic atmospheres.  相似文献   

“三结合”技术,是指带犬民警在侦查破案中,综合运用警犬技术和足迹检验技术,将警犬追踪与步法追踪相结合,警犬追踪反映特征与形象足迹反映特征相结合,警犬气味鉴别与足迹检验鉴定相结合,最大限度地发挥警犬作用。  相似文献   

武警部队为了在执勤、反恐怖和处置突发事件等任务中充分发挥警犬的特殊能力和作业效能,总结国内外警犬技术在实际工作和教育训练方面的经验,结合武警部队担负任务的实际以及警犬在工作中的突出作用,创办了武警指挥教学的警犬技术新学科.如何加强和指导警犬技术教学、训练、科研、管理等各方面工作,不断为武警部队培养高素质的警犬技术人才,是摆在我们面前的一个重大课题.……  相似文献   

随着武警呼和浩特指挥学院警犬技术专业的开设,武警部队亦有了自己的警犬技术专业人才培训基地。要想培养出合格、专业又敬业的训犬员,就必须要有一套  相似文献   

本文介绍了体内胚、体外胚的概念和胚胎移植的发展史,说明了体内胚和体外胚的生产技术过程和特点,分析了乳牛用两种类型胚胎移植的经济效益,提出了在现实国情下实施体外胚移植的可性和意义。  相似文献   

应用“3S”技术(GIS、RS、GPS)为主要手段,辅以地面路线调查,通过建立遥感与地面数据的数学模型反演地面信息而进行了阿坝县退牧还草工程的遥感监测,并对工程实施情况、工程建设效益进行了评价。为进一步开展草原资源与生态动态监测和草原生态建设工程效益评价与监测等工作提供了技术模式。  相似文献   

Tail docking remains a common practice on dairy farms in the United States. This paper describes the results of an online engagement designed to create discussion on tail docking, to document the reasons participants put forward for and against the practice, and to compare these reasons with the literature available on this topic. A total of 178 people responded; 30% were producers, 23% were veterinarians, 25% had no experience with the dairy industry, and 22% included a mixture of teachers, students, and industry professionals. Approximately 79% of participants were opposed to docking. Responses varied with participant demographics (e.g., females were more likely than males to oppose docking), but in every demographic subgroup (e.g., by sex, age, country of origin, and dairy production experience), the majority of respondents were opposed to tail docking. Common reasons for opposition to docking included the lack of scientific evidence that docking improves cleanliness or udder health, that docking is painful for cows, that docking is unnatural, and that tails are important for controlling flies. Some respondents in favor of docking cited cow cleanliness as an issue, despite the scientific evidence showing no positive effect of docking on cow cleanliness or udder health. Additional reasons included protecting producer safety. These results illustrate the range of reasons that are cited for supporting and opposing tail docking. This approach can be used to better target outreach efforts (e.g., improving farmer education on the lack of positive effects of docking on cleanliness and udder health while addressing concerns about producer safety). More generally, this type of online discussion provides a safe and productive format for discussions about contentious issues in the dairy industry and provides a mechanism for producers, industry professionals, and the public to share perspectives on these topics.  相似文献   

警犬技术专业训练课是一门操作性很强的课程,要求学生能够熟练运用相关知识和技能完成对警犬的训练。警犬训练在操作过程中的关键环节包括运用合理的训练方法,恰当地掌握刺激时机,使用合适的刺激强度,选  相似文献   

2008年以来,湖南省警犬技术工作在继续强化为公安各项工作服务的同时,突出抓好警犬技术在侦查破案中的运用,广大基层指挥员、侦查员、技术员用犬意识不断增强,带犬民警用犬技巧逐步提高。警犬技术在跟踪追击、抓捕逃犯、搜索物证等方面发挥了独特作用,已成为湖南公安机关侦查破案的又一道“杀手锏”。  相似文献   

江河源区"黑土型"退化人工草地管理技术研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
从放牧试验、施肥、毒杂草防除、害鼠防治4个方面研究了江河源区禾草混播人工草地的科学管理.结果表明:混播人工草地的牧草适宜利用率应为40%~60%,施肥、毒杂草防除和害鼠防治能保持混播草地群落的"暂稳态",实现混播人工草地的持续利用.  相似文献   

基于"3S"技术的四川省草地资源与生态动态监测技术设计   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
唐川江  周俗  张新跃 《草业科学》2004,21(12):33-36
简述了利用"3S"技术对四川草地资源与生态进行动态监测的技术设计,并对动态监测的总体目标、技术思路、主要技术手段、动态监测主要内容、采取的主要技术步骤及最后形成的动态监测成果进行了分析.  相似文献   

As part of a strategic move by the University of Sydney toward increased flexibility in learning, the Faculty of Veterinary Science undertook a number of developments involving Web-based teaching and assessment. OLIVER underpins them by providing a rich, durable repository for learning objects. To integrate Web-based learning, case studies, and didactic presentations for veterinary and animal science students, we established an online library of images and other learning objects for use by academics in the Faculties of Veterinary Science and Agriculture. The objectives of OLIVER were to maximize the use of the faculty's teaching resources by providing a stable archiving facility for graphic images and other multimedia learning objects that allows flexible and precise searching, integrating indexing standards, thesauri, pull-down lists of preferred terms, and linking of objects within cases. OLIVER offers a portable and expandable Web-based shell that facilitates ongoing storage of learning objects in a range of media. Learning objects can be downloaded in common, standardized formats so that they can be easily imported for use in a range of applications, including Microsoft PowerPoint, WebCT, and Microsoft Word. OLIVER now contains more than 9,000 images relating to many facets of veterinary science; these are annotated and supported by search engines that allow rapid access to both images and relevant information. The Web site is easily updated and adapted as required.  相似文献   

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