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高粱是世界上主要的谷物作物之一,是越来越重要的生物燃料作物,是恶性杂草约翰逊草的祖先,同时也是很多具有复杂基因组的热带禾本科植物的植物学模型。因此高粱成为植物基因组学研究的主要对象之一。高粱基因组学研究的丰富历史随着重要的自交系材料BTx623全基因组测序的完成而达到顶峰,这为更好研究高粱基因及其相关功能打下了基础。对甘蔗亚族谷类植物以外的植物的更进一步的基因组特征分析,将有利于发现基因组大小和结构进化的机制,水平和模式,为进一步研究甘蔗和其它重要的经济作物奠定基础。  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was studied in pea, a C3 plant, and sorghum, a C4 plant, at various stages of growth and development. Influence of moisture stress and nitrogen application was also observed since these factors have profound influence on growth and development.

In pea, NRA was maximum at pod maturity stage and minimum at flowering stage. In sorghum plant there was gradual increase in NRA upto grain formation followed by a fall in activity at maturity.

Nitrogen treatment as nitrate and ammonia significantly increased nitrate reductase activity over control in both pea and sorghum. Treatment with potassium nitrate was found to stimulate more NRA in pea than with ammonium sulphate. In sorghum, both forms of nitrogen did not differ much in their influence on NRA.

Influence of moisture stress in reducing NRA was more clear in sorghum, a C4 plant than in pea, a C3 plant. In general, control plants recorded low NRA in both the crops when compared to nitrogen treated plants except at pod formation stage in pea.  相似文献   

Multivariate methods, including principal component, cluster and discriminant analyses, were used to assess the patterns of morphological variation and to group 415 sorghum accessions for 15 quantitative characters. The first five principal components explained 79% of the total variation with plant height and days to 50% flowering being the most important characters in the first principal component. Cluster analysis grouped the accessions into ten clusters. A greater proportion of accessions of similar adaptation zones and accessions from regions of origin with similar agro-climatic conditions were grouped together. Moreover, discrimination of accessions was more pronounced when discriminant analysis was based on zone of adaptation rather than regions of origin. Based on the observed patterns of variation, it is concluded that the morphological variation in the material studied is structured by environmental factors. The implications of the results for plant breeding and germplasm conservation programmes arediscussed.  相似文献   

Effects of silicon (Si) application on photosynthesis of solution-cultured cucumber seedlings were investigated under osmotic stress and unstressed conditions. In unstressed conditions, silicon application had no effect on growth and photosynthetic parameters. The responses of the photosynthetic parameters to abruptly imposed osmotic stress did not differ between silicon treatments. After 1 week exposure to osmotic stress, growth reduction was observed, but it was less severe in seedlings grown with silicon than in those without silicon. Although there were no differences between silicon treatments in stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, cuticular transpiration, or xylem sap exudation rate under osmotic stress, leaf intercellular carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration was significantly lower and photosynthetic rate tended to be higher in seedlings supplied with silicon. These results suggested that the silicon-induced alleviation of growth reduction under osmotic stress in cucumber was due to amelioration of stress-induced damage of leaf tissues rather than to improvement of leaf water status.  相似文献   

利用盆栽试验研究了NaCl胁迫条件下AM真菌对紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)植株生长及生理特征的影响。结果显示:随土中加入NaCl浓度增高(0%,0.5%,1.0%),与未接菌紫花苜蓿相比,接种AM真菌显著(P<0.05)促进紫花苜蓿生长,并使其可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白及根系脯氨酸累积量增加。1.0%NaCl接种AM真菌处理下根系鲜重(28.1 mg)为0%NaCl未接种下的1.27倍;不同盐处理接种AM真菌植株丙二醛含量均低于对照株;1.0%NaCl浓度下接种AM菌植株叶片及根系脯氨酸含量分别为对照株的0.82,1.41倍。表明AM真菌在胁迫环境下不仅可促进植株生长发育及渗透调节物质的积累,还可维持植物体丙二醛含量较低水平,降低植株遭受盐胁迫,推测叶片与根系脯氨酸对ABA依赖程度不同而导致其脯氨酸含量不同。  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to compare the effects of allelopathic sorghum cultivars ‘Enkath’ and ‘Rabeh’ at three planting densities (6.6, 13.3 and 26.6 plant m?2) on weed growth and sorghum yields in 2009 and 2010. Sorghum planting densities suppressed average weed population by 26–42% and average weed biomass by 46–57% compared with weedy check in 2009. A similar trend in the reduction in weed population and weed biomass was observed in 2010. Planting densities at 6.6, 13.3 and 26.6 plant m?2 significantly suppressed average weed population by 26, 31 and 42% and average weed biomass by 88, 91 and 96% compared with weedy check, respectively, during 2009. A similar trend in effect was also recorded during 2010. Enkath cultivar reduced average weed density and dry biomass by 25 and 44% during 2009 and by 23 and 30% in 2010 compared with Rabeh cultivar. Root exudates of Enkath inhibited more weed growth than Rabeh. Increased planting density significantly increased average grain yield of sorghum. The highest grain yield of sorghum (12.68 t ha?1) was recorded in plots in which the planting density was 26.6 plant m?2.  相似文献   

 The effects of applying either inorganic fertilizer or leaf mulch of Acacia saligna (Labill.) H.L. Wend. on yields of Sorghum bicolor (L.) were compared with an unfertilized control under the high leaching conditions of runoff irrigation in a dry tropical environment. The N use efficiency and transfer from 15N-labelled (NH4)2SO4 or acacia leaves to the sorghum differed in quantity and quality. Only 6% of the applied mulch N was retrieved in the crop, in contrast to 21% of the fertilizer N. The proportions of N in the crop derived from the fertilizers were small, amounting to 7% and 28%, respectively, in the mineral fertilizer and mulch treatments. However, the application of inorganic fertilizer and mulch significantly increased crop grain yield (P<0.05 and P<0.1, respectively), biomass production and foliar N contents (P<0.05). The inorganic fertilizer improved crop yields to a larger extent than mulching. At the same time, more N was lost by applying (NH4)2 SO4 than leaf mulch: only 37% of the N of applied (NH4)2 SO4 was found in the crop and the soil (0–0.3 m), but 99% of the mulched N. High NO3 contents in the topsoil of the inorganic fertilized sorghum treatments indicated the risk of N leaching. However, more important may have been gaseous N losses of surface-applied NH4 +. From a nutrient conservation point of view, mulches should be given preferance to inorganic fertilizers under high soil pH and leaching conditions, but larger improvements of crop yields could be achieved with mineral fertilizers. Received: 29 July 1998  相似文献   

采用防雨棚池栽试验研究不同生育时期非充分灌溉对不同花生品种各生育期叶片膜脂过氧化、渗透调节物质含量和保护酶活性的影响,旨在揭示不同花生品种在不同生育时期对非充分灌溉的响应机制。结果表明,苗期和花针期灌水后,叶片保护酶活性和渗透调节物质含量均有不同程度的降低,随生育期推进和土壤水分降低,其活性升高,但升幅因品种、保护酶和渗透调节物质类型有差异,2个品种叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、可溶性糖(SS)、游离氨基酸(AA)和脯氨酸(Pro)含量均以对水分最为敏感的花针期升幅较大,且‘花育25号’的SOD、CAT、可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质(Pr)的升幅大于‘花育22号’;结荚期灌水后,各保护酶和渗透调节物质未表现降低。2个品种全生育期灌水处理与苗期灌水处理间的POD、SOD、CAT、SS、Pr和AA差异不显著,但2个品种两处理间Pro和MDA含量存在差异。全生育期水分胁迫条件下,SOD、CAT活性显著低于生育期灌水处理,但SS、Pr、Pro和MDA含量明显升高,尤以‘花育25号’变幅较大。POD活性对灌水时期响应相对较弱,SOD和CAT是花生适应土壤水逆境的主要保护酶。  相似文献   

Genetic and phenotypic diversity among randomly selected 36 downy-mildew-resistant sorghum accessions were assessed, the former using 10 simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker loci and the latter using 20 phenotypic traits. The number of alleles (a j ) at individual loci varied from five to 14 with an average of 8.8 alleles per locus. Nei's gene diversity (H j ) varied from 0.59 to 0.92 with an average of 0.81 per locus. High gene diversity and allelic richness were observed in races durra caudatum (H j = 0.76, a j = 4.3) and guinea caudatum (H j = 0.76, a j = 3.8) and in east Africa (H j = 0.78, a j = 7.2). The regions were genetically more differentiated than the races as indicated by Wright's F st. The pattern of SSR-based clustering of accessions was more in accordance with their geographic proximity than with their racial likeness. This clustering pattern matched little with that obtained from phenotypic traits. The inter-accession genetic distance varied from 0.30 to 1.00 with an average of 0.78. Inter-accession phenotypic distance varied from 0.01 to 0.55 with an average of 0.33. Eleven accession-pairs had phenotypic distance of more than 0.50 and genetic distance of more than 0.70. These could be used as potential parents in a sorghum downy mildew resistance-breeding program.  相似文献   

甜高粱蔗糖合成酶基因(Susy2)的克隆及结构和功能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以甘蔗蔗糖合成酶基因(susy2)cDNA序列为探针,对高粱EST数据库进行同源检索,将获得的4条与甘蔗相似性很高的EST序列进行拼接,后经基因组PCR、分子克隆和序列分析验证获得了甜高粱(sorghum bicofor)蔗糖合成酶基因DNA序列(Susy2,GenBank登录号为FJ513325).该序列全长4587 bp,起始密码子至终止密码子序列长4350 bp,包含一个2409 bp的开放读码框.该序列包含15个外显子和14个内含子,剪接方式都为GU/AG模式.Susy2编码的蛋白由802个氨基酸组成,分子量大小为91.7 kD,等电点pI为6.15.保守结构域分析表明,此蛋白含有一个475个氨基酸的GTI糖基化酶保守结构域(275~759),有4个ADP结合位点,能催化6-磷酸果糖和UDPG形成6-磷酸蔗糖.  相似文献   

以紫苏实生苗为材料,以正常供水为对照,研究不同盐胁迫程度对紫苏叶片光合特性及离子平衡的影响,以期为紫苏规范化栽培提供依据。结果表明,在盐胁迫下,紫苏叶片中丙二醛(MDA)含量、相对电导率均随着NaCl浓度的升高而增加,光合参数(Pn、Gs、Ci、Tr)则均随着盐胁迫程度的加强而下降;光合色素和抗氧化酶活性随着NaCl浓度的增加均呈现出先增加后下降的趋势,光合色素含量则在NaCl浓度为25 mmol L-1时达到最大值,抗氧化酶(SOD、POD、CAT)活性则在Na Cl浓度为40 mmol L-1时达到最大值。紫苏叶片中Na+、K+、Ca2+含量在低盐浓度条件下变化缓慢,在高盐浓度下Na+含量显著增加而K+、Ca2+含量则显著下降。本试验结果说明紫苏能够忍耐一定程度的盐胁迫伤害,对盐有一定的适应性。  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Moench (local variety called Masakwat) plants were grown in a sterilized low-P soil in the greenhouse for 12 weeks. Each plant species was either mycorrhizal with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi, non-mycorrhizal but minimally fertilized with soluble P, or non-mycorrhizal but highly fertilized with soluble P. Drought stress was imposed after 4 weeks at weekly intervals. Under unstressed conditions, leaf area, shoot dry weights, xylem pressure, and soil water potentials were similar for VAM and the two non-mycorrhizal P-fertilized treatments but each of the VAM-infected species had a greater total root length. Total P uptake was similar for the maize treatments but higher for VAM than non-mycorrhizal P-fertilized sorghum treatments. Under drought-stressed conditions, the growth parameters and soil water potential were similar for all maize treatments but they were reduced by mycorrhizal inoculation in sorghum. Greater water extraction occurred in drought-stressed mycorrhizal sorghum. In both plant species, total P uptake and P uptake per unit root length (including unstressed species) were significantly enhanced in non-mycorrhizal P-fertilized treatments compared with the mycorrhizal treatment. Except for the root dry weight of sorghum plants, there were no differences in the growth parameters and P uptake between minimally and highly P-fertilized non-mycorrhizal treatments for either maize or sorghum. The increased total root length in drought-stressed mycorrhizal sorghum plants and the similar infected root lengths in unstressed and drought-stressed sorghum plants may have caused high C partitioning to drought-stressed mycorrhizal roots and therefore caused the reduced growth parameters in mycorrhizal plants compared to the non-mycorrhizal P-fertilized counterparts. The results indicate that P fertilization in addition to mycorrhizal inoculation may improve the drought tolerance of maize and sorghum plants.  相似文献   

采集浙江杭州郊区富春江沿岸镉(Cd)污染水稻土,选择前期试验筛选的对土壤Cd钝化效果良好、可显著降低稻米Cd的4种调理剂,开展室内培养试验和温室盆栽试验,探讨不同调理剂种类(袁梦YM、祝天峰ZTF、天象一号TX1、永清YQ)、用量(推荐用量、3倍推荐用量)和调理剂与生石灰配施对污染水稻土Cd的稳定效果及对水稻生长和糙米Cd含量的影响。室内培养试验结果发现,添加调理剂能使土壤pH显著升高,落干条件下土壤pH增幅较淹水条件下更为明显;施用推荐用量调理剂,土壤硝酸铵提取态Cd显著下降,调理剂推荐用量+生石灰处理较调理剂推荐用量处理下降更为显著;总体上,同一调理剂3倍推荐用量处理下硝酸铵提取态Cd降幅更大,表明硝酸铵提取态Cd受土壤pH影响显著,且YM、TX1调理剂对硝酸铵提取态Cd的降低效果较好。盆栽试验结果显示,施用石灰和商品调理剂均可实现水稻稳产或增产,并显著降低水稻糙米Cd含量,与调理剂施用后土壤Cd有效性降低相一致。含钙、能调节土壤pH并辅以有机质和养分的复合调理剂因兼具养分作用,对水稻稳产增产、糙米Cd含量降低更为有效。  相似文献   

用不同浓度的NaCl溶液(0,50,100,200,300 mmol/L)模拟盐胁迫,研究盐胁迫对二色补血草幼苗生长特性及保护酶系统的影响.结果表明:(1)100和200 mmol/L盐胁迫下,根长和叶片数分别为对照的1.3,1.67倍,根(叶)鲜重、干重显著高于对照;根鲜重和叶干重在100 mmol/L盐胁迫下最高,分别为对照的1.35,1.6倍;300 mmol/L盐胁迫下,根长和叶片数均为对照的0.78倍,根(叶)鲜重、干重分别为对照的0.67(0.79)和0.85(0.69).地上、地下生物量受盐胁迫的抑制程度大小不明显.(2)随着盐胁迫的增加,二色补血草叶片中SOD,POD,CAT 3种保护酶活性均呈上升趋势,在盐浓度为300 mmol/L时活性最大,分别为对照的2.12,1.83,2.57倍;MDA含量在盐浓度300 mmol/L下,才显著高于对照,为对照的1.6倍.(3)从研究结果初步判定,二色补血草具有较强的耐盐性,可以在盐浓度300 mmol/L以下的环境中生长.  相似文献   

为进一步研究富营养化水体中不同氮形态和重金属对修复植物的交互作用,通过水培试验研究了水体中不同形态氮培养对铅胁迫下苏丹草根系形态及其对铅吸收富集的影响。结果表明,水体Pb(0.5mmol/L)污染时,不同氮形态培养虽然对苏丹草根系形态有一定的影响,但没达到显著性差异,然而对苏丹草根系中丙二醛(MDA)含量及其各器官生物量的影响达显著差异(p<0.05),NH4—N营养液培养的苏丹草根系MDA含量比NO3—N,NO2—N营养液培养的分别高出了4.6和1.6倍;NO3—N营养液培养的苏丹草根、茎、叶生物量比NH4—N营养液培养的分别高出了28.7%,19.6%和23.9%,比NO2—N营养液培养的高出37.6%,30.9%和36.7%。水体Pb(0.5 mmol/L)污染时,NO3—N营养液培养的苏丹草根中Pb浓度明显比NH4—N营养液培养的高出2倍多,且其地下富集系数最大;NO2—N营养液培养的苏丹草茎中Pb浓度明显比NH4—N营养液培养的高出近8倍,且其对铅的转运能力影响作用最强。这表明受重金属污染的富营养化水体中如存在不同形态氮,在一定程度上还有利于削弱重金属对修复植物的毒性作用,增大水体对某些重金属的环境容量。  相似文献   

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Lvyuan4) seedlings were either noninoculated or inoculated with four bacteria to study the interactions of salinity in saline soil, cucumber, and bacteria. The seedlings were grown under controlled conditions in pots; the solutions of 100, 200, 400, and 600 mM sodium chloride (NaCl) and bacterial broth were added to the soils. Deionized water was used as control. There were nine treatments in the experiment. Each treatment contained three replications and each replication represented six plants. After 14 days of treatment, morphological characteristics, fresh and dry weights, chlorophyll, soluble sugar, malonaldehyde, proline, nutrient elements, and sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl?) contents in plants and soils were calculated. Soil salinity inhibited seedlings growth, but low concentration of NaCl promoted plant growth. Soil microbial biomass decreased in saline soils and increased in inoculated treatments. Bacteria had the role of promoting growth and protecting plants against salinity. Bacteria accelerated Na+ and Cl? uptake markedly.  相似文献   

This research aimed to determine the optimum nitrogen fertilization rate on three soils for producing biomass sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor cultivar M81E) and corn (Zea mays cultivar P33N58) grain yield and to compare their responses. The research was conducted in Missouri in rotations with soybean, cotton, and corn. Seven rates of nitrogen (N) were applied. Sweet sorghum dry biomass varied between 11 and 27.5 Mg ha?1) depending on year, soil type, and N rate. Nitrogen fertilization on the silt and sandy loam soils had no effect (P > 0.05) on sweet sorghum yield grown after cotton and soybean. However, yield increased in the clay soil. Corn grain yielded from 1.3 to 12.9 Mg ha?1, and 179 to 224 kg N ha?1 was required for maximum yield. Increasing biomass yield required N application on clay but not on silt loam and sandy loam in rotations with soybean or cotton.  相似文献   

The Ethiopian region is characterised by a wide range of agro-climatic conditions, which accounted for the enormous resources of agro-biodiversity that exist in the country. The most important of these resources is the immense genetic diversity of the various crop plants in the country. Of these, one of the most on farm genetically diverse crops is sorghum. Since the advent of formal breeding in particular after green revolution, genetic diversity of most crops has been threatened worldwide. In order to assess on farm genetic erosion (GE), various research methodologies were employed. These were focused group interviews with 360 farmers, on farm monitoring and participation with 120 farmers, key informant interviews with 60 farmers and development agents, and semi-structured interviews with 250 farmers. Besides, diversity fairs were done with over 1200 farmers. Notwithstanding the complexity of assessing GE, it was assessed by various methods; namely, by temporal method (comparing 1960 and 2000 collections), area method, and semi-structured interview method at individual, community or wereda level and causes of varietal loss from other various perspectives. Farmers perceived GE as the reduced importance of the variety as indicated by lower proportion in the varietal portfolio. The five most important factors for varietal loss at individual farmers’ level were reduced benefit from the varieties, drought, Khat expansion, reduced land size and introduction of other food crops respectively. GE was not affected by wealth groups and ecological regions. Farmers do not make simple replacement as a strategic mechanism for genetic resources management. GE at regional level was quantified by temporal and spatial method. There was a complementation not rivalry between farmer varieties (FVs) and improved varieties (IVs). The whole process of GE is explained by three models, namely: Bioecogeographic enhanced genetic erosion model, Farmer induced genetic erosion model and Farmer-cum-bioecogeographic genetic erosion model. As aforementioned, sorghum genetic erosion behaviour is completely different from other food crops such as tetraploid wheat. The prediction in the late seventies that complete erosion of FVs by IVs by the end of the eighties, the principle of GE that competition between IVs and FVs, favours the former and results in the replacement of the latter is not valid in the context of sorghum in Ethiopia. Hence, maintenance of the on farm genetic diversity of sorghum is a reality but GE is rhetoric.  相似文献   

Plants show different growth responses to N sources supplied with either NH4+ or NO3-.The uptake of different N sources also affects the rhizosphere pH and therefore the bioavailability of soil phosphorus,particularly in alkaline soils.The plant growth,P uptake,and P availability in the rhizosphere of oat (Arena nuda L.) grown in hydroponics and in soil culture were investigated under supply with sole NH4+-N,sole NO3--N,or a combination.Sole NO3-fed oat plants accumulated more biomass than sole NH4+-fed ones.The highest biomass accumulation was observed when N was supplied with both NH4+-N and NO3--N.Growth of the plant root increased with the proportion of NO3-in the cultural medium.Better root growth and higher root/shoot ratio were consistently observed in NO3--fed plants.However,root vigor was the highest when N was supplied with NO3-+NH4+.NH4+ supply reduced the rhizosphere pH but did not affect P uptake by plants grown in soils with CaHPO4 added as P source.No P deficiency was observed,and plant P concentrations were generally above 2 g kg-1.P uptake was increased when N was supplied partly or solely as NO3--N,similarly as biomass accumulation.The results suggested that oat was an NO3-prcferring plant,and NO3--N was essential for plant growth and the maintenance of root absorption capacity.N supply with NH4+-N did not improve P nutrition,which was most likely due to the absence of P deficiency.  相似文献   

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