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Bottom trawling accounts for almost one quarter of global fish landings but may also have significant and unwanted impacts on seabed habitats and biota. Management measures and voluntary industry actions can reduce these impacts, helping to meet sustainability objectives for fisheries, conservation and environmental management. These include changes in gear design and operation of trawls, spatial controls, impact quotas and effort controls. We review nine different measures and actions and use published studies and a simple conceptual model to evaluate and compare their performance. The risks and benefits of these management measures depend on the extent to which the fishery is already achieving management objectives for target stocks and the characteristics of the management system that is already in place. We offer guidance on identifying best practices for trawl‐fisheries management and show that best practices and their likelihood of reducing trawling impacts depend on local, national and regional management objectives and priorities, societal values and resources for implementation. There is no universal best practice, and multiple management measures and industry actions are required to meet sustainability objectives and improve trade‐offs between food production and environmental protection.  相似文献   

While there has been a growing concern for the adverse ecological impacts of fishing, progress on incorporating these into operational fisheries management has been slow. Many fisheries management organizations have addressed the problem of overharvesting and over‐capitalization first. In this domain, the question of access regulation has gained growing recognition as a key dimension of fisheries sustainability, leading to recommendation and progressive implementation of rights‐based systems, in particular Individual Transferrable Quotas (ITQs). While adjustments in fishing capacity resulting from the implementation of these systems may entail a reduction in some unwanted ecosystem impacts of fishing, it is also recognized that they will not be sufficient to achieve the ecological outcomes increasingly demanded by the global community. There is thus a need to examine the possibilities for a common management framework for dealing with both over‐capitalization of fisheries and adverse ecological effects of fishing. In this paper, we examine the feasibility of incorporating greater ecosystem goods and services into ITQ policy instruments initially designed with a narrow focus on commercial target species. We consider the advantages and limitations of alternative approaches in this respect and identify some of the practical issues associated with the different alternatives, in particular the underpinning knowledge requirements. We argue that given the need for increasingly streamlined management processes, further investigation into practical ways forward in this domain is crucial if management of fisheries is to achieve economic efficiency while fully encompassing the ecologically sustainable development objectives of ecosystem‐based fisheries management.  相似文献   

Managing fisheries resources to maintain healthy ecosystems is one of the main goals of the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF). While a number of international treaties call for the implementation of EAF, there are still gaps in the underlying methodology. One aspect that has received substantial scientific attention recently is fisheries‐induced evolution (FIE). Increasing evidence indicates that intensive fishing has the potential to exert strong directional selection on life‐history traits, behaviour, physiology, and morphology of exploited fish. Of particular concern is that reversing evolutionary responses to fishing can be much more difficult than reversing demographic or phenotypically plastic responses. Furthermore, like climate change, multiple agents cause FIE, with effects accumulating over time. Consequently, FIE may alter the utility derived from fish stocks, which in turn can modify the monetary value living aquatic resources provide to society. Quantifying and predicting the evolutionary effects of fishing is therefore important for both ecological and economic reasons. An important reason this is not happening is the lack of an appropriate assessment framework. We therefore describe the evolutionary impact assessment (EvoIA) as a structured approach for assessing the evolutionary consequences of fishing and evaluating the predicted evolutionary outcomes of alternative management options. EvoIA can contribute to EAF by clarifying how evolution may alter stock properties and ecological relations, support the precautionary approach to fisheries management by addressing a previously overlooked source of uncertainty and risk, and thus contribute to sustainable fisheries.  相似文献   

Minimizing the impact of fishing is an explicit goal in international agreements as well as in regional directives and national laws. To assist in practical implementation, three simple rules for fisheries management are proposed in this study: 1) take less than nature by ensuring that mortality caused by fishing is less than the natural rate of mortality; 2) maintain population sizes above half of natural abundance, at levels where populations are still likely to be able to fulfil their ecosystem functions as prey or predator; and 3) let fish grow and reproduce, by adjusting the size at first capture such that the mean length in the catch equals the length where the biomass of an unexploited cohort would be maximum (Lopt). For rule 3), the basic equations describing growth in age‐structured populations are re‐examined and a new optimum length for first capture (Lc_opt) is established. For a given rate of fishing mortality, Lc_opt keeps catch and profit near their theoretical optima while maintaining large population sizes. Application of the three rules would not only minimize the impact of fishing on commercial species, it may also achieve several goals of ecosystem‐based fisheries management, such as rebuilding the biomass of prey and predator species in the system and reducing collateral impact of fishing, because with more fish in the water, shorter duration of gear deployment is needed for a given catch. The study also addresses typical criticisms of these common sense rules for fisheries management.  相似文献   

Irish Sea fisheries have undergone considerable change in recent years following the decline of commercially important finfish stocks and their slow response to management's recovery plans. In 2015, the fishing industry called for a holistic exploration into the impact of environmental change and food web effects to identify the drivers underpinning stock dynamics. In this study, we identify correlations between large‐scale climatic indicators, temperature, primary and secondary productivity, and fish recruitment in the Irish Sea and incorporate them into an Ecopath with Ecosim food web model co‐created by scientists and fishers. Negative correlations were found between the North Atlantic Oscillation winter index (NAOw) and large zooplankton abundance and between the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and the recruitment of cod (Gadus morhua) and whiting (Merlangius merlangus). Using correlation analyses to direct the addition of environmental drivers to the Irish Sea ecosystem model improved the models fit against observed biomass and catch data and revealed the indirect impacts of environmental change as mitigated through trophic interactions. Model simulations suggest that historic environmental change suppressed the overall production of commercial finfish, limiting opportunities for the fishing industry, whilst also dampening the rate of stock recovery despite marked reductions in fishing effort. These results suggest that failure to account for ecosystem information may lead to misconceived expectations and flawed fisheries management; therefore, there is a need to operationalize ecosystem information through management procedures to support fisheries advice.  相似文献   

Despite the growing popularity of ecosystem‐based management (EBM) in national legislation and in research and institutional literature, there is often an implementation gap ‘on the ground’, impeding widespread adoption in fisheries. This gap reflects in part the differing understandings of EBM held by fishermen and by management institutions. To explore and seek to close this gap, the underlying principles of EBM considered priorities by fishermen were systematically compared with the priorities identified in the published literature. The fishermen's priorities were determined by asking Atlantic Canadian fishermen to identify the EBM principles they consider most important. Four priority principles were identified: Sustainability, Stakeholder Involvement, Develop Long‐Term Objectives and Use of All Forms of Knowledge. The latter two were not frequently noted as priorities in the literature, while some literature priorities were less commonly chosen by fishermen, indicating a significant difference in perspectives on EBM. The rationale for fishermen's choice of priorities was explored by analysing the fishery management issues they raised – many directly connected to the above four priorities. In addition, another principle, Commit to Principles of Equity, often arose as an implicit priority among fishermen. We suggest that success in implementation of EBM may depend on reconciling differing priorities among its underlying principles, and combining knowledge and expertise from fishermen with research and institutional sources. The comparative methodology used here, which could be replicated elsewhere, should lead to better recognition of local challenges in EBM implementation and encourage support for EBM, to further its contribution to sustainable fisheries.  相似文献   

Ecosystem-based management (EBM), in the context of fishing, considers impacts on all parts of an exploited marine ecosystem. Understanding the impacts of fishing on habitats is a necessary part of adopting EBM, but multi-scale data that describe the types and distributions of habitats, and the interactions of fishing with them, are typically limited or entirely lacking. An approach developed to address habitat impacts, and applied to all offshore bottom contact fisheries in Australian waters, forms part of a hierarchical risk assessment framework - the Ecological Risk Assessment for the Effects of Fishing (ERAEF). Its progressively quantitative hierarchical approach enables higher-risk interactions to be identified and prioritised in the early and intermediate assessment stages by screening out lower-risk interactions. The approach makes the best use of all available data, but it can also be inferential where data are lacking. At the intermediate level of the ERAEF, a semi-quantitative approach uses a general conceptual model of how fishing impacts on ecological systems, with a focus at the level of regional sub-fisheries defined by fishing method (gear type). A set of quantifiable attributes for habitats are used to describe the ‘susceptibility’ of each habitat to damage that may be caused by specific fishing gears; resilience is generalised as a habitat's inherent ‘productivity’ (ability to recover from damage). In the ERAEF, photographic imagery was used effectively to provide a standardised method to classify habitats, to visualise the attributes assessed, and to communicate with stakeholders. The application of the ERAEF to habitats is illustrated using results from a multi-sector fishery off southern Australia that has five primary sub-fisheries: two bottom trawl (‘otter trawler’ or ‘dragger’), bottom set auto-longline, bottom set gill net, and Danish seine. In the case of the otter trawl sub-fishery, a set of 158 habitat types was considered, of which 46, mostly on the outer continental shelf and slope, were identified as potentially higher risk and deserving management attention. Strengths of the ERAEF approach for benthic habitats include methodological flexibility and wide applicability, and in being interactive and inclusive - bringing stakeholders, scientists and managers together to ‘put habitat on the radar’ and to develop management solutions. Limitations include difficulties in construction and validation of scored attributes and scale dependence. In the context of ecological risk management, this method offers a way to assess risks to marine habitats in a rigorous, transparent, and repeatable manner.  相似文献   

The increasing need to account for the many factors that influence fish population dynamics, particularly those external to the population, has led to repeated calls for an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM). Yet systematically and clearly addressing these factors, and hence implementing EAFM, has suffered from a lack of clear operational guidance. Here, we propose 13 main factors (shift in location, migration route or timing, overfishing (three types), decrease in physiology, increase in predation, increase in competition, decrease in prey availability, increase in disease or parasites and a decline in habitat quality or habitat quantity) that can negatively influence fish populations via mechanisms readily observable in ~20 population features. Using these features as part of a diagnostic framework, we develop flow charts that link probable mechanism(s) underlying population change to the most judicious management actions. We then apply the framework for example case studies that have well‐known and documented population dynamics. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to provide a clearly defined matrix of all the probable responses to the most common factors influencing fish populations, and to examine possible diagnostics simultaneously, comparatively and relatively in an attempt to elucidate the most probable mechanisms responsible. The framework we propose aims to operationalize EAFM, thereby not only better diagnosing factors influencing fish populations, but also suggesting the most appropriate management interventions, and ultimately leading to improved fisheries. We assert the framework proposed should result in both better use of limited analytical and observational resources and more tailored and effective management actions.  相似文献   

Scientists hold different views about environmental management. These views may drive their interest in the subject and help them to address a wide range of research issues, but they can also affect the ways in which research results are interpreted and reported. Studies that mix science and perspective can compromise public and scientific understanding of fishing effects, as perceived differences in evidence may actually reflect differences in interpretation. To improve the rigour of ‘fishing effects’ science, it would help if the benchmarks used to assess whether fishing effects ‘matter’ were always made explicit. These benchmarks might be the objectives set by the management authorities and/or a series of alternate objectives proposed and stated by the scientist. To demonstrate how the reported significance of fishing effects can depend on objectives, I use a simple model to predict the response of fish populations and communities to fishing. Fishing effects that would be reported as negative in relation to preservation or biodiversity objectives, such as declines in size, abundance and trophic level, occur at lower fishing intensities than those associated with meeting sustainability objectives for target species. When fishing pressure is so high that both conservation and fisheries objectives are not being met, the initial management actions to meet a range of objectives are likely to be compatible (e.g. reduce capacity, support alternate livelihoods).  相似文献   

Recent articles in high‐profile journals advocating the widespread establishment of economic rights‐based approaches for managing fisheries has re‐kindled the debate over the efficacy of incentive‐based vs. regulatory‐based management approaches. Inspection of these works, written from the particular perspectives of economics, fisheries biology, or marine ecology, reveals that advocates of rights‐based regimes such as Individual Transferrable Quotas are sometimes recommending these policy instruments for quite different reasons. Hence, the advantageous attributes of rights‐based approaches from the perspective of one discipline may be quite different when seen from the perspective of another discipline. This is of concern as it exposes a tendency for particular disciplines to consider only the advantages of rights‐based approaches, such as establishing a harvest cap, but to implicitly discount the disadvantages such as less attention being paid to critical ecological and ecosystem issues.  相似文献   

International instruments of fisheries governance have set the core principles for the management of highly migratory fishes. We evaluated the progress of tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (tRFMOs) in implementing the ecological component of ecosystem‐based fisheries management (EBFM). We first developed a best case tRFMO for EBFM implementation. Second, we developed criteria to evaluate progress in applying EBFM against this best case tRFMO. We assessed progress of the following four ecological components: target species, bycatch species, ecosystem properties and trophic relationships, and habitats. We found that many of the elements necessary for an operational EBFM are already present, yet they have been implemented in an ad hoc way, without a long‐term vision and a formalized plan. Overall, tRFMOs have made considerable progress monitoring the impacts of fisheries on target species, moderate progress for bycatch species, and little progress for ecosystem properties and trophic relationships and habitats. The tRFMOs appear to be halfway towards implementing the ecological component of EBFM, yet it is clear that the “low‐hanging fruit” has been plucked and the more difficult, but surmountable, issues remain, notably the sustainable management of bycatch. All tRFMOs share the same challenge of developing a formal mechanism to better integrate ecosystem science and advice into management decisions. We hope to further discussion across the tRFMOs to inform the development of operational EBFM plans.  相似文献   

  1. One-third of all elasmobranch species currently known to occur in Papua New Guinea are taken as bycatch in the Gulf of Papua trawl fishery. An ecological risk assessment was conducted on the 16 species of sharks and 23 species of rays caught by the fishery.
  2. Eight species were classified to be at low risk, 28 species were at medium risk while three species – Rhynchobatus palpebratus (eyebrow wedgefish), Carcharhinus coatesi (Australian blackspot shark) and Maculabatis astra (blackspotted whipray), all endemic to New Guinea and northern Australia – faced the highest level of risk from the fishery at current fishing levels.
  3. There is potential for more vessels to enter the fishery in future, which is likely to elevate the risk for a greater proportion of elasmobranch species. Ongoing monitoring of bycatch levels, supported by biological and ecological studies on frequently caught species, is required to assess and manage risk in the future.
  4. The development and use of trawl excluder devices or bycatch reduction devices in this fishery have the potential to reduce bycatch levels and reduce risk levels.

A holistic basis for achieving ecosystem‐based management is needed to counter the continuing degradation of coral reefs. The high variation in recovery rates of fish, corresponding to fisheries yields, and the ecological complexity of coral reefs have challenged efforts to estimate fisheries sustainability. Yet, estimating stable yields can be determined when biomass, recovery, changes in per area yields and ecological change are evaluated together. Long‐term rates of change in yields and fishable biomass‐yield ratios have been the key missing variables for most coral reef assessments. Calibrating a fishery yield model using independently collected fishable biomass and recovery data produced large confidence intervals driven by high variability in biomass recovery rates that precluded accurate or universal yields for coral reefs. To test the model's predictions, I present changes in Kenyan reef fisheries for >20 years. Here, exceeding yields above 6 tonnes km?2 year?1 when fishable biomass was ~20 tonnes/km2 (~20% of unfished biomass) resulted in a >2.4% annual decline. Therefore, rates of decline fit the mean settings well and model predictions may therefore be used as a benchmark in reefs with mean recovery rates (i.e. r = 0.20–0.25). The mean model settings indicate a maximum sustained yield (MSY) of ~6 tonnes km?2 year?1 when fishable biomass was ~50 tonnes/km2. Variable reported recovery rates indicate that high sustainable yields will depend greatly on maintaining these rates, which can be reduced if productivity declines and management of stocks and functional diversity are ineffective. A number of ecological state‐yield trade‐off occurs as abrupt ecological changes prior to biomass levels that produce MSY.  相似文献   

  1. Pinna nobilis is a sensitive and vulnerable species and is hence considered a good indicator of anthropogenic pressures on marine ecosystems.
  2. This study provides novel data on the density and distribution of endangered P. nobilis on the Turkish coasts. Threats to the status of P. nobilis, including by‐catch and illegal collection, were assessed, as was the general awareness of people about the endangered status of fan mussels.
  3. The data sources consisted of direct observations from diving surveys and the local ecological knowledge (LEK) of fishers and scuba‐divers.
  4. Results demonstrated that the density of P. nobilis significantly changed with environmental parameters, such as depth, and among different sampling areas. The number of damaged individuals was lowest in the areas that were distant from human influences such as ports and tourist beaches. The density estimations of P. nobilis across a wide geographic area around the Turkish coasts revealed that the density of fan mussels was highest around western coasts in comparison with southern coasts.
  5. Fishers and divers indicated that the population of this species has decreased during the last decade. The main causes of this decline were suggested to be the impacts of fishing gear, poaching, pollution, and boat anchoring. The highest volume of by‐catch was estimated to be taken by trawls. In general, the knowledge and local awareness of the conservation importance and status of fan mussels was poor.
  6. The study has identified those areas where fan mussels occur at a high density, and hence may indicate areas for possible conservation protection status. Second, areas exposed to the illegal harvesting of fan mussels were highlighted. Societal concern would benefit from educational activities to raise awareness of the ecological importance and conservation needs for fan mussels in Turkey.

In the Abrolhos Bank (Southwest Atlantic), multidimensional indicators were used in sustainability assessments of data‐poor reef fisheries. Potential impacts, risks and stocks vulnerabilities were evaluated based on biological, environmental, social and economic aspects by combining both adapted productivity and susceptibility analysis (PSA) and scale intensity consequence analysis (SICA). Data were obtained from local surveys with stakeholders and experts and from literature. A value chain map revealed final consumers at many locations and middleman presence. Vulnerability to overexploitation ranged from low (Cephalopholis fulva (L.), Lutjanus synagris (L.) and Ocyurus chrysurus (Bloch)) to moderate (Lutjanus jocu (Bloch & Schneider), Epinephelus morio (Val.) and Mycteroperca bonaci Poey). While moderate consequences of the catches were observed to C. fulva, major consequences were identified to the other five stocks. The main threat to coral reef habitats was found to be mining wastes. Poor governance may constrain fisheries sustainability in the region, while the empowerment of fishers in both governance and post‐harvest processes should enhance it.  相似文献   

Surprisingly little published information exists on the pros and cons of managing extracted resources that are pooled as compound taxa such as species complexes. Current fisheries management includes many species complexes; in Hawaii, this includes two taxa of species pooled at subfamily and higher levels. These include seven species of parrotfishes (Scarinae, Labridae) and a seven‐species ‘bottomfish’ complex (the ‘Deep‐7’: comprising six species of snappers [Etelinae, Lutjanidae] and a single species of grouper [Epinephelidae]). Recent research on key vital rates (growth, reproduction) for major species in both taxa indicates that these complexes consist of species with disparate life histories. Species in the parrotfish taxon exhibit fast to very fast growth and short to moderate longevities, whilst Deep‐7 bottomfishes exhibit moderate to very slow growth and long to very long lifespans. These data clearly indicate that, although pooling species is a tempting default option in data‐poor situations, it is at best a necessary evil to be avoided when sufficient data on the demographics of component species become available. Pooling species is especially problematic when the ecosystem effects of extracting functionally dominant species should be an important management consideration in addition to that of species demographics. Assessments that recognize and quantify the ecosystem importance of habitat engineers and other ecological dominants could substantively improve management of species complexes. Ultimately, complexes of resource species need to be evaluated and managed based on many, sometimes conflicting and sometimes reinforcing, but always careful considerations such as those contrasted herein between the parrotfishes and bottomfishes of Hawaii.  相似文献   

The concept of ecosystem‐based fisheries management (EBFM) has been subjected to debate since it was introduced in the late 1990s. The development of the concept seems to follow two separate but simultaneous trajectories of increased popularity but also sustained critique. This paper offers an analysis of potential mechanisms behind these disparate trajectories by drawing on a theoretical framework from science and technology studies (STS) centred around "black box" and actor‐network theory. To support our analysis, we perform an exploratory literature review of how the EBFM concept has been used in a selection of high impact fisheries research papers. We find that the popularity of EBFM does not guarantee its integrity, usefulness or analytical insight, but also that persistent critique of how the concept is used seems to be driving some change. We think that a continued trajectory of increased understanding, contextualization and discernibility of EBFM can help overcome the considerable ambiguity associated with the concept and make it increasingly useful to fisheries management. This means moving away from routine use of the term towards a practicable and tangible approach to improve fisheries sustainability.  相似文献   

The lower reaches of the Bregenzerach, a river in western Austria, have been affected by heavy hydro-peaking discharges (up to 60 m3 s?1) for several decades. In conjunction with a plan to construct a new power plant, mitigation measures were developed to reduce the adverse effects of hydro-peaking in this river reach. The impact assessment examined the effects of a new flow management system introduced in 1992. The study concentrated on three main components: abiotics (morphology, hydrology, hydraulics), fish and benthic fauna. Prior to mitigation, both the fish and invertebrate fauna were heavily affected by the peaking. Benthic biomass was less than 15% of that predicted by an altitude model. After mitigation benthic biomass recovered to about 60% of the model prediction. No post-mitigation improvement was found with respect to fish biomass. Flow velocity distribution data showed that rising surge releases had two distinct phases, a bed-filling and a flow acceleration phase. The present flow management system, based on a dual-flow logistic, resulted in increased base flows and reduced peak flows, but did not alter the ramping rates. The reduction of the adverse effects of the bed-filling phase was apparently responsible for the recovery of the benthic fauna. However, the unaltered ramping rate of the acceleration phase may have inhibited the development of the fish community. An analysis of the hydrograph demonstrated the possibility of adjusting the present management strategy to reduce the ramping rate of the acceleration phase, smoothing out the peak duration curve.  相似文献   

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