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In order to investigate the effect of nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) fertilizers on yield and seed quality of three canola cultivars, a factorial based on randomized complete block experiment was conducted during 2005–2006 in Iran. Treatments included four nitrogen rates (0, 75, 150, and 225 kg N ha?1 source of urea), four sulfur rates (0, 100, 200, and 300 kg S ha?1), and three cultivars (‘Pf’, ‘Option-500’, and ‘Hyola-401’). Results indicated cultivar had a significant effect on all studied traits. ‘Option-500’ and ‘Hyola-401’ cultivars had the highest seed yield, protein content, and N:S ratio in seed. The levels of 150 and 220 kg N ha?1 resulted in the maximum protein content. Increasing N levels resulted in N content and decreased the oil content. The interaction effect between S and N levels showed the highest N content in seed was obtained with 300 kg S ha?1 and 225 kg N ha?1.  相似文献   

A three-site-year field experiment was conducted to determine nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) fertilizer effects on grain filling dynamics and yield formation of high-yielding summer corn (Zea mays L.) in a wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-corn double crop cropping system. Application of combined NPK fertilizers resulted in the greatest grain yield, largest grain number and grain weight when compared with the treatments receiving N, NP, or NK. Grain filling rate and duration, grain volume, and grain yield increased with NPK rates; however, doubling the rate of 180 kg N ha?1, 40 kg P ha?1, and 75 kg K ha?1 fertilizer only led to minimal increases in grain filling rate (0.8%), grain filling duration (1.6%), grain volume (1.3%) and grain yield (0.4%). Our results suggested that for the high-yielding summer corn, a combined NPK fertilization is required to enhance grain filling and yield, and that under well-fertilized circumstances, limited increases in both grain filling and sink capacity might be the main factor restricting further yield improvement.  相似文献   

为认识玉米果穗体积等高维几何大小特征的动力学特性,明确肥密逆境对玉米果穗大小特征的影响及其与产量的关系,借助图像处理采集穗长(L)、穗粗(D)、穗正纵截面面积(简称穗面积,S)和穗体积(V),对2个玉米品种在无肥高密条件下以及除叶的效果进行典型变量分析、方差分析及曲线拟合.结果显示,吐丝时玉米果穗体积占其终值的7%、穗...  相似文献   

不同氮效率玉米杂交种的叶光反射研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培育氮高效的玉米新品种是众多植物育种项目的主要研究领域。反射测量可能用于对作物的氮效率进行快速而经济的评估。本研究以适应低氮的SL (氮高效品种 )和适应高氮的TH (对照品种 )两个玉米杂交种为材料 ,设 0和 1 5 0kgN hm2 两个施氮水平。在播种后 46、62、76、90和 1 0 4d ,用数码相机LEICASIPRO测量玉米叶片的光反射 ,测量结果用L a b 颜色系统进行评估和分析。在这个三维颜色系统中 ,反射参数a 和b 分别描述绿 红和蓝 黄颜色的比例 ,参数L 用来描述颜色的浅淡。结果表明 ,在低氮条件下 ,开花期前后的玉米叶片光反射参数a 和b 在 5 1 0~ 780nm、5 1 6~ 780nm、和 5 4 0~ 780nm 3个特定波段表现出规律性的变化 ,SL 的反射参数a 显著高于TH 的 ,反射参数b 正相反 ,显著低于TH 的b 值。上述结果说明 ,开花期前后的反射测量可以作为玉米氮效率筛选的一个简单、快速而经济的评估工具。  相似文献   

不同追施氮肥处理对冬小麦产量和品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以不同品质类型的2个小麦品种为试验材料,采用2因素随机区组设计,研究了不同品种和氮肥追施处理对产量和品质的影响.结果表明,在底肥量和追肥总量相同的条件下,适当增加开花期追施氮肥的比例有利于提高产量,处理间差异显著,品种间产量差异不显著;不同追肥处理对总蛋白含量影响不显著,但对清蛋白、醇溶蛋白和谷蛋白含量影响显著;追肥处...  相似文献   

A two-year field study was conducted to determine the effect of two zinc (Zn) levels [0 and 10 kg zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) ha?1] in respect with four potassium (K) levels (0, 20, 40 and 60 kg K2O ha?1) on growth, yield and quality of forage sorghum. The soil of the experimental field was loamy sand (Inceptisol), carrying 70, 08, 77, and 0.51 mg nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), K, and Zn kg?1 soil, respectively. Increasing K levels significantly improved most of the growth, yield, and quality attributes gradually irrespective of the Zn levels. Zinc applied at 10 kg ZnSO4 ha?1 proved significantly better than no zinc application at various K application rates. The benefit of zinc application increased progressively with increasing K rates for most of the parameters studied, indicating significant response of the crop to positive K × Zn interaction in plants in respect with K and Zn application to the soil. Accordingly, 60 kg K2O ha?1 applied with10 kg ZnSO4 ha?1 boosted most of the attributes maximally. It resulted in about 20–40% increase in growth attributes, 25% increase in fresh matter yield, 36–38% increase in dry matter yield, and 38% increase in protein yield compared to the comparable K level applied without zinc. It also enhanced N uptake by 38%, P uptake by 5–19%, K uptake by 40–42%, and Zn uptake by 114–144%. Across the K rates, application of 10 kg ZnSO4 surpassed no zinc application by 30–35% in N uptake, by 8–15% in P uptake, by 33–36% in K uptake, by 120–140% in Zn uptake, by 19–21% in fresh matter yield, by 29–31% in dry matter yield, and by 30–34% in protein yield.  相似文献   

Among the major nutrients, potassium (K) not only improves yields but also improves quality parameters. Field experiments were conducted to assess the comparative effect of sources and rates of K fertilizer on potato yield and quality on a sandy loam soil. Graded doses of potassium, i.e., 0, 150 and 225 kg ha?1 K2O from sulfate and muriate of potash were applied in triplicate. Recommended dose of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) applied uniformly. Significant increase in tuber yield was observed with 150 kg ha?1 K2O from both the sources over control. Increase in tuber yield with 225 kg ha?1 K2O was statistically non significant compared to 150 kg ha?1. The dry matter and specific gravity were more affected with sulfate of potash (SOP) than muriate of potash (MOP). The quality parameters like dry matter, specific gravity, starch contents, vitamin C, chips color and taste were improved with K application.  相似文献   

Ammonium sulfate and urea are main sources of nitrogen (N) for annual crop production in developing countries. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted using ammonium sulfate and urea as N sources for upland rice grown on a Brazilian Oxisol. The N rates used were 0, 50, 100, 150, 3000, and 400 kg N kg?1 of soil. Yield and yield components were significantly increased in a quadratic fashion with increasing N rate. Ammonium sulfate X urea interaction was significant for grain yield, shoot dry matter yield, panicle number, plant height and root dry weight, indicating a different response magnitude of these plant parameters to two sources of N. Based on regression equation, maximum grain yield was achieved with the application of 380 mg N kg?1 by ammonium sulfate and 271 mg N kg?1 by urea. Grain yield and yield components were reduced at higher rates of urea (>300 mg kg N) but these plant parameters’ responses to ammonium sulfate at higher rates was constant. In the intermediate N rate range (125 to 275 mg kg?1), urea was slightly better compared to ammonium sulfate for grain yield. Grain yield was significantly related with plant height, shoot dry weight, panicle number, grain harvest index and root dry weight. Hence, improving these plant characteristics by using appropriate soil and plant management practices can improve upland rice yield.  相似文献   

磷素水平对大豆氮素积累及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用砂培方法和15N示踪技术研究了磷素水平对大豆氮素积累、根瘤固氮和产量的影响。结果表明:大豆植株氮素积累、根瘤固氮和产量均随磷素营养水平的提高而呈单峰曲线变化,营养液磷素浓度31mg/L左右时达到峰值,当营养液磷素浓度达11mg/L时,再提高磷素浓度对大豆根瘤固氮率无明显促进作用;而对于大豆植株氮素积累、根瘤固氮量和产量,只有当营养液磷素浓度达到21mg/L时,再提高磷素浓度才无明显促进所用,表明满足根瘤固氮的磷素营养水平较产量形成的水平要求低。  相似文献   

研究了喷施不同浓度(0,200,300,500和1000ppm)氯化胆碱(CC)对玉米(Zeamays L.cv.Yu Dan 358)光合性能之影响。经200,300或500ppmCC 处理的玉米叶内叶绿素含量增加,光合速率明显高于对照.作为 C_4植物光合作用的关键酶即 PEP 羧化酶、苹果酸酶等活性明显提高,离体叶绿体的人工电子传递链活性亦被促进,离体条件下的乙醇酸氧化酶活性显著降低,叶绿体基粒片层的发育被明显促进。百粒重和小区产量极显著地高于对照,籽粒总糖量有所提高,以可溶性糖含量提高尤为显著。  相似文献   

The amount and composition of crop residues added to soil in agroecosystems can influence decomposition processes and soil organic matter levels. This study aimed to evaluate residues (quantity and quality) of different corn cultivars commonly used in Brazilian cropping systems. The experiment was conducted for two seasons (2005/2006 and 2006/2007) in Rolândia, Paraná State, Brazil. Ten corn cultivars that represent five degrees of breeding development (i.e., landrace, commercial variety, double cross, triple cross, and single cross hybrids) were evaluated. At harvest, carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) of non-yield residue and grain were determined. Except for grain C, other measures (grain N concentration, residue C and N concentration, and C:N ratio) varied among cultivars. In general, the hybrids had higher residue C and lower residue N concentrations than the landraces and commercial varieties. Findings suggest that breeding selection may have altered residue production and composition, which may influence soil C dynamics.  相似文献   

微生物肥对水稻产量及氮肥利用的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
以杂交稻中浙优1号和甬优9号为材料,研究微生物肥对水稻产量及氮肥利用的影响。结果表明,在相同施氮水平下,施用微生物肥后2个水稻品种分别增产41%和87%,其中主要增加了水稻有效穗,提高结实率和籽粒粒重;但分蘖成穗率有所下降;微生物肥能提高水稻叶片的光合速率,穗分化期和齐穗期的叶片光合速率均高于对照,也有利于增加齐穗期的物质生产量。研究表明微生物肥能提高氮素的农学利用率,实现减肥增产,且随着施氮量下降,氮素利用率呈升高趋势。  相似文献   

气象因子对河南省夏玉米产量与品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以郑单958、浚单20、登海662三个高产玉米品种为材料,于2007-2008年在河南省4个生态区(豫南、豫中、豫东、豫北)研究了气象因子对河南省夏玉米产量与品质的影响.结果表明:4个生态区的玉米产量表现为豫北>豫东>豫中>豫南,其中豫北玉米2年平均产量为708.5kg/667m2,显著高于其他3个生态区.豫东玉米籽粒...  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) levels and their methods of application on canola. Branches plant?1, pods plant?1 and biological yield significantly increased with increase in nitrogen level and no significant increase in seed pod?1 and seed and oil yields occurred beyond 120 kg N ha?1. However, thousand seed weight consistently decreased with increasing level of nitrogen. Pods plant?1 and biological yield continually increased with increase in sulfur level. Alternatively, significant increase in branches plant?1, seed pod?1, seed weight, seed and oil yields was noted with increase in sulfur level up to 40 kg ha?1. Applications of sulfur and nitrogen in split significantly decreased seed yield as compared to sole applications. It is concluded that sulfur and nitrogen application as sole at the rate of 40 and 120 kg ha?1, respectively performed better than the rest of their levels and method of application.  相似文献   

Although boron (B) deficiency in chestnuts (Castanea sativa Mill.) has been identified in Portugal and B fertilization was carried out in some orchards, the post-treatment evaluations have not been made to date. So the objective of this trial was to confirm the B deficiency and to quantify the effect of B applications to the soil on nut yield and quality. In October 2006, a fertilizer trial was established in a 15 year-old orchard in a very acid soil derived from siliceous schists. Soil liming and a basal fertilization were carried out in 16 trees and two levels of sodium tetraborate (Granubor, 14.6% B) were applied to eight trees: control (B0) and 100 g of Granubor per tree (B1). In the beginning of September chestnut leaves were collected from five trees and analyzed for macro- and micronutrients. Nut productivity was measured per tree and some nut quality parameters were evaluated, including the chemical composition of the kernel (soluble sugars, starch, total fiber, crude protein, and crude fat) in 2007, and dry matter, nut caliber, and fruit damage in 2007 and 2008. Boron fertilization of chestnuts significantly increased nut production: 75% in the first year (8 kg and 14 kg per tree, respectively, in the B0 and B1) and, in the second year, was over four times higher (4 kg and 17 kg per tree, respectively, in the B0 and B1). No significant differences were found in dry matter, nut caliber, nut damage and chemical composition of the kernel in the first year, but in the second year lower fruit damage by chestnut tortrix (P<0.0089) was observed. Foliar analyses exhibit relatively low B concentrations in the control trees (average value of 8 mg kg?1) in both years, while in the fertilized trees the foliar B concentration were in average 61 mg kg?1 in the first year, and 34 mg kg?1 in the second year. The large drop in the foliar B concentration in the second year suggests the need to monitoring the nutrient status of chestnut orchards or more frequent of B application than usual practice.  相似文献   

The objective was to test the single and combined use of Pseudomonas spp. and Glomus versiforme on the stress of high zinc (Zn) concentration in soil on corn growth as such data are little. Accordingly, in a greenhouse research work the effects of Zn concentrations (control, 100, 200 and 300 mg kg ?1 ) and the microbial treatment (control, Pseudomonas spp. and G. versiforme) were tested on corn (single cross 704) growth. Almost three months after planting, plants were harvested. Plant dry weight and Zn uptake were determined. Zn significantly (P = 0.01) affected different measured parameters. The microbes increased plant dry weight related to the control treatment and the highest increase was related to the bacterial application (1.28 times higher). Both bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi and their combined use decreased Zn concentration in plant. The right combination of soil microbes can efficiently affect the process of bioremediation with respect to plant properties.  相似文献   

A variety of zinc (Zn) fertilizer sources are applied with varied responses on calcareous soils in Thailand. Seed treatment is an alternative method to deliver Zn to corn and alleviate Zn deficiency. To address this Zn delivery methods we conducted greenhouse studies on corn grown in three calcareous soils of Thailand to three Zn fertilizer sources [zinc sulfate (ZnSO4), Zn-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and Zn citrate]. We also evaluated effectiveness of soaking corn seed in three concentrations of ZnSO4 (0.4, 0.8 and 1.6%) prior to planting compared to soil applied methods. Applications of zinc increased the growth, dry matter yield and zinc uptake of corn with few differences observed among the types of fertilizers. Seed soaking with ZnSO4 solution also increased Zn uptake, growth rate and yield comparable to soil-applied Zn. Seed soaking prior to planting is an effective and efficient method to supply Zn to corn grown in Zn deficient calcareous soils of Thailand.  相似文献   

Silicon (Si) plays an important role in the structural rigidity of cell walls. When plants have a passive or selective assimilation or they are poor accumulators as solanaceae, the percentage of silicon absorbed and present in the plants is lower than 1%, but its presence can provide significant benefits to the plant before it undergoes biotic and abiotic stresses. The objective of this work was to assess the effect of fertilization with monosilicic acid on yield and quality of cherry tomato crops (Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme cv. ‘Salomee’) grown on rockwool in a greenhouse. Two types of treatments were investigated: control test (conventional fertilization) and fertilization with silicic acid [Si(OH)4] [seven applications of 250 mL of Si(OH)4·ha?1 for each crop cycle]. Significant differences were observed, including a higher number of fruits (fruits/plant) and a larger yield (kg m?2) in the plots that were fertilized with silicon.  相似文献   

施氮量对间作玉米土壤硝态氮累积量及氮肥利用率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马忠明  孙景玲 《核农学报》2012,26(9):1305-1310
通过田间定位试验,监测了不施氮和不同施氮水平(分别为210、420和630kg.hm-2)下间作玉米各关键生育时期0~200cm土层硝态氮累积量的动态变化、玉米产量及其构成,计算分析了间作玉米的氮肥利用率。研究结果表明,间作玉米0~200cm土层土壤硝态氮累积量总体表现为0~60cm土层>60~200cm土层。0~60cm土层土壤硝态氮累积量呈"M"形变化,即玉米播种前和玉米大喇叭口期出现高峰,小麦播种前、玉米拔节期和玉米收获后出现低谷。60~120cm和120~200cm土层土壤硝态氮累积量呈倒"V"形变化,总体在玉米大喇叭口期前后出现高峰值,210~630kg.hm-2施氮处理下120~200cm土层的硝态氮累积量较不施氮处理分别高出149.1%、115.6%和126.3%。随着施氮量的增加,间作玉米穗长、穗粒数、穗重呈增大趋势,秃顶呈降低趋势,增产幅度依次减小,氮肥利用率依次降低。  相似文献   

The effects of varied amounts of fertilization on yield, fruit quality, and nitrogen (N) uptake of muskmelons (Cucumis melo L. var reticulatus Naud) grown under both organic and conventional farming conditions were evaluated. Organic fertilizer (0.0, 0.55, 1.1, and 2.2 kg m?2) and mineral fertilizers containing the same amounts of estimated plant available nutrients [N, phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)] were applied to organic and conventional farming plots, respectively, in both the spring and autumn seasons of 2005. In comparison to conventional farming conditions, muskmelons grown under organic farming conditions had the same yield, total soluble solids (TSS) and soluble sugar contents in both growing seasons, and fruit pulp nitrate content was significantly reduced by 12% on average in spring and 16% on average in autumn. At harvest maturity the aboveground plant N concentration was significantly higher in the conventional treatments than in the organic treatments. At the vine growth stage, the plant N concentrations were similar in all treatments in both seasons. The ratios of nitrate N to total N amount in aboveground biomass were higher in conventional and high fertilized organic treatments than in low or not fertilized organic treatments under limited N supply from the soil. Muskmelon plants absorbed mainly inorganic N, and the protein N fraction in the xylem sap was larger than the amino acid N fraction. Plants grown in the organic system had a higher proportion of organic N in their xylem sap, especially when manure input was low.  相似文献   

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