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Plantations of genetically improved forest trees are critical for economic sustainability in forestry. This review summarizes gains in objective traits and the resulting economic impact of tree breeding programmes in Scandinavia and Finland. Genetic improvement of forest trees in these countries began in the late 1940s, when the first phenotypically superior plus-trees were selected from natural environments. The main findings from this review are that (i) tree breeding can increase volume growth in the range 10–25%, and (ii) the bare land value associated with genetically improved trees gives a better return on investment and a shorter rotation period compared to the unimproved forests. As some Nordic countries are quite dependent on the forest industry, breeding programmes that have resulted in economic gains have been beneficial for society. Growth and wood quality traits are often adversely correlated, and the weighting of traits from an economic perspective could provide an index for determining maximum profit from breeding. Tree breeding faces an array of challenges in the future, such as changes in silviculture, climate, new pests and diseases, and demand for wood-based products.  相似文献   

主要研究在启动一项林木育种项目时,基于后向选择的不同短期林木育种策略的效率。后向选择是在子代测定的基础上,依据亲本育种值的大小,选择优良亲本的一种选择方法。考虑了6种育种策略,分别由3种交配方式和2种测定方法组合而成,重点研究遗传参数、时间成分以及费用成分对不同育种策略的影响。研究使用Excel中的“规划求解”工具来实现增益最优化计算。  相似文献   


The primary aim of the study was to estimate economic weights of survival relative to volume production per unit area, and to analyse the observable impact of changing survival, for five different breeding populations of Scots pine in northern Sweden. The economic weights were calculated from the model previously presented by the authors. Data from genetic field trials associated with the breeding populations were used both to estimate economic weights and to analyse the validity of the model. The breeding populations used were chosen to encompass a range of climatic conditions. The effects on the estimates of economic weights of increasing harshness (expressed as decreasing temperature sum), actual levels of both survival and patchiness of survival, and different initial stand densities were also analysed. The results showed that an appropriately parameterized model can be used to estimate economic weights for Scots pine in northern Sweden. Both the economic weight of survival and the observable impact of changing survival varied markedly between the studied breeding populations. Decreasing temperature sum had no trend with increasing economic weight of survival whereas decreasing survival and increasing patchiness of survival increased the estimated economic weight of survival more than three-fold.  相似文献   

生物外部形态的多样性来源于内部基因的多态性理论的发展,使遗传分子标记在林木选择育种中显示了巨大的潜力。该文通过简述RFLP、RAPD、AFLP、STS和SNP等几种常用分子标记的特点,概述了其在林木育种研究中针对QTL进行标记辅助选择育种的应用情况,并描绘了其广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

In the Nordic countries, Norway spruce (Picea abies) is a major species in tree breeding. In order to facilitate breeding work and availability of highly bred forest regeneration material, the time required for breeding and implementation of results should be shortened. This could be done by accelerating production of clonal material for field testing, and possibly for planting stock, by combining production of rooted cuttings with somatic embryogenesis (SE). This would allow efficient production of numerous plants of the same genotype, with equal age and propagation history between genotypes. In the present work, we studied the rooting potential of cuttings from Norway spruce emblings. Altogether 36 clones from 12 families representing elite breeding materials and ornamental forms were examined under different rooting conditions (container type and rooting media) in 2015 and 2016. Our results show that Norway spruce emblings are good donors for cuttings. Best combination (peat–vermiculite mixture and Plantek 81f containers) resulted in 91% rooting, variation among the tested clones of elite breeding materials being 55–100% per treatment. The rooting variation between families is acceptable for breeding purposes. High rooting (87–96%) of ornamental forms indicates propagation potential with the combination of SE and rooted cuttings.  相似文献   

  征等 《吉林林业科技》2014,(2):1-4,11
对14 a生不同种源家系红皮云杉营建的子代测定林的树高和胸径进行调查,并对其进行方差分析和多重比较,结果表明:不同家系间的树高和胸径生长存在显著差异,树高生长表现最好的家系为M185(361.33 cm),超过群体平均值(290.17 cm)24.52%,超过最差家系M016(239.78 cm)50.69%,超过对照3(298.80 cm)20.93%;胸径生长表现最好的家系为M180(4.12 cm),超过群体平均值(3.23 cm)27.55%,超过最差家系M176(2.34 cm)76.07%,超过对照3(3.41 cm)20.82%。综合树高、胸径2个生长性状,选择M185、M180、N10、M9112、M136、N02为优良家系,其树高和胸径的遗传力分别为0.62和0.63,遗传增益分别为13.36%和19.46%。  相似文献   


Economic weights are needed for genetic selection to weigh different traits in multitrait breeding. The aim of this study was to develop, for commercial forest species, a model for estimating economic weights of survival relative to volume production per unit area. The model takes the patchiness across a stand and the polygenic nature of the factors influencing survival into account and consists of three submodels. The first submodel calculates volume production and a patchiness coefficient, using a production area that is divided into smaller units or production cells. The patchiness coefficient is defined in the model as the variance of survival between the production cells. The second submodel calculates volume production as a function of survival and the patchiness coefficient. The third submodel is a threshold model, which transforms the genetic change in survival from the observable scale to the underlying (liability) scale, thus providing a measure of economic weight. The model behaviour was studied using growth functions for Pinus sylvestris L. in northern Sweden. Both the absolute value of survival and its patchiness coefficient affected the projected production per unit area. When survival was higher than 50%, the relative economic weight of survival increased with decreasing survival and an increasing patchiness coefficient. The relative economic weight of survival was found to be insensitive to changes in site index and harvesting age, but was clearly affected by different initial stand densities.  相似文献   

浙江长乐杉木种子园营建技术和改良效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
浙江长乐杉木种子园,始建于1976年,目前已建成初级种子园514亩,一代种子园136亩,本文对该种子园的建园技术路线,主要经营技术和改良效果作了较系统深入的研究,资料分析表明,杉木资源较少的浙江地区,大量收集杉木中心产区的优树材料建立种子园,其后代增益十分明显,7.5年生子代林平均材积比当地对照增长30%以上,研究还表明,气象因子特别是2-3月份的降水量和日照时数,以及亲本来源,土壤状况和坡向等是影响种子园种子产量和质量的重要原因。  相似文献   

台山湿地松(Pinus elliottii)改良种子园营建于1988—1997 年,为评价该种子园无性系的遗传品质,项目组在种子园内采集无性系的自由授粉种子并营建子代测定林。文章根据1 块营建在台山市红岭种子园的湿地松子代测定林4、13、18 a 的生长性状数据,分析了改良种子园的现实增益,评价建园无性系的选择效果,选择新一轮的育种亲本,结果如下:3 个年份数据分析结果均显示,在生长量方面,改良种子园子代显著甚至极显著大于湿地松一代种子园子代,18 a 生时,树高、胸径、单株材积的平均现实增益分别为3.09%、4.70%、15.08%;根据单株材积育种值选择出优良亲本无性系6 个,其育种值介于0.050 5~0.186 1 m3,其中有5 个亲本无性系的遗传品质已得到多次验证,可以作为新一轮的育种亲本甚至是核心育种亲本;新选优树15 株,其单株材积育种值介于0.114 9~0.276 9 m3,可充实到新一轮的育种群体中。  相似文献   

林木种子园研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林木种子园是重要的良种生产基地。近年来, 林木种子园发展迅速。文中概括了种子园建园和经营过程中保障产量和品质的技术措施, 阐述了种子园增益的表现规律, 提出了未来种子园发展趋势, 以期为我国种子园经营实践提供参考, 促进林木良种化进程。  相似文献   

红松人工林改建无性系商品种子园的优树选择方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用伐倒木调查资料,研究了天然红松林的生长、结实规律,确定结实盛期为选择优树的最佳时期。相关分析表明,定期结实量与定期结实年数和定期结实平均生长量相关显著。提出了以定期结实年数和定期结实枝平均生长量为标准的优树选择方法。  相似文献   

Genetic gain and diversity were estimated based on three simulated thinning scenarios at various thinning intensities in a breeding seed orchard of Quercus acutissima. The seed orchard was composed of 32 families with 744 individual trees with volume at age 15. The three thinning scenarios were individual thinning (IT) which thinning was based on the individual performance, family thinning (FT) with the removal of inferior families regardless of individual performance, and family + within family thinning (FWF) with family first and then individual from inferior families. The genetic gain was estimated based on stem volume. Expected genetic gain (volume at age 15) under IT was higher than FT and FWF at all thinning intensities. The FWF provided higher genetic gain than FT but lower than IT. The FT gave the lowest genetic gain compared to the other thinning scenarios at all thinning intensities. The loss of gene diversity (GD), estimated by coancestry and family size, was higher under FWF and lower under FT at moderate thinning intensities. The study showed that genetic gain estimation and GD loss were inversely coupled. The IT gave highest genetic gain but lowest GD at the highest thinning intensity.  相似文献   

对影响优良珍稀濒危树种扦插成活率的各相关因素进行了研究。结果表明:①不同树种,相同药剂处理,其扦插成活率差异明显;②5种药剂中以“ABT”1号生根粉处理效果最佳;③药剂处理的最适浓度为50~200 mg/kg;④扦插时间以5~7月效果最好;⑤不同类型扦条生根率差异较大。  相似文献   

tion resin was studied in hydrochloric acid solution by atomic absorption spectrometry.The results show that gold can be perfectly absorbed by the resin with good selectivity,and the exchange capacity of 1g dry resin is 860 mg Au.the mol ratio between saturated resin and gold was 1.08,except bismuth,other base metals have low absorption ratio,so the resin can be used to concentrate gold from large amount of base metals.The reaction enthalpy was 17.56 kJ/(mol·K).It was shown by the Infra red spectrometry and Raman Instrumentation techniques that gold absorbed in the form of AuCl4-  相似文献   

辐射育种及其在林木育种中的应用前景   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
辐射育种既是常规育种的重要补充,又是常规育种难以取代的手段。本文就辐射源的种类、辐射材料和辐射剂量的选择以及辐射的方法手段等进行了综述,并分析了辐射育种在林木育种中的应用前景。  相似文献   

利用日本落叶松种子园半同胞家系,按田间设计要求建立家系对比试验林,林龄10 a生通过鉴定。本次分析认为试验林家系之间、家系与对照之间、林木个体间变化都很大,家系试验林的各种参数是动态的。15 a生时,胸径遗传增益(△G)为3.16%、树高为1.17%、材积是6.11%。根据家系现在的胸径、材积的遗传增益(△G))5%以上的标准再筛选家系,可选出4个生长最好的家系,用这4个家系推算1.5世代材积增长率是20.27%。  相似文献   

阐述了生理生化指标的特性,对与林木生长及抗性有关常用生理生化指标进行了归纳和总结。对目前生理生化在林木遗传育种中的主要应用进行了综述,包括亲本选配、间接选择和杂种优势的生理生化机制等几个方面。对今后该类指标的应用提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文对红松实生种子园建园效果进行了分析.结果表明:用3 a生容器苗做定植材料效果好,结实量较裸根苗提高59.33%;陡坡立地条件母树生长最好,缓坡次之,平地最差;建园的232个家系中树高、胸径均为正选择的家系数为89个;树高、胸径遗传增益均高于5%、10%、15%的家系数分别为41个、12个、6个.优树树高单株和家系遗传力均大于胸径遗传力,且树高和胸径单株遗传力均小于家系遗传力;露水河、八家子和敦化三地种源树高单株和家系遗传力均大于胸径遗传力,且树高和胸径单株遗传力均小于家系遗传力.露水河种源树高、胸径单株和家系遗传力均高于三地种源,树高、胸径单株遗传力分别高出20.0%和20.6%,树高、胸径家系遗传力分别高出10.64%和11.63%.  相似文献   

施肥对红松无性系种子园母树结实效应研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过在红松无性系幼龄种子园进行的氮肥、磷肥和钾肥3种肥料,每种肥料设置4个水平的施肥试验,研究分析了氮肥、磷肥和钾肥3种肥料,以及每种肥料的不同施用数量,对促进红松无性系种子园幼龄母树结实的效果,提出促进红松无性系幼龄植株结实的适宜施肥数量。  相似文献   

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