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为探明施肥措施对马铃薯淀粉加工废水灌溉后农田土壤肥力的影响,设置7个施肥处理:T1(CK),不施肥;T2,常规施肥;T3,优化施肥(减氮增磷);T4,优化施肥+增氧剂;T5,优化施肥70%+生物有机肥;T6,优化施肥70%+生物有机肥+增氧剂;T7,缓释肥(沃夫特26-10-12),取样并检测土壤养分指标及微生物数量。结果表明,与灌溉前相比,灌溉后种植前0~20 cm和20~50 cm土壤有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾均激增,分别增加68.65%、70.73%,95.47%、86.41%,434.60%、931.05%和485.07%、580.31%,收获后不同施肥处理土壤养分均显著下降,且处理间差异显著。灌溉后种植前0~20 cm土壤真菌、细菌和放线菌分别增加10倍、50倍和1.5倍,微生物总量增加34倍,收获后T1中土壤真菌有所下降,其余施肥处理下土壤真菌显著增加,各施肥处理土壤细菌和微生物总量显著降低,放线...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was the evaluation of the methods to increase the yield of potato and the accumulation of iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) in response to iron and zinc fertilizers. In these studies, ‘Marfona’ potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivar was used in a statistical factorial design experiment with three factors: methods of fertilizer application (2 levels of spray and one level by irrigation), kind of fertilizers (iron and zinc) and levels of fertilizer, (0, 1, 2, and 3 mg L?1). Results showed that iron and zinc fertilizers increased the tubers weight and the tubers number weight?1 ratio (P < 0.01). Also, results showed that the effects of Fe and Zn fertilizers application in irrigation water was more significant (P < 0.01) than by spray application. In addition, application of Fe and Zn fertilizers resulted in higher concentrations of these ions in the harvested tubers improving their nutritional values.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the physicochemical changes in the soil of potato field that was irrigated by fresh water, differentially diluted wastewater and undiluted wastewater (hereafter called wastewater). The potato crop was cultivated for consecutive three seasons under fertilized and unfertilized conditions. The wastewater contained higher concentrations of organic carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S), zinc (Zn) and boron (B) and lower concentrations of heavy metals. In this study, properties of wastewater-irrigated soil were compared with fresh water-irrigated soil. The application of wastewater reduced the bulk density of the surface soil by 2.83% and augmented the porosity by 6.02%. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and water retention capacity of the soil were improved under wastewater irrigation. Soil pH increased due to wastewater application but decreased, to a smaller extent, due to fertilizer application. Soil EC increased both with wastewater and fertilizer application; both parameters changed significantly in the top 0–15 cm soil layer. But, at the deeper layers, they were not affected by wastewater application. The organic C, total N, available P and S of the soils increased significantly (p = 0.05) when potato field was irrigated with raw wastewater. The organic C increased by 23.80% under wastewater irrigation in the top soil layer. The N content of the soil showed similarities with the organic C contents. Exchangeable Na, K, Ca, Mg; Zn and B of the soil also increased significantly with wastewater application. So, irrigation with urban wastewater is suggested to improve soil fertility as well as to ease pressure on the fresh water in the area of water scarcity.  相似文献   

有机肥和无机肥对马铃薯生长发育及块茎产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张亮  孙磊  苏航  于洪涛  符强  范书华  程瑶 《土壤》2020,52(4):862-866
在田间条件下,以‘尤金’和‘克新23号’为供试品种,研究了单施无机肥或有机肥以及有机肥和无机肥配施对马铃薯生长发育及块茎产量的影响,以对马铃薯生产中有机肥替代无机肥的可行性及替代效果进行验证和阐述。结果表明:施用有机肥可显著提高两品种的株高、茎粗、叶面积指数及叶片SPAD值(P<0.05),延长了‘尤金’地上茎叶的功能期,提高‘尤金’的平均薯重(P<0.05);单施无机肥可促进两个品种地上茎叶及根系的生长,提高单株结薯数和块茎干物质积累量。两个马铃薯品种的最高产量均为单施无机肥处理,其中‘尤金’施用P2O5 90 kg/hm2时达到最高产量41.50 t/hm2,‘克新23号’施用P2O5 135 kg/hm2时达到最高产量41.26 t/hm2。在本试验条件下,两个品种全部和部分有机替代的产量均为中等水平。  相似文献   

Twelve field experiments were conducted to study the impacts of calcined magnesite and Kieserite fertilizers on yield, quality and leaf concentrations of magnesium (Mg) in potatoes and sugar beet. The rate of Mg applied was 60 kg Mg ha?1, and the experiments were realized in six locations for both crop species. There were clear increases in leaf Mg concentration and yield of both crops resulting from application of Mg fertilizers. Mean increase in leaf Mg concentration and crop yield for both species were more pronounced with Kieserite than with calcined magnesite. Sugar concentrations of sugar beet and dry matter yield of potatoes were, however, influenced only slightly by the Mg fertilizers. It seems that superiority of Kieserite to calcined magnesite is related to higher Mg solubility of Kieserite. Use of Mg fertilizers with higher solubility helps to avoid the risk of Mg deficiency and subsequent losses in yield and economic returns.  相似文献   

土壤中可溶性氮和pH对有机肥和化肥的短期响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过温室盆栽试验,施用猪粪堆肥(PC)、污泥堆肥(SC)、菜籽饼肥(CM)和无机化肥(IF)后,对土壤pH值和不同形态氮素的短期响应进行研究,探讨土壤可溶性无机氮、有机氮及土壤pH值之间的相互关系。结果表明,CM,PC和IF处理的pH值都呈现先快速下降后缓慢回升的趋势,但PC处理下降幅度较小;而SC处理和不施肥对照(CK)处理的pH值基本不变;不同施肥处理均提高了土壤中氮素水平,3种有机肥中以CM处理最显著地提高了土壤中总可溶性氮(TDN)、NH4+-N、NO3--N和可溶性有机氮(DON)浓度,PC处理的次之,SC处理的最弱,而IF处理与CM处理提高幅度相似。不同施肥处理中土壤可溶性氮表现出不同的短期响应,IF处理和CM处理的TDN分别经过11,13d的稳定期后迅速上升到一个较高的水平,至31d开始下降;PC处理和SC处理未出现突然升高的现象,而是前20d较稳定在一定的范围内波动,之后缓慢下降,总体与对照趋势一致。不同处理土壤中NH4+-N均呈下降趋势;IF处理、CM处理的NO3--N呈增加趋势,PC处理的呈先增加后降低趋势,而SC处理的呈缓慢下降趋势,结果说明不同有机肥在土壤中的转化存在明显的差异。相关性分析显示,CM处理、IF处理的土壤pH值与NH4+-N呈极显著正相关,而与NO3--N呈极显著负相关;除PC处理外,其他处理的DON含量与TDN具有显著正相关性,而PC处理的DON同时与NH4+-N、NO3--N呈显著负相关。  相似文献   


Splitting of sweet potato tubers because of boron (B) deficiency is a major cause of reduction in marketable tuber yield in India. Soil and plant tests are employed in this study to determine the fertilizer B requirement (FBR). Fertilizer B requirement of sweet potatos grown on an Alfisols under rainfed conditions was evaluated by two simple methods. In the first method, the relationship between B uptake and sweet potato tuber yield was utilized to find the B uptake at a given sweet potato tuber yield. This relationship was then used to find the amount of B applied for that particular uptake to set the targeted yield. In the second method, FBR was determined using the equation: FBR=(UB?U0)/BRF, where UB is B uptake at a given yield, U0 is B uptake from unfertilized soil, and BRF is the recovery of applied B. All of these parameters were determined in a field experiment with sweet potatos grown on Alfisols under rainfed conditions. The results of the study indicated a very good relation between observed value of FBR and predicted values determined by both the methodologies. Results of the study suggest that the simple models developed based on B uptake can be utilized for determining the B requirements of sweet potato.  相似文献   

【目的】针对陕北榆林风沙土马铃薯灌水施肥不合理及水肥利用效率低的问题,通过研究滴灌施肥条件下不同的灌水频率和施肥量对马铃薯生长、产量及养分吸收利用的影响,以期科学地对马铃薯进行水肥调控,为实际生产提供参考依据。【方法】试验于2016年5—10月在陕西省榆林市农业科技示范园区内进行,试验设置了3个灌水频率D1 (4 d)、D2 (8 d)、D3 (10 d)和3个施肥量(N、P_2O_5、K_2O)水平,即F1 (100、40、150kg/hm^2)、F2 (150、60、225 kg/hm^2)、F3 (200、80、300 kg/hm^2)组合,共9个处理。在生育期对马铃薯生长指标进行观测,收获时统计产量及产量构成因素。【结果】1)同一灌水频率下,F3处理的株高、茎粗、叶面积和产量显著高于F1和F2处理,肥料偏生产力在F1处理下最高,而水分利用效率受施肥量的影响不显著,养分利用效率随着施肥量的增加而减小。F3处理的产量达41518 kg/hm^2,比F1和F2处理分别提高11.75%和8.52%,F1处理下肥料偏生产力为128.12 kg/kg,比F2和F3处理的高出45.67%和78.99%。2)在同一施肥量下,马铃薯的生长指标、产量和肥料偏生产力均在D2处理达到最大值,D2处理下的产量和肥料偏生产力分别为42932kg/hm^2和105.88 kg/kg,而D1处理下水肥利用效率最高,但D1和D2之间水分利用效率差异不显著。从水肥交互作用来看,D2F3的产量和水分利用效率最高,分别为44870 kg/hm^2,107.39 kg/(mm·hm^2),D2F1的肥料偏生产力最高,为142.02 kg/kg。【结论】合理的灌水频率与施肥量不仅能维持马铃薯较好的生长特性,而且能获得较大的经济效益。综合产量与节水节肥因素,D2F3处理(8 d,N 200 kg/hm^2、P_2O_5 80 kg/hm^2、K_2O 300kg/hm^2)可作为基于本试验条件下较适宜的灌水施肥组合。  相似文献   

控释肥对马铃薯生长及土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘飞  诸葛玉平  王会  朱利 《水土保持学报》2011,25(2):185-188,202
通过马铃薯田间试验,研究了控释肥对马铃薯生长和土壤酶活性的影响。结果表明,与普通肥料相比,控释肥有利于提高马铃薯的株高、茎粗和叶绿素含量,分别提高5.94%,9.04%,5.55%,且控释肥减量20%仍不影响其促进作用。施用控释肥和普通化肥都可以促进土壤酸性磷酸酶和蔗糖酶活性,但控释肥平均比普通肥料的促进作用分别提高10.2%和14.62%,控释肥显著优于普通肥料;控释肥可促进脲酶活性,平均提高15.7%,而普通肥料会对其产生抑制;控释肥处理会对土壤过氧化氢酶活性造成一定的抑制作用,使其活性平均降低11.13%。与其他控释肥处理相比,控释肥减量20%,对脲酶活性的促进作用减小了9.41%,对酸性磷酸酶的促进作用减小了9.02%,对蔗糖酶的促进作用增加了5.56%,对过氧化氢酶的抑制作用降低了5.2%。  相似文献   

补充灌溉对半干旱区马铃薯产量和水分利用效率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用随机区组设计,研究了陇中半干旱区不同补灌时期及补水量对马铃薯产量形成和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,苗期补水、现蕾期补水和膨大期补水较对照均能显著提高马铃薯产量;补水处理水分利用效率(WUE)均高于不补水处理(对照);其中,现蕾期补水3kg/穴处理产量和水分利用效率增幅最高,产量和WUE分别达19 178.57kg/hm2(较对照处理高21.77%)和52.75kg/(hm2.mm);与对照相比,各补水处理普遍优化了马铃薯各产量构成性状,有利于大薯率和中薯率的提高,单株结薯数和单株薯产量也较高。因此,现蕾期为旱地马铃薯需水关键期,对水分的变化敏感;现蕾期补水3kg/穴,可以作为半旱区马铃薯适宜的抗干旱节水高产种植模式。  相似文献   

猪场废水灌溉对潮土磷素肥力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在北方缺水地区利用猪场废水对冬小麦进行小区灌溉试验,分析不同水质及水量灌溉处理土壤剖面全磷和速效磷的时空分布特征.结果表明:不同水质灌溉处理土壤全磷和速效磷在土层中的分布特征相似,均随深度增加含量逐渐减少;厌氧水不同灌溉量处理土壤全磷和速效磷含量与灌水量呈正比关系;收获后,各处理土壤耕层(0-40cm)磷素累积量均有所增加,磷素活化系数明显增大,大部分在7%~9%之间,高量厌氧水灌溉处理达到10.4%.采用未经处理的猪场废水多次灌溉后,过量磷素向下层土壤淋溶现象明显;高量厌氧水灌溉土壤耕层累积大量速效磷,易随地表径流污染周围水体.这两种类型的猪场废水不适于作为磷源进行农田灌溉.  相似文献   

Information on the combination of organomineral fertilizer (OMF) and chemical fertilizer (CF) for pepper production is scarce. The effects of CF, OMF, and their combinations on pepper were studied in Abeokuta, Nigeria. In a screenhouse, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 t ha?1 OMF and 60 kg nitrogen (N) 19.8 kg phosphorus (P), and 39.6 kg potassium (K) ha?1 CF were applied, and to the field 12 t ha?1 OMF (100% OMF); 60 kg N 19.8 kg P, and 39.6 kg K ha?1 (100% CF); OMF + CF (50:50); OMF + CF (25:75); and OMF + CF (75:25) were applied. Application of 12 t ha?1 OMF (100% OMF) increased pepper yield and N, P, and K uptake in the screenhouse, whereas OMF + CF (75:25) promoted the yield of pepper in the field. Pepper could successfully be grown with either 12 t ha?1 OMF or OMF + CF (75:25) with the type of soil used for this experiment.  相似文献   

为了解草铵膦对转基因抗草铵膦马铃薯田间杂草的防效及对马铃薯和环境的安全性,本研究在转基因抗草铵膦马铃薯苗期向田间杂草和马铃薯茎叶定向喷施有效成分分别为0(G0)、847.5(G1)、1 271.25(G2)和1 695 g·hm-2(G3)的草铵膦,系统比较了药后1、4、11和20 d时马铃薯叶片丙二醛(MDA)和脯氨酸(Pro)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性,药后30和45 d时马铃薯植株的平均株高、茎直径、根茎叶鲜干重和杂草株数,以及成熟期马铃薯块茎营养品质、单株产量、土壤和块茎中草铵膦残留在各处理间的差异。结果表明,药后不同时期,各处理间的马铃薯叶片MDA和Pro含量、SOD和CAT活性均无显著差异。药后30和45 d时,除各草铵膦处理区的根茎叶鲜干重显著高于清水对照外,各处理间的马铃薯株高、茎直径和成熟期块茎营养品质均无显著差异,说明试验剂量的草铵膦对马铃薯生长发育及品质无显著影响。与清水对照相比,各剂量的草铵膦对杂草均有明显的防除效果,且可以明显地提高马铃薯的单株产量,杂草的株、鲜重防效和成熟期马铃薯单株产量在各处理间的差异均依次表现为G3>G2>G1,但在土壤和块茎中均未检测到草铵膦残留。综上,采用有效成分1 695 g·hm-2草铵膦可以有效防除杂草,对马铃薯安全,且在土壤和马铃薯块茎中未检出草铵膦残留。本研究结果为草铵膦的科学使用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Experiments were designed to determine the effect of untreated wastewater (T1), phytoremediated wastewater (T2), and rainwater (T3) irrigation on Capsicum annuum and soil. Morphological parameters of plants and accumulation of metal and nutrients in crop and soil were studied. The biomass of C. annuum was greatest under T1 followed by T2 and T3. Root/shoot ratio decreased in the order T3 > T2 > T1 (P ≤ 0.05), indicating lengthening of roots under nutrient stress. There was a significant increase in the nutrient [nitrate (NO3 ?), phosphate (PO4 3?), potassium (K+), magnesium (Mg++), and calcium (Ca++)] content of the soil after harvest under T1 and T2. The metal accumulated by the plant in μg g?1 of dry weight was in the order zinc (Zn) > copper (Cu) > chromium (Cr). The percentage accumulations of metals by the plant out of total applied were only 1–5% for Cr and Cu and 14% for Zn, and the remaining was left in the soil. There was no metal accumulation in fruits.  相似文献   


Management strategies to minimize nitrogen (N) losses to the atmosphere and water bodies from potato production fields while maintaining tuber yields and quality relies on good N management. A 2-year (2016–17 and 2017–18) field trial with ‘Symphonia’ potato was completed on a sandy loam soil irrigated with flood irrigation in Punjab, Pakistan to investigate the effect of N fertilizer rate on vegetative, yield and tuber quality parameters. The N fertilizer treatments comprising six N rates from 0 to 300?kg ha?1 were applied at 50?kg N increments. Number of stems and tubers plant?1 showed a quadratic response while other parameters revealed cubic trends in response to N fertilizer rates. Applying more than 250?kg ha?1 of N fertilizer did not increase vegetative growth and yield. In conclusion, the optimal N-application rate of 250?Kg ha?1 has great potential to improve yield and quality of potato in the sub-tropical region of Punjab, Pakistan. These findings, besides improving productivity can minimize the risk of N fertilizer loss to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

不同类型滴灌专用肥对棉花根系生长及产量的调节   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在新疆气候生态条件下,选用高产棉花品系293和710为试材,采用田间小区对比试验,探讨膜下滴灌条件不同类型固体滴灌专用肥对棉花根系生长及产量的调节。结果表明:与对照相比,滴灌专用肥显著增加了根系生物量及根系活力,其中有机无机肥处理显著增加了40~100 cm土层以下根系的分布比例及根系活力,降低了根冠比,促使光合产物较多向地上部分配比例,尤其向生殖器官分配的比例增加,单株结铃数、单铃重和籽棉产量较高。品种间,293品系籽棉产量表现为有机无机肥处理>生物肥处理>无机肥处理>CK,710品系则表现为有机无机肥处理>无机肥处理>生物肥处理>CK。因此,依据不同品种对不同类型滴灌肥敏感性的差异,结合滴灌棉田土壤水分和养分可控性强的特点,制定相应滴灌专用肥随水施肥方案,对实现膜下滴灌棉田节水高产高效具有重要意义。  相似文献   

不同土壤肥力水平下施氮对甘薯产量与氮肥利用率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探明不同土壤肥力条件下施用氮肥对甘薯产量和氮肥利用率的影响,选取鲜食型甘薯品种烟薯25号为试验材料,采用大田试验,研究了施氮对不同土壤肥力下甘薯产量及产量构成因素、干物质积累规律和氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明:不施氮条件下,甘薯蔓数、最大蔓长度、叶面积指数和产量均表现为高肥力中肥力低肥力(P0.05)。3种土壤肥力条件下,增施氮肥均能显著增加甘薯蔓数、最大蔓长度和叶面积指数(P0.05),但对最大蔓节间数影响不显著。高肥力、中肥力和低肥力地块分别在施氮量为50,100,150kg/hm~2时获得最高产量,分别较不施氮处理(N0)增产16.06%,29.63%和33.33%。与地力条件无关,增施氮肥均能提高甘薯地上部干物质累积量。中、低土壤肥力条件下,甘薯氮累积量随施氮量增加逐渐增加,而高土壤肥力条件下呈先增加后降低的趋势;高肥力地块氮肥利用率随施氮量增加而逐渐降低,中肥力地块先增加后逐渐降低,在100kg/hm~2时氮肥利用率最高,低肥力地块逐渐增加。综合产量和氮肥利用率,可知高肥力、中肥力和低肥力地块甘薯适宜施氮量分别为50,100,150kg/hm~2。  相似文献   

Irrigation with wastewater provides the opportunity to solve the problems of its disposal, reuse and water conservation. Freshwater, differentially diluted wastewater and undiluted wastewater (hereafter called wastewater) were used to grow wheat in sandy loam soil under fertilized and unfertilized conditions at the experimental farm of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh. Fresh groundwater and wastewater of Mymensingh municipality were used to irrigate a wheat field for three consecutive years to examine the effects of wastewater application on soil properties. In this study, the properties of wastewater-irrigated soil were compared with freshwater-irrigated soil. The application of wastewater reduced the bulk density of the surface soil by 1.92% and augmented the porosity by 5.89%. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and water retention capacity of the soil were improved under wastewater irrigation. Soil pH increased due to wastewater application but decreased, to a smaller extent, due to fertilizer application. Soil electrical conductivity (EC) increased both with wastewater and with fertilizer application; both parameters changed significantly in the 0–20 cm soil layer. However, at the deeper layers, they were not affected by wastewater application. The organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N) level of the soils were higher under wastewater irrigation than under freshwater-irrigated soil. The organic C increased by 23.93% under wastewater irrigation in the top 20 cm soil layer. The N content of the soil showed similarities with the organic C contents. Available P and S concentrations were greater in the soil irrigated with wastewater compared with the soil irrigated with freshwater. The exchangeable cations – sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) – also increased significantly with wastewater application. Thus, farmers are advised for irrigation with municipal wastewater to ease pressure on freshwater and to improve soil fertility.  相似文献   

为了解析马铃薯不同品种对水分亏缺的响应,探讨不同品种对水分需求量的差异,该研究在大田遮雨棚滴灌下,以马铃薯品种‘青薯9号’和‘大西洋’为材料,参考西北区和本试验区的年平均降雨量,设置5个水分处理,将参考试验区年平均降雨量的值划分为正常灌水(A),逐级调亏灌水量的值划分为轻度(B)、中度(C)、重度(D)和特重度(E)亏缺灌水处理,研究灌水量对不同品种马铃薯植株生长(株高、茎粗、叶面积)、生物量与分配、叶片相对含水量、产量与构成因素、水分利用的影响。结果表明:正常灌水下,‘青薯9号’株高增长速度大于‘大西洋’,且测定期内持续增高,但‘大西洋’叶面积快速扩增期的扩增速度大于‘青薯9号’;2个品种各器官干质量变化趋势不一致,‘大西洋’各器官干质量呈增长趋势,‘青薯9号’茎叶和根干质量呈前期增长后期下降、块茎干质量呈显著增加趋势(P0.05),且‘青薯9号’块茎生物量分配比例最高值为57.96%,仅是‘大西洋’最高值的67.43%;2个品种叶片相对含水量均呈先升高后降低的变化趋势;‘大西洋’单株结薯数、单株产量、公顷产量、商品薯率高于或显著高于亏缺灌溉(P0.05),‘青薯9号’仅商品薯率和大薯率高于或显著高于亏缺灌溉(P0.05),其他指标则显著低于轻度亏缺灌溉(P0.05),水分利用效率和灌水效率分别为152.62kg/(hm~2·mm)和130.70%。亏缺灌溉下,随水分亏缺度加重,‘大西洋’株高、茎粗和叶面积扩增的抑制大于‘青薯9号’,2个品种叶片相对含水量降低、生物量积累的增速和绝对值降低、产量和大薯率显著下降(P0.05),且‘青薯9号’上述指标的降幅小于‘大西洋’,其中轻度亏缺灌溉下,‘青薯9号’单株结薯数和公顷产量具有补偿效应,较正常灌水分别增加22.79%和11.71%,水分利用效率提高41.48%、灌水效率提高60.05%,抗旱系数为1.12。因此,‘青薯9号’轻度亏缺灌溉,可控制其地上部旺盛生长,利于块茎形成和膨大,‘大西洋’应保证充足水分供给,不宜亏缺灌溉。  相似文献   

复合生物有机肥在烤烟生产中的应用研究   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:34  
通过盆栽试验和田间试验,研究复合生物有机肥对烤烟生长发育以及产量、品质的影响。结果表明,适量的复合生物有机肥与化肥配合施用效果明显优于单纯施用化肥,不仅可以促进烟株生长发育,增强抗病力,而且有效地提高了烟叶含钾量和干物质积累量,产量、质量都有较大幅度提高,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

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