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Brown spot of pear (Pyrus communis) caused by Stemphylium vesicarium is an important disease in fruit‐growing areas of Europe. The control of brown spot is based on protectant sprays of fungicide applied, at 7‐ to 15‐day intervals depending on the type of fungicide, from fruit set to preharvest regardless of the risk of infection. A forecasting model has been developed and can be used for timing the fungicide applications and to eliminate unnecessary sprays. The model quantifies the relationship between wetness duration and temperature in disease severity and can be used as a tool for the prediction of disease infection periods. The capacity of risk prediction was validated over 2 years. The fungicide sprays scheduled by the STREP forecaster were evaluated in commercial orchards during 3 years in different climatic areas in Spain and Italy. The results showed consistently that use of the STREP model minimized the number of fungicide sprays compared with a protectant schedule, but without decreasing the quality of commercial disease control. The susceptibility of selected European pear cultivars to infection by S. vesicarium and the influence of fruit age were also determined. The implementation of the model in warning stations will require the combination of predictions by the STREP model, the level of inoculum and the sensitivity of phenological stage and pear cultivar.  相似文献   

Brown spot disease on pear caused by Stemphylium vesicarium may affect leaves and fruits. Inoculum sources present on orchard floors play an important role in the epidemiology of pear brown spot. The pathogen can overwinter on plant residues and multiply and spread on the residues during the growing season. In the Netherlands, brown spot characteristically occurs only in a fraction of the orchards per season. Until now, no tools are available for Dutch pear growers to predict the risk of brown spot in specific orchards. As a consequence, preventive fungicide sprayings are common. The concentration of DNA of pear-pathogenic S. vesicarium was quantified by a specific TaqMan-PCR assay for various types of plant residues present on orchard floors to evaluate their importance as potential inoculum source. The pathogen was often found in residues of pear leaves, grasses and weeds, but only occasionally in mummies and prunings. Studies of the population dynamics showed that S. vesicarium decreased in dead pear leaves during early winter whereas pathogen populations developed with irregular pattern during the growing season on residues of weeds and grasses. Based on DNA concentrations of S. vesicarium in plant residue samples taken in 78 to 106 orchards in the springs of 2010, 2011 and 2012, the risk of brown spot development could be predicted for individual orchards. Such a risk prediction will allow growers to adapt their fungicide spray schedules to avoid unnecessary sprays in low-risk orchards.  相似文献   

Surveys between 1989 and 1993 in the major garlic production areas of Spain identified a new leaf spot disease, characterized by white and purple lesions followed by extensive necrosis. Isolation and pathogenicity tests with fungal isolates taken from these spots indicated that Stemphylium vesicarium was the causal agent. Pseudothecia of the teleomorph stage, Pleospora sp., were found on leaf debris from affected plants. Inoculation of garlic and onion plants with residues carrying mature pseudothecia, or with ascospore suspensions obtained from the pseudothecia, resulted in the development of white and purple leaf spots. Wetness periods longer than 24 h were required for symptom development under controlled conditions. Isolates of S. vesicarium from garlic, onion and asparagus caused disease in all three hosts. In garlic, cv. Blanco de Vallelado was most susceptible, while lines B4P17 and B6P1, and cvs Iberose and Golourose were less susceptible to the disease.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Culture filtrates of a pathogenic isolate (IT37) of Stemphylium vesicarium, causing brown spot of European pear, induced veinal necrosis only on pear leaves susceptible to the pathogen. Two host-specific toxins, SV-toxins I and II, were purified from culture filtrates of IT37 by successively using Amberlite XAD-2 resin adsorption, cellulose thin-layer chromatography, and high-performance liquid chromatography under three different sets of conditions. Susceptible cultivars showed veinal necrosis at a SV-toxin I concentration of 0.01 to 0.1 mug/ml, whereas resistant cultivars were insensitive to the toxin at 1,000 mug/ml. SV-toxins I and II caused a dose-dependent increase in electrolyte loss from susceptible leaf tissues. No increase in electrolyte loss was detected in leaf tissues from resistant cultivars. The results of physiological studies indicated that SV-toxins appear to have an early effect on plasma membranes of susceptible leaves. Spores of a nonpathogenic isolate induced necrotic lesions on susceptible leaves in the presence of a small amount of toxin. SV-toxins were detected in intercellular fluids obtained from diseased leaves after inoculation with the pathogen. The results indicate that SV-toxins I and II produced by S. vesicarium can be characterized as host-specific toxins.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Field observations in four pear orchards during 5 years from April to October indicated that days with uninterrupted wetness of variable length represented 83.9% of the total days studied. However, days with surface wetness interruptions and with high relative humidity (RH) (>/=90%) without wetness occurred with a frequency of 7.1 and 6.2%, respectively. Accordingly, the effect of interruption of 24-h wetness periods by dry periods of high or low RH on infections caused by Stemphylium vesicarium on pear was determined. Pear plants inoculated with conidia of S. vesicarium were exposed to a 12-h wet period followed by a dry period of variable length (0, 3, 6, 12, 18, or 24 h) and a second wet period of 12 h. The dry period consisted either of low (60%) or high (96%) RH. The infection process was irreversibly stopped under low RH during dry periods between wetness, but continued at high RH. The effect of high RH on disease severity in the absence of wetness was also determined. Pear plants inoculated with S. vesicarium were exposed to periods of variable length (3 to 24 h) either at high RH (96%) in the presence of wetness or at high RH (96%) without wetness. No infections were observed on plants incubated under high RH without wetness, indicating that conidia of S. vesicarium require the presence of a water film in the plant surface to develop infections on pear.  相似文献   

Infection of onion by Alternaria porri and Stemphylium vesicarium was investigated under a range of controlled temperatures (4–25°C) and leaf wetness periods (0–24 h). Conidia of A. porri and S. vesicarium germinated within 2 h when incubated at 4°C. Terminal and intercalary appressoria were produced at similar frequencies at or above 10°C. The maximum number of appressoria was produced after 24 h at 25°C. Penetration of leaves by both pathogens was via the epidermis and stomata, but the frequency of stomatal penetration exceeded that of epidermal penetration. There was a strong correlation ( R 2 > 90%) between appressorium formation and total penetrations at all temperatures. Infection of onion leaves occurred after 16 h of leaf wetness at 15°C and 8 h of leaf wetness at 10–25°C, and infection increased with increasing leaf wetness duration to 24 h at all temperatures. Interruption of a single or double leaf wetness period by a dry period of 4–24 h had little effect on lesion numbers. Conidia of A. porri and S. vesicarium separately or in mixtures caused similar numbers of lesions. Alternaria porri and S. vesicarium are both potentially important pathogens in winter-grown Allium crops and purple leaf blotch symptoms were considered to be a complex caused by both pathogens.  相似文献   

甘肃省定西市当归“水烂病”病原鉴定及致病性测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水烂病是甘肃省当归上发生的一种病害.本试验对水烂病病原菌的形态特征、培养特性、生理生化指标进行了测定,同时结合16SrDNA序列测定和相似性比对,发现该病原菌与GenBank数据库已知荧光假单胞杆菌第2生物型(Pseudornonas fluorescens生物型Ⅱ)的序列相似性达99%,其片段大小为1445 bp,编号为ZB1.致病性测定结果表明,该病原菌对‘岷归2号’(新繁品种)致病力最强,‘岷归1号’(主栽品种)次之,对‘朝鲜当归’(引进品种)的致病力最弱.本研究首次报道了荧光假单胞杆菌第2生物型能引起当归水烂病.  相似文献   

Ascospores and conidia released into the air were recorded around plots on which garlic debris infected by Stemphylium vesicarium were fixed onto the soil surface. Symptoms in garlic trap plots located in the vicinity of infected debris, started in March and developed during April–May to reach disease incidence close to 100%, final disease severity values being lower in 1993 and 1995 than in 1994 and 1996. Whereas daily concentrations of ascospores were rather erratic, with 30% of captures between 0 and 6 h, conidia showed a daily periodicity with highest concentrations between 12 and 18 h, with a pronounced peak between 14 and 16 h, and lowest values at night. Ascospore release occurred mainly in February and March. It coincided with rainfall periods, 14 h with vapour pressure deficit 5 mb and solar radiation <145 W m–2 on the current day of the capture. In contrast, greatest captures of conidia started in late April and were prevalent in May, and were associated with rainfall in days previous to the capture in which rather high temperature occurred and solar radiation was 109–345 W m–2. Among the weather variables considered, rainfall appeared directly related to the aerial concentration of ascospores and conidia. The role of relative humidity seemed essential when rainfall did not occur. There was a relationship between conidia concentration in the air and number of hours with temperature in the range 12–21 °C. Ascospore production was not essential for infections to take place, since primary infection from conidia may occur and disease can develop from them readily.  相似文献   

Tan spot, caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, is a common disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum) responsible for economic losses in some wheat growing areas worldwide. In this study the pathogenic and genetic diversity of 51 P. tritici-repentis isolates collected from different ecological regions of Argentina were analyzed. Virulence tests were conducted on 10 selected wheat cultivars: Buck Halcón, Chris, Gabo, Glenlea, Klein Dragón, Klein Sendero, Max, ND 495, ProInta Guazú and ProInta Imperial. Data revealed significant differences between all main factors evaluated and the interactions for 19 of the isolates analyzed. Based on the reaction type of each isolate/cultivar combination, 48 different pathogenic patterns were detected. The molecular analysis using Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) revealed the existence of 36 different haplotypes among 37 isolates of P. tritici-repentis originally selected for this study. These results indicate that P. tritici-repentis on wheat in Argentina is a heterogeneous fungus, implying that screening wheat germoplasm for resistance for tan spot disease requires a wide range of pathogen isolates.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the production of Stemphylium vesicarium conidia and Pleospora allii ascospores from different inoculum sources on the ground were compared in a model system of a wildflower meadow mainly composed of yellow foxtail, creeping cinquefoil and white clover. The meadow was either inoculated (each October) or not inoculated with a virulent strain of S. vesicarium, and either covered or not covered with a litter of inoculated pear leaves. Spore traps positioned a few centimetres above the ground were exposed for 170 7-day periods between October 2003 and December 2006. Ascospores and conidia were trapped in 46 and 25% of samples, respectively. Ascospore numbers trapped from the pear leaf litter were about five times higher than those from the meadow, while conidial numbers were similar from the different inoculum sources. The ascosporic season was very long, with two main trapping periods: December–April, and August–October; the former was most important for the leaf litter, the latter for the meadow. The conidial season lasted from April to November, with 92% of conidia caught between July and September. The fungus persistently colonized the meadow: the meadow inoculated in early October 2003 produced spores until autumn 2006. The present work demonstrates that orchard ground is an important source of inoculum for brown spot of pear. Thus, it is important to reduce inoculum by managing the orchard ground all year long.  相似文献   

梨叶枯病发生规律与诱病因子研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梨叶枯病 (Mycovellosiella pyricola Guo,Chen&;Zhang)是梨树新病害 ,分布于甘肃临夏、兰州、定西等地。病菌以子座在病落叶上越冬 ,翌年 6月初显症 ,8月中、下旬发病达高峰期。降雨量、湿度是主要诱病因子 ,立地条件和各种栽培措施对病害也有一定影响  相似文献   

海南省冬季北运蔬菜匍柄霉叶斑病病原的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009-2011年对海南蔬菜匍柄霉叶斑病进行调查,从不同寄主上采集到68份标本,鉴定海南蔬菜匍柄霉叶斑病病原菌有7种:苦瓜匍柄霉(Stenph ylium mornordi)、菜豆匍柄霉(S.phaseolina)、番茄匍柄霉(S.lycopersici)、茄匍柄霉(S.solani)、囊状匍柄霉(S.vesicarium)、莴苣匍柄霉(S.lactucae)和菠菜匍柄霉(S.spinaciae).除番茄匍柄霉(S.lycopersici)和茄匍柄霉(S.solani)外,其他5种均为海南新记录种.  相似文献   

Stemphylium vesicarium (teleomorph: Pleospora herbarum) is the causal agent of brown spot disease in pear. The species is also able to cause disease in asparagus, onion and other crops. Saprophytic growth of the fungus on plant debris is common. The objective of this study was to investigate whether isolates of S. vesicarium from different hosts can be pathogenic to pear. More than hundred isolates of Stemphylium spp. were obtained from infected pear fruits, dead pear leaves, dead grass leaves present in pear orchard lawns as well as from necrotic leaf parts of asparagus and onion. Only isolates originating from pear orchards, including isolates from dead grass leaves, were pathogenic on pear leaves or fruits in bioassays. Non-pathogenic isolates were also present in pear orchards. Stemphylium vesicarium from asparagus or onion, with one exception, were not pathogenic to pear. Analysis of the genetic variation between isolates using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) showed significant concordance with host plants. Isolates from asparagus or onion belonged to clusters separate from the cluster with isolates from pear or grass leaves collected in pear orchards. Multilocus sequencing of a subset of isolates showed that such isolates were similar to S. vesicarium.  相似文献   

Tan spot, caused by the fungus Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Ptr), is a disease that has become more prevalent and intense in wheat crops in Argentina in recent years. Failure to control the disease with strobilurin fungicides, which were once effective, has been observed in different zones where wheat is grown. However, whether or not true resistance is present in the pathogen population in the region is not scientifically confirmed. This study evaluated the sensitivity of numerous Ptr isolates to representative QoI fungicides used in Argentina through in vitro and in planta assays, as well as through molecular analysis. Eighty-two monosporic isolates obtained in different locations in the north and south of Buenos Aires province in 2014, 2016, and 2018 were tested to determine sensitivity to selected QoI fungicides in conidial germination and mycelial inhibition assays, as well as in molecular analysis. Conidial germination was not inhibited at 1 µg/ml of azoxystrobin, trifloxystrobin, and pyraclostrobin. On the other hand, mycelial growth was inhibited by 59%, 56%, and 86% at 100 µg/ml of azoxystrobin, trifloxystrobin, and pyraclostrobin, respectively. The molecular analysis detected the G143A mutation in the cytb gene of all the 82 Ptr isolates, but the F129L and G137R substitutions were not present. This study documents the G143A mutation conferring QoI resistance in Ptr in South America. The findings of this study are key for future decisions regarding use of fungicide and rotation in the region.  相似文献   

The incidence of garlic rot has constantly increased in France since the early 2000s. To set up an efficient method of garlic protection against this disease, we have clarified its aetiology. This was achieved by surveying garlic from the two main French basins of garlic production over 3 years. Fungi were isolated from 5,493 garlic cloves belonging to pink, purple, and white garlic types. Sequencing of the translation elongation factor 1α gene of 1,171 strains revealed that 94% of the strains belonged to the species Fusarium proliferatum and 6% belonged to F. oxysporum. The pathogenicity of both species on garlic was confirmed by artificial inoculations and reisolations. There was significantly more F. oxysporum in garlic cloves with symptoms coming from the southeast basin (9.44%) than from the southwest basin (2.76%). This study confirms that garlic rot is present in pink, purple, and white types. However, pink type garlic harbours F. oxysporum significantly less frequently (1.59%) than white (9.39%) and purple (7.34%) types. Sequencing of rpb1, rpb2, ITS, and IGS regions of a subsample of strains revealed that there is little genetic diversity in the French population of F. proliferatum.  相似文献   

甘草叶斑病的发生与病原菌鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,在甘肃省兰州市及渭源地区甘草产区发现一种甘草新病害—甘草叶斑病。2006-2008年对其发病情况进行了调查,甘草叶斑病在6月下旬开始发病,9月中旬为发病高峰期,发病率达80%。高燥地发病率低于低洼地,采用轮作可减轻甘草叶斑病的发生。经过对甘草叶斑病病原菌形态、培养性状和致病性等方面的测定表明,病原菌为豆链格孢(Alternaria azukiae)。通过寄主范围测定表明,该病原菌亦可侵染独活、羌活等药用植物。对大黄、苍耳等不具侵染性。  相似文献   

由辣椒疫霉菌(Phytophthora capsici Leonian)引起的南瓜疫病是黑龙江省籽用南瓜生产中的首要病害,造成严重的死瓜烂秧现象,籽用南瓜在黑龙江省的种植面积逐年减小.本研究在对2017~2019年黑龙江省籽用南瓜种植以及疫病发生危害情况进行分析的基础上,采用组织分离法对疫病高发区采集的病样进行分离和纯...  相似文献   

The aetiology of blight of chickpea in South Australia was studied following sporadic disease outbreaks over several years that had been tentatively identified as Phoma blight. Nine fungal isolates from diseased chickpeas were tested for pathogenicity in the glasshouse, of which two caused symptoms resembling those of Ascochyta blight. The two aggressive isolates were identified as Ascochyta rabiei based on morphological characteristics of cultures and RAPD analysis. This was further confirmed by successful mating to international standard isolates, which showed that the two Australian isolates were MAT1-1. These isolates are accessioned as DAR 71767 and DAR 71768, New South Wales Agriculture, Australia. This is the first time that A. rabiei has been positively identified in commercial chickpeas in the southern hemisphere. The pathogen was found (in 1992) in only one of 59 seed samples harvested throughout Australia between 1992 and 1996 and tested using International Seed Testing Association methods. The teleomorph has not been found in Australia and results to date suggest that only one mating type is present. This suggests that quarantine restrictions on imported chickpea seed should be retained to prevent the introduction of the opposite mating type.  相似文献   

Journal of General Plant Pathology - An attenuated mutant strain of melon yellow spot virus (MYSV), an Orthotospovirus, designated as SA08-8, was obtained from a pathogenic isolate, C95S, via high...  相似文献   

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