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Differences achieved in 18 selected morphological, phenological and grain parameters attributable to the wheat breeding process were evaluated on the basis of 262 original Czech and Slovak winter bread wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) developed during 1911–2008 and cultivated in the field and climatic conditions of Crop Research Institute Prague-Ruzyně for 3 years (2010–2012). The wheat breeding process unambiguously has improved grain production parameters, lodging and mildew resistance compared to wheat landraces and obsolete cultivars. Only wheat landrace ‘Visnovska Hustoklasa’ showed a higher resistance to lodging (8 points), no old cultivars registered till 1930 were resistant to mildew. Nevertheless, these economically positive properties of modern wheat cultivars are negatively reflected in lower crude protein content, protein content’s lower stability year to year, and decreased stability of Zeleny sedimentation. The breeding of wheat cultivars during 1961–1990 points to a key period responsible for these parameter changes. At the same time, within this somewhat older wheat group (from 1961–1990), several perspective wheat cultivars with acceptable spike productivity (e.g., ‘Regina’) and high crude protein stability (e.g., ‘Diana II’) were also identified.  相似文献   

In this study, impact of silicon (Si) application on wheat performance under drought stress is studied. Experimental soil was sandy clay loam with an average pH of 8.01, electrical conductivity (EC) of 2.36 dSm?1, and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) content of 2.16%. Soil was severely deficient in organic matter (<1%). Average extractable phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) concentration was 230 and 5.21 mg kg?1, respectively. Silicon potassium metasilicate (K2SiO3) was applied at the rate of 0 and 12 kg/ha with three canal water irrigation frequencies including two, three, and four under randomized complete block design (RCBD) factorial fashion with three replications. Results indicated that drought stress significantly reduced plant height, spike length, shoot fresh weight, and number of spikelets/spike, eventually enhancing wheat yield. Concentration of K+ in shoot (28.65 mg g?1) and grains (3.51 mg g?1) increased with Si application, which helped to maintain water potential in plant even under reduced moisture level in plants and soil, ultimately producing more yield and biomass under drought stress conditions.  相似文献   

Nine spring lines of Polish wheat (Triticum polonicum) were compared with Kamut wheat and two common wheat cultivars. Plants were analyzed to determine morphometric parameters (plant height, spike length, spike density, grain weight per spike and single kernel weight) and some chemical properties of grain: content of protein, ash, fat, crude fiber, minerals and mycotoxins. The studied genotypes produced a relatively weak response to infection with Fusarium culmorum which was expressed by a decrease in grain weight per spike and single kernel weight by 13 % and over 6 %, respectively. The grain of T. polonicum was characterized by a significantly higher protein and ash content than the grain of common wheat (by 19.8 and 23.7 %, respectively) and considerably higher concentrations of fat and dietary fiber than Kamut wheat (by 30.2 and 17.4 %, respectively). In comparison with common wheat, the grain of the examined genotypes was significantly more abundant in sulfur, magnesium and potassium as well as zinc, iron, copper and molybdenum. It contained significantly less aluminum and strontium. The inoculation led to a significant increase in fusariotoxin levels in the grain of all studied genotypes, and the average concentrations of the above metabolites were lower in the grain of T. polonicum than in Triticum aestivum. Polish wheat may constitute valuable genetic material for breeding new wheat varieties characterized by a high nutritive value and satisfactory resistance to FHB.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity was examined in a collection of 263 Indian bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars using 90 SSR markers. These cultivars were classified into Group I (pre-green revolution cultivars) and Group II cultivars (post-green revolution cultivars). SSR markers were also classified into Set-I SSRs (42 random genomic SSRs) and Set-II SSRs (48 SSRs associated with QTLs for grain weight). The SSRs belonging to Set-II exhibited relatively low level of polymorphism, suggesting that the SSRs associated with QTL for grain weight in wheat were probably under selection pressure during wheat breeding. AMOVA indicated that proportion of the variation within each of the two groups of cultivars accounted for most (87.59%) of the molecular variance, while the variation between the two groups of cultivars accounted for only 12.41% of the variance. The estimates of the average number of alleles/locus and gene diversity due to each of the two sets of SSRs suggested increase in overall genetic diversity after green revolution in Indian bread wheat cultivars. Differences were also observed in genetic diversity among cultivars from each of the six wheat growing agro-climatic zones of India. However, decade-wise analysis of genetic diversity among the post-green revolution cultivars indicated a progressive decline in genetic diversity, thus suggesting a need for involving diverse exotic, synthetic and winter wheat germplasm in Indian wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   

In a long-term fertilizer experiment at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, with maize, wheat, and cowpea, various forms of potassium (K) and their contribution toward K uptake were found to be affected by fertilizer use and intensive cropping. The treatments included for the study were a control, 100% nitrogen (N), 100% N–phosphorus (P), 50% NPK, 100% NPK, 100% NPK + farmyard manure (FYM at 15 t ha?1 to maize only), and 150% NPK. The concentration of nonexchangeable K was greatest, followed by exchangeable K and water-soluble K. The study revealed no significant change in water-soluble K concentration in surface soil compared to N, NP, and control, indicating existence of an equilibrium between different K forms. Application of 100% NPK significantly increased water-soluble K concentration in surface soil compared to N, NP, and control treatments after maize, wheat, and cowpea. Application of NPK + FYM and 150% NPK resulted in greater quantities of all the K forms as compared to other treatments. Among the three forms, water-soluble K contributed predominantly to K uptake by maize and wheat; however, nonexchangeable K contributed significantly to K uptake by cowpea.  相似文献   

This paper examines changes in the distribution of maize hybrids and landraces in the mountainous areas of southwest China over 1998–2008, farmers’ reasons for cultivar adoption and the implications for national policies in relation to seed production and breeding, based on baseline data and a survey conducted in Guangxi, Yunnan and Guizhou. The study traced the dynamic changes in the adoption of hybrids and landraces in farmers’ fields, explored how individual farmer’s choices can influence local landrace distribution, and investigated the space for conducive policy and innovative action for on-farm conservation of maize genetic resources. The research showed that although there is strong farmers’ interest in accessing modern maize hybrids, farmers also express strong reasons for maintaining at least some of the landraces that satisfy local agronomic context and social preferences. Farmers recognized that hybrids have a number of advantages but they also indicated some disadvantages of the current available hybrids e.g. with respect to seed quality, local adaptability, taste and cost of seeds, but also lack of information on the performances of the new hybrids. Based on farmers’ reasoning and experiences, the requirements have been identified for improving yield combined with local preferences (agronomic, cultural and socio-economic). The paper concludes by identifying options for how China might seek to develop resilient seed systems for smallholder farmers in poor areas, under changing climatical conditions and volatile markets. Participatory Plant Breeding is among the options considered for bringing farmers’ needs into conservation and breeding strategies for improving local adaptation.  相似文献   

In this study, a suitable and near-real-time water status monitoring approach for winter wheat before harvest was developed with remotely sensed satellite data. Seven vegetation indices were extracted as remote-sensing parameters by making full use of the land surface reflection and land surface temperature transmitted by moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. The correlation of each vegetation index and measured values of winter wheat and soil water contents in different crop growth periods was established. The simulation models, combining vegetation index, soil water content (SWC), and plant water content (PWC) in different winter wheat growth periods, were constructed to predict water content by using remote-sensing data. We found that the correlations between the difference vegetation index (DVI) and the perpendicular vegetation index (PVI) in the beginning of the stem elongation period with SWC were highly significant (P < 0.01); the correlation between the global environmental monitoring index (GEMI) in the ear emergency period and SWC was highly significant (P < 0.01). Furthermore, the correlation between the PVI in maturing period and SWC was highly significant (P < 0.01). Data of different coefficients of vegetation indices and PWC in different winter wheat growth periods illustrated that correlation between the DVI in the beginning of stem elongation period and PWC was highly significant (P < 0.01), while the correlation between the PVI in the maturing period and PWC was highly significant. Our results indicated that spatial and temporal vegetation indices were closely related to soil moisture and winter wheat water content in Wenxi County, Shanxi Province (P. R. China). The vegetation index is conceptually and computationally straightforward and may be used in prediction of environmental hydrological status.  相似文献   

The molecular diversity and population structure present in the Ethiopian sorghum collection maintained at the USDA–ARS National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) has not been studied. In addition, 83 % of the accessions in the Ethiopian collection lack passport information which has constrained their evaluation and utility. Therefore, 137 Ethiopian accessions from NPGS were randomly selected and characterized with 20 strategically selected simple sequence repeat markers. These markers indentified 289 alleles with average polymorphic information content of 0.78. The allele frequency distribution reflects that 62 % of the alleles were rare (<0.05), 17 % range from 0.05 to 0.10, and 22 % were higher than 0.10. Expected and observed heterozygosity were estimated at 0.78 and 0.23, respectively, demonstrating Ethiopia has high sorghum genetic diversity germplasm. Population structure analysis indentified two subpopulations of 77 and 41 accessions, respectively, while a third group was constituted by 19 accessions whose classifications were not defined (i.e. hybrids). Analysis of molecular variances determined variation within subpopulations as the major source of variation. Likewise, genetic differentiation between subpopulations was moderate (Fst = 0.10). These results indicated that a continuous exchange of genes between subpopulations of sorghum exists in Ethiopia. The absence of a well defined population structure positioned this germplasm as an important resource for the study and dissection of agricultural traits by association mapping. However, genetic redundancy analysis indicated the presence of highly related accessions, therefore, strategic selected accessions must be consider prior to phenotype evaluation of larger number of accessions. The Ethiopian collection is composed of highly genetically diverse germplasm, and the genetic information presented herein is valuable to ex situ and in situ conservation programs to promote the use of this germplasm for breeding programs.  相似文献   

Long-term effects of chemical fertilizers and farmyard manure (FYM) in rice (Oryza sativa)–wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system were monitored for two consecutive years after 38 and 39 years on productivity and soil biological properties of Mollisols. The study encompasses varying chemical fertilizer levels of optimum fertilizer rate (120, 26 and 37 kg ha?1 N, P and K, respectively) for both the crops. The treatments were application of 50% NPK, 100% NPK, 150% NPK, 100% NPK + hand weeding (HW), 100% NPK + Zn, 100% NP, 100% N, 100% NPK + 15 t FYM ha?1, 100% NPK(-S) and unfertilized control. The rice and wheat yields were highest with 100% NPK + 15 t FYM ha?1. This treatment also gave maximum and significantly more counts of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes in soil than all the other treatments after crop harvest. The soil microbial biomass C (410.0 and 407.5 µg g?1) and N (44.53 and 48.30 µg g?1) after rice and wheat, respectively, were highest with 100% NPK + 15 t FYM ha?1, which were significantly higher over all the other treatments. The activities of soil enzymes like dehydrogenase, acid and alkaline phosphatase, arylsulphatase and urease and CO2 evolution rate with 100% NPK + 15 t FYM ha?1 were also found significantly higher over the other treatments. Fertilizer treatments with 100% NPK and 150% NPK were comparable and significantly better than application of 50% NPK, 100% N, 100% NP and 100% NPK(-S) in various studied soil biological properties. Integrated use of 100% NPK with FYM sustained the higher yields and soil biological properties under ricewheat cropping system in Mollisols. Application of Zn and hand weeding with 100% NPK were found better over 100% NPK alone in rice and wheat productivity. Imbalanced use of chemical fertilizers had the harmful effect on soil biological health.  相似文献   

The present long-term study was initiated to quantify the long-term effects of conjunctive nutrient management on soil quality, identify key indicators, and assess soil quality indices under a rainfed maize–wheat system in marginal Inceptisol soils in India. Results of the study revealed that soil organic carbon was significantly influenced by the conjunctive nutrient-management treatments. Among the nine treatments, the application of 100% recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN) (80 kg N ha?1), 15 kg N (compost) + 20 kg N ha?1 (inorganic), 25 kg N (compost), and 15 kg N (compost) + 10 kg N ha?1 (green leaf) resulted in greater organic carbon contents of 5.57, 5.32, 5.27, and 5.26 g kg?1, which were greater by 29.5%, 24%, 23%, and 22%, respectively, over the control. The greatest soil quality index (1.61) was observed with application of 25 kg nitrogen (N; compost) as well as with application of 15 kg N (compost) + 10 kg N ha?1 (green leaf). The order of percentage contribution of key indicators toward soil quality indices was available potassium (K) (34%) > available phosphorus (P) (32%) > available N (13%) > microbial biomass carbon (12%) > exchangeable calcium (Ca) (9%). The linear regression equation revealed the principal role of soil quality indicators in maize crop yield. The methodology and the results of the study could be of great relevance in improving and assessing soil quality not only for the study locations but also for other climatically and edaphically identical regions across the world.  相似文献   

In a field experiment, various strengths of Hoagland’s nutrient solutions were sprayed to mitigate the deleterious effects of nutrient stresses at different growth stages on mash bean cultivars. Hoagland’s nutrient solution strengths of 0, 25, 50, and 75% were applied at 7, 14, and 21?days after emergence on mash bean cultivars namely Mash-2 and Mash-88. Hoagland’s nutrient solution of 75% strength markedly increased the growth and yield of mash bean cultivars if applied at 21?days after crop emergence. The Mash-88 showed superiority in terms of growth and yield traits as compared to Mash-2. The results suggested that growth and yield was not enhanced effectively by a low strength of Hoagland’s nutrient solution applied at initial growth stages. It is concluded that foliar-applied Hoagland’s nutrient solution of 75% strength can be used as an efficient tool when applied at appropriate growth stage (21?days after emergence) to get optimal yield.  相似文献   


An aquatic cash crop, ‘makhana’ (Euryale ferox Salisb.) was studied for predicted habitat suitability through ‘BioClim’ model for the year 1950–2000 and projected climate data for 2050 and 2070 for the Indian region based on primary data from survey and exploration for germplasm collection by ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (ICAR-NBPGR), New Delhi, India. A total of 362 diverse ‘makhana’ or foxnut germplasm accessions were augmented mainly from different districts of Indian state of Bihar and conserved at the National Genebank (NGB) at ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi. Predicted habitat suitability map of climate for the period 1950–2000 showed that the current locations of the highly suitable areas of cultivation of ‘makhana’ in Bihar were extended to other states namely- Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal in eastern India. Out of the total highly suitable estimated areas, maximum were located in Bihar (65.0 per cent) followed by Uttar Pradesh (12.3 per cent), Jharkhand (12.2 per cent) and West Bengal (10.5 per cent). Based on future predicted climate data for the year 2050 the habitat suitability map indicated that out of the total high suitable areas, Bihar had maximum area as compared to the other three states. Predicted climate data using ‘BioClim’ variables showed that high suitable areas shifted from major part in Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal and negligible areas bordering Katihar district of Bihar. While predicted climate data for the year 2050 and 2070 showed high suitable areas in West Bengal, especially Malda and Dakschin Dinajpur districts completely shrank due to temperature rise; while Uttar Dinajpur (Goal Pokhar-I, Goal Pokhar-II and Islampur districts) appeared as new areas. In Uttar Pradesh, new districts viz. Balrampur and Shravasti were identified as high suitable areas for ‘makhana’ cultivation. As ‘makhana’ is a popular cash crop of eastern part of the country, and has not been cultivated widely in other regions, hence the knowledge on its botany, distribution, cultivation practices and uses are provided.


Shen  Xuelin  Sun  Xiaoqin  Cao  Minxu  Zhang  Yanmei  Hang  Yueyu  Chen  Min 《Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution》2021,68(5):1961-1970
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a traditional crop that has long been valued worldwide as food, condiment and medicine. Morphology-based authentication can...  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the optimum rates of water-soluble phosphorus (P) on the growth of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don ‘Pacifica White’ in soilless media in a recirculating subirrigation and top watering system. The experiment was designed so that only P varied between treatments; nitrogen (N), ammoniacal N to nitrate N ratio, and potassium (K) content were held constant. Media pH decreased with increasing P concentration in the nutrient solution in both the subirrigated and top-watered plants. Shoot N, P, K, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and copper were in general greater in the subirrigated plants when compared to top-watered plants. Shoot calcium, sulfur, iron, aluminum, and boron were greater in top-watered plants when compared to subirrigated plants. Optimal plant growth was achieved at ≥0.5 mM P in the subirrigated and top-watered plants, which is lower than what is usually commercially applied. Subirrigated plants were of greater quality and dry mass regardless of P concentration in the nutrient solution, when compared to top-watered plants.  相似文献   

The roots of red clover plants inoculated with the vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus clarus Nicolson & Schenck were treated with a drench of benomyl at a time when mycorrhizal infection was already well established. Benomyl halted further infection and reduced phosphorus inflow by one order of magnitude compared to untreated controls. The fungicide also decreased the rate of plant growth probably as a consequence of reduced phosphorus inflow.  相似文献   


Mulberry (Morus spp.) is a cross-pollinating and highly hybridized plant of which productivity are greatly varied in different varieties. Accurate distinction among mulberry varieties and understanding of phylogenetic relationship among them would be crucial for the development of sericulture. We have analysed molecular distinction among four mulberry species and varieties cultivated in DPR Korea by using nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences and inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. ITS sequences doesn’t represent a remarkable interspecific distinction among four mulberry species used in our study, suggesting that it could not be employed to identify them. ISSR analysis using 16 random primers generated 158 different markers ranging from 100 to 4000 bp in size. The results showed the inter-specific genetic variation (55.34%) was slightly higher than intra-specific genetic variation (44.66%), with comparatively low average number of migrants per generation (Nm) among populations (0.3886). Using ISSR primers selected in this study, in the future, the suitable breeding strategy might be established in raising of elite mulberry varieties on the basis of interspecific hybridization.


During a national Swedish collection mission of vegetable varieties conserved ‘on farm’ more than 70 pea accessions were obtained, many of which had been grown locally for more than 100 years. In spite of a likely origin in the multitude of obsolete commercial pea varieties available on the Swedish seed market in the nineteenth century, the rediscovered local cultivars have lost their original names and cultivar identity while being maintained ‘on farm’. To analyze genetic diversity in the repatriated material, 20 accessions were genotyped with twelve SSR markers and compared with 15 obsolete cultivars kept in genebanks and 13 cultivars preserved as non-viable seeds collected in 1877–1918. Most of the local cultivars were genetically distinct from each other, and in only a few cases could a possible origin in a tested obsolete cultivar be suggested. These results reflect the wide diversity of pea cultivars present in Sweden during the nineteenth century. Both between and within accession genetic diversity was larger among the historical samples of obsolete cultivars compared to local cultivars and cultivars preserved in genebanks, indicating genetic erosion over time both in genebanks and during conservation ‘on farm’. The constraints on identifying and verifying historical cultivars using genetic markers are discussed.  相似文献   

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