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小麦抗条锈病基因Yr24的SSR标记   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
 抗性鉴定表明,含有抗小麦条锈病基因Yr24的近等基因系Yr24/3*Avocet S对我国流行的条锈菌小种CY30、CY31和CY32均具有良好的抗性。遗传学分析证明,Yr24/3*Avocet S的抗条锈病性状为显性遗传。利用Yr24/3*Avocet S×感病品种铭贤169的F2群体进行SSR分析,筛选到2个位于目的基因两侧的标记Xgwm273和Xgwm11,遗传距离分别为6.1和7.1 cM。双侧分子标记的建立可为标记辅助选择育种提供更有力的分子选择工具。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Leaf rust and stripe rust, caused by Puccinia triticina and P. striiformis, respectively, are important diseases of wheat in many countries. In this study we sought to identify molecular markers for adult plant resistance genes that could aid in incorporating such durable resistance into wheat. We used a doubled haploid population from a Japanese cv. Fukuho-komugi x Israeli wheat Oligoculm cross that had segregated for resistance to leaf rust and stripe rust in field trials. Joint and/or single-year analyses by composite interval mapping identified two quantitative trait loci (QTL) that reduced leaf rust severity and up to 11 and 7 QTLs that might have influenced stripe rust severity and infection type, respectively. Four common QTLs reduced stripe rust severity and infection type. Except for a QTL on chromosome 7DS, no common QTL for leaf rust and stripe rust was detected. QTL-7DS derived from 'Fukuho-komugi' had the largest effect on both leaf rust and stripe rust severities, possibly due to linked resistance genes Lr34/Yr18. The microsatellite locus Xgwm295.1, located almost at the peak of the likelihood ratio contours for both leaf and stripe rust severity, was closest to Lr34/Yr18. QTLs located on 1BL for leaf rust severity and 3BS for stripe rust infection type were derived from 'Oligoculm' and considered to be due to genes Lr46 and Yr30, respectively. Most of the remaining QTLs for stripe rust severity or infection type had smaller effects. Our results indicate there is significant diversity for genes that have minor effects on stripe rust resistance, and that successful detection of these QTLs by molecular markers should be helpful both for characterizing wheat genotypes effectively and combining such resistance genes.  相似文献   

Kerber ER  Aung T 《Phytopathology》1999,89(6):518-521
ABSTRACT The common wheat cultivar Thatcher and the backcross derivative Canthatch are moderately or fully susceptible to several races of stem rust because of a suppressor on chromosome 7DL that inhibits the expression of the relevant resistance gene(s). The incorporation of leaf rust resistance gene Lr34 into 'Thatcher' is known to enhance stem rust resistance. The effect of this gene in a 'Canthatch' background and its relationship with the 7DL suppressor were determined by replacing chromosome 7D of 'Canthatch' with 7D of 'Chinese Spring', which possesses Lr34 on the short arm. 'Canthatch' nullisomic 7D was crossed with 'Chinese Spring', followed by a succession of backcrosses to the nullisomic recurrent parent. Homozygous resistant disomic and monosomic substitution lines were recovered that exhibited the same resistant reaction as that of 'Thatcher' possessing Lr34 and as that of 'Canthatch' nullisomic 7D, in which the 7DL suppressor is absent. The results indicate that, in 'Canthatch', Lr34 permits expression of resistance genes normally inhibited by the 7DL suppressor. Furthermore, it is likely that, in 'Thatcher' and 'Thatcher' back-cross derivatives, Lr34 inactivates the 7DL suppressor.  相似文献   

为发掘大麦中抗条纹病的新基因,采用三明治法通过人工接种大麦条纹病菌Pyrenophora graminea强致病力菌株QWC对甘啤2号(免疫)与Alexis(高感)杂交F_1代及F_2代分离群体进行抗性遗传分析,利用群体分离分析法鉴定与抗病基因连锁的SSR标记,并通过QTL IciMapping软件构建遗传连锁图谱完成对抗病基因的定位。结果显示,甘啤2号与Alexis杂交F_1代对大麦条纹病菌强致病力菌株QWC表现为免疫,F_2代表现3∶1抗感分离,表明甘啤2号对菌株QWC的抗性由1个显性抗性基因控制,将该抗病基因暂命名为Rdg3;该基因位于大麦7H染色体上的SSR标记Bmag206和Bmag7之间,与二者的遗传距离分别为1.78 cM和2.86 cM。经与已定位于7H染色体上的抗病基因比较,发现Rdg3是一个新的抗条纹病基因,可作为大麦抗病育种的新种质资源。  相似文献   

欧洲小麦品种Mega抗条锈病基因的遗传分析及分子标记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 本研究表明欧洲小麦品种Mega对我国小麦条锈病重要流行小种CYR30、CYR31、CYR32、Su-4和Su-14在苗期都具有良好的抗病性。采用小麦条锈菌小种CYR30对Mega与感病小麦品种铭贤169杂交的F1、F2和BC1代及双亲进行苗期抗病性遗传分析,结果表明,Mega对CYR30的抗性由1对显性基因独立控制。采用SSR标记技术对其携带的抗性基因进行分子标记,在237对SSR引物中,发现位于5BL上的2个SSR引物位点Barc232Wmc640在双亲和抗、感池间能扩增出稳定的特异性片段,与抗病基因连锁的遗传距离分别是3.7cM和8.6cM,暂命名为YrMe。本研究结果为科学利用Mega抗条锈基因培育抗病品种提供了依据。  相似文献   

 小麦品系ICA56对条锈菌优势生理小种CYR30、CYR31和CYR32均表现免疫反应;遗传分析表明,ICA56携带一个显性抗条锈病基因。基因等位性测定显示,ICA56所含抗条锈病基因不同于已知抗锈基因Yr5、Yr10、Yr15和Yr26,暂将该基因定名为YrICA56。利用川麦28/ICA56的F2群体及抗感亲本筛选到5对SSR引物WMC503、Xgwm261、Xgwm296、WMC112Xgwm210YrICA56连锁,遗传距离分别为16.6、10.4、7.0、4.5和14.1cM。根据Mapmaker3.0确定标记、YrICA56和着丝点在染色体上的顺序为:-WMC503-Xgwm261-Xgwm296-YrICA56-WMC112-Xgwm210-着丝点-。根据作图结果,将YrICA56定位在2DS。目前定位在2DS上的抗条锈病基因有Yr16YrKatYr16为成株期抗性,YrKat属温敏抗性,而YrICA56在苗期和成株期对条锈病均表现免疫,由此推测YrICA56是一个新的抗条锈病基因。  相似文献   

小麦材料PI31抗条锈性鉴定及其抗性基因SSR标记   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 小麦材料PI31对我国当前流行的条锈菌小种条中30、31和32免疫;遗传分析表明,PI31携带一个显性抗条锈病基因。等位性测定显示,PI31所携带的抗条锈病基因与已知抗锈基因Yr5Yr10Yr15不等位。抗源系谱分析表明,该基因来源于叙利亚普通小麦品系叙18;故将此材料携带的抗条锈病基因暂定名为Yr-XU。利用分组分析(BSA)法,筛选到1个位于1 BS的SSR标记WM S11-193 bp片段与Yr-XU紧密连锁,将Yr-XU定位于小麦1BS上;对F2分离群体142个单株分析结果表明,Yr-XU与WM S11-193 bp的遗传距离为2.1 cM,可将此标记用于小麦抗条锈病分子标记辅助育种。  相似文献   

为了明确小偃9366抗条锈病遗传特点,对小偃9366与铭贤169及其杂交F1、F2、F3和BC1F1代进行温室苗期抗条锈性遗传分析,选取400余对SSR引物对接种CYR31的群体进行分子标记,并利用目标基因的侧翼引物分析99个黄淮麦区主栽小麦品种。小偃9366对CYR25的抗病性由1显、1隐2对基因独立控制,对CYR27的抗病性由3对显性基因控制,其中2对基因表现累加作用,对CYR30 和CYR31的抗病性均由1对显性基因独立控制,对Su11-4的抗性由2对隐性基因独立控制。位于2AL上的6个标记Xwmc794、Xwmc455、Xwmc261、Xgwm47、Xgwm294Xcfd168与抗CYR31基因(暂命名Yrxy9366)连锁,与目的基因的遗传距离分别为10.8、6.5、3.2、4.4、16.0和32.8 cM,将Yrxy9366定位在2AL上。利用Xwmc261、Xgwm47两个引物分析99个黄淮麦区主栽小麦品种,仅5%检测到同源片段。研究表明Yrxy9366是一个新的抗病基因。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Stripe rust is one of the most important diseases of wheat and barley worldwide. On wheat it is caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici and on barley by P. striiformis f. sp. hordei Most wheat genotypes are resistant to P. striiformis f. sp. hordei and most barley genotypes are resistant to P. striiformis f. sp. tritici. To determine the genetics of resistance in wheat to P. striiformis f. sp. hordei, crosses were made between wheat genotypes Lemhi (resistant to P. striiformis f. sp. hordei) and PI 478214 (susceptible to P. striiformis f. sp. hordei). The greenhouse seedling test of 150 F(2) progeny from the Lemhi x PI 478214 cross, inoculated with race PSH-14 of P. striiformis f. sp. hordei, indicated that Lemhi has a dominant resistance gene. The single dominant gene was confirmed by testing seedlings of the F(1), BC(1) to the two parents, and 150 F(3) lines from the F(2) plants with the same race. The tests of the F(1), BC(1), and F(3) progeny with race PSH-48 of P. striiformis f. sp. hordei and PST-21 of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici also showed a dominant gene for resistance to these races. Cosegregation analyses of the F(3) data from the tests with the two races of P. striiformis f. sp. hordei and one race of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici suggested that the same gene conferred the resistance to both races of P. striiformis f. sp. hordei, and this gene was different but closely linked to Yr21, a previously reported gene in Lemhi conferring resistance to race PST-21 of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici. A linkage group consisting of 11 resistance gene analog polymorphism (RGAP) markers was established for the genes. The gene was confirmed to be on chromosome 1B by amplification of a set of nullitetrasomic Chinese Spring lines with an RGAP marker linked in repulsion with the resistance allele. The genetic information obtained from this study is useful in understanding interactions between inappropriate hosts and pathogens. The gene identified in Lemhi for resistance to P. striiformis f. sp. hordei should provide resistance to barley stripe rust when introgressed into barley cultivars.  相似文献   

Lr46: a gene conferring slow-rusting resistance to leaf rust in wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT Wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivar Pavon 76 carries slow-rusting resistance to leaf rust that has remained effective in Mexico since its release in 1976. 'Pavon 76' was crossed with two leaf rust-susceptible wheat cultivars, Jupateco 73S and Avocet S, and between 118 and 148 individual F(2) plant-derived F(3) and F(5) lines were evaluated for adult-plant leaf rust resistance at two field sites in Mexico during different seasons. Evaluation of F(1) plants and parents indicated that the slow-rusting resistance was partially dominant. Segregation in the F(3) and F(5) indicated that the resistance was based on two genes with additive effects. Monosomic analysis was carried out to determine the chromosomal locations of the resistance genes. For this purpose, two or three backcross-derived cytogenetic populations were developed by crossing 'Pavon 76' with a monosomic series of adult-plant leaf rust-susceptible cultivar Lal-bahadur. Evaluation of such BC(2)F(3) and BC(3)F(3) lines from 16 confirmed 'Lalbahadur' monosomics indicated that one slow-rusting gene was located in chromosome 1B of 'Pavon 76'. This gene, designated as Lr46, is the second named gene involved in slow-rusting resistance to leaf rust in wheat.  相似文献   

为明确抗锈品种中梁93444抗条锈基因及遗传特点,用CYR30、CYR31、CYR32对该品种、铭贤169及杂交组合进行遗传分析,用SSR技术对分离家系F3-3进行PCR扩增和电泳分析。结果显示,中梁93444对CYR30、CYR31的抗病性均由1对显性和1对隐性基因控制,对CYR32由2对显性互补基因控制;F3-3分离家系对CYR32的抗病性由1对显性基因控制,该基因暂命名为Yr93444。对F3-3分离群体进行SSR标记,建立了与该基因连锁的8个标记Xgwm122、Xwmc702、Xwmc644、Xwmc794、Xgwm328、Xwmc455、Xgwm372、Xwmc819,遗传距离分别为38.1、30.7、22.9、15.6、10.0、6.9、3.5和2.8 cM。 应用SSR标记、中国春及缺四体将Yr93444定位于2AL上。系谱分析和SSR分子标记检测表明,该基因是来自中间偃麦草的新抗条锈基因。用与该基因紧密连锁的SSR标记Xgwm372和Xwmc819检测中梁品种和黄淮麦区主栽品种,发现89%中梁品种含该抗病基因,而86%黄淮麦区主栽品种不含该抗病基因,表明该基因应用潜力很大。  相似文献   

中国小麦贵州98-18中抗叶锈基因的分子定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小麦(Triticum aestivum)品系贵州98-18对中国目前大多数叶锈菌(Puccinia triticina)生理小种表现抗性。基因推导表明,贵州98-18可能携带新的抗叶锈基因。为了有效利用这一抗源,将贵州98-18和感病小麦品种郑州5389杂交,获得F1、F2代群体,用我国叶锈菌优势小种THTT对双亲及其杂交后代进行接种鉴定。结果表明,贵州98-18对THTT的抗性由1对显性基因控制,暂命名为LrG98。采用SSR技术对贵州98-18携带的抗病基因进行分子标记,共筛选了1 274对SSR或STS引物,位于1BL染色体上的4对引物可在抗/感池和双亲中扩增出多态性DNA片段。遗传连锁分析结果表明,该抗病基因位于小麦1BL染色体上,与Xbarc582-1B和Lr26的STS标记ω-secali(Glu-B3)的遗传距离最近,均为3.8 cM。该基因与目前所有已知的抗叶锈基因不同,可能是1个新的抗病基因。  相似文献   

山西小麦品种和育种材料抗锈病、白粉病鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011—2015年,采用人工接菌方法,对25个育种单位的601份小麦品种和育种材料进行了小麦条锈病、叶锈病和白粉病的抗病性鉴定,筛选出对小麦条锈病抗性表现良好的品种材料36份,对小麦叶锈病抗性表现良好的品种材料16份,对小麦白粉病抗性表现良好的品种材料12份。  相似文献   

Leaf rust caused by Puccina triticina is one of the most destructive fungal diseases of wheat (Triticum aestivum). Adult plant resistance (APR) is an effective strategy to achieve long‐term protection from the disease. In this study, findings are reported from a genome‐wide association study (GWAS) using a panel of 96 wheat cultivars genotyped with 874 Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) markers and tested for adult leaf rust response in six field trials. A total of 13 quantitative trait loci (QTL) conferring APR to leaf rust were identified on chromosome arms 1BL, 1DS, 2AS, 2BL, 2DS, 3BS, 3BL, 4AL, 6BS (two), 7DS, 5BL/7BS and 6AL/6BS. Of these, seven QTLs mapped close to known resistance genes and QTLs, while the remaining six are novel and can be used as additional sources of resistance. Accessions with a greater number of combined QTLs for APR showed lower levels of disease severity, demonstrating additive and significant pyramiding effects. All QTLs had stable main effects and they did not exhibit a significant interaction with the experiments. These findings could help to achieve adequate levels of durable resistance through marker‐assisted selection and pyramiding resistance QTLs in local germplasm.  相似文献   

Aegilops umbellulata, a non‐progenitor diploid species, is an excellent source of resistance to various wheat diseases. Leaf rust and stripe rust resistance genes from A. umbellulata were transferred to the susceptible wheat cultivar WL711 through induced homoeologous pairing. A doubly resistant introgression line IL 393‐4 was crossed with wheat cultivar PBW343 to develop a mapping population. Tests on BC2F7 RILs indicated monogenic inheritance of seedling leaf rust and stripe rust resistance in IL 393‐4 and the respective co‐segregating genes were tentatively named LrUmb and YrUmb. Bulked segregant analysis placed LrUmb and YrUmb in chromosome 5DS, 7.6 cM distal to gwm190. Aegilops geniculata‐derived and completely linked leaf rust and stripe rust resistance genes Lr57 and Yr40 were previously located in chromosome 5DS. STS marker Lr57/Yr40MAS‐CAPS16 (Lr57/Yr40‐CAPS16), linked with Lr57/Yr40 (T756) also co‐segregated with LrUmb/YrUmb. Seedling infection types differentiated LrUmb from Lr57. Absence of leaf rust‐susceptible segregants among F3 families of the intercross (IL 393‐4/T756) indicated repulsion linkage between LrUmb and Lr57. YrUmb expressed a consistently low seedling response under greenhouse conditions, whereas Yr40 expressed a higher seedling response. Based on the origin of LrUmb/YrUmb from the U genome and Lr57/Yr40 from the M genome, as well as phenotypic differences, LrUmb and YrUmb were formally named Lr76 and Yr70, respectively. These genes have been transferred to Indian wheat cultivars PBW343 and PBW550, and advanced breeding lines are being tested in state and national trials.  相似文献   

 N. Strampelli是由意大利引入我国的小麦持久抗病性品种,对我国目前多数的条锈菌流行小种均有良好的抗性。为了明确其抗条锈病基因的遗传机制,利用小麦条锈病小种CYR30、CYR31、Su-4和Su-14对N. Strampelli与中国春杂交后代进行遗传分析,结果表明N. Strampelli对CYR30、CYR31的抗病性均由1对显性基因和1对隐性基因互补控制,对Su-14、Su-4的抗病性各由1对隐性基因控制,将其中控制Su-14抗病性的隐性基因暂时命名为YrNS-1。利用分离群体分析法(BSA)对接种Su-14的正交F2代群体进行SSR分子标记,在1BL上找到4个与YrNS-1紧密连锁的微卫星标记Xwmc719、Xgwm124、Xwmc44Xcfa2147,遗传距离分别为3.2、4.6、5.7和10.3cM。与已知位于1BL染色体上的抗条锈基因比较分析表明,YrNS-1可能是1个新的抗条锈病基因。  相似文献   

小麦-柔软滨麦草易位系M853-4抗条锈病基因的分子标记   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为揭示小麦-柔软滨麦草易位系M853-4的抗条锈性遗传机制,以易位系M853-4和感病品种铭贤169为亲本制备F2、F3代种子,采用人工接种的方法于温室中接种小麦条锈菌生理小种Su-11,用于测定M853-4及其杂交后代的苗期抗条锈性。结果表明,M853-4对Su-11的抗病性由1对显性和1对隐性基因控制。筛选由1对显性基因控制的F3代分离家系作为SSR标记群体,从320对引物中共找到了4个位于4A染色体上的与该显性基因(暂命名为YrLm2)紧密连锁的微卫星标记Xgwm44、Xwmc650、Barc170和Xwmc718,标记到YrLm2的遗传距离分别为15.0、5.0、3.9和3.1cM,并将YrLm2定位于4A染色体的长臂上,标记结果可用于小麦分子辅助育种。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Most barley cultivars are resistant to stripe rust of wheat that is caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. The barley cv. Steptoe is susceptible to all identified races of P. striiformis f. sp. hordei (PSH), the barley stripe rust pathogen, but is resistant to most P. striiformis f. sp. tritici races. To determine inheritance of the Steptoe resistance to P. striiformis f. sp. tritici, a cross was made between Steptoe and Russell, a barley cultivar susceptible to some P. striiformis f. sp. tritici races and all tested P. striiformis f. sp. hordei races. Seedlings of parents and F(1), BC(1), F(2), and F(3) progeny from the barley cross were tested with P. striiformis f. sp. tritici races PST-41 and PST-45 under controlled greenhouse conditions. Genetic analyses of infection type data showed that Steptoe had one dominant gene and one recessive gene (provisionally designated as RpstS1 and rpstS2, respectively) for resistance to races PST-41 and PST-45. Genomic DNA was extracted from the parents and 150 F(2) plants that were tested for rust reaction and grown for seed of F(3) lines. The infection type data and polymorphic markers identified using the resistance gene analog polymorphism (RGAP) technique were analyzed with the Mapmaker computer program to map the resistance genes. The dominant resistance gene in Steptoe for resistance to P. striiformis f. sp. tritici races was mapped on barley chromosome 4H using a linked microsatellite marker, HVM68. A linkage group for the dominant gene was constructed with 12 RGAP markers and the microsatellite marker. The results show that resistance in barley to the wheat stripe rust pathogen is qualitatively inherited. These genes might provide useful resistance against wheat stripe rust when introgressed into wheat from barley.  相似文献   

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