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Drechslera tritici-repentis , anamorph of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis , was found in diamond-shaped, dark-brown lesions on leaves of several winter wheat crops in England and Wales. Lesions were darker than the otherwise similar lesions caused by Septoria nodorum.  相似文献   

Tan spot, caused by the fungus Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Ptr), is a disease that has become more prevalent and intense in wheat crops in Argentina in recent years. Failure to control the disease with strobilurin fungicides, which were once effective, has been observed in different zones where wheat is grown. However, whether or not true resistance is present in the pathogen population in the region is not scientifically confirmed. This study evaluated the sensitivity of numerous Ptr isolates to representative QoI fungicides used in Argentina through in vitro and in planta assays, as well as through molecular analysis. Eighty-two monosporic isolates obtained in different locations in the north and south of Buenos Aires province in 2014, 2016, and 2018 were tested to determine sensitivity to selected QoI fungicides in conidial germination and mycelial inhibition assays, as well as in molecular analysis. Conidial germination was not inhibited at 1 µg/ml of azoxystrobin, trifloxystrobin, and pyraclostrobin. On the other hand, mycelial growth was inhibited by 59%, 56%, and 86% at 100 µg/ml of azoxystrobin, trifloxystrobin, and pyraclostrobin, respectively. The molecular analysis detected the G143A mutation in the cytb gene of all the 82 Ptr isolates, but the F129L and G137R substitutions were not present. This study documents the G143A mutation conferring QoI resistance in Ptr in South America. The findings of this study are key for future decisions regarding use of fungicide and rotation in the region.  相似文献   

Tan spot, caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, is a common disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum) responsible for economic losses in some wheat growing areas worldwide. In this study the pathogenic and genetic diversity of 51 P. tritici-repentis isolates collected from different ecological regions of Argentina were analyzed. Virulence tests were conducted on 10 selected wheat cultivars: Buck Halcón, Chris, Gabo, Glenlea, Klein Dragón, Klein Sendero, Max, ND 495, ProInta Guazú and ProInta Imperial. Data revealed significant differences between all main factors evaluated and the interactions for 19 of the isolates analyzed. Based on the reaction type of each isolate/cultivar combination, 48 different pathogenic patterns were detected. The molecular analysis using Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) revealed the existence of 36 different haplotypes among 37 isolates of P. tritici-repentis originally selected for this study. These results indicate that P. tritici-repentis on wheat in Argentina is a heterogeneous fungus, implying that screening wheat germoplasm for resistance for tan spot disease requires a wide range of pathogen isolates.  相似文献   

Four Alternaria species groups (A. longipes, A. arborescens, A. alternata/A. tenuissima and A. tenuissima/A. mali) are associated with leaf blotch and fruit spot of apple in Australia. There is no information on the variability of pathogenicity among the species and isolates within each species causing leaf blotch or fruit spot. We used a detached leaf assay and an in planta fruit inoculation assay to determine the pathogenicity and virulence of the four Alternaria species. Our results showed that isolates within the same species were not specific to either leaf or fruit tissue and showed great variability in pathogenicity and virulence, indicating cross-pathogenicity, which may be isolate dependent rather than species dependent. Generally, virulence of A. tenuissima and A. alternata isolates on leaf and fruit was higher than other species. Isolates of all species groups were pathogenic on leaves of different cultivars, but pathogenicity on fruit of different cultivars varied among isolates and species. Implications of our findings on prevalence of the diseases in different apple-producing regions in Australia and the development of targeted disease management of the diseases are discussed.  相似文献   

A leaf spot on oil palm, caused by Pestalotiopsis theae, was found in a plantation of Elaeis guineensis for the first time in the world in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. The fungus was isolated from lesions on leaves, and its pathogenicity was confirmed. Pathogenicity tests showed that P. theae could infect E. guineensis, which developed the same symptoms after inoculation as those observed naturally in the field. The fungus was identified based on morphological characteristics and confirmed using comparisons of DNA sequences of internal transcribed spacer (ITS)1, ITS2 and 5.8S rDNA. This report is the first on oil palm leaf spot disease caused by P. theae.  相似文献   

All 170 Pythium isolates from carrot cavity spot lesions from a field in Western Australia were found to belong to either P. coloratum or P. sulcatum . All isolates of P. coloratum produced large, brownish-black, water-soaked and depressed lesions on mature carrots inoculated with agar plugs colonized by the pathogen. In comparison, only a few isolates of P. sulcatum produced lesions and these were small. In glasshouse trials, P. coloratum produced substantial and numerous lesions at an inoculum density of 0.5% (weight of millet seed-based inoculum/weight of soil), whilst P. sulcatum produced few and small lesions at inoculum densities of 0.8 and 1% and none at 0.5%. This is the first record of P. coloratum as a causal agent of cavity spot of carrots.  相似文献   

Leaf blotch and fruit spot of apple caused by Alternaria species occur in apple orchards in Australia. However, there is no information on the identity of the pathogens and whether one or more Alternaria species cause both diseases in Australia. Using DNA sequencing and morphological and cultural characteristics of 51 isolates obtained from apple leaves and fruit with symptoms in Australia, Alternaria species groups associated with leaf blotch and fruit spot of apples were identified. Sequences of Alternaria allergen a1 and endopolygalacturonase gene regions revealed that multiple Alternaria species groups are associated with both diseases. Phylogenetic analysis of concatenated sequences of the two genes resulted in four clades representing A. arborescens and A. arborescens‐like isolates in clade 1, A. tenuissima/A. mali isolates in clade 2, A. alternata/A. tenuissima intermediate isolates in clade 3 and A. longipes and A. longipes‐like isolates in clade 4. The clades formed using sequence information were supported by colony characteristics and sporulation patterns. The source of the isolates in each clade included both the leaf blotch variant and the fruit spot variant of the disease. Alternaria arborescens‐like isolates were the most prevalent (47%) and occurred in all six states of Australia, while A. alternata/A. tenuissima intermediate isolates (14%) and A. tenuissima/A. mali isolates (6%) occurred mostly in Queensland and New South Wales, respectively. Implications of multiple Alternaria species groups on apples in Australia are discussed.  相似文献   

The gram-negative bacterium Acidovorax citrulli causes bacterial fruit blotch (BFB) disease of cucurbits, which represents a serious threat to melon and watermelon production worldwide. To date, there are no efficient means to manage the disease, and reliable resistance sources for cucurbit germplasm are lacking. Mineral nutrition markedly affects plant diseases. Recently, we reported that disease severity on melon foliage and A. citrulli growth in the leaf tissue were significantly influenced by the form of nitrogen supply. In the present study, we investigated the influence of potassium nutrition on BFB severity and A. citrulli establishment in the foliage of melon plants. Fertilization with relatively low concentrations of potassium increased these variables compared with higher potassium concentrations. Since establishment of A. citrulli during the growing season is assumed to increase the incidence of fruit infection, the fact that mineral nutrition influences BFB incidence in the plant foliage is of particular importance.  相似文献   

新疆首次报道轮枝镰孢菌引起骏枣果实黑点病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Black spot disease was found on fruits of Jun jujube in Hetian area, Xinjiang, in June,2010. The typical spots on fruits were round or suborbicular, concave slightly,dark brown and the diameter was about 4 mm. The colony grew fast with irregular edge on PSA medium, while relatively slow with smooth edge on PDA medium. The colonies were white at the early stage, slightly pink finally and flocculent on the both culture medium. The conidia arranged chain shape and the spore chain was basipetal. The rDNA ITS sequence,cyt b gene sequence and EF-1α gene sequence were amplified and analyzed. The result showed that the homology was above 99% between the isolate and Fusarium verticillioides strains based on the three DNA sequences. By morphology combining with molecular biology techniques,the pathogen of Jun jujube black spot disease was identified as F. verticillioides. It is the first report on jujube disease caused by F. verticillioides in the world.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to determine Alternaria spp. associated with leaf spot symptoms on canola (Brassica napus) in two cropping seasons (2015, 2016) across southern Australia. Major allergen Alt a1 and plasma membrane ATPase genes were used to identify Alternaria spp. In 2015, 112 isolates of seven Alternaria spp. were obtained, with A. metachromatica predominating. In 2016, 251 isolates of 12 Alternaria spp. were obtained, with A. infectoria predominating. Alternaria spp. isolates were morphologically and phylogenetically identified and studies to determine their pathogenicity on both B. napus (cv. Thunder TT) and B. juncea (cv. Dune) confirmed 10 species (A. alternata, A. arborescens, A. brassicae, A. ethzedia, A. hordeicola, A. infectoria, A. japonica, A. malvae, A. metachromatica and A. tenuissima) as pathogenic on both Brassica species. Alternaria ethzedia, A. hordeicola and A. malvae were recorded for the first time in Australia on any host and the record of A. arborescens was the first for New South Wales (NSW) and South Australia (SA). Other first records included A. infectoria on B. napus in NSW; A. japonica on B. napus in NSW and Western Australia (WA); A. metachromatica on any host in NSW, Victoria (VIC), WA and SA; and A. tenuissima on B. napus in NSW, SA and WA. It is evident that alternaria leaf spot on canola across southern Australia is not solely caused by A. brassicae, but that a range of other Alternaria spp. are also involved to varying degrees, depending upon the year and the geographic locality.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma-like organisms (MLOs) were detected by fluorescence microscopy in a number of pear cultivars and pear seedlings growing under a range of different conditions. In the cultivar Conference, MLOs were consistently associated with symptoms of Parry's disease, a decline-like disease of young trees with quince rootstocks. MLO-free pear seedlings rapidly became infected when they were planted outside. Experimental transmission of MLOs to pear seedlings and Conference trees was achieved using pear psyllids, caught outside or raised on infected plants under controlled conditions. Conference trees in an orchard trial remained free from the severe spring symptoms of Parry's disease when they were protected from feeding insects during spring of the previous year. MLOs were graft transmissible, but were not perpetuated by the standard propagation practices of budding or grafting when quince rootstocks were used. Parry's disease appears to be similar to pear decline, an MLO-induced disease well established in several other parts of the world. It is suggested that Parry's disease should be referred to as pear decline.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Since the 1980s, Ramularia leaf spot (RLS) is an emerging barley disease worldwide. The control of RLS is increasingly aggravated by a recent decline in...  相似文献   

Inoculation of first expanded leaves of pea seedlings with an avirulent strain of Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi , or treatment with sprays of a benzothiadiazole (20 or 100  μ g a.i. mL−1), decreased the susceptibility of subsequent leaves 7 or 14 days later to challenge inoculation with Mycosphaerella pinodes . Inoculation of first leaves with a virulent strain of P. syringae pv. pisi or with M. pinodes did not decrease the susceptibility of plants to M. pinodes . Treatments effective in decreasing susceptibility to M. pinodes were similarly active against Uromyces viciae-fabae and virulent P. syringae pv. pisi . Effective treatments also enhanced the activities of the enzymes β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase in untreated upper leaves 6 days later. Ineffective treatments for decreased susceptibility had no effect on the activity of the enzymes. None of the treatments enhanced peroxidase activities. The results are discussed in relation to the reported signalling effects of the benzothiadiazole and in relation to a suggested high activity of the avirulent P. syringae pv. pisi strain and inactivity of M. pinodes in enhancing natural signalling.  相似文献   

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