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Deng F  Xu R  Boland GJ 《Phytopathology》2003,93(11):1407-1414
ABSTRACT The nucleotide sequence of the hypovirulence-associated double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) in hypovirulent isolate Sh12B of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, the causal agent of dollar spot of turf grass, was determined. This large dsRNA (L-dsRNA) is 2,632 bp long and is A and U rich (61.0% A+U residues). One strand of this dsRNA contains an open reading frame (ORF) with the potential to encode a protein of 720 amino acids. This ORF contains 12 UGA codons, predicted to encode tryptophan in ascomycete mitochondria, and has a codon bias typical of mitochondrial genes, which is consistent with a mitochondrial localization of this dsRNA. The amino acid sequence contains conserved motifs typical of RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRps). Sequence analyses of the nucleotide and RdRp-like protein revealed that the L-dsRNA is homologous with previously characterized mitochondrial viruses and dsRNAs from other phytopathogenic fungi, and shares 92.4% nucleotide and 95.1% amino acid sequence identities with the Ophiostoma novo-ulmi mitovirus 3a-Ld from Ophiostoma novo-ulmi, the causal agent of Dutch elm disease. The results indicate that these two dsRNAs are conspecific. This is the first report that a hypovirulence-associated dsRNA virus naturally occurs in two taxonomically distinct fungi, and indicates that horizontal transmission of this dsRNA virus may have occurred between these fungi.  相似文献   

Zhou T  Boland GJ 《Phytopathology》1998,88(8):788-794
ABSTRACT Selected hypovirulent isolates of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa were evaluated for efficacy in suppressing dollar spot of turfgrass under growth room and field conditions. Under growth room conditions, hypovirulent isolates Sh12B, Sh09B, or Sh08D of S. homoeocarpa caused 3.4 to 30.4% diseased turf in comparison to virulent isolates Sh48B and Sh14D, which caused 80.2 to 90.2% disease. In treatments that received both virulent and hypovirulent isolates, only hypovirulent isolate Sh12B significantly reduced disease as compared with the control with virulent isolates alone. In a field experiment in 1993 on swards of creeping bentgrass artificially inoculated with a virulent isolate of the pathogen, all treatments containing hypovirulent isolate Sh12B applied as a mycelial suspension, granular mix, or alginate pellets developed significantly less disease (6.3 to 20.8% diseased turf) compared with their respective formulation controls (23.8 to 31.2%). Suppression of dollar spot by treatment with mycelial suspensions of isolate Sh12B was evident up to 45 days postinoculation, and disease suppression was still significant 1 year after application when compared with the water control. Applications of hypovirulent isolate Sh09B did not reduce dollar spot in any treatments. Significant suppression of dollar spot by isolate Sh12B was also observed in the experiment conducted in 1994. In addition, suppression of dollar spot by hypovirulent isolate Sh12B was evaluated on swards with naturally occurring inoculum during 1994. Treatments with a mycelial suspension and alginate pellets of hypovirulent isolate Sh12B significantly reduced dollar spot compared with their respective formulation controls. With few exceptions, there was no statistical difference between treatments with hypovirulent isolate Sh12B and the fungicide chlorothalonil (Daconil 2787). Multiple applications of the hypovirulent isolate did not result in greater suppression of dollar spot as compared with a single application. The results indicate that hypovirulence has potential as an effective strategy for the management of dollar spot.  相似文献   

Zhou T  Boland GJ 《Phytopathology》1997,87(2):147-153
ABSTRACT One hundred and thirty-two isolates of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, the causal agent of dollar spot of turfgrass, were evaluated for virulence on swards and detached leaves of creeping bentgrass and for the presence of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). In at least four isolates, the hypovirulent phenotype was associated with the presence of specific segments of dsRNA. In addition, these hypovirulent isolates often grew slowly on potato dextrose agar (PDA), formed thin colonies with atypical colony margins, and failed to produce typical black stroma. The hypovirulent phenotype and dsRNA were transmitted from hypovirulent isolate Sh12B to virulent isolate Sh48B, and the converted isolate was hypovirulent and contained dsRNA. The hypovirulent phenotype and dsRNA also were transmitted to at least four other isolates of the pathogen, including the fungicide-resistant, dsRNA isolate KY-7. Converted isolates of KY-7 developed the hypovirulent phenotype, grew on fungicide-amended medium, and contained dsRNA. Subcultures of hypovirulent isolate Sh12B that did not contain dsRNA were obtained through curative treatment using cycloheximide-containing medium and heat. Cured subcultures grew faster on PDA, had more typical colony morphologies, were more virulent on bentgrass leaves, and did not contain dsRNA. No cured subcultures were obtained from hypovirulent isolate Sh09B. Isolates regenerated from protoplasts of hypovirulent isolate Sh12B were not cured, remained hypovirulent, and contained dsRNA. Transmission of hypovirulence and dsRNA in S. homoeocarpa has potential as a novel approach to the management of dollar spot of turfgrass.  相似文献   

The hypovirulence-associated mitovirus, Ophiostoma mitovirus 3a (OMV3a), has been shown to be widespread in eastern Canadian populations of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa in the form of latent infection. Latent infection by OMV3a was not associated with an apparent phenotype and did not significantly reduce the growth and virulence of the pathogen. In the present study, we found that isolates of S. homoeocarpa latently infected by OMV3a can change to hypovirulent isolates after storage at 4 °C, and that this attenuation of virulence was associated with increased concentration of the OMV3a virus. Recurrent observations revealed that up to 29.8% of latently infected isolates changed to hypovirulent isolates after 21 months of storage. Transmission of OMV3a dsRNA from latently infected isolates to virus-free isolates resulted in latent infection of the recipient isolates, indicating that latent infection by OMV3a was not associated with genetic differences in the fungal host. The RNA genomes of the OMV3a virus in an isogenic pair of latently infected and hypovirulent isolates were sequenced and compared. Each of the two RNAs contained an open reading frame of 726 amino acids with conserved motifs typical of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). The OMV3a RNA sequences in these two isolates share 95.1% nucleotide and 94.6% amino acid sequence identities. The development of hypovirulence from latent infection by OMV3a virus may provide new strategies to improve the biological control efficacy of hypovirulence in dollar spot management.  相似文献   

The ability of isolate Vd-48 of Verticillium dahliae to induce resistance against subsequent challenge with Ophiostoma novo-ulmi was examined in Ulmus minor . In the first experiment, conditioning inoculation of 5-year-old elm trees (2–3 m in height) with Vd-48 15 days prior to challenge inoculation with O. novo-ulmi significantly reduced wilting ( P  ≤ 0·05) compared with trees not conditioned with Vd-48. However, in another experiment on 6-year-old trees (2–3·5 m in height), no protection was achieved when the length of time between conditioning and challenge inoculations was 45 or 60 days. In a further experiment, inoculations with Vd-48 alone resulted in severe wilting in 22 out of 118 trees (6–10 years old and 4–7 m in height). Across the 2 years of this last trial, nine trees showed massive feeding wounds made by Scolytus sp., while O. novo-ulmi strains were isolated from six trees. Vd-48 provided a variable prophylactic effect against O. novo-ulmi in U. minor . Major difficulties with this approach to control Dutch elm disease are discussed.  相似文献   

Four hundred and thirty-five isolates of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa from eight populations in southern Ontario were tested for sensitivity to the demethylation-inhibiting (DMI) fungicides, propiconazole, myclobutanil, fenarimol and tebuconazole. The isolates were collected in summer 1994 just prior to legal DMI fungicide use on turfgrass in Ontario. There were wide variations in sensitivities, and seven of the eight populations were very sensitive to the fungicides. Based on mean EC50 and the distribution of DMI sensitivity, one population near the U.S. border was suspected of having been previously exposed to DMI fungicide. Pairwise comparisons of EC50 values for the different fungicides showed low to moderate correlations between fungicides. EC50 values of myclobutanil and propiconazole had the best correlation, followed by the pair of tebuconazole and fenarimol. Other pairwise comparisons were not statistically significant except for a barely significant relationship between EC50 values of myclobutanil and tebuconazole. For field populations of plant pathogens, cross-resistance to different DMI fungicides may not be as strong as conventionally thought. The data collected here will allow comparison to subsequent years to look for detectable shifts in S. homoeocarpa sensitivity to DMI fungicides as they become more frequently used in Ontario.  相似文献   

Upgma analysis, principal component analysis, genetic diversity analysis and genetic distance analysis of RAPD data were used to assess the extent of host specialization in 50 isolates of S. homoeocarpa from five turfgrass hosts. In upgma analysis and principal component analysis, the occurrence of host specialization was not readily apparent based on visual inspection. Genetic diversity analysis showed significant differentiation among isolates from different host species ( G ST = 0.34, P  < 0.001). The strongest evidence for some degree of host specialization came from the statistical analysis of genetic distances among isolates. By grouping pairwise genetic distances between isolates based on their host species, and analysing for average distance within the same host species and among different host species, it was found that the average distance within species was less than among species ( P  < 0.0001). An analysis of molecular variance of the genetic distances among isolates found that 32.3% of the total variation was attributable to host species. It is concluded that these isolates of S. homoeocarpa showed a weak level of host specialization, which was not readily apparent by upgma or principal component analyses, but was revealed by genetic diversity analysis and statistical analysis of genetic distances among isolates. Inoculation tests on different host species and tests using a greater number of isolates are required to confirm the extent of specialization.  相似文献   

In late 2003, nine populations of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa in Ontario Canada (seven of which had been previously sampled in early 1994, prior to the registration of sterol demethylation-inhibiting (DMI) fungicides for turf disease control in Canada) were sampled and tested for sensitivity to propiconazole. Four of the nine populations had not been treated with DMI fungicides during the intervening years, and isolates from these locations were sensitive to propiconazole (geometric mean EC50 values of 0·005–0·012 µ g mL−1, compared with 0·005–0·008 µ g mL−1 for the original 1994 populations). Among the five populations from 2003 that had been exposed to DMI fungicides, mean EC50 values were significantly greater, ranging from 0·020 to 0·048 µ g mL−1. A significant correlation of determination was found between estimated number of fungicide applications and log EC50 ( R 2 = 0·832, P  = 0·0001), and the equation predicted that 42·3 applications of propiconazole would be needed to bring a sensitive population (EC50 < 0·01  µ g mL−1) to a resistant level (EC50 > 0·10  µ g mL−1). Fungicide sensitivity vs. duration of fungicide efficacy was also tested, and it was found that isolates with decreased sensitivity were able to more quickly overcome the inhibitory effects of fungicide application, reducing the duration of control from 3 weeks to 2 weeks.  相似文献   

During the 1970s Europe was invaded by two subspecies of the Dutch elm disease pathogen Ophiostoma novo-ulmi : subsp . americana from the west and subsp. novo-ulmi from the east. As a result their geographic ranges began to overlap in several areas. Only a weak prezygotic barrier to hybridization exists between the subspecies and in 1980 two hybrids were detected in the Netherlands. A subset of 107 O. novo-ulmi isolates collected in a subspecies overlap zone in Limburg, Netherlands in 1983 was characterized for three phenotypic markers and seven RAPD PCR markers. By phenotype, 33% were shown to be hybrid whereas by RAPD markers 69% were shown to be hybrid. Some isolates shown to be hybrid by phenotype were not revealed to be hybrid by PCR and vice versa. Combining the phenotype and RAPD data the estimated hybrid frequency was ∼78%. The mean growth rate of Limburg hybrid isolates was significantly faster than that of the Limburg subsp. novo-ulmi isolates but not significantly different from Limburg subsp. americana isolates. The Limburg hybrid isolates were just as pathogenic as the parent subspecies on both clonal Ulmus procera and on U.  × Commelin. A subset of 100 isolates collected in another subspecies overlap zone at Orvieto, Italy in 1986 was also assessed with RAPD markers and ∼ 72% were shown to be hybrids. When 20 isolates of a 'pure' subsp. novo-ulmi population in the Baltic Ports area of Poland collected in 1980 were assessed by RAPD markers three isolates exhibited early introgression of subsp. americana DNA. This study therefore demonstrates very rapid emergence of O. novo-ulmi subspecies hybrids and introgressants in Europe in the early 1980s. In terms of two major fitness characters, growth rate and pathogenicity, these early hybrids were as fit as their parent subspecies. It is likely that complex hybrid swarms are now expanding across the continent.  相似文献   

Isolates of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa were collected from across southern Ontario from areas where demethylation inhibiting fungicides reportedly had never been used. Forty of these isolates with propiconazole EC50 values ranging from 0.003 to 0.069 µg ml-1 were inoculated onto creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris) in summer 1995 and summer 1996 to assess virulence. Each isolate was grown on mixed cereal grains, dried, ground up and applied separately at a rate of 10 g m-2 to 0.25 m2 plots with three replicates per isolate. For both years, no spots were visible on the plots at time of inoculation; however, by the end of each experiment, there were up to 180 spots per plot with significant differences between isolates. Growth rate in culture was not significantly related to fungicide sensitivity (log-EC50 values). Statistically significant negative relationships were found in both years between AUDPC and log-EC50 values. These significant relationships imply that in the absence of propiconazole use, isolates that are more sensitive to propiconazole may out-compete isolates that are less sensitive. However, further study is required to determine the time frame for this to occur, and whether DMI-resistance prevention strategies can feasibly be based on the existence of resistance-related fitness costs.  相似文献   

Morphology, vegetative compatibility groups, and molecular characteristics were compared among 47 isolates of the dollar spot pathogen Sclerotinia homoeocarpa. Isolates were collected from cool- and warm-season turfgrasses in Florida and the northern United States. Mycelial pigment accumulation, substratal stromata formation, and symptom development were used to separate the collection into two distinct morphological types: a common-type (C-type) and a Floridian-type (F-type). Phylogenetic relationships estimated from ITS sequences supported the morphological typing. Identification and characterization of the S. homoeocarpa mating-type locus revealed an idiomorphic organization for both C- and F-types with nearly equal frequencies of each mating types present in both groups. These findings suggest heterothallic control of mating and indicate potential for outcrossing in both groups. Dollar spot disease of turfgrass in Florida is caused by two distinct morphological types of S. homoeocarpa which may be cryptic species. These findings could have implications for disease management.  相似文献   

A diseased isolate of Ophiostoma ulmi was found to contain 10 segments of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) with molecular weights ranging from 2.40 x 106 to 0.23 x 106. In contrast seven other healthy isolates in the same vegetative compatibility group contained either no dsRNA or up to four dsRNA segments. Transmission of the disease to healthy isolates by hyphal anastomosis was accompanied by-transmission of the 10 dsRNA segments. In a genetic cross in which the diseased isolate acted as the female parent single-ascospore progeny were healthy and either contained no dsRNA or only one segment of dsRNA. When elm trees were inoculated with diseased isolates, subsequent reisolations were healthy and retained only two to seven of the dsRNA segments or were diseased and retained all 10 dsRNA segments. Following conidiogenesis a diseased isolate gave rise to single-conidial progeny which were either slow growing and diseased, like their parent, with all 10 dsRNA segments, or faster growing like healthy isolates. Some of the faster growing conidial isolates retained only two to seven of the dsRNA segments and were disease-free. However a majority of the faster growing conidial isolates retained all 10 dsRN A segments and were shown to carry the disease in a latent form. The possibility that the disease of O. ulmi is conferred by specific segments of dsRNA and the potential of d-factors for the control of Dutch elm disease are discussed.  相似文献   

The antagonistic fungus Phaeotheca dimorphospora was tested as a biocontrol agent against the Dutch elm disease pathogens, Ophiostoma ulmi and O. novo-ulmi , on Ulmus americana seedlings in the glasshouse. Curative inoculation of seedlings with P. dimorphospora had no significant effect on disease development. Conditioning inoculation of seedlings with the antagonist protected them against O. ulmi but not against the more aggressive O. novo-ulmi . In seedlings challenged with both the antagonist and either one of the pathogens, P. dimorphospora only spread locally around the inoculation point; however, the pathogens spread systemically throughout the whole plant. O. novo-ulmi survived in the region colonized by P. dimorphospora , whereas O. ulmi did not.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Pseudomonas fluorescens strain Pf-5, which produces several antifun-gal metabolites, including the antibiotics pyoluteorin, pyrrolnitrin, and 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol, was tested for its ability to inhibit Sclerotinia homoeocarpa (causal agent of dollar spot) and Drechslerapoae (causal agent of 'melting-out') in vitro and in turfgrass; Tn5 mutants with altered antibiotic production also were tested. Inhibition in vitro differed with the medium used, but both fungi generally were inhibited by Pf-5. In most cases, a mutant deficient in pyoluteorin but not pyrrolnitrin or 2,4-di-acetylphloroglucinol was as inhibitory as Pf-5, whereas a pyrrolnitrin-deficient mutant was less inhibitory than Pf-5 in most fungus/medium combinations. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis of culture extracts showed that bacterial genotype and nutrition have an interactive effect on antibiotic production, such that conditions causing an increase in one antibiotic may increase or decrease another. The purported deficiencies for the pyrrolnitrin- and pyoluteorin-deficient mutants were confirmed. In S. homoeocarpa-infested grass clippings incubated in a moist chamber, Pf-5 reduced mycelial growth, whereas the pyrrolnitrin-deficient mutant did not and the pyoluteorin-deficient mutant was intermediate. In greenhouse experiments, Pf-5 reduced dollar spot disease incidence in bentgrass and bluegrass when sprayed over inoculated turf. In grass clippings infested with D. poae and incubated in a moist chamber under favorable conditions for spore production, Pf-5 did not reduce significantly the number of spores produced compared with the non-treated control. However, Pf-5 reduced melting-out disease incidence and severity in bluegrass inoculated with spores of D. poae under greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

Four Pseudomonas strains were evaluated for their ability to control Sclerotinia homoeocarpa and Bipolaris sorokiniana on the phylloplane of Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass). The strains evaluated were Pseudomonas fluorescens (PSD-4, PSD-5, PSD-6) and Pseudomonas lindbergii (PSD-42). All evaluations were conducted on the upper epidermis of intact attached leaves of Poa pratensis and antagonism was measured as the ability of strains of Pseudomonas to prevent chlorophyll loss from leaves inoculated with either S. homoeocarpa or B. sorokiniana. All strains prevented infection and loss of chlorophyll following inoculation with S. homoeocarpa. Only P. lindbergii (PSD-42) was antagonistic to B. sorokiniana. None of the P. fluorescens strains controlled disease induced by B. sorokiniana.  相似文献   

Monosporascus root rot/vine decline (MRR/VD) causes root necrosis and severe stunting of muskmelon and watermelon plants in several countries around the world. MRR/VD is caused by the soilborne ascomycete fungus, Monosporascus cannonballus. Currently, there are few options available for control of MRR/VD. This research describes experiments to test the possibility of using naturally occurring M. cannonballus isolates containing double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) for the biological control of MRR/VD. These isolates often develop a degenerate phenotype characterized by slow growth and reduced ascospore production. In addition, these degenerate isolates are hypovirulent on muskmelon. Plants co-inoculated with a hypovirulent, dsRNA+ isolate (Tx93-449+) and a virulent, dsRNA- isolate (Az90-33-) at an inoculum ratio of 10:1 (hypovirulent:virulent) were indistinguishable from the uninoculated plants in greenhouse pathogenicity trials. In vitro infection assays using fluorescence microscopy on aniline-stained muskmelon roots suggested that although the hypovirulent dsRNA+ isolate Tx93-449+ penetrated and partially colonized roots of the seedlings, it was not as efficient in colonizing the roots as the virulent, dsRNA- isolate Az90-33-. While more extensive experiments are needed, these data suggest that hypovirulent dsRNA+ isolates of M. cannonballus have potential for development as biological control agents to reduce disease pressure associated with MRR/VD.  相似文献   

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