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ABSTRACT Greasy spot, caused by Mycosphaerella citri, produces a leaf spot disease affecting all citrus species in Florida and the Caribbean Basin. M. citri produces pseudothecia and ascospores, which are considered the principal source of inoculum, in decomposing leaves on the grove floor. In studies using a computer-controlled environmental chamber, a single rain event triggered release of most mature ascospores beginning 30 to 60 min after the rain event. Additional rain events did not bring about further release. High relative humidity without rain triggered release of low numbers of ascospores, but vibration and red/infrared irradiation had little or no effect on ascospore release. After three to four cycles of wetting and drying of leaves, all pseudothecia had matured and released their ascospores. In the field, ascospores were detectable starting about 2 h after the beginning of a rain or irrigation and most ascospores were released within 16 h. Ascospore release was greatest following rain events and somewhat less following irrigations, and low numbers of ascospores were detectable on days without precipitation. Ascospore numbers declined linearly with horizontal distance from the source and as a function of the logarithm of ascospore numbers with vertical distance. Low numbers of ascospores were detected 7.5 m above the ground and 90 m downwind from the grove. Ascospore release can be advanced by irrigating frequently during dry, nonconducive conditions to stimulate ascospore release when environmental conditions are unfavorable for infection, but the eventual effects on disease severity are uncertain.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Dead spot (Ophiosphaerella agrostis) is a damaging disease of young 相似文献   

ABSTRACT Relationships between environmental factors and release of ascospores of Anisogramma anomala, the causal agent of eastern filbert blight, were examined in four European hazelnut (Corylus avellana) orchards during a 2-year period. In each orchard, Burkhard volumetric spore traps and automated weather-monitoring equipment were deployed for 12-week periods beginning at budbreak, when hazelnut becomes susceptible to infection. Ascospores of A. anomala were released when stromata on the surface of hazelnut branches were wet from rain but not from dew. Release of ascospores ceased after branch surfaces dried. The duration of free moisture on branch surfaces regulated the initiation and rate of ascospore release, but no significant effects of temperature, relative humidity, wind, or light on ascospore release were apparent. Most (>90%) ascospores were captured during precipitation events that exceeded 20 h in duration, which represented about 10% of the total precipitation events each season. Quantitative relationships between the hourly capture of A. anomala ascospores and hours since the beginning of a precipitation event were developed. With the onset of precipitation, the hourly rate of ascospore capture increased until the fifth hour of rain, remained relatively constant between the fifth and twelfth hours, and then declined gradually. During the 12-week spore-trapping periods, the likelihood and rates of ascospore release associated with precipitation were highest at budbreak and then declined through April and May until early June, when the reserve of ascospores in the perithecia was depleted. Large numbers of ascospores were captured in the volumetric spore traps, indicating that ascospores may be commonly dispersed long distances on air currents as well as locally by splash dispersal within the canopy, as reported previously. The results indicate that monitoring seasonal precipitation patterns may be useful for estimating the quantity and temporal distribution of airborne inoculum during the period that the host is susceptible to infection.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The endophyte Piriformospora indica colonizes roots of a range of host plants and increases biomass production and resistance to fungal pathogens and, thus has been considered a biocontrol fungus. However, the field performance of this fungus has not yet been tested in temperate climates. Therefore, we evaluated the performance of this fungus in different substrata under greenhouse and practical field conditions. Roots of winter wheat were colonized efficiently, and biomass was particularly increased on poor substrata. In greenhouse experiments, symptom severity of a typical leaf (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici), stem base (Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides), and root (Fusarium culmorum) pathogen was reduced significantly. However, in field experiments, symptoms caused by the leaf pathogen did not differ in Piriformospora indica-colonized compared with control plants. In the field, Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides disease severity was significantly reduced in plants colonized by the endophyte. Increased numbers of sheath layers and hydrogen peroxide concentrations after B. graminis attack were detected in Piriformospora indica-colonized plants, suggesting that root colonization causes induction of systemic resistance or priming of the host plant. Although the endophyte is not well suited for growth at Central European temperature conditions, it remains to be shown whether P. indica is more suitable for tropical or subtropical farming.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Spread of US-1 and US-8 isolates of Phytophthora infestans were observed in field plots of potato (cv. Russet Burbank) grown in Pullman, WA, in 1996 and 1997. Infected greenhouse-grown potato plants with similar lesion numbers for both strains were transplanted to field plots with four replications. Spread of the pathogen was favored by sprinkler irrigation during evening hours. Diseased leaves and stems were sampled over time to determine the spread of US-1 and US-8 isolates. In 1996, late blight developed in two of the four replications (105 and 87 total isolates recovered). From those two replications, two US-1 isolates were recovered, both from the same replication. Nine isolates from one replication and six isolates from another displayed a phenotype different from the initial isolates, as determined by compatibility type, allozyme genotype, and restriction fragment length polymorphism genotype. These putative recombinant isolates may have arisen from sexual recombination between the US-1 and US-8 isolates. The remaining isolates were of the US-8 strain. In 1997, late blight developed in all four replications (123, 122, 81, and 34 total isolates recovered). One US-1 isolate was recovered (out of 123) from one replication and three (out of 122) from another, and the remaining isolates were of the US-8 strain. Isolates with phenotypes differing from the initial isolates were not recovered in 1997. In both years, oospores were not observed in the plant tissue examined. The low number of putative recombinant isolates in 1996 and their absence in 1997 suggests that sexual reproduction between US-8 and US-1 isolates in a field setting is a rare event. The predominance of US-8 isolates recovered is a measure of the increased fitness and aggressiveness of the US-8 isolates relative to the US-1 isolate used in this study. This further substantiates the increased aggressiveness of the US-8 genotype observed on excised tissues and potted plants in previous laboratory and greenhouse studies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The development of Didymella rabiei on debris of naturally infected chickpea was investigated in four chickpea-growing areas with different climatic conditions in Spain during 1987 to 1992. D. rabiei extensively colonized chickpea debris and formed pseudothecia and pycnidia. Differentiation of pseudothecial initials occurred regularly across experimental locations by November, 1 month after placement of debris on the soil. Ascospore maturation occurred mainly from late January to late March, depending on location and year. Maximum ascospore discharge from sampled debris pieces placed under suitable environmental conditions occurred 2 to 4 weeks after ascospore maturation, after which ascospore release decreased sharply. Pseudothecia were exhausted, due to ascospore discharge, by the beginning of summer. New asci did not develop in empty pseudothecia and no pseudothecia formed in tissues after the first season. Ascospore maturation and liberation in cooler locations were more uniform and occurred later compared to maturation in warmer locations. Also, production of asci and ascospores per pseudothecium was much higher in cooler than in warmer locations. A similar relationship was found for density of pseudothecia and pycnidia and conidia production per pycnidium. The percentage of mature pseudothecia increased according to the logistic model, with the cumulative number of Celsius degree days calculated by computing the mean of the maximum and minimum daily air temperatures on rainy days from the date of debris placement on the soil. There were significant differences among model parameter estimates between cooler and warmer locations, but minor differences were found among parameters for locations with similar environmental conditions. There was an inverse linear relationship between the average temperature during the period of pseudothecia maturation and the number of asci produced per pseudothecium.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Mills' infection period table describes the number of hours of continuous leaf wetness required at temperatures from 6 to 25 degrees C for infection of apple leaves by ascospores of Venturia inaequalis and reports that conidia require approximately two-thirds the duration of leaf wetness required by ascospores at any given temperature. Mills' table also provides a general guideline that more than 2 days of wetting is required for leaf infection by ascospores below 6 degrees C. Although the table is widely used, infection times shorter than those in the table have been reported in lab and field studies. In 1989 a published revision of the table eliminated a potential source of error, the delay of ascospore release until dawn when rain begins at night, and shortened the times reported by Mills for ascospore infection by 3 h at all temperatures. Data to support the infection times below 6 degrees C were lacking, however. Our objective was to quantify the effects of low temperatures on ascospore discharge, ascospore infection, and infection by conidia. In two of three experiments at 1 degrees C, the initial release of ascospores occurred after 131 and 153 min. In the third experiment at 1 degrees C, no ascospores were detected during the first 6 h. The mean time required to exceed a cumulative catch of 1% was 143 min at 2 degrees C, 67 min at 4 degrees C, 56 min at 6 degrees C, and 40 min at 8 degrees C. At 4, 6, and 8 degrees C, the mean times required to exceed a cumulative catch of 5% were 103, 84, and 53 min, respectively. Infection of potted apple trees by ascospores at 2, 4, 6, and 8 degrees C required 35, 28, 18, and 13 h, respectively; substantially shorter times than previously were reported. In parallel inoculations of potted apple trees, conidia required approximately the same periods of leaf wetness as ascospores at temperatures from 2 to 8 degrees C, rather than the shorter times reported by Mills or the longer times reported in the revision of the Mills table. We propose the following revisions to infection period tables: (i) shorter minimum infection times for ascospores and conidia at or below 8 degrees C, and (ii) because both ascospores and conidia are often present simultaneously during the season of ascospore production and the required minimum infection times appear to be similar for both spore types, the adoption of a uniform set of criteria for ascosporic and conidial infection based on times required for infection by ascospores to be applied during the period prior to the exhaustion of the ascospore supply. Further revisions of infection times for ascospores may be warranted in view of the delay of ascospore discharge and the reduction of airborne ascospore doses at temperatures at or below 2 degrees C.  相似文献   

控制释放制剂的组成对异丙甲草胺释放速率的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
将海藻酸盐与膨润土复合作为载体制备除草剂异丙甲草胺的控制释放制剂,研究了载药量、载体原料配比、膨润土类型等制剂组成因素对异丙甲草胺释放速率的影响。采用Ritger和Peppas方程分析释放动力学过程,计算50%的异丙甲草胺被释放所需时间(t50),并以此表征释放速率。结果表明,采用海藻酸盐/膨润土复合载体时, t50随载药量和载体原料配比不同介于29.4~68.0 h 之间,控制释放效果明显优于单纯以有机改性膨润土作载体(t50=5.9 h)。将有机改性膨润土与海藻酸盐复合作载体时,t50可达110 h。释放动力学方程的n值(0.436~0.496)接近Fickian扩散模型,说明该控制释放制剂中异丙甲草胺的释放过程主要受到扩散控制。  相似文献   

The development of new maize hybrids with resistance to Fusarium infection is an effective means of minimizing the risk of mycotoxin contamination. Several maize hybrids have been investigated for Fusarium ear rot and accumulation of fumonisin B1 (FB1), fumonisin B2 (FB2), beauvericin (BEA) and fusaproliferin (FP) after artificial inoculation in the field with toxigenic strains of Fusarium verticillioides and Fusarium proliferatum. The year of inoculation had a significant influence on the disease severity and mycotoxin accumulation in maize kernels. Of all the hybrids tested, only Mona exhibited resistance to ear rot caused by F. verticillioides and produced low levels of fumonisins during three years of experiments. In Fusarium-damaged kernels (FDK), fumonisin B1, fumonisin B2, beauvericin and fusaproliferin were detected at concentrations much higher (up to 10–20 times) than in healthy-looking kernels (HLK). Animal and human exposure to these mycotoxins can be drastically reduced by removing mouldy and visibly damaged kernels from the commodity.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of Pen, an aqueous extract of the dry mycelium of Penicillium chrysogenum, on plant–pathogen interactions. Pen controlled a broad range of pathogens on several crop plants under greenhouse and field conditions. Pen protected grapevine from downy and powdery mildew (caused by Plasmopara viticola and Uncinula necator), tomato from early blight (caused by Phytophthora infestans), onion from downy mildew (Peronospora destructor) and apple trees from apple scab (caused by Venturia inaequalis) to a similar extent as fungicides such as copper and sulphur or well-known inducers such as benzothiadiazole or β-aminobutyric acid. Pen had no major direct fungicidal effect and is thus supposed to protect plants by activating their defense mechanisms. The raw material for extraction of Pen was available in constant quality, a prerequisite for commercial application. Under certain conditions, Pen caused phytotoxic side effects. The symptoms mostly consisted of small necrotic spots or, more rarely, of larger necrotic areas. The development of the symptoms was dependent on several parameters, including concentration of Pen, the number of applications, the persistence on the plant tissue, the plant species and variety and environmental conditions. In grapevine, a partially purified fraction of Pen was much less toxic than the crude Pen extract, but protected the plants to a similar extent against P. viticola. Our data show that Pen has interesting and unique properties as a plant protection agent, but more research is needed to further reduce its phytotoxic side effects.  相似文献   

Resistance to pea bacterial blight (Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi) in different plant parts was assessed in 19 Pisum sativum cultivars and landraces, carrying race-specific resistance genes (R-genes) and two Pisum abyssinicum accessions carrying race-nonspecific resistance. Stems, leaves and pods were inoculated with seven races of P. s. pv. pisi under glasshouse conditions. For both race-specific and nonspecific resistance, a resistant response in the stem was not always associated with resistance in leaf and pod. Race-specific genes conferred stem resistance consistently, however, there was variability in the responses of leaves and pods which depended on the matching R-gene and A-gene (avirulence gene in the pathogen) combination. R2 generally conferred resistance in all plant parts. R3 or R4 singly did not confer complete resistance in leaf and pod, however, R3 in combination with R2 or R4 enhanced leaf and pod resistance. Race-nonspecific resistance conferred stem resistance to all races, leaf and pod resistance to races 2, 5 and 7 and variable reactions in leaves and pods to races 1, 3, 4 and 6.Disease expression was also studied in the field under autumn/winter conditions. P. sativum cultivar, Kelvedon Wonder (with no R genes), and two P. abyssinicum accessions, were inoculated with the most frequent races in Europe under field conditions (2, 4 and 6). Kelvedon Wonder was very susceptible to all three races, whereas P. abyssinicum was much less affected. The combination of disease resistance with frost tolerance in P. abyssinicum enabled plants to survive through the winter. A breeding strategy combining race-nonspecific resistance derived from P. abyssinicum with race-specific R-genes should provide durable resistance under severe disease pressure.  相似文献   

Ascochyta blight of chickpea (Cicer arietinum), caused by the fungus Didymella rabiei, has the potential to cause 100% crop loss in severe epiphytotics. Management of this disease often involves reducing sources of inoculum. The influence of sowing depth, host resistance, seed infection level and soil temperature on disease transmission was investigated in a series of glasshouse and growth room trials using seed artificially inoculated with D. rabiei. A positive correlation (R2=0.9992) was observed between rate of seed infection and the incidence of disease on seedlings. Disease transmission to seedlings was not significantly influenced by sowing depth (1, 3 and 6 cm) in separate trials on two cultivars. Susceptibility of the host showed no obvious influence on the frequency of disease transmission in two trials conducted using four cultivars ranging from highly susceptible to moderately susceptible/moderately resistant. Trials conducted in controlled conditions showed that there was no obvious relationship between soil temperature (5, 9, 14 and 19 °C) and the incidence of disease on seedlings.  相似文献   

有机改性膨润土对乙草胺的吸附与控制释放作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
首次尝试将十六烷基三甲基铵盐阳离子改性的有机膨润土(CTMAB-Bents)用作乙草胺的吸附剂和控制释放载体。结果表明,与原土(Na-Bent)相比,CTMAB-Bents对乙草胺的吸附能力提高3~5倍,且吸附能力与改性膨润土所用CTMAB量成正相关。吸附等温曲线符合Freundlich经验方程,相关系数R>0.99,吸附能力主要取决于乙草胺在水和有机膨润土间的分配作用。与Na-Bent相比,CTMAB-Bents可以显著抑制乙草胺的释放速率,对乙草胺的半数释放时间(t50)介于20CTMAB-Bent制剂的6.57 h与100CTMAB-Bent制剂的19.0 h之间,并随改性膨润土对乙草胺吸附能力的提高而延长。释放动力学曲线符合Ritger和Peppas方程,n值(0.429~0.618)接近Fickian扩散模型,说明乙草胺在有机膨润土中的释放主要受到扩散控制。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Alternaria brown spot, caused by Alternaria alternata pv. citri, affects many tangerines and their hybrids, causing loss of immature leaves and fruit and reducing the marketability of the remaining fruit. Conidial production of A. alternata was greatest on mature leaves moistened and maintained at near 100% relative humidity (RH) for 24 h, whereas leaves that had been soaked or maintained at moderate RH produced few conidia. Conidial release from filter paper cultures and infected leaves was studied in a computer-controlled environmental chamber. Release of large numbers of conidia was triggered from both substrates by sudden drops in RH or by simulated rainfall events. Vibration induced release of low numbers of conidia, but red/infrared irradiation had no effect. In field studies from 1994 to 1996, air sampling with a 7-day recording volumetric spore trap indicated that conidia were present throughout the year with periodic large peaks. The number of conidia captured was not closely related to rainfall amounts or average wind speed, but was weakly related to the duration of leaf wetness. Likewise, disease severity on trap plants placed in the field weekly during 1995 to 1996 was not closely related to conidial numbers or rainfall amounts, but was weakly related to leaf wetness duration. Sufficient inoculum appears to be available to allow infection to occur throughout the year whenever susceptible host tissue and moisture are available.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Asiatic citrus canker (ACC) is a severe disease of several citrus species and hybrids in many tropical and subtropical areas. Populations of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri in leaf and twig lesions are the most important inoculum source for secondary infections. In areas with a marked winter season (e.g., Argentina and Japan), low temperatures induce a decrease of 10(2) to 10(4) in population sizes in lesions, thus creating a discontinuity in the X. axonopodis pv. citri life cycle. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of X. axonopodis pv. citri populations in leaf lesions exposed to the mild winter temperatures prevailing in a tropical environment. Internal X. axonopodis pv. citri population levels in Mexican lime leaf lesions reached 10(6) to 10(7) CFU lesion(-1) whatever the lesion size. These densities, however, were not strongly negatively affected by winter temperatures prevailing under experimental conditions. The estimated decrease in internal X. axonopodis pv. citri population sizes was approximately 10-fold. When exposed to 35 mm h(-1) of simulated rainfall, internal population sizes decreased over time by approximately 1 log unit for lesions 1 and 2 months old, but did not for older lesions. A microscopic examination indicated that lignin-like compounds are present in lesions more than 6 months old. The slow decrease over time of X. axonopodis pv. citri population sizes in leaf lesions may be the balanced result of defense reactions by the host at late stages of disease development, and the concomitant multiplication of the pathogen at the margin of old lesions. We conclude that the epidemiological significance of overwintered leaf lesions in the tropics is higher than that reported in other areas.  相似文献   

Findings from 2 years of field experiments investigating the relationship between Globodera rostochiensis and Rhizoctonia solani on unique field sites are reported. In 2000, a field experiment was positioned on land that had previously been used for experimental work investigating integrated potato cyst nematode (PCN) management methods. This study had produced an ‘untypical’ mosaic of PCN population densities ranging from 5 to 221 eggs g−1 soil. In 2001, the field experiment was conducted on a different field site and overlaid on a focus of G. rostochiensis population densities ranging from 11 to 108 eggs g−1 soil. In each experiment, potatoes (cv. Désirée) were grown in plots with similar population densities of G. rostochiensis that were either uninoculated or inoculated with R. solani. A series of potato plant harvests were undertaken to investigate the effects of nematode infestation on the incidence and severity of R. solani diseases and the associated development of plants. In both experiments, a clear relationship was found between the density of G. rostochiensis juveniles present in potato roots and the incidence of stolons infected by R. solani, 6 weeks after planting. For the first time this interaction has been determined under field conditions. The results of the study suggest that the interaction between nematode and fungus is indirect and possible mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

梨小食心虫性信息素微囊化及释放特性   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
以乙基纤维素为囊壳,采用相分离法制备了梨小食心虫性信息素微囊粒剂;同时研究了乳化剂、控释剂、搅拌速度、有机相中溶剂加入量及水相中聚乙烯醇浓度、有机相滴加速度等因素对该微囊粒剂的平均粒径及包覆率的影响,并进行了室内释放分析。结果表明,使用乳化剂700#较为理想;以油酸甲酯、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯或正十二烷为控释剂,均能制得包覆率较高的微囊粒剂;搅拌速度、有机相中溶剂加入量及水相中聚乙烯醇浓度、有机相滴加速度对微囊粒剂的平均粒径及包覆率的影响较明显。控制释放研究结果表明,在室内较稳定的条件下,能持续释放110 d以上。  相似文献   


Two independent field experiments (2017 and 2019) were conducted to evaluate the effects of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF; AMF1: Rhizophagus irregularis strain and AMF2: AMF consortium) and compost (Comp) in comparison to chemical NPK fertilizers on growth and yield of lettuce plants and soil properties. The biofertilizers-biostimulants were applied alone or in combinations and increased significantly the lettuce dry weight (DW), number of leaves, and yield compared to the control. In the first experiment, the highest plant DW was obtained by NPK, PGPR?+?AMF2?+?Comp and PGPR treatments recording an increase of 109, 109, and 95%, respectively, compared to the control plants. In the second experiment the highest plant DW was obtained by the NPK (77%), followed by Comp and PGPR?+?AMF1?+?Comp treatments increasing the plant DW by 52 and 51%, respectively, compared to the control. Concerning to lettuce yield, in the first experiment, the highest yields were obtained by NPK, PGPR?+?AMF2, PGPR?+?AMF1?+?Comp, PGPR, AMF2?+?Comp, AMF1?+?Comp and AMF2 treatments recording an enhancement of 68, 64, 63, 58, 57, 57, and 55%, respectively. In the second experiment, the application of NPK based fertilizers resulted in the highest yield (77%), followed by PGPR?+?AMF1?+?Comp, PGPR?+?AMF2?+?Comp, AMF1?+?Comp, and AMF2?+?Comp treatments, increasing the yield by 61, 61, 54, and 55%, respectively, compared to the control. Concerning the soil organic matter (OM), the applied treatments had significantly increased the amount of the OM compared to the control. The highest amounts of OM were obtained by the PGPR?+?AMF2?+?Comp treatment in the first experiment and the PGPR?+?AMF1?+?Comp treatment in the second experiment. The available phosphorus (P) was significantly increased by the application of all treatments. The highest records were obtained by the application of Comp, PGPR?+?AMF1 and PGPR?+?AMF1?+?Comp treatment after the first experiment. In the second experiment, the highest amount of P was obtained by PGPR?+?AMF2?+?Comp treatment. Application of biofertilizers-biostimulants in combination proved to be beneficial for the improvement of the tested culture yield.


Zhan J  Mundt CC  McDonald BA 《Phytopathology》2001,91(10):1011-1017
ABSTRACT Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and DNA fingerprints were used to assess temporal variation and estimate the effective population size of the wheat pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola over a 6-year period. In each year, the fungal population was founded by ascospores originating from outside the sampled fields. A total of 605 fungal isolates were included in this study. Our results indicate that the genetic structure of these M. graminicola populations were stable over the 6-year period. The common alleles at each RFLP locus were present at similar frequencies each year. More than 99% of gene diversity was distributed within populations sampled from the same year and less than 1% was attributed to differences among years. The lack of population differentiation among collections taken in different years indicated that the effective size of the source population was sufficiently large that genetic drift was insignificant in this location. It also suggests that the initial colonists from ascospore founder populations were a fair reflection of the source population. We estimate that the effective sizes of these field populations ranged from 3,400 to 700,000 individuals, depending on the size of the field sampled and assumptions about mutation rates. Estimates of the number of ascospores initiating epidemics of leaf blotch disease in each field plot and factors that contribute to the large effective population size of M. graminicola are discussed.  相似文献   

不同温度、水热条件对3种植物种子物理休眠解除的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究种子物理休眠解除机制及其影响因素是了解种子休眠生态学和种群适应策略的重要途径。准噶尔无叶豆(Eremosparton songoricum)、银沙槐(Ammodendron bifolium)和乌拉尔甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis)是在干旱区分布的3种豆科珍稀物种,其种子均存在物理休眠现象。以3种植物种子为研究对象,探讨冷层积(5℃)、夏季高温及干/湿处理对种子物理休眠解除的作用。研究表明:1 3种植物种子的硬实率高,种皮透水性低,划破种皮的处理方法可有效解除3种植物种子的物理休眠。2冷层积对3种植物种子的物理休眠解除无显著影响。3高温、干/湿条件和处理时间显著影响3种植物种子的萌发率,其中,湿热条件更能有效解除3种植物种子的物理休眠。准噶尔无叶豆和银沙槐种子的物理休眠解除率与温度呈正相关,在80℃和65℃湿热条件下其萌发率最高,分别达到(70.48±2.92)%和(78.13±3.67)%,而乌拉尔甘草种子的物理休眠解除率与温度呈负相关,40℃湿热条件下的萌发率最高,达到(85.23±3.82)%。表明荒漠地区夏季的极端高温有利于种子物理休眠的解除,但较少的降水量却限制了种子的萌发,这可能是导致该地区3种植物自然种群实生苗稀少,有性更新弱的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

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