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Soybean rust (SBR), caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is a damaging fungal disease of soybean (Glycine max). Although solar radiation can reduce SBR urediniospore survival, limited information is available on how solar radiation affects SBR progress within soybean canopies. Such information can aid in developing accurate SBR prediction models. To manipulate light penetration into soybean canopies, structures of shade cloth attenuating 30, 40, and 60% sunlight were constructed over soybean plots. In each plot, weekly evaluations of severity in lower, middle, and upper canopies, and daily temperature and relative humidity were recorded. Final plant height and leaf area index were also recorded for each plot. The correlation between amount of epicuticular wax and susceptibility of leaves in the lower, middle, and upper canopies was assessed with a detached leaf assay. Final disease severity was 46 to 150% greater in the lower canopy of all plots and in the middle canopy of 40 and 60% shaded plots. While daytime temperature within the canopy of nonshaded soybean was greater than shaded soybean by 2 to 3°C, temperatures recorded throughout typical evenings and mornings of the growing season in all treatments were within the range (10 to 28.5°C) for SBR development as was relative humidity. This indicates temperature and relative humidity were not limiting factors in this experiment. Epicuticular wax and disease severity in detached leaf assays from the upper canopy had significant negative correlation (P = 0.009, R = -0.84) regardless of shade treatment. In laboratory experiments, increasing simulated total solar radiation (UVA, UVB, and PAR) from 0.15 to 11.66 MJ m(-2) increased mortality of urediniospores from 2 to 91%. Variability in disease development across canopy heights in early planted soybean may be attributed to the effects of solar radiation not only on urediniospore viability, but also on plant height, leaf area index, and epicuticular wax, which influence disease development of SBR. These results provide an understanding of the effect solar radiation has on the progression of SBR within the soybean canopy.  相似文献   

Christiano RS  Scherm H 《Phytopathology》2007,97(11):1428-1433
ABSTRACT The regional dynamics of soybean rust, caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi, in six southeastern states (Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia) in 2005 and 2006 were analyzed based on disease records collected as part of U.S. Department of Agriculture's soybean rust surveillance and monitoring program. The season-long rate of temporal disease progress averaged approximately 0.5 new cases day(1) and was higher in nonsentinel soybean (Glycine max) plots than in sentinel soybean plots and kudzu (Pueraria lobata) plots. Despite the early detection of rust on kudzu in January and/or February each year (representing the final phase of the previous year's epidemic), the disease developed slowly during the spring and early summer on this host species and did not enter its exponential phase until late August, more than 1 month after it did so on soybean. On soybean, cases occurred very sporadically before the beginning of July, after which their number increased rapidly. Thus, while kudzu likely provides the initial inoculum for epidemics on soybean, the rapid increase in disease prevalence on kudzu toward the end of the season appears to be driven by inoculum produced on soybean. Of 112 soybean cases with growth stage data, only one occurred during vegetative crop development while approximately 75% occurred at stage R6 (full seed) or higher. The median nearest-neighbor distance of spread among cases was approximately 70 km in both years, with 10% of the distances each being below approximately 30 km and above approximately 200 km. Considering only the epidemic on soybean, the disease expanded at an average rate of 8.8 and 10.4 km day(1) in 2005 and 2006, respectively. These rates are at the lower range of those reported for the annual spread of tobacco blue mold from the Caribbean Basin through the southeastern United States. Regional spread of soybean rust may be limited by the slow disease progress on kudzu during the first half of the year combined with the short period available for disease establishment on soybean during the vulnerable phase of host reproductive development, although low inoculum availability in 2005 and dry conditions in 2006 also may have reduced epidemic potential.  相似文献   

Seedling emergence is one of the most important phenological processes that influence the success of weed species. Therefore, predicting weed emergence timing plays a critical role in scheduling weed management measures. Important efforts have been made in the attempt to develop models to predict seedling emergence patterns for weed species under field conditions. Empirical emergence models have been the most common tools used for this purpose. They are based mainly on the use of temperature, soil moisture and light. In this review, we present the more popular empirical models, highlight some statistical and biological limitations that could affect their predictive accuracy and, finally, we present a new generation of modelling approaches to tackle the problems of conventional empirical models, focusing mainly on soft computing techniques. We hope that this review will inspire weed modellers and that it will serve as a basis for discussion and as a frame of reference when we proceed to advance the modelling of field weed emergence.  相似文献   

Using models from atmospheric chemistry and physics, this study examined the wet deposition of single uredospores of soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi associated with rainfall and its importance compared with dry deposition. First, a measurement of the terminal velocity of freshly collected P. pachyrhizi uredospores was conducted in Nanning, China. The observed terminal velocities associated with different sizes of the uredospore clumps were fitted by negative exponential models. The average terminal velocity of single uredospores (0.0187 m s−1) determined by the fitted models was used to estimate the dry deposition. The wet deposition of single uredospores associated with different rainfall rates was determined numerically using coupled models, in which raindrop capture efficiency of uredospores was based on Slinn’s semi-empirical model. The results showed that at a rainfall rate of 0.5 mm h−1, wet deposition can remove 50% of the single uredospores in the air within 1 h. If the rainfall rate is 5 mm h−1, 10 min is sufficient to remove 50% of the uredospores. The dry deposition of the single uredospores was estimated with simplified scenarios: i.e., assuming the uredospore cloud was continuously from 1,000 to 2,000 m in height above a field with a uniform concentration. In the first 16 h, almost no uredospores reached the ground, while the wet deposition caused by 2 mm h−1 rainfall within 30 min was even much greater than dry deposition of 24 h duration. The comparisons indicated that the wet deposition of soybean rust uredospores was much more efficient than the dry deposition.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Controversy has long existed over whether plant disease epidemics spread with constant or with increasing velocity. We conducted largescale field experiments with wheat stripe rust at Madras and Hermiston, Oregon, where natural stripe rust epidemics were rare, to test these competing models. Data from three location-years were available for analysis. A susceptible winter wheat cultivar was planted in pure stand and also in a 1:4 or 1:1 mixture with a cultivar immune to the stripe rust race utilized in the experiments. Plots were 6.1 m wide and varied from 73 to 171 m in length. A 1.5 by 1.5-m focus was inoculated in either the center (2001) or upwind of the center (2002 and 2003) of each plot. Disease severity was evaluated weekly throughout the epidemics in each plot at the same points along a transect running upwind and downwind from the focus. Velocity of spread was calculated from the severity data and regressed separately on time and on distance from the focus. In all location-years and treatments, and at all levels of disease severity, velocity consistently increased linearly with distance, at an average rate of 0.59 m/week per m, and exponentially with time. Further, across epidemics there was a significant positive relationship between the apparent infection rate, r, and the rate of velocity increase in both space and time. These findings have important implications for plant diseases with a focal or partially focal character, and in particular for the effectiveness of ratereducing disease management strategies at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

Kim KS  Wang TC  Yang XB 《Phytopathology》2005,95(10):1122-1131
ABSTRACT Few biologically based models to assess the risk of soybean rust have been developed because of difficulty in estimating variables related to infection rate of the disease. A fuzzy logic system, however, can estimate apparent infection rate by combining meteorological variables and biological criteria pertinent to soybean rust severity. In this study, a fuzzy logic apparent infection rate (FLAIR) model was developed to simulate severity of soybean rust and validated using data from field experiments on two soybean cultivars, TK 5 and G 8587. The FLAIR model estimated daily apparent infection rate of soybean rust and simulated disease severity based on population dynamics. In weekly simulation, the FLAIR model explained >85% of variation in disease severity. In simulation of an entire epidemic period, the FLAIR model was able to predict disease severity accurately once initial values of disease severity were predicted accurately. Our results suggest that a model could be developed to determine apparent infection rate and an initial value of disease severity in advance using forecasted weather data, which would provide accurate prediction of severity of soybean rust before the start of a season.  相似文献   

Effects of crop management patterns on coffee rust epidemics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of crop management patterns on coffee rust epidemics, caused by Hemileia vastatrix , are not well documented despite large amounts of data acquired in the field on epidemics, and much modelling work done on this disease. One main reason for this gap between epidemiological knowledge and understanding for management resides in the lack of links between many studies and actual production situations in the field. Coffee rust epidemics are based on a seemingly simple infection cycle, but develop polycyclic epidemics in a season and polyetic epidemics over successive seasons. These higher-level processes involve a very large number of environmental variables and, as in any system involving a perennial crop, the physiology of the coffee crop and how it affects crop yield. Crop management is therefore expected to have large effects on coffee rust epidemics because of its immediate effect on the infection cycle, but also because of its cumulative effect on ongoing and successive epidemics. Quantitative examples taken from a survey conducted in Honduras illustrate how crop management, different combinations of shade, coffee tree density, fertilization and pruning may strongly influence coffee rust epidemics through effects on microclimate and plant physiology which, in turn, influence the life cycle of the fungus. We suggest there is a need for novel coffee rust management systems which fully integrate crop management patterns in order to manage the disease in a sustainable way.  相似文献   

Systems analysis of wheat stripe rust epidemics in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stripe rust is the most destructive disease of wheat in China and shows long-distance spread with interregional epidemics. Systems analysis had been implemented by the epidemiology group at the China Agricultural University to study the epidemiology of this disease from field to regional levels. This paper reviews major achievements by this group from the 1970s to the present in this pathosystem in China. Field experiments were conducted to obtain necessary parameters for constructing various simulation models. Field-level models were generated to study the spatial and temporal disease developments, while region-level models were developed to study the disease long-distance spread, interregional epidemics and strategies for disease management. Interactions between host, pathogen and environment were also studied with modelling approaches to generate information on deployment of resistance for regional disease management.  相似文献   

The use of cultivar mixtures is increasingly practical in wheat stripe rust management. Field experiments with wheat cultivar mixtures were conducted to determine their effects on temporal and spatial patterns of stripe rust epidemics in three regions. In the Beijing and Gangu fields, where the epidemics were caused by artificial inoculation, disease incidence and the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) of the cultivar mixtures were significantly lower (P < 0.05) than those of the susceptible pure stands. We defined the relative effectiveness of cultivar mixture on disease development related to that in pure stands (REM). The results demonstrated that in many treatments of mixtures of susceptible cultivar with resistant cultivars at various ratios in different locations, their effects on disease reduction were positive (REM < 1). The reduction of epidemic rate in cultivar mixtures expressed in either early season or late season depended on the initial pattern of disease and cultivar mixture treatments. Semivariograms were used to determine the spatiotemporal patterns of disease in the Gangu field. The spatial analysis showed clear spatial patterns of the disease in all four directions of the fields on susceptible pure stands but not on cultivar mixtures. The results implied that the mechanisms of cultivar mixture on disease management might include the interruption of disease spatial expansion and a physical barrier to pathogen inoculum by resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

Data from field experiments were used to test whether disease observations on lower leaves of wheat were good predictors of future epidemic development in the upper canopy. Fungicide treatments to replicated plots in 1994 and 1995 caused variation in levels of initial inoculum of urediniospores of yellow rust ( Puccinia striiformis ). Observations of symptom severity were made on individual leaf layers throughout the season. Sporulating lesions on lower leaves were considered to be a measure of inoculum source strength for transfer to upper culm leaves. Low source strengths were associated with delays in epidemic development on the upper leaves, as quantified by a location parameter, t m, the time at which severity reached half of the asymptote value in logistic fits to disease progress data on the upper leaves. However, there was much unexplained variation, probably due to extraneous variation in upward transfer efficiency of inoculum and rates of epidemic development. Vanderplank's sanitation ratio theory was used to account for variation in inoculum transfer and epidemic rate. The analysis revealed that if the aim is to predict disease on a newly emerged culm leaf, during the period when it can be treated effectively with fungicide, then observations of disease two leaves further down the culm were of the greatest predictive value ( R 2 = 86%). These observations, however, need to be integrated with information about factors affecting upward inoculum transfer and rates of epidemic development if acceptable predictive precision is to be achieved.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Asian soybean rust (ASR) is an economically significant disease caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi. The soybean genes Rpp3 and Rpp?(Hyuuga) confer resistance to specific isolates of the pathogen. Both genes map to chromosome 6 (Gm06) (linkage group [LG] C2). We recently identified 12 additional soybean accessions that harbor ASR resistance mapping to Gm06, within 5 centimorgans of Rpp3 and Rpp?(Hyuuga). To further characterize genotypes with resistance on Gm06, we used a set of eight P. pachyrhizi isolates collected from geographically diverse areas to inoculate plants and evaluate them for differential phenotypic responses. Three isolates elicited different responses from soybean accessions PI 462312 (Ankur) (Rpp3) and PI 506764 (Hyuuga) (Rpp?[Hyuuga]). In all, 11 of the new accessions yielded responses identical to either PI 462312 or Hyuuga and 1 of the new accessions, PI 417089B (Kuro daizu), differed from all others. Additional screening of Hyuuga-derived recombinant inbred lines indicated that Hyuuga carries two resistance genes, one at the Rpp3 locus on Gm06 and a second, unlinked ASR resistance gene mapping to Gm03 (LG-N) near Rpp5. These findings reveal a natural case of gene pyramiding for ASR resistance in Hyuuga and underscore the importance of utilizing multiple isolates of P. pachyrhizi when screening for ASR resistance.  相似文献   

Soybean rust (SBR), caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is the most important yield-damaging fungal disease of soybean due to severe reduction in healthy leaf area and acceleration of leaf fall. In experimental research, SBR severity is estimated visually aided/trained by a standard area diagram (SAD) developed and validated during the mid-2000s (Old SAD). In this study, we propose a new SAD set for SBR with six true-colour diagrams following linear increments (c. 15% increments) amended with four additional diagrams at low (<10%) severities, totalling 10 diagrams (0.2%, 1%, 3%, 5%, 10%, 25%, 40%, 55%, 70%, and 84%). For evaluation, 37 raters were split into two groups. Each assessed severity in a 50-image sample (0.25%–84%), first unaided and then using either the Old SAD or the New SAD. Accuracy, precision, and reliability of estimates improved significantly relative to unaided estimates only when aided by the New SAD (accuracy >0.95). Low precision (<0.78) and a trend of underestimation with an increase in severity were the main issues with the Old SAD, which did not differ from unaided estimates. Simulation to evaluate the impact of the errors by different methods on hypothesis tests, showed that the new SAD was more powerful for detecting the smallest difference in mean control (e.g., 70% vs. 65% disease reduction) than the Old SAD; the latter required a 2-fold increase in sample size to achieve the same power. There is a need to improve some SADs, taking advantage of new knowledge and technology to increase accuracy of the estimates, and to optimize both resource use efficiency and management decisions.  相似文献   

A model simulating the progress of Puccinia recondita severity, expressed as a percentage of rusted leaf area (both as average and its 95% confidence interval) on individual wheat leaves over the course of a growing season, with a time step of one day, was elaborated using laboratory and field data from literature. Data on the stages of each infection cycle (uredospore germination, penetration, latency, uredium eruption and infectiousness) were transformed into model parameters by curve fitting, Montecarlo stochastic procedures, corrections and empirical assumptions. Data on host growth, like the timing of all phenological stages, the dynamic of the green area of each leaf from appearance to complete senescence, and tillering were obtained from a specific sub-model. Model validation was performed on actual data not used in model building and representing a wide range of conditions (several winter wheat cultivars grown at eight locations in northern Italy between 1990 and 1994) by using subjective, non-parametric and parametric tests: it revealed a satisfactory agreement between the data simulated by the model and actual data.  相似文献   

2017年我国小麦条锈病流行大尺度时空动态分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2017年小麦条锈病在我国大范围流行,为明确大流行年份小麦条锈病时空动态,本研究通过在全国小麦主产省区定期调查小麦条锈病发生情况,并在总结2017年我国小麦条锈病流行特点的基础上,分析了小麦条锈病在县域水平随时间发展及其在空间上的分布和动态。结果表明,2017年小麦条锈病在我国黄淮海麦区大范围流行,发生面积达555.66万hm2,主要发生麦区平均病叶率为2.70%~40.00%、病害严重度为7.6%~45.2%、病害扩散速率为0.007~0.140;病害发生范围波及全国18个省(区、市)866个县,向北扩散至北纬41°的内蒙古五原县,向东扩散至东经121°的山东省烟台市和威海市。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the effect of severity of stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) on the hyperspectral reflectance of wheat. A total of 110 leaf samples with a range of disease severity were collected at the heading stage (Stage ?, 29 April) and grain filling stage (Stage II, 21 May). The spectra of the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of the leaf samples were taken using an ASD Leaf Clip, and the spectral characteristics were analysed. The photochemical reflectance index (PRI) was used to build two linear regression functions from the two growth stages using 70 leaves, and the remaining 40 leaves were used to validate their effectiveness. The results indicated that P. striiformis caused changes in foliar water and chlorophyll, and those changes made it feasible to assess disease severity using in situ hyperspectral measurements. In general, the reflectance values from the adaxial surfaces of the leaf samples were smaller than the abaxial surfaces. In comparison to Stage ?, the spectral contrast of four different disease severities was greater at Stage II. By comparing the regression functions, the coefficient of determination using the set of leaves for validation for Stage ? (R 2?=?0.74) was smaller than that for Stage II (R 2?=?0.83). However, the coefficient of determination for validation for Stage ? (R 2?=?0.91) was slightly larger than that of Stage II (R 2?=?0.90). The results suggest that the ASD Leaf Clip is an ideal tool to collect in situ hyperspectral measurements of wheat leaves showing symptoms of stripe rust, and Stage II is more appropriate to assess severity compared to Stage ?.  相似文献   

The objective of the work was to evaluate the effect of essential oils as a preventive treatment to control Asian soybean rust. Initially the fungitoxic effect of the essential oils of Hyptis marrubioides, Aloysia gratissima and Cordia verbenacea was tested on the urediniospores of Phakopsora pachyrhizi, through in vitro tests. The in vivo test was set up in a greenhouse, using cultivar MGBR-46. The treatments consisted of the three oils at different concentrations, a fungicide based on pyraclostrobin + epoxyconazole and a control. To verify the potential of the essential oils in preventive treatment, inoculation was conducted at 0, 6, 12 and 24?h intervals, after application of the treatments. All treatments inhibited 100% of Phakopsora pachyrhizi germination. In the in vivo test, it was observed that all of the oils were efficient in controlling soybean rust, by preventive treatment, mainly at the higher concentrations. Efficiency of the oils was reduced with the increase of the interval between the application of the treatments and the onset of the pathogen. The essential oils, at the tested dosages, were not as efficient as the pyraclostrobin + epoxyconazole based fungicide.  相似文献   

Hau B  Kosman E 《Phytopathology》2007,97(10):1231-1244
ABSTRACT Eleven previously published models of plant disease epidemics, given as differential equations with a rate and a shape parameter, are compared using general model characteristics as well as their usefulness in fitting observed data. Six out of the eleven models can be solved analytically resulting in epidemic growth functions, while the others can be solved only numerically. When all 11 differential equations were fitted to two data sets, all models showed a similar goodness of fit, although the shape parameter in some models could not be estimated very precisely. With respect to useful characteristics (exponential population growth at the beginning, ability to generate monomolecular disease progression, and flexibility of the inflection point), the models of Fleming, Kosman-Levy, Birch, Richards and Waggoner, and Rich are recommended. Formulas were established to calculate the point of inflection as well as the weighted absolute and relative rate, respectively, depending on the shape and rate parameter. These formulas allow transformation of the parameter values of one model into those of another model in many cases. If the two models are required to have the same temporal position of the disease progress curve, then the initial disease level at the start of the epidemic or the time when the inflection point is reached have to be transformed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The demethylation inhibitor (DMI) fungicide myclobutanil can be an effective component of spray programmes designed to control the highly destructive plant pathogen Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd. & P. Syd., causal agent of Asian soybean rust. Myclobutanil is known from previous studies in grapevines to be xylem mobile. This study investigates the mobility profile of myclobutanil in soybean as an important component of its effective field performance. RESULTS: Over a 12 day period under greenhouse conditions, a constant uptake of myclobutanil from leaflet surfaces into the leaflet tissue was observed. Once in the leaflet, myclobutanil was seen to redistribute throughout the tissue, although no movement out of leaflets occurred owing to a lack of phloem mobility. The ability of myclobutanil to redistribute over distance within the soybean plant was revealed when visualizing movement of the compound to foliage above the point of application on the plant stem. An efficacy bioassay demonstrated that the systemic properties of myclobutanil allow control of disease at a point remote from the initial site of compound application. CONCLUSION: It is suggested that the high degree of xylem systemicity displayed by myclobutanil in soybean foliage is a contributory factor towards its commercial effectiveness for control of Asian soybean rust. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Phakopsora pachyrhizi, the cause of soybean rust, is an economically important pathogen of soybean in South America. Understanding the pathogenicity of indigenous fungal populations is useful for identifying resistant plant genotypes and targeting effective cultivars against certain populations. Fifty-nine rust populations from Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay were evaluated for pathogenicity in three cropping seasons, 2007/2008–2009/2010, using 16 soybean differentials. Only two pairs of P. pachyrhizi populations displayed identical pathogenicity profiles, indicating substantial pathogenic variation in the rust populations. Comparative analysis of 59 South American and five Japanese samples revealed that pathogenic differences were not only detected within South America but also distinct between the P. pachyrhizi populations from South America and Japan. In addition, seasonal changes in rust pathogenicity were detected during the sampling period. The differentials containing resistance genes (Rpp: resistance to P. p achyrhizi) Rpp1, Rpp2, Rpp3, and Rpp4, except for Plant Introduction (PI) 587880A, displayed a resistant reaction to only 1.8–14, 24–28, 22, and 36 % of South American P. pachyrhizi populations, respectively. In contrast, PI 587880A (Rpp1), Shiranui (Rpp5), and 3 Rpp-unknown differentials (PI 587855, PI 587905, and PI 594767A) showed a resistant reaction to 78–96 % of all populations. This study demonstrated that P. pachyrhizi populations from South America vary geographically and temporally in pathogenicity and that the known Rpp genes other than Rpp1 in PI 587880A and Rpp5 have been less effective against recent pathogen populations in the countries studied.  相似文献   

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