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Rates of seed transmission of Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV) were estimated in seedlings grown from commercial melon ( Cucumis melo ) cv. Galia F1 seeds. Seedlings at the cotyledon stage and adult plants were assayed for MNSV by DAS-ELISA and RT-PCR. None of the seedling groups tested positive for MNSV by ELISA. The proportion of seedlings infected with MNSV was at least 7 and 8% in seed lots 05 and 06, respectively, as estimated from RT-PCR analysis of grouped seedlings. Fourteen and eight grouped samples (10 seedlings per group), of a total of 200 and 100 seedlings, respectively, grown from infected seeds were MNSV-positive in seed lots 05 and 06, respectively, corresponding to seed-to-seedling transmission rates of 11·3 and 14·8%, respectively. Several seed-disinfection treatments were evaluated for their ability to prevent seed transmission of MNSV. The results suggest that a treatment of 144 h at 70°C can be used to eradicate MNSV in melon seeds without hindering germination.  相似文献   

New strains of Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV), designated MNSV-YS and MNSV-KS, caused much more severe growth retardation on melon plants than MNSV-NH, which was previously reported as the most severe strain of MNSV in Japan. MNSV-YS spread much more quickly than MNSV-NH in infected plants, and induced more severe growth retardation, even though the appearance of necrotic lesions on inoculated cotyledons was much slower. MNSV-KS had properties intermediate between those of the other two strains. The results suggest that faster-spreading strains can multiply more rapidly as a result of lower levels of activity in inducing necrotic lesions in melon plants. The complete sequences of MNSV-YS and MNSV-KS were determined, and an RT–PCR–RFLP method based on these sequences was successfully developed to detect and discriminate between the three strains.  相似文献   

The geographic incidence, genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV) and Olpidium isolates were studied in three cucurbit species from several Latin American and European countries on different collecting dates. Of the 112 cucurbit samples analysed, 69 from Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama and Spain were DAS‐ELISA‐positive for MNSV. Olpidium bornovanus and O. virulentus infections, and MNSV infections mixed with these Olpidium species, were observed for all these countries. Twenty‐nine MNSV isolates from all the origins where the virus was detected were selected and amplified by RT‐PCR. The resulting RT‐PCR of the p29, p89, p7A, p7B and p42 proteins was used to estimate the genetic diversity and the phylogenetic relationships of the MNSV population. The sequences obtained in this study were compared with the MNSV sequences of the NCBI database, and three groups were recovered by nucleotide composition according to geographical origins: the EU‐LA genotype group (with two subgroups: EU and LA, European and Latin American isolates, respectively), the JP melon genotype group (Japanese melon reference isolates) and the JP watermelon genotype group (Japanese watermelon reference isolates). The genetic diversity in the entire p7A and p7B proteins of MNSV suggests that these coding regions are under strong selective pressure. Additionally, the rDNA‐ITS region was analysed in 40 O. bornovanus and O. virulentus isolates associated with each geographical location and host examined. Phylogenetic analysis showed two groups for each Olpidium species, and these groupings were related to the host from which they were originally isolated.  相似文献   

Melon yellow spot virus (MYSV), a member of the genus Tospovirus, is a devastating thrips-transmitted virus of cucurbits in Japan. Recently, we reported that cucumber accessions originating from South Asia, in particular Southeast Asia, had moderate resistance to MYSV. Here, we investigated the effect of three temperatures (20°C, 25°C, and 30°C) on symptom expression and viral spread of MYSV in plants of resistant cucumber accessions. No systemic infection developed in resistant cucumber plants after inoculation with melon isolate MYSV-S at low temperature (20°C); viral spread of MYSV-S and cucumber isolate MYSV-FuCu05P in inoculated cotyledons was suppressed. In contrast, higher incubation temperatures (25°C and 30°C) facilitated viral spread in inoculated cotyledons and systemic infection of MYSV-S. These data suggest that the resistance to MYSV of resistant cucumber accessions is temperature dependent.  相似文献   

The single recessive gene, nsv, which confers resistance against Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV), has recently been used to develop virus-resistant melon cultivars in Japan. However, the Chiba isolate of MNSV, a common isolate in Japan, infected resistant cultivars when inoculated melon plants were grown at 15°C. Viral RNAs accumulated in protoplasts from resistant cultivars at both 15 and 20°C. Mechanical inoculation of the cotyledons caused MNSV to spread throughout the leaves at 15°C, but not at 20°C. These results support our novel hypothesis that a temperature-sensitive inactivation of disease resistance genes occurs at the nsv locus in melon cultivars with the resistance gene grown at temperatures below 20°C. The first and second authors contributed equally to this research.  相似文献   

Ohki T  Sako I  Kanda A  Mochizuki T  Honda Y  Tsuda S 《Phytopathology》2008,98(11):1165-1170
We report a new strain of Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV) that is unable to systemically infect Cucumis melo. A spherical virus (W-isolate), about 30 nm in diameter like a carmovirus, was isolated from watermelons with necrotic symptoms. The W-isolate had little serological similarity to MNSV, and it did not cause any symptoms in six melon cultivars susceptible to MNSV; however, the host range of the W-isolate was limited exclusively to cucurbitaceous plants, and transmission by O. bornovanus was confirmed. Its genomic structure was identical to that of MNSV, and its p89 protein and coat protein (CP) showed 81.6 to 83.2% and 74.1 to 75.1% identity to those of MNSV, respectively. Analysis of protoplast showed that the W-isolate replicated in melons at the single-cell level. Furthermore, chimeric clones carrying the CP of MNSV induced necrotic spots in melons. These results suggested that the absence of symptoms in melons was due to a lack of ability of the W-isolate to move from cell to cell. In view of these findings, we propose that the new isolate should be classified as a novel MNSV watermelon strain.  相似文献   

凤仙花坏死斑病毒在中国的适生性风险评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
凤仙花坏死斑病毒(Impatiens necrotic spot virus, INSV)能够侵染多种花卉并破坏其观赏价值,目前在我国已有INSV的入侵报道。查询INSV和西花蓟马在世界范围内报道的地理信息,应用MaxEnt、ArcGIS软件,分别获得INSV和西花蓟马的适生性范围,结合INSV植物寄主在Lifemapper发布的分布数据,获得INSV中国境内风险发生区分布图。预测结果显示我国华东地区、中南地区、华北部分省份、西南部分省份及西北部分省份,都是潜在INSV高风险发生地区,包括了云南、贵州、广西、广东、福建、湖南、湖北、江西、浙江、台湾、上海、江苏、安徽、山东、陕西、山西、河南、河北、北京、天津、重庆、四川东部、甘肃部分地区、辽宁部分地区。INSV入侵中国的适生性分布评估将为INSV的检疫及防控提供参考。  相似文献   

用二重PCR方法检测李痘病毒和李坏死环斑病毒   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以我国两种重要的检疫性木本植物病毒李痘病毒和李坏死环斑病毒为对象,研究了二重PCR的检测方法,为我国口岸对这两种病毒的检疫提供了一条更为灵敏有效的新方法。  相似文献   

Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV) is transmitted by the fungus Olpidium bornovanus. In this study, we used immunofluorescence microscopy to detect MNSV particles over the entire surface of the O. bornovanus zoospore; MNSV particles were not detected on the related fungus O. virulentus, which cannot transmit MNSV. The amino acid substitution Ile → Phe at position 300 in the MNSV coat protein resulted in loss of both specific binding and fungal transmission, while virion assembly and biological aspects were unaffected. Taken together, these results suggest that the MNSV coat protein acts as a ligand to the O. bornovanus zoospore as part of a fungal-vector transmission system.  相似文献   

盆栽文心兰上的凤仙花坏死斑病毒的检测与分子鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用酶联免疫吸附检测法(ELISA)和RT-PCR技术从表现有同心圆褪绿斑的进境盆栽文心兰上检测出凤仙花坏死斑病毒.ELISA检测发现该病毒在文心兰上分布不均匀,病毒主要集中在表现症状的病斑处.同时,根据该病毒S RNA上的核衣壳蛋白(N)基因序列保守区设计了一对特异性引物,利用RT-PCR方法检测得到500bp的预期DNA片段.经HindⅢI和EcolI酶切验证后克隆了该序列片段,序列分析结果表明该病毒的N基因序列和已经发表的凤仙花坏死斑病毒(登陆号为AB109100、AB207803、DQ425096)核苷酸序列同源性为99%,进一步确认进境盆栽文心兰上携带凤仙花坏死病毒.这是INSV首次在中国的报道,也是第一次在文心兰上发现该病毒.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国切花月季(Rosa hybrid)种植面积的不断增加,月季病毒病的发生日趋严重。据笔者调查,平均发病率20%~30%,有的品种如“绿宝石”,发病率超过60%。李坏死环斑病毒(Prunus necrotic ring spot virus,PNRSV)是月季的主要病毒之一。国内对月季病毒病的研究较少。为明确我国切花月季的主要病毒种类,加强对月季种苗质量的监督检测,笔者对侵染月季的PNRSV云南分离物(PNRSV—yunnan)进行了CP基因克隆及序列分析,建立了快速RT—PCR检测技术。  相似文献   

Amino acid changes in Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) coat protein (CP) that enhance, decrease, or nullify the resistance-inducing activity in Capsicum plants carrying the L 3 gene have been identified. In this study, molecular events underlying the L 3 -gene-mediated resistance were analyzed through the expression of hypersensitive response (HR)-related genes, HSR203J-Cc and HIN1-Cc, and defense-related genes, PR1-Cc and PR4b-Cc, upon infection with PMMoV CP mutants. The expression kinetics of the genes correlated with the degree of restriction of virus distribution in the inoculated leaves. The results suggest that the timing and extent of HR are critical factors to restrict virus spread both locally and systemically in L 3 -gene-mediated resistance.The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/GenBank/EMBL databases under accession numbers AB162220 (HSR203J-Cc), AB162221 (HIN1-Cc), AB162222 (PR1-Cc), and AB162223 (PR4b-Cc)  相似文献   

Surveys conducted in Melon yellow spot virus (MYSV)-affected cucumber greenhouses revealed that the incidence of MYSV disease on cucumber plants varied by crop management conditions. Because of temporal and spatial dispersal of viruliferous Thrips palmi in two greenhouses, MYSV was detected in 21.2% of the cucumber plants growing in a weedy greenhouse and in only 1.3% of the cucumber plants growing in a thoroughly weeded greenhouse at the end of the cropping period. MYSV was also detected in 13 weed species found outside the cucumber greenhouses. Viruliferous T. palmi adults were often found on Acalypha australis, Cerastium glomeratum and Lamium amplexicaule. T. palmi reared on MYSV-infected cucumber plants transmitted MYSV to C. glomeratum and L. amplexicaule. Moreover, T. palmi reared on MYSV-infected C. glomeratum rarely transmitted MYSV to cucumber seedlings. These results suggest that weed control is important for managing MYSV since weeds provide a habitat for the vector thrips and also serve as an initial inoculum source of the virus.  相似文献   

A severe leaf necrosis, observed since 1978 in glasshouse cucumbers grown on rockwool and later also in crops on soil, is described. A virus could be isolated and the disease be reproduced in cucumber and melon. The virus could be transmitted by leaf inoculation with expressed sap and by pouring rockwool leakage water onto sterilized soil containing cucumber seedlings. Infectivity steeply declined in expressed sap between dilutions 10 and 100 (dilution endpoint ca 106), at temperatures between 55 and 65°C (thermal inactivation point 75°C) and during storage between 1 and 1 1/2 month at room temperature.Out of 40 plant species tested only three species, viz. cucumber, melon and watermelon, were susceptible. All 21 cucumber cultivars and all 8 melon cultivars tested reacted severely with local lesions and some with systemic necrosis, but systemic infection and reaction were erratic under experimental conditions.Purified virus sedimented in sucrose and CsCl gradients and during analytical ultracentrifugation in a single peak. Thes 20 was 134S and buoyant density in CsCl was 1.33 g.cm–3. Virus particles in crude sap and purified suspensions were spherical and ca 30 nm in diameter. They contained one type of protein with a relative molecular mass of 46 000 and one RNA species. An antiserum with a titre of 1024 did not react with cucumber and tobacco necrosis viruses, nor did their antisera react with our cucumber virus. Serologically and in physicochemical properties the virus is similar to if not identical with the melon necrotic spot virus incompletely described in Japan.Disease control may be through improved hygiene, including steam sterilization of rockwool, soil disinfection by steam sterilization or with methyl bromide, and addition of a surfactant to nutrient solutions, and prevention may be by grafting cucumber ontoCucubita ficifolia rootstocks, immune to the virus.Samenvatting Sinds 1978 komt in de op steenwol en in grond geteelde kaskomkommer een ernstige bladnecrose voor, die vooral in het najaar tot afsterving van planten kan leiden en in wel 45% van de planten van een aangetast gewas is geconstateerd. Uit zieke planten kon een virus worden geïsoleerd dat gemakkelijk overging door sap-inoculatie en in lekvocht uit besmette steewol (waarschijnlijk door tussenkomst van eenOlpidium-soort), nadat dit werd gegoten op gesteriliseerde grond waarin komkommerzaailingen groeiden. Met dit virus konden de symptomen van de ziekte worden greproduceerd.Het infectivermogen van ruw platesap nam snel af bij verdunning tussen 10 en 100× (verdunningseindpunt ca 1 millioen), en bij warmtebehandelingen tussen 55 en 65°C (inactiveringstemperatuur 75°C) en bij bewaring bij kamertemperatuur tussen 1 en 1 1/2 maand.Slechts 3 van de 40 getoetste plantesoorten bleken vatbaar voor het virus, te weten komkommer, meloen en watermeloen. Alle 21 getoetste komkommercultivars en alle 8 getoetste meloenerassen reageerden hevig met lokale lesies en enkele, onder de heersende proeformastandigheden onvoorspelbaar, met systemische necrose. De wel als onderstam gebruikteCucurbita ficifolia is onvatbaar.Gezuiverd virus sedimenteerde in suiker- en CsCl-gradiënten en bij analytische ultracentrifugering in één piek. Des 20 was 134S en de zweefdichtheid in CsCl 1.33 g.cm–3. In ruw sap en gezuiverde suspensies deden de virusdeeltjes zich voor als bolletjes met een diameter van ongeveer 30 nm. Ze bevatten slechts éé soort eiwit met een relatieve moleculaire massa van 46 000 en één RNA-soort. Een antiserum met titer 1024 werd bereid. Het reageerde niet met komkommernecrosevirus en tabaksnecrosevirus. Wel reageerde het virus met een uit Japan ontvangen antiserum tegen het daar sinds 1966 bekende melon necrotic spot virus, terwijl het Japanse virus reageerde met het Nederlandse antiserum. Serologisch, zowel als in biologische en fysisch-chemische eigenschappen lijken de Nederlandse en Japanse isolaten identiek. Voor het virus wordt daarom de Nederlandse namm meloenenecrosevirus voorgesteld. Het verschilt van drie andere, onlangs min of meer gelijktijdig in Oost-Duitsland, op Kreta en in Libanese grond aangetroffen, via de bodem overgaande komkommervirussen, die evenals tabaks- en komkommernecrosevirus ook andere plantesoorten dan cucurbitaceeën kunnen infecteren.Waarschijnlijk is meloenencerosevirys al sinds 1967 bekend in Frankrijk als verwekker van criblure du melon. Het is ook nauw verwant aan de verwekker van een in een veredelingsprogramma van meloen in Californië opgedoken necrosevirus, waarvan echter wordt beweerd dat het overgaat met zaad van meloen en wordt overgebracht door bladkevertjes,Diabrotica-soorten. Het meloenenecrosevirus is in ons land voor het eerst geconstateerd als ziekteverwekker van kaskommer. Ook in England is het daarin onlangs aangetroffen. De ziekte kan op verschillende manieren bestreden, respectievelijk voorkomen worden. De grond dient gestoomd te worden of begast met methylbromide. Steenwolmatten kunnen bij hergebruik gestoomd worden, terwijl aan de voedingsoplossing uitloeier (Agral) toegediend kan worden. Zowel bij grond- als steenwolteelten is de ziekte te voorkomen door komkommerplante te enten op de onvatbare onderstamCucurbita ficifolia.  相似文献   

本实验用RT—PCR的方法获得李属坏死环斑病毒的印基因,并将其连接到表达载体pET-22b(+)上,得到重组质粒pET—PNRSVCP,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)后,用IPTG进行诱导表达。SDSPAGE和Westernblot分析结果表明,印基因在大肠杆菌中获得了高效表达,获得的融合蛋白分子量约为29.0kDa。将该融合蛋白免疫兔子,获得PNRSV特异性抗血清。酶联法(ELISA)测定的效价为1/1024。为用血清学方法检测该病毒提供了基础条件。  相似文献   

彩色马蹄莲Zantedeschia sp.是世界著名切花,近年来,在国际花卉市场上占有越来越重要的地位[1-2].但是,彩色马蹄莲病毒病发生普遍,花和叶片均可受害,严重影响其观赏价值.已报道的危害彩色马蹄莲(calla lily)的病毒主要有四种,其中发生最普遍、危害最严重的是海芋嵌纹病毒Zantedschia mosaic virus(ZaMV),目前,我国尚未见有关侵染彩色马蹄莲病毒的报道.为此,作者对甘肃省彩色马蹄莲病毒病的发生危害进行了调查,并对其病原进行了鉴定.  相似文献   

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