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Corn distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) can be made into highly flexible thermoplastic films without the need for plasticizers. DDGS is an abundantly available coproduct of ethanol production that is inexpensive ($80-130/ton) compared to most of the polymers used for thermoplastic applications. In this research, oil-and-zein-free DDGS was cyanoethylated using acrylonitrile, and cyanoethylation conditions were optimized to obtain high percent weight gain of up to 42%. Cyanoethylated DDGS was characterized using (1)H NMR, FTIR, DSC, and TGA. Cyanoethylated DDGS was compression molded into thermoplastic films, and the tensile properties of the films were studied. It was found that DDGS films with elongation as high as 38% and strength of 14 MPa could be obtained without the use of any plasticizers. Alternatively, films with strength as high as 651 MPa but with relatively low elongation (2.5%) were obtained by varying the extent of cyanoethylation. This research showed that cyanoethylation could be a viable approach to develop biothermoplastics from biopolymers for applications such as packing films, extrudates, and resins for composites.  相似文献   

白酒酿造行业产生的酒糟含有大量纤维素,不仅原料利用率低,而且丢弃的酒糟会对环境产生污染。为了获得酒糟纤维素降解能力强的微生物并进行应用,从酱香型酒醅、清香型酒醅、浓香型大曲、竹林里的土壤腐殖质中分离筛选酒糟纤维素降解菌,并对菌种分类、理化特征和降解酒糟的特性进行研究。pH值、温度和酒精胁迫性试验进一步确定了最佳酒糟纤维素降解菌为B2菌株,该菌株在pH值3.0、温度44 ℃、酒精含量为体积分数4%环境中生长良好。基于形态学、生理生化和分子生物学分析,鉴定B2菌株为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)。在单因素试验结果的基础上,采用Box-Benhnken响应面法进行优化,确定了B2菌株降解酒糟的最佳工艺条件为酒糟添加量71 g/L、温度37 ℃、pH值6.4、接种量8%,此时酒糟降解率为15.23%。该研究丰富了酒糟纤维素降解菌的微生物资源库,同时为酒糟的资源化利用提供技术参考。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to measure the reactive Lys concentration in corn distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). In expt 1, reactive Lys was measured in 33 sources of DDGS using two procedures: the homoarginine procedure and the furosine procedure. The concentration of reactive Lys in DDGS was then correlated with the concentration of standardized ileal digestible (SID) Lys in DDGS fed to growing pigs. In expt 2, a factorial experiment was conducted using four ratios of condensed distillers solubles (CDS) and wet distillers grain (WDG). The ratios (wt/wt) of CDS to WDG were 0:100, 20:80, 40:60, and 100:0, and four subsamples from each combination were freeze-dried or oven-dried at 50, 75, or 100 degrees C. The dried samples were designated DDG, DDGS 20, DDGS 40, and CDS, respectively. All subsamples were analyzed for total Lys and for reactive Lys using the homoarginine procedure. Results of expt 1 showed that only 74.1% of total Lys was reactive if measured by the homoarginine procedure and 83.5% was reactive if measured by the furosine procedure. The concentration of SID Lys in DDGS was correlated with the concentration of reactive Lys measured by the homoarginine procedure ( r (2) = 0.70, P < 0.05) and by the furosine procedure ( r (2) = 0.66, P < 0.05). In expt 2, the concentrations of total Lys and reactive Lys were reduced ( P < 0.05) when addition of CDS or drying temperature of the samples was increased, but the reduction was greater ( P < 0.05) when both CDS addition and drying temperature were increased at the same time. After oven-drying at 100 degrees C, 75.7% of total Lys was reactive in DDG, but only 27.6 and 10.2% were reactive in DDGS 20 and DDGS 40, respectively. In conclusion, reactive Lys is correlated with the concentration of SID Lys in DDGS, and addition of CDS exacerbates the negative effects of heating on the concentration of total Lys and reactive Lys in DDGS.  相似文献   

As the ethanol industry continues to grow, it will become very important to develop value-added markets for its coproducts in order for the industry to remain profitable. Corn distiller's dried grain (DDG) is a major coproduct of ethanol fermentation from corn processed by dry-milling and is primarily sold as livestock feed. The objective of this research was to determine if valuable phytochemicals found in corn oil and corn fiber oil, such as phytosterols and their saturated equivalents, phytostanols, ferulate phytosterol esters (FPE), tocopherols, and tocotrienols, are retained in DDG. Hexane and supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) extracts of DDG were similar in their concentrations of total phytosterols (15.8-17.3 mg/g of extract), FPE (3.75-3.99 mg/g of extract), and tocols (1.7-1.8 mg/g of extract). Ethanol extracts were slightly lower in concentration of phytosterols (8.9-11.4 mg/g of extract), FPE (1.62-1.98 mg/g of extract), and tocols (0.73-0.76 mg/g of extract).  相似文献   

A total of 291 hard red winter wheat samples, 286 hard red spring wheat samples, and 271 soft red winter wheat samples were analyzed for the presecne of ochratoxin and aflatoxin. Samples in all grades came from those collected during crop years 1970-1973 for grade determinations by the Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Sensitivity limits of the analytical method as carried out were 1-3 ppb aflatoxin B1 and 15-30 ppb ochratoxin A. No aflatoxin was detected in any sample. Three samples of hard red winter wheat (Grades U.S. No. 4 and 5 and Sample Grade) contained ochratoxin A (trace, 35, and 25 ppb, respectively). Eight of the hard red spring wheats contained ochratoxin A (15-115 PPB); these were in Grades U.S. No. 4 and 5 and Sample Grade.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of replacing the barley grain portion of the diet by wheat-based dried distillers' grains with solubles (wDDGS) at graded levels on feeding value for beef cattle. Two cultivars of barley were mixed with two sources of wDDGS in ratios of 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, and 25:75% (weight DM basis; denoted B0, B25, B50, and B75, respectively). This study revealed that increasing wDDGS inclusion level increased most of the nutritional composition linearly except for starch, which linearly decreased (from 609 to 320 g/kg of DM). Soluble, slowly degradable, and undegradable Cornel Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) protein and carbohydrate fractions linearly increased with increasing wDDGS inclusion level, whereas their rapidly and intermediately degradable fractions decreased. With increasing wDDGS inclusion, the rumen degradation rate of all measured parameters decreased linearly, the extent of degradability of organic matter was not affected, and the extent of CP degradability (g/kg DM) as well as the predicted protein supply in the small intestine and degraded protein balance in the rumen was increased. The inclusion of wDDGS in barley-based diets up to 50% did not alter energy values of the diet. Furthermore, optimum N to energy balance of the feed mixture for microbial growth in the rumen was reached by replacing 25% of barley by wDDGS. Thus, the nutritive value of the barley-based diets is manipulated by including wDDGS, which can be used to overcome the shortcomings of barley-dominated diets for beef cattle.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) quality is dependent upon both genetic and environmental factors, which work in concert to produce specific grain, milling, flour, and baking characteristics. This study surveyed all of the 132 soft wheat varieties (cultivars and advanced breeding lines) grown in the U.S. regional nursery system, which encompassed the three main soft wheat producing regions of the United States (eastern and southern soft red winter and western soft white). The quality parameters included test weight, kernel hardness, weight, and diameter, wheat and flour protein, polyphenol oxidase, break flour yield, flour yield, flour ash, milling score, flour swelling volume, flour SDS sedimentation volume, solvent retention capacity (SRC) for water, sodium carbonate, sucrose, and lactic acid, Rapid Visco Analyzer peak pasting viscosity, and cookie diameter. High levels of variation were observed among varieties, regions, and specific environments, with environment being in general a much greater source of variation than varieties. Variety was observed to have a relatively stronger influence on wheat quality in the western nurseries, compared with the eastern and southern regions, where location effects had a stronger impact on overall wheat quality. The greater influence of variety was particularly notable for kernel hardness in the western nurseries. Kernel hardness also varied considerably as a result of environment. For the two soft red winter wheat nurseries, the western U.S. environment produced substantially harder kernels (37–40) compared with the same varieties grown in eastern U.S. locations (15–20). Intertrait quality relationships were observed to be unique to the specific nursery and germplasm in which they were studied, and these relationships were not consistent across nurseries. Nevertheless, on average, soft wheat quality was fairly similar across the United States, indicating that breeding and testing models have been successful in achieving a relatively uniform target for quality. However, many traits showed high levels of variability among varieties, suggesting that a greater level of selection for end‐use quality would benefit end users by increasing consistency and reducing variability. The often large role of environment (location) in quality indicates that end users must be assiduous in their origination and grain procurement. Clearly, “nursery mean” quality does not reflect the potential that can be obtained, as reflected by a few exceptional soft wheat varieties.  相似文献   

The suitability of the homoarginine reaction for determining the reactive lysine in soy products and corn distillers dried grain with solubles (DDGS) was tested. For this purpose, some batches were subjected to deliberate heat damage for up to 30 min in an autoclave with 135 degrees C hot steam, and the samples were analyzed for total lysine and reactive lysine. In addition, 84 samples of common soy and 80 samples of corn DDGS were tested for their content of total and reactive lysine, and the contents were compared with those of the autoclave tests. For soy products conclusive results were obtained. In the case of heat treatment, both total lysine and reactive lysine decrease, but the latter is clearly a more sensitive indicator of lysine damage. Most normal products are quite similar, with toasting-induced damage to reactive lysine of ca. 15% compared to untoasted beans. The cause of the constantly occurring residual lysine after guanidination and the poorer reaction balance in the case of damage were explained. For common DDGS samples, however, less favorable results were obtained. Reactive and total lysine decreased almost in parallel due to heat damage, showing a great gap between them. Results showed indeed that variation of total and reactive lysine in DDGS is high, proving that its production conditions are not yet optimal for a feed ingredient.  相似文献   

A simple, systematic analytical method for multiple mycotoxins was developed for detecting 14 mycotoxins; aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, and G2, sterigmatocystin, T-2 toxin, diacetoxyscirpenol, neosolaniol, fusarenon X, zearalenone, ochratoxin A, citrinin, luteoskyrin, and rugulosin. These mycotoxins were extracted with 20% H2SO4-4% KCl-acetonitrile (2 + 20 + 178), defatted with isooctane, and transferred to chloroform. The chloroform extract was cleaned up by silica gel column chromatography; the first 10 toxins were eluted with chloroform-methanol (97 + 3) and the remaining 4 toxins with benzene-acetone-acetic acid (75 + 20 + 5). Each fraction was analyzed by thin layer chromatography for the final determination. The method has been applied to polished rice, rough rice, corn, wheat, and peanuts as an analytical screening procedure. The detection limits in these commodities ranged from 10.00 to 800.0 microgram/kg, depending on the mycotoxin, but all limits were superior to those obtained for the individual mycotoxins by using other methods.  相似文献   

A method is described using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for the simultaneous detection of the Fusarium mycotoxins fusaproliferin and seven trichothecenes from grains. Sample purification of the raw extract was carried out with commercial solid phase extraction columns, and the recovery of the more polar analytes was increased by rinsing the column with acetonitrile. A significant matrix effect was found for the analysis of fusaproliferin and trichothecenes; thus, the calibrants should be prepared in a blank matrix. The response was linear in the range used. The mean recovery for fusaproliferin was 60.4 or 62.9%, depending on the spiking level. With respect to the trichothecenes, the recovery was generally higher (70.2-125.3%). The method proved to be repeatable for the analysis of fusaproliferin and trichothecenes. The limit of detection for fusaproliferin in the blank matrix mixture was 50 microg/kg, and that for trichothecenes was 5-15 microg/kg. Thirty-eight Finnish grain samples were analyzed for fusaproliferin and trichothecenes with the method developed. Fusaproliferin was not detected in any of the samples. The mean levels of deoxynivalenol, 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol, nivalenol, HT-2 toxin, and T-2 toxin in Finnish grain samples were 272, 17, 150, 40, and <20 microg/kg, respectively.  相似文献   

Global atmospheric concentrations of mercury (Hg) appear to be increasing and with it the potential for ecosystem exposure and ecological effects. From 1990 to 1993 we examined U. S. arctic ecosystems over a broad spatial scale to develop baseline information on current concentrations of trace elements, heavy metals (including Hg), persistent organic compounds, and radionuclides in various components of the terrestrial and freshwater biosphere. Matrices reported here include, vegetation (lichens and mosses) and lake sediments. Total Hg in two lichen and two moss species from Alaska were generally low (0.02–0.112 μg/g dw), compared to reported values from other arctic locations and showed a statistically significant negative relationship between total Hg content and distance from the marine coastline.210Pb dated sediment cores indicated that average preindustrial total Hg accumulation rates were over four times greater in arctic Schrader lake than in subarctic Wonder Lake. Both lakes indicated a small increase (5–8%) in total Hg flux to the sediments during the last 145 years, much smaller than similar increases in total mercury for lakes in the north central U. S. The likely source of recent increases in Hg in these Alaskan ecosystems is long range atmospheric transport. While we can detect increases in mercury in lake sediments likely due to anthropogenic activities, values are low and there appears to be no immediate threat to terrestrial environments and inland freshwaters of arctic Alaska from long range atmospheric transport and deposition of Hg.  相似文献   

本文为考察报告,叙述了美国水稻和畜牧业生产情况,美国对全球稻田和反刍动物排放甲烷量的估计,以及美国对此农业源甲烷排放的研究情况。  相似文献   

An account is given of a study of the size and diversity of populations of Clostridium pasteurianum and C. acetobutylicum in representative soils sampled at various latitudes and altitudes within the U.S.S.R. Evidence is presented to show that the two species are well adapted to soil and climatic factors in terms of the relative dominance of the two species and in terms of differences in their growth-temperature characteristics, carbohydrate utilization and fermentation products, nitrogen fixation and the comparative chemistry of their cells. In all of these characteristics, C. pasteurianum was more variable than C. acetobutylicum.  相似文献   

Literature estimates for worldwide anthropogenic mercury (Hg) emissions range from 900 to 6200 t/yr. EPA recently estimated that U.S. electric utilities emit about 93 t/yr. EPRI, DOE, and others have recently conducted field measurements to better quantify electric utility emissions of Hg and other trace substances. Hg emissions inventories based on these recent measurements indicate that total electric utility Hg emissions are about 40 t/yr — about half of these previous estimates. Furthermore, the results have indicated that Hg emissions are quite variable and are not consistently captured by conventional air pollution control technologies — electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, and flue gas desulfurization systems.  相似文献   

Carotenoid-enriched distillers dried grain with solubles (DDGS) developed as a value-added animal feed to provide carotenoids from mono and mixed culture (Mx) fermentation of red yeasts Phaffia rhodozyma (PR) and Sporobolomyces roseus (SR) were evaluated for their nutritional composition and compared to the control (C) DDGS. Apart from providing carotenoids, all three fermentation treatments reduced fiber with best reduction of 77% in PR, enhanced crude fat with highest of 81% in Mx, and reduced protein, amino acids and nitrogen by 50% in PR. DDGS fiber reduction by 77% was achieved by P. rhodozyma in the absence of any pretreatment. Qualitative and quantitative differences in fatty acid profiles were seen among the treatments. Vaccenic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid produced in SR and Mx fermentation, was absent in C and PR. All these nutritional modifications are highly desirable in different DDGS-based animal feeds and can be explored to obtain tailor-made feeds/feed blends for specific animal diets.  相似文献   

The effects of an alkali production facility on P loading to the epilimnion of Onondaga Lake are documented for the spring to fall interval of 1980 and 1981. The effects include additional load to the epilimnion from the hypolimnion and the outlet, and reduced loads from dense, ion-enriched inflows. Despite the compensating effects, the load received by the epilimnion from spring through fall is greater than previously estimated as a result of the manufacturing operations.  相似文献   

Water resources are essential for economic and cultural development of a territory. Both economic development and the health of the people depend on the provision of pure water. Scientifically founded plans of water resources use and conservation should be based on a balance approach to the assessment of available water supply sources and, on the forecast of their interconnected change in the future in a close association with the forecast of the whole economy and culture of the studied region. In the future the main threat to the normal development of the economy and life will not be water deficiency but the conversion of rivers, lakes and other water supply sources into sewers. Therefore it is proposed that there be a complete cessation of sewage discharge (even of the so-called purified) into water supply sources while drawing up long-term water management balances.  相似文献   

Molecular tritium deposition occurred in all soils tested. Deposition velocities for tritium ranged from 0.0025 to 0.11cm s?1 with a geometric mean of 0.028 cm s?1. Coring surveys from six different sites showed that deposition rates were highest in the upper 20 cm of soil, with little activity evident below this depth. Plant cover did not appear to have a strong direct influence on the profile of tritium deposition activity.  相似文献   

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