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采用室外盆栽试验方法,开展烟草不同生育期铅吸收转运及分配特征的研究。结果表明:土壤铅处理对烟草生长有较明显的抑制作用,且生育前期比生育后期更明显;烟草根系对铅的阻滞作用较强,以限制铅由根系向地上部运输。烟草各生育期根、茎和叶中铅含量均随土壤铅浓度的增加而升高,其中根部的上升幅度最大,随着生育期的推进,烟草各器官铅含量从团棵期至现蕾期呈现先降低后升高的趋势,根部铅含量从现蕾期至成熟期呈现下降趋势。土壤添加外源铅后,烟草生育期内茎和叶的铅转运系数分别介于0.35—1.00和0.25~0.91之间,茎和叶的转运系数随着铅浓度的增加和生育期的推进呈下降趋势。烟草各器官中铅含量介于13.8~180.74mg·kg^-1之间,各器官铅含量的分布规律为根〉茎〉叶,各器官铅积累量总体为叶〉根〉茎,但成熟期在T2和T3处理下表现为根〉叶〉茎。在土壤铅浓度较低时,烟草体内铅较易向地上部分转运,旺长期至现蕾期阶段是烟草体内铅向地上部分转运的关键时期。  相似文献   

生物质炭对单一与复合污染土壤中铜、铅、铬的钝化作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
外源投加重金属硝酸盐制得铜、铅、铬单一和复合三级污染土壤(800 mg kg~(-1)、1000 mg kg~(-1)、800 mg kg~(-1)),以热解制备的生物炭为钝化剂,根据重金属钝化率对钝化剂投加量进行优化,并通过改进的BCR(European Communities Bureau of Referent)分级提取方法研究最佳钝化剂投加量下土壤中重金属形态变化。结果表明:施入生物质炭后,单一与复合污染土壤重金属有效浓度均显著降低,确定2%和10%为单一和复合最佳投加量。最佳投加量下,单一与复合过程Cu、Pb、Cr钝化率分别为26.2%、10.9%、36.5%与12.7%、6.0%、37.6%。生物质炭的施入能促进金属离子从可交换态向残渣态和可还原态转变,比较单一与复合污染,Cu、Pb、Cr可交换态减少量分别从18.4%、20.5%、37.5%变为10.5%、18.2%、46.5%,残渣态增加量分别从138.1%、64.2%、41.6%变为37.4%、58.5%、48.2%。生物炭对土壤中Cr的钝化效果最佳,在复合污染土壤中更为明显。  相似文献   


The element concentrations of alfalfa plants exposed for 10 d to 40 mg lead (Pb) L? 1 from lead nitrate [Pb(NO3)2] alone, or combined with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), was determined by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Indole-3-acetic acid at 10 μ M and Pb/EDTA/IAA at 10 μ M increased potassium (K) concentration in roots by 87% and 94%, respectively (P < 0.05). However, IAA at 100 μ M decreased K concentration in leaves (P < 0.05). Plants exposed to 100 μ M IAA, Pb/IAA at 100 μ M, and Pb/EDTA/IAA at 100 μ M had, respectively, 30%, 55%, and 40% more sulfur (S) in leaves than control plants (P < 0.05). Lead and Pb/IAA reduced Ca concentration in stems and leaves (P < 0.05). Conversely, Pb and Pb/EDTA increased Cu concentration in roots and stems. IAA at 100 μ M, Pb, and Pb/EDTA/IAA decreased Zn concentration in roots (P < 0.05). Manganese (Mn) and molybdenum (Mo) concentration in roots and stems was lower in plants treated with Pb and Pb/IAA (P < 0.05). Pb and Pb/IAA reduced (P < 0.05) the iron (Fe) concentration in roots. However, the addition of EDTA and IAA at 10 μ M reduced the negative effects of Pb on Fe absorption.  相似文献   

A study of nutrient removal was carried out in commercial protea plantations of each of the cultivars ‘Scarlett Ribbon,’ ‘High Gold,’ ‘Veldfire,’ and ‘Sunrise’ of Leucospermum cordifolium, and of the species L. patersonii,located in a subtropical region (La Palma, Canarian Archipelago).

Flowering stems of optimal commercial quality were taken from each of the mentioned cultivars and species, once a year (2003 and 2004) at harvest time (January to April), and the different organs were analyzed separately. Flowering stems of the cultivars ‘High Gold’ and ‘Veldfire’ presented the highest contents of most studied nutrients, whereas the opposite was observed in ‘Scarlett Ribbon’ and L. patersonii. Mean yields of flowering stems varied very much among cultivars, and the highest ones were those of ‘High Gold’ and ‘Scarlett Ribbon’. The cultivar ‘High Gold’ removed the highest quantities of studied nutrients, and the contrary was observed in L. patersonii for most of them.

Suitable rates of nitrogen (N): phosphorus (P): potassium (K) fertilizers for nutrient restitution purposes were 1:0.08:0.40 for ‘Scarlett Ribbon,’ 1:0.08:0.66 for ‘High Gold,’ 1:0.08:0.38 for ‘Veldfire,’ 1:0.09:0.75 for L. patersonii;and 1:0.18:1.11 for ‘Sunrise’.  相似文献   

固体燃料(煤)高效燃烧炉的研究与设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文综合分析了国内外供热装置,研制了一种具有两级燃烧室和高温除尘装置的新型固体燃料(煤)高效燃烧炉。实验证明该燃烧炉的设计结构和参数匹配是合理的。结合实验提出了控制燃烧炉处于最佳运行状态的方法。  相似文献   

广西西江流域土壤中铬空间分布与背景值再研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为全面了解广西西江流域土壤中铬的含量分布状况,深入探究自然土壤铬背景值状况。通过采集旱地土壤、水田土壤、矿区土壤和自然土壤共计2 022个。结合Arc GIS分析土壤中铬空间分布状况,采用数理统计方法重新计算土壤铬背景值,利用单因子污染指数法评价农用土壤污染程度。结果表明:(1)不同类型土壤中Cr含量几何均值为:矿区土壤(104.2 mg kg~(-1))、水田土壤(91.06 mg kg~(-1))、自然土壤(82.66 mg kg~(-1))、旱地土壤(74.52 mg kg~(-1))。(2)重新提出广西西江流域土壤中Cr背景值为82.66 mg kg~(-1)。(3)根据《土壤环境质量标准》(GB15618-1995)给出的参考值,旱地、水田、矿区土壤处于轻、中、重污染程度的比例分别为8.26%、1.50%、0.56%;3.68%、0、0;20.26%、4.58%、0。本研究得到西江流域矿区土壤Cr含量明显高于其他类型土壤;Cr含量高的区域主要分布在南丹县、都安县、大化县、忻城县、金秀县、平南县和藤县;重新提出的Cr背景值可为制定更加科学合理的标准准则提供一定参考;农用土壤大部分处于清洁状态,但是应避免在矿业活动密集区周边进行农业生产。  相似文献   

开展对广东省揭阳市土壤Cr的调查研究,系统采集了表层(0~20 cm)土壤样1 330个和深层(> 150 cm)土壤样331个,测定表层和深层土壤Cr含量,并据此研究该地区Cr的空间结构及分布特征。利用富集因子法分析了Cr的污染状况,结合Geoda、GS+等软件分析了Cr的结构特征、Moran指数与空间集聚效应,采用GIS空间分析技术和方差分析对Cr的空间含量分布以及影响因素进行了研究。结果表明,揭阳市土壤Cr不存在明显的污染状况,表层土壤平均Cr含量为22.39mg/kg,低于揭阳市土壤背景值27.88 mg/kg,远低于广东省土壤背景值50.50 mg/kg。富集因子表明研究区土壤Cr富集程度多为无富集和轻微富集,分别占到75.11%和23.46%;Moran指数值为0.52,表明研究区有正相关集聚,"热点"主要分布在榕城区及揭东区的东南部、揭西县的中南部、惠来县的北部以及西南部,"冰点"主要分布在揭西县的西南部以及惠来县南边沿海地区,这与Cr含量的空间分布特征基本一致。土壤Cr主要受到成土母质的影响,成土母质为粉砂岩和页岩中的Cr含量较高,沙性母质中的Cr含量较低;不同土...  相似文献   


The objectives of this study were 1) to recommend reference values (RVs) and tolerance limits (TLs) for representative Brazilian soils and 2) to propose a model to calculate natural contents of cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) in a soil from the silt, clay, manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), and cation exchange capacity (CEC) values. A set of 256 soil samples was classified by similarity in seven groups, and the concentrations corresponding to the upper quarter of data collected were then calculated. These concentrations are proposed as RVs for Brazilian soils. Additionally, TLs were obtained for each group from the antilog expression (m+2s), where m=mean value and s=standard deviation of data transformed in log10. The classification functions of discriminant analysis proved to be suitable to allocate new samples in the established groups. Thus, it is possible to evaluate soils under anthropic activity and, by comparison with reference values, to be aware of pollution risks in a given area.  相似文献   


Banana cultivation is considered one of the most important agricultural activities of economic and social importance in Brazil. The objective of this work was to investigate the uptake, retranslocation and the effect of fertilization on the yield and uniformity of banana bunches (Musa spp.) cultivated in Central Amazonian, region with approximately 1.5 million km2 or 150 million hectares. Two experiments were conducted in a Xanthic Ferralsol (dystrophic Yellow Latosol), the predominant soil of the region, examining: i) the nutrient uptake and translocation rate in twelve plants; and ii) the efficiency of zinc use, in a completely randomized blocks in a 4×2 factorial scheme in split plot design with four zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) rates (0, 30, 60, and 120 g plant?1 cycle?1) and two application times (in the hole together with the seedling or as surface broadcast in the fifth month after planting), with four replicates. Uptake of macronutrients was in the order of potassium (K) > nitrogen (N) > calcium (Ca) > magnesium (Mg) > phosphorus (P) and micronutrients in the order of manganese (Mn) > iron (Fe) > boron (B) > zinc (Zn) > copper (Cu). The N, P, K, Mg, and Cu have a high retranslocation rate compared to other nutrients investigated. The bunch yield increased significantly in a quadratic fashion with increasing Zn rate and hole application method of zinc was more efficient compared to broadcast application. At high concentration, Zn presents a low mobility in the phloem from the leaves to the fruits. The critical leaf concentration of zinc at the start of inflorescence was 12.9 mg kg?1.  相似文献   

Comparative research has been carried out to determine the quantities and accumulation of lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and cadmium (Cd) in the vegetative and reproductive organs of crops of the Solanaceae family (tomato, pepper, and aubergine) as well as to identify the possibilities of growing them on soils contaminated by heavy metals. The analyses were carried out by inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectrometry after dry ashing. Heavy metals have an impact on the development and productivity of the crops of the Solanaceae family. The high anthropogenic contamination impedes the normal development and fruit‐bearing ability of the pepper and aubergine plants, and in the case of tomatoes, it led to an increased assimilation of heavy metals without reducing the yield and the quality of the production of tomatoes. Crops from the Solanaceae family, tomato, pepper, and aubergine plants, could be cultivated on soils having low and medium levels of contamination of heavy metals, because they do not show a tendency to accumulating Pb, Zn, and Cd in their fruits, which could still be used for consumption.  相似文献   

Increasing contents of lead (Pb; from 0 to 10 mg L?1) as contaminant were added in Clark's nutritive solution to evaluate the effects on content, accumulation, and translocation of macronutrients [phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S)] and micronutrients [copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and iron (Fe)] in different parts of the bean plant (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Experiments were built using an entirely randomized statistical arrangement and measurements were performed after 60 days of exposure to Pb. The contents of almost all nutrients decreased when Pb was added, except for P in root, Mg in fruits, and S in root and fruits. Reduction in accumulation of all nutrients in the three parts of plants was determined, and an increase in the translocation index was observed for the following nutrients: Mg and Zn in fruits and S in fruits and leaves. For the remaining nutrients, the translocation index diminished.  相似文献   

Phytoextraction is a remediation technology that uses plants to remove heavy metals from soil. The success of a phytoextraction process depends on adequate plant yield (aerial parts) and high metal concentrations in plant shoots. A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the combination effects of plants [sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and canola (Brassica napus)] with soil treatments (manure, sulfuric acid and DTPA). Treatments, including two plants and seven soil treatments, which applied according to completely randomized factorial design with three replications. The largest shoot dry weight biomass production occurred in manure treatments for both plants. The maximum shoot concentrations of Pb and Zn were 234.6 and 1364.4 mg kg?1 respectively in three mmoles DTPA kg?1 treatment of sunflower. Furthermore the results showed that sunflower had a higher extracting potential for removal of Pb and Zn from polluted soil.  相似文献   

The control of contaminants in fertilizers and industrial by-products is fundamental to safe food production, and it requires low-cost, reliable test methods. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of the USEPA 3051a and alternative analytical methods [concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl), 10 percent HCl, 10 percent sulfuric acid (H2SO4), and 50 mmol L?1 diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)] for quantifying the levels of lead, cadmium, chromium, and nickel in zinc and/or copper sources. The sample digestions with concentrated HCl, H2SO4, and nitric acid (HNO3) (USEPA 3051a) were heated. Extraction without heating and stirring was employed in 10 percent HCl and 50 mmol L?1 DTPA methods. The Graybill’s modified F-test, t-test for mean error, and the linear correlation coefficient analysis were used to compare test method performance. Equivalent results to USEPA 3051a were found with the following methods: DTPA for the extraction of lead in zinc sources and concentrated HCl and H2SO4 for the extraction of cadmium and chromium in copper sources. However, the absolute values of cadmium, chromium, and nickel recovered by the use of H2SO4 were greater regardless of the source. The greater extraction of contaminants in the evaluated methods suggests that there is need to review the official method if the aim is to quantify the total levels of these elements in raw materials and mineral fertilizers.  相似文献   

A pot culture experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of increasing levels (30.0 and 60.0 mg kg?1 soil) of chromium and lead on the yield, chemical composition of essential oil, and phytoaccumulation of heavy metals of three mint species (Mentha arvensis, M. piperita, and M. citrata). The fresh herbage yield of M. arvensis was not significantly affected by the application of chromium and lead, but its essential oil yield was significantly decreased by the application of chromium and lead as compared to the control. The fresh herbage, root yield, and essential oil yield of M. piperita were significantly increased and those of M. citrata were decreased by the increase in the levels of chromium and lead applications. The levels of α-pinene, β-pinene, sabinene, β-myrcene, limonene, menthone, and isomenthone in M. arvensis and M. piperita oil and of sabinene, pinene, and linalyl acetate in M. citrata oil were considerably affected by the application of chromium and lead to soils as compared to control plants. The concentrations of chromium in shoots and roots of mint species significantly increased as the levels of chromium in soil increased. The increases in the levels of lead in soil enhanced the concentrations of lead in the shoots and roots of mint species as compared to the control. The accumulations of chromium and lead were greater in the roots than in the shoots in all the three species of mint. Mentha piperita was found to be the most suitable crop for cultivation in the chromium- and lead-contaminated soils, followed by M. arvensis and M. citrata.  相似文献   

高原耕地土壤养分空间分布与影响因子相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合运用GIS地统计分析和空间分析技术,以保山市隆阳区为代表区域研究高原坝区耕地土壤主要养分的空间变异规律,及其与土类、地形因子间的关系。结果表明:研究区内土壤pH、有机质、碱解氮、速效钾表现出中等程度的空间相关性。有效磷变异系数最大,空间自相关性较强。各指标在不同土类间差异均达极显著水平:潴育型水稻土中pH值、有机质、碱解氮含量较高;黄壤中有效磷含量最低,速效钾最高;红壤中有机质含量最低。土壤养分受地形因子影响明显,pH、有机质、碱解氮和速效钾与海拔均呈显著的正相关;有效磷与海拔呈负相关;坡度与pH、有机质、碱解氮、有效磷均呈负相关,与速效钾正相关。坡向与各指标相关性均不显著。本研究可为科学耕地施肥,合理土地改良及利用提供依据,对高原稀缺耕地的可持续和高效利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

采用ICP-AES法测定了九龙山自然保护区(JL1,JL2,JL3)3个代表性样地长序榆根、茎、皮、叶内的金属元素含量,并与土壤中对应的金属元素含量及肥力因素进行了相关性研究。结果表明:(1)大部分金属元素虽然在群落间存在一定的差异,但差异没有达到显著水平;Mn元素在群落之间却存在显著差异。(2)长序榆不同器官元素含量存在一定差异,各元素在不同器官中的变化趋势和变异程度呈现不一致现象。(3)长序榆植物体内11中元素中,两两之间存在极显著的正相关有Mg,Mn和Mo 3种元素;Fe和Cr之间、Sb和Mn,Cr之间、Ca和Th均存在极显著的正相关;其他元素之间存在一定的相关性。Ca和Th均有很大的富集系数,且两者之间存在极显著的正相关,说明长序榆对Ca和Th的吸收具有特殊性。(4)Mg和Mn这两种元素相对于植物体内的其他元素和土壤各元素间相关性显著;长序榆植物体元素含量与土壤中的肥力因素的相互关系并无明显一致的规律,说明不同群落内长序榆元素含量的差异并不是主要由土壤中肥力因素决定的,而是其它生境因子综合影响的结果。  相似文献   

铅是环境中一种分布广泛且毒性较大的重金属,对儿童智能发育及其行为表现都有严重影响。通过收集全国35个城市11365个土壤样品重金属铅和50038调查儿童血铅含量数据,利用SPSS、Arc Gis和污染评价模型对数据进行了处理与分析。研究结果表明我国城市土壤Pb平均含量为50.82 mg kg-1,城市儿童血铅的平均含量为66.39μg L-1;城市土壤铅与儿童血铅污染空间分异较大,局部地区污染严重,呈现东部相对较高、中部地区较小;南方城市较大,北方城市较小;特大城市与老工业基地城市较大,中小城市较小的空间分布格局。城市土壤铅与儿童血铅空间分布特征与格局具有一定的相似性,通过城市土壤铅与儿童血铅相关性研究表明城市土壤铅仍然是我国城市儿童血铅污染一个不可忽视的重要暴露源与暴露途径。  相似文献   

Pot and field experiments were conducted to (1) evaluate bioavailability of copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) in contaminated soil and phytoremediation potential by in situ plants, B. pilosa var. radiate and Passiflora foetida var. hispida, as inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, and (2) compare the results of pot and field experiments. The B. pilosa var. radiate plant inoculated with AM fungi had significantly greater Cu concentrations in the shoots and roots than noninoculated plants. Passiflora foetida var. hispida plant inoculated with AM fungi also had significantly greater Cu and Pb concentrations in the roots than noninoculated plants. As the root dry weight of Passiflora foetida var. hispida inoculated with AM fungi dramatically increased, the root Cu, Pb, and Zn content of Passiflora foetida var. hispida inoculated with AM fungi increased by 9–14 times, as compared with the noninoculated plants. The AM fungi have potential to either promote plant growth or increase heavy‐metal accumulation. The values of element translocation proportion from root to shoot were Zn > Cu > Pb for both plant species in pot and field experiments. For both plant species, the results of the pot and field experiments were significantly different. The concentration values of the pot experiment were greater in comparison to the field experiment, and some values were significantly greater than those in the field experiment.  相似文献   

燃煤电厂周边土壤中汞的分布和累积研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
司徒高华  王飞儿  何云峰  俞洁  王昊  蔡武 《土壤》2016,48(3):419-428
汞(Hg)是唯一以气态形式存在于大气环境中的有毒重金属污染物。燃煤电厂作为最重要的人为Hg排放源之一,其释放的Hg可随大气环流运输和转化,并通过干湿沉降进入到陆地和海洋生态系统,造成局域、区域和全球范围内的Hg污染。研究燃煤电厂排放的Hg在大气中的沉降规律及其在土壤中的累积特点,对于深入了解燃煤电厂Hg排放的生态影响具有重要意义。本文综述了燃煤电厂Hg排放污染土壤的途径,分析了电厂周围土壤Hg的浓度水平和空间分布特点,总结了影响土壤Hg分布的主要因素,并对将来的研究方向提出了展望。  相似文献   

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