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In order to evaluate the effects of habituation to handling on the Doppler-derived velocity of diastolic ventricular inflow and systolic aortic outflow, falcons that were accustomed to regular handling were compared with falcons that had been handled very little. The mean heart rate of the frequently handled birds was 111 beats per minute less than the non-habituated birds. All the mean blood flow velocities recorded were much higher in the non-habituated birds than those accustomed to handling. Taking into account the difficulty of objectively quantifying the level of stress suffered by any individual bird, the question is, if meaningful clinical or reference values for Doppler-derived blood flow velocities may be obtained in unsedated or non-anaesthetized birds?  相似文献   

Sonography is an important diagnostic tool to examine the gastrointestinal tract of dogs with chronic diarrhea. Two-dimensional grayscale ultrasound parameters to assess for various enteropathies primarily focus on wall thickness and layering. Mild, generalized thickening of the intestinal wall with maintenance of the wall layering is common in inflammatory bowel disease. Quantitative and semi-quantitative spectral Doppler arterial waveform analysis can be utilized for various enteropathies, including inflammatory bowel disease and food allergies. Dogs with inflammatory bowel disease have inadequate hemodynamic responses during digestion of food. Dogs with food allergies have prolonged vasodilation and lower resistive and pulsatility indices after eating allergen-inducing foods.  相似文献   

This study reports the echocardiographic reference intervals in the American Staffordshire Terrier (AST). The echocardiographic variables obtained in 57 healthy adult AST were compared with published data from the general canine population and other breeds. In the AST, the left ventricular volumes were lower than values reported in Boxers and Dobermans (P<0.0001), but higher than in small breeds (P<0.0001). The left ventricular ejection fraction was higher than Boxers and Dobermans (P<0.0001), but lower than small breed dogs (P=0.027). The aortic peak velocity values were similar to Boxers (P=0.55) but higher than the general canine population (P<0.0001). The reference intervals presented in this study are clinically useful for an accurate echocardiographic interpretation and screening in the AST.  相似文献   

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in cats is characterized by concentric left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and both diastolic and systolic dysfunction. Although impaired cardiac function detected by tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) in cats with HCM was previously reported, reference ranges of TDI in normal cats and cats with HCM have been reported as widely variable. Two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) was useful for assessment of cardiac function in human patients with HCM, but clinical utility was not known in cats. The aim of this study was to assess global and segmental LV myocardial function using STE in cats with HCM whose TDI variables were within the reference range. A total of 35 cats of different breeds were enrolled in this study. The HCM group (n=22) was cats diagnosed as HCM without left atrial enlargement and with normal TDI measurements. HCM cats were further divided into a segmental hypertrophy (S-HCM) group and a diffuse hypertrophy (D-HCM) group. The control group consisted of 13 clinically healthy cats. No cats in any group showed any clinical symptoms. Conventional echocardiography, TDI, and global and segmental STE indices were evaluated and compared between groups. Only the longitudinal strain rate during early diastole was significantly decreased in both HCM groups, even in all segments including those without hypertrophy in S-HCM group. This study suggests that STE parameters are the more sensitive variables compared with conventional TDI parameters to detect early myocardial diastolic dysfunction in cats with HCM.  相似文献   

Eighteen echocardiographic images useful for diagnostic imaging, M-mode echocardiography, and Doppler echocardiography of the equine heart were standardised by relating the position of the axial beam to various intracardiac landmarks. The transducer orientation required for each image was recorded in 14 adult horses by describing the degree of sector rotation and the orientation of the axial beam relative to the thorax. Repeatable images could be obtained within narrow limits of angulation and rotation for 14 of the 18 standardised images evaluated. Twenty-seven National Hunt horses were subsequently examined using this standardised technique. Selected cardiac dimensions were measured from two-dimensional and guided M-mode studies. Satisfactory results were achieved in 26 of the 27 horses. There was no linear correlation between any of the measured cardiac values and bodyweight. There was no significant difference between measurements taken from the left and the right hemithorax. Six horses were imaged on three consecutive days to assess the repeatability of the measurements. No significant difference was found between measurements obtained on different days. This study demonstrates a method for standardised echocardiographic evaluation of the equine heart that is repeatable, valuable for teaching techniques of equine echocardiography, applicable for diagnostic imaging and quantification of cardiac size, and useful for the evaluation of blood-flow patterns by Doppler ultrasound.  相似文献   

The relationship of the scalar and vector magnitudes of the QRS waveform to RR, PR and respiration was examined in 10 horses in regular rhythm using an orthogonal lead system. There were no significant changes in the durations of RR and PR with respiration. The amplitudes of the scalar variables XR and YR were directly related and that of XQ (or XS) and ZR were inversely related to PR in this group of horses. The peak spatial vector magnitude and its H-plane angle were directly related to PR and inversely related to RR. The effect of inspiration on the QRS was a decrease in YR and ZR, an increase in YS and peak spatial vector magnitude and a reduction in its angle of elevation. Examined over the 10 horses these changes were only small (1.8 to 3.8 per cent) and considered to be not significant clinically. The possible mechanisms of the relationship to PR and RR and the effect of respiration on the QRS waveform are discussed. The results suggest the possibility of a vagal effect on intraventricular conduction. The effect of respiration was shown to be independent of this effect and it might be due to changes in lung electrical conductivity during respiration.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe and analyze the left ventricular free wall (LVFW) radial and longitudinal motions in a population of healthy Maine Coon cats by use of quantitative 2-dimensional color tissue Doppler imaging (TDI). ANIMALS: 23 healthy young Maine Coon cats (mean +/- SD: age, 2.1 +/- 0.9 years; weight, 5.0 +/- 1.0 kg). PROCEDURE: TDI was performed by the same trained observer (VC) on all cats. Radial LVFW velocities were recorded in endocardial and epicardial LVFW segments, and longitudinal velocities were recorded in the mitral annulus and in basal and apical LVFW segments. Isovolumic contraction and relaxation times were calculated in each myocardial segment, and the coefficients of variation (CVs; %) were determined for each TDI parameter. RESULTS: LVFW velocities were significantly higher in the endocardial layers than in the epicardial layers and also significantly higher in the basal than in the apical segments. Annular velocities were significantly higher than basal myocardial velocities in systole and early diastole. Coefficient of variation values were lower for radial velocities, particularly in systole, and were also lower for time intervals (16% to 22%) than for myocardial velocities (19% to 62%). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Because Maine Coon cats are predisposed to an inherited hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is a common cause of death in this breed, TDI could provide a useful tool for early detection of the disease. Tissue Doppler imaging indices may complete the conventional analysis of the left ventricular function in Maine Coon cats. However, the usefulness of TDI indices in the early detection of myocardial dysfunction needs to be clarified.  相似文献   

In order to gain an initial overview of the influence of anaesthesia on the results of Doppler-derived blood flow measurements in raptors, the heart rate as well as three different sample volumes of pulsed-wave spectral Doppler-derived flow velocity (diastolic flow across the left and right atrioventricular valve, systolic flow across the aortic valve) were determined in 10 common buzzards (Buteo buteo). Measurements were taken once in conscious and once in anaesthetized birds. Anaesthesia was shown to produce significant changes in cardiac parameters recorded in the same birds whilst conscious. When comparing conscious birds with each other (with one exception for right sided ventricular inflow velocity) no correlation between the heart frequency and measured blood flow velocities was evident. This was also the case under anaesthesia. However, significant differences in these parameters were evident when comparing the results obtained before and under anaesthesia. The results suggest that the influence of anaesthesia in raptors is more than a simple reduction of heart rate and that there is also reduction in blood flow velocity.  相似文献   

Limited data are available on the use of more recent echocardiographic parameters in the rabbit. Echocardiographic examination, including conventional echocardiography and tissue Doppler imaging (TDI), was performed on 26 male New Zealand white rabbits under ketamine–midazolam sedation. Particular emphasis was placed on the more recent systolic and diastolic parameters, such as myocardial performance index (Tei index) and mitral annular motion (from septal and lateral sides of the left ventricle) obtained using pulsed TDI.Parameters that assessed systolic and diastolic function (fractional shortening, Tei index, and maximal mitral E- and A-wave velocities) were comparable to those reported in the literature for rabbits in the awake state. The less cardiodepressive anaesthetic protocol could offer a good alternative in performing echocardiographic evaluation whenever such caution is necessary. TDI is feasible in healthy rabbits and potentially suitable for the investigation of left ventricle systolic and diastolic function.  相似文献   

M. Avdi  G. Banos 《Livestock Science》2008,114(2-3):362-365
Inbreeding and heterozygosity levels were calculated in a population of 77 horses of the endangered Skyros breed that had been raised since 1988 at an experimental farm. Twenty one horses were inbred with average inbreeding coefficient of 0.11 ( ± 0.02). Annual inbreeding change over the last 10 years was not significant (P > 0.05). Animals were genotyped for 18 microsatellite markers. Average number of alleles was 4.11 ( ± 0.43). Average theoretical and observed heterozygosity were 0.63 ( ± 0.06) and 0.66 ( ± 0.06), respectively. The probability of paternity exclusion with 1 and 2 parents unconfirmed was 0.9890 and 0.9999, respectively. Genetic diversity levels were reasonable and comparable to results from other breeds internationally.  相似文献   



Two-dimensional strain measurements obtained by speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) have been reported in both humans and dogs. Incorporation of this technique into canine clinical practice requires the availability of measurements from clinically normal dogs, ideally of the same breed, taken under normal clinical conditions.The aims of this prospective study were to assess if it is possible to obtain STE data during a routine echocardiographic examination in Irish Wolfhound dogs and that these data will provide reference values and an estimation of measurement error.


Fifty- four healthy mature Irish Wolfhounds were used. These were scanned under normal clinical conditions to obtain in one session both standard echocardiographic parameters and STE data. Measurement error was determined separately in 5 healthy mature Irish Wolfhounds.


Eight dogs were rejected by the software algorithm for reasons of image quality, resulting in a total of 46 dogs (85.2%) being included in the statistical analysis. In 46 dogs it was possible to obtain STE data from three scanning planes, as well as to measure the rotation of the left ventricle at two levels and thus calculate the torsion of the heart. The mean peak radial strain at the cardiac apex (RS-apex) was 45.1 ± 10.4% (n = 44), and the mean peak radial strain at the base (RS-base) was 36.9 ± 14.7% (n = 46). The mean peak circumferential strain at the apex (CS-apex) was -24.8 ± 6.2% (n = 44), and the mean peak circumferential strain at the heart base (CS-base) was -15.9 ± 3.2% (n = 44). The mean peak longitudinal strain (LS) was -16.2 ± 3.0% (n = 46). The calculated mean peak torsion of the heart was 11.6 ± 5.1 degrees (n = 45).The measurement error was 24.8%, 26.4%, 11.5%, 6.7%, 9.0% and 10 degrees, for RS-apex, RS-base, CS-apex, CS-base, LS and torsion, respectively.


It is concluded that this technique can be included in a normal echocardiographic examination in large breed dogs under clinical conditions. The usefulness of the reference values reported here, given their wide normal range, will ultimately be determined by the values that are obtained from a large numbers of diseased dogs.  相似文献   

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