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This study was conducted to determine the prevalence and characteristics of pathogenic Escherichia (E.) coli strains from diarrheic calves in Vietnam. A total of 345 E. coli isolates obtained from 322 diarrheic calves were subjected to PCR and multiplex PCR for detection of the f5, f41, f17, eae, sta, lt, stx1, and stx2 genes. Of the 345 isolates, 108 (31.3%) carried at least one fimbrial gene. Of these 108 isolates, 50 carried genes for Shiga toxin and one possessed genes for both enterotoxin and Shiga toxin. The eae gene was found in 34 isolates (9.8%), 23 of which also carried stx genes. The Shiga toxin genes were detected in 177 isolates (51.3%) and the number of strains that carried stx1, stx2 and stx1/stx2 were 46, 73 and 58, respectively. Among 177 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli isolates, 89 carried the ehxA gene and 87 possessed the saa gene. Further characterization of the stx subtypes showed that among 104 stx1-positive isolates, 58 were the stx1c variant and 46 were the stx1 variant. Of the 131 stx2-positive strains, 48 were stx2, 48 were stx2c, 11 were stx2d, 17 were stx2g, and seven were stx2c/stx2g subtypes. The serogroups most prevalent among the 345 isolates were O15, O20, O103 and O157.  相似文献   

Rotavirus and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infections of calves were surveyed during 2 successive years on a closed Finnish dairy farm consisting of 90–105 milking cows. From a clinical standpoint, diarrhoea was of moderate to high severity during the first year, compared to the milder disease in the second year of the study. Diarrhoea or abnormal faeces were found only in calves less than 8 weeks old, with the peak occurring during the first 2 weeks of life.In the first year, rotavirus was detected throughout the calving season in diarrhoeic or abnormal faeces of calves aged 1 day to 7 weeks. In the second calving season, rotavirus was detected only during the 4 autumn months and in calves aged 11 days to 8 weeks. Rotavirus was detected in only 1 sample of normal faeces in both years. Electron microscopy revealed no enteropathogenic viruses other than rotaviruses. Enterotoxigenic K99 E. coli was found in about half of diarrhoeic or abnormal faeces in both years and throughout the calving seasons. K99 E. coli was also found in 5–10 % of normal faeces.In the second year of the study, 45 of 101 pregnant dams were vaccinated with 2 doses of E. coli antigen. The vaccination trial did not prevent or reduce altered faeces in calves whose dams had been vaccinated compared with calves whose dams had not been vaccinated in the same year. Comparing the 2 years, the earlier uptake of colostrum together with better cleaning and disinfection of the calf house, contributed to the later and rarer occurrence of rotavirus infection in the second year of the study. The earlier uptake of colostrum together with better cleaning and disinfection of the salf house, in the second year, could not prevent enterotoxigenic E. coli infections in calves but partly prevented and modified the disease.  相似文献   

A multiplex loop-mediated isothermal amplification (mLAMP) assay was developed for simultaneous detection of the stx1 and stx2 genes and applied for detection of shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in cattle farm samples. Two target genes were distinguished based on Tm values of 85.03 ± 0.54℃ for stx1 and 87.47 ± 0.35℃ for stx2. The mLAMP assay was specific (100% inclusivity and exclusivity), sensitive (with a detection limit as low as 10 fg/µL), and quantifiable (R2 = 0.9313). The efficacy and sensitivity were measured to evaluate applicability of the mLAMP assay to cattle farm samples. A total of 12 (12/253; 4.7%) and 17 (17/253; 6.7%) STEC O157, and 11 (11/236; 4.7%) non-O157 STEC strains were isolated from cattle farm samples by conventional selective culture, immunomagnetic separation, and PCR-based culture methods, respectively. The coinciding multiplex PCR and mLAMP results for the types of shiga toxin revealed the value of the mLAMP assay in terms of accuracy and rapidity for characterizing shiga toxin genes. Furthermore, the high detection rate of specific genes from enrichment broth samples indicates the potential utility of this assay as a screening method for detecting STEC in cattle farm samples.  相似文献   

In this study, the association between virulence genotypes and phylogenetic groups among Escherichia (E.) coli isolates obtained from pet dogs and cats with cystitis was detected, and fingerprinting methods were used to explore the relationship among strains. Forty uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) isolated from dogs (n = 30) and cats (n = 10) in Italy were analysed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the presence of virulence factors and their classification into phylogenetic groups. The same strains were characterized by repetitive extragenic palindromic (REP)- and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC)-PCR techniques. We found a high number of virulence factors such as fimbriae A, S fimbriae (sfa) and cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1 (cnf1) significantly associated with phylogenetic group B2. We demonstrated a high correlation between α-hemolysin A and pyelonephritis C, sfa, and cnf1 operons, confirming the presence of pathogenicity islands in these strains. In addition, UPEC belonging to group B2 harboured a greater number of virulence factors than strains from phylogenetic groups A, B1, and D. REP- and ERIC-PCR grouped the UPEC isolates into two major clusters, the former grouping E. coli strains belonging to phylogenetic group B2 and D, the latter grouping those belonging to groups A and B1. Given the significant genetic variability among the UPEC strains found in our study, it can be hypothesized that no specific genotype is responsible for cystitis in cats or dogs.  相似文献   

Escherichia (E.) coli serotype O157:H7 is a globally distributed human enteropathogen and is comprised of microorganisms with closely related genotypes. The main reservoir for this group is bovine bowels, and infection mainly occurs after ingestion of contaminated water and food. Virulence genetic markers of 28 O157:H7 strains were investigated and multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) was used to evaluate the clonal structure. O157:H7 strains from several countries were isolated from food, human and bovine feces. According to MLEE, O157:H7 strains clustered into two main clonal groups designated A and B. Subcluster A1 included 82% of the O157:H7 strains exhibiting identical MLEE pattern. Most enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) O157:H7 strains from Brazil and Argentina were in the same MLEE subgroup. Bovine and food strains carried virulence genes associated with EHEC pathogenicity in humans.  相似文献   

To examine the genetic background of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) that affects virulence of this microorganism, we characterized the virulence genes of 101 APEC strains isolated from infected chickens between 1985~2005. Serotypes were determined with available anti-sera and median lethal doses were determined in subcutaneously inoculated chicks. The virulence genes we tested included ones encoding type 1 fimbriae (fimC), iron uptake-related (iroN, irp2, iucD, and fyuA), toxins (lt, st, stx1, stx2, and vat), and other factors (tsh, hlyF, ompT, and iss). Twenty-eight strains were found to be O1 (2.0%), O18 (3.0%), O20 (1.0%), O78 (19.8%), and O115 (2.0%) serotypes. The iroN (100%) gene was observed most frequently followed by ompT (94.1%), fimC (90.1%), hlyF (87.1%), iss (78.2%), iucD (73.3%), tsh (61.4%), fyuA (44.6%), and irp2 (43.6%). The strains were negative for all toxin genes except for vat (10.9%). All the strains were classified into 27 molecular pathotypes (MPs). The MP25, MP19, and MP10 pathotypes possessing iroN-fimC-ompT-hlyF-iucD-tsh-iss-irp2-fyuA (22.8%), iroN-fimC-ompT-hlyF-iucD-tsh-iss (21.8%), and iroN-fimC-ompT-hlyF-iss (11.9%) genotypes, respectively, were predominant. Redundancy of iron uptake-related genes was clearly observed and some strains were associated with higher mortality than others. Therefore, strains with the predominant genotypes can be used for diagnosis and vaccine.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli strain (SEPT13) isolated from the liver of a hen presenting clinical signs of septicaemia had a LD50 of 4.0 × 105 CFU/ml in one-day-old chickens, expressed Ia, Ib, E1, E3, K and B colicins and aerobactin. The strain was ampicillin and streptomycin resistant, and found to have fimA, csgA and tsh DNA related sequences; it could adhere to and invade HEp-2 and tracheal epithelial cells, expressed fimbriae (observed by electron microscopy), and had five plasmids of 2.7, 4.7, 43, 56, and 88 MDa. Transposon mutagenesis of strain SEPT13, with transposon TnphoA, resulted in a mutant strain named ST16 that had a LD50 of 1.2 × 1012 CFU/ml. All other biological characteristics of strain ST16 were the same as those detected for strain SEPT13 except for the migration of an 88 MDa plasmid to the 93 MDa position indicating the insertion of the transposon into the 88 MDa plasmid. The 93 MDa plasmid of strain ST16 was transferred, by electroporation assay, to non-pathogenic receptor strains (E. coli strains K12 MS101 and HB101), resulting in transformant strains A and B, respectively. These strains exhibited adhesion properties to in vitro cultivated HEp-2 cells but did not have the capacity for invasion. The adherence occurred despite the absence of fimbriae; this finding suggests that the 88 MDa plasmid has afimbrial adhesin genes.  相似文献   

Altogether 235 strains of Escherichia coli isolated from jejunal content of piglets with neonatal diarrhea were examined for serological, enterotoxin-producing and certain biochemical properties. Of 198 strains examined, 84 (42 %) belonged to O-group 149, while 14 (7 %) strains belonged to each of the O-group s 8 and 64. Seventy strains (30%) could not be grouped with the sera used. The remaining strains were distributed among the following O-groups with only a few strains in each group: 2,6,9,32,45,98 and 141. Eighty out of 84 E. coli strains of O-group 149 possessed the K88 antigen and produced heat labile enterotoxin (LT). Besides, LT production was demonstrated in 3 out of 14 strains of E. coli 08. K88 antigen was demonstrated in only 1 strain not belonging to O-group 149. Among strains of E. coli 064 12 out of 14 were K99 positive. This antigen was not demonstrated in E. coli strains of other O-groups. A close relationship was demonstrated between strains of E. coli 0149 possessing the K88 antigen and the ability to ferment both raffinose and adonitol. This ability was only detected in 2 other strains of E. coli not belonging to O-group 149.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to carry out molecular epidemiological investigation on enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) K99 and Salmonella spp. in diarrheic neonatal calves. Fecal samples were obtained from 220 diarrheic calves at 9 farms related to four governorates in central and northern Egypt. E. coli and Salmonella spp. isolates were examined for E. coli K99 and Salmonella spp. using PCR. ETEC K99 was recovered from 20 (10.36 %) out of 193 isolates, whereas Salmonella spp. was recovered from nine calves (4.09%).Multivariable logistic regression was used to evaluate the risk factors associated with both infections. ETEC K99 was significantly affected by age (P < 0.01; OR: 1.812; CI 95%: 0.566–1.769), colostrum feeding practice (P < 0.01; OR: 5.525; CI 95%: 2.025–15.076), rotavirus infection (P < 0.001; OR: 2.220; CI 95%: 0.273–1.251), vaccination of pregnant dams with combined vaccine against rotavirus, coronavirus and E. coli (K99) (P < 0.001; OR: 4.753; CI 95%: 2.124–10.641), and vitamin E and selenium administration to the pregnant dam (P < 0.01; OR: 3.933; CI 95%: 0.703–1.248).Infection with Salmonella spp. was found to be significantly affected by the animal age (P < 0.05; OR: 0.376; CI 95%: 0.511–1.369), Hygiene (P < 0.05; OR: 0.628; CI 95%: 1.729–5.612), and region (P < 0. 01; OR: 0.970; CI 95%: 0.841–1.624).The results of the present study indicate the importance of PCR as rapid, effective and reliable tool for screening of ETEC and Salmonella spp. when confronted with cases of undifferentiated calf diarrhea. Moreover, identification of the risk factors associated with the spreading of bacteria causing diarrhea may be helpful for construction of suitable methods for prevention and control.  相似文献   

We investigated the clonal relationships among 41 enterotoxigenic (ETEC) or non-enterotoxigenic (NETEC) Escherichia coli strains producing the F17 a fimbriae isolated from diarrheic calves in France or Belgium in the early 1980s. Twenty-three of the 26 ETEC strains were highly clonally related, most of them with a O101:K32:H9-serotype. The NETEC strains were also divided in clonal subgroups, most of them with O101:H-serotype. The F17 a positive ETEC strains are no longer isolated from diarrheic calves in these countries. It is postulated that the use of a vaccine including O101, K32 and H9 antigens in addition to K99 (F5) explains the strongly reduced isolation of the O101:K32:H9, K99 (F5) E. coli clone.  相似文献   



The aim of our study was to investigate the possible etiology of avian colibacillosis by examining Escherichia coli isolates from fecal samples of healthy broilers.


Seventy-eight E. coli isolates from fecal samples of healthy broilers in Japan were subjected to analysis of phylogenetic background, virulence-associated gene profiling, multi-locus sequence typing (MLST), and antimicrobial resistance profiling. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that 35 of the 78 isolates belonged to group A, 28 to group B1, one to group B2, and 14 to group D. Virulence-associated genes iutA, iss, cvaC, tsh, iroN, ompT, and hlyF were found in 23 isolates (29.5%), 16 isolates (20.5%), nine isolates (11.5%), five isolates (6.4%), 19 isolates (24.4%), 23 isolates (29.5%), and 22 isolates (28.2%) respectively. Although the genetic diversity of group D isolates was revealed by MLST, the group D isolates harbored iutA (10 isolates, 71.4%), iss (6 isolates, 42.9%), cvaC (5 isolates, 35.7%), tsh (3 isolates, 21.4%), hlyF (9 isolates, 64.3%), iroN (7 isolates, 50.0%), and ompT (9 isolates, 64.3%).


Our results indicated that E. coli isolates inhabiting the intestines of healthy broilers pose a potential risk of causing avian colibacillosis.  相似文献   

Mastitis, the inflammation of the mammary gland, is an important disease affecting dairy animals worldwide. The disease is caused by mammary pathogenic bacteria and Escherichia coli are frequently implicated. Virulence factors of mammary pathogenic E. coli are only partially known and intramammary challenge with LPS elicits neutrophil recruitment in experimental bovine and murine mastitis models. We have previously shown that neutrophil recruitment in LPS-induced murine mastitis is strictly dependent on mammary alveolar macrophages. However, the relative role of alveolar macrophages and blood neutrophils in E. coli mastitis is not well defined. To this end, we selectively depleted mammary alveolar macrophages or blood neutrophils before intramammary challenge with E. coli strain P4 (ECP4). Mice depleted of alveolar macrophages prior to intramammary challenge recruited neutrophils normally and restricted bacterial growth and interstitial invasion. Importantly however, upon depletion of alveolar macrophages, ECP4 invaded the mammary alveolar epithelial cells and formed intracellular bacterial communities. In contrast, neutrophil depletion prior to intramammary infection with ECP4 was associated with unrestricted bacterial growth, tissue damage, severe sepsis and mortality. This study suggests that neutrophils but not alveolar macrophages provide essential antimicrobial defense against mammary pathogenic E. coli. Furthermore, we show here similar invasion after depletion of alveolar macrophages as in our previous studies showing that LPS/TLR4 signaling on alveolar macrophages abrogates ECP4 invasion of the mammary epithelium. Interestingly, similar ECP4 invasion and formation of intracellular communities were also observed following intramammary infection of either iNOS gene-deficient or IL-1 receptor type 1 gene-deficient mice.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial resistance profile of E. coli and Salmonella serovars isolated from diarrheic calves and handlers in Egypt is unknown due to the absence of monitoring. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the virulence, genetic and antimicrobial resistance profiles of E. coli and Salmonella serovars associated with diarrhea in calves and handlers in intensive dairy farms in Egypt. A total of 36 bacterial strains (20 E. coli and 16 Salmonella) were isolated from fecal samples of 80 diarrheic Holstein dairy calves (10 E. coli and 13 Salmonella) and hand swabs of 35 handlers (10 E. coli and 3 Salmonella) in two intensive dairy farms in Sharkia Governate in Egypt. E. coli strains belonged to six different serogroups and O114:K90 was the most prevalent serogroup (30%). However, Salmonella strains were serotyped into four different serogroups and S. Kiel was the most prevalent serotype (50%). Thirteen (65%) E. coli isolates were harbouring either stx2, eaeA and/or astA virulence-associated genes. However, stn and spvC virulence genes were detected in 2 (12.5%) and 4 (25%) of Salmonella isolates, respectively. E. coli isolates showed marked resistance to ampicillin (75%), while Salmonella strains exhibited high resistance to amikacin (100%), gentamicin (93.75%) and tobramycin (87.5%). Results of the present study showed that E. coli and Salmonella serovars isolated from diarrheic calves and handlers in intensive dairy farms in Egypt exhibited resistance to multiple classes of antimicrobials, which may pose a public health hazard. Thus, the continuous monitoring of antimicrobial resistance is necessary for both humans and veterinary medicine to decrease the economic losses caused by antimicrobial-resistant strains in animals as well as the zoonotic risk.  相似文献   

A total of 156 Shiga-like toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) were isolated from fecal samples of Korean native (100/568, 18%) and Holstein dairy cattle (56/524, 11%) in Korea between September 2010 and July 2011. Fifty-two STEC isolates (33%) harbored both of shiga toxin1 (stx1) and shiga toxin2 (stx2) genes encoding enterohemolysin (EhxA) and autoagglutinating adhesion (Saa) were detected by PCR in 83 (53%) and 65 (42%) isolates, respectively. By serotyping, six STEC from native cattle and four STEC from dairy cattle were identified as O-serotypes (O26, O111, O104, and O157) that can cause human disease. Multilocus sequence typing and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns highlighted the genetic diversity of the STEC strains and difference between strains collected during different years. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests showed that the multidrug resistance rate increased from 12% in 2010 to 42% in 2011. Differences between isolates collected in 2010 and 2011 may have resulted from seasonal variations or large-scale slaughtering in Korea performed to control a foot and mouth disease outbreak that occurred in early 2011. However, continuous epidemiologic studies will be needed to understand mechanisms. More public health efforts are required to minimize STEC infection transmitted via dairy products and the prevalence of these bacteria in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the prevalence of virulence genes in 158 Escherichia coli strains isolated from 51 clinical cases of UTIs, 52 of pyometra and from 55 fecal samples from healthy dogs by PCR. papC was found in 12 (23.5%) strains isolated from UTIs, 19 (36.5%) from pyometra and 10 (18.2%) from feces. papGII was observed in 3 (5.8%) strains from pyometra, and papGIII in 10 (19.6%) from UTIs, 15 (28.8%) from pyometra and 9 (16.4%) from feces. sfaS was detected in 22 (43.1%) strains from UTIs, 24 (46.1%) from pyometra and 19 (34.5%) from feces. hlyA was observed in 17 (33.3%) strains from UTIs, 18 (34.6%) from pyometra and 7 (12.7%) from feces, while cnf-1 was detected in 11 (21.6%) from UTIs, 21 (40.4%) from pyometra and 9 (16.4%) from feces. iucD was observed in 12 (23.5%) strains from UTIs, 9 (17.3%) from pyometra and 1 (1.8%) from feces. usp was found 17 (33.3%) isolates from UTIs and 36 (69.9%) from pyometra.  相似文献   

Limited information is available regarding horse-associated antimicrobial resistant (AR) Escherichia (E.) coli. This study was designed to evaluate the frequency and characterize the pattern of AR E. coli from healthy horse-associated samples. A total of 143 E. coli (4.6%) were isolated from 3,078 samples collected from three national racetracks and 14 private horse-riding courses in Korea. Thirty of the E. coli isolates (21%) showed antimicrobial resistance to at least one antimicrobial agent, and four of the AR E. coli (13.3%) were defined as multi-drug resistance. Most of the AR E. coli harbored AR genes corresponding to their antimicrobial resistance phenotypes. Four of the AR E. coli carried class 1 integrase gene (intI1), a gene associated with multi-drug resistance. Pulsed-field gel electrophoretic analysis showed no genetic relatedness among AR E. coli isolated from different facilities; however, cross-transmissions between horses or horses and environments were detected in two facilities. Although cross-transmission of AR E. coli in horses and their environments was generally low, our study suggests a risk of transmission of AR bacteria between horses and humans. Further studies are needed to evaluate the risk of possible transmission of horse-associated AR bacteria to human communities through horse riders and horse-care workers.  相似文献   

Chlamydia pecorum (designated 22–58) was isolated in 2010 in HmLu-1 cells from the jejunum of a calf which died of necrotizing enterocolitis in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. Immunohistochemical staining identified C. pecorum positive reactions in the jejunal villi. C. pecorum, designated 24–100, was isolated from the feces of a calf with diarrhea in another farm in Yamaguchi Prefecture in 2012. A significant increase in neutralizing antibody titers against C. pecorum was confirmed in paired sera. Nucleotide sequence identities of omp1 genes of the 2 isolates were 100%. The isolates were genetically and antigenically more closely related to C. pecorum Bo/Yokohama strain isolated from cattle with enteritis in Japan than to the other prototype strains, Bo/Maeda isolated from cattle with pneumonia and Ov/IPA isolated from sheep with polyarthritis. These results indicate that C. pecorum strains similar to 22–58 and 24–100 might be endemic in Yamaguchi Prefecture and cause enteric disease in cattle.  相似文献   

This study determined the antimicrobial resistance profiles of Escherichia coli isolates from dogs with a presumptive diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI). Urine samples from 201 dogs with UTI diagnosed through clinical examination and urinalysis were processed for isolation of Escherichia coli. Colonies from pure cultures were identified by biochemical reactions (n=114) and were tested for susceptibility to 18 antimicrobials. The two most frequent antimicrobials showing resistance in Urinary E. coli isolates were oxytetracycline and ampicillin. Among the resistant isolates, 17 resistance patterns were observed, with 12 patterns involving multidrug resistance (MDR). Of the 69 tetracycline-resistant E. coli isolates, tet(B) was the predominant resistance determinant and was detected in 50.9% of the isolates, whereas the remaining 25.5% isolates carried the tet(A) determinant. Most ampicillin and/or amoxicillin-resistant E. coli isolates carried blaTEM-1 genes. Class 1 integrons were prevalent (28.9%) and contained previously described gene cassettes that are implicated primarily in resistance to aminoglycosides and trimethoprim (dfrA1, dfrA17-aadA5). Of the 44 quinolone-resistant E. coli isolates, 38 were resistant to nalidixic acid, and 6 were resistant to nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin. Chromosomal point mutations were found in the GyrA (Ser83Leu) and ParC (Ser80Ile) genes. Furthermore, the aminoglycoside resistance gene aacC2, the chloramphenicol resistant gene cmlA and the florfenicol resistant gene floR were also identified. This study revealed an alarming rate of antimicrobial resistance among E. coli isolates from dogs with UTIs.  相似文献   

The temperature-sensitive hemagglutinin (Tsh) expressed by strains of avian pathogenic Escherichia (E.) coli (APEC) has both agglutinin and protease activities. Tsh is synthesized as a 140 kDa precursor protein, whose processing results in a 106 kDa passenger domain (Tshs) and a 33 kDa β-domain (Tshβ). In this study, both recombinant Tsh (rTsh) and supernatants from APEC, which contain Tshs (106 kDa), caused proteolysis of chicken tracheal mucin. Both rTsh (140 kDa) and pellets from wild-type APEC, which contain Tshβ (33 kDa), agglutinated chicken erythrocytes. On Western blots, the anti-rTsh antibody recognized the rTsh and 106 kDa proteins in recombinant E. coli BL21/pET 101-Tsh and in the supernatants from APEC grown at either 37℃ or 42℃. Anti-rTsh also recognized a 33 kDa protein in the pellets from APEC13 cultures grown in either Luria-Bertani agar, colonization factor antigen agar, or mucin agar at either 26℃, 37℃, or 42℃, and in the extracts of outer membrane proteins of APEC. The 106 kDa protein was more evident when the bacteria were grown at 37℃ in mucin agar, and it was not detected when the bacteria were grown at 26℃ in any of the culture media used in this study. Chicken anti-Tsh serum inhibited hemagglutinating and mucinolytic activities of strain APEC13 and recombinant E. coli BL21/pET101-Tsh. This work suggests that the mucinolytic activity of Tsh might be important for the colonization of the avian tracheal mucous environment by APEC.  相似文献   

Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli serotype O157:H7 is a pathotype of diarrheagenic E. coli that produces one or more Shiga toxins, forms a characteristic histopathology described as attaching and effacing lesions, and possesses the large virulence plasmid pO157. The bacterium is recognized worldwide, especially in developed countries, as an emerging food-borne bacterial pathogen, which causes disease in humans and in some animals. Healthy cattle are the principal and natural reservoir of E. coli O157:H7, and most disease outbreaks are, therefore, due to consumption of fecally contaminated bovine foods or dairy products. In this review, we provide a general overview of E. coli O157:H7 infection, especially focusing on the bacterial characteristics rather than on the host responses during infection.  相似文献   

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