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Kerstin Müller Daniela Alice Mauler Johanna Corinna Eule 《Veterinary ophthalmology》2010,13(Z1):29-34
Objective To establish reference values for the Schirmer tear test I (STT I), the phenol red thread tear test (PRTT), the intraocular pressure (IOP) with rebound tonometry, to determine the corneal sensitivity for healthy chinchillas, and to describe clinical aspects of normal chinchilla eyes. Animals One hundred and twenty‐two eyes of 61 healthy pet chinchillas of different age and gender were investigated. Procedures A full ophthalmic exam including slit lamp biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy, measurement of STT I, PRTT, determination of the corneal touch threshold (CTT), and the measurement of the IOP (TonoVet®) was performed. The normal appearance of the lid, the iris, the lens, the fundus, and the optic nerve disc was evaluated. Results The results of the STT I were very low and not reliable, and the measurement was discontinued. The median value of PRTT was 14.0 mm wetting/15 s (mean 14.6 ± 3.5 mm wetting/15 s). The median CTT was 32.5 mm (mean 31.2 ± 7.0 mm) respectively 1.2 g/mm2 (mean 1.5 ± 0.9 g/mm2). The median IOP was 3.0 mmHg (mean 2.9 ± 1.8 mmHg). The predominating iris color was brown. The fundus pigmentation varied. Few lens alteration were seen in otherwise healthy chinchilla eyes. Most chinchillas had myelinated discs. Optic nerve cupping was present in 62% of the animals. Conclusion Because of the small amount of tears, the PRT test is recommended for tear measurements in chinchillas. The IOP in chinchillas seems to be quiet is low in comparison to other rodents. 相似文献
The tear clearance rate (TCR), determined using anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) images, and its correlation with ocular surface parameters, including blink rate, Schirmer tear test-1 (STT-1) and tear film breakup time (TFBUT), were evaluated. 相似文献
Objective Guinea pigs have a very low threshold of corneal sensitivity and at the same time nearly no reflex tearing compared to dogs, cats, and horses. The question arose whether there is a general correlation between corneal sensitivity and the quantity of reflex tearing. Animals studied Totally 160 animals of 8 different species (20 animals per species) were investigated. Procedures The corneal touch threshold (CTT) was measured with a Cochet–Bonnet esthesiometer. The palpebral fissure length (PFL) was measured with a calliper ruler. The Schirmer tear test (STT) was modified by adapting the width of the STT strip to the PFL of every species. For the STT II, 0.4% oxybuprocaine was applied. Results Corneal touch threshold: Cows (1.67 g/mm2), horses (1.23 g/mm2), sheep (1.13 g/mm2), goats (1.44 g/mm2), dogs (2.16 g/mm2), and cats (1.33 g/mm2) show similar CTT values. In contrast, rabbits (6.21 g/mm2) and guinea pigs (7.75 g/mm2) show a significantly lower CTT. Tear Production Difference STT I ? STT II: Rabbits have the greatest decline in tear production with 38.4%, followed by sheep (33.3%), dogs (31.1%), cats (24.7%), cows (23.7%), horses (18.0%), and goats (14.0%). Guinea pigs have no decline, but a slight increase of ?16.0%. Correlation CTT and STT II ? STT I Difference: Pearson’s correlation coefficient shows a small, but significant correlation. The coefficient of determination can only forecast a value with 7.1% certainty. Conclusions The high variance and low reproducibility of results suggest that the measuring devices are inappropriate to assess the evaluated parameters. Therefore, no assured correlation between the corneal sensitivity and the quantity of reflex tearing could be found. 相似文献
Enry Garcia da Silva Lynne S. Sandmeyer Juliet R. Gionfriddo Fabiano Montiani‐Ferreira Paula D. Galera 《Veterinary ophthalmology》2013,16(3):175-179
Purpose The ability of human newborns to produce tears has been a subject of controversy in the literature since the mid‐20th century, and there has been considerable debate as to whether they are able to produce tears. Recently, it was established that total tear secretion (reflex + basal) in full‐term infants is similar to those of adults whereas both reflex and basal tear production is reduced in premature babies. The objectives of this study were to assess whether newborn dogs have measurable aqueous tear production at the fourth week of life and to evaluate a modified Schirmer tear test (mSTT) as a useful method for measuring neonatal tear production in dogs. Methods Thirty four‐week‐old healthy puppies from six litters were evaluated. A control group was composed of 10 normal adult dogs. The mSTT strips were obtained by cutting a 5 mm‐wide strip in half (making two 2.5 mm‐wide strips). The mSTT1 was performed in puppies and adult dogs. Values were compared using t‐tests. Results In neonates, the average value for the mSTT1 was 13.6 ± 3.07 (range = 7–19 mm/min), which was significantly lower in neonates than in adult dogs (23.25 ± 3.5, range = 17–30 mm/min, P < 0.0001). Conclusions Canine neonates do produce tears by the fourth week of life, which can be successfully measured with the mSTT. This report established for the first time that canine neonates have significantly reduced total (reflex + basal) tear secretion compared to adults. 相似文献
Tuntivanich P Soontornvipart K Tuntivanich N Wongaumnuaykul S Briksawan P 《Veterinary research communications》2002,26(4):297-299
Veterinary Research Communications - 相似文献
Grundon RA Anderson GA Lynch M Hardman C O'Reilly A Stanley RG 《Veterinary ophthalmology》2011,14(5):292-295
Objective To estimate mean Schirmer tear test (STT) and intraocular pressure (IOP) values in healthy koalas both conscious and anesthetized. Methods Data were gathered from koalas in Victoria, Australia. Conscious examinations were performed on captive koalas. Free‐ranging (wild) koalas were examined under anesthesia. Anesthesia was induced using alfaxalone, and animals were maintained on oxygen and isoflurane if required. All animals were healthy and had no surface ocular pathology detectable during slit lamp biomicroscopy. STT I tests were performed using commercial STT test strips placed in the lower fornix for 1 min. IOP was measured using an applanation tonometer after topical anesthesia. The higher value of the two eyes for both STT and IOP was analyzed. STT was measured in 53 koalas (34 conscious, 19 anesthetized) and IOP was measured in 43 koalas (30 conscious, 13 anesthetized). A two‐sample t‐test was used to compare means. A P‐value <0.05 was regarded as significant. Mean ± SD is presented. Results The mean higher STT in conscious koalas was 10.3 ± 3.6 mm wetting/min and in anesthetized koalas it decreased to 3.8 ± 4.0 mm wetting/min (P < 0.0001). The mean higher IOP in conscious koalas was 15.3 ± 5.1 mmHg, and in anesthetized koalas it was 13.8 ± 3.4 mmHg (P = 0.32). There was no effect of sex on either STT or IOP. Conclusions The mean and SD of STT and IOP values for koalas both conscious and anesthetized were reported. The mean STT was significantly reduced by alfaxalone anesthesia. 相似文献
Tear production was evaluated in 39 horses and 29 ponies using Schirmer tear test strips to determine whether diurnal or weekly fluctuations occur, whether location of strip placement has an effect, if values are the same for both eyes in an animal and whether sex, age, stabling vs. pasture and winter vs. summer had an effect. There was no test in which the raw score was less than 10 mm, although there were many occasions where tear wetting exceeded 35 mm. Analysis of the raw (continuous) scores by linear regression provided no evidence that signalment, housing or season or location of strip placement affected results. The distribution of tear test scores for a 'population' of eyes did not differ when the right eye was compared with the left eye or when the same eye was compared at different times on the same day. Individual test wetting values for opposing eyes measured at the same time, and also wetting values for the same eye measured at different times on the same day sometimes differed substantially. In winter maximum tear wetting exceeded 35 mm more frequently in the STT I than in the STT II even in housed horses and ponies, but there was no consistent significant difference. There appears to be wide variability in the STT I in normal horses and ponies. 相似文献
Claudia Giannetto Giuseppe Piccione Elisabetta Giudice† 《Veterinary ophthalmology》2009,12(5):302-305
Objective To evaluate the circadian rhythms of intraocular pressure (IOP) and tear production in dog exposed to a natural photoperiod.
Animals studied We used 12 clinically healthy Beagles dog housed under natural photoperiod at indoor temperature and humidity.
Procedure Intraocular pressure and Schirmer tear test (STT) I were measured every 4 h over a 48-h period in both eyes in each animal. Statistical analysis of the data was performed by one-way repeated-measures anova , Student's t -test, and single cosinor method.
Results On each day, there was a highly significant effect of time on both parameters. A statistically significant difference of STT I values was observed comparing left and right eyes ( P < 0.0001). Robust daily rhythms were observed for both parameters, IOP values showed diurnal acrophase (left eye: 09:33 ± 00:50 h; right eye: 09:25 ± 00:22 h), while STT I values showed nocturnal acrophase (left eye: 20:27 ± 00:46 h; right eye: 20:00 ± 00:05 h).
Conclusion This study has demonstrated circadian rhythms in both IOP and STT I. 相似文献
Animals studied We used 12 clinically healthy Beagles dog housed under natural photoperiod at indoor temperature and humidity.
Procedure Intraocular pressure and Schirmer tear test (STT) I were measured every 4 h over a 48-h period in both eyes in each animal. Statistical analysis of the data was performed by one-way repeated-measures anova , Student's t -test, and single cosinor method.
Results On each day, there was a highly significant effect of time on both parameters. A statistically significant difference of STT I values was observed comparing left and right eyes ( P < 0.0001). Robust daily rhythms were observed for both parameters, IOP values showed diurnal acrophase (left eye: 09:33 ± 00:50 h; right eye: 09:25 ± 00:22 h), while STT I values showed nocturnal acrophase (left eye: 20:27 ± 00:46 h; right eye: 20:00 ± 00:05 h).
Conclusion This study has demonstrated circadian rhythms in both IOP and STT I. 相似文献
Objective To observe the effect of topical 1% tropicamide on equine tear production as measured by Schirmer I tear test.
Materials and methods Fourteen adult horses received one drop of 1% tropicamide ophthalmic solution in one eye and the opposite eye served as the control. The tear production in both eyes was tested at 1, 2, 4, 6, and 24 h after 1% tropicamide administration.
Results Measurements made 1 h after treatment revealed a significant reduction in Schirmer tear test values in tropicamide treated eyes ( P = 0.002). The observed decrease in tear production was maintained up to 4 h after treatment ( P = 0.002). Although tropicamide-induced decrease in STT values was observed in the treated eyes, the contralateral eyes did not show significant changes in Schirmer tear test results.
Conclusion Single dose of topical 1% tropicamide resulted in statistically significant reduction in Schirmer tear test values in clinically normal horses. 相似文献
Materials and methods Fourteen adult horses received one drop of 1% tropicamide ophthalmic solution in one eye and the opposite eye served as the control. The tear production in both eyes was tested at 1, 2, 4, 6, and 24 h after 1% tropicamide administration.
Results Measurements made 1 h after treatment revealed a significant reduction in Schirmer tear test values in tropicamide treated eyes ( P = 0.002). The observed decrease in tear production was maintained up to 4 h after treatment ( P = 0.002). Although tropicamide-induced decrease in STT values was observed in the treated eyes, the contralateral eyes did not show significant changes in Schirmer tear test results.
Conclusion Single dose of topical 1% tropicamide resulted in statistically significant reduction in Schirmer tear test values in clinically normal horses. 相似文献
Objective To evaluate the effect of acepromazine or xylazine on Schirmer tear test 1 results in clinically normal cats.
Animals Sixteen healthy cross-breed cats.
Procedure The animals were randomly divided into two groups of eight cats each. The first group was sedated with acepromazine alone (0.2 mg/kg) and the second group received only xylazine (2 mg/kg). All cats had Schirmer tear test (STT) readings taken prior to sedation and at 15 and 25 min postsedation.
Results Sedation with acepromazine or xylazine in cats with normal pre-sedation STT 1 values caused a statistically significant decrease in mean values of tear production in both groups. In acepromazine group the mean ± SEM STT at T15 and T25 were 4.31 ± 0.98 ( P < 0.001) and 5.18 ± 1.07 ( P = 0.002). The post-treatment mean ± SEM values in xylazine group were 2.18 ± 0.97 ( P < 0.001) and 2.62 ± 1.17 ( P = 0.001) at 15 and 25 min respectively. Comparison between T15 and T25 in acepromazine group ( P = 0.49) and xylazine group ( P = 0.56) revealed no significant differences.
Conclusion These observations indicate that both acepromazine or xylazine significantly reduced tear production in clinically normal cats. In cats, clinicians should measure STT values prior to utilizing acepromazine or xylazine as sedatives in order to accurately assess the results. Moreover, sterile ocular lubricant or tear replacement should be used as a corneal protectant during sedation with these drugs. 相似文献
Animals Sixteen healthy cross-breed cats.
Procedure The animals were randomly divided into two groups of eight cats each. The first group was sedated with acepromazine alone (0.2 mg/kg) and the second group received only xylazine (2 mg/kg). All cats had Schirmer tear test (STT) readings taken prior to sedation and at 15 and 25 min postsedation.
Results Sedation with acepromazine or xylazine in cats with normal pre-sedation STT 1 values caused a statistically significant decrease in mean values of tear production in both groups. In acepromazine group the mean ± SEM STT at T
Conclusion These observations indicate that both acepromazine or xylazine significantly reduced tear production in clinically normal cats. In cats, clinicians should measure STT values prior to utilizing acepromazine or xylazine as sedatives in order to accurately assess the results. Moreover, sterile ocular lubricant or tear replacement should be used as a corneal protectant during sedation with these drugs. 相似文献
PURPOSE: To perform selected ophthalmic diagnostic tests in healthy ferrets with the aim of establishing normal physiological reference values for this species. METHOD: A total of 15 healthy, unrelated ferrets were used to test most of the parameters in this investigation. Eight of the 15 ferrets were used for central corneal thickness evaluation. Ages varied from 1.5 to 6 years of age. Selected diagnostic ocular tests were performed including Schirmer tear test, tonometry using an applanation tonometer (Tonopen), central corneal thickness using an ultrasonic pachymeter (Sonomed, Micropach, Model 200P +) and culture of the normal conjunctival bacterial flora. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Staphylococcus sp. and Corynebacterium sp. were isolated from healthy conjunctival and eyelid margins, suggesting they are normal constituents of the conjunctival flora of the ferret. Results for selected ocular diagnostic tests investigated here for the ferret eye were as follows: intraocular pressure: 14.50 +/- 3.27 mmHg; Schirmer tear test: 5.31 +/- 1.32 mm/min; central corneal thickness: 0.337 +/- 0.020 mm. No statistically significant differences between ages or genders were found for any of the results. The reference data for the ocular tests obtained in this investigation will help veterinary ophthalmologists to more accurately diagnose ocular diseases in the ferret. Knowledge of these reference values will be particularly useful to diagnose discrete or unusual pathological changes of the ferret eye. 相似文献
Alexandra Trbolova Juliet R. Gionfriddo Masoud Selk Ghaffari 《Veterinary ophthalmology》2012,15(6):383-385
Purpose To determine the normal reference range for Schirmer tear test (STT) values in clinically normal llamas (Lama glama) Animals Nine captive llamas (Lama glama) (seven females and two males) were used in this study. Procedure Complete ophthalmic examinations were performed without chemical restraint. STT I values were evaluated in both eyes of all llamas using a commercial STT strip of a single lot number (Schirmer‐Tränentest®, Germany). STT II value was also measured in both eyes of seven female llamas. Results No statistically significant differences among ages or between right and left eyes were found for any of the results. The mean ± SD STT I of 18 eyes of nine llamas was 17.3 ± 1.1 mm/min (Range 15–19 mm/min). The mean ± SD STT II of 14 eyes of seven llamas was 15.4 ± 1.7 mm/min (Range 12.5–17.5 mm/min). A paired samples t‐test demonstrated that there was a significant difference between the STT I and II values (P = 0.001). Conclusion This study provides novel data for normal reference ranges of STT I and II values in healthy llamas. Results of this study may assist veterinarians in the diagnosis of ocular surface disease and syndromes affecting the tear film in these species. 相似文献
Effect of lacrimal punctal occlusion on tear production and tear fluorescein dilution in normal dogs
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate effects of lacrimal punctal plugs positioned in either the upper, lower, or combination of upper and lower lacrimal canaliculi on plug retention and tolerance; tear production, as measured by the Schirmer tear test; and the dilution of fluorescein within the tear film in normal dogs. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Lacrimal punctal plugs were positioned in the lower, upper, or combination of lower and upper plugs in six laboratory-quality Beagles under topical anesthesia. Retention of plugs was evaluated daily from 8 to 23 days by visual inspection and slit-lamp biomicroscopy. Schirmer tear tests (STT 1 without topical anesthesia) were performed at 48-h intervals. Dilution of fluorescein was determined at 5- and 45-min post-fluorescein instillations once weekly. RESULTS: Lacrimal punctal plugs of 0.4 and 0.6 mm in diameter were retained for 14 (lower plugs: 100%) and 23 days (75%), and for the upper plugs at 8 days less often (75%), and were infrequently locally nonirritating. Combination of lower and upper plugs seemed to adversely affect retention of either plug. When loss of the plugs occurred, a next larger size plug was necessary suggesting some stretching of the lacrimal canaliculi occurred. Pre- and postplug placement STT results indicated no change with lower and combination lacrimal punctal plugs, but decreased levels following upper lacrimal punctal plugs. Tear fluorescein levels at 5 and 45 min in control eye (no punctum plugs) were 3.39% and 0.14%, respectively. With lower, upper, and the combination of lower and upper lacrimal puncta plugs, tear fluorescein levels at 45 min were higher than the controls (lower: 0.76%; upper: 0.45%, and combination 0.56%). CONCLUSION: Lacrimal punctal silicone plugs are retained for 8-23 days in the lower, upper, and combined lower and upper canaliculi at high rates. Effects on STT levels appear limited. Fluorescein within the tear film persists longer with all different positioned lacrimal punctum plugs than in the control eyes. 相似文献