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A paradigm of proportionality between spawning stock biomass (SSB) and total egg production (TEP) has been largely untested at multidecadal scales mainly because of difficulty in estimating annual TEP. Recently, this paradigm was directly tested for sardine (Sardinops melanostictus) and anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) at a multidecadal scale to reveal that SSB–TEP proportionality was partially distorted by intraspecific (sardine) and interspecific (anchovy) density dependence in total egg production per spawner individual (TEPPS) or unit weight (TEPPSW). In the present study, we demonstrate intraspecific density dependence in TEPPS/TEPPSW for chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) in the Kuroshio Current system, using a proxy for TEPPS/TEPPSW, calculated from snapshot abundance data based on fishery‐independent egg surveys in combination with fishery‐dependent stock assessment data, at a multidecadal scale (38 years). TEPPS/TEPPSW exponentially declined with SSB, indicating a strong intraspecific density dependence in TEPPS/TEPPSW in chub mackerel. The observed phenomenon for chub mackerel was similar to that for sardine. Hence, intraspecific density dependence in TEPPS/TEPPSW may be a phenomenon that is generally applicable for species with a high maximum biomass and large population fluctuations. Lastly, we recommend the application of a TEP‐based framework to studies on recruitment mechanisms of fish.  相似文献   

A paradigm of fisheries science holds that spawning stock biomass (SSB) is directly proportional to total egg production (TEP) of fish stocks. This “SSB–TEP proportionality” paradigm has been a basic premise underlying the spawner–recruitment models for fisheries management and numerous studies on recruitment mechanisms of fish. Studies on maternal effects on reproductive potential of a stock have progressed during the last few decades, leading to doubt concerning the paradigm. Nonetheless, a direct test of the paradigm at multidecadal scales has been difficult because of data limitations in the stock assessment systems worldwide. Here, we tested the paradigm for marine fish based on a novel combination of two independent 38‐year time series: fishery‐dependent stock assessment data and fishery‐independent egg survey data. Through this approach, we show that the SSB–TEP proportionality is distorted by density dependence in total egg production per spawner individual (TEPPS) or spawner unit weight (TEPPSW) at a multidecadal scale. The TEPPS/TEPPSW exponentially declined with biomass and thus was density‐dependent for Japanese sardine, a small pelagic species exhibiting a high level of population fluctuation, in the western North Pacific. By contrast, the TEPPS/TEPPSW was sardine‐density‐dependent for Japanese anchovy, another small pelagic species exhibiting a moderate level of population fluctuation well‐known for being out of phase with sardine. Our analysis revealed intraspecific (sardine) and interspecific (anchovy) density dependence in TEPPS/TEPPSW, which was previously unaccounted for in spawner–recruitment relationships. Such density‐dependent effects at the time of spawning should be considered in fisheries management and studies on recruitment mechanisms.  相似文献   

Abundance indices (AIs) provide information on population abundance and trends over time, while AI variance (AIV) provides information on reliability or quality of the AI. AIV is an important output from surveys and is commonly used in formal assessments of survey quality, in survey comparison studies, and in stock assessments. However, uncertainty in AIV estimates is poorly understood and studies on the precision and bias in survey AIV estimates are lacking. Typically, AIV estimates are “design based” and are derived from sampling theory under some aspect of randomized samples. Inference on population density in these cases can be confounded by unaccounted process errors such as those due to variable sampling efficiency (q). Here, we simulated fish distribution and surveys to assess the effect of q and variance in q on design‐based estimates of AIV. Simulation results show that the bias and precision of AIV depend on the mean q and variance in q. We conclude that to fully evaluate the reliability of AI, both observation error and variability in q must be accounted for when estimating AIV. A decrease in mean q and an increase in the variance in q results in increased bias and decreased precision in survey AIV estimates. These effects are likely small in surveys with mean q ≥ 1. However, for surveys where q ≤ 0.5, these effects can be large. Regardless of the survey type, AIV estimates can be improved with knowledge of q and variance in q.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of eutrophication on fish and fisheries in Finnish lakes were determined by an extensive lake survey conducted in 1995 and 1996. The study lakes (873) were chosen by stratified random sampling from all Finnish lakes with a surface area ≥ 0.04km2 (29,515 lakes in all). The chemical parameters of the lake water were determined for water samples taken in autumn 1995. Information on the fish stocks of the study lakes was collected by means of a postal questionnaire sent to local fishing authorities and lake owners. The results show that the fish community structure is cyprinid dominated, reflecting eutrophication in 2100 lakes (7% of all the target lakes). Strong fouling of the fishing gear, as well as a great abundance of unwanted species in the catch of passive gears, were considered to be a continuous problem in more than 10% of the lakes. Roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.), and bream, Abramis brama (L.), were the most common species to have increased in abundance in the study lakes, whereas burbot, Lota lota (L.), and vendace, Coregonus albula (L.), decreased, especially in highly eutrophic lakes. High total phosphorus and cyprinid dominance in lakes were found mainly in the most intensive agricultural regions in the western and southern parts of Finland.  相似文献   

Copepods are crucial source of live feeds in the aquaculture industry. In particular, several species of the genus Acartia are considered optimal prey for fish larvae. The species Acartia bilobata has excellent potential for marine larvae culture, as it is easy for mass culture. This study investigated the effects of various algal diets on the egg production and egg‐hatching rate of A. bilobata. The results indicated that the single‐species diet Isochrysis galbana was the most supportive diet for A. bilobata egg production and female life span in all treatments (egg production: 23.85 ± 0.70 eggs female?1 day?1 and female life span: 18.00 ± 1.45 days). Nannochloropsis oculata and Tetraselmis chui treatments gave markedly lower egg production and female life span as both single‐species and multiple‐species diets. For the egg hatching‐rate experiment, except for the T. chui treatment, which yielded a considerably lower hatching rate than the other diets, the hatching rate was only slightly affected by the algal diets. These results confirm that A. bilobata, a tropical brackish‐water copepod species, develops rapidly at 28°C and can produce a large number of eggs; therefore, it has considerable potential for larvae culture.  相似文献   

Fish stocks vary in abundance. The causes behind the fluctuations may be difficult to determine, especially ones caused by natural fluctuations, but long‐term data series may provide indications of the mechanisms. Assessments show that the recruitment to the Norwegian spring‐spawning herring (Clupea harengus, Clupeidae) has remained low since 2004, a year which produced the last really rich year‐class. Long time‐series of estimated recruitment and mean winter temperature in the ocean showed a significant positive correlation for the period 1921–2004. Here, we show that this positive correlation did not continue from 2005 onwards as the winter temperature increased to high levels while herring recruitment decreased and has remained low. The density of zooplankton in the drift route of the herring larvae dropped significantly after 2004, and their centre of gravity shifted northwards. There may currently be heavy predation on the larvae by Atlanic mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scombridae), and top‐down regulation is suggested to hamper successful recruitment. Our analysis indicates that the presence of food and overlap with high food concentrations are likely important regulators of survival in herring larvae. The findings may be important for future management and planning of fisheries of this stock because recruitment failure may continue if temperature remains high and food abundance remains low.  相似文献   

The Peru‐Humboldt Current system (HCS) supports the world's largest pelagic fisheries. Among the world's eastern boundary current systems, it is the most exposed to high climatic stress and is directly affected by El Niño and La Niña events. In this volatile ecosystem, fish have been led to develop adaptive strategies in space and time. In this paper, we attempt to understand the mechanisms underlying such strategies, focusing on the El Niño 1997–98 in Peru from which an extensive set of hydrographic, capture and acoustic survey data are available. An integrated analysis of the data is crucial, as each has substantial shortcomings individually; for example, both catch data and acoustic surveys may easily lead to wrong conclusions. Existing hypotheses on anchovy and sardine alternations lead us to a ‘habitat‐based’ synthetic hypothesis. Using our data, an integrated approach evaluated how fish responded to habitat variation, and determined the consequences in terms of fish‐population variability. Various factors occurring at a range of different spatio‐temporal scales were considered: interdecadal regime (warm ‘El Viejo’/cool ‘La Vieja’ decadal scale); strength and the duration of the El Niño Southern Oscillation event (interannual scale); population condition before the event (interannual scale); fishing pressure and other predation (annual scale); changes in reproductive behaviour (intra‐annual scale); presence of local upwelling (local scale). During El Niño 1997–98, anchovy was able to exploit a small‐scale temporal and spatial ‘loophole’ inside the general unfavourable conditions. Moreover, sardine did not do better than anchovy during this El Niño and was not able to take advantage of the ‘loophole’ opened by this short‐term event. Our results question the traditional view that El Niño is bad for anchovy and good for sardine.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the effect of environmental variations on the abundance of Sardinella aurita and Sardinella maderensis in Senegalese waters in the upwelling system. Monthly data indicating the abundance of sardinella were first estimated from commercial statistics, using Generalized Linear Model from 1966 to 2011. Abundance indices (AIs) were then compared with environmental indices, at the local scale, a Coastal Upwelling Index (CUI) and a coastal Sea Surface Temperature (SST) index, and on a large scale, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and the Multivariate El Niño Southern Oscillation Index (MEI), using correlations and times series analyses. The results showed that the abundance of sardinella is determined by a strong seasonal pattern and inter‐annual fluctuations. The abundance of S. aurita peaked in spring and in autumn, whereas that of S. maderensis peaked in the warm season (July–September). The trend of the sardinella abundance was significantly correlated with the CUI, especially in autumn and spring. Interannual fluctuations of S. maderensis and S. aurita abundance are, respectively, driven by the precocity and the duration of the upwelling season that is attributed to distinct migration patterns. Both sardinella species also respond with a delay of around 4 years to the winter NAO index and the autumn CUI, and the AMO index, respectively, both related to migration patterns. The wide variations in sardinella biomass are caused by variations in environmental conditions, which should be considered in the implementation of an ecosystem‐based approach in sardinella stocks management.  相似文献   

An assessment of the potential for 17 fish or shellfish stocks or stock groups to move from the sub‐Arctic areas into the Arctic Ocean was conducted. A panel of 34 experts was convened to assess the impact of climate change on the potential movement of the 17 stocks or stock groups. The panel considered the exposure of species to climate change, the sensitivity of species to these changes and the adaptive capacity of each stock or stock group. Based on expert opinions, the potential for expansion or movement into the Arctic was qualitatively ranked (low potential, potential, high potential). It is projected that the Arctic Ocean will become ice‐free during the summer season, and when this happens new areas will open up for plankton production, which may lead to new feeding areas for fish stocks. Five stocks had a low potential to move to, or expand in, the high Arctic. Six species are considered as potential candidate species to move to, or expand in, the high Arctic. Six stocks had a high potential of establishing viable resident populations in the region. These six stocks exhibit life history characteristics that allow them to survive challenging environmental conditions that will continue to prevail in the north. This study suggests that several life history factors should be considered when assessing the potentiality of a species moving in response to changing climate conditions.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of 10 microalgal diets on a range of productivity‐related parameters of Bestiolina similis. The diets tested included four monoalgal diets: Tahitian strain Isochrysis sp. (T‐Iso), Pavlova salina (Pav), Tetraselmis chuii (Tet) and the diatom Chaetoceros muelleri (Chaet), five binary diets: Tet+Pav, T‐Iso+Tet, T‐Iso+Pav, Chaet+Tet and Chaet+Pav and a tri‐algal diet: T‐Iso+Tet+Pav. Except for sex ratio, microalgal diets significantly affected all parameters examined (P<0.05). The shortest egg incubation time was found for the tri‐algal diet treatment (1.91±0.04 days) while the longest (2.41±0.09 days) was from the monoalgal diet Tet. Survival at the naupliar stage ranged from the highest of 86.3±1.0% for the tri‐algal diet to a complete mortality for the Tet diet. Naupliar survival was consistently higher than that of copepodite stages for all diets examined and ranged from 86.3±1.0% for the tri‐algal diet to a complete mortality for the Tet diet. Copepodite survival was the highest for the T‐Iso treatment (69.0±4.3%) while Chaet+Tet produced the lowest survival (8.8±1.2%). Sex ratio of B. similis was strongly skewed towards females. Adult female life expectancy was highly dependent on diet. The shortest lifespan (3.1±0.3 days) of the Tet treatment was only about half of that of Pav (6.3±0.6 days) and the tri‐algal diet (5.9±0.4 days). Daily egg production during female lifespan was generally lower on the first day, but peaked over the subsequent days before decreasing towards the end of their lifespan. The highest total egg output over female lifespan was produced by the tri‐algal diet (156.0±11.5 eggs female?1), while the lowest output came from the diet Tet (20.7±2.8 eggs female?1).  相似文献   

Understanding the complex variation in patterns of density‐dependent individual growth and survival across populations is critical to adaptive fisheries management, but the extent to which this variation is caused by biological or methodological differences is unclear. Consequently, we conducted a correlational meta‐analysis of published literature to investigate the relative importance of methodological and biological predictors on the shape and strength of density‐dependent individual growth and survival in salmonids. We obtained 160 effect sizes from 75 studies of 12 species conducted between 1977 and 2019 that differed in experimental approach (sensu Ecological Monographs, 54, 187–211; 65 laboratory experiments, 60 observational field studies, and 35 field experiments). The experimental approach was the strongest factor influencing the strength of density dependence across studies: density‐dependent survival was stronger than growth in field observational studies, whereas laboratory experiments detected stronger density‐dependent growth than survival. The difference between density‐dependent growth and survival was minimal in field experiments, and between lotic and lentic habitats. The shape of density dependence (logarithmic, linear, exponential or density‐independent) could be predicted with 66.7% accuracy based solely on the experimental approach and the density gradient (highest/lowest*100) of the study. Overall, the strength and shape of density dependence were primarily influenced by methodological predictors, while biological factors (predator presence, food abundance, and species) had predictable but modest effects. For both empirical studies and adaptive fisheries management, we recommend using field experiments with a density gradient of at least 470% to detect the proper shape of the density‐dependent response, or accounting for potential biases if observational or laboratory studies are conducted.  相似文献   

  • 1. Over the last decade the development of small hydropower projects has been one of the most active areas of the energy sector. One of the main environmental challenges faced by such projects is related to fish passage.
  • 2. The impact of 18 small hydropower plants (SHPs) with distinct levels of fish‐pass effectiveness was investigated in the summers of 1998 and 1999 by comparing fish assemblage composition and structure at 36 sites, above and below SHPs.
  • 3. With regard to effectiveness, it was estimated that eight (44.4%) of the surveyed passage facilities were suitable for target species, whereas the remaining 10 (55.6%) were considered unsuitable. In neither case did the composition of fish assemblages upstream and downstream from SHPs differ significantly, while assemblage similarity was relatively high.
  • 4. Multivariate techniques identified cover, depth and coarse substrate as the main parameters structuring fish assemblages. It is suggested that these variables have created a rich, patchy, heterogeneous habitat, thereby providing satisfactory resources and favourable conditions required by fish and contributing to the maintenance of assemblages.
  • 5. Although populations of some species that occurred both upstream and downstream from SHPs have developed differences in their size structures, SHP‐induced fragmentation of fish populations may not necessarily result in genetic divergence among semi‐isolated populations.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the success of stocking fingerlings of Indian major carps ‐Gibelion catla (Hamilton), Labeo rohita Hamilton and Cirrhinus mrigala Hamilton – to enhance fish yield in 58 small reservoirs in Odisha State, India. Fish stocking and yield data were collected from State Fisheries Department, Odisha. The relationships between area, stocking density and fish yield of different size groups of reservoirs were assessed using the Pearson correlation coefficient (r). Fish yield increased significantly (p < 0.05, t‐test) from 204 kg/ha/year in 2012–13 to 323 kg/ha/year in 2013–14 due to adoption of CBF. The corresponding per capita fish production increased from 398 kg fisher?1 year?1 to 702 kg fisher?1 year?1 benefitting more than 8,000 fisher households. Reservoirs in the size group 100–500 ha showed the highest response of fish yield with respect to stocking of fingerlings. The size of fingerlings at stocking and area of the reservoir had greater impact on enhancing fish yield. Stocking had a profound positive impact on fish yield. This study forms a baseline evaluation of the impact of stocking on small tropical reservoirs in India. It also recommends management measures and discusses issues, and the way forward for sustainable fisheries enhancement in small tropical reservoirs in eastern India.  相似文献   

Abstract Individual variation in reproductive investment is important for recruitment and population dynamics in fish populations. Thus, it is crucial to understand how these decisions are influenced by environmental conditions. Here, the influence of growth variation during gonadogenesis or early life on reproductive investment in vendace, Coregonus albula (L.) was investigated. A set of cohorts of mature females were sampled over two different years with contrasting climate conditions and food levels, using total length at age 1 year as a proxy for juvenile growth. Relative reproductive investment and individual egg mass were lower in the favourable year (elevated temperatures and zooplankton densities) when the females were in better condition compared with a less favourable year (lower temperatures and zooplankton densities). Female vendace demonstrated plasticity in their allocation to relative reproductive investment and egg mass, probably induced by diverging environmental conditions. This phenotypic response to growth may have strong effects on recruitment and population growth rate.  相似文献   

Recruitment dynamics are challenging to assess or predict because of the many underlying drivers that vary in their relevance over time and space. Stock size, demographic and trait composition, condition and distribution of spawning fish and the spatio‐temporal dynamics of trophic and environmental interactions all influence recruitment processes. Exploring common patterns among stocks and linking them to potential drivers may therefore provide insights into key mechanisms of recruitment dynamics. Here, we analysed stock‐recruitment data of 64 stocks from the north‐east Atlantic Ocean for common trends in variation and synchrony among stocks using correlation, cluster and dynamic factor analyses. We tested common trends in recruitment success for relationships with large‐scale environmental processes as well as stock state indicators, and we explored links between recruitment success and demographic, environmental and ecological variables for a subset of individual stocks. The results revealed few statistically significant correlations between stocks but showed that underlying common trends in recruitment success are linked to environmental indices and management indicators. Statistical analyses confirmed previously suggested relationships of environmental–ecological factors such as the subpolar gyre and Norwegian coastal current with specific stocks, and indicated a large relevance of spawning stock biomass and demographics, as well as predation, whereas other suggested relationships were not supported by the data. Our study shows that despite persistent challenges in determining drivers of recruitment due to poor data quality and unclear mechanisms, combining different data analysis techniques can improve our understanding of recruitment dynamics in fish stocks.  相似文献   

We previously established a method for spawning induction in Eastern little tuna (ELT) Euthynnus affinis (Cantor, 1849) by administering a gonadotropin‐releasing hormone analog (GnRHa) during the natural spawning season in Japan (August–October). In order to establish seed production of ELT in the off‐spawning season, we first conducted three spawning induction trials by GnRHa administration from October 2011 to January 2012 using ELT broodstock (2 years old; three females and four males) maintained in a 10‐m3 tank with a semi‐closed recirculation system and static elevated temperature. Average water temperature and daily egg production in three trials lasting 11–15 days were 27.0 ± 0.09°C and 268 173 eggs (Trial 1), 27.0 ± 0.11°C and 277 9098 eggs (Trial 2), and 25.5 ± 0.39°C and 291 113 eggs (Trial 3) respectively. Mean fertilization rate and mean hatching rate were 70.4% and 60.5% (Trial 1), 83.9% and 79.6% (Trial 2), and 62.5% and 57.4% (Trial 3) respectively. We also succeeded in producing ELT larvae in the pre‐spawning season (April–July), although the quantity and quality of larvae produced were inferior to those produced in other calendar months. In trials involving periodic GnRHa administration during the off‐spawning seasons, hatched larvae were obtained in the 10‐m3 tank after six of nine administrations in the 2011–2012 off‐spawning season and in 16 of 19 administrations in the 2012–2013 off‐spawning season. The findings of this study demonstrated that hormonal treatment and thermal control could be used to extend the spawning period in ELT, potentially allowing larval production in the post‐ and pre‐spawning seasons.  相似文献   

Previous research showed that stocking 1.5 rohu (Labeo rohita) and 0.5 common carp (Cyprinus carpio) m−2 yields the highest production in small holder ponds in Bangladesh. The present study looked into the effects of additional stocking of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis nilotica) in fed or non‐fed ponds on water quality and fish production. A low, additional stocking density of 0.2 Nile tilapia m−2 was tested. All treatments were executed in triplicate in 100 m2 ponds and the duration of the experiment was 4.5 months. The results showed that tilapia addition increased nutrient concentrations and reduced total suspended solid concentration and phytoplankton biomass (P<0.05). Tilapia stocking resulted in additional production without affecting the growth and production of rohu and common carp. Supplemental feeding increased the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, phytoplankton availability and the growth and production of rohu and common carp (P<0.01). The combination of supplemental feeding and tilapia stocking resulted in a higher net yield than the other treatments (P<0.05). Stocking 1.5 rohu, 0.5 common carp and 0.2 tilapia m−2 in fed‐ponds is a good culture combination for polyculture farmers in South Asia.  相似文献   

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