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Climate change poses severe pressures to European conifer forests. Using non-native tree species, such as Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), is one proposed strategy to circumvent adverse effects for forest management. However, novel forest health risks can impair the cultivation of non-native trees. In 2022, we observed large Douglas fir trees (approximately 40–50 years old, diameter at breast height (dbh) 21–41 cm) that had recently died in spring or summer 2022 in three forest stands in Eastern Austria. Intensive resin flow, blue-staining of the sapwood and the absence of bark- and wood-boring insects indicated a fungal infection. Isolations from blue-stained sapwood of the dead trees consistently yielded cultures of the opportunistic pathogen Diplodia sapinea. In a greenhouse wound inoculation experiment, seven D. sapinea isolates obtained from Douglas fir caused phloem necrosis, blue-staining of sapwood and mortality and thus displayed pathogenicity towards seedlings of both Ps. menziesii and its common host, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Diplodia sapinea produced significantly longer areas of blue-stain as well as higher and faster mortality in Ps. menziesii compared to P. sylvestris. We conclude that D. sapinea substantially contributed to the death of seven of the 13 examined large Douglas fir trees. While this fungus has been described as a pathogen of young Douglas fir trees before, this is the first report that it can potentially kill large individuals of this conifer species under drought conditions. Thus, our results indicate that D. sapinea could represent a severe threat to the cultivation of Ps. menziesii in European forestry.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the role of Finnish Bursaphelenchus mucronatus as a possible pathogen in Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris, under Finnish ambient weather conditions. Small seedlings and young field grown trees were used as inoculation targets. The results suggested the nematode being of minor importance as a tree pathogen in Finland.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to examine the success of regeneration in gaps of variable size in pine-dominated stands in terms of seedling density. It was based on an experiment in central Lapland containing circular clear-cut gaps of 20, 40 and 80 m in diameter on typical sub-xeric and xeric pine sites with site preparation (patch scarification). The observation period covered the first five years after cutting. The average number of seedlings that had emerged after gap cutting was about 22 000?ha?1 for pine and 7 000?ha?1 for birch. The proportion of regeneration sample plots without any pine seedlings was less than 10%. The seedling density diminished constantly with greater distance from the edge stand but indicating sufficient density up to the largest gap size in the study (diameter 80 m, area ca. 0.5?ha). Site preparation promoted regeneration remarkably, and we conclude that successful regeneration would be achieved in most cases with soil scarification exposing just 10–20% of the soil surface.  相似文献   


Quantitatively and qualitatively good Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seed years are rare in northern areas because of the short growing seasons. The seed crop size was studied in four natural pine forests in northern Finland during 1960–2004. Data on seed crop quality were collected during 1986–2004 and quality was determined by X-ray radiography. The long-term average annual seed crop of pine was 77 seeds m?2, varying from 5 to 225 seeds m?2. The expected average annual germination percentage of the seed crop was 61%, varying from 7 to 81%. General linear models were used to analyse the size and quality of the seed crop. Independent variables explained 52% of the variation in annual seed crop quality, and no proper model was found for determining the size of the seed crop; the coefficient of determination was only 5%. A combination of more than 100 seeds m?2 and an expected germination percentage of over 50% was observed once during the years 1986–2004. In most years, natural regeneration in northern Finland is difficult and often limited by the seed crop's quality as well as quantity. These results confirm the importance of seed tree cutting in abundant seed crop years to enable the natural regeneration of pine.  相似文献   

Large and severe wildfires are now widespread in the Mediterranean Basin. Fire severity is important to ecosystem properties and processes and to forest management but it has been neglected by wildland fire research in Europe. In this study, we compare fire severity between maritime pine (PS) woodland and other forest (OF) types, identify other variables influent on fire severity, and describe its variation. We sampled contiguous, paired stands of PS and OF cover types – including deciduous and evergreen broadleaves and short-needled mountain conifers – that burned under very high to extreme fire danger in northwestern Portugal. Data on stand characteristics and fire severity metrics were collected in plots along transects perpendicular to the PS–OF boundary. Fire severity was rated in separate for the tree canopy, understorey vegetation and forest floor layers, and then an average (composite) fire severity rating was calculated. Fire intensity inferred from stem char height (adjusted for the effects of other factors) was highest in PS, followed by deciduous broadleaved woodland and short-needled conifer forest. With a few exceptions, all fire severity ratings were significantly different between PS and OF at all sites. Most fire severity metrics and ratings were correlated. The distance for fire severity minimization did not differ between OF types (median = 21 m). Variation in composite fire severity was accounted for by a classification tree (R2 = 0.44) based on cover type (contributing with 51% to the overall explanation), stand variables, aspect, distance to the PS–OF edge and fire spread pattern. Except for a more immediate decline in deciduous broadleaves, fire severity rating was not affected by OF type and tended to decrease in more mature stands and moister aspects. The fire severity moderation from PS to OF was compounded by a dominant pattern of down slope fire propagation into moister topographical positions, exacerbating the fuel effect implicit in the cover type change. The results are consistent with fire hazard and fire incidence studies and support conventional knowledge that advocates the expansion of broadleaved deciduous or evergreen forest as a means to achieve more fire-resilient ecosystems and landscapes.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the pine-top weevil (Pissodes piniphilus) could be a vector of resin-top disease caused by Endocronartium pini. The association of this weevil with trees and stands infected with the fungus was studied. The number of pupal chambers around cankers and in trapping bolts indicated an association. Mobility studies with flight traps and sticky rings, however, gave inconclusive results as to the possible role of the weevil as vector of the disease.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of pine mistletoe (Viscum album subsp. austriacum) on basal area increment of Crimean pine and Scots pine was investigated. Dendrochronological data were collected from 223 (71 uninfected and 152 infected) Crimean pines and 195 (77 uninfected and 118 infected) Scots pines located in Kastamonu province of Turkey in 2014. Infected sample trees were classified as light, moderate or severe infection levels. Growth trends and basal area increment loses were compared between uninfected and infected trees for the periods of the last 10, 20 and 30 years. In addition, infection status of forest stands was investigated using temporary sample plots; 27 plots in Crimean pine stands and 26 plots in Scots pine. Results demonstrated that basal area increments were negatively affected by pine mistletoe for both species. Mean basal area increment losses of infected trees for the last decade were determined as 24% for Scots pine and 26% for Crimean pine. Basal area increment losses varied by infection levels (light, moderate and severe) as follows: 25%, 20% and 28% for Scots pines and 20%, 32% and 9% for Crimean pines. Scots pine stands were more severely infected by pine mistletoe than Crimean pine stands. There were negative correlations between number of infected trees and stand density for both species, while positive correlation was detected between the number of infected trees and mean diameter for Scots pine. The results of this study indicate that the pine mistletoe infection has negative effect on radial growth of Scots pine and Crimean pine trees. The results can be an important contribution to the forest management and protection activities in mistletoe-infected stands.  相似文献   

To clarify the infection approach of Diplodia sapinea, a pathogen that causes tip blight of Pinus tabulaeformis, the infection process of the pathogen in needles was observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In addition, the disease incidence on branches damaged by Aphrophora flavipes (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) and Dioryctria splendidella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in the forest was also investigated. Then, branches and needles of P. tabulaeformis were inoculated using the D. sapinea spore suspension under indoor and field conditions. The results showed that the damage caused by A. flavipes could aggravate the occurrence of tip blight of P. tabulaeformis to some extent. Moreover, the pathogen could also penetrate 1‐, 2‐ and 3‐year‐old pine needles through stomata in the field. The pathogen infected the 1‐year‐old branches first and then gradually spread to 2‐ and 3‐year‐old branches.  相似文献   

Susceptibility of Pinus sylvestris provenances from northern Finland to Peridermium pini and lesion development caused by the rust were investigated by inoculating 768 saplings. Resin‐top disease symptoms on the stem including stem swelling, occurrence of spermatial fluid and rust aecia, were recorded over a period of 9 years. The disease incidence was low (3.6%), varying within the range of 0–9.4% among pine provenances and 3.4–3.9% among spore sources in 1994–2002. Aecia were produced for the first time 2–4 years after inoculation, appearing mainly in early June, 2–9 years after inoculation. The aecia ruptured in late July to early August, and the overall sporulation lasted for 1–8 years among the pine provenances. Spermatial fluid was observed regularly in the year prior to aecia development 2–7 years after inoculation. Annual fresh swelling was observed for 1–6 years after inoculation. No statistically significant differences occurred neither between the pine provenances, the spore sources nor the years with regard to all the major disease variables. The results suggest that Scots pine provenances from northern Finland are highly resistant to P. pini regardless of the pine provenance or spore source.  相似文献   

Natural sporulation of a pine stem rust, Cronartium flaccidum, was investigated in forested habitats in northern Finland. First, a diffuse sample (100) of seven species of hemiparasitic plants was collected in their natural habitats close to one another. C. flaccidum was found to sporulate on six species. The rust was most common on Melampyrum sylvaticum with 21% of the plants and 2% of the leaves carrying telia. Telia occurred occasionally also on Euphrasia frigida, E. nemorosa, E. stricta, Pedicularis palustris ssp. palustris and Melampyrum pratense (less than 5% of the plants and 0.3% of the leaves). The rust was absent on Rhinanthus minor. Second, a diffuse sample of each of M. sylvaticum, M. pratense, Euphrasia sp. and Rhinanthus sp. was collected from 10 sample plots surrounding the city area. C. flaccidum occurred on 0.29% of the leaves of M. sylvaticum, and 0.02%–0.03% of M. pratense and Euphrasia, but it was lacking from Rhinanthus. The results indicated that C. flaccidum was most common and widespread on M. sylvaticum, but sporulated sporadically also on Euphrasia sp., P. palustris and M. pratense. This is the first report of sporulation of C. flaccidum on Euphrasia frigida and E. nemorosa in their natural habitats. In contrast, a second rust observed in this survey, Coleosporium sp. needle rust, was much more common than C. flaccidum on the investigated plants. In the first site, 43%–54% of plants and 8%–17% of leaves of Melampyrum spp. and 0%–13% of plants and 0%–2% of leaves of Euphrasia spp., Rhinanthus minor and Pedicularis palustris carried uredinia or telia. In the second site, 9%–15% of leaves of Melampyrum spp. and 1%–2% of Euphrasia sp. and Rhinanthus sp. carried rust uredinia and/or telia. The results indicate frequent spore dispersal of both Cronartium and Coleosporium in the area, and versatile rust sporulation on hemiparasitic plant species.  相似文献   

Diameter, height and volume increment of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestrisL.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands wereinvestigated in long-term thinning experiments in southern Finland.The measurement period was on average 19 years, and thinningsconsisted of five different treatments: (1) unthinned; (2) selectivethinning from below where thinning intensity was determinedaccording to the number of stems; (3) selective thinning frombelow where thinning intensity was determined according to standbasal area; (4) systematic thinning where corridors were openedat regular intervals in the stand; and (5) half-systematic thinningwhere corridors were opened at regular intervals and the remainingstrips thinned from below, i.e. a combination of selective andsystematic thinning. The selective (basal area) thinning ofScots pine resulted in a volume growth reduction of about 12per cent, but in Norway spruce it resulted in no marked reductioncompared with the unthinned plots. In both tree species, volumeincrement in the half-systematic and selective (basal area)thinning differed only slightly from each other. The systematicthinning resulted in the lowest volume increment. In the systematicthinning, the total yield (m3 ha–1) somewhat decreasedwith increasing corridor width. In half-systematic thinning,on the other hand, the total yield was not clearly related tocorridor width. A corridor accelerated the diameter incrementof the edge trees. The edge effect progressively diminishedwhen moving deeper into the strip and ended at a distance ofabout 3–4 m from the corridor edge. After the thinning,the height increment first decreased, but later on it recovered.The unthinned plots had more dead trees than the other treatments,but there were no significant differences between the othertreatments. It can be concluded that the prevailing thinningmethod in the Nordic countries, i.e. half-systematic thinning,most probably results in no significant growth and yield losses.  相似文献   


Key message

Onset and cessation of radial and height increment of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in southern Finland were independent phenomena. They both contributed to the increment period duration, which was a more crucial factor defining the magnitude of annual radial and height increment.


Phenology of diameter and height increment is a critical component of growth, also contributing to damage and survival of trees.


We quantified annual variation in intra-annual tracheid production and height increment of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.).


The number of tracheids and the day of the year for the onset and cessation of tracheid production were monitored from microcores collected repeatedly during growing seasons 2001–2012 in southern Finland. Weekly height increment was also measured in an adjacent sapling stand in 2008–2012.


The first tracheids in pine were found around mid-May and in spruce a week later. The cessation of the tracheid production occurred during the last week of August for both tree species. Increment onset and cessation were independent phenomena, both contributing to the magnitude of tracheid production via increment period duration, which appeared to be a more crucial factor defining the number of tracheids. Duration of the height increment period was also related to shoot length but the connection was less tight than the link between the duration of tracheid production and the number of tracheids. A thermal threshold around 100 d.d. (degree days) was found for the onset of radial increment. No single environmental factor triggered the cessation of tracheid production, but in some years, soil water availability appeared to play a role.


The results indicate that extending growing seasons due to the climatic warming may increase growth in the Finnish forests.

The biomass of small and large fine roots (相似文献   

The need to regenerate peatland forests is expected to increase in the near future in Finland due to harvest of large amounts of peatlands drained during the 1950s and 1960s. In anticipation of this, a new type of excavator-mounted rototiller for soil scarification in peatlands has been developed in Finland to improve the moisture conditions of the seedbed by mixing the ground vegetation, raw humus layer, and peat. The regeneration result of the new rototiller was compared with traditional patch scarification (i.e. scalping) in direct seeding of Scots pine in three forestry-drained peatland sites in eastern Finland. After two growing seasons, rototilling offered no advantage over scalping in terms of the number of established seedlings, probability of empty patches, or seedling height. Seedling establishment was on average higher on scalping (10%) than on rototilling (8%). The main problem in rototilling may have been the loose and porous structure of the seedbed resulting in drought and frost damages.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the probability that pine twisting rust (Melampsora pinitorqua) damage occur in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stand were analysed using the 7th Finnish National Forest Inventory data (NFI7) from southern Finland in 1977–1983. The inventory was based on systematic sampling. The NFI7 data was measured in clusters, each of which consisted of 21 sample plots. In addition to the stand and site characteristics measured for forest management planning purposes, the data included records of damage by pine twisting rust and occurrence of aspens (Populus tremula, the other host plant of the pathogen) in the stands. Two multilevel logit models were developed for predicting the overall probability of pine twisting rust damage and the probability of severe pine twisting rust damage. Site and stand characteristics were used as explanatory variables in the models. Residual variance in the models was studied on the inventory crew, cluster and year levels. The occurrence of aspens and site fertility were the most important factors increasing the probability that pine twisting rust damage will occur in a stand. The damage probability also decreased with increasing effective temperature sum calculated for the location. The overall damage probability was equally high on peatlands and on mineral soil if there were aspens in the stand. If, however, there were no aspens in the stand, the probability of damage was higher on mineral soils than on peatlands. In addition, the overall probability was lower in naturally regenerated stands than in planted or sown stands, and it decreased with increasing mean age of pines. In both models, the residual variance was significant on the both the inventory crew and the cluster levels.  相似文献   

  • ? Radial and height growth chronologies from 150-year-old and 50-year old Scots pine stands, both located near to the northern timberline in Laanila, Finland (68° 30′ N, 27° 28′ E), were cross-correlated with each other and with mean temperatures of various temperature periods defined as months, days or growing-degree-days.
  • ? The height-growth chronology correlates significantly with radial growth at lags 1 and 2, and radial growth with height growth at lag 2 when the effect of temperature is omitted. On average, low and high growth years represent cool and warm average growing seasons. The summer temperatures (June, July and August) affect most on growth, but height and radial growth do have a different set of effective temperature periods. Furthermore, July temperature variation affects stronger height than radial growth.
  • ? Those years with low height/radial-growth ratio, i.e. relatively higher current year’s radial than next year’s height growth, do have lower growth and cooler-than-average July temperature whereas those years with high height/radial-growth ratio do have clearly warmer mid-summer temperatures.
  •   相似文献   

    The effect of uncertainty on the cost-effectiveness of alternative chains of stand establishment in northern Finland was examined. The data were from a reforestation study of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) consisting of 288 sample plots, which were measured with respect to regeneration success. The study design included four site-preparation methods (patch scarification, ploughing, prescribed burning and disk trenching) combined with three reforestation methods (sowing, planting with containerized seedlings and planting with bare-rooted transplants). Initial reforestation density was 2,500 spots or seedlings per hectare, and the regeneration success was modeled as probability with two thresholds, namely 500 and 1,100 saplings. On formerly spruce-dominated as well as pine-dominated sites the most cost-effective chain was ploughing and planting with containerized seedlings, when threshold was 1,100 saplings per hectare. However, with threshold of 500 saplings the best performer was ploughing and direct sowing on both sites.  相似文献   

    A combined species – provenance – family experiment with Scots pine and lodgepole pine was planted in Canada and Sweden. One aim of the experiment was to evaluate the two species’ sensitivities to pathogens and insects 25 years after establishment in their non-native continents. In Canada, Scots pine had better average survival than lodgepole pine, but survival rates among trees from the best seed-lots were equal. In Canada only western gall rust infected Scots pine to some extent, and mountain pine beetles attacked and killed Scots pine more frequently than lodgepole pine. At one site in Sweden, lodgepole pine had higher survival rates than Scots pine, whether evaluated as an overall average or with data from only the best surviving seed-lots. At the other Swedish site, the species’ survival rates were equal, largely since moose damage was much more frequent on lodgepole pine than on Scots pine. Adaptation to local conditions seemed to be important in the resistance of stem breakage caused by heavy snowfalls. The exotic species generally seemed to resist the new threats, but more serious damage by mountain pine beetle on Scots pine than on lodgepole pine in Canada demonstrates possible drawbacks when using exotic species which are phylogenetically similar to native.  相似文献   

    The pine-top weevil Pissodes piniphilus is known to be often associated with trees infected with resin-top disease. In this paper, the ability of the weevil to carry Endocronartium pini spores in laboratory conditions and its ability to infect pines in the field were studied. The weevil may carry spores and cause infection in healthy pines.  相似文献   

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