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海洋鱼类的转换效率及其影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭学武 《水产学报》2004,28(4):460-467
转换效率(conversion efficiency)是指单位时间内生物的生产量占食物消耗量的比例,一般从能量的角度来考量,称之为生长效率(growth efficiency),或者能量转换效率;当从生物量的角度来考量时,多称之为食物转换效率。中国学者也将食物转换效率称为生态生长效率,并将能量转换效率和食物转换效率统称为生态  相似文献   

采用相关分析和通径分析这两种方法,来研究缢蛏的表型形态性状对体质量和软体部重的影响。随机抽取缢蛏100只,分别测定其壳长(X_1)、壳宽(X_2)、壳高(X_3)、体质量(Y_1)和软体部重(Y_2)5项贝壳表型性状参数,并分别计算了各表型性状间的相关系数,以及表型性状作为自变量,对体质量和软体部重作为因变量的通径系数和决定系数。结果表明,通过缢蛏表型性状间的相关分析对两性状间的关系进行明确的定量,有利于制定合理的多性状选择方案,为缢蛏选育提供理想的测度指标。  相似文献   

Variation in trophic position can be caused by structural changes in food webs that may affect the presence of, or be affected by the presence of, individual species. We examined variation in the trophic position of fishes across 14 stream sites in the Bear River drainage, WY, USA. This drainage is the focus of ongoing conservation of northern leatherside chub (Lepidomeda copei). Our goals were (i) to describe variation in trophic position of individual species and (ii) to determine whether these measures differed between sites with and without northern leatherside chub. Mean trophic position of individual fish species varied between 0 and 3 trophic positions across sites. For two of these species, trophic position declined at sites without northern leatherside chub. Importantly, habitat surveys from a previous study at 10 of these sites revealed no differences in habitat suitability for northern leatherside chub. This suggests that trophic position revealed systematic differences among sites that were not apparent based on traditional species‐habitat modelling. We outline possible mechanisms behind these patterns and argue that monitoring variation in trophic position can complement traditional, habitat‐based methods for understanding species distributions.  相似文献   

Ecological complexity may improve ecosystem function, stability and adaptability to natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Intraspecific trophic variation can represent a significant component of total community variation and can influence food web structure and function. Thus, understanding how trophic niches are partitioned between intraspecific and interspecific processes could improve our understanding of food web dynamics. We examined gut contents, fatty acids and stable isotope ratios in round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) across six sites in Lake Michigan, USA, to determine patterns in intra‐ and interspecific trophic composition (i.e., mean gut or fatty acid composition) and diversity (i.e., the diversity of gut items or fatty acids). We also examined relationships between fatty acid diversity and gut content characteristics to understand potential mechanisms shaping individual trophic phenotypes. There was significant variation in both trophic composition and diversity among sites, and individual and spatial variation was as important to total trophic variation as species identity. Round goby that consumed dreissenid mussels had more diverse fatty acid profiles than those that consumed other benthic invertebrates, whereas yellow perch fatty acid diversity was not related to gut content composition. Our results confirm that intraspecific variation in resource use can be as important to trophic dynamics as interspecific variation, and that spatial variation in lower level food web processes or habitat may strongly structure local food web dynamics. Individual‐level examination of trophic diversity, in concert with trophic composition, could provide additional information about the resilience, function and adaptability of local food webs.  相似文献   

陆化杰  刘凯  欧玉哲  陈子越  陈新军 《水产学报》2021,45(12):2099-2111
随着微塑料在海洋环境和海洋生物中的发现,海洋微塑料污染问题越来越受到关注.本文对海洋微塑料的来源、类型、分布规律、毒性以及不同栖息地、不同食性海洋鱼类对微塑料的摄取特性和受到影响进行了梳理,对后续研究方向进行了分析和展望.结果显示,微塑料来源广泛、种类繁多、分布在海洋的各个角落,在海洋中垂直分布特点为底层沉积物含量较高...  相似文献   

中国主要海洋底层鱼类生物学研究的回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
回顾了中国海洋主要底层经济鱼类资源生物学的研究历史和科研成果,并重点叙述了带鱼、小黄鱼、大黄鱼和绿鳍马面鲀等重要经济鱼类资源生物学研究概况.概述的内容包括地理种群及其产卵群体的鉴别和划分、生活史型的演变、种群和群体结构、种群数量变动、年龄组成和生长特性、摄食习性、性成熟周期、性腺成熟指数(GSI)、产卵群体生殖力、产卵场、索饵场、越冬场及洄游路线、资源量和渔获量、各种作业渔船的调整及其捕捞力量的限制措施等,并展望了中国海洋底层经济鱼类资源生物学研究的前景.  相似文献   

We evaluated whether the trophic level and feeding grounds (coastal versus offshore) of white and shortfin mako sharks captured in the northern Mexican Pacific varied as a function of size using carbon (δ13C values) and nitrogen (δ15N values) stable isotope analysis of soft tissues. A step increase in δ15N values was observed at approximately 85 cm TL and 150–170 cm TL for shortfin mako and white sharks, respectively, consistent with the dilution of the maternal isotopic signal following the incorporation of exogenous food. Shortfin mako and white shark muscle tissue and whole blood were enriched in 15N as a function of size, which is consistent with increasing trophic level, but this pattern may be confounded by differences in habitat. To infer differences in foraging habitat throughout life, we compared isotope ratios of liver and blood fractions with those of white muscle tissue; these tissues have relatively faster and slower isotope turnover rates, respectively. Whole blood and muscle δ13C values of small white sharks (<200 cm total length) caught near the coast suggested benthic foraging. Very limited differences between δ13C values of muscle tissue and whole blood from small and medium mako (<196 cm TL) and small white sharks indicated equilibrium to local feeding grounds. In contrast, differences in the δ13C values of liver tissue from small and medium mako and small white sharks indicated changes in diet or feeding grounds. The δ13C values of plasma and muscle tissue of large white sharks (>350 cm total length) caught offshore indicate feeding in coastal and oceanic areas and are consistent with recent migration to pelagic feeding grounds. Our study provides insight into size‐based habitat use and migration patterns of two species of migratory sharks for which there is limited information, particularly in their nursery grounds in Mexican waters.  相似文献   

中国海洋一般中上层经济鱼类生物学研究的回顾与前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国海洋一般中上层经济鱼类种类繁多,大多为r选择型或由K选择型演变为r选择型,资源更新速度较快、可持续利用的前景较为广阔,在中国海洋捕捞业产量中的比重呈上升趋势。本文综述了中国海洋一般中上层经济鱼类的渔业发展概况,着重介绍了鳓(Ilisha elongata)、灰鲳(Pampus cinereus)、竹鱼(Trachurus japonicus)、金色小沙丁鱼(Sardinella aurita)、黄海鲱(Clupea harengus pallasi)和黄鲫(Setipinna taty)等6种主要种类资源生物学的研究进展,概述了这些种类的种群鉴别和划分、洄游分布、越冬场、产卵场及其产卵期、年龄和生长、摄食习性、生殖力和群体结构变动,以及其资源量和可捕量的评估,同时展望了其资源生物学研究的前景并提出了前瞻性建议。  相似文献   

Abstract – Energy transfer mechanisms often cannot be identified with either an isotope or a food habits analysis; however, a combined assessment provided collaborative support for depicting backwater food webs. Lateral dimensions in riverine function substantially influence backwater ecology; however, backwater communities are highly dynamic and infrequently investigated due to logistical difficulties. We created seasonal food webs for an upper Missouri River backwater using a combined food habits and stable isotope analysis. Temporal transition of energy origins was apparent. In the spring, carbon primarily originated from sediments, detritus and periphyton. During mid-summer, carbon was derived from a variety of sources, but included large proportions of terrestrial plants and particulate organic matter. By early fall, the backwater was uncoupled from the river, and autochthonous phytoplankton appeared to be the dominant carbon source. During all sample periods, Chironomidae was an important trophic link conveying energy from the primary producers to the higher consumers. Additionally, zooplankton were an important energy transfer taxa to the abundant age-0 fish community in the fall, and Corixidae were important in the spring.  相似文献   

Diadromous fishes are known biotransport vectors that can move nutrients, energy and contaminants in an upstream direction in lotic ecosystems. This function has been demonstrated repeatedly in anadromous salmonids, but the role of other diadromous species, especially tropical taxa, as biotransport vectors is less studied. Amphidromous fish species exhibit potential to act as upstream vectors of nutrients and contaminants in their postlarval and juvenile stages, but this role is largely unknown because of limited understanding of larval growth habitats. Moreover, because some species are harvested in artisanal fisheries as postlarvae, and postlarvae are consumed by riverine and estuarine predators, heavy contaminant loads may present a human or wildlife health concern. This research incorporates stable isotope and contaminant analyses to infer larval habitats and contaminant accumulation of amphidromous fishes on the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. The isotopic signatures of postlarval amphidromous fishes indicated marine basal sources and food web components, rather than those from riverine habitats. Additionally, postlarvae did not contain concentrations of anthropogenic pollutants that would be of ecological or human health concern. These findings are the first and strongest evidence that amphidromous fish postlarvae function as biotransport vectors of marine nutrients into and up river ecosystems without posing a health threat to the receiving food web or human consumers.  相似文献   

为了揭示大菱鲆(Scophthalmusmaximus)体重和体尺性状的分子遗传机制,探寻用于改良目标性状的分子标记及候选基因,本研究以大菱鲆育种群体为研究对象,分别测量其体重、体长、体宽和尾柄宽性状的表型值,利用简化基因组测序技术(2b-RAD)获得相应基因型数据,进行全基因组关联研究(Genome-wide ass...  相似文献   

为了解三峡大坝蓄水后库区干流鱼类食物网结构及营养关系的构成,应用碳(δ13C)、氮(δ15N)稳定性同位素技术,分别于2010年夏季(7月份)和冬季(12月份)对三峡库区巫山至万州段干流鱼类食物网结构及营养关系的季节变化进行了探讨,并与2005年夏季该区域鱼类食物网结构和营养关系组成情况进行了比较。结果显示:本次(2010年)调查颗粒有机物(POM)和固着藻类样品δ13C值分别为-25.62‰~-23.72‰、-19.81‰~-19.47‰,且无显著性季节(夏季和冬季)差异。POM 和固着藻类(内源性营养物质)是三峡库区巫山至万州段干流鱼类食物网基础能量的主要来源,但外源性营养物质输入也是其基础能量来源的重要补充途径。与2005年相比,2010年该区域鱼类食物网中消费者δ13C值富集度和食物网营养级长度均有所增加。该研究结果对三峡库区鱼类资源增殖放流和生态修复有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

Ash flows and flooding associated with wildfires represent important but understudied sources of disturbance for fish populations. Knowledge concerning these disturbances is especially limited for larger streams where warm water species dominate. Fire‐related disturbances have been hypothesised to differentially affect native and non‐native fishes, although this hypothesis has only been tested for salmonids. The objective of our research was to contrast effects of uncharacteristically large wildfires followed by flooding on metapopulations of native and non‐native fishes in the Gila River of southwest New Mexico. Probabilities of occupancy, colonisation and local extinction of fishes were calculated across sites before and during disturbance and were also measured across a broader spatial scale during disturbance to identify potential refuge locations. Occupancy was higher for native fishes than non‐natives, but multiple wildfire and flood events increased extinction probabilities of native species. Responses of non‐native species to wildfires were mixed; extinction of non‐native salmonids increased during disturbance, while extinction of several warm water species remained unchanged or decreased. Several undisturbed sites were poor refugia for natives as they were impacted by non‐native piscivores, dewatering, and fragmentation. However, despite exposure to multiple disturbances, sites located in large tributary and valley reaches were consistently occupied by native species, suggesting these habitats provided refugia. We suggest that management actions (forest thinning; prescribed burning) that restore a more natural disturbance regime of small and less severe fires coupled with habitat remediation activities (non‐native removal; decreased water withdrawal; improved connectivity) might diminish extinction risk for native fishes exposed to wildfire disturbance.  相似文献   

日本沼虾五群体形态性状对体质量的通径分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为筛选出影响日本沼虾体质量的主要形态性状,以便确定人工选育的理想测定指标,以太湖、鄱阳湖、白洋淀、微山湖及淀山湖的野生日本沼虾为研究对象,随机选取各群体90尾虾测定19个形态指标,采用简单相关分析和通径分析等多元回归分析方法分析各群体对体质量作用较为突出的形态性状,并进行聚类分析。通径分析结果显示,太湖群体体长、头胸甲宽、第二步足长、头胸甲高、尾扇长对体质量的通径系数达到极显著,逐步回归建立其对体质量的回归方程、回归截距及相应的回归系数分别为–9.878、0.075、0.314、0.011、0.320、0.222;鄱阳湖群体头胸甲长、尾扇长、尾节宽、头胸甲宽、头胸甲高、尾节高、体长性状对体质量的通径系数达到极显著,回归截距和相应的回归系数分别为–1.618、0.392、–0.280、0.703、0.524、–0.359、0.688、–0.061;白洋淀群体体长、头胸甲宽、第二步足长和尾扇长对体质量的通径系数达到极显著,其回归截距和相应的回归系数分别为–4.796、0.082、0.222、0.007、0.136;微山湖群体头胸甲长、腹节高、第二步足长、腹节宽对体质量的通径系数达到极显著,其回归截距和相应的回归系数分别为–7.644、0.248、0.329、0.025、0.301;淀山湖群体体长、第二步足长、头胸甲宽、尾节宽、腹节宽对体质量的通径系数达到极显著,其回归截距和相应的回归系数为–6.257、0.019、0.018、0.164、0.264、0.162。体长与头胸甲性状在不同群体中都对体质量的作用十分明显。聚类结果显示,地理位置越接近,形态上越相似。研究表明,各个地区被保留的性状与体质量的复相关系数为0.965、0.904、0.902、0.971、0.955,为影响各自群体体质量的主要自变量。  相似文献   

  • 1. Port Davey and associated Bathurst Harbour in south‐western Tasmania represent one of the world's most anomalous estuarine systems owing to an unusual combination of environmental factors. These include: (i) large uninhabited catchment protected as a National Park; (ii) ria geomorphology but with fjord characteristics that include a shallow entrance and deep 12‐km long channel connecting an almost land‐locked harbour to the sea; (iii) high rainfall and riverine input that generate strongly‐stratified estuarine conditions, with a low‐salinity surface layer and marine bottom water; (iv) a deeply tannin‐stained surface layer that blocks light penetration to depth; (v) very low levels of nutrients and low aquatic productivity; (vi) weak tidal influences; (vii) marine bottom water with stable temperature throughout the year; (viii) numerous endemic species; (ix) strongly depth‐stratified benthic assemblages exhibiting high compositional variability over small spatial scales; (x) deepsea species present at anomalously shallow depths; (xi) no conspicuous introduced taxa; (xii) a predominance of fragile sessile invertebrates, including slow‐growing fenestrate bryozoans; and (xiii) sponge spicule‐ and bryozoan‐based sediments that are more characteristic of deep sea and polar environments than those inshore.
  • 2. Although this region has historically been protected by its isolation, seven major anthropogenic stressors now threaten its natural integrity: boating, fishing, dive tourism, nutrient enrichment, introduced species, onshore development, and global climate change. These threats are not randomly distributed but disproportionately affect particular habitat types.
  • 3. For management of environmental risk, the Port Davey–Bathurst Harbour region is subdivided into six biophysical zones, each with different ecological characteristics, values, and types and levels of potential threat. In response to the various threats, the Tasmanian Government has enacted an adaptive management regime that includes a multi‐zoned marine protected area and the largest ‘no‐take’ estuarine protected area in Australia. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Six different commercial feeds used in weaning and postweaning of marine fish were analysed from the perspective of some of their main physico‐chemical features and in vitro digestibility. While the range of particle sizes in dry state closely agreed to those claimed by the producing companies, dramatic changes were observed after suspension in water. Sedimentation rates measured in some of the feeds with higher particle sizes may be too high to ensure intake by young fish. The label claims of the products overestimate the amount of total protein but underestimate that of lipids. The analysis of amino acid profiles evidenced important differences in total amino acid composition between feeds of the same company but a great similitude in the profile of free amino acids (FAA). The evaluation of leaching evidenced that the fraction of FAA, which represented <2% of dry matter of the feeds, is quickly released in water, acting mainly as attractants. The in vitro digestibility assay evidenced significant differences in the bioaccessibility of the nitrogen fraction in some of the feeds by the digestive proteases of the sea bream (Sparus aurata).  相似文献   

Non‐native piscivores can alter food web dynamics; therefore, evaluating interspecific relationships is vital for conservation and management of ecosystems with introduced fishes. Priest Lake, Idaho, supports a number of introduced species, including lake trout Salvelinus namaycush, brook trout S. fontinalis and opossum shrimp Mysis diluviana. In this study, we used stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) to describe the food web structure of Priest Lake and to test hypotheses about apparent patterns in lake trout growth. We found that isotopic niches of species using pelagic‐origin carbon did not overlap with those using more littoral‐origin carbon. Species using more littoral‐origin carbon, such as brook trout and westslope cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi, exhibited a high degree of isotopic niche overlap and high intrapopulation variability in resource use. Although we hypothesised that lake trout would experience an ontogenetic diet shift, no such patterns were apparent in isotopic signatures. Lake trout growth rates were not associated with patterns in δ15N, indicating that variation in adult body composition may not be related to adult diet. Understanding trophic relationships at both the individual and species levels provides a more complete understanding of food webs altered by non‐native species.  相似文献   

Predation can play an important role in population, community and ecosystem processes. When predator guilds are diverse, fluctuations in individual predator populations may have small influences on the guild at large, suggesting that predator diversity stabilizes the amount of predation prey experience. The strength of this phenomenon depends on how synchronously populations within predator assemblages vary and whether all predators are equally important consumers. We utilized a database of biomasses of fish species across ten temperate marine ecosystems paired with diet composition and feeding rate information from mass‐balance food web models to develop a predation index that weights the importance of predators on a prey based on predator feeding habits. Using the index, we asked how diverse sources of predation in these ecosystems are and how much diversity stabilizes variability in predation. Predator assemblages displayed a wide range of diversity; in one‐third of assemblages, a single predator group accounted for over half of all predation. Abundances of predator populations within assemblages generally varied independently of one another (neither synchronously nor asynchronously), implying an intermediate stabilization on predation intensity by predator diversity. Accounting for interaction strength (versus mere presence) is critical for interpreting the predator landscape; doing so led to a wider range in predator assemblage diversity and less synchronous assemblages. This work challenges conventional notions that marine food webs are diverse and therefore less susceptible to predator control. Future work should consider the temporal variability of the predator assemblages and account for differences in mortality induced by each predator population.  相似文献   

We assessed by numerical modeling the coastal fish larval dispersion along the southern coast of Mallorca (Balearic Islands, NW Mediterranean) with the objective of determining the factors that contribute to successful recruitment. We assumed that fish larvae dispersal is mainly regulated by physical transport. Currents are mainly wind driven in this area; therefore, changes in wind forcing have a first‐order impact on larval transport. The synoptic wind patterns were systematically analyzed based on self‐organizing map analysis. The wind fields were clustered using a neural network pattern recognition approach into two modes, producing opposite along‐shelf flow. The seasonal changes between spring and summer in the dominance of either mode modulate the along‐shelf circulation, producing flow shifts under some circumstances. This variability in the wind regime was consistent throughout the 10 years analyzed (2000–2009). Using the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) and a particle‐tracking algorithm, we analyzed the effect of wind‐forced currents in the connectivity among near‐shore habitats. We show that, at the spatial scale considered, the coastal morphology and stochastic wind forcing favor local recruitment (mean of 30% self‐recruitment). Maximum transport distances of 20–30 km were typically associated with particles left to drift for 21 days. The implications for the performance of the four marine protected areas near SW Mallorca Island are discussed. Our results suggest that, although wind episodes determine the fate of short‐time spawning events, on a seasonal basis, regular larval supply to coastal zones is ensured by wind stochasticity.  相似文献   

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