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Invasive bark and ambrosia beetles (Curculionidae: Scolytinae and Platypodinae) are increasingly responsible for damage to forests, plantations and orchards worldwide. They are usually closely associated with fungi, which may be pathogenic causing tree mortality. Stressed or weakened trees are particularly subject to attack, as is recently felled, non‐treated wood. This PRA report concerns the ambrosia beetle Platypus parallelus (Euplatypus parallelus, Fabricus, 1801) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), which was detected in official controls. The PRA area is Turkey. P. parallelus is not on the A1 or A2 list for Turkey but the Regulation on Plant Quarantine (3 December 2011‐OJ no: 28131) Article 13 (5) indicates that pests which are assessed to pose a risk for Turkey following PRA that are not present in the above lists and plants, wood, plant products and other materials contaminated by these organisms are banned from entry into Turkey. This risk assessment follows the EPPO Standard PM 5/3(5) Decision‐support scheme for quarantine pests and uses the terminology defined in ISPM 5 Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms. This paper addresses the possible risk factors caused by Platypus parallelus (Euplatypus parallelus, Fabricus, 1801) in Turkey.  相似文献   

Bioassays of Lacanobia subjuncta (Grote and Robinson) larvae established baseline LC50 values and identified the potential of reduced-risk, organophosphate replacement and naturally derived insecticides (eg chloronicotinyls, spinosyns, oxadiazines, insect growth regulators, microbial insecticides and particle films) to control this pest. The toxicities of these products were compared with those of organophosphate, carbamate, chlorinated cyclodiene and synthetic pyrethroid insecticides used in the management of lepidopteran pests in Washington apple orchards. Field trials were conducted comparing candidate insecticides to conventional alternatives. Several new insecticides (eg spinosad, methoxyfenozide, indoxacarb and an aluminosilicate particle film) proved to be effective for the management of L subjuncta. We summarize the goals and challenges of developing an integrated pest management program for new and resurgent pests as insecticide tools continue to change, and propose a hypothesis for the sudden increase in pest status of L subjuncta based on organophosphate tolerances. The role of novel insecticides with unique modes of action in resistance management and the encouragement of biological control are also discussed.  相似文献   

柑橘大实蝇 [(Bactrocera (tetradacus)mi nax (Enderlein) ]是全国检疫性有害生物之一。此虫危害柑橘时 ,以雌蝇产卵于果皮下近果瓤处或果瓤中 ,孵化出幼虫潜食果瓤和种子 ,引起果实腐烂和落果。即使是为害轻而能正常生长的柑橘 ,果实在后期也腐烂 ,不能食用 ;受害果园一般减产2 0 %~ 30 % ,严重的减产 70 %~ 80 %。目前我省各市、州种植柑橘 9 9万hm2 ,年产 94 6万t ,柑橘大实蝇在我省三峡河谷地区、荆门、十堰局部地区零星发生 ,一旦在我省传播蔓延 ,将直接影响柑橘生产与贸易 ,后果不堪设想。…  相似文献   

The Plant Pest Risk Information System (PPRIS) is a computerized decision-support system for plant pest risk assessment in the USA, being developed for use by personnel of the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Plant Protection and Quarantine, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). PPRIS is being designed to retrieve information from such diverse sources as: EPPO PQ database, USDA-Agricultural Research Service's (ARS) Fungi on Plants and Plant Products database, bibliographic databases on compact disc media, on-line INTERNET databases and risk assessment documents. PPRIS will offer access to a wide variety of risk assessment processes. A PPRIS evaluation prototype was created in Visual Basic ver. 3.0 operating in a Windows 3.1 environment. EPPO-PQ and ARS-Fungi databases were imported and stored in ORACLE ver. 6.0. Query functionality of the prototype was tested by retrieving information from the two internal ORACLE databases. The PPRIS evaluation prototype provides interfaces to the CABPEST bibliographic compact disc and to communication software for on-line database searches. Three risk assessment processes were incorporated into the evaluation prototype: the decision sheet, generic risk assessment and enhanced hazard identification. The evaluation prototype also includes access to Wordperfect for Windows through the Windows Program Manager for storage and retrieval of risk assessment documents.  相似文献   

为探明亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis(Guenée)的寄主植物种类,对13科38种植物进行了田间笼罩接虫试验和室内生物测定,并通过组建实验种群生命表分析了不同寄主植物对亚洲玉米螟生长发育和繁殖的影响。田间试验结果表明,亚洲玉米螟寄主植物有8科20种,酸模叶蓼是最适宜寄主植物,其次为玉米、谷子、薏苡等;在酸模叶蓼、玉米等11种植物上还发现了第2代幼虫。室内试验结果表明,在室内饲养条件下,亚洲玉米螟能在9科25种寄主植物上完成生活史,其中以向日葵为寄主植物的亚洲玉米螟种群增长最快,其次为玉米。研究表明,亚洲玉米螟的寄主植物共有9科27种,较适宜寄主植物有酸模叶蓼、玉米、谷子、苍耳和葎草,其中在玉米上的生长发育和繁殖最佳。  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - A commercial formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis (Mattch) was evaluated under field conditions at Clemson, South Carolina, USA for control of the squash...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Phenylacetaldehyde is a flower volatile and attractant for many nectar‐seeking moths. Acetic acid is a microbial fermentation product that is present in insect sweet baits. It is weakly attractive to some moths and other insects, but can be additive or synergistic with other compounds to make more powerful insect lures. RESULTS: Acetic acid and phenylacetaldehyde presented together in traps made a stronger lure than either chemical alone for moths of the alfalfa looper Autographa californica (Speyer) and the armyworm Spodoptera albula (Walker). However, this combination of chemicals reduced captures of the cabbage looper moth Trichoplusia ni (Hübner), the silver Y moth Autographa gamma (L.), MacDunnoughia confusa (Stephens) and the soybean looper moth Chrysodeixis includens (Walker) by comparison with phenylacetaldehyde alone. CONCLUSION: These results indicate both positive and negative interactions of acetic acid, a sugar fermentation odor cue, and phenylacetaldehyde, a floral scent cue, in eliciting orientation responses of moths. This research provides a new two‐component lure for the alfalfa looper A. californica and for the armyworm S. albula for potential use in pest management. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Three polyphagous looper caterpillars, Buzura suppressaria Guenée, Hyposidra talaca Walker and Hyposidra infixaria Walker, have established themselves as severe pests of tea [Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze] in the plantations of sub Himalayan West Bengal (Terai region). Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth. is a naturally occurring alternative host of all these looper species. To gain an insight into looper and host plant relationships, the present work contemplates studies on host preference, host-based life cycle traits and levels of detoxification enzymes, such as general esterases (GEs) and glutathione S-transferases (GSTs). From the study, host-induction of feeding preference was evident in all the three looper species. Hyposidra spp. exhibited similar post-embryonic development periods both on tea and S. wallichii, whereas B. suppressaria reared on tea needed a longer development period than on S. wallichii. Tea-reared caterpillars of Hyposidra spp. were significantly heavier, having higher quantities of GEs and GSTs than S. wallichii-reared ones. B. suppressaria, however, exhibited similar body weights on tea and S. wallichii. While GST level was higher in tea-reared B. suppressaria, its GE quantity was higher on S. wallichii. Although tea was found to be a more suitable host for Hyposidra spp., the host S. wallichii proved marginally better than tea for supporting B. suppressaria. However, all the three looper species could utilize the foliage of tea and S. wallichii successfully. So S. wallichii trees can act as a sylvan reservoir of the looper species, prompting their possible invasion of tea plantations and thus making management of looper pests in tea more difficult.  相似文献   

First report on the parasitoid Trichospilus diatraeae of the genus in Eulophidae found in the field parasitizing pupae of the eucalyptus defoliating looper Melanolophia consimilaria. This opens new perspectives for the use of this parasitoid in biological control programs against caterpillars of forestry importance.  相似文献   

为明确玉米和甘蔗间作对亚洲玉米螟产卵行为的影响,在尼龙网室研究了亚洲玉米螟在玉米和甘蔗不同种植模式下的产卵时间、产卵部位及产卵量的差异。结果表明,不同种植模式下亚洲玉米螟均于23∶00开始产卵,02∶00~03∶00达产卵高峰。单作甘蔗、单作玉米和间作甘蔗叶背的玉米螟卵块和卵粒数均高于叶面,而间作玉米叶背与叶面的玉米螟卵块数无显著差异,叶背的卵粒数高于叶面。单作玉米叶脉的玉米螟卵块和卵粒数均显著高于叶缘;间作玉米和单作甘蔗叶脉与叶缘卵块数间无差异,但叶脉处卵粒数高于叶缘,间作甘蔗叶脉的卵块数高于叶缘,叶缘卵粒数高于叶脉。单作甘蔗叶背的亚洲玉米螟卵块主要分布在距叶鞘69.14 cm处,而叶面的卵块主要分布在距叶鞘21.09 cm处;间作甘蔗叶背和叶面卵块分布于距叶鞘35.17 cm和12.34 cm处,二者差异显著。单作玉米上亚洲玉米螟卵块仅分布于叶背沿叶脉远离叶鞘处,而间作玉米叶背和叶面卵块分布于近叶鞘。表明玉米和甘蔗间作对亚洲玉米螟雌蛾产卵选择性具有明显的影响。  相似文献   

The widely used Köppen–Geiger climate classification system can inform judgements of establishment during pest categorizations and systems of simplified pest risk assessment. Such processes allow national plant protection organizations to quickly identify plant pests of potential regulatory concern. Judging whether a pest can establish is a key factor in determining whether a pest satisfies the definition of a quarantine pest. Climate is often a significant factor influencing where species can establish. Here, we provide a resource that reports the Köppen–Geiger climate classification at a range of spatial scales from sub‐national to continental for the period 1986–2010 in an accessible table. The data is provided as a resource for pest risk analysis to inform and support rapid decision‐making. An online appendix is provided showing the number of grid cells in each of the 31 Köppen–Geiger climate types in 417 regions across the globe at country level or less. Thirteen climate types occur within the European Union (EU), the most common is ‘temperate oceanic’ occupying 48% of EU grid cells. Twenty‐four of 31 climate types occur within the EPPO region; the most common is ‘continental, uniform precipitation with cold summer’, occupying 35% of EPPO grid cells.  相似文献   

丁布胁迫对亚洲玉米螟氧化还原系统的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明丁布胁迫对亚洲玉米螟氧化还原系统的影响,采用酶活力测定方法和实时荧光定量PCR技术,研究了取食丁布含量差异显著的3个玉米品种登海662、浚单20和隆玉602叶片及模拟其叶片丁布含量的人工饲料后,玉米螟3龄幼虫氧化还原系统主要酶活性和谷氧还蛋白(Grx)mRNA转录表达的变化。结果显示:取食3个玉米品种叶片24 h后,亚洲玉米螟幼虫过氧化物酶和超氧化物歧化酶活性均显著高于对照,且在3个品种处理间差异显著,由大到小依次为登海662(118.30 U/mg和182.19 U/mg)、浚单20(107.13 U/mg和90.02 U/mg)和隆玉602(77.54 U/mg和93.59 U/mg)。取食浚单20可显著促进幼虫脂肪体Grx的表达,取食登海662可显著促进其中肠Grx的表达;取食模拟登海662叶片丁布含量的人工饲料12 h后,幼虫脂肪体中Grx表达量高于对应玉米叶片饲喂处理,而中肠部位则低于对应玉米叶片饲喂处理;取食模拟浚单20的结果与模拟登海662相反。表明亚洲玉米螟氧化还原系统在防御丁布胁迫过程中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

为明确我国东北地区亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis(Guenée)不同世代的种群动态及寄主植物来源,利用性诱捕器监测了其不同世代的种群动态,并以雄蛾翅的稳定性同位素δ13C为标记鉴定其寄主植物的光合作用类型。结果表明,亚洲玉米螟成虫越冬代始见期在5月底,第1代终见期在9月中旬。公主岭、齐齐哈尔、沈阳等地越冬代和第1代亚洲玉米螟幼虫主要以C4植物为寄主,以C4植物为寄主的种群占所有种群的比例分别为72.19%~97.71%和95.18%~100%;2014年公主岭、齐齐哈尔、沈阳等地之间越冬代和第1代亚洲玉米螟幼虫以C3植物为寄主的种群比例无显著差异,2013年公主岭和2014年沈阳的越冬代和第1代幼虫期之间以C3植物为寄主的种群比例差异显著。研究表明,东北地区以C3植物为寄主的亚洲玉米螟种群较少。  相似文献   

Creontiades spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) are sucking pests that attack buds, flowers and young pods in mungbeans, Vigna radiata (L.), causing these structures subsequently to abort. If left uncontrolled, mirids can cause 25-50% yield loss. Traditional industry practice has involved prophylactic applications of dimethoate to control mirids at budding and again a week later. The present trial was initiated to highlight the dangers of such a practice, in particular the risk of a subsequent Helicoverpa spp. lepidopteran pest outbreak. A single application of dimethoate halved the population of important natural enemies of Helicoverpa spp., and caused an above-threshold outbreak of Helicoverpa spp. within 11 days. This shows that even a moderate (e.g. 50%) reduction in natural enemies may be sufficient to increase Helicoverpa spp. populations in mungbeans. As a result, prophylactic sprays should not be used for the control of mirids in mungbeans, and dimethoate should be applied only when mirids are above the economic threshold. Indoxacarb was also tested to establish its effect on Helicoverpa spp., mirids and natural enemies. Indoxacarb showed potential for Helicoverpa spp. control and suppression of mirids and had little impact on natural enemies.  相似文献   

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