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The history of the development of herbicides for mechanized paddy rice production in Japan can be characterized by a combination of products with several ingredients, by large availability in formulation, and by application methods for labor saving in accordance with natural and social conditions of the country, for instance, around 40% of national land located in hilly and mountainous areas, small size paddy fields consolidated in approximately 0.3 ha on average and so on. As for combination products, one‐shot herbicides that can control both annual and perennial weeds, including grasses, sedges and broadleaved weeds, mainly with sulfonylureas have been a major means of rice production since the 1980s. One‐shot herbicides have been improved by using newly developed chemicals with excellent herbicidal efficacy, such as acetolactate synthase (ALS), 4‐hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (4‐HPPD), protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) and very‐long‐chain fatty acid elongase (VLCFAE) inhibitors, and by combining ingredients that are effective against sulfonylurea‐resistant (SU‐R) biotypes of lowland weeds. The latest type of one‐shot herbicides can control noxious species such as Eleocharis kuroguwai as well as other ordinal species. Regarding herbicide formulation, “1 kg granule,” “Jumbo,” “Flowable,” “Diffusion granule” and so on have been developed to save farmers the troubles of applying herbicides. As for application methods, “at‐transplanting application,” “at‐irrigation inlet application” and utilization of radio‐controlled helicopters or boats were put into practical use as labor‐saving technology. As a result, farmers were spared the severe hand‐weeding work under blazing heat during the summer season. Japan Association for Advancement of Phyto‐Regulators (JAPR) have promoted and contributed to the development of herbicides through collaboration with agrochemical companies and research organizations since it was founded in 1964. In this paper, I explain the development progress of herbicide using materials on the mode of action, the trend of one‐shot herbicides, the feature of a labor‐saving formulation and the working hours for weed management in rice production.  相似文献   

吡啶甲酸类除草剂属合成激素类, 目前登记使用的有效成分包括氨氯吡啶酸、二氯吡啶酸和氯氨吡啶酸, 分别于1963年、1977年和2005年上市, 主要用于阔叶杂草和灌木的茎叶处理防控, 其中氯氨吡啶酸具有土壤封闭活性。吡啶甲酸类除草剂的作用靶标仍未明确, 有可能来自生长素结合蛋白家族。全世界报道的抗吡啶甲酸类除草剂杂草共涉及7种8个生物型。目前, 我国登记的除草剂品种中共有13个复配剂含氨氯吡啶酸和二氯吡啶酸, 1个含氨氯吡啶酸、氯氨吡啶酸和二氯吡啶酸;国外登记的吡啶甲酸类除草剂复配剂主要为与其他激素型除草剂、ALS(乙酰乳酸合酶)抑制剂、ACCase(乙酰辅酶A羧化酶)抑制剂的组合。该类除草剂仍然具有较好的应用前景, 在主要应用场景下常见杂草对氨氯吡啶酸、二氯吡啶酸、氯氨吡啶酸的敏感性仍需系统研究, 该类除草剂主要靶标杂草种群的抗药性水平也亟须检测。  相似文献   

农田杂草严重影响作物的产量和品质,对除草剂的过度依赖和长期使用,使杂草对除草剂的抗性问题日益突出。目前已有262种杂草(152种双子叶和110种单子叶)的512个生物型对23类中的167个除草剂产生抗性。激素类除草剂作为除草剂的重要成员,为禾谷类作物田的杂草防除提供了保障,然而在使用了几十年后,44种杂草对此类除草剂产生了抗药性。本文对激素类除草剂的分类应用、除草机理、抗性现状、抗性机理等进行了综述,以期为激素类除草剂的应用和抗激素类除草剂杂草的防除提供参考。  相似文献   

The management of weeds in Malaysian rice fields is very much herbicide‐based. The heavy reliance on herbicide for weed control by many rice‐growers arguably eventually has led to the development and evolution of herbicide‐resistant biotypes in Malaysian rice fields over the years. The continuous use of synthetic auxin (phenoxy group) herbicides and acetohydroxyacid synthase‐inhibiting herbicides to control rice weeds was consequential in leading to the emergence and prevalence of resistant weed biotypes. This review discusses the history and confirmed cases and incidence of herbicide‐resistant weeds in Malaysian rice fields. It also reviews the Clearfield Production System and its impact on the evolution of herbicide resistance among rice weed species and biotypes. This review also emphasizes the strategies and management options for herbicide‐resistant rice field weeds within the framework of herbicide‐based integrated weed management. These include the use of optimum tillage practices, certified clean seeds, increased crop competition through high seeding rates, crop rotation, the application of multiple modes of action of herbicides in annual rotations, tank mixtures and sequential applications to enable a broad spectrum of weed control, increase the selective control of noxious weed species in a field and help to delay the resistance evolution by reducing the selection pressure that is forced on those weed populations by a specific herbicidal mode of action.  相似文献   

Metabolism and selectivity of rice herbicides in plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chemical weed control with effective and highly active herbicides has been very useful and convenient means. It has contributed to stable crop production and is labor saving. Recent herbicides have had characteristics such as high effectiveness without causing environmental pollution or harmful effects, and appropriate herbicides having high activity, low toxicity, high selectivity and being non-persistent have been developed. The metabolism of rice herbicides used mainly in Japan, such as sulfonylurea, chloroacetamide, acylamide, urea, thiocarbamate, pyrazole, triazine, diphenyl ether, phthalimide, phenoxy, aryloxyphenoxypropionate, etc., is reviewed, and its involvement in selectivity is also discussed. The metabolism of herbicides is closely related to their activity and selectivity. Differential herbicide metabolism in plants is a contributing factor of selectivity between crops and weeds. Chemicals that are more detoxified in crops and/or more activated or less detoxified in weeds are considered as being effective and selective herbicides. The metabolism of various types of rice herbicides includes: oxidative reaction (ring and chain hydroxylation, O - and N -dealkylation), hydrolysis and subsequent glucose conjugation, and glutathione conjugation in rice. These detoxicative activities are much higher in rice than weeds in paddies, and this leads to the selectivity of herbicides. Enzymes, oxidase, P-450 mono-oxygenase, esterase, acylamidase, glucosyl transferase, glutathione transferase, etc., play important roles in herbicide metabolism and selectivity.  相似文献   

An Eleusine indica population was previously reported as the first global case of field‐evolved glufosinate resistance. This study re‐examines glufosinate resistance and investigates multiple resistance to other herbicides in the population. Dose–response experiments with glufosinate showed that the resistant population is 5‐fold and 14‐fold resistant relative to the susceptible population, based on GR50 and LD50 R/S ratio respectively. The selected glufosinate‐resistant subpopulation also displayed a high‐level resistance to glyphosate, with the respective GR50 and LD50 R/S ratios being 12‐ and 144‐fold. In addition, the subpopulation also displayed a level of resistance to paraquat and ACCase‐inhibiting herbicides fluazifop‐P‐butyl, haloxyfop‐P‐methyl and butroxydim. ACCase gene sequencing revealed that the Trp‐2027‐Cys mutation is likely responsible for resistance to the ACCase inhibitors examined. Here, we confirm glufosinate resistance and importantly, we find very high‐level glyphosate resistance, as well as resistance to paraquat and ACCase‐inhibiting herbicides. This is the first confirmed report of a weed species that evolved multiple resistance across all the three non‐selective global herbicides, glufosinate, glyphosate and paraquat.  相似文献   

采用室内盆栽试验方法开展了11种稻田常用除草剂对丁香蓼生物活性研究, 结果表明:在丁香蓼芽前使用10%吡嘧磺隆WP、40%苄嘧·丙草胺WP, 0~2叶期使用19%氟酮磺草胺SC、120 g/L噁草酮EC, 2~4叶期使用200 g/L氯氟吡氧乙酸EC、3%氯氟吡啶酯EC、25 g/L五氟磺草胺OD、〖JP+2〗100 g/L双草醚SC和4~6叶期使用460 g/L 2甲·灭草松AS, 对丁香蓼的ED90分别为4.18、10.30,1.61、241.60,7.31、9.74、11.83、28.96和117.73 g/hm2, ED90均低于供试药剂的田间常用推荐剂量, 证明丁香蓼对上述药剂敏感, 可作为生产上防除丁香蓼的候选药剂。  相似文献   

为了明确稻鳝种养田杂草群落组成及除草剂安全用药技术,采用取样计数的方法调查了稻鳝种养田杂草种类及田间密度,并采用静水式试验法在室内条件下测定了稻田常用除草剂对黄鳝生长的影响。结果表明,稻鳝种养降低了杂草的丰富度、多样性和均匀度,杂草危害减轻。茎叶处理除草剂100 g/L氰氟草酯EC、25 g/L五氟磺草胺OD、13%2甲4氯钠AS和480 g/L灭草松AS对黄鳝生长安全,可安全应用于稻鳝种养田防除杂草。土壤处理除草剂中,30%丙草胺EC、10%吡嘧磺隆WP、40%苄嘧磺隆·丙草胺WP对黄鳝生长安全,是稻鳝种养田使用土壤处理除草剂的优先选择。60%丁草胺EC和12%噁草酮EC与黄鳝的死亡率存在着明显的剂量-效应关系,随着浓度的提高,黄鳝死亡率显著上升,不推荐用于稻鳝种养田防除杂草。  相似文献   

为明确广东省稻菜轮作区中牛筋草对10种常用除草剂的抗性水平及抗性分子机制,采用整株生物测定法测定广东省稻菜轮作区内8个牛筋草种群P1~P8对草甘膦、草铵膦和乙酰辅酶A羧化酶(acetyl-CoA carboxylase,ACCase)抑制剂类等10种除草剂的抗性水平,并进一步分析P1和P8种群相关靶标酶基因5-烯醇丙酮酰莽草酸-3-磷酸合酶(5-enolpyruvyl-shikimate-3-phosphate synthase,EPSPS)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(glutamine synthetase,GS)和ACCase的部分功能区序列特征。结果显示,牛筋草P1~P8种群对草甘膦抗性指数为敏感种群的5.9倍~17.7倍,其中P8种群对草甘膦的抗性水平最高;8个种群对草铵膦也产生了不同程度的抗性,抗性指数为敏感种群的2.3倍~14.2倍,其中P1种群抗性最高。牛筋草P1和P8种群均对ACCase抑制剂类除草剂精喹禾灵、氰氟草酯和噁唑酰草胺产生了交互抗性;P1种群ACCase基因在第2 041位氨基酸处发生突变,该突变在牛筋草种群中首次发现;而P8种群ACCase基因则在第2 027位氨基...  相似文献   

Weedy rice is a conspecific weed of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) and is a primary weed of direct‐seeded rice production systems worldwide. The shift in the method of establishing rice, that is, from transplanting to direct seeding, is considered the main reason for the emergence of weedy rice in Asia and, more recently, Japan. Japan has increasingly adopted directly seeded rice, even though this practice remains limited. In this study, I confirmed the relationship between weedy red rice emergence and the adoption of direct‐seeded rice in Japan. Twenty‐seven areas from eight prefectures infested with weedy rice were selected to confirm the relationship between the rice planting method and the emergence of weedy rice. Fields that were severely infested with weedy rice were selected as survey fields for this study. I found no relationship between the method of planting rice and weedy rice emergence. Changes to herbicide application, duration of rice production and hand weeding also contribute to the emergence of weedy rice in transplanted rice fields in Japan. The results of this study indicate that weedy rice could become a serious problem in Japan, even in transplanted rice fields.  相似文献   

Total labor time on paddy rice has been decreasing year by year with the development and introduction of appropriate herbicides, especially ‘one‐shot' herbicides. However, in the case of application of granules, it is still difficult for a farmer to apply herbicides while carrying heavy power backpack sprayers. New formulation recipes and different application technology such as a throw‐in type formulation on jumbo granules or flowable has improved heavy workloads in comparison with granule application by using heavy power backpack sprayers. In addition, other advantageous points such as application volume and elimination of the drift problems of this new application technology were introduced and confirmed. As a result of this introduction, these formulations were used in 830 000 ha and reached 30% of the total treatment area in paddy rice in 2000.  相似文献   

抗除草剂转基因水稻的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水稻是我国乃至世界上最重要的粮食作物之一,杂草是影响水稻产量和品质的主要因素。近年来,抗除草剂转基因水稻的研究与应用取得了较大进展。本文概述了稻田的主要杂草及防除方法,简述了稻田常用的几种除草剂及其作用机理,介绍了全球抗除草剂转基因作物的现状,着重阐述了抗除草剂转基因水稻的研发进展、应用及未来发展方向。  相似文献   

The area of paddy rice fields in Japan was 1.79 million ha in 1998 almost all of which was planted with young seedlings from nursery boxes by a mechanical rice transplanter. Japanese farmers controlled paddy weeds mainly by chemical herbicides, which were applied around 1.8 times in one growing season of rice by sequential treatment. The cost of herbicides was 35 320 ¥/ha on average, the main of which was ‘one‐shot’ herbicides, while weeding labor for the paddy field, including herbicide application, was 19.0 h/ha, or 29 976 ¥/ha in labor cost, in 1998. Under the Integrated Weed Management (IWM) for sustainable paddy rice production, other technologies for weed management are also recommended to paddy farmers, such as ecological or cultural, mechanical, biological methods and so on.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Late watergrass [Echinochloa phyllopogon (Stapf.) Koss.] is a major weed of Californian rice that has evolved P450-mediated metabolic resistance to multiple herbicides. Resistant (R) populations are also poorly controlled by the recently introduced herbicide clomazone. The authors assessed whether this cross-resistance was also P450 mediated, and whether R plants also had reduced sensitivity to photooxidation. Understanding mechanism(s) of resistance facilitates the design of herbicide management strategies to delay resistance evolution.RESULTS Ratios (R/S) of R to susceptible (S) GR(50) were near 2.0. [(14)C]Clomazone uptake was similar in R and S plants. Clomazone and its metabolite 5-ketoclomazone reduced chlorophyll and carotenoids in S more than in R plants. The P450 inhibitors disulfoton and 1-aminobenzo-triazole (ABT) safened clomazone in R and S plants. Disulfoton safened 5-ketoclomazone only in S plants, while ABT synergized 5-ketoclomazone mostly against S plants. Paraquat was more toxic in S than in R plants.CONCLUSION: Cross-resistance to clomazone explains failures to control R plants in rice fields, and safening by P450 inhibitors suggests that oxidative activation of clomazone is needed for toxicity to E. phyllopogon. Clomazone resistance requires mitigation of 5-ketoclomazone toxicity, but P450 detoxification may not significantly confer resistance, as P450 inhibitors poorly synergized 5-ketoclopmazone in R plants. Responses to paraquat suggest research on mechanisms to mitigate photooxidation in R and S plants is needed. Copyright (c) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

The fate of five herbicides (glyphosate, glufosinate-ammonium, phenmedipham, ethofumesate and metamitron) was studied in two Finnish sugar beet fields for 26 months. Soil types were sandy loam and clay. Two different herbicide-tolerant sugar beet cultivars and three different herbicide application schedules were used. Meteorological data were collected throughout the study and soil properties were thoroughly analysed. An extensive data set of herbicide residue concentrations in soil was collected. Five different soil depths were sampled. The study was carried out using common Finnish agricultural practices and represents typical sugar beet cultivation conditions in Finland. The overall observed order of persistence was ethofumesate > glyphosate > phenmedipham > metamitron > glufosinate-ammonium. Only ethofumesate and glyphosate persisted until the subsequent spring. Seasonal variation in herbicide dissipation was very high and dissipation ceased almost completely during winter. During the 2 year experiment no indication of potential groundwater pollution risk was obtained, but herbicides may cause surface water pollution.  相似文献   

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