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ABSTRACT This paper discusses various aspects of the economic analysis of commuting behavior. It starts with a review of two difficulties associated with urban economics models: the empirically falsified prediction of the relation between commuting time and income, and the presence of substantial excess commuting. Notwithstanding these anomalies, research that focuses directly on the value of travel time provides evidence that there is substantial resistance against commuting among large groups of workers. However, commuting costs are just one among many other explanatory variables for actual commuting behavior, and commuting itself has become much less onerous over time. This suggests that commuting costs play a much more limited role than has been assumed in the past. On the other hand, empirical evidence suggests that space is more important than one would be inclined to think on the basis of the considerations just given. These empirical regularities suggest that other space‐related aspects of the functioning of urban labor and housing markets are more important than was previously thought.  相似文献   

Commuting ties between rural places of residence and urban places of employment are among the most visible forms of rural–urban integration. For some rural areas, access to urban employment is a key source of population retention and growth. However, this access varies considerably across rural areas, with distance representing a primary deterrent. In addition to distance, the size of the urban community will also influence rural‐to‐urban commuting opportunities. In this paper, using Canadian data, we empirically estimated the influence of local rural population and job growth on rural out‐commuting within the urban hierarchy. We find consistent support for the deconcentration hypothesis where population moves to rural areas for lifestyle and quality of life reasons, while retaining urban employment. Further, we find some evidence that in addition to distance from the nearest urban center being a deterrent, increased remoteness from the top of the urban hierarchy exerts a positive influence on out‐commuting. Recognition of these types of rural–urban linkages through commuting is essential in designing Canadian rural policy and targeted programs that may effectively support local rural populations. In particular, they point to the need to have reasonable transportation infrastructure for urban accessibility, which should be complemented by other “built” infrastructure to improve the livability of rural communities.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the factors that influence the relative frequency of face‐to‐face meetings when companies cooperate with each other. Specifically, we explore the role of geographical distance between the partners and how it affects the influence of other factors, especially the nature of knowledge and the ability to use information technology. An econometric analysis based on a survey of 338 companies in the Brittany region (France) shows that the factors that influence the relative frequency of face‐to‐face encounters differ according to whether the partners are located within or outside a single region. In particular, the nature of knowledge plays a role only when the partners are remote.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper uses a cross‐sectional hedonic pricing model to investigate the relationship between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data releases and the prices of single‐family residences within postal zip code areas situated in Omaha, Nebraska's Douglas County. The model employs demographic data from the 2000 Census, toxic chemical release data for the year 2000 from the EPA's TRI database, as well as other pollution variables for each of the zip code areas comprising Douglas County. The model also employs house‐specific data supplied by the Douglas County Assessor's Office on dwelling characteristics for homes sold in Douglas County in the year 2000. The findings indicate that, when controlling for relevant socioeconomic variables, TRI pollutant releases are significant determinants of residential housing values. The results should be of interest to anyone in the real estate industry, including tax assessors, appraisers, mortgage lenders, and property owners.  相似文献   

In the low‐rainfall region of south‐eastern Australia, distinctive soil types reflecting the typical landscape of higher elevated dunes and swale zones at the bottom can be found within one field. Different soil characteristics cause consequently large variability in cropping productivity between soils and across seasons. To assess the possibilities for zone‐specific management, five farmer fields were zoned into a dune, mid‐slope and swale zone. For each site, zone yields were mapped over 2 years and soil properties were surveyed. This information was used to parameterize and validate the APSIM model for each zone. Field‐measured PAWC increased from the dune to the swale zone. On‐farm results and simulation analysis showed distinctive yield performance of the three designed zones. However, yield is not related to PAWC, it is rather a complex relationship between soil type, fertility and rainfall. While in high‐rainfall years, the swale zones yielded higher due to higher soil organic carbon content and less drainage losses, the dune zones performed better in the low‐rainfall years due to lower evaporation losses. This study emphasizes that in this specific environment where soil variation in texture and subsoil constraints strongly influence crop performance, mechanistic crop models and long‐term field observations are necessary for better understanding of zone‐specific performance, and simple linear relationships across years or sites are not useful.  相似文献   

Environmental and economic considerations require the effective use of water and nutrients to elevate grain production in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with concomitant reduction in nitrate leaching to minimize contamination of underground water. We determined the effect of the root system on leaching fraction, leachate N concentration, and N, P and K uptake using bread wheat ‘Pavon 76’ and its three near‐isogenic translocation lines: Pavon 1RS.1AL, Pavon 1RS.1BL and Pavon 1RS.1DL. These genotypes were grown in sand‐tube experiments under optimum and low level of nutrients for 2 years. Root, stem and leaves, and grain N, P, and K content, and agronomic characters were measured. Leaching fraction and leachate nitrate concentration were measured at early tillering, booting and early grain filling. Significant main effects for year, nutrient level and genotype were found for the characters. Genotype × N interaction was significant only for root P content. Genotype × year interaction was significant only for plant N content, root P content and plant P content. Genotype × year × N interaction was significant only for root N uptake efficiency. Thus, genotypic means averaged across years and nutrient levels are reported. Low levels of nutrients (1330, 235 and 793 mg vs. 1915, 375 and 1268 mg N, P and K, respectively) reduced mean root biomass, plant biomass and grain yield by 27 %, 25 %, and 19 %, respectively. The translocation lines produced 31–46 % more root biomass, 11–14 % heavier grains and 6–8 % greater grain yield than Pavon 76. Leaching fraction was higher under low level of nutrient at booting and grain filling. Leaching fraction at tillering, booting, and grain filling was 67%, 42% and 25%, respectively. Leaching fraction at early tillering was lower for Pavon 1RS.1AL (39 %) and Pavon 1RS.1DL (40.5 %) than for Pavon 76 (45.3 %). Leachate nitrate concentration was lower for two translocation lines at all three stages of plant growth compared to Pavon 76. The correlation coefficient between plant N content and root biomass, between plant N content and plant biomass, and between grain yield and root biomass was positive and significant. Significant positive correlation was found between root biomass and P and K uptake. Multiple small applications of N fertilizer during early plant growth with adequate irrigation water are recommended. Wheat genotypes with superior root characteristics for efficient nutrient uptake, especially during tillering and booting, should be developed in breeding programmes to increase grain yield and to minimize the nitrate leaching.  相似文献   

Consumers often criticize the sensory quality of modern strawberry cultivars. Therefore, a new and fast workflow for cultivar selection was developed to aid in the development of cultivars with enhanced aroma. This workflow consists of Headspace (HS) solid‐phase microextraction (SPME) fast GC‐MS used for high‐throughput aroma analysis of parents and hybrids. For data analysis, a chemometrical workflow was created. With a principal component analysis (PCA), the aroma similarity between the samples and a target aroma was evaluated. In order to know how the aroma profiles of the parents and hybrids are situated towards this target aroma, the Euclidean distances were calculated. These were then further used for a partial least‐squares (PLS) regression analysis to determine which aroma compounds are responsible for the observed distance to the target. By using this new approach, hybrids showing aroma profiles similar to the target aroma can be identified as most suitable candidates for further breeding cycles. Besides being time‐saving, the suggested workflow introduces aroma analysis as an integral part of breeding programmes. It prevents losing the coherence within the aroma profile and subsequently the loss of important information.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to challenge the characterization of paid informal work as a form of employment based on exploitative relations that should be eradicated. Using empirical evidence gathered through structured interviews with 511 households in deprived and affluent neighborhoods in British cities, this paper reveals that paid informal work in deprived areas is mostly conducted for kin, neighbors, and friends for co‐operative reasons and is thus more like unpaid community exchange in the private sphere than exploitative employment. In consequence, the challenge for social and labor market policy is argued to be not to try to eradicate such work but to harness it in these deprived urban neighborhoods.  相似文献   

The importance of hybrid rye (Secale cereale L.) breeding has steadily increased over the last decades. This paper presents results of model calculations aiming to optimize the number of candidates, testers to assess combining ability and test locations at each selection stage of a standard scheme of seed‐parent line development. Two variants of the scheme differing in the number of stages and the cycle length are investigated. Optimization criterion is the expected selection gain per year under the restriction of a fixed budget. Prediction of selection gain rests on quantitative–genetic and economic parameters estimated from breeders’ data. Optimization covers different genetical and economical situations. Results show that the optimum number of testers to assess combining ability depends on the relative amount of dominance variance. The efficiency of a breeding scheme strongly increases with decreasing cycle length. A larger budget should mainly be used to increase the number of candidates at all selection stages. Recommendations for practical breeding schemes are given. We conclude that model calculations are a valuable tool for the optimization of breeding schemes.  相似文献   

Germination is a crucial process in crop plant life cycle that determines future yield. Hydrogen peroxide plays a significant role in both dormancy release and seed ageing. The potential of the rapeseed metallothioneins (BnMT1‐4) as reactive oxygen species scavengers was investigated. In the presence of H2O2, bacterial cells expressing BnMT1‐4 had higher growth rate than control cells. However, such effect was not observed in an oxidative stress oversensitive yap‐1Δ yeast mutant strain expressing BnMT1‐4. Next, it was shown that H2O2, up to 100 and 10 mM, promotes rapeseed germination rate and seedling growth, respectively. Moreover, it was demonstrated that in seeds germinating in the presence of H2O2, the expression of seed‐specific BnMT4 decreases to a high extent in a dose‐ and time‐dependent manner. It was shown that the decline in BnMT4 mRNA level, accelerated by up to 10 mM H2O2 treatment, correlates positively with increased rapeseed germination and early growth, underscoring the plausible role of BnMT4 as a H2O2 scavenging protein that level has to be downregulated in conditions where the compound is needed. Finally, it was demonstrated that H2O2 could be used as a priming agent of rapeseeds.  相似文献   

A field trial conducted on the melon cultivar Huanghemi irrigated with saline water was carried out in Minqin County in the 2‐year period, 2007 and 2008. In three irrigation treatments, different saline water concentrations were applied, that is 0.8 g l?1 (Control C), 2 g l?1 (Treatment S1) and 5 g l?1 (Treatment S2), reproducing the natural groundwater concentration in the county. The electrical conductivity of the saline water was as follows: 1.00, 2.66 and 7.03 dS m?1, respectively. The aims of the study were (i) to monitor water consumption and water potential, (ii) assess, during the whole crop cycle, some growth parameters and their relations for estimating the morpho‐functional plant response irrigated with saline water and (iii) determine the ion concentration in different plant tissues to evaluate which mechanism the plant activates in the presence of high salt concentrations. Under salinity stress, the plants sustained the concentration of Ca, Mg and K, but at a level not sufficient to limit the Na adsorption. Therefore, the melon yield decreased and it was determined by a displacement of the ratio K/Na and by a lower (total potential MPa). Consequently with increasing salinity, a significant reduction was observed in: water consumption (ET c, mm), leaf area duration (LAD, m2 d), on shoot dry weight aboveground (W , g plant?1), on specific leaf area (SLA, cm2 g?1) and on leaf area ratio (LAR, cm2 g?1). In treatment S2, in addition to these changes which mainly affected the plant morphology with effects on the biomass produced, a moderate reduction was also observed in net assimilation rate (NAR, g m?2 d?1), water use efficiency (WUE), a significant reduction in the energy conversion efficiency (ECE, %) and, in short, in a reduction in the relative growth rate (RGR, g g?1 d?1).  相似文献   

In the absence of previous molecular characterization, we assessed genetic diversity of 53 Moroccan lentil landraces including two local cultivars using simple sequence repeat (SSR) and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP). Nineteen SSRs yielded 213 alleles, and seven AFLP primer combinations gave 766 fragments of which 422 were polymorphic. Moderate to high genetic variation was observed. Several small groups of landraces were differentiated. Interestingly, one of the smallest groups contained short‐cycle landraces with high early vegetative growth. Landraces in that group were from the dry land location of Abda, where they were likely selected for adaptation to drought and heat stress over centuries. Another group contained two landraces from highland areas that may have been selected for specific adaptation to cold stress. A third group contained one landrace from the Zear region known for its seed quality and has been proposed for the protected designation of origin (PDO) quality mark. Both techniques gave evidence of differentiation of the latter landrace supporting the idea of PDO attribution. Functional grouping according to agro‐environmental origins, cycle duration and early vegetative vigour was observed.  相似文献   

About 3 billion people may suffer from micronutrient deficiency such as Ca, Fe, Mg or Zn, caused not only by a mineral deficiency in staple food but also by a high content of phytates which bind those minerals and inhibit their absorption. With the aim of evaluating the potential of new cultivars of bread‐making wheat to accumulate those minerals and low phytates, nine advanced breeding lines from an ongoing Portuguese breeding program were studied during 2 years in a field experiment. A wide genetic variability was found between the studied genotypes in all the parameters studied, especially grain yield (ranging on average between 2,027 and 3,209 kg/ha) and grain Mg and Zn concentrations (ranging on average between 1,070 and 1,336 mg/kg, and 23.4 and 30.7 mg/kg, respectively). In global terms, the cultivars with best performance, and therefore, the most potentially suitable to be used in a breeding program, were the Cultivars 3 and 4. However, such a potential varied depending on the analysed trait, and it was clearly influenced by the climatic conditions. The consumption of 100 g of Cultivar‐4 produced under the most favourable conditions might provide a 5.2% of Ca, 26.4% of Fe, 38.9% of Mg and 31.9% of Zn of the recommended daily intakes, with a very good bioavailability for Fe and Ca, but low for Mg and Zn.  相似文献   

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