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Nowak J  Friend AL 《Tree physiology》1995,15(9):605-609
To probe variation in Al sensitivity of two co-occurring pine species, seedlings from six full-sib families of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) and slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) were grown in solution culture containing 4.4 mM (high-Al) or 0.01 mM (low-Al) AlCl(3) at pH 4 for 58 days. On average, both pine species had 41% less total dry weight in the high-Al treatment than in the low-Al treatment. Stem volume growth of slash pine was more sensitive to the high-Al treatment than that of loblolly pine. In both species, the high-Al treatment inhibited root dry weight more than shoot dry weight. Within-species variation in Al sensitivity among families was greater in loblolly pine (24 to 52% inhibition of seedling dry weight) than in slash pine (35 to 47% inhibition of seedling dry weight). Foliar Al concentration was positively correlated with Al sensitivity in slash pine but not in loblolly pine; however, in both species, the concentration of Al in roots was 20-fold greater than in foliage.  相似文献   

Six 25- to 30-year-old slash pine, Pinus elliottii Englm. var. elliottii, trees were inoculated with Ophiostoma minus (Hedgc.) H.P. Sydow, O. ips (Rumb.) Nannf or sterile water. Two, 4 and 6 weeks after inoculation, the lengths of developing lesions and the monoterpene concentration of the necrotic tissue within each lesion were measured. Both sterile and fungal wounding resulted in the development of lesions in the phloem-outer xylem. At both 4 and 6 weeks after inoculation, lesions induced by O. minus were significantly larger than lesions induced by O. ips or sterile water, whereas the lesions induced by O. ips and sterile water were similar in size at all sampling periods. At 2, 4 and 6 weeks after inoculation, lesions induced by O. minus had significantly greater concentrations of monoterpenes than lesions induced by O. ips or sterile water. The monoterpene concentration of lesions induced by O. ips was significantly greater than that of lesions induced by sterile water only at the 6-week sampling period. Visual examination of the lesions indicated that O. minus but not O. ips was inhibiting the development of callus tissue, suggesting that the strain of O. ips was either nonpathogenic or avirulent.  相似文献   

Tree height, diameter, and grade were measured on 14 cattle grazing trial plots located on the Palustris Experimental Forest in Louisiana's Kisatchie National Forest. These plots had been established in the early 1960s. Mensurational data was gathered on 28 trees from grazed sites and another 28 from ungrazed plots. Increment cores were also taken from these trees. Statistical analyses showed no effect attributable to grazing on any of the variables measured: tree height, tree diameter at breast height, tree grade, growth rate, amount of latewood, unextracted specific gravity, or tracheid length. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

从湖北沙洋、松滋、红安三地常年培育湿地松的苗圃中取土于室内种植湿地松,待其发病后按照柯赫氏法则对其进行病原物的分离、纯化、致病性测定及菌株鉴定。结果表明:发病部位分离到的菌株以镰孢菌(Fusarium spp.)占优势,分离到的68个菌株中65个为镰孢菌;立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani Kühn.)致病性最强,7天后发病率达到92%;链格孢(Alternaria alternate(Fr.)Keissl.)致病性最弱。研究证明,湖北省湿地松猝倒病是以镰刀菌为主要病原,立枯丝核菌和链格孢菌为次要病原的土壤习居真菌侵染引起的一种苗期病害。  相似文献   

Seedlings of two fast- and two slow-growing families of slash pine, Pinus elliottii Englm. var. elliottii, were grown in a greenhouse for one growing season in one of 10 nitrogen (N) regimes. Increasing the N concentration in the nutrient solution resulted in both increased growth rates during the exponential growth phase and extended duration of the growing season. The two components of total height, free growth (epicotyl length to the first bud) and summer growth (height growth after the first bud), both increased significantly with increasing N concentrations up to 40-60 mg l(-1) but decreased at N concentrations above 180 mg l(-1). Compared to seedlings grown in the presence of an optimum N concentration, seedlings grown in the presence of trace amounts of N were smaller and had less summer growth as a percentage of total growth, earlier cessation of height growth, fewer flushes, lower shoot/root ratio, higher root fibrosity, and lower N concentrations in all seedling tissues. Compared to slow-growing families, fast-growing families had more summer height growth, more flushes and later growth cessation, higher shoot/root ratios and higher root fibrosity at all N concentrations. In the presence of an optimum or higher concentration of N, the fast-growing families also had higher needle and total N concentrations than the slow-growing families. Strong family by N-treatment interactions occurred for height, phenology and biomass traits because of the extra responsiveness of one family to increasing N concentration. Several seedling traits were identified that appear promising for predicting field performance in slash pine. The results indicated that the nutrient environment greatly influences genetic expression (e.g., family patterns of summer growth were most closely related to field rankings for seedlings in the trace-N treatment).  相似文献   

To confirm the pathogenicity of a blue stain fungus,Ceratocystis piceae (Münch) Bakshi to the Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc.), the responses of healthy young pine trees and stressed trees which were girdled by the half-circumferential girdling technique were investigated by the fungal inoculation test. Although neither of the pine trees inoculated withC. piceae in the non-girdled treatment nor the controls died, mortality of the trees girdled and inoculated withC. piceae was 28.6%. In the pine trees inoculated withC. piceae, the mean area of the necrotic lesion of the sapwood was significantly larger than that of the controls, and the mean of the water pressure potential of the xylem decreased, regardless of the girdling treatment. TheC. piceae was reisolated from the wood pieces near the inoculation points on the inoculated trees, but not from the controls. These results suggest that under strongly stressed conditions, the Japanese red pine trees might have been killed by heavy infestations ofC. piceae carried by bark beetles. A part of this paper was presented at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society (1992).  相似文献   

Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) seedlings from four stands of central Italy were inoculated with a suspension of 75,000 basidiospores/ml. Significant differences among the stands were found for the following traits: percentages between nonspotted and inoculated seedlings; and percentages between seedlings with spermagonia of Cronartium flaccidum and spotted seedlings. Genetic variation in blister rust resistance among the stands and among the families within a stand confirms the validity of the idea to select the stands which are exposed to heavy rust infection and then within the selected stands to choose trees able to supply the highest possible number of nonspotted seedlings and seedlings with needle spots but without spermagonia.  相似文献   


Seasonal fruiting and sporulation of cone rusts were investigated in Norway spruce cones during the growing season of 2007, a year after an excellent cone crop and a severe outbreak of rust. Current-year and 1-year-old cones were collected bimonthly to monthly from case-stands in southern and northern Finland and checked for rust fruitbodies. A previously unreported species of rust formed spermogonia and aecia, and sporulated on the cone scales of Norway spruce in two study areas. Morphologically, the rust was distinct from other spruce cone rusts and, based on ultrastructure of aecia and aeciospores, most closely resembled Chrysomyxa ledi. Molecular analysis of the aeciospores confirmed that the rust belonged to the C. ledi/C. rhododendri complex. The rust fruited frequently but only colonized a few scales per cone and presumably had a minor effect on cone development and seed crop.  相似文献   

Planting slash pine in a dense pasture sod   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Recommendations for planting pines usually include providing a competition-free site to assure establishment and good early growth. When combining pines and pasture in agroforestry systems, the possibility of planting pines directly into a pasture sod without site treatment would be economically desirable. In south Georgia, USA, slash pine (Pinus elliottii) was planted into a pasture sod and on well-disked sites; both with and without annual fertilization. Partial weed control was maintained in subsequent years on the cultivated treatments and the pasture sod was mowed periodically.Slash pine establishment and growth rate through 5 years generally was not different among treatments. Survival was 96% intially and 86% after 5 years. The pines grew rapidly with no measurable advantage from cultivation or fertilization.This alternative to providing a competition-free environment needs to be tested under differing climates, soils, tree species, and pasture species. It could be a suitable technique in various situations and of special interest to small, nonindustrial landowners.Cooperative study between the Coastal Plain Experiment Station, University of Georgia, and USDA Forest Service, Tifton, GA 31794, USA.  相似文献   

The invasive fungal pathogen Cronartium ribicola causes white pine blister rust which is considered one of the most destructive diseases of five-needle (white) pines in North America. The disease has a life cycle that requires two hosts: white pines and Ribes spp., although other non-Ribes species, including Castilleja and Pedicularis, have been demonstrated as alternate hosts as well. Detection of this disease can be difficult because of the ephemeral nature of sporulation on pine hosts with ambiguity in other symptoms, and the alternate hosts for C. ribicola can also be an alternate host for other pine rust species. We used the previously published C. ribicola genome and species-specific real-time PCR assay to develop a field-ready loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) specific colorimetric assay for this pathogen. Specificity results across regionally identified pine rust pathogens showed the assay is highly specific to C. ribicola and can detect as little as 40 pg of pathogen DNA. We also developed a simple DNA extraction method that works with several tissue types (bark/phloem, aeciospores, and urediniospores/telia) to prepare the DNA samples for the LAMP assay. The DNA extraction and LAMP assay take ~70 min to complete and require a relatively small investment in equipment. This tool enables quick and efficient detection of white pine blister rust.  相似文献   

Resistant progenies of Pinus monticola, improved in the northwestern USA, and Asian and European white pines were inoculated with the blister rust fungus, Cronartium ribicola, of Hokkaido. No resistance was observed in P. monticola but the other pines remained healthy. This shows that the resistance of white pines to the blister rust fungus is limited to a particular pathogenic race and a different race of the rust fungus exists in Hokkaido.  相似文献   

Three-year-old jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) seedlings in pots were sprayed with gibberellin A4/7 solution during the 1989 growing season. Unsprayed and sprayed controls, and seedlings sprayed with gibberellin A4/7 at three concentrations (200, 400 and 600 mgL-1) were tested in each of five different treatment periods based on jack pine morphogenesis. Each spraying period consisted of five weekly applications between May and October. Trees produced significantly more pollen cones than the two controls when sprayed at 400 or 600 mgL-1 during July and early August. Spraying at 600 mgL-1 during May–June and June–July produced significantly more seed cones than the two controls, as did spraying at 400 or 600 mgL-1 during July and early August. The best treatment for both pollen- and seed-cone production was weekly spraying at 400 or 600 mgL-1 gibberellin A4/7 from early July, which coincided with the end of terminal shoot elongation, through early August, which coincided with microsporophyll initiation in the pollen-cone buds and initiation of the potential seed-cone buds.  相似文献   

Effects of water stress on protein synthesis were investigated in heterotrophic callus cultures derived from slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) cotyledon explants. Cultures were transferred to medium containing 0-15% mannitol to provide water potentials between -0.4 and -2.5 MPa. Beginning between 0 and 22 h after transfer to the new medium, cultures were incubated for 2 h with (35)S-methionine. Both the uptake of label and the incorporation of label into protein decreased with decreasing medium water potential. Incorporation, however, was reduced to a greater extent than uptake suggesting that the reduced incorporation was at least partly the result of reduced protein synthesis. Separation of labeled proteins by one-dimensional SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and visualization by fluorography revealed the induction of two new protein bands after incubation at -1.8 MPa for 24 h. Induction of new proteins was not observed at other water potentials or after shorter incubation times. Protein bands from cultures incubated at -1.8 MPa for 24 h and then transferred for 24 h to mannitol-free medium (-0.4 MPa) were comparable to those from control cultures maintained on mannitol-free medium throughout.  相似文献   

The introduction of Cronartium ribicola, the causative agent of white pine blister rust, has been devastating for white pines in North America, including western white pine. Among the observed partial resistance responses to white pine blister rust is a mechanism referred to as difficult-to-infect (DI), which is characterized by lower frequency of infection spots on needles and a lower incidence of branch and stem cankers than susceptible host plants. Parents with the DI trait were selected and bred to produce nine full-sib families. Progeny were propagated and cloned using in vitro techniques in controlled environmental conditions. Explants were inoculated with a single strain of C. ribicola and characterized by using a disease assessment index (DAI), which was used to compare DI full-sib families to several other full-sib families (from Idaho) selected for other partial resistance traits. Most DI families had significantly lower DAI scores and higher epicuticular wax content. When the wax was removed from the surface of needles, the DAI of all full-sib families increased. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that stomata in DI full-sib families are mostly occluded by epicuticular wax. The results of this study suggest that the DI resistance mechanism of western white pine is related to needle surface epicuticular wax, which likely hinders the penetration of stomata by fungal hyphae. The occurrence and magnitude of this trait in the breeding population remains unknown, and special assessment technique for large-scale screening will have to be developed.  相似文献   

We examined photosynthetic characteristics of two fast- and two slow-growing half-sib families of both loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) and slash pine (Pinus elliottii var. elliottii Engelm.) on two sites in northern Florida to: (1) quantify variation in light-saturated net photosynthesis (Amax) associated with vertical crown position and foliage age; (2) quantify the amount and distribution of leaf area by foliage age class; and (3) determine whether photosynthetic indices, ranging from leaf-level through whole-crown Amax, were related to growth differences among species and families. In both species, leaf-level Amax was higher in more recently formed foliage both within the same year (where Amax in the third flush averaged 10 to 30% higher than Amax in the first flush) and between years (where Amax in current-year foliage averaged 20 to 40% higher than Amax in 1-year-old foliage). When expressed on a leaf area basis, Amax of current-year foliage was higher in slash pine than in loblolly pine, but Amax expressed on a mass basis did not differ between species. Loblolly pine had higher whole-tree leaf area than slash pine, whereas whole-tree Amax did not differ between species. When the mean values for fast-growing families were compared with the mean values for slow-growing families, there were no differences in leaf-level characteristics, whereas at the whole-tree level, fast-growing families had higher leaf area and whole-tree Amax than slow-growing families in both species. When comparisons were made among the individual fast- and slow-growing families, however, results were more variable. In both species, stem volume growth was strongly correlated with whole-tree Amax, with most of the strength of the correlation deriving from the relationship between volume growth and tree leaf area.  相似文献   

On two silt loam flatwoods in Louisiana, use of mounds as planting sites for slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii) was shown to be more effective than planting without mounds (untreated control) after six growing seasons in the field. Mounds formed were of two sizes: low mounds made of 550 dm3 of soil and high mounds made of 1,000 dm3 of soil. One site was in central Louisiana and had two drainage classes: a somewhat poorly drained Caddo-Messer complex and a poorly drained Caddo soil. On both drainage classes, pine survival was not affected by treatment, but the incidence of fusiform rust galls on the main stem (caused by Cronartium quercuum (Berk.) Miyabe ex Shirai f. sp. fusiforme Burdsall and Snow) was greater on trees planted on mounds. The second site was a poorly drained Caddo soil in southwestern Louisiana. At this site, there were fewer surviving pines on controls than on mounds, but the incidence of rust galls was not affected by treatment. At both sites, pines were taller and had a greater mean diameter at breast height on mounds than on controls. Mound size did not influence tree size at either site.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll concentration is related positively to the point of maximum slope in the reflectance spectra of leaves and this point is termed the red edge. The reflectance spectra of slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) needles were measured in the field and the chlorophyll concentrations of the same needles were measured in the laboratory. The measurement errors for red edge and chlorophyll concentration were determined to be 2.2 nm (3% of mean) and 0.35 mg g(-1) (19% of mean), respectively. The red edge-chlorophyll concentration relationship was strong (r(2) = 0.82, n = 152). A red edge-chlorophyll concentration relationship for n = 100 was used with red edge measurements to estimate chlorophyll concentration with an rms error of 0.31 mg g(-1) (17% of mean, n = 52). The entire red edge-chlorophyll concentration relationship for n = 152 was also used with red edge measurements to estimate the chlorophyll concentration of samples from an earlier experiment with an rms error of 0.47 mg g(-1) (30% of mean, n = 38). We conclude that measures of red edge can be used to estimate the chlorophyll concentration of detached needles in the field with an accuracy similar to that obtained by conventional laboratory measurements.  相似文献   

Abiotic stresses on seedling regeneration in xeric ecosystems are great, hence recruitment processes can be facilitated by stand factors that ameliorate the germinant-scale microenvironment. An experiment was conducted on the eastern slope of the Cascade Range to test the effects of shrub cover, simulated seed caching, and substrate on the recruitment of Pacific ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) seedlings. Failure rates of seeds sowed in exclosures were large, with less than 30% emerging as germinants in the spring following fall sowing. Simulated seed caching improved emergence rates by more than sevenfold and was responsible for 88% of all spring germinants. Emergence rates were lowest from uncached seeds on litter. Just 16% of the crop survived the summer and fall to the month of November, or less than 5 months after emergence. Shrub cover did not affect emergence rates, but establishment rates were higher: seedlings beneath shrubs succumbed to desiccation at a slower rate than unshaded seedlings. By August there were 2.3 times more survivors at shrub-shaded sites than unshaded sites, and by the end of fall, when seedlings were considered established, more than 78% existed beneath shrubs. This study provides evidence that the natural recruitment of ponderosa pine seedlings is facilitated by the occurrence of the species’ common shrub associates.  相似文献   


Stump removal procedure increases the extent of exposed mineral soil in the clear felled areas. In this study, our aim was to find out whether the early growth and mycorrhization of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings differ between stump removal and mounding sites. Stumps were harvested from five one-hectare study sites and other five sites were mounded after clear felling. Twenty seedlings were planted on mounds at each study site. Although the height of spruce seedlings did not differ between the treatments after three growing periods, their mean growth was ca. 10% higher at the stump removal sites. The community of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) in the seedling roots did not differ between the treatments. The high mycorrhization rate in the nursery still remained after two and three growing seasons in the field and diversity of ECM community slightly increased during the first years. Our results indicate some positive although rather small and transient effects of stump removal on the performance of planted spruce seedlings. Longer-term studies are needed to fully understand the effects of stump removal on the later seedling development and their symbiotic interactions with mycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   

Crown structure, absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR) and growth were analyzed in 300 replicated loblolly (Pinus taeda L.) and slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliotti) clones to: (1) quantify genetic variation in crown structural traits, growth and APAR at the species, family and clonal levels; and (2) estimate within-family genetic and environmental influences on measured variables. Species and family-within-species differences were found in some growth traits, crown size, leaf area, APAR and branch angle. Loblolly pine developed larger crowns, exposed more leaf area with an acute angle, and intercepted more radiation than slash pine. Significant differences among clones within-family were found for stem volume and crown architecture. Loblolly pine and slash pine within-family, individual-tree broad-sense heritabilities ranged from 0.00 to 0.41 for growth and crown structural traits and most were between 0.10 and 0.25 when estimated from a combined analysis across families. Genetic correlations of crown size, leaf area and APAR with volume increment generally ranged from 0.60 to 0.75. This knowledge of the genetic interactions among growth and crown structural traits improves our understanding of how crown morphology affects light interception and stand development, and ultimately how these attributes can be incorporated in the selection of families or clones for the development of new crop tree ideotypes.  相似文献   

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