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Zusammenfassung Beobachtungen von Kalamit?ten der FichtengespinstblattwespeLyda hypotrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) in den letℨten beiden Jahrzehnten in ?sterreich ergaben unter den biotischen Faktoren des Umweltwiderstandes auch das Aufscheinen einer Kernpolyedrose, die vor allem das Fettgewebe, teilweise aber auch das Mitteldarmgewebe ergriff. Die Bedeutung der Erkrankung lag vor allem in den nun erstmalig festgestellten epidemischen Ausbrüchen w?hrend der Fra?periode der Afterraupen in den Kronen. Es wurden dadurch Fra? sch?den weitgehend gemildert und das Abbaumen zahlreicherer vollentwickelter Larven zu den B?den verhindiert. Die reduzierende Wirkung der Erkrankung auf die Latenzlarven in den B?den war von geringerer Bedeutung; sie lag nach vorgenommenen Probegrabungen zwischen 0 und 27%.
Summary Observations on an atony disease of the false spruce webworm,Lyda hypotrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) in the stage of latency and during its feeding period in tree crowns. Observations on outbreaks of the false spruce webwormLyda hypertrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) during the last two decades in Austria revealed, among biotic factors of environmental resistance, the occurrence of a nuclear polyhedrosis attacking mainly the fatty tissue but partly also the mesenteric tissue. The importance of the disease consisted chiefly in epidemie outbreaks during the larvae's (pseudo-caterpillars') feeding period in the tree-crowns. Damages by the larvae's feeding were greatly reduced by this way, and the descent of numerous larvae from trees to the ground prevented. The reducing effect of the disease on larvae in the stage of latency (diapausis) in soils was of less importance varying between 0% and 27% in sample diggings.

Résumé Observations sur une atonie de Lyda Hypotrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.)en diapause et pendant la periode de pature dans les cimes d'arbres. Les observations sur des gradations deLyda hypertrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) pendant les deux dernières décennies en Autriche ont révélé, parmi les facteurs biotique de la résistance ambiante, l'apparition d'une polyédrose nucléaire attaquant avant tout le tissu adipeux, mais encore en partie le tissu mésentérique. L'importance de la maladie consistait avant tout en irruptions épidémiques pendant le période de pature des larves (pseudochenilles) dans les cimes d'arbres. Les dégata par pature en furent considérablement modérés et la descente par terre de nombreuses larves vivant sur les arbres fut empêchée. L'éffet réduisant de la maladie sur les larves en diapause dans les sols était de moindre importance, avec une variation entre 0% et 27% dans les déterrements d'échantillonnage.

Резюме Наблюдения на заб олевании от атони и слового пилильщика — ткач а (Lyda hypotrophica Htg. [Cephaleia abietis L.]) в диапаузе и в п ериод поедания в к ронах. Доцент Др. Эльза Ян Наблюдения на гра дациях слового пи лильщикаткача Lyda hypertrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) в последние два де сятиетия в Австри и показали между биотически ми факторами отпо ра внешной среды и появление ядрового полиэдр оза, поражавлиего прежде всего жирн ую ткань, но частич но и средне кишечную т кань (mesenteron). Значение заболевания сост ояло прежде всего в эпидемических в спышках во время п ериода поедания личинок (ложных гу сениц) в кронах. Так им образом повреж дения от поедания были значительно умерены, а спуску м ногочисленных ли чинок от деревьев на землю было поставлено п репяствие. Уменьшительное д ействие заболева ния на личинок в ди апаузе в почвах бы ло более незначит ельно, колебаясь по испо лненным пробным в ыкопаниям между 0 и 27%.

Zusammenfassung Am Massenauftreten des FichtennestwicklersEpiblema (Epinotia) tedella Cl. in Norddeutschland, das in den Jahren 1961–1962 anscheinend seinen H?hepunkt erreicht hat, wurden die Beziehung desselben zu stand?rtlichen Faktoren, die ?kologischen Ansprüche des Sch?dlings und einzelne Fragen seiner Biologie studiert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit kam ein Teil der bisherigen Untersuchungsergebnisse zur Darstellung. Bemerkenswert erscheinen die folgenden Tatsachen: Sch?dliche Ausma?e erreichte die Massenvermehrung nur auf n? hrstoffarmen, grundwasserfemen Standorten, auf denen die B?ume durch zu dichte Bestockung und verst?rkte Windexposition einen gest?rten Wasserhaushalt aufweisen. Die nicht durch biotische Faktoren bedingte ma? gebende Mortalit?t des Sch?dlings steht mit dem Witterungscharakter w?hrend der Eiablage und des Raupenschlüpfens in engem Zusammenhang. Die Aktivit?t der Falter wird wahrscheinlich vor allem von Licht und Temperatur beeinflu?t. Als Folge dieser vermuteten Abh?ngigkeit wird die Tatsache gedeutet, da? in Dickungen vornehmlich die Wipfel, in ?lteren Best?nden hingegen die untersten Kronenteile mit Eiern belegt werden. Es wird das Verhalten infolge vorzeitigen Kahlfra?es hungernder Raupen in einer Dickung beschrieben und schlie?lich über die Fra?pflanzen betreffende Beobachtungen berichtet. Die Untersuchungen werden fortgesetzt.
Summary The mass appearance ofEpiblema (Epinotia) tedella Cl. in northern Germany which seems to have reached its climax in 1961–1962 made it possible to study the insect's relationship with factors of site, the ecological requirements of the pest, as well as certain questions of its biology. The present work reveals part of the test results obtained so far. The following facts seem to be noteworthy: Mass increase reached an injurious extent only in places poor in nutritive agents and remote from subsoil water, in which the trees showed an upset water economy because of too dense growth and increased exposure to wind. The determining mortality not caused by biotic factors of the pest is closely connected with the atmospheric character during the period of egg deposit and the slipping of the caterpillars. The activity of the butterflies is probably influenced above all by light and temperature. The fact that eggs are laid mainly in the tops of the crowns in thick stands and in the lowest parts of the crowns in older stands is considered as a consequence of this supposed dependence. The behavior of caterpillars starving because of early bare-feeding of a thick stand is described and finally observations concerning the feeding plants are reported on. The tests are being continued.

Résumé L'apparition en masse de l'Epiblema (Epinotia) tedella Cl. en Allemagne du Nord, qui semble avoir atteint son apogée dans les années 1961–1962, a permis d'étudier ses relations avec les facteurs du milieu, les exigences écologiques de cet insecte nuisible, ainsi que certaines questions de sa biologie. Le présent travail traite d'une partie des résultats des examens obtenus jusqu'ici. Les faits suivants retiennent l'attention: La multiplication en masse n'atteint une ampleur nociv que sur des terrains pauvres en substances nutritives et éloignés d'eaux souterraines, où les arbres présentent un système d'approvisionnement d'eau perturbé à cause d'une plantation trop dense et d'une plus grande exposition au vent. La mortalité déterminante de cet insecte nuisible qui n'est pas conditionnée par des facteurs biologiques est étroitement liée avec les conditions atmosphériques pendant le dép?t des oeufs et l'éclosion des chenilles. L'activité des papillons est probablement influencée avant tout par la lumière et par la température. Le fait que les oeufs sont déposés principalement sur les cimes dans les forêts épaisses et sur les plus basses sections des houppiers dans les bois plus anciens est interprété comme une conséquence de cette dépendance présumée. Le comportement de chenilles affamées dans un bois épais complètement dévoré pré maturément est décrit et enfin des observations sont soulevées concernant les plantes dé vorées. Les examens se poursuivent.

Реюме Массовое появле ние словой листо вёртки- иглоедаEpiblema (Epinotia) tedella Cl. в Северной Германии, повидимому доститшее своего апогея в 1961–62 гг., изучалосв в своих отношениях к факторам места обитания, эколо гических требо ваниях вредителя и нек оторых вопросах его биологии. В данной статье изложилясь часть полученных до сих пор резу льтатов узучении. Замечательными являются следую щие факты! Вредных размеров достигло массовое размножение лишь на местях обитания бедных питательных веществ, далеких от грунтовой воды, на которых деревья показывають разру шенный водный режим всл едствие слишком густого нас аждения и усиленной экспозиции к ветрам. Критическая смертность вредителя, не обусловленная биотическими факторами, стоит в тесной связи с характ ером во время яйценесени и вьшупляния гусениц. Активность бабочек вероятно находится под влиянием прежде всего света и темп ературы. След ствием этой предпола ганной зависимости толкуется факт, что в чащах яйца носятся прежде всего на вершины а в старших насаждениях на нижние части крон. Описывается поведение гусениц голо дающих, вслед ствие преждевреме нното сплошн ото объедения в чаще, а в конще сооб щаются наблю дения о расте ниях, которыми кор митсяэто нас екомое. Изуче ния продолжа ются.

Summary The present paper reports on an outbreak of the False Pine Webworm (Acantholyda erythrocephala L.) in the Steinfeld of Lower Austria, from its detection in July 1964 up to swarming of wasps in April 1967. The course of gradation and resulting damages are described, and data obtained on development, manner of life, and mortality given. In plantations of predominant Austrian Black Pine (Pinus nigra ssp.austriaca) and Scots Pine(Pinus silvestris) the former, too, was attacked though to a considerably lesser extent than the latter. Among mortality factors observed, most important was a nuclear polyhedrosis, which, during the first year of outbreak, killed numerous pseudocaterpillars, but sensibly diminished in lethal effect in the further course of calamity. In connection with the outbreak ofAcantholyda erythrocephala, some other pest occurrences in the plantations are mentioned. A possible competition effect of a previous outbreak ofNeodiprion sertifer, lasting several years, and one ofDendrolimus pini L., lasting two years, resulting in inhibitions of a more precocious development of the outbreak ofAcantholyda erythrocephala, and in prevention of a nascent gradation ofPanolis flammea by the multiplication ofAcantholyda taking its course, is particularly referred to. Control experiments were done with the fumigant “Kerfex-Nebelk?rper/rd. An effective control by this product, too, must be carried out soon after emerging of young larvae.
Résumé Le présent mémoire rend compte d'une pullulation de la Lyde bleue du Pin (Acantholyda erythrocephala L.) au Steinfeld en Basse-Autriché, à partir de sa découverte au mois de Juillet 1964 jusqu'à l'essaimage des guépes au mois d'Avril 1967. Le cours de la gradation et ses effets nuisibles sont caracté risés avec des données obtenues sur le développement, la manière de vivre et la mortalité de l'insecte. Dans les plantations où dominaient le Pin noir d'Autriche (Pinus nigra ssp.austriaca) et le Pin sylvestre(Pinus silvestris), le Pin noir a aussi été attaqué, mais à un bien moindre degré que le Pin sylvestre. Parmi les facteurs relevés de mortalité le plus important a été une maladie cubique nucléaire, faisant dépérir de nombreuses fausses chenilles pendant la première année de la calamité, mais ne déployant que peu d'activité pernicieuse au cours ultérieur de la gradation. En rapport avec cette gradation deAcantholyda erythrocephala on mentionne quelques autres apparitions d'insectes nuisibles dans les plantations. On met spécialement en relief des effets possibles de compétition de la part d'une précédente calamité de plusieurs années deNeodiprion sertifer et d'une autre, de deux années, deDendrolimus pini L., par rapport à un ralentissement du développement de l'attaque massive del'Acantholyda erythrocephala et à l'empéchement d'une gradation naissante dePanolis flammea par ie déroulement de la gradation deAcantholyda. Des essais de lutte ont été entrepris avec le fumigant ?Kerfex-Nebelk?rper?. Si la lutte doit être efficace, il faut l'exécuter peu de temps après l'eclosion finie des jeunes larves.

Резюме Настоящая статья доносит о массовом размножении красноголового общественного пилильщика — ткача,Acatholyda erythrocephala L., в Штейнфельде (Нижняя Австрия), от его открытия в июле 1964г. до роения ос в апреле 1967г. Характеризуются ход градащии и вредные действия так как приводятся информации о развитии, способе жизни и смертности. В культурах, составленных преимущестнно из сосен австрийской (Pinus nigra ssp. austriaca) и обыкновенной (P. silvestris) была поражена и австрийская, хотя в значительно менышей степени, чем обыкновенная. Среди действующих факторов смертиности была важнейшим ядерная полиэдровая болезнь, которая убила в первом году бедствия многочисленных лжегусениц, а в далышем ходу показывала уже мало смертного действия. В связи с градацииAcantholyda erythrocephala упомнаются и другие появления вредителей в культурах. Указывается особенно на возможные конкуренцийные действия предшествующей долголетной градацииNeodiprion sertifer и двухлетной таковойDendrolimus pini L. по отношению к торможениям более ранного развития массового появленияAcontholyda erythrocephala и препятствованию возникающей градацииPanolis flammea протекающим размножением акантолиды. Попытки борьбы были установлены фумигантом ?Керфекс -Небелькерпер?. Борьбу, если должна быть успешной, нужно проводить и этим средством скоро после вылупляния молодых личинок.

Die vorliegenden Beobachtungen der derzeit noch weiter laufenden Kalamit?t schlie?en mit der Flugperiode 1967 ab. Von H. Schmutzenhofer werden bzw. wurden weitere Untersuchungen zum Auftreten dieses Sch? dlings besonders zur Erlangung kritischer Ei- und Larvenzahlen, zur Kl?rung des Problems des überliegens und Auffindung wirksamer Bek?mpfungsmittel durchgeführt.  相似文献   

Summary Outbreaks of larvae of Geometrids(Lepidoptera) were since 1961 reported to occur yearly in Slovakia. Nevertheless, it was not earlier than in May 1963 that the larvae of the Feathered Thorn,Colotois (= Himera) pennaria (L. 1661), were found to be the principal defoliator in at least two Slovak localities (Bratislava, Modra). This pest attacked seriously numerous species of foliaceous trees and shrubs, especially the hornbeam, elm, beech, linden, oak, walnut, crab, maple. A quickly dying off of the larvae could be observed outdoors as well as in the rearing under laboratory conditions. The possible meteorological causes of the outbreak are briefly discussed.
Résumé Dès 1961, on a signalé an par an une gradation plus ou moins accentuée des chenilles des Lé pidoptères Géométridés en Slovaquie. Mais ce n'était qu'en 1963 que nous avons pu constater — à au moins deux localités slovaques (Bratislava, Modra) — une prédominance des chenilles deColotois (= Himera) pennaria (L. 1761) dans les calamités étudiées. Ce ravageur a attaqué sérieusement de nombreuses essences feuillues forestières, particulièrement le charme, orme, hêtre, tilleul, chêne, noyer, pommier, érable. Un dépérissement rapide des chenilles de l'Arpenteuse du Charme s'observait dans la nature ainsi qu'en élevage dans des conditions du laboratoire. Enfin, on trouvera dans l'article une brève discussion des causes météorologiques éventuelles de la gradation.

Резюме От 1961 г. ежегодные да нные о массовом ра змножении гусениц пяденниц пяденниц в Словак ии появляются. Однако гусеницы г рабовой пяденниц ы,Colotois(= Himera) pennaria (L. 17617), были опре делены только в мае 1963 — по к райней мере в двух месторождениях Словакии (Братисл ава, Модра) — как основный массовы й вредитель. Серье зные повреждения этии видом встреч ались на многочсл енных лиственных пород ах, особенно грабе, ильме, буке, липе, дубу, ор ехе, яблоне, клене. Б ыстрая патогенная гибел ь гусениц наблюда лась в природе и в разведении в ла бораторных услов иях. Возможные метеор ологические прич ины градации кратко дискутиро вны.

Summary In Central Poland in Saint Cross Mountains (Góry Swiętokrzyskie) from 1948 takes place a mass appearance of fir budwormChoristoneura murinana Hb. on the area of 2168 ha (8700 acres). Morever it accures over thereErnarmonia (Zeiraphera) rufinitrana HS,Eucosma (Epiblema) nigricana HS and others. The author performed from 1957 detailed investigations concerning these pests. In the present paper he discussed history of present attacks of the pests in Poland, as well as causes of mass appearance and economic significance of damages, listed species of accompanying insects as well as methods of prognosis. On the area of mass appearance the author conducted investigations concerning biology and ecology of the pests, inquired conditions of development of mass increase and experiments of chemical and biological fight. On this area there are conducted also pedological, typological, phenological and biometric studies. The task of these studies is to explain the causes of rise of mass appearance of these insects and elaboration of preventing means.
Résumé Dans le territoire de la Pologne Centrale sur le terrain des Monts Sainte Croix a lieu à partir de l'année 1948 la gradation (apparition en masse) de la tordeuse du sapin(Choristoneura murinana Hb.) sur la surface de 2168 hectares. L'Ernarmonia (Zeiraphera) rufimitrana H. S., l'Eucosma (Epiblema) nigricana H. S. et autres y paraissent aussi. A partir du 1957 l'auteur conduit des recherches détaillées sur ce nuisible insecte. Il a discute dans un article l'histoire des gradations précédentes de ces insectes en Pologne, causes des origines des gradations, importance économique par rapport aux dommages occasionnés, ainsi que les espéces des insectes accompagnat les tordeuses du sapin et les méthodes de la prognose. Dans les terrains de la gradation l'auteur fait des observations concernant la biologie et l'écologie des insectes précites, explore les conditions des origines des gradations, fait des expériments de la lutte chimique pour les détruire complètement. On y conduit aussi des études du sol, ainsi que les études typologiques, biometriques, fénologiques et autres. Ces études ont pour but de pouvoir approfondir les causes d'origine des gradations ainsi que l'élaboration des mesures préventives.

Краткое содерж ание В сре дней Польше, на терри тории Свенто кшиских гор, имеет место, начин ая с 1948 г. массовое появление пихтовых листо верток, выступа ющих на площади 2168 га. Главным вредителем являетсяChoristoneura murinana Hb. — Кроме того появляютсяErnarmonia (Zeiraphera) rufimitrana H. S.,Eucosma (Epiblema) nigricana H. S. и другие. Автор ведет с 1957 г. подробнье иссле дования этих вре дителей. В своей статье даетист ориюпоя влений в Польше этих вредителей, имевших место до того времени, причины возникн овениям ассовых появлений, хозяйст венное значение причинен ныхубытков, роды насек омых, сопутст вующихл истоверткам, равно как метод прогноза ихпоявления. Автор ведет на террит ории массовото появления вредителей наблюдения над биологией и экологиейв редителей, изучает усл овия возникнове ниямассовых появлений, ведет опыты над химическойи биологи ческой борьбой с ними. На месте проводятся одновре менно исследо ванияпочвы, типологи ческие, биометри ческие, фенолог ическиеи другие испытания. Все привед енныеиспы тания имеют целью определить причинывоз никновения массовых появлений вредителейи разработать предохранит ельные меры. —

Timber import is an important and integral part of China’s timber trade. According to different kinds of product type, this paper analyzes its import in 2004 separately; based on the conditions of China’s timber import trade in 2004, this paper finds out some existing problems and puts forward corresponding countermeasures. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University (Social Sciences Edition), 2006, 5,(1) [译自: 北京林业大学学报(社会科学版), 2006, 5 (1)]  相似文献   

In order to identify the effects of drought stress on protective enzyme activity and physiological properties, four mulberry varieties, i.e.,‘Nanye-1’, ‘Yunsang-1’, ‘Xinyizhilai’ and ‘Husang-32’ in the Panxi Region of Sichuan Province, China, were selected. The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) in four mulberry varieties was determined. Soluble protein, soluble sugar, proline, net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate of mulberry leaves were analyzed. The resul...  相似文献   

Growth and production in the first year, as additional selection criteria, were assessed for nine poplar clones to be used as short rotation woody crops (SRWC) in the production of biomass for energy purposes. In order to identify the most promising clones in terms of growth and yield and also to assess their stability, trials were established at different locations in Spain. The majority of these clones, which form part of the European list of base materials, have frequently been used in plantations aimed at timber production but not for biomass in Mediterranean conditions. Others, such as those selected in Italy specifically for biomass production (currently provisionally admitted), are being tested for the first time under different soil and climatic conditions in Southwest Europe. The early selection of clones for rapid juvenile growth provides a valuable additional input to the clonal selection process, especially where very short rotations are desired (no more than 3 years). In any case, determining clonal stability in terms of growth is of great use not only when deciding on the clones to be used in plantations but also when developing breeding programs. ANOVA and Genotype plus Genotype × Environment (GGE) biplot analyses were used to analyse the growth and stability of the clones, which were then ranked according to mean performance and stability. Differences were detected between clones as well as between the different environments tested. The biplot analysis allowed different groups of clones to be identified according to their performance and degree of interaction displayed, thus providing useful information for the selection process. The production of aboveground biomass in the first vegetative period ranged from 1.7 to 8.0 Mg DM ha−1 at the different sites. ‘Monviso’, ‘Guardi’, ‘AF2’ and ‘2000 verde’ were the most productive clones whereas ‘Unal’, ‘Pegaso’ and ‘USA 49-177’ were the least productive. The stability analysis identified ‘AF2’, ‘Guardi’, ‘I-214’ and ‘MC’ as more stable clones while ‘Monviso’, ‘2000 verde’, ‘Unal’, ‘Pegaso’ and ‘USA 49-177’ were found to be specifically adapted to certain environments. This implies that where information on site conditions is not available, the ‘AF2’ and ‘Guardi’ clones offer greater assurance of successful establishment and higher initial growth. The growth of ‘Monviso’ ‘2000 verde’ ‘Unal’ ‘Pegaso’ and ‘USA 49-177’ clones is highly dependent on site conditions during the establishment phase. Similarly, the SH (Shore Henares river) and LT (La Tallada) sites were identified as the most highly discriminative environments for the set of clones while CS (Cubo de la Solana) and AR (Atarfe) were identified as those where performance levels were average.  相似文献   

Hybrid poplars: present status and potential in Britain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TABBUSH  P.; BEATON  A. 《Forestry》1998,71(4):355-364
Past and potential future use of hybrid poplars for wood productionin Britain is considered, and preliminary results of trialswith new clones imported from Belgium in 1985 are given. A seriesof nine field experiments established in 1991, to a common protocol,was analysed using stepwise multiple regression. The superiorvigour of ‘Beaupré’ compared with ‘Ghoy’,‘Robusta’ and ‘Trichobel’ was clearin almost every case. For ‘Beaupré’ (Populustrichocarpa x P. deltoides) altitude emerged as the variableexplaining most variation in tree height after six growing seasons,height declining with increasing altitude. The four best siteswere characterized by low elevation and low rainfall. At the two older sites planted in 1987, at Ampthill and Bedgebury,the ‘interamerican’ hybrids (P. trichocarpa x P.deltoides) were the most vigorous, and the clones ‘Unal’and ‘Raspalje’, which were thought to be too rustsusceptible to release for commercial use in 1990, achievedsimilar stem sizes to those of ‘Beaupré’and ‘Bolelare’. The General Yield Class (based ona reference spacing of 8 x 8 m) calculated for ‘Beaupré’was 8 at Ampthill and 24 at Bedgebury. Future prospects for poplar planting are considered in relationto possible reform of the Common Agricultural Policy.  相似文献   

Rehabilitated forests established about 100 years ago on denuded lands in a hilly granitic area are widespread in the Kyoto–Osaka area, the second largest megalopolis in Japan. From 2001 to 2003, we monitored the annual nitrogen (N) budget of a rehabilitated forest watershed dominated by Quercus serrata and Ilex pedunculosa. The ion concentrations of bulk rain in the watershed were similar to those of other watersheds in Japan. The annual bulk rain input of N ranged from 5.1 to 6.3 kg N ha−1 year−1, and the N deposition from throughfall and stem-flow ranged from 7.5 to 8.2 kg N ha−1 year−1. Estimated annual outputs of N from the stream ranged from 3.3 to 10.6 kg N ha−1 year−1. These results indicate that the amount of N deposition in this area is less than that in urban Tokyo (>10 kg N ha−1 year−1), but the N output of the watershed is comparable with that of the Tokyo area. We discuss the characteristics of N dynamics in rehabilitated forests, focusing on the biogeochemical processes of this watershed.  相似文献   

Differentiating from normal wood, pit membranes in wetwood of subalpine fir contain bacteria of water drop shape or orbicular shape, and flaky shape, as observed using Scanning Electronic Microscope. Not only are ray parenchyma cells in wetwood partially degraded but also margo strands in pit membranes are somewhat degraded by bacterial activities. Most of the bordered-pit membranes in normal wood are unaspirated in green conditions and the proportions of aspirated pits in earlywood and latewood account for only 6.8% and 13.4%, respectively. Nevertheless, most of the bordered-pit membranes in wetwood are aspirated in green conditions and the proportions of aspirated pits account for 77.7% and 72.1%, respectively. The problem of hard-to-dry for subalpine fir could be reasoned from the considerable amount of aspirated pit membranes in wetwood. __________ Translated from Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (National Science Edition), 2006, 30(1): 53–56 [译自: 南京林业大学学报 (自然科学版), 2006, 30(1): 53–56]  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of forest biome energetics in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chen  Xiongwen; Li  Bai-Lian 《Forestry》2005,78(5):461-469
Understanding the spatial pattern of energetics characters inforest biomes is important for forestry planning and forestmanagement on a national scale. In this research we used informationfrom 690 stands from 17 forest types in six forest biomes inChina to study some ecological energetics characters of forestbiomes. Results showed that the average ratio of photosyntheticallyavailable radiation/total radiation in China is about 0.448,but the ratio is highest in the area 19–30° N, 100–115°E. Both radiation use efficiency and bioaccumulation efficiencydecrease with increasing latitude. For the area studied thehighest values of radiation use efficiency occur in the area25–30° N, 107–118° E. There is highest bioaccumulationefficiency in the area 19–30° N, 110–134°E. The ratio of net primary productivity/biomass (P/B) is greatestin the area 19–40° N, 102–134° E. For differentbiomes in China the average ratios of P/B are close to 0.1.There is an allometric relationship between P/B and energy equivalentsof body mass for all forest biomes; the scaling exponents areclose to –0.60 and –0.95 by using simple linearregression and reduced major axis techniques, respectively.Forests with the highest leaf area index occur in the area 20–25°N, 118–123° E. We argue that such spatial energeticscharacteristics of forest biomes have significant implicationsfor forestry policy making, in the selection of plantation locationsand management of forest ecosystems on the national scale.  相似文献   

通过在不同区域的银中杨、小黑杨、青山杨、迎春五号杨人工林设置标准地,利用生物量法对这4种林分的碳储量进行了计量研究。结果表明:4种杨树新品种人工林碳储量与生物量成正比,以树干、树枝、树根、树叶的顺序由高到低排列;4种杨树新品种人工林年净固碳量分别为银中杨4.04t·hm-2·a-1、青山杨3.06t·hm-2·a-1、迎春五号杨2.46t·hm-2·a-1、小黑杨1.98t·hm-2·a-1。  相似文献   

The characteristics and actualities of ecological public welfare forests in South China are studied in this paper, including common and special management patterns. The restoration and reconstruction pattern of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests, zonal vegetation in the key eco-zone, and the transformation pattern of coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests in the general eco-zone with multi-forms are discussed in detail. The authors also point out, based on ecological transformation and utilization, that ecological public welfare forests should be oriented to multiple benefit utilization to maintain sustainable management. __________ Translated from Journal of Nanjing Forestry University, 2007, 31(2): 97–100 [译自: 南京林业大学学报]  相似文献   

Extractives can affect the vibrational properties tanδ (damping coefficient) and E′/ρ (specific Young’s modulus), but this is highly dependent on species, compounds, and cellular locations. This paper investigates such effects for African Padauk (Pterocarpus soyauxii Taub.), a tropical hardwood with high extractives content and a preferred material for xylophones. Five groups of 26 heartwood specimens with large, yet comparable, ranges in vibrational properties were extracted in different solvents. Changes in vibrational properties were set against yields of extracts and evaluation of their cellular location. Methanol (ME) reached most of the compounds (13%), located about half in lumen and half in cell-wall. Water solubility was extremely low. tanδ and E′/ρ were very strongly related (R 2 ≥ 0.93), but native wood had abnormally low values of tanδ, while extraction shifted this relation towards higher tanδ values. ME extracted heartwood became in agreement with the average of many species, and close to sapwood. Extractions increased tanδ as much as 60%, irrespective of minute moisture changes or initial properties. Apparent E′/ρ was barely changed (+2% to −4%) but, after correcting the mass contribution of extracts, it was in fact slightly reduced (down to −10% for high E′/ρ), and increasingly so for specimens with low initial values of E′/ρ.  相似文献   

DOBBS  C. G. 《Forestry》1953,26(2):97-110
The frequency of ‘lines’ of denser wood within theannual ring in larch (Larix decidua Mill.) was compared withmonthly records of rainfall and tables of droughts and rain-spellsin the Bristol region. Moderate correlations were found withJune rainfall (inverse), days in summer droughts, and a ratiogiving a measure of the maximum dry-wet contrast between successivemonths from May to August. This ‘contrast ratio’showed a high degree of parallel variation with ‘line’frequency. A study of individual years suggested that the formationof a pronounced ‘line’ is associated with the occurrenceof a spell of dry weather followed by a wet spell during thelater part of the summer. ‘Mid-lines’ were foundto be associated with a June drought breaking in July; late‘lines’ with a dry-wet contrast in July or August,but in some trees these may be suppressed by the stoppage ofgrowth. Vaguer ‘lines’ of lower frequency were associatedin certain years with wet spells not preceded by noticeabledrought. Individual ‘lines’ can thus be identifiedand roughly dated by some weather feature, so that their positionsheds some light on the length of the growing season. It issuggested that ‘lines’ of denser wood may be occasionedby the killing or inactivating of mycorrhizal rootlets eitherby drought or by waterlogging, followed by partial recoverywhen the weather changes. This would accord with the theorythat summer wood formation is normally associated with a developingwater-deficit in the wood.  相似文献   

Delignified hinoki wood and cellulose as well as hinoki and lauan woods were carbonized at 590°C for 1 h. The dielectric properties of these specimens were measured at 20°C in a frequency range of 20 Hz to 1 MHz. Inflection points in the dielectric constant (ε′) versus the logarithm of frequency (log f) curves as well as in the logarithm of the electric conductivity (log σ) versus log f curves for all specimens prepared were recognized. Peaks in the dielectric loss and the imaginary part of the complex conductivity versus the log f curves were detected in the frequency location corresponding to the inflection point in the ε′ and log σ versus log f curves. It was considered that this relaxation was responsible for the interfacial polarization observed in heterogeneous materials because no permanent dipoles existed in the specimens carbonized above 500°C. The Cole–Cole circular arc law was applied to account for this relaxation. Similar average relaxation times were obtained for all specimens. These results suggested that the observed relaxation was ascribed to interfacial polarization at microscopic levels in the cell walls.  相似文献   

Grain deviations and high extractives content are common features of many tropical woods. This study aimed at clarifying their respective impact on vibrational properties, referring to African Padauk (Pterocarpus soyauxii Taub.), a species selected for its interlocked grain, high extractives content and uses in xylophones. Specimens were cut parallel to the trunk axis (L), and local variations in grain angle (GA), microfibril angle (MFA), specific Young’s modulus (E L /ρ, where ρ stands for the density) and damping coefficient (tanδL) were measured. GA dependence was analysed by a mechanical model which allowed to identify the specific Young’s modulus (E3/ρ) and shear modulus (G′/ρ) along the grain (3) as well as their corresponding damping coefficients (tanδ3, tanδG). This analysis was done for native and then for extracted wood. Interlocked grain resulted in 0–25° GA and in variations of a factor 2 in EL/ρ and tanδL. Along the grain, Padauk wood was characterized, when compared to typical hardwoods, by a somewhat lower E3/ρ and elastic anisotropy (E′/G′), due to a wide microfibril angle plus a small weight effect of extracts, and a very low tanδ3 and moderate damping anisotropy (tanδG/tanδ3). Extraction affected mechanical parameters in the order: tanδ3 ≈ tanδG > G′/ρ > > E3/ρ. That is, extractives’ effects were nearly isotropic on damping but clearly anisotropic on storage moduli.  相似文献   

Under artificially-simulated complex salt-alkali stress, the levels of active oxygen metabolism in roots were studied using three-year-old cutting seedlings of Spiraea × bumalda ’Gold Mound’ and Spiraea × bumalda ’Gold Flame’. The present study aimed at exploring the antioxidant capacity in roots of spiraeas and revealing their adaptability to salt-alkali stress. Results indicate that the oxygen free radicals contents, electrolyte leakage rates and MDA contents in roots of Spiraea × bumalda ’Gold Mound’ and Spiraea × bumalda ’Gold Flame’ show an increasing tendency with the increases of the salinity and pH value, whereas the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) all increased firstly and then decreased. With the increase in intensity of salt-alkali stress, the CAT activity in roots of Spiraea × bumalda ’Gold Flame’ is higher and the increasing extents in the oxygen free radicals contents, electrolyte leakage rates as well as MDA contents are lower compared with Spiraea × bumalda ’Gold Mound’, indicating that Spiraea × bumalda ’Gold Flame’ has a stronger antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

To promote afforestation in sandy lands and increase the effects of prevention and control of desertification, the application of a new drought-resistant product—solid water and foliar fertilizer “Shifengle”—was studied. A comparison of three treatments (solid water, foliar fertilizer, and control) showed that both solid water and foliar fertilizer increased plant survival rate by 10% and 18.2%, respectively. Afforestation survival rates of Salix psammophila and Hedysarum mongolicum reached over 90%. In addition, height and crown growth as well as biomass of seedlings were improved by the treatments. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(3): 76–80 [译自: 北京林业大学学报]  相似文献   

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