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Twelve foals with unusual sesamoid development were found in a population of 107 Thoroughbred foals (60 males, 47 females) over a three year period. Radiographic examination was done at 14 days of age and at 42 day intervals thereafter. The routine administration was of a dorsopalmar view of the proximal sesamoid bones in the left forelimb. Changes of the proximal sesamoid bones were found in 11% of the foals between 14 and 56 days of age. The change was a radiolucent line at the junction of the middle and proximal third of the sesamoid bone. Of those which were observed with sesamoid bone changes, 8 had a normal radiographic appearance at 60 days. In most foals at least 2 or 3 sesamoid bones of the forelegs were affected. In some only 1 sesamoid bone was affected. The changes did not correlate with a clinical joint disorder. However, females seemed to be affected more than males. This condition may be similar to bipartite sesamoid bones described by others and probably a manifestation of secondary ossification centers.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old show jumper was evaluated for an acute severe lameness (grade 4 of 5) of the right foreleg. During weight bearing, the toe of the affected limb rotated dorsally suggesting rupture of the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT). Upon radiographic examination of the hoof, a severe erosion at the flexor surface and a parasagittal fracture of the distal sesamoid bone were found. Ultrasonographic examination confirmed rupture of the DDFT. These findings were confirmed on post-mortem examination. Prior to the acute lameness, the horse was treated with corticosteroid injections into the podotrochlear bursa. Repeated intra-bursal injections of corticosteroids as a possible cause for DDFT rupture are discussed as well as the possible association between a degenerative distal sesamoid bone, a distal sesamoid bone fracture and a DDFT rupture.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to characterize radiopharmaceutical uptake patterns in horses with clinical and ultrasonographic evidence of proximal suspensory desmitis. It was hypothesized that radiopharmaceutical uptake in the proximal palmar (plantar) aspect of the third metacarpal (metatarsal) bone would be greater in lame limbs of horses with proximal suspensory desmitis than in sound limbs and that there would be a positive correlation between the severity of ultrasonographic abnormalities and the degree of radiopharmaceutical uptake. Nuclear scintigraphic evaluation of the proximal metacarpal or metatarsal regions of 126 horses with ultrasonographic evidence of proximal suspensory desmitis was performed. In all horses lameness was substantially improved by perineural analgesia of the palmar metacarpal (subcarpal) or plantar metatarsal (subtarsal) nerves. Scintigraphic images were assessed subjectively, by profile analysis and using region of interest analysis. Associations between the degree of ultrasonographic abnormality and radiopharmaceutical uptake ratios and the presence of radiographic abnormalities and radiopharmaceutical uptake ratios were analyzed. Subjectively, the majority of horses had normal radiopharmaceutical uptake. Profile analysis provided little additional information. However with region of interest analysis there was greater radiopharmaceutical uptake ratios in plantar images in the proximal metatarsal regions of lame limbs compared with nonlame limbs. There was no association between radiological abnormalities and radiopharmaceutical uptake ratios. In forelimbs there was no association between ultrasonographic lesion grade and radiopharmaceutical uptake ratios, however in hindlimbs there was a significant relationship between ultrasonographic grade and radiopharmaceutical uptake ratios.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old Thoroughbred gelding presented with a left forelimb lameness. The results of lameness examination, radiography, nuclear scintigraphy, and computed tomography are presented. Based on the diagnostic imaging, subchondral fractures and osteochondritis dissecans lesions of the proximal articular surface of the proximal phalanx were diagnosed. A brief discussion of osteochondritis dissecans is presented.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging abnormalities in horses with lameness localized to the proximal metacarpal or metatarsal region have not been described. To accomplish that, the medical records of 45 horses evaluated with MR imaging that had lameness localized to either the proximal metacarpal or metatarsal region were reviewed. Abnormalities observed in the proximal suspensory ligament or the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon included abnormal high signal, enlargement, or alteration in shape. Twenty-three horses had proximal suspensory ligament desmitis (13 hindlimb, 10 forelimb). Sixteen horses had desmitis of the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon. One horse had desmitis of the proximal suspensory ligament and the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon on the same limb and one horse had desmitis of the proximal suspensory ligament on one forelimb and desmitis of the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon on the other forelimb. Four horses did not have abnormalities in the proximal suspensory ligament or accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon. Eighty percent of horses with forelimb proximal suspensory ligament desmitis and 69% of horses with hindlimb proximal suspensory ligament desmitis returned to their intended use. Sixty-three percent of horses with desmitis of the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon were able to return to their intended use. MR imaging is a valuable diagnostic modality that allows diagnosis of injury in horses with lameness localized to the proximal metacarpal and metatarsal regions. The ability to accurately diagnose the source of lameness is important in selecting treatment that will maximize the chance to return to performance.  相似文献   

In recent years, pain arising from the proximal metacarpal and metatarsal regions has become well recognized as a cause of lameness and various disease entities have been identified. However, our knowledge of normal patterns of radiopharmaceutical uptake is limited, making interpretation of images problematic. It is therefore important to characterize normal patterns of radiopharmaceutical uptake at specific sites to ensure valid interpretation of images in clinical cases with subtle lesions. The purpose of this study was to describe the pattern of radiopharmaceutical uptake in the proximal metacarpal and proximal metatarsal regions in clinically sound horses. Scintigraphic images from 64 clinically normal horses were evaluated. All the images were assessed subjectively. The lateral, dorsal, and plantar scintigraphic images were assessed qualitatively using horizontal line profiles through the proximal metacarpal and proximal metatarsal regions. Mean ratios of radiopharmaceutical uptake were calculated from three regions of interest sited over the proximal metacarpal and proximal metatarsal regions and a reference site. In 78% of forelimbs the peak of radiopharmaceutical activity was at the dorsal to central portion of the proximal metacarpal region. Seventy-five per cent of the dorsal plane profiles of activity were symmetrical, with the highest peak over the medial to central portion of the proximal metacarpal region. In 80% of hindlimb lateral images the peak radiopharmaceutical activity was at the central to plantar aspect of the proximal metatarsal region. All (100%) plantar image profiles of activity were symmetrical, with the highest peak being over the lateral portion of the proximal metatarsal region. There was no significant left and right variation between sites for mean ratios on the lateral and dorsal images of the proximal metacarpal region. However, using lateral images the mean ratios from all regions of the right proximal metatarsal were greater than left (dorsal P = 0.003, plantar P < 0.0001 and whole proximal metatarsal, P = 0.0006). There was no significant variation in mean ratios between left and right on plantar images. However, the mean ratio for the lateral proximal metatarsal region was significantly greater than for the medial proximal metatarsal regions (P < 0.0001). There was no significant effect of age. Left/right symmetry of radiopharmaceutical uptake was shown in the proximal metacarpal region. However, there was a significant difference between left and right proximal metatarsal regions. There was higher radiopharmaceutical uptake in the right proximal metatarsal region than the left, which agrees with previous studies of the tarsal and metatarsophalangeal joints. There were differences in the pattern of radiopharmaceutical uptake between the forelimbs and hindlimbs. In the forelimbs maximum radiopharmaceutical uptake was located at the dorsal to central portion of the proximal metacarpal region in the lateral image, with peak activity over the medial to central portion of the proximal metacarpal region on dorsal images. In the hindlimbs the maximum radiopharmaceutical uptake was at the central to plantar aspect of the proximal metatarsal region in the lateral image, with peak activity over the lateral portion of proximal metatarsal region on plantar images. The results of this study support the hypothesis that there would be a standard pattern of radiopharmaceutical uptake across the proximal metacarpal and l metatarsal regions, but the pattern of uptake observed would be different in the proximal metacarpal region compared with the proximal metatarsal region. There was left/right symmetry of radiopharmaceutical uptake in the proximal metacarpal region. However, there was a significant difference between left and right proximal metatarsal regions, with higher radiopharmaceutical uptake in the right. There was no variation of radiopharmaceutical uptake pattern with age.  相似文献   

Radiographic examination of all four metatarso- and metacarpophalangeal joints was performed on 753 Standardbred yearlings. Ununited proximoplantar tuberosity of the proximal phalanx was seen in 18 (2.4%) of the horses. All ununited tuberosities were in the pelvic limb. The condition was seen laterally in 16 horses while one horse had the medial and lateral tuberosities affected and another only the medial tuberosity. Upon follow-up examination it was apparent that 12 ununited proximoplantar tuberosities in 11 horses had united to the proximal phalanx after 6–12 months. A worsening of the condition was seen in 4 horses, and one horse had unchanged radiographic findings after 7 months. Lameness had not been observed in any horse prior to the first examination.  相似文献   

A method of linear tomography for the pelvic region of the horse is described. A custom-built unit was employed, and exposures of 140 kV and 400 mAs for three to four seconds were required in horses weighing approximately 450 kg. Animals were anesthetized and placed in lateral or dorsal recumbency. Radiographic quality of the lateral projection was considered unsatisfactory, but on ventrodorsal tomograms taken at an angle of swing of 10° or 20° most of the anatomic structures in the lumbar spine and pelvic girdle could be identified. The height of the plane of cut varied from 30 to 300 mm, according to anatomic location, but between animals the height of each structure was reasonably consistent.  相似文献   

We describe the abnormal magnetic resonance (MR) imaging findings in the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) and distal sesamoid bone in horses with radiographic changes compatible with navicular syndrome. Thirteen postmortem specimens were examined using a 1.5-T magnetic field, with spin echo (SE) T1-weighted, turbo SE (TSE) proton density-weighted (with and without fat saturation), and fat saturation TSE T2-weighted sequences. The limbs were then dissected to compare the MR findings with the gross assessment and histologic examination of the DDFT and distal sesamoid bones. Tendonous abnormalities were detected by MR imaging in 12 DDFTs and confirmed at necropsy. Most tendon lesions were located at the level of the distal sesamoid bone and the proximal recess of the podotrochlear bursa. Tendon lesions were classified based on their MR imaging features as core lesions, dorsal lesions, dorsal abrasions, and parasagittal splits. Areas of increased MR signal in the DDFTs were characterized by tendon fiber disturbance and lack of continuity of the collagen fibers, foci of edema, hemorrhages, and formation of lakes containing eosinophilic plasma-like material or amphophilic material of low density. Bone marrow signal alterations in the distal sesamoid bone were seen in all digits. Two main phenomena were responsible for the abnormal signal, respectively, in T1-weighted (decreased signal) and in T2-weighted fat-suppressed images (increased signal): a decrease in the fat marrow content in the trabecular spaces and an increase in the fluid content. Histologic examination revealed foci of bone marrow edema, hemorrhage, necrosis, and fibrosis. Cyst formation and trabecular abnormalities (disorganization, thinning, remodelling) were also observed in areas of abnormal signal intensity. Increased bone density because of trabecular thickening induced a decrease in signal in all sequences.  相似文献   

Eight sports horses with unilateral (4) or bilateral (3) forelimb or unilateral hindlimb (1) lameness had subtle radiologic abnormalities of the subchondral bone of the sagittal groove of the proximal phalanx associated with moderate or intense increased radiopharmaceutical uptake. High‐field or low‐field magnetic resonance (MR) imaging confirmed the presence of a fissure fracture or subchondral and trabecular bone trauma. Seven of eight lesions were located approximately midway between the dorsal and palmar cortices of the proximal phalanx; the eighth was sited more dorsally. Two horses underwent follow‐up MR imaging and abnormal signal intensity persisted, with little change.  相似文献   

Bone scintigraphy is a valuable aid in the evaluation of lameness in horses. This review describes the principles of bone radiolabeling, scanning, and scan interpretation. Examples are used to illustrate how bone imaging can contribute significantly to a diagnosis after equivocal physical examination or radiographic findings.  相似文献   

Comminuted fractures of the middle phalanx have been well described in the horse. Choice of treatment, surgical planning and prognosis have traditionally been based upon evaluation of radiographs. However, the complex nature of comminuted fractures makes radiographic interpretation difficult. Computed tomography (CT) allows the production of cross-sectional images with spatial separation of structures which are superimposed on survey radiographs. This allows accurate assessment of the number and direction of fracture lines within the bone. In this paper we report the use of CT in the evaluation of 6 comminuted middle phalangeal fractures. Computed tomography is potentially useful in deciding the type of treatment, surgical planning and determining the prognosis.  相似文献   

Radiography was used to evaluate 32 horses presented for puncture wounds into the navicular bursa. At the initial radiographic examination, 21 horses had no radiographic signs of osteomyelitis, while 11 did. The mean-time interval between injury and radiographic examination was 20.6 days for horses without evidence of osteomyelitis and 59.3 days for those with evidence of osteomyelitis. Radiographic signs of osteomyelitis of the navicular bone included flexor cortical destruction and irregularity of the flexor surface. Other abnormalities included pathologic fracture of the navicular bone, subluxation of the distal interphalangeal joint, or secondary joint disease. The lateromedial and palmaroproximal-palmarodistal oblique projections were most useful for identifying abnormalities of the navicular bone. There was a high correlation between horses that had positive presurgical radiographic signs and surgical findings. However, approximately 50% of horses that had negative radiographic findings initially had positive surgical findings. Ten of 21 horses with negative radiographic findings on initial examination had evidence of bony lesions when reevaluated from 3 weeks to 6 years later. Nine of 11 horses with radiographic signs of osteomyelitis on initial radiographic examination were euthanatized or had an unsatisfactory outcome. Seven of 10 horses with radiographic signs on reexamination were euthanatized. Thirteen of 20 horses with positive surgical findings for navicular bone infection were euthanatized or had an unsatisfactory outcome.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify access portals for ultrasonographic evaluation of canine long bones (humerus, radius, ulna, femur, and tibia). A 7.5 MHz linear transducer was used in five medium-sized dogs (range of 25-35 kg body weight). Good approaches could be identified for all long bones. For the proximal humerus, a cranial portal, and the distal humerus, a lateral portal is suggested. For the radius and ulna, a craniolateral approach seemed to be the best. In the hindlimb, a medial approach for the femur and a craniolateral approach for the tibia were the most effective approaches.  相似文献   

Soft tissue- and bone-phase scintigrams were acquired from 4 normal horses before and over a 14-day period after metacarpophalangeal, antebrachiocarpal, tarsocrural and tarsometatarsal joint blocks. Images were evaluated subjectively and quantitatively for increased activity in these regions. The antebrachiocarpal block resulted in obvious focal accumulation of activity on soft tissue-phase scintigrams. This increased activity was greatest 2 to 4 days postanesthesia and persisted up to 14 days postanesthesia. On quantitative analysis of soft tissue-phase images, similar trends were noted after the metacarpophalangeal and tarsocrural blocks, but these increases were relatively mild and were not evident on subjective evaluation of the images. Abnormal soft tissue-phase activity was not associated with the tarsometatarsal block. On bone-phase scintigrams, increased activity was not present following any of these joint blocks.  相似文献   

Thirty-five horses that had bone sequestration as a consequence of limb wounds were examined clinically and radiographically. It is possible to diagnose bone sequestra as early as 10 to 15 days after injury. Periosteal defects and infection appear to be the basis for bone sequestrum formation. The early radiographic signs of bone sequestration and progress to mature sequestrum formation are described. Treatment is the surgical removal of the sequestrum. In the presence of equine limb wounds in which the periosteum may have been damaged, it is advisable to radiograph the limb at the initial examination and again in 10 to 15 days.  相似文献   

The distal row of carpal bones (C2, C3, and C4) from eight left intercarpal joints--four from Standardbred Trotters and four from Swedish Warmblood horses--were used to assess the potential of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to detect cartilage and bone lesions. The joints used in the study were classified by macroscopic and radiographic examinations as having normal, mild, moderate, or severe articular cartilage lesions and bone sclerosis. Those classifications correlated well with the appearance of the MR images. Bone sclerosis in the MR images was observed as regions of decreased signal intensity. Upon quantitative analysis of the MR images there was a significant difference (p < 0.0001) in the MR signal intensity from areas where radiographic bone sclerosis was observed compared to areas of radiographic nonsclerotic bone. In addition, the MR images were used to pilot the location of histology slices through areas of interest that were then examined microscopically; hence, the lesions found from the MR imaging examination were verified microscopically. It was concluded that cartilage lesions and cartilage loss are related to the sclerotic state of the underlying bone. The MR protocols developed in this study were applied on five intact cadaveric carpal joints, and it was concluded that MR imaging could successfully be used in the intact joint to detect minor cartilage and bone lesions not visualized by either radiography or macroscopic examination. Hence, MR imaging can be used to delineate interactions between articular cartilage and subchondral bone over time and in vivo.  相似文献   

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