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Finding an optimal balance between livestock production and grazing impact on animal diversity is important for the development of sustainable grazing systems. This paper tests the hypothesis that extensification of grazing management enhances animal diversity. Similar treatments were applied over a period of three years to sites in the UK, France, Germany and Italy. There were three treatments at each site: moderate grazing intensity with a commercial breed (MC), lenient grazing intensity with a commercial breed (LC) and lenient grazing intensity with a traditional breed (LT). Animal diversity was studied at the species level for birds, hares, butterflies and grasshoppers, and at higher taxonomic level for ground-dwelling arthropods. Bird and hare numbers were low and showed no overall treatment effects. Species richness and abundance of butterflies and grasshoppers were higher for treatment LC than for treatment MC, both for species preferring short open grasslands and those preferring tall grasslands. There was no difference in the impact of commercial or traditional breeds. Most ground-dwelling arthropod groups did not show consistent treatment effects but some taxa showed site-specific responses, generally indicating a greater abundance at lenient grazing intensity. Overall, the study showed that lenient grazing intensity enhanced animal diversity on grasslands at a small scale within 3 years. By comparison, the effect of livestock breed differences was negligible. Follow-up research is needed to elucidate the processes leading to increased biodiversity in patch mosaics and to establish the generality of these findings at larger spatial scales and longer time scales.  相似文献   

Reduction in grazing intensity and the use of traditional instead of commercial breeds have frequently been recommended to meet biodiversity and production goals in sustainable grazing systems. The impact of such practices within a range of contrasting grassland vegetation types was studied. This paper describes the effects on foraging behaviour in a study conducted over three years on mesotrophic or semi-natural grasslands in UK (steers), Germany (steers), France (heifers) and Italy (sheep). Three treatments were performed: (i) a moderate grazing intensity using a commercial breed, (ii) a more lenient grazing intensity with a commercial breed and (iii) a more lenient intensity with a traditional breed. Livestock at all sites preferentially selected bites containing legumes and forbs, and also short rather than tall vegetative patches. Grazing intensity affected not only diet consumed, largely reflecting the different availabilities of dietary components, but also some differences in diet selection. Livestock grazing the more productive mesotrophic grasslands more frequently exploited short patches of higher nutritive value, which is expected to reinforce the spatial heterogeneity of the pastures. Studies in the UK and Germany also revealed that steers showed a more pronounced selection for short patches at the lenient grazing intensity. More homogeneous grazing by livestock on the semi-natural grasslands with fine-scale heterogeneity is likely to decrease their spatial heterogeneity. There were few differences in the choices made by commercial and traditional breed livestock. North Devon steers in the UK expressed a greater selection for tall grass-forb bites than Charolais × Holstein crossbreds, whereas traditional breeds appeared slightly less selective than commercial breeds at the other three sites.  相似文献   

The present study highlights the effects of sheep grazing and precipitation on herbage and animal performance in a grazed steppe of Inner Mongolia. Experimental data were collected during grazing periods of four consecutive years (2005–2008), and effects were analysed across a gradient of seven grazing intensities. Variation in annual precipitation, reflected by the effect of ‘year’, was the major factor affecting herbage; i.e., the production and nutritive value of herbage increased with increasing precipitation. Herbage parameters were also affected by grazing intensity, as herbage production (HP) and herbage nutritive yields decreased, while herbage nutritive values increased with increasing grazing intensity. The grazing‐induced decrease in herbage nutritive yields suggests that decreases in HP offset the positive effect of grazing on the nutritive value. Liveweight gain (LWG) was predominantly affected by grazing intensity, as LWG per sheep and per ha decreased and increased, respectively, with increasing grazing intensity. However, responses varied among years: LWG per sheep was maximized by light grazing in the drought year and by moderate grazing the wet year. Our results showed that herbage shortage at high grazing intensities reduces LWG per sheep and thus diminishes responses in LWG per ha. Nevertheless, the highest grazing intensity provides highest animal production per ha in the short term; however, this is not sustainable in the mid‐ and long term because decreasing HP induces degradation processes. Based on our results, a reduction in grazing intensity that still provides 78% of the maximum LWG per ha meets the requirements of a sustainable grazing management.  相似文献   

Finding an optimal balance between livestock production and grazing impact on plant biodiversity is an important issue in the design of grazing systems. This paper describes a study of the effect of two levels of grazing intensity combined with different animal breeds on plant biodiversity and sward structural diversity of semi-natural grasslands conducted over 3 years in the United Kingdom (UK), France (F), Germany (D) and Italy (I). There were three treatments at each site: moderate grazing intensity with a commercial breed (MC), lenient grazing intensity with a commercial breed (LC) and lenient grazing intensity with a traditional breed (LT). Grazing livestock were cattle in the UK, F and D, and sheep in I. Only grazing intensity had clear effects on vegetation diversity, the effects depending on site-specific vegetation characteristics. In more diverse pastures with finer scale heterogeneity in F and I, there was little effect of the treatments. In less diverse swards with higher grass dominance and coarse-scale heterogeneity, the number of species decreased from initial levels on the lenient grazing intensity treatments (treatments LC and LT), because of increased dominance of grasses reducing the cover of other species, particularly legumes. The structural diversity of the pastures was more affected by level of grazing intensity than botanical diversity. In more diverse, semi-natural grasslands, structural heterogeneity was not affected by the treatments. In less diverse, more productive swards, structural heterogeneity decreased where large patches were initially found on the UK site, and increased where smaller patches were initially found on the D site. It is concluded that management systems to conserve diversity need to consider carefully the background environment, and that more knowledge of the mechanisms involved is needed at farm and landscape scales.  相似文献   

The impact of manipulating ruminal fill (RF) on intake rate of herbage and grazing dynamics was measured with three rumen‐cannulated beef heifers grazing Bermudagrass pastures individually. The treatments compared were removal of proportions of rumen contents of 0 (treatment RF0), 0·33 (treatment RF33), 0·66 (treatment RF66) and 1·00 (treatment RF100). Treatments were randomly applied in a 3 × 4 Youden‐square design. The rumens were emptied before and after planned grazing sessions (30 min) to set up the treatments, and to estimate intake rate and bite mass, respectively. Measurements were made of bite rate, bites per feeding station, feeding stations per minute, intake per feeding station, time per feeding station, eating and searching step rates and times. Apparent bite area and area grazed per feeding station were calculated. Ruminal fill affected short‐term intake rate and changed grazing dynamics. As RF increased, step rates, searching times, bite mass, apparent bite area, bites per feeding station, area grazed per feeding station, time per feeding station and intake per feeding station decreased (P < 0·01) while step times, eating step rates and bite depth increased (P < 0·01). The results of the present study indicate that RF is an important factor governing the intake characteristics and behaviour of grazing beef heifers.  相似文献   

The relative importance of breed versus rearing experience on the grazing behaviour and diet selection of beef cattle when grazing unimproved grassland was examined over 4 years. Suckler‐reared calves of a traditional (T) breed (North Devon) or a commercial (C) breed (Simmental × Hereford Friesian) were cross‐fostered and then reared either extensively (E) on unimproved grassland or intensively (I) on agriculturally improved fertilized grassland. As yearlings, the four groups of calves (Traditional breed + Extensive rearing (TE); Traditional breed + Intensive rearing (TI); Commercial breed + Extensive rearing (CE) and Commercial breed + Intensive rearing (CI)) grazed unimproved grassland dominated by Molinia caerulea, for 2 months, and foraging behaviour was studied in a test phase. There was a breed effect on total (bites + chews; TJM) jaw movement rate (T, 78·2 vs. C, 76·5 min?1; F prob. = 0·041) during grazing and on the proportion of bites taken from plant communities with sward height ≥6 cm (T, 0·83 vs. C, 0·76; F prob. = 0·018). Rearing experience affected TJM rate in the first year in July (E, 80·0 vs. I, 76·8 min?1; F prob. = 0·015) and August (E, 78·5 vs. I, 75·5 min?1; F prob. = 0·046). The intensively reared animals grew less well on average during the test phase than those that had previous experience of the unimproved grassland as calves with their mothers (E, 0·16 vs. I, 0·09 kg day?1; F prob. = 0·033). Our findings indicate that the rearing experience of livestock appears to be as important as the breed when designing grazing managements for nature conservation areas.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of ewe prolificacy potential (PP; predicted number of lambs born ewe?1 year?1), stocking rate (SR; ewes/ha) and their interaction on herbage dry matter (DM) production, utilization, quality and sward morphology within a temperate grass‐based lamb production system. The study had a 2 × 3 factorial design, consisting of two ewe PP as dictated by sire breed (180 medium prolificacy potential (MP—Suffolk crossbred) and 180 high prolificacy potential ewes (HP—Belclare crossbred)) and three SR: low (LSR; 10 ewes/ha), medium (MSR; 12 ewes/ha) and high (HSR: 14 ewes/ha). Each treatment was managed in a rotational grazing system, with LSR, MSR and HSR treatments grazing to target post‐grazing sward heights (PGSH) of 4.55, 4.15 and 3.75 cm respectively. Herbage DM production (above target PGSH) and utilization were highest at the HSR, intermediate at the MSR and lowest at the LSR (p < .001). Ewe PP had no effect on herbage DM production, utilization, quality or sward morphology (p > .05). The proportion of leaf in the sward (above target PGSH) was 4% greater in MSR and HSR compared with LSR (p < .05). In conclusion, findings demonstrate the potential to support increased ewe PP through the selection of ewe genotypes of a genetically higher PP and lower mature live weight and increased SR within a temperate grass‐based lamb production system.  相似文献   

Milk fatty acids (FA) were compared in mid‐lactation dairy cows in four feeding systems combining grazing management and supplementation. The four treatments were factorial combinations of compressed herbage grazed to 3·7 or 4·6 cm post‐grazing height, with or without concentrate feeding (3·6 kg cow?1 d?1). Milk yield and composition were measured for four groups of eight Friesian × Jersey dairy cows over 3 weeks in mid‐lactation for cows that had grazed treatments for 64 d from early spring. Milk yield was higher in cows fed concentrate plus herbage (23·9 kg d?1 cow?1) than cows fed herbage only (20·3 kg d?1 cow?1). Milk fat percentage was higher in cows fed herbage only (5·5%) than that fed herbage plus concentrate (5·1%). Milk protein percentage was higher in cows fed herbage plus concentrate (4·0%) than that fed herbage only (3·7%). The concentrations of conjugated linoleic acids c9, t11, C18:0, C18:1 t11 and C18:2 t9, c12 FA were lower where concentrate was fed. The concentrations of C18:1 t10, C18:1 t5, t8 and C18:2 c9, c12 FA were higher where concentrate was fed. The concentrations of C18:1 c6, C18:1 c9, C18:1 t9 and C18:3 c6,9,15 were unaffected by concentrate feeding. Post‐grazing herbage height had no significant effect on milk yield or concentration of milk FA. Provided dairy cows are harvesting leafy material of similar nutrient and FA concentration, post‐grazing herbage height does not appear to alter milk FA and the supply of high energy concentrates is more influential on milk FA profiles.  相似文献   

There is limited information on the effects of the increase in the density of shrubs on herbage production and nutritive value of natural grasslands in the Mediterranean region, currently facing major land use changes. Herbage production of drymatter (herbaceous fractions, of plant functional groups and by species), crude protein (CP), neutral‐detergent fibre (NDF), acid‐detergent fibre (ADF), acid‐detergent lignin (ADL) and hemicellulose concentrations and in vitro organic matter digestibility were determined at the time of peak of annual growth across four types of grassland vegetation each characterized by different shrub cover regimes. A sharp reduction in herbage production and a reduction in nutritive value were found as a result of the increase in shrub cover. These changes appeared to be closely related to the shift in plant functional groups detected as shrub density increased. Herbage production from grasses and legumes was found to be more sensitive to shrub cover changes than herbage production from forbs, whereas, as grassland types became denser, annual species were gradually replaced by perennials and C4 grasses by C3 ones. The impact of shrub encroachment on Mediterranean grasslands is discussed in relation to their use by livestock.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine the effect of three grazing treatments (year‐round stocking rates of 0·8 ewes ha?1, 0·5 ewes ha?1 and 0·5 ewes ha?1 plus grazing cattle in summer), imposed for 4 years, on the herbage mass and surface height of a Nardus stricta‐dominated grassland in western Scotland and to obtain estimates of annual productivity of this grassland. Nardus stricta‐dominated grassland comprised proportionately 0·20 of the grazing area. Stocking rate of sheep had no significant effect on the herbage mass of the grassland in the first 2 years of the experiment, although mean summer pasture heights were significantly higher under the lower stocking rate of sheep. The pasture on the treatment with cattle grazing in summer had a significantly lower herbage mass and lower surface height than the two sheep‐only grazing treatments. Year‐to‐year variation in the herbage mass and surface height of herbage in summer was greater than the effect of treatments. Despite changes in surface height, the structural diversity of the grasslands was not increased by the treatments. The annual production of vascular plant material ranged from 417 g DM m?2 in 1994 to 628 g DM m?2 in 1996.  相似文献   

The benefits of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) in pastures are widely recognized. However, white clover is perceived as being unreliable due to its typically low content and spatial and temporal variability in mixed (grass‐legume) pastures. One solution to increase the clover proportion and quality of herbage available to grazing animals may be to spatially separate clover from grass within the same field. In a field experiment, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and white clover were sown as a mixture and compared with alternating strips of ryegrass and clover (at 1·5 and 3 m widths), or in adjacent monocultures (strips of 18 m width within a 36‐m‐wide field). Pastures were stocked by ewes and lambs for three 10‐month grazing periods. Over the 3 years of the experiment, spatial separation of grass and clover, compared with a grass–clover mixture, increased clover herbage production, although its proportion in the sward declined through time (0·49–0·54 vs 0·34 in the mixture in the first year, 0·28–0·33 vs 0·15 in the second year and 0·03–0·18 vs 0·01 in the third year). Total herbage production in the growing season in the spatially separated treatments decreased from 11384 kg DM ha?1 in the first year to 8150 kg DM ha?1 in the third year. Crude protein concentration of clover and grass components in the 18‐m adjacent monoculture treatment was greater than the mixture treatment for both clover (310 vs 280 g kg?1 DM) and grass (200 vs 180 g kg?1 DM). There was no clear benefit in liveweight gain beyond the first year in response to spatially separating grass and clover into monocultures within the same field.  相似文献   

GrazeIn is a model for predicting herbage intake and milk production of grazing dairy cows. The objectives of this paper are to test its robustness according to a planned arrangement of grazing and feeding scenarios using a simulation procedure, and to investigate the precision of the predictions from an external validation procedure with independent data. Simulations show that the predicted effects of herbage allowance, herbage mass, herbage digestibility, concentrate supplementation, forage supplementation and daily time at pasture are consistent with current knowledge. The external validation of GrazeIn is investigated from a large dataset of twenty experiments representing 206 grazing herds, from five research centres within Western Europe. On average, mean actual and predicted values are 14·4 and 14·2 kg DM d?1 for herbage intake and 22·7 and 24·7 kg d?1 for milk production, respectively. The overall precision of the predictions, estimated by the mean prediction error, are 16% (i.e. 2·3 kg DM d?1) and 14% (i.e. 3·1 kg d?1) for herbage intake and milk production, respectively. It is concluded that the GrazeIn model is able to predict variations in herbage intake and milk production of grazing dairy cows in a realistic manner over a wide range of grazing management practices, rendering it suitable as a basis for decision support systems.  相似文献   

Growth of grass herbage in Ireland is highly seasonal with little or no net growth from November to February. As a result, feed demand exceeds grass supply during late autumn, winter and early spring. At low stocking rates [≤2 livestock units (LU) ha?1], there is potential to defer some of the herbage grown in autumn to support winter grazing. This study examined the effects of four autumn‐closing dates and four winter‐grazing dates in successive years on the accumulation of herbage mass and on tiller density in winter and subsequent herbage production at two sites in Ireland, one in the south and one in the north‐east. Closing swards from grazing in early and mid‐September (north‐east and south of Ireland respectively) provided swards with >2 t DM ha?1 and a proportion of green leaf >0·65–0·70 of the herbage mass above 4 cm, with a crude protein (CP) concentration of >230 g kg?1 DM and dry matter digestibility (DMD) of >0·700. The effects of autumn‐closing date and winter‐grazing date on herbage production in the subsequent year varied between the two sites. There was no significant effect of autumn‐closing date in the north‐eastern site whereas in the south earlier autumn closing reduced the herbage mass in late March by up to 0·34 t DM ha?1 and delaying winter grazing reduced the herbage mass in late March by up to 0·85 t DM ha?1. The effects of later grazing dates in winter on herbage mass continued into the summer at the southern site, reducing the herbage mass for the period from late March to July by up to 2 t DM ha?1. The effects of imposing treatments in successive years did not follow a consistent pattern and year‐to‐year variation was most likely linked to meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

Plant breeding has developed perennial ryegrass varieties with increased concentrations of water‐soluble carbohydrates (WSCs) compared with conventional varieties. Water‐soluble carbohydrates are major metabolic and storage components in ryegrass. Therefore, if perennial ryegrass herbage is allowed to grow to greater heights it should contain higher water‐soluble carbohydrates concentrations, for example as under rotational grazing rather than continuous grazing by livestock. This study investigated this hypothesis and measured the performance of lambs grazed rotationally and continuously. Replicated plots of the variety AberDart (bred to express high WSC concentrations) or the variety Fennema were grazed by a core group of ten male Cheviot lambs for 10 weeks. Lambs were weighed and replicate forage samples were taken every 7 d. Concentrations of WSC in AberDart herbage were significantly (P < 0·05), but not substantially, higher than those in Fennema herbage. Rotational grazing did not increase the differential in WSC concentration between the AberDart and Fennema varieties. However, there was a tendency (P = 0·07) for lambs rotationally grazing the AberDart swards to have a higher final live weight than lambs grazing the Fennema swards. Overall, lamb performance was increased when either perennial ryegrass variety was rotationally rather than continuously grazed (P < 0·001).  相似文献   

Due to decades of loss of grassland diversity across Europe, there is a need to identify factors affecting species composition and diversity in managed meadows. The aim of the current study was to assess how ecological, landscape and management factors may affect plant species composition, biodiversity and forage value in Alpine hay meadows. Species composition, Shannon index and forage value were obtained from phytosociological relevés. Twenty explanatory variables were selected from a set of ecological, landscape and management factors. Their effects on plant species composition, Shannon index and forage value were analysed by applying the variation partitioning approach. Plant species composition was related to sixteen factors, explaining 35·6% of the variability. Shannon index and forage value were related to eleven factors, explaining 47·8 and 40·8% of their total variation respectively. Ecological factors were the main set explaining species composition and diversity, whereas none of the three individual groups of factors (ecological, landscape, management) significantly explained variability within forage value. Overall, the effects of the three groups of factors accounted for 70% of the total variability in plant species composition, but less than half that of Shannon index and of forage value.  相似文献   

Demand for livestock food products is projected to increase dramatically through to 2050. Increased livestock production capacity on marginal lands will be critical to meeting this demand. A 5‐year research effort was undertaken to evaluate lamb and sward productivity within open and hardwood silvopasture (SP) systems in Appalachia, USA. Grazing began in mid to late April each year, with the grazing season averaging 141 d. Grazing system treatments during 2002 and 2003 grazing seasons were as follows: 100% open pasture (OP), 67% OP and 33% SP, and 67% OP and 33% SP with delayed SP grazing initiation (OSD). In 2004, a 100% SP (SP) system was added. Animals were rotationally stocked through either 6 (2002–2004) or 7 (2005–2006) paddocks. Open pasture produced greater (P < 0·001) grazing season herbage yield, while all systems generated similar animal performance. Based on summer solstice, herbage production in spring was greater (P < 0·001) than summer, except in 2003. Total non‐structural carbohydrate (TNC) content was greater (P < 0·05) in spring than in summer, except in 2004. Animal performance was superior in spring versus summer (P < 0·001). Animal plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) was lower (P < 0·05) for OP in 2003. When PUN was correlated with nutritive value indicators, the ratio of TNC to crude protein (CP) had the strongest correlation. The strong correlation indicates the need for synchronized ruminal energy and CP availability. Development of silvopasture from existing woodlots has potential to improve whole farm productivity on marginal lands.  相似文献   

Silvopastoral systems in the Appalachian region of the USA could increase the carrying capacity of livestock and contribute to a reliable supply of high‐quality herbage. In 2000, 2001 and 2002, the influence of solar radiation [0·20, 0·50 or 0·80 of maximum solar radiation (MSR); treatments 20‐, 50‐ and 80‐MSR respectively] on the productivity and nutritive value of a mixture of sown grasses and legumes established under a mature stand of conifers was investigated. Yields of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), total non‐structural carbohydrates (TNC) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) were greater for the 80‐MSR treatment except in 2000 when DM yield did not differ. As a proportion of the sward, introduced species (Dactylis glomerata L., Trifolium repens L., and Lolium perenne L.) increased over time for the MSR‐80 treatment, corresponding with a decrease in the proportion of bare area and of non‐introduced species. CP concentration of herbage was 207 g kg?1 DM or greater across treatments and years with higher concentrations on the 20‐ and 50‐MSR treatments. Herbage from the 80‐MSR treatment had a greater concentration of TNC than that of the 20‐ and 50‐MSR treatments. Estimated concentration of TDN was similar for all treatments in 2000 and greater for the 80‐MSR treatment than the other two treatments in 2001 and 2002. High CP concentrations in herbage, as a result of appropriate thinning of trees in an Appalachian silvopastoral systems, could be utilized as a protein supplement to herbage with low CP and higher fibre concentrations.  相似文献   

The effects of short grazing intervals in the early part of the grazing season on the growth and utilization of grass herbage, and the performance of grazing dairy cows, in a rotational grazing system were examined. Seventy-six cows were allocated to two grazing treatments: a normal rotation treatment (20-d rotations for the first 60 d) and a short rotation treatment (12-, 8-, 8-, 8-, 12- and 12-day rotations). Thereafter, both treatments had the same grazing interval and over the season as a whole both treatments received the same amount of nitrogen fertilizer and were stocked at the same rate. The short rotation treatment significantly reduced pre- and post-grazing sward heights and pre-grazing herbage mass in May and June. Total herbage production was significantly lower on the short than the normal rotation treatment as a result of a significant reduction in the growth rate of herbage in May and June. The short rotation treatment had a significantly lower milk output per cow. Grazing shorter swards, as a result of shorter rotations, significantly reduced herbage intake, reflecting reductions in intake per bite, grazing time and total bites per day. Treatment had no significant effect on herbage quality or pre- and post-grazing sward height in August and September, despite the increased grazing severity in May and June with the short rotations. The severity of rotation length in this instance had a detrimental impact on animal performance, whereas a more modest reduction in grazing interval may control herbage production, without reducing animal performance.  相似文献   

Four perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars were compared for differences in herbage production, nutritive value and herbage intake of dry matter (DM) during the summers of 2002 and 2003. Two paddocks were sown with pure stands of four cultivars in a randomized block design with three replicates. Each plot was subdivided into fourteen subplots (22 m × 6 m) which were grazed by one cow during 24 h. Twelve lactating dairy cows were assigned to one cultivar for a period of 2 weeks in a 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design; the experiment lasted 8 weeks in each year. Sward structure (sward surface height, DM yield, green leaf mass, bulk density and tiller density) and morphological characteristics were measured. The ash, neutral‐detergent fibre, acid‐detergent lignin, crude protein and water‐soluble carbohydrate concentrations, and in vitro digestibility of the herbage were measured. The sward was also examined for infestation by crown rust (Puccinia coronata f. sp. lolii). Herbage intake of dairy cows was estimated using the n‐alkane technique. Cultivar differences for all sward structural characteristics were found except for bulk density and tiller density in 2003. Cultivars differed for proportions of pseudostem, stem (in 2003 only) and dead material. The chemical composition of the herbage was different among cultivars, with the water‐soluble carbohydrate concentration showing large variation (>0·35). Cultivars differed in susceptibility to crown rust. Herbage intake differed among cultivars in 2002 (>2 kg DM) but not in 2003. Herbage intake was positively associated with sward height, DM yield and green leaf mass. Canopy morphology did not affect herbage intake. Crown rust affected herbage intake negatively. It was concluded that options for breeders to select for higher intake were limited. High‐yielding cultivars and cultivars highly resistant to crown rust were positively related with a high herbage intake.  相似文献   

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