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Records of 13 dogs with systemic infection with Prototheca sp. from 3 veterinary teaching hospitals were reviewed. Acute renal failure secondary to disseminated infection with Prototheca zopfii was diagnosed in 2 dogs. In 1 dog, acute renal failure developed during administration of immunosuppressive drugs for treatment of anterior uveitis. During diagnostic evaluation of this dog, Prototheca sp. organisms were noted in urine sediment and renal biopsy specimens. In the 2nd dog, acute renal failure was diagnosed after treatment for bacterial cystitis. After diagnosis of protothecosis, organisms were successfully isolated by aerobic urine culture. Both dogs with acute renal failure did not respond to conventional medical therapy. In total, Prototheca sp. was noted in urine sediment in 4 of 8 dogs and successfully cultured from urine in 5 of 7 dogs. Four of 5 dogs had organisms noted in the kidneys on histopathologic examination. In all dogs, the species identified was P zopfii. Sensitivity testing of 3 isolates revealed wide differences in in vitro drug resistance. Examination and culture of urine is recommended as a practical method for diagnosis of systemic infection with Prototheca sp.  相似文献   

Disseminated protothecosis causing acute blindness and deafness in a dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 3-year-old Collie bitch was euthanatized two weeks after the onset of blindness and deafness. The hearing deficit had been localized by clinical signs, brain stem auditory evoked responses, and impedance audiometry. Protothecosis was diagnosed by cytologic and histologic examinations. The organism was identified as Prototheca zopfii . Organisms and granulomatous lesions were found in kidney, heart, liver, skeletal muscle, thyroid gland, colon, bronchial lymph node, brain, and cochlea.  相似文献   

Abstract: A 4‐year‐old female spayed Bichon Frise dog that had been receiving cyclosporine A per os 3 times per week for 2 months to control allergic dermatitis developed lethargy, anorexia, fever, and multiple firm subcutaneous masses. Pyogranulomatous inflammation with branching nonseptate filamentous organisms approximately 2 μm in diameter, presumptively fungal organisms, was diagnosed by cytologic evaluation of fine‐needle aspirates from several masses. A partially acid‐fast actinomycete was cultured from 2 of the masses. The organism was identified as Nocardia abscessus (formerly Nocardia asteroides type 1) based on 16S ribosomal DNA sequencing of samples extracted from cultures and unstained cytologic smears. Immunosuppression caused by long‐term administration of cyclosporine A likely predisposed the dog to disseminated infection. To our knowledge, this is the first report of N. abscessus infection in a dog. This case demonstrates that N. abscessus may be mistaken for a fungal organism based on its cytologic appearance and underscores the importance of using molecular techniques for the diagnosis of suspected fungal diseases.  相似文献   

Two cases of sudden onset of blindness associated with ocular protothecosis in dogs are reported. Both were adult, spayed female, mixed-breed dogs that lacked the usual clinical signs of systemic infection with Prototheca species. Physical abnormalities at the time of presentation were limited to the affected eyes which had serous discharge, hyperemic conjunctiva, and aqueous flare. The pupillary light reflexes were slow, and the menace reflexes were absent. Both dogs had glaucoma. Results of complete blood counts and serologic titres for antibodies to Blastomyces dermatitidis and Histoplasma capsulatum were within reference intervals. Protothecosis was diagnosed by cytologic analysis of vitreous humor and was confirmed at necropsy. These two cases were unusual because of their presenting signs and prolonged course of disease progression.  相似文献   

Unsuccessful treatment of disseminated protothecosis in a dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Systemic protothecosis was diagnosed in a 7-year-old dog that had only ocular manifestations. During the 3-month course of disease, a variety of drugs was administered, including amphotericin B, gentamicin, and ketoconazole. The ocular signs initially abated, but subsequently worsened during this period. The dog was found dead 3 months after initial examination, and systemic protothecosis was confirmed at necropsy.  相似文献   

A 12‐year‐old cat was presented for evaluation of progressive tetraparesis. Magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine demonstrated T2‐hyperintensity, and contrast enhancement within the C4–C7 spinal cord, with marked meningeal contrast enhancement and segmental nerve root thickening. Lumbar cerebrospinal fluid contained 407 total nucleated cells/μL, with 99% eosinophils. The cat transiently improved with prednisolone, clindamycin, and ivermectin therapy, but subsequently worsened and was euthanized. Necropsy revealed an asymmetric infiltration predominantly of the white matter, meninges, and nerve roots of the C4–C6 spinal cord segments by an unencapsulated, poorly demarcated neoplasm composed of atypical lymphocytes admixed with eosinophils, causing perivascular hemorrhage and lytic necrosis. The neoplastic cells were immunoreactive for CD3, ultimately confirming T‐cell lymphoma.  相似文献   

We describe a case of canine mycoses initially diagnosed by clinical signs and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay anti-fungal test, and later confirmed by the isolation of Paecilomyces sp. during the post-mortem examination. The fungus was isolated from lesions in the kidneys, mitral valve, abdominal aorta and vertebral discs. In this kind of process, it is important to identify the responsible agent early in order to make a study of anti-fungal susceptibility and establish effective treatment.  相似文献   

Abstract: A 9‐year‐old female spayed Shetland Sheepdog was presented to the Kansas State University Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital for evaluation following a 3‐week history of left rear limb lameness that had progressed to generalized ataxia. Multifocal or diffuse brain lesions were suspected based on physical examination findings. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) contained 52 nucleated cells/μL composed of mixed inflammatory cells. Treatment with prednisone and cyclosporine was initiated based on a presumptive diagnosis of granulomatous meningoencephalitis. Thirteen days later the dog was nonambulatory and mentally obtunded. Repeat CSF analysis revealed 298 nucleated cells/μL with 61% eosinophils. Rare protozoal tachyzoites consistent with Neospora caninum, Toxoplasma gondii, or Sarcocystis spp. were found extracellularly and within macrophages and an eosinophil. Despite cessation of prednisone and cyclosporine therapy and provision of supportive care, the dog died 6 days later. Examination of brain tissue sections revealed multifocally extensive, necrotizing, histiocytic, and lymphoplasmacytic meningoencephalitis with numerous protozoal zoites and cysts. Immunohistochemical analysis of brain tissue using a monoclonal antibody specific for N. caninum confirmed the diagnosis of neosporosis. Similar but less severe lesions were noted in the spinal cord, although organisms were not found. This case emphasizes the value of repeated CSF analysis when therapy is ineffective and the importance of excluding infectious causes of meningoencephalitis before commencement of immunosuppressive therapy.  相似文献   

Abstract: A 12‐year‐old female spayed Labrador Retriever was presented with a history of seizures and abnormal vocalization. Approximately 1 year before presentation, multiple mammary cysts had been surgically excised. A mammary mass was noted on physical examination, and 2 separate parenchymal brain lesions were found on imaging studies. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collected from the cisterna magna was analyzed, and abnormalities included moderate pleocytosis with atypical discrete round cells that occasionally formed loose clusters. The dog was euthanized, and on necropsy a primary solid mammary carcinoma was identified as well as multiple metastatic foci in the brain with diffuse meningeal involvement. The cells in the CSF had a morphologic appearance similar to the cells in the primary mammary tumor and in the metastatic tumors in the brain. On immunostaining, cells from the primary mammary tumor, the brain tumors, and the CSF expressed cytokeratin. The CSF cells did not express CD18, CD3, or CD79a. A final diagnosis of mammary carcinoma with brain metastasis and meningeal carcinomatosis was made.  相似文献   

A mixed inflammatory cell pleocytosis was identified in a cytocentrifuged sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and diagnosis of histoplasmosis was made on the basis of finding Histoplasma capsulatum organisms within macrophages. This dog had disseminated histoplasmosis with multiple organ involvement including the central nervous system (CNS) and eye.  相似文献   

We report the initial characterization of a leptospiral isolate, Leptospira interrogans, serogroup Sejroe, serovar Hardjo, genotype Hardjoprajitno, strain Norma, and its relatedness with L. interrogans, serogroup Sejroe, serovar Hardjo, genotype Hardjoprajitno, strain Hardjo and Leptospira borgpetersenii, serogroup Sejroe, serovar Hardjo, genotype Hardjobovis, strain Sponselee. The Norma strain singled out during a leptospirosis outbreak in cattle immunized with antigens from the reference strain Hardjoprajitno (OMS). By applying a microscopic agglutination serological test (MAT) to cattle (n = 2966) with symptoms of leptospirosis between 2003 and 2007, more than 50% of sera were found positive for one of the following serotypes: Hardjoprajitno (31–21%), Hardjo Norma (46–40%), Hardjo hardjobovis (18–10%), Mini (8–4%) and Wolffi (7–4%). In immunization trials using six isolates plus Norma isolate, the remission of MAT in these isolates was observed following 6 months of the initial vaccination. To provide molecular ground for the high MAT Norma frequency found in these isolates, a DNA polymorphic analysis was conducted by comparing the Norma isolate with reference strains Hardjoprajitno and Sponselee. The polymorphic analysis in secY showed five base changes in Norma relative to Hardjoprajitno strain, corresponding to 98% identity, while Sponselee displayed 49 polymorphic sites relative to the Hardjoprajitno strain, representing 80% identity. The alignment of secY translated sequences shows no differences between Hardjoprajitno and Norma, and eight polymorphisms between genotype hardjoprajttno and strain Sponselee. Three‐dimensional modelling located these variations within the loop region connecting helices 7 and 8 from secY which is less conserved. DNA sequencing of 23S ribosomal conserved fragment revealed a single polymorphism between Hardjoprajitno and Norma, and 13 polymorphisms between strains Sponselee, Hardjoprajitno and Norma. The differences between Hardjo and Norma were confirmed by low stringency single‐specific primer polymerase chain reaction (LSSP‐PCR) signature experiments with the primer G2, using as template the 285 bp fragment initially amplified with G1/G2 primers.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old spayed Golden Retriever was examined because of recent onset of congestive heart failure complicated by ventricular arrhythmias. Echocardiography revealed a thickened, hypokinetic region of the left ventricular free wall. Fluoroscopically guided transarterial endomyocardial biopsy of the hypokinetic region of the left ventricle revealed infiltration of the endocradium by neoplastic cells consistent with hemangiosarcoma. The dog's clinical condition deteriorated 7 weeks later, and necropsy confirmed the diagnosis and primary site of origin of the tumor. This report describes the clinical use of an endomyocardial biopsy technique to diagnose an infiltrating myocardial tumor that was associated with signs mimicking canine dilated cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

A 3 yr old male English setter dog was presented for evaluation of a 6-wk history of intermittent diarrhea. After standard gastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy showed normal mucosa, double-balloon endoscopy (DBE) was used via both oral and anal approaches. Gross changes consistent with inflammation in the jejunum were seen, and biopsy specimens were obtained. Histologic analysis confirmed a diagnosis of lymphocytic-plasmacytic jejunitis. Clinical remission of the disease occurred after 3 mo of therapy with prednisone, metronidazole, and a novel protein diet. Use of DBE has not been previously reported in dogs with inflammatory bowel disease, and isolated lymphocytic-plasmacytic jejunitis has not been described. The described cases of intestinal inflammatory disease diagnosed by conventional endoscopy were related to pathologic changes in the duodenum, ileum or colon, but not the jejunum. The main advantage of the DBE technique allowed examination of portions of the small intestine (jejunum) that were not commonly accessible by standard endoscopic techniques, and permitted a minimally invasive collection of biopsy samples compared with surgical biopsy. This case highlights the need to consider using DBE in animals with gastrointestinal disorders, whose symptoms are not readily explained by routine tests, conventional endoscopy, and dietary or therapeutic trials.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old Maltese-cross dog presented with a 4-month history of chronic diarrhoea and inappetence. Poorly regenerative anaemia, leukocytosis and hypoproteinaemia were evident on several occasions. Biopsies of stomach, duodenum and colon revealed marked infiltration of mucosae by macrophages containing many acid-fast bacilli. Similar organisms were numerous in a faecal smear. Melaena, hematochezia and severe abdominal pain developed and were unresponsive to therapy. Following euthanasia and necropsy, histiocytic cells containing acid-fast bacilli were found throughout the gastrointestinal tract, mesenteric and peripheral lymph nodes, spleen, liver, kidney and lungs. The organism was identified as Mycobacterium avium by bacterial culture and polymerase chain reaction testing.  相似文献   

This is a case report of enteric protothecosis caused by Prototheca zopfii in an eight-year-old male mixed breed dog with a history of chronic bloody diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight loss. Algae were isolated from rectal scrapings in defibrinated sheep blood agar and dextrose Sabouraud agar. Cytological evaluation showed the presence of globular and cylindrical organisms with a defined capsule and variable number of endospores, characteristic of the genus Prototheca, in the rectum of the animal. Scanning electron microscopy of P. zopfii strains at different development stages confirmed the diagnosis of algal infection. Molecular identification using a conserved 18S rDNA gene sequence determined that the strain belonged to genotype 2. This report describes success on treatment of canine protothecosis, diagnosed based on clinical, cytological, microbiological, scanning electron microscopy and genotypical findings.  相似文献   

Objective – To describe a severe case of bacterial sepsis and disseminated candidiasis in a previously healthy dog.
Case Summary – Fungal sepsis was identified in a 2-year-old dog following intestinal dehiscence 4 days after abdominal surgery. Septic peritonitis was identified at admission and evidence of dehiscence at the previous enterotomy site was found during an exploratory laparotomy. Both gram-positive cocci and Candida albicans were cultured from the abdominal cavity. Candida sp. was also subsequently cultured from a central venous catheter. Euthanasia was performed due to failure to respond to therapy. Fungal organisms, morphologically consistent with Candida spp., were found in the lungs and kidney on postmortem histopathologic examination indicating disseminated candidiasis.
New or Unique Information Provided – Candida peritonitis is a well-recognized entity in humans and contributes to morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients. Abdominal surgery, intestinal perforation, presence of central venous catheters, and administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics are all considered to be suspected risk factors. This report describes the first known case of systemic candidiasis occurring secondary to Candida peritonitis and bacterial sepsis in a critically ill dog.  相似文献   

Abstract: A 6‐year‐old Bernese Mountain dog was presented with a history of lethargy and weight loss of 2 weeks duration. On physical examination the dog had pale mucous membranes and tachypnea. Ultrasound examination revealed hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, and mesenteric lymphadenomegaly. Results of a CBC included marked normocytic normochromic nonregenerative anemia, marked thrombocytopenia, and moderate leukocytosis with mild neutrophilia and a large population of unclassified round cells (6.2 × 103/μL). The unclassified cells occasionally were bi‐ or multinucleated and had variably abundant pale basophilic cytoplasm that contained multiple irregular clear vacuoles and occasionally erythrocytes. Fine needle aspirate specimens of the mesenteric lymph nodes and spleen were composed of a population of round pleomorphic cells with the same features as the circulating cells. On flow cytometric analysis of peripheral blood, the unclassified cells expressed CD18, CD45, CD11c, CD1c, and CD14; immunocytochemical analysis of blood smears also indicated the cells were positive for CD1c, CD1a, and CD11c. The dog died a few hours after referral. The histologic interpretation of samples collected from spleen, liver, and lymph nodes was malignant neoplasia of histiocytic origin. Immunohistochemical staining yielded negative results for CD11d, a marker of red‐pulp macrophages, ruling out hemophagocytic histiocytic sarcoma. Based on clinical and pathologic findings, the final diagnosis was disseminated histiocytic sarcoma (DHS) with peripheral blood involvement. To our knowledge, DHS in a dog with evidence and immunophenotyping of neoplastic cells in peripheral blood has been reported only rarely.  相似文献   

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